What can you do to keep your cat from shedding? Domestic cat sheds heavily - what to do? Troubleshooting

Fluffy cats with long hair are very beautiful. But sometimes the molting of animals becomes a headache for the owner. Let's try to figure out how to help a pet, make it easier to live during a molt.

What to do if the cat sheds a lot and the whole house is covered in wool in summer and winter, from spring to autumn, all year round

During molting, the cat often becomes lethargic, his appetite is reduced and his metabolism is disturbed. Wool can enter the pet's stomach, causing indigestion and vomiting. To help the cat's body go through this period faster and easier with the help of several means:
- vitamins against molting;
- a fumigator for combing out dead hair;
- strengthening shampoos;
- pastes for removing wool from the stomach and special feeds.

Usually seasonal molting takes place in early autumn and early spring. If the pet sheds all year round, you need to visit a veterinarian. He will conduct an examination to find out the causes of this condition of the animal, and prescribe treatment.

Means and vitamins from molting for cats instructions for use, price, reviews of veterinarians

Currently, many vitamins from molting for cats are being produced. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to consult with a veterinarian what is right for your pet. It is necessary to take into account the content of vitamins in the industrial feed that you give to the cat, the age of the animal, the presence of diseases.

During the shedding period, Exel Brewers Yeast 8 in 1 is a good vitamin. A dog is drawn on the package, but the vitamins are suitable for both cats and dogs. The composition of the drug includes B vitamins, brewer's yeast and garlic. Vitamins reduce shedding time, reduce hair loss, improve the appearance of the animal. Dosage - 1 tablet per animal weighing 4.5 kilograms. Vitamins have a pleasant taste, and animals themselves willingly eat them. The price of a package of 140 tablets is 250 rubles.

As a result of stress, the cat's hair may begin to fall out. In this case, vitamins alone cannot help the animal. Surprisingly, during times of stress, wool begins to fall out instantly in large quantities. Try to calm the animal by removing the cause of the stress or, if that is not possible, buy a pheromone collar.

Why does a kitten shed at an early age?

Usually molting in kittens begins at 4 or 5 months, when the coat is replaced. If the kitten began to molt earlier, it is possible that he is malnourished, he lacks the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Shedding in cats from stress is possible or not

The cause of shedding from stress can be a trip on public transport, participation in exhibitions, some changes in the house, or even the arrival of unexpected guests. When the animal calms down, molting stops. Many pet owners say that this phenomenon is common.

Why does a cat shed heavily in autumn

In the autumn there is a seasonal molt. The cat throws off a light summer coat and “puts on” a winter coat. This happens in nature, but in a city apartment a cat can shed in the fall, because the batteries heat up too much, the air in the room is too dry. Try to reduce the air temperature to a comfortable value (about 22 degrees), buy a humidifier.

If the cat sheds after castration what to do

Perhaps the castration just coincided with the planned molt. After castration, the hormonal background changes in animals, and they need a special food for sterilized animals Proplan and Royal Canin. If a little time has passed after the operation, the cause of molting could be stress, after a while everything will return to normal.

Shedding in cats after childbirth, sterilization causes and how long it lasts

Cats may begin to shed after childbirth if they lack vitamins and minerals, