Tell me, Pamela, your ex-husband Tommy assures you that during that fight you did not let yourself be offended and hit him back ... Is that right? Pamela Anderson: the most high-profile scandals

Fame Anderson brought a bright appearance, but her main advantage is far from participation in various charity events, but the fifth breast size. Of course, there were no high-profile scandals in her life.

“I think all men are beautiful! This is my problem, ”the girl admitted in an interview.

Well, we are sure that men do not remain indebted to Pamela. Many famous personalities fell in love with her, for example, Sylvester Stallone, Markus Schenkenberg and "superman" Dean Cain! It is difficult to count not only those who were fascinated by the beauty, but also those who met her.

Tommy Lee: sex, lies and video

Pamela's first husband was the famous rock singer Tommy Lee, whom she married five days after the first date. The wedding took place on the beach, instead of a boring traditional wedding dress, Pamela Anderson wore a white bikini suit. (No wonder, because the second weakness of the star is clothing that covers only the very minimum of the body.) The marriage of two outrageous celebrities was distinguished by freedom of relations, each could cheat on the other, but Tommy sometimes beat his wife in a fit of jealousy.

Pamela Anderson with Tommy Lee (2003). Photo: East News

The scandalous details of the couple's life periodically became public. Once, copies of a stolen cassette with a home video of the spouses scattered across the Internet. The case ended with Pamela and Tommy suing the company that distributed the video for $1.5 million. It is noteworthy that earlier the same company somehow received a cassette with home videos of Pamela and her previous passion - Bret Michaels, the frontman of the band Poison. At that time, the couple also won the court and received compensation in the amount of $ 90 million.

The public was definitely against the brawler Tommy Lee. They gossiped that the girl obviously chose the wrong guy, that their union is contrary to all moral laws. However, Pam always assured the public: this three-year marriage made her happy, giving her two children and the best man, "the love of her life." Even despite the fact that the musician infected the actress with hepatitis C and due to another beating, she had a miscarriage.

Pamela with sons Dylan Lee and Brandon Lee (2016). Photo: East News

Kid Rock: history repeats itself

Pamela Anderson with Kid Rock at the wedding celebration (2006). Photo: East News

Anderson has always called herself an exemplary wife and mother, and after her divorce from Tommy, she quickly remarried. Her next husband was the American singer Kid Rock. Their relationship was like a rollercoaster - the public did not have time to follow the developments. After getting married, the celebrities broke up after four months, but soon sealed their union again by marriage. And this scenario was repeated several times.
However, Pam was not lucky here either - Kid Rock also turned out to be not a strong enough personality for her. And another miscarriage only exacerbated the situation.

Money doesn't smell

Pamela Anderson was pursued by failures not only in family life. Scandal after scandal flared up around her, and once the hype rose quite suddenly - when the TV star just wanted to lend a helping hand.

We have already mentioned that Pam is actively involved in charity work and even opened her own animal welfare fund. In 2010, the girl posed for the cover of Playboy and decided to send the money ($25,000) from the photo shoot to the disaster relief fund in Indonesia. To which the star immediately received a sharp response from the defenders of Islam: they say that her money is "income of immoral origin." Anderson obviously did not like this - a long dispute ensued about the appearance of these funds. Pamela said that the money collected for good deeds, a priori, cannot be of immoral origin.

Pamela Anderson on the cover of Playboy magazine

At the opening of her charitable foundation, the girl revealed to the world something that shocked many and few believed in. The star told a long and terrible story about her rape, saying that after what happened, she did not want to live. When the audience asked what made her stay in this world, Pamela said: animals helped her. The public decided that in this way Anderson only presses on low human feelings and tries to draw attention to his foundation.

Insulting feelings

Two years ago, Pam was attacked again. A bright “naked” photo session appeared on the pages of a fashion magazine, where Anderson herself became the model. The haters managed to take their eyes off the star's toned, beautiful body and moved it to the background. And there - icons with Jesus Christ ... The scandal was notable!

And the most recent reason for public censure of Pamela Anderson, we will call a commercial with her participation, which was banned on all channels in the UK. The video was considered too explicit, although shooting in a bathing suit seemed completely trifling for the star. According to the British Advertising Standards Committee, the video "may hurt the feelings of viewers, as it turned out to be too humiliating and even sexist for women."

Pamela Anderson is a Canadian-American actress and model, sex idol of the 90s. She became famous for her role in the television series Baywatch. Throughout her career, with varying degrees of success, Anderson exploited the image of a fatal and accessible blonde from the cover of Playboy magazine and became a symbol of deliberate sexuality in pop culture.

Childhood and youth

Pamela Denise Anderson was born July 1, 1967 in the small Canadian town of Ladysmith, the son of a fireplace man and a waitress.

Pamela's great-grandfather, Juho Hyytiyainen, is a Finn who moved from the Grand Duchy of Finland (then part of the Russian Empire) to Canada in 1908 and changed his surname to Anderson. Pamela has Russian roots through her mother - her Russian great-grandmother emigrated at one time from Russia to the Netherlands, and from there to Canada.

For the first time, Pamela managed to become famous immediately after her birth - in the press, the baby Anderson was called the "Centenary Child", so she was born on the day of the 100th anniversary of the official founding of Canada and the creation of the Constitutional Act of 1867.

As a child, Pamela was a very modest, shy child. Many years later, the actress said that her nanny abused her for four years, and when the girl was 12 years old, she was raped by a 25-year-old guy. In addition, at the age of 14, Anderson was gang-raped by her boyfriend and six of his friends.

The dark events of childhood and adolescence forced the girl to move after graduation to Vancouver, where Pamela, who was fond of sports and volleyball in high school, got a job as a fitness instructor.

Model career

In 1989, Anderson, who came to a football game in Vancouver in a T-shirt with the logo of the beer brand Labatt, was shown on the stadium's big screen. The beauty was noticed by agents of the brewing company and invited her to the post of press secretary.

Soon, the buxom blonde appeared on the cover of the October issue of Playboy magazine and, on the wave of success, moved to Los Angeles to pursue a modeling career. In early 1990, Anderson's photo was printed on the spread of the magazine as Playmate of the Month ("Girlfriend of the Month").

Playboy made me stronger. He saved my life. I constantly felt trapped and really wanted to be free. For me it was a real breakthrough, because I met so many artists, activists and true gentlemen. It was a fun and wild life.

After moving to Los Angeles, Pamela was approved for a supporting role in the comedy series Tool Time Girl. After two seasons, Anderson left the show as she was offered the lead role in Baywatch, a series about lifeguards on California beaches.

Pamela Anderson in the series Baywatch

Thanks to this series, Pamela became a real sex symbol not only in the United States, but throughout the world, and the series itself ended up in the Guinness Book of Records as the most watched television show of those years.

Pamela appeared in five seasons of the series, which aired between 1992 and 1997. In parallel, Anderson continued to act for Playboy, and also played in the comedy series Big Repair (1991-1997), participated in fashion shows and starred in music videos.

There were also works in full-length films during this period - in the thriller "The Sign of the Dragon" (1993), the action movie "The Game of Policemen" (1994), the fantasy action movie "Don't Call Me Baby" (1996) and the erotic thriller "Naked Souls" ( 1996). But most of these films were not commercially successful.

In 1998, Anderson was cast in the lead role in the comedy series Girls with Character, in which the actress played the head of an agency of professional bodyguards protecting the rich and famous. In the series, Pamela starred until 2002.

This was followed by roles in the films "Hawaiian Wedding" with Carmen Electra and "Scary Movie 3" with Anna Faris and Charlie Sheen. In addition, Pamela became the prototype of the main character of the animated series Stripperella (2003-2004).

In 2004, Pamela released Star, a book about a teenager who is trying to become famous. Her second book, The sequel Star Struck, released in 2005, is her thinly veiled look at life with Tommy Lee.

In April 2005, Anderson landed a role in the sitcom The Blonde in the Bookshop, in which she appeared as party girl Skyler Dayton, a new bookstore employee. The show was canceled after two seasons.

In the spring of 2006, it was announced that Anderson would receive a star on Canada's Walk of Fame. In the same year, Pamela could be seen playing herself in Larry Charles' mockumentary comedy Borat, starring British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. In 2007-2008, the actress appeared in the not-too-successful films Blonde and Blonde and Superhero Movie.

This was followed by small roles in TV series and films, in many of which Pamela played herself. In 2010, Anderson participated in the 10th season of the American show Dancing with the Stars, paired with professional dancer Damian Whitewood (the couple flew out on the 7th week of the show). In 2013, the actress tried her hand at the 8th season of the British reality show Dancing on Ice, paired with American figure skater Matt Evers.

Pamela Anderson in What Men Do! 2" (trailer)

In 2015, Anderson could be seen in the film by the Russian-Armenian film director Sarik Andreasyan "What Men Do-2", in which she played the dream girl of the protagonist (Tair Mammadov).

In 2017, the actress appeared in a supporting role in Seth Gordon's American comedy Baywatch, most of whose characters are named after the famous TV series of the 90s. The action comedy starred Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron and Alexandra Daddario. In September of the same year, Alex Israel's film "SPF-18" was released on the big screens, in which, in addition to Pamela, Keanu Reeves starred.

Social work

Pamela is a member of PETA, an organization that fights for animal rights. The actress participated in several actions against the use of natural fur, the KFC restaurant chain, seal hunting in Canada, etc.

Pamela Anderson during her visit to Moscow. Interview

In March 2005, Anderson became the AIDS spokesperson for the MAC AIDS Fund. In 2009, Pamela wrote an open letter to US President Barack Obama, urging him to legalize cannabis in the country.

Anderson is a vegan. According to the actress, she refused meat at a young age, after seeing how her father butchered animal carcasses after hunting.

Pamela Anderson's personal life

The personal life of Pamela Anderson is seething with novels and high-profile divorces. In the early 90s, Pamela dated actor Scott Beyo and Baywatch star David Charvet.

In 1994, Pamela's boyfriend was an American singer, vocalist of the rock band Poison, Bret Michaels.

In February 1995, Anderson married the drummer of the American glam metal band MötleyCrüe, Tommy Lee, whom she had known for only 4 days. The lovers got married on the beach - Anderson appeared before the altar in a bikini. The mother of the actress learned about her daughter's marriage from People magazine. After the wedding, Pamela took her husband's surname, under which she subsequently worked for several years. In 1995, a homemade sex tape was stolen from the couple's home, which caused a huge stir on the Internet.
Then Pamela got engaged to singer and musician Kid Rock, but in 2003 the lovers broke up. In the summer of 2006, Anderson nevertheless married Rock - the wedding took place in France. “I feel like I’m finally free… I’m in love,” said the actress. In November of the same year, Pamela had a miscarriage, and 17 days later, the actress filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences with her husband.

In October 2007, Anderson married film producer and professional poker player Rick Salomon, known for his romances with Charmed star Shannen Doherty and socialite Pamela Anderson and her boyfriend Adil Rami.

In mid-2017, Pamela Anderson began dating French footballer of Moroccan origin Adil Rami, who is 18 years younger than her.

Pamela Anderson now

In 2018, Pamela executive-produced The Game Changers, a documentary that introduces famous athletes, scientists and public figures who are trying to change the way we live and eat. The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, German strongman of Armenian descent Patrick Baboumyan, Australian Olympic participant Morgan Mitchell, bestselling author of Eat Right, Run Fast Scott Jurek.

In the same year, Anderson confirmed her participation in Werner Herzog's film "Vernon Lord Little" about a school shooting. One of the roles will be played by former boxer Mike Tyson.

Pamela Anderson's biography is reminiscent of a classic Hollywood success story. According to the official version, in her youth, a brunette from Canada did not even dream of an acting career - after graduation, she worked as a fitness trainer.

And the famous burning brunette - she will become a blonde much later - was made by chance. In 1989, while attending a Vancouver football match, young Pamela Anderson was caught on camera.

Representatives of the brewing company noticed her and offered the beautiful girl to become the face of their products.

In the same year, a photo of 22-year-old Pamela Anderson was already on the cover of the October issue of Playboy magazine.

Being a blonde is just wonderful. When nothing is expected of you, it is very easy to surprise.

The title of girl of the month completely turned her head. Pamela Anderson increased her breasts to the fourth size immediately after the first shooting for "". Subsequently, she will turn to more than once.

The cooperation of the sexy Canadian with Playboy will stretch for more than 20 years. Pamela Anderson will appear on the cover of another 14 (!) Times, including a photo shoot in 2016, when she became naked for the magazine. (Then, publishers, as you know, refused to publish nude photos, but after the circulation fell.)

I have a silicone bust and half of Hollywood has fake faces.

Pamela Anderson and Baywatch

After filming for Playboy for the first time, the newly minted model moves to Los Angeles in search of work in film or television. Buxom Pamela Anderson quickly gets small roles in sitcoms, but she received a truly star status by playing CJ Parker in Baywatch.

The series became super popular and eventually entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most watched TV show. Anderson, who starred in it from 1992 to 1997, brought him the status of America's undisputed sex symbol. Among the fans of the series with Pamela Anderson were even members of the British royal family.

The road to Hollywood was open. Subsequently, she starred in other series, and even in feature films, but the role in Baywatch remained Anderson's most notable work on television. In between filming, the actress wrote books, wrote columns in fashion magazines, and participated in the reality show and TV project Dancing with the Stars.

Yesterday I was treated like soft porn, but today I am a work of art.

Pamela Anderson's personal life

However, fame and the status of a sex symbol did not help the actress in her personal life. She married several times, but was never able to find a worthy companion.

Pamela Anderson's first marriage to drummer Tommy Lee turned into a series of scandals. They got married in 1995 after… four days of dating. The "ceremony" took place on the beach, with the 28-year-old bride wearing only a bikini. Pamela's mother learned about her daughter's wedding from the media.

One of the first scandals was the appearance of their sex tape on the Internet. The videotape was reportedly stolen. Sex tape with Pamela Anderson instantly went viral. While the couple sought a ban on the broadcast, millions of users managed to download it.

I find it funny when I see myself on the list of the most tastelessly dressed celebrities. I don't try to dress fashionably. I know that there is something caricature in me.

Subsequently, another problem surfaced - Tommy Lee repeatedly beat Pamela Anderson and eventually went to jail for it.

In 1998, the marriage broke up, despite the presence of two sons - Brandon and Dylan.

In 2002, during the popular Howard Stern radio show, Pamela Anderson jokingly stated that Tommy Lee had infected her with hepatitis C, adding that she had 10-15 years to live. Many publications took the words of the blonde seriously.

The second time Pamela Anderson married rock musician Kid Rock. They got married in the summer of 2006 on a yacht off the coast of Saint Tropez.

"I feel like I'm finally free and in love," the actress wrote in a post announcing her marriage. But this union did not last long.

In the fall of 2006, after a miscarriage, Anderson filed for divorce, citing "irreconcilable differences" as the reasons.

In 2007, the actress admitted that she had rekindled her relationship with Tommy Lee. However, this did not lead to anything.

In the same year, Pamela Anderson married for the third time. Producer Rick Solomon became her chosen one. But their marriage lasted only a year, and later the actress said that she and Rick were just "friends with privileges." Subsequently, they remarried, but in 2015 they divorced again.

Pamela Anderson is now actively involved in social activities: she fights for animal rights, founded her own foundation, and even made friends with whom she considers a hero.

The main sex symbol of America meets its 50th anniversary in great shape. She recently appeared in an underwear ad, once again proving that no matter how old Pamela Anderson is, she will always remain attractive and sexy for her many fans around the world.

Pamela Anderson in her life had many novels with many celebrities of foreign show business. However, her first marriage took place only in 1995, and the not-so-famous rock musician Tommy Lee, who was the drummer of the Motley Crew group, became the chosen one of an outrageous celebrity. Pamela agreed to marry him already on the fourth day after they met, which surprised a lot, both all her friends and fans. Nevertheless, this marriage had a fairly long and, so to speak, fascinating fate.

Both spouses were rather wayward personalities, and their family life was accompanied by many high-profile scandals in society, which only fueled interest in celebrities, working to increase their popularity. For this reason, it is rather difficult to judge whether their constant quarrels, sometimes beyond certain limits, were real or it was all a game for the public.

Be that as it may, but after one of these quarrels, the couple decided to leave anyway, and Tommy Lee even landed in jail on charges of inappropriate treatment of his wife. In addition, the court forbade him for three years to come closer to Pam Anderson than a hundred yards for the next three years.

However, even while behind bars, the rock musician continued to communicate with his now ex-wife by phone. They themselves were horrified by what their breakup had led to. They realized that they could live without each other, and when Tommy is released, they resume their relationship again and continue to live together. However, two years later, they still realize that it would be much better for them to live separately and make the final decision to leave.

The years of their life together left behind two charming children, which Pamela gave birth to shortly before their first break with a difference of one year, in 1996 and 1997. The sons were named Brandon Thomas and Dylan Jagger, while, as expected, they bear the name of their father.

After the final break with Thomas in 2000, Pamela Anderson remarried only in 2006. This time, her chosen one was again a rock musician. It was Chris Rock. However, for a number of reasons, this relationship did not last long and a year later the star couple filed for divorce.

After another seven years, in 2014, Pamela marries the famous film producer and actor Rick Salomon. However, this marriage also did not last long. Today, one of Hollywood's most popular women is single again.

Scandalous divorces Nesterova Daria Vladimirovna

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee

Pamela Anderson

American actress Pamela Anderson is known in Russia thanks to her participation in the TV series "Baywatch". In addition, a lot was written about her in connection with a high-profile divorce from Motley Crue musician Tommy Lee.

Her full name is Pamela Denise Anderson, she was born in Canada, in the city of Ladysmith, in the family of a repairman and a waitress. Pamela started her career as a physical education teacher at one of the local schools.

Pamela appeared on television by accident: she got into the frame of the operator's camera at a football match. Even then, Anderson was a curvaceous blonde, and television became interested in her.

After a while, she was photographed for one of the posters of the TV show, then she was invited to star in Playboy. She repeatedly received an invitation to take part in various television shows, and then offered one of the main roles in the TV series Baywatch.

Pamela carefully monitored her appearance, considering it her main capital. She even enlarged her breasts and made her lips plumper, which made her face change, but, by all accounts, the girl began to look even better. However, despite her beautiful appearance and magnificent forms, she never became a big movie star, continuing to play only in television series.

The newspapers often wrote details about Anderson's personal life. She met with actor David Charvet, having met him on the set of the TV series Baywatch, then with producer John Peters, with Bret Michaelos, with Sylvester Stallone. In 1995, Pamela met Tommy Lee.

It was probably love at first sight: they got married five days after they met. The wedding took place on the beach: Pamela was dressed in a white bikini, Tommy in swimming trunks. The relationship of the two lovers was romantic and at the same time unusually eccentric. So, instead of a wedding ring, Tommy made a tattoo on one of his fingers with the name of his beloved.

During the years of their marriage, Anderson gave birth to Tommy two sons - Brandon and Dylan. In addition, Pamela gave her husband a gold-encrusted piano worth $45,000 as a token of love.

Often, the couple made love in front of an amateur video camera, which they both really liked. It was these cassettes that caused a huge scandal: they were stolen from the spouses' house. After some time, footage from these cassettes was shown in the French "Penthouse", and then appeared on the Internet. A huge scandal broke out, Tommy and Pamela demanded the removal of the tape. But they didn't know who stole the tapes or who they should sue.

Finally, The Internet Entertainment Group (IEG), which replicated footage on the Internet, was found to be the culprit. According to the court order, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, by then already her ex-husband, received $ 1.5 million in compensation.

But the reason for their quarrel was not the cassettes, but Tommy's furious temper. According to Pamela herself, they often cursed, but at the same time he never raised his hand to her. However, one day in 1997, the couple had a big fight, and Tommy hit his wife, after which she called the police. The court sentenced him to six months in prison and forbade him to approach Pamela closer than 100 yards (about 90 meters) for a year.

Pamela and Tommy were going to divorce, but during the time they did not see each other, Anderson forgave her husband. Their new relationship initially developed as a telephone romance, because they could not see each other. Pamela admitted: “I must say that before we had problems with communication and sometimes it was difficult for us to agree on something, but in the new - such an exotic situation - everything suddenly changed unexpectedly. Oh, we began to hear each other! And understand! By some intonations of his voice, I believed that Tommy had really changed.

When we finally met, I literally threw myself on his neck. And she cried - she couldn't stop! It turned out that we have such a crazy passion for each other, such a violent sexual energy that now it’s just hard for me to imagine that we could part for a whole year.

Pamela and Tommy reconcile and start spending time together again. And when the journalists asked the actress the question: “Did you really take such a monster back?” - and reminded that it was she who once called him a monster, Anderson answered: “Yes, she accepted, and we really are together again. First of all, for the reason that seems to me the most important: we have two young sons - three-year-old Brandon and one-and-a-half-year-old Dylan. I hope that it is the children who will be able to glue our marriage together. But don't think that we just got back together - before we did, both Tommy and I went through family therapy for several weeks.

But, despite the hopes of Pamela, who at all costs sought to maintain relations with her husband, the family idyll did not last long. After some time, they again quarreled and decided to break off relations. One of the reasons for the divorce, according to Pamela, was Tommy's excessive addiction to alcohol. Based on this, the actress even tried during the divorce proceedings to ensure that Tommy was forbidden to see the children, stating that he could harm them.

However, the court allowed Tommy to see the children whenever he wished. And yet Anderson continued to insist that all meetings of the ex-spouse with the children took place, at least under supervision.

Some time after the divorce, Pamela met musician Kid Rock and began dating him. Their relationship was very romantic. Rock made a marriage proposal to his beloved and presented a delightful ring.

It is interesting that the new chosen one of the actress also turned out to be the original and proposed to her not just anywhere, but in the desert near Las Vegas. But Pamela was disappointed: she realized that her fiancé, like her first husband, could not live without alcohol, and chose to cancel the wedding.

In addition, it turned out that Anderson had hepatitis C. The newspapers and the Internet published denials of this message for a long time, but finally the actress herself made an official statement: “It’s true, I have hepatitis C, and now I am undergoing outpatient treatment at the California Medical Center. University in Los Angeles." Pamela claimed to have contracted hepatitis from Tommy through a needle they both used to tattoo themselves. But the musician stated that he could not become the culprit of the infection of his ex-wife, since he does not have hepatitis C.

Despite her illness, Pamela continues her relationship with Kid Rock. There have been reports in the press that she is expecting a child from him, and that they secretly got married.

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