A tattoo on the leg symbolizing lightness in life. Calm tattoo. Tattoo in the form of mythical creatures

If you delve into the topic, it is easy to see how much attention is paid to the various properties of stones and metals and how the significance of tattoos is undeservedly ignored. On the Web, you can find information only about the undesirability of drawing in the form of bones and skulls, which are alleged to attract Death, or about the dubious aesthetics of portraits of dead stars. But let's try to correct this injustice and take a closer look at what tattoos are actually capable of.

In the old days, the high society applied drawings in the form of coats of arms, while the common people got by with tattoos on the theme of love. Tattoos were the most popular among sailors: most often they put on the bodies the names and images of naked women, crucifixes, which were considered a talisman against misfortunes.

America, India and Japan are far ahead of the rest of the world in the art of tattooing. The inhabitants of these countries could meet several tattoos at once. In Japan, tattoos were applied by samurai and geisha (they were forbidden to show a naked body, so they made tattoos imitating clothes, leaving only the face, palms and feet without ornament).

In other countries, the culture of drawing drawings has moved in a rather peculiar way. The Americans were “infected” with the application of symbols from the Chukchi, and those, in turn, from the Indians from the same North America, after which the art of tattooing was transferred to Central and South America.

Still, tattoos are an ancient culture, and who knows… Suddenly, a symbol that can turn out to be derogatory will gradually begin to destroy the physiological and mental state of a person? Think of Ray Bradbury's The Illustrated Man. They predict the future. Can send challenges to their owner. Or vice versa - to attract good luck.

In harsh Japan...

Geisha in Japan proved their love through five manifestations. They had to: get a tattoo, make an oath in writing, cut their hair, cut off the little finger or part of it. Sometimes, as a self-sacrifice, a geisha made an incision on the thigh or elbow, and cutting off the little finger was replaced by pulling out the nail.

Some did this to keep their clients, or confessed their love in this way. An example of this is Tatsuko Takaoka (Teruho) - one of the most famous geisha in Japan, who went through all five manifestations.

But the geisha quickly learned to bypass this strange custom by replacing the cutting off of the little finger or a piece of it with a kakushi-boro, a tattoo that was applied by rubbing rice powder into cuts in the skin. This tattoo could cover the entire body, except for its open parts - hands, face, neck. Kakushi-boro was manifested by contact with water or at the time of sexual arousal.

The whole point is that geisha differed from the elite tayu and oiran in that they themselves could choose their partner, but they could also have several clients. For geishas, ​​this phenomenon was undesirable. Therefore, tattoos were often reduced, new ones were applied. Few dared to cut off their little finger, as it was too noticeable.

Why is it important to choose the "right pattern"?

“One girl got the wrong tattoo and died” - and this is much worse than losing a library card, shame and conscience at some party.

When choosing a skull tattoo, pay attention to its features. Neutral - success or "the transience of life", "we will all be there." Gloomy and evil - hatred and death.

Let your master not be confused by the meticulous process of choosing a pattern. Putting a derogatory symbol on the body, you have to live with it. When we attach importance to something, it affects you. And the person no longer understands why his relatives turned away from him and his career is falling apart. And it doesn't have to be some kind of evil eye - he could just visit an unsuccessful tattoo parlor.

And let's think about why some symbols in a foreign language are popular as a tattoo, while others are not?

Many of them can mean “happiness”, “luck”, “love”, but together with other beautiful-looking signs, the meaning can be completely different. Given the centuries-old history of tattoos and its inseparability from magic in those days, it is easy to assume that they also play the role of a talisman. And the role of the liquidating symbol, if it was applied by a narrow-minded person. The magical power could increase or change depending on the position of the stars, the lunar cycle, the people themselves, animals and things. For example, among the Chinese, the turtle was considered an animal of good character, symbolizing peace and order. Attention was also paid to the principle of sympathetic magic "similar to similar" - so the effect of the wearable pattern was amplified many times over.

In ancient times, tattoos were applied to the slave carcasses of serfs, who were sold and bought at the bazaar. They also branded criminals. For example, the overseas "Princess Tarakanova" - Jeanne de Luz de Saint-Remy de Valois, a close friend of Marie Antoinette, received a surprise in the form of a stigma in response to her machinations: "V" - Voleuse("thief"). In Europe, cheaters were given a sign in the form of a hexagon, poachers - in the form of horns (attention, hipsters!), Convicted to galleys - the inscription "GAL", sentenced to life in hard labor - "TFP". In Russia, convicts exiled to Siberia were branded with the letters "KT".

Sak-yant, or Why you should not get a tattoo without knowing its meaning

One of the most powerful tattoos are sak-yants, which only Thai shamans can apply. And only after a special conversation that the shaman - and part-time psychologist - conducts for the client, after which he selects the mantras and activates it. The so-called contact magic. This procedure is very responsible. There is no way back.

Before doing sak-yant, it is better to think a hundred times. Once activated, the inscription begins to act instantly. If you lie on some questions and because of this you have chosen it incorrectly, this can lead to disastrous results. The slander against her cannot be removed in any monastery in the world. Moreover, once cast a spell is not able to remove the shaman himself. He can also refuse a client without giving reasons or ignore his wishes if he considers that he needs another tattoo.

Sak-yant should be consistent with the lifestyle, but not emphasize the negative qualities of the client.

One of the strongest sak-yants is the tiger. This tattoo is contraindicated for quick-tempered and aggressive people. “You fill one, and because of such a reckless step, all one hundred are liquidated,” Thai experts say. According to them, only one in a thousand is worthy of such a tattoo.

And even if you reduce the sak-yant, the slander will still continue to operate.

That is why, before being tempted by a beautiful-looking inscription, you should google it, translate it.

What if that dolphin or cat silhouette is not as harmless as it seems at first glance? So, dolphin tattoos seem to have a positive meaning, are considered amulets and are even popular among sailors, however, in many sources they are also mentioned as the favorite tattoos of prisoners. Oddly enough, the image of this kind animal is often found in Russian prisons.

Sak-yant Angelina Jolie.

A couple of scary stories

One girl stuffed a huge bouquet of roses and terrifying skulls on her forearm, and after some time she was diagnosed with early-stage cancer. There were no prerequisites for this. She went to her grandmother, and the attentive old woman, casting a glance at the tattoo, advised her to finish off another rose to make an even number of flowers in the bouquet - after all, as you know, an even number of flowers are brought to a funeral. In addition, the effect of "transience of life" strengthened an additional symbol - skulls. The patient obeyed and went to the tattoo parlor, where she was filled with the missing flower. The result is remission.

And the other guy was very surprised when he found out that his tattoo was deliberately translated by the master incorrectly. A fan of all things Chinese and Japanese, he wanted to fill in the phrase: "Love, honor and fulfill." But instead of specific hieroglyphs, the master translated his phrase as "A freak at the end of the working day." Therefore, the Chinese constantly laughed at the guy, this was aggravated by the fact that he worked in an international company and was in love with a Chinese woman. The tattoo had to be removed, paying a considerable amount and decorating himself with scars, like a real samurai.

With this value, there are many different images, including animals that have a balanced character, hieroglyphs that positively affect a person’s energy and calm him, wise sayings, symbols, runes, amulets, images of nature, reservoirs, fish, sky, space.

The meaning of the tattoo is calm

A person who prefers to get a tattoo with the meaning of calmness on any part of his body needs to find a balance, relieve excessive stress, normalize relations with people around him, arrange his personal life, and find friends.

Tattoos in the form of animals that can bring harmony and tranquility to everyday life include images of an elephant, as a guarantor of stability and equanimity, a turtle, which is characterized by slowness and wisdom, a sloth, enjoying life slowly, a panda bear, which is the personification of peaceful behavior.

Images of fish are also popular among those who strive for harmony and tranquility in all areas of life. Usually the drawing has a background in the form of a stream of water and algae. There is nothing more soothing and uplifting than the contemplation of the inhabitants of the rez, lakes and seas.

Dreamy natures who lack calmness in the daily frantic pace of life choose the image of the sky with clouds as a tattoo. For those who like to spend time alone thinking, a permanent drawing in the form of a starry sky with planets will also suit.

A tattoo in the form of a tree or a forest helps to calm the nerves even in the most difficult situation. The drawing is suitable for those who like to spend time in nature. Trees serve as a symbol of stability, balance and the continuation of life. Therefore, this sign of calmness will also help to find a soul mate.

Often, those who strive for harmony choose various expressions in Latin, reminiscent of the transience of being, of the absence of the need to waste their energy on trifles. Examples are the following sayings: "Ad cogitandum et agendum homo natus" - Man is born for thought and action, "Amat victoria curam" - The one who is ready to wait wins.

In addition to the phrases expressed by the ancient sages, you can use the main symbol of peace - the circle. In this case, words can be inscribed inside, located outside, or even replace the line. Another drawing with a similar meaning is a pyramid. She also gives the owner of the tattoo wisdom, prudence.

Rune Dagaz is able to give a person self-confidence, and therefore calmness. He will receive enough energy to cope with difficulties, make the right decisions and find like-minded people. Dagaz will also help to be more relaxed and get along with others.

There are many tattoo options with the meaning of calmness. Images are universal, they are suitable for both men and women of different ages. Drawings can be done in one color or in watercolor, which will make them even more interesting.

The history of tattoos is rooted in the mists of time. Even in ancient Egypt, people applied drawings to the body. They were embodied not for the purpose of decorations, but had a certain sacred meaning. Most often, symbols were depicted that served as amulets, protecting from black magic, witchcraft, dark forces. In the modern world, tattoos have regained popularity. But when choosing a sketch, you should not be guided by the design, but you must definitely study the content.

Sacred signs were an important component of Slavic culture, they accompanied a person from birth to the end of days. At the time of paganism, each deity had its own symbol. Such images have found success in modern tattoo culture.

Veles - god, patron of fertility. Helps to gain wisdom in agriculture and knowledge in the medical field. Represents prosperity, well-being.

God Veles

Perun - god of thunder and lightning. Revered by warriors, gave courage and courage. Bestows physical strength and endurance. This tattoo is more often done by guys on the shoulder or chest.

- the father of all living things, manages earthly existence, protects nature. Powerful, able to bring harmony to the state of mind.

Dazhdbog - one of the most revered gods, was warmth, the Sun, fertility. He patronized the tillers, he was called upon for rich harvests. Dazhdbog - carries powerful positive energy.

- the son of Veles was personified by warmth and fertility. The Slavs considered him the patron of unbridled feelings. Such a tattoo-amulet is recommended for people who want to curb their recklessness, it gives vitality for rebirth.

- the goddess patroness of the family hearth, motherhood. Represents the energy of the earth.

- militant deity, patron of the wind. Protects from evil.

Men's tattoo charms

- helps to gain courage in battle, promotes resourcefulness and ingenuity, bestows wisdom. Should not be worn by women.

- patron of blacksmiths and men's crafts. Helps to achieve excellence in craftsmanship.

- one of the oldest protective symbols. It personifies aggression, but for the sake of salvation. It was depicted on armor, helping soldiers to curb anger, in victories to preserve honor and dignity.

Solar (Celtic) pattern - was a companion of warriors, he was carved on shields. A powerful amulet against the sword and arrows of the enemy. Such a tattoo amulet gives courage, faith in a just cause.

Women's tattoo amulets

- a symbol named after the goddess Lada, the patroness of love, family happiness. The amulet was given to a girl at the age of three and he accompanied her until marriage, helping to become feminine.

- a symbol of motherhood, abundance. For many peoples, this insect is the embodiment of love. Most often, a tattoo amulet with such a pattern is stuffed on the body of a girl.

Bereginya - a symbol charged with powerful female energy. The personification of prosperity, abundance, fertility.

Sketch of the tattoo "Bereginya"

- a purely feminine amulet, mother and child. Promotes balance and calmness.

- personifies harmony, positive light energy. Protect future mothers from the evil eye.

The magical meaning of some tattoo sketches as a charm, talisman and amulet

- used by many peoples. Yet the main meaning of such a sacred symbol is to attract good luck. If a series of troubles, negativity and sadness has captured your life, it may be worth putting a tattoo with a star on your body.

- revered in many countries, especially reverent attitude in Japan. Brings good luck to creative people. Charged with wealth, personifies longevity.

- the ancient Egyptian symbol of wisdom and the immortality of the soul. Allows you to resurrect to life after severe shocks.

- is a strong amulet, personifies health and longevity. Another interpretation: through diligence, wisdom is comprehended.

- despite the dislike for this arthropod, he embodies harmony. This tattoo amulet is able to protect from bad energy and diseases. It is advisable to choose a sketch with a web, as a sign of a guiding thread and order.

- a male symbol that strengthens the strength of the spirit, bestowing health.

Tattoos that protect against the evil eye and damage

- a talisman that came from ancient times. It was widespread in Slavic and Scandinavian cultures. Initially, the talisman was worn only by priests, since it greatly enhances energy, is a connecting thread with the energy of ancestors. Therefore, the owner of such a tattoo bears a great responsibility - for it is necessary to live with dignity, with pure thoughts. Thanks to powerful radiation, it protects against the evil eye.

- a Slavic amulet that carries vital energy that makes dreams come true. The power contained in this image is able to repel the evil eye, to ward off damage.

- used in many religions. In Orthodoxy, it symbolizes life. It has a strong energy, will protect from evil spirits. It is recommended to make a tattoo on the back or chest. Believers should be aware that according to the Christian church canon, tattoos are prohibited: "... do not make cuts on your body and do not prick letters on yourself"

- female talisman. , infertility, love spells. Especially recommended for girls.

- a symbol that came from ancient Egypt. It is understood that this is the eye of the god Ra, who watches over people and protects them from rash acts and from the evil eye. You should know that the left eye is interpreted as a feminine principle, the right eye is intended for men. The place on the body for such a tattoo is the back, ankle, wrist, lower back.

Buddhist tattoos

Ohm - a powerful Tibetan sign, protects from misfortunes, provides assistance in difficult life situations. This tattoo is applied to the upper body.

- helps to strengthen the spirit, get rid of the fuss.

- will help to believe in one's own strength, achieve harmony, purity of thoughts.

Indian tattoos

- the most popular amulet that came from the culture of North American peoples. According to an ancient legend, a web woven inside a circle traps evil spirits, thereby protecting its owner. This image should be done closer to the head: shoulder, neck, shoulder blade.

- a deity revered by the peoples is depicted with a flute. It is believed that he protects a woman during childbirth, brings prosperity.

sacred animals - are often used as a tattoo amulet, protecting or contributing to the development of certain human capabilities. Wolf - loyalty, the desire to achieve the goal. Bull - willingness to take risks. Bear - personifies strength. Eagle - power, superiority.

- was a significant distinction of the most important people in the tribe. It was believed that with its help, contact with the deities is established.

Runes, their influence on life

Runes are often used in tattoos, but this should be treated very carefully. They have powerful energy that can radically change fate by activating the body's internal reserves. If you do not want this, you should not prick such symbols. Study this topic to the subtleties before making a tattoo.

Slavic runes used in tattoo

Signs that carry amulets were widely used by our ancestors. You cannot make an inscription from runes, each has its own meaning.

World - unity of God and man. It will help to know oneself, develop creative abilities. The first in the runic row.

Skill Rune - Peace

- double sign of fire, true protection against ailments.

Skill Rune - Overcome Grass

Wind - will help to realize oneself as a creative person. Gusts of inspiration will be crowned with success.

Skill Rune - Wind

Lelya - the rune of love, to a greater extent not physical, but spiritual and emotional.

Rune "Lelya"

Rainbow - an assistant in choosing the right path, warns against making rash decisions.

Skill Rune - Rainbow

Scandinavian rune tattoo

Ken - a sign of health. Brings harmony to love relationships.

Skill Rune - Maine

Maine - contributes to the implementation of their capabilities, helps to live in harmony with the outside world.

Rune "MAN"

horn - protect from the evil eye, bring good luck.

Skill Rune - Horn

Uruz - is considered a fusion of the feminine and masculine, contributes to pleasant changes in life.

