Successes in professional activities wishes. Congratulations corporate

Happy Miner! Happy holiday, our brave hotels, our real men! Thanks for the hard and so necessary work! You are real heroes, because the risk of your work is daily and inevitable! I wish the colossal power - spiritual and physical, good health, iron patience! Good and friendly relations in the team! And, of course, loving families in which you are waiting for and very, very love!

Congratulations on Shakhtar Day! Work in the mining industry is one of the most important and heavy. Thank you for your selfless and difficult work. I wish every working day brought joy. Let it be dangerous, the body will be healthy, and the soul jested with happiness. Forces you, patience, big victories, weighty results, wealth in the house and the world - in the family.

Dear miner! Your selfless work provides warmth in homes needed for life. Let the gratitude in the form of awards and literacy, respect for colleagues and the loyalty of the authorities, love loved ones and supporting friends do not make himself wait! With your holiday!

Suitable by the end of summer and on the last Sunday of August comes the time to congratulate our hardworking "underground" masters! Happy Miner Day you, fearless guys! Your work is invaluable for humanity, you need and always in demand! We wish to celebrate a personal holiday with a scope and fun. Good health, success in the rules and tasks and joy from the work done!

Congratulations on Shakhtar Day in prose official

Today we celebrate the day of the hard and incredibly necessary profession - the day of the miner! We are proud of you, and really appreciate your work! May calm and stability reign in your life! Let the luck never turn away from you! And the danger and working risks will never be hurt! Let the heart rejoice in ordinary things, and thoughts appear to new goals! You will certainly succeed! Happy holiday!

Happy Holidays, dear miners, heroic workers of the coal-mining industry! In your professional holiday, Shakhtar Day, take sincere thanks for high rates, for the risk you go every day. You are the pride of the whole country! I wish you good health worthy of payment for your hard work, family well-being and simple human happiness.

Shakhtar Day is the celebration of unusually selfless, truly bold, very strong and truly reliable people. This is your holiday! Let heavy work is rewarded with a high assessment of the authorities, restless optimism, all sorts of luck, strong health, support for loved ones, and today - also beautiful salute to your honor!

For more than half a century, a significant day is celebrated for all workers in mines. Miner - Proud title for a specialist is so heavy, but the extremely necessary profession! Currently congratulating coal miners and wish to continue the current tradition, namely an increase in productivity and upgrades of jobs. And personally, every hell wish excellent health for long decades!

Cool comic greetings to miners in prose

Happy Miner! Let the sun shine twice as long as the sun shines, and at the descents the time goes twice as fast! Let two times the patch will be more, and the duration of the shift is twice as shorter! Let the wives be twice as kindly, and children ... let them be just two times more! In general, for dreams and for their execution, our dear mines!

I congratulate you on the holiday, the temmer guys, the heroic workers Kirk and the perforator! I wish you, as before, to give the country of coal, please us with glorious results and remain pride and power of Power! Let your gold hands be covered with coal dust, and hot and brave hearts are fighting in the beat of the hillock strikes!

Happy miner! The depth of the mine may not frighten, but inspires to selfless work. And let the surface always expect endless respect for others, all sorts of honors, pleasant meetings, a full-fledged rest and life, full of clean love, nice adventures, good events!

Comrade, rather climb on the light! We will congratulate you! Yes, yes came your day - the day of the crot. That is, of course, the day of Shakhtar! We wish to take solar baths to get, finally, to the natural colors of the face and "surpass" the Stakhanovsky bold plan! And also: the speedy well-deserved rest, huge premium and free time on personal joy of life!

Congratulations to miners in short prose

Today is the day of the wonderful profession - the day of the miner! I can't wish you easy work, because it is impracticable. But I can wish a decent award for hard work, and most importantly, cozy home rear!

Congratulations on Shakhtar Day! Low bow for your courage and hard work. I always wish with pride to wear the rank of miner and love her work. Be happy, healthy and successful in your favorite business!

Let the day of Shakhtar turn into universal fun, in the center of which you will be! Accept congratulations on a duet with the wishes of the consistent health, all kinds of success and only pleasant news!

August, Sunday - Mining Day! Hardworking and bold workers! Congratulations on your personal holiday! Let the time flies, and you do not change, stay faithful to such a necessary, albeit hard work!

Today, almost every profession has a red calendar day - a professional holiday. And, although such holidays do not exempt workers from them do not forget to celebrate in large and small companies. These days, colleagues and friends begin to look for beautiful wishes for the perpetrators of the celebration. It is important that they are not only beautiful, but also unusual. Original with a professional holiday helps to create a festive atmosphere, expressing gratitude and respect for employees for their hard work.

Wishes by profession (trade workers, teachers)

"Dear teachers, you give us wisdom, humanity, wings in the world of science and open our hearts for new knowledge. You are ways to us!"

"Health to you, sun, silence! Thank you for your hard work, patience and care for us!"

Wishes to police and doctors

"To the police in our country, the ratio is ambiguous. Often, the people of this difficult profession become the main characters of humorous stories. And yet it is worth remembering that thanks to them the country remains the order. Congratulations to colleagues with a professional police holiday!"

"Happy Delight Police Congratulations on your whole mind! We admire you: calm, strict, brave. You not only provide order and calm in our country, but also give a good example of modern youth. You deserve respect and gratitude for your hard and dangerous Labor. Let the service brings you only joy, and Fortune always knocks on your door! "

Congratulations to colleagues with professional holiday medical worker.

"You are wizards: your hands quickly shoot pain. You are giving your profession without a balance, showing patience and understanding to the sick. You make the life of the surrounding people with long and give them faith in the best. You invisibly exist nearby, supporting our lives.

Take our congratulations from all soul! Your great, invaluable work does not appreciate the simple reward. "

Universal greetings

Hear compliments, praise and wishes to your address is always nice. Properly chosen words give the joy to man and stimulate him to new professional feats. Universal congratulations on a professional holiday will be useful for all occasions.

"Your work is like art. You are professionally and conscientiously perform every task. Your work deserves vocation, thanks and respect!" "Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you peace of mind, luck, patience, optimism and inexhaustible energy!" "Let you always accompany the bird of happiness and good luck! Health to you and your loved ones!"

Corporate congratulations

The celebration of the professional holiday unites all employees. Congratulations corporate are an integral decoration of the holiday organized by the company. They support team imaging and have a productive impact on the atmosphere in the team. And they can sound like this:

  • Let the fate often brings the wind to your life!
  • Let the luck smiles widely!
  • Strive for professional vertices, because each of you is worthy.
  • Festive sentiment, inspiration, prosperity and smiles!
  • Let your life be overwhelmed with interesting events and pleasant moments!

ยป Congratulations on a professional holiday in prose

Universal congratulations and wishes to colleagues

The team is our friendly, stronger every day.
In our company - not to work too lazy.
Everyone we work together, strive to win
We can work and relax together!
The bosses are good - knows how to motivate
He will teach us how to make the cliffs of problems to lavish!
Sophisticated colleagues we congratulate you all
Wins in labor to you and in love today we wish!

Let your world be bright and beautiful
And often visits inspiration!
We wish new thoughts, prospects,
Pleasant, fresh, vivid impressions!
Let gratitude be from the soul,
Gifts are chosen with love!
We are a friendship with you very much,
All heart wish we want health!

Passes time in a rapid run,
Well, today we are colleagues!
We celebrate professions, we celebrate
Friends and loved ones we invite!
Let's meet him adequately,
And rest from storms, worries, anxiety!
Love wish you warmth and inspiration
Family comfort and heat
In problems only wise decide,
Attention, dignity, good!

Our colleagues expensive
We want to congratulate this hour,
Your adversity will leave,
You certainly this time.
We will work together together,
We are with you many years,
And congratulations to you of course
We wish all sorts of victories!

We wish you in life
Smile of the Sun, Sky Blue!
We wish you health and love,
And happiness in the life of the biggest!
Let the year do not mind you -
Love life, love inspiration!
We still wish you at this hour,
So that you are in a beautiful customer!

We wish not a lot nor little
To happiness, like the sun, shone,
To live always interesting,
So that the work was like a song!
You wish you great happiness!
So that in the soul of the kindness did not fade!
And so that the heart love flashed
Many years! Is it not enough?!

We wish you all happiness,
The abundance of wealthy customers,
The growth of the visual revenue
And enlargeing joyful moments.
Love mutual and non-coming
Health, hopping dream.
And admire us, colleagues, often
With its grace and beauty!

We want to congratulate sincerely, cardiovascular
And a lot of happiness in life wish.
Let all dreams, ideas and hopes
Good luck helps to embody!
Love, well-being Wish
Support for loved ones and native people
Successes, interesting undertakings
And true devotees!

Work is not easy, anxious,
But you always helped us,
And it became impossible - possible,
We sustained, lay down together!
God keep you god with hope and love!
Put together a difficult road
And experience, mind, luck and health
You will not be refused and help everyone!

How nice to relax,
All things and plans to cancel
And turn open the shield window
In order to let in the sun in life!
Suppose from bright gentle rays
The world will be able to transform suddenly
Joyful, more beautiful, light
And happy will be all around!

Congratulations on Professional Holidays

Pretrons with professional holiday today have become the norm of our life and communication. If earlier the teacher's day was noted and some more similar days, now the representative of each specialty has its professional holidays, and this reason to once again note their good work and excellent business qualities. It is precisely how the poems collected on our website are devoted - they note the best qualities of professionals and contain the most pleasant wishes associated with both the business sphere and with a personal life. Your congratulation will always be favorably accepted and highly appreciated if you use this section of the site!

Congratulations on the day of civil aviation in prose in their own words

Beautiful and official congratulations on the Day of Civil Aviation to colleagues, a team, employees in prose with a professional holiday, original and comic wishes to friends with their words.

Now flights are no longer fiction, but the daily work of aviators. Which adequately perform their work.
Congratulations on the Day of Civil Aviation, those who make our flights comfortable and pleasant.
Continue in the same vein. And we will gladly fly on your aircraft.
Congratulations to colleagues in prose Take over to swell it is no longer a problem. But to do it smoothly and then gently land - this is the work of real professionals. Only such professionals are worthwhile to manage the passenger aircraft.
Congratulations on the Day of Civil Aviation. Let your flights and then be the same smooth and successful. Let you do not defend the sky of our Motherland from the attack of enemy aircraft. But your work is no less important. Only you are able to raise such a number of unprepared people into the sky and make them flying safe and enjoyable.
Stay your professional professionals. Congratulations to all of you with the holiday, Happy Civil Aviation! Now take off for the clouds available to every person. For this you do not need to be a bird or professional pilot. It is enough to go on board the aircraft and trust the pilots of civil aviation. And they, in turn, make your flight unforgettable and enjoyable.
On this day of civil aviation, we congratulate all employees with a professional holiday and tell you thank you for making dreams about flights available to every person on Earth.
Happy Civil Aviation Employees in their own words The sky is an unusual world, unfamiliar passengers of the aircraft. It seems that the expanses allow flying endless and uncontrollably. But it is not.
Only the work of the coordinated team of civil aviation staff is able to understand the intricacies of these expansion. Only together, fulfilling its complex and hard work, you ensure a safe flight of anything unsuspecting passengers.
On the Day of Civil Aviation, I want to congratulate all employees and wish you to remain professionals of your business. Today is a professional holiday of those who make human life easier and more convenient. Now loads are delivered in a short time. And the road from the city to the city, which occupies a day, will now be passed in just an hour. And all this thanks to the work of civil aviation staff. We want to express your gratitude from the face of all mankind for your indispensable work and congratulate you on an international holiday!
Congratulations on Professional Holiday Prose Not only the pilots of the aircraft provide passenger flight. Dispatcher, technical workers, flight attendants and all those who make our flights safe and comfortable today celebrate the celebration of their profession. We sincerely wanted to congratulate you on the day of civil aviation! We wish you to stay professionals in workplaces and happy people of everyday life.

Congratulations and toasts with a day of lawyer 2017 in prose

The profession of lawyer is respectful. It's hard to understand how so much information is placed in his head. After all, every expert on legal issues is a collection of laws, regulatory documents and legal guide in one person. And given how quickly legislation is changing in our country, each lawyer must constantly replenish its encyclopedic knowledge. Thank you for your work. And today, on the day of the lawyer, you can relax and relax. But, only so that everything is according to the law!

Every lawyer is primarily intellectual. Its work requires developed deductive thinking, long-term and RAM, care and competent speech. A good lawyer is distinguished by erudition and sociability. Therefore, the profession of a lawyer can only cause respect. But the most important thing is that all their abilities and knowledge lawyers use in their practice in order to help people. We wish you not to forget about your destination! Professional advances to you in your useful and very necessary people work!

Dear lawyers! Your professional holiday is only a few years, but your profession is one of the most ancient. After all, the first legal professionals appeared when the first laws were adopted, that is, several millennia ago. You are servants of order and justice in our society. You can protect and punish and punish. We wish you only the right and competent solutions.

In modern society, the profession of a lawyer It is difficult to overestimate. The lawyer is the law, justice and order. The profession of a lawyer implies tremendous responsibility. The concept of "lawyer" unites such fateful positions and professions as a judge, prosecutor, investigator, lawyer, notary and so on. Today, on the day of a lawyer, I want to wish the ministers of the law of perseverance, principle and courage. And let the quality necessary for a lawyer adequately rewarded! Happy Holiday Servants of the Law!

FROMtoday we have a completely truthful reason to kidnap a little of your attention to give a modest, but with the feeling of the selected present, and congratulate on the day of the lawyer! I wish not to miss the pile of papers, to save on the score a ring coin and swim in love, joy and other vitality!