Skill Rune - Uruz

Most of the images offered in tattoo parlors have their own history, belong to different nations, and carry a certain semantic load. A thoughtlessly applied image can do harm by counteracting the owner's energy field. Before applying a tattoo, carefully study the meaning of the sketch you like.

Some people believe in signs and symbols, for them there are things that later become talismans. Unlike an ordinary amulet, a tattoo is always with its owner, which is why underwear drawings are so popular among both women and men.

Confidence Tattoo Meaning

A tattoo that means confidence is chosen by people who either doubt themselves or vice versa, who have great confidence and inner strength.

Wearable drawing will help its owner to reveal their creative potential and show their brightest sides. Consider the most popular tattoos with the meaning of confidence.

One of the most common tattoos among males is the wolf tattoo. The wolf is associated with courage, courage, masculinity, he confidently protects his pack. A person who chooses such a pattern is distinguished by insight, determination, independence and a cold mind.

Speaking of confidence, one cannot ignore the king of beasts himself - the lion. A lion tattoo means confidence, physical and spiritual strength, authority, authority, nobility, pride, justice.

Depicting a lion with a lioness, the tattoo is associated with family well-being, harmony and strength of family ties. A roaring lion or a lion in a fighting stance indicates that the bearer of such a tattoo will defend his interests to the bitter end.

Another feline predator, no less confident than its previous opponent, is the tiger. Tiger tattoos are distinguished by their beauty and brightness. They symbolize strength, grace, majesty, authority.

The owner of such a tattoo, as a rule, is bold, handsome, ambitious, very self-confident and tireless. Women who prefer such a tattoo are attractive, beautiful, sophisticated, cunning and love to take a leadership position.

A symbol of wisdom, independence and calm confidence is such an animal as a turtle. For many, it may cause not very pleasant associations, as turtles are famous for their slowness. But in ancient times, this animal was considered one of the wisest.

The inhabitants of China revered the turtle, it is a symbol of the elements of water and invincibility. A turtle tattoo is interpreted as endurance, inner strength, stamina, intelligence, thoroughness.

The owners of such a tattoo, as a rule, are smart, calm, balanced people, they are not inclined to make spontaneous decisions, they always think about and comprehend the next step, they are good strategists.

A tattoo with a pattern of a royal crown is chosen by self-confident people who occupy a high position in society. Such a tattoo is perfect for ambitious, creative, bright, majestic personalities striving for power. They love to attract admiring glances and are very popular with the opposite sex.

Very often, people who want to get a tattoo seek to put a certain meaning into the drawing, which will help them find their own path in life or become a personal slogan. You can pick up such an inscription that will give strength, make you believe in yourself again, stop despondency, continue to live and breathe deeply.

We would like to bring to your attention some of these works!

Phrases and symbols for tattoos

1. Beautiful verses:

moon dust in your lungs
Stars in your eyes
You are a child of the cosmos
A ruler of the skies

moon dust in your chest
Stars in the eyes
You are a child of space
heaven guide

2. Soothing mantra - "I continue to swim"

3. Very simple instruction - "Believe!"

4. Slightly superstitious symbol - crossed fingers

5. Soothing words: Storms don't last - The storm does not last forever.

6. Elementary motivation: Believe in yourself - Believe in yourself

7. Make a wish and blow on a dandelion

8. Promising phrase: Never say never - Never say never!

9. Hand in hand

10 True Quote: Still I rise

11. Spirit-uplifting statement: Keep going - Keep going

12. Tiny Peace Dove

13. Fingers crossed again

14. Common saying: Make love not war - Make love, not war

15. Suitable words: Stay strong, Hope - Be strong, hope

16. Self Reminder: Fighter

17. Some reinsurance: Sometimes you've gotta fall before you fly - Sometimes you fall before you fly!

18. Poetic reminder: Through every dark night there is a brighter day - The darker the night, the brighter the day

19. Real instructions for use: Take the pieces build them skywards

20. Definitely: I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up - All this makes sense while we are growing

21. Small but powerful word: Love - Love

22. A very important reminder: Don't forget to love yourself - Do not forget to love yourself!

23. Simple truth: Everything will be Okay - Everything will be fine!

Believe in yourself, in your own strength and never despair!