D.oroga (). Being a lawyer is a great honor and huge responsibility.
But we are all in some extent lawyers. Although not each of us has a corresponding diploma, but without knowing laws it is impossible to be a successful specialist. We sincerely wish professional success, good health, well-being and good luck! be right in everything, we need the right and true interpretation, and we trust you, lawyers. Take today hot greetings with a professional holiday and best wishes! Let your mind never get tired, and the heart does not know the seals! INsyo that can bring real pleasure in our lives or illegally or immoral. Therefore, we cannot do without your help, without the help of a professional lawyer. Happy holiday! L.anniversary, I sincerely congratulate you on the day of a lawyer. Let your work is not easy and requires a lot of knowledge, but you truly deserve honors and respect. I want to wish you that your responsible activity brings you only happiness, victories and satisfaction. Happy holiday! YUristov, as you know, today PRUD PRUD. But intelligent - not so much! Today I congratulate myself with great pleasure on the day of a lawyer of a person who knows the right so well, as if he attached a pen to his writing! Lead your legal practice so to cause a light enlightenment of colleagues and admiring gratitude customers! INasha Professional activity is conjugate with a huge knowledge of the laws, the ability to correctly interpret and apply in affairs.
A competent lawyer is to ensure steel activity of any structure, enterprise, organization; Great help to people in domestic situations and winning cases in the courts.
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish the firmness of the spirit, composure, success in all your affairs, career growth and material well-being! YUrist - our faithful conductor in the world of laws. We wish you career achievements!
Bringing into books with your head, you are looking for a true interpretation of the next amendment ... Take a briefly to take a congratulation with a lawyer's day! You, lawman, a talented and peace of mind, I wish you long and strong happiness, the most understanding and friendly environment and fulfillment of all cherished desires! ABOUTit's time - its laws, and you, a lawyer - our best consultant and conductor! Congratulations on the day of the lawyer, that is - a lawyer! Be respected, allow confusion and protect customers, and let Fortuna leads you under the hand, and Mrs. Luck regularly crepts with pleasant surprises! ANDme, take my congratulations on the day of the lawyer. You are an excellent specialist, you know a lot about business and easily peck out justice. Today we celebrate our professional holiday, so I want to wish you not to lose composure and seek the goals. Happy holiday! Pi am warm with a lawyer's day! You know, there is such an unwritten rule for good people - to live happily, to fulfill dreams, be lucky in law and in a series of everyday affairs! I wish you all from the heart and, moreover, I have hopes for the fact that the next your professional holiday can congratulate with new career achievements! C.i will help us a lawyer? Get off the fine, get the inheritance in Brazil and reduce taxes ... In a word where the letter of the law is there and he! You need us like air! Be always with winning matters and do not know defeats, grow on yourself and never lose! Happy lawyer! YUthe rist is not like the rest of the people: it is always a gentle, ambitious, graceful, attractive. But on the day of the lawyer, this person can turn into an ordinary person who after drinking a glass complains about our laws. Happy holiday! TOemaging and formed, smart and honest is a portrait of an ideal lawyer, and today we have the honor to congratulate it with a professional holiday! Let in your work reigns order and correctness, and in personal life - always the share of fun, excitement and the sea well-being! ABOUTty the whole soul I congratulate the most necessary and demanded people - lawyers. It is you doing justice and prove the honesty of people who need your help. I want to wish you never to stop the path, but to go to the end and seek your goals. Happy holiday! W.wailed lawyer! Before you congratulate you on your holiday, I want to afford a lyrical retreat. I know that this is not welcome in your environment, but I can not hold back emotions. After all, you, a professional of the highest sample, you, a man of truly encyclopedic knowledge, to you with a phenomenal memory, to you, shining erudition and throws on the blades of opponents, I want to say the following. Despite the fact that many consider your profession to soulless and heartless, filled with dry facts and not implying creativity, I do not agree with it in the root! And therefore, with all my heart and from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the day of a lawyer! Mark it, please mentally and heartily, with soul, but not in the hearts! Z.akons are written by people and for people, but sometimes the ordinary inhabitant is sometimes so difficult in them ... I should not get the pike boots! That is, everyone should be with its business. And it seems to me that it was impossible to find a person honest, wisely and professionally! Happy lawyer! Ramka law - you are not close at all. You, like a dolphin, swim in the waves of law and do not forget to assist drowning! On the day of the lawyer - the adoption of congratulations on those who deserve your talent and wishes you all the best - from new achievements in the field of career to personal life in love and warmth of well-being! D.oroga you are our committee! Today, your address sounds many friendly and humorous wishes from colleagues at work and just friends. Let me join your honorable society and cordially congratulate you on the occasion of the celebration of your professional holiday - a lawyer's day! Your activity is invaluable, thanks to you, a high legal culture of society is formed. I wish you a dedication and dedication of the "letter of the law". Let your abilities of an excellent professional always coincide with the financial capabilities of potential customers! And God will give me some time, to meet you in court, already as a judge. Girlfriend lawyer
Dear girlfriend, I want to congratulate you on a lawyer's day. This is your professional holiday, you love and appreciate your work that requires you a lot of knowledge and skills. You defend the rights and interests of citizens who need your help. So let you always have everything, with the holiday! M.warm warm friendships say today in your address with colleagues and friends! Allow me to join them and warmly welcome you on the occasion of a professional holiday - a lawyer's day! Your activity is aimed at ensuring equity and legality in society, the creation of a stable mechanism for the implementation of legal norms in the work of state bodies. You are also invaluable to the contribution of domestic lawyers to an increase in the legal consciousness of citizens, the formation of a high legal culture of society. Let me wish you a dedication and devotion to the great service of the law, new professional success. Good health, peace, happiness and well-being. T.alantful lawyer who, as a lion, does not dare to retreat to full and brilliant victory, in his professional holiday I wish, first of all, live long and happily! Let the average rules of fate will not be written for you, because you are among other laws - a rare exception and worthy of the best! E.nerdy has life. She is present everywhere, and manage it - truly art. Our dear culprit celebration! Today is your holiday, truly the brightest day of the year. Today you personify yourself with representatives of the profession, thanks to which we have warmth and light. Directing energy into the right direction, you are engaged in life support for those who today with warmth and gratitude congratulates you, wishes health and well-being, material benefits and family comfort. Because it is very much that depends on you - there is no such industry, in which energy consumption was not priority in comparison with other resources. We sincerely wish you well-being, professional growth and health! TOit knows all laws by heart, of course, lawyers. Therefore, before you make anything ignorance, first advise with a professional lawyer. Happy Holiday, Happy Lawyer! is possible that it is forbidden how to gain benefits and not stupid ... A lawyer will tell us about all this, but today we rush to it not to load work, but in order to heartily congratulate the work with a professional holiday and wish all the best! Keep your nose at the rate of fresh wind, be sure of your power and, never disgusting, conquer all the visited tops! C.that would not write there in the registered acts and other papers, you will not retreat and all rightly thrust, apply knowledge to solve the urgent question and go out with the client the winner of any story! Congratulations on the day of a lawyer! Let your courage, a little fox tricks and a lot of sunny happiness! D.roman Lawyer is one of the most revered professional holidays in the calendar of each employer. After all, a lawyer is a high call, a wonderful profession, which is necessary everywhere: both at a small enterprise, and in the highest structures. People's talent gifted people special: smart and attentive, resourceful and purposeful. Therefore, so I want to believe that it is a lawyer who will smile good luck in the form of achieving all of all goals. This is what I want to wish on the day of the professional holiday to you, a man and specialist with a capital letter, a wonderful lawyer from God. Let your work will always be assessed in dignity, love and comfort reigns in the house, on the heart - peace and happiness. Happy holiday! Pritish my sincere congratulations with your professional holiday, with a lawyer's day. Your profession is the most respected and pious, you create justice and defend the honor of people. I want to wish you an incredible success in your difficult work. Happy holiday! I I want to congratulate you on the day of a lawyer, with your professional holiday. This day unites all lawyers who are engaged in the most different areas of activity, but all of you are designed to defend the rights and interests of citizens. So let only justice are going on in our world thanks to you. Happy holiday! Wife lawyer
Dear, accept my sincere congratulations on the day of a lawyer. Your profession requires a lot of knowledge and skills, but you will definitely cope with all the things, and I am very proud of you. Let luck and success accompanies in your difficult and honorary mission. Happy holiday! INour life is collapsed by imprint of law. How not to get confused in it with your head, how to defend what is supposed by law, and not get into trouble with him? A lawyer will tell us without colors and without a roller, and today we congratulate you on a professional holiday, we will be cordially thanked for the work done and wish all the best! M.aster of the official legitimate word on the day of the lawyer - our congratulations! We are proud of the fate in favorites, know the pride of the deserved victory, and a pleasant crunch of monetary signs in your pocket, let the heart warm the love, and the whole life path is seen in the right, clear light! INcE knows what is good where we are not. And lawyers understand this well. No matter how I always wanted to do without them, but it is impossible because almost all pleasures in life are either illegal or immoral. Pritmish my most sincere congratulations on the day of a lawyer! I bow to you! Before your knowledge and talent. To be with the law on "You", know all his pitfalls and intricacies, be able to find a way out of the most difficult and confusing situation, see a few steps forward - whether it is not the professionalism of the highest sample!
Thank you for your inspirational, requiring full recoil work! For loyalty to people whose interests you defend! For support and support that you have to those who need it. Let fate give you a lot of joyful and happy days! Let health never pick you up! Let the Fresh Wind of Change brings only good news! Good luck, patience and big victories! FROMerezny look and every word - good ... A fold of long doom fastened on the forehead ... Congratulations on the holiday, priest femis! Let the truth and the law will always be on the side of your undertakings, and let every day introduce a new particle of happiness and a bright, unforgettable face! IN This festive day for all lawyers wants to wish that the professional abilities of lawyers always coincide with the financial capabilities of customers. For lawyers! B.laborative genius, creating justice; Angels who know how to defend the rights and interests of people, responsible ministers of the law; Unsurpassed professionals with impeccable cleanness, and stubbornly achieved the goal! We sincerely congratulate you on the day of a lawyer!
We wish you eternal demands, successful deals and unusually high career growth. Let your professional activities bring you the maximum satisfaction, and financial well-being gives you confidence in your abilities and in the future!
We wish you devotion, understanding of loved ones and friends, harmony of the soul and body, unusually colorful enchanting leisure, brightly flaming love and juicy happiness! Husband - lawyer
Dear, I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday in the day of a lawyer. You are in legal affairs not just a figure, but a genius. You definitely know and love your work, so I want to wish you only good luck in all matters. Happy holiday! N.astuckil the day of all those who honor the laws and knows them for five plus - a lawyer's day! This is your holiday too, so I have the most sincere congratulations and wishes from me. Let your work always gives you pleasant emotions, brings good income and the desire to strive for new tops, never stopping. I want to wish, besides success in work, so that next to you have always been faithful friends, ready to help at any moment and help you out in difficult moments. Let Love be your most important companion of life, I want to wish you so that there is a worthy person who can always rely on. I wish well-being and good luck in all endeavors! Pi am warm with a lawyer's day! Mother Specialist I sincerely wish good luck! Let the dry stationery will always be extremely clear for you, and on the expanses of the law, it will always be removed what is needed for the prosperous resolution of current troubles! When the rest comes, let them be the best of the best people and there will be an entertaining and interesting thing! Pope - lawyer
Dear daddy, a lawyer is an honorary and respected profession that requires a lot of knowledge, skills and experience. Today is your holiday, so I will have my congratulations from the bottom of my heart. I want to wish you good luck, patience and happy deals. Happy holiday! N.and the yard is December, but it does not prevent me from congratulate you on the day of a lawyer and warmly wish to keep all the best in your life in growth, like a young sprout - career, professionalism, prosperity, fulfillment of cherished desires, new bright impressions and wonderful mood For every weekday and working day! FROMarrivial right is exactly a labyrinth. But in it we do not need a voucher tangle, because we have a law science and one who understands it decisively all to the last comma! Happy lawyer! Be honest, first of all, in front of me and always smile! I I want to congratulate you on the day of lawyer and wish you success in your work. I want it to bring you pleasure, after all, it's nice and interesting to do your favorite thing. I wish you to be joyful and happy every day, let everything and luck will always be with you! I would also like to wish a successful career growth and high salary - because I know that work for you means a lot. I wish you that the results of your work please and inspired you, the bosses appreciated, the colleagues were respected. I sincerely wish you health and family happiness so that the house is full of the bowl, and love, warmth and mutual understanding have always lived in it. Let them be healthy all who are dear to you, let all your dreams come true! To a friend of a lawyer
Dear friend, I want to congratulate you on a lawyer's day. You are an employee, you are smart, experienced, pious. Being a lawyer respectable and prestigious, but your work requires you perseverance. Therefore, I want to wish you to always achieve our goals in spite of anything. Happy holiday!

INwe are working with the most "dry" text, but in the case hold the canceled and with the soul, choose you to solve the question - here is half of the success! Those who are closest to all the laws after their creators, lawyers, today, in their professional holiday, we address no official and very sincere congratulations!

Congratulations on the Day of Police in Prose

And although our police renamed the police, but should not be equal to the sheriff from Texas. Better always stay yourself - smart, bold and fair minister of law and the keeper of order. At this solemn and celebratory day, accept our congratulations and the wish of happiness! The one who chooses the police profession is undoubtedly wanting to make our world better. Imagine your relatives and neighbors security, as well as in justice to solve their problems! Congratulations on the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and wish you never to grasp the difficulties, confidently go to raises and just live happily! Congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! We wish smaller dangers and extremes in your hard profession. More health and all the best in your life. And let the stars that fulfill your most cherished desires, more often fall from heaven directly to you on epaulets. The work of the police officer is not easy. Failure to unattrately akin to human fate, to do on the law and justice, restoring the world and order is only true men! For you - our congratulations on the day of the police! You, the keepers of calm in our country - our warmest wishes and infinite thanks! Perceive the trouble, like grades during a thunderstorm, which will first hurt, but immediately dissolve and stop exist. In general, I wish your police everyday life to flow without torrential rains and losses, and there were warrends with the rays of personal fortune.
Happy holiday! Happy Police Day of all those who are trying to protect us from the troubles and trouble. In your account, there is not one story when the evil was covered with our peaceful society ... But does he have a chance when with us such guys? Happy employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! Be the heroes of your fatherland and just wonderful guys! Let friends adore you, the girls love, their relatives praise, and the bosses - respects and promotes! Let our police, renamed the police, but the essence remained unchanged - these people are ready to risk their lives every day for our rights and freedoms, and of course, we are grateful and warmly congratulations on the police day! Let your life be not only a series of days a difficult service, but also many happy moments, let dreams come true, and luck will smile! Police Day is a big, common holiday of the country. Rarely fall out weekends and holidays in your service. At any time of the day and night, you hurry to help people. Your service is dangerous and very important. I congratulate you on the holiday. Let your service be easy and safe. Let the minimum of crimes in the country. Good health to you, patience, courage. Let the beloved wife wait for you after the service at home. I wish to promote the career ladder. Let your comrades should have a reliable rear for you. Well-being, wealth and good mood to you on the holiday. None of us wants to face evil, but if the thunder is born above the head, we have someone to call for help! Please accept my congratulations on the day of the police, because you, one of the most worthy representatives of this profession! So let the fate will be favorable to you for justice and give you happiness in your personal life and a successful increase in service! The police are underway are the darkest corners of our society's life ... But you managed to disappoint the soul, save faith in the best and friendly temper! Today we are without fears in a hurry to you to congratulate on the police day and give modest presents! But the main thing is to wish you always to stay as good people! On this day, giving roots in the Petrovsk era, we are traditionally honored by the valiant police officers. Take congratulations on this heroic holiday. We wish you heartily, with honor to overcome the difficulties with which your professional activity is connected with. To be a policeman, you need not only to put on the form and learn all the laws, take note of all unreliable citizens ... You need, besides, wearing good and honor in the heart, to understand well in people and understand the very essence of our life ... you have everything you need Quality, to work in the ranks of our valiant ministers of the law and today I congratulate on the police day and wish you happiness! The valiant police of our country today celebrates a large professional holiday. We are proud of our roots of order. After all, thanks to the courageous and honest guys, we can safely live. Let me sincerely sincerely congratulate you with such a solemn day. Let your service be safe. God give you the health of strong, durability, good luck, love and understanding in the family. Many joyful and bright days, and smaller sleepless nights. So that there were fewer sorrows and crimes on Earth. Let always surround true friends. Dear police officers, honor you and respect, you are an indispensable people for your fatherland! During the day and at night, risking your life, you guard our. I want to thank you and wish promotion, let the stars on the chains multiplied, and the order will always be on the side of his obscene! Our familiar police officer, the guard of the law, the hot heart and strong hands. In his professional holiday, we present to him flowers, a bottle of something stronger and heartfall! Be our defender, Mr. Policeman! Live up to one hundred years in wealth, surrounded by the love of beauties and respect for the bosses! It is necessary to become a very bold man to fight crime. Surprisingly, but in our country there are no one and not two, but thousands! So let's congratulate these courageous people with the police day. We wish them more success in labor weekdays, smiles in family weekend and simple human happiness! Today, our valiant militia celebrates its holiday. The policeman always comes to help and protect civilians. After all, crime does not sleep. And it is necessary to eradicate when rooted. These are engaged in our brave, courageous guards of order. I congratulate you on the holiday. Let this day bring you a little calm and joy. Let health never let you down and you will always be in good shape. I wish you peace, success in service, family well-being and wealth. Let on the pursuit of you often appear new stars. Good luck to you big, joy and wonderful mood. You are serving on the side where the world is not very friendly and calm ... But someone has to take care of the effectiveness of the law on our expanses, and today we congratulate you on the day of the police, with the fact that you are with honor This is not easy burden! Let me wish you to always be in the ranks and to the deep mines do not age the soul! Dear police officers, honor you and respect, you are an indispensable people for your fatherland! During the day and at night, risking your life, you guard our. I want to thank you and wish promotion, let the stars on the chains multiplied, and the order will always be on the side of his obscene! Militia Day is a special holiday dedicated to those who are sometimes difficult for the service, but everything is necessary for our society! We know, you even in a dream in the post and the board of honor is not important for you, the main thing is to know the service itself that the service is on honor! Today is our hottest greetings for you! A lot of books were written about the work of the police, and kilometers of films were shot, but still, your job is not only the disclosure of crimes but also all sorts of routine - paper, reporting ... And anyway, you are brilliantly with everything they cope and you are more expensive for us than thousands of fictional Characters! Therefore, today, on the day of the police (employee ATS) I congratulate you and wish you happiness! They say we should be equal to the West ... And I will say that I will not miss you on an unknown sheriff, when you are just gold and the first guy with the department! Take congratulations on the Day of Police, the hero! Be rich, love relatives and customer with the attention of the bosses! Today, they celebrate their professional holiday those who are afraid of our peace. I would like to wish success in this difficult work, stay as masculous, strong and brave. Let the warm and comfort reign in your house. Health, happiness, joy and good. Happy holiday! Every day you encounter face to face with danger and misfortune, but from this your soul did not become worn. You will never leave a person without help. Your heart and all your affairs are aimed at the whole world to become cleaner and kinder. Congratulations on the Day of Police and wish all your acts to receive a well-deserved assessment, and in your families reigned with limitless happiness and peace. Guided by law, you return the world to the streets of our city, and in our hearts - peace. Happy militia! It's good that there are such guys in the world as you! Believe the best of you - still ahead! You will have an increase and love, and prosperity! The service in the police is not a simple matter, and we are simply amazing how it turned out to be at the shoulder of such a charming girl! But know, your beauty and kind, sincere smile do not interfere with you just brilliantly fulfill the duties, deserving the praise of colleagues! On the police day (police), our congratulations and wishes of happiness! On the Militia Day (employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) I congratulate you and wish to grow professionally, go to the increase and be smart as Sherlock Holmes! Let your branch regularly honors the praise of the authorities, and all - thanks to your efforts! And of course, let your dreams come true, and life will be fun and happy! Congratulations on the Day of Police! You are always ready to help, honor with you not only in service, you are a real policeman, for whose strong shoulder we can be safe! I want to wish you not only from my, but on behalf of all your grateful friends and acquaintances, long and happy life, the fulfillment of desires and promotion! None of us wants to face evil, but if the thunder is born above the head, we have someone to call for help! Accept my congratulations on the day of the police, because you, one of the most worthy representatives of this profession! So let the fate will be favorable to you in fairness and give you happiness in personal life and a successful increase in service! To be a policeman, you need not only to put on the form and learn all the laws, take note of all unreliable citizens ... You need, besides, wearing good and honor in the heart, to understand well in people and understand the very essence of our life ... you have everything you need Quality, to work in the ranks of our valiant ministers of the law and today I congratulate on the day of the police and wish you happiness! Not so long ago, the police renamed the police, but you don't even place on the sheriff from Texas, it is better to stay yourself - our glorious, smart and fair minister of law, the guardian of order, and on the day of the police, with my congratulations and the wishes of happiness! On the day of the police, I want to congratulate those who save us for whom the peace of ordinary citizens and their well-being are the best reward! Let everything in your life be fine, let the fight against the enemy occur only in the service and always ends with the victory! Live peacefully and happily! The work of the police officer is not at all easy ... to unravel the tangle of human fate, to enter the law and justice, restoring the world and order, such a forceful men! For you - our congratulations on the day of the police! You, the keepers of calm in our country, our warmest wishes and infinite gratitude! On the day of the police, I want not only to congratulate you, but also to say that what you chose this profession says that you have a noble, hot heart in which the thirst for justice lives! I congratulate you, a real man and wish you great success in the service, deserved awards and light happiness! Let our police, for why they renamed the police, but the essence remained unchanged - these people are ready to risk their lives every day for our rights and freedoms, and of course, we are grateful to them and warmly congratulations on the day of the police! Let your life be not only a series of days a difficult service, but also many happy moments, let dreams come true, and luck will smile! Absolutely in vain in childhood children frighten the police! Representatives of this noble profession do not need to be afraid, they need to trust, they need to respect and appreciate! In your professional holiday, on the day of the police, accept my congratulations and wishes of all the best! Not every policeman happens to catch the godfather, often the workers of this profession are engaged in the most small, but from this - no less important things, and every day of their service is a vague contribution to our common security. Today, on the day of the police, I want to express your gratitude and appreciation for the right service, as well as wish happiness, good luck, love and long years!

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At the same time, on the royal command, the temple received a degree of cathedral. With its dimensions and number of thrones, he even exceeded the earlier cathedrals of St. Petersburg, whom three of the time three - Petropavlovsky, Isaac and Trinity-Petrovsky. The fourth St. Petersburg Cathedral, reminding to its dedication of the Great Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, emphasized the capital status of "young hail" as a successor.

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Inexplicable winter has long come to their rights, and now, with its snow and frosts, everything is increasingly reminded of the approaching New Year holidays. Almost every woman on the eve of all sorts of holidays faces the problem of choosing a gift for his beloved man. You need to make a desire and shake the ball. The ball will solve all your problems. We introduce the question.

Dear Colleagues! Today, in our professional holiday I want to thank you for everyday painstaking work. I am sure thanks to your efforts, our enterprise with his colossal potential, will be able to deserve himself in the very near future!
Happy holiday you, dear colleagues! The best wishes to you, your family and loved ones! I wish you happiness, health and common success in the development of our favorite enterprise!

Dear and favorite colleagues! Today we congratulate you on the wonderful holiday! And we wish professional success and many victories on various fields. And the most important thing is that all this is appreciated!

Let the joy today be sincerely, like our wishes. We wish to increase the salary and the urgest awards, we wish to reduce work and increase profits. In general, let it be better, but nothing will be for it!

Congratulations to take today, let in all of you lucky and let it always and everything will be only in profit, let the employees respect you, and friends love! And let them go to work as a holiday, and with such a mood work all day! Congratulations!

We wish a lot of victories at work and in matters, and in the family, so that there was peace and warmth. Then the equilibrium will be happiness and will want to work, and from work home! Congratulations!

We wish you a lot of things so that all this is desirable and necessary for dinner to be longer, and the bosses caused less frequently. So that good luck notes, but failures I missed! And the mood rises with one word "work"!

We wish today an explosion of emotions, let him come true the most remarkable, and will always be victory,

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Social Worker Day. Good health, happiness, strength and excerpts, optimism and well-being, confidence in tomorrow, success in new endeavors!
Thank you for the experience of working together and hope for further cooperation!

Dear Colleagues! On behalf of the collective ... and on my own personally, allow you to congratulate you and your team with a professional holiday - the day of the chemist! I wish further development and prosperity ..., success in your creative work, the implementation of grand planners and projects of the company. Good health, happiness and good luck to all employees and their families!

Dear Colleagues! Today, in our professional holiday I want to thank you for everyday painstaking work. I am sure that precisely thanks to your efforts, our enterprise with his colossal potential, will be able to adequate himself in the very near future.

Happy holiday you, dear colleagues!
The best wishes you, your family and loved ones!
I wish you happiness, health and common success in the development of our favorite enterprise!

Dear colleagues with the best greetings on this holiday. I wish you creative success, high quality of your products, successful prosperity in the business world. Let, luck always accompanies you in all your affairs, and in your personal life, let there be many good events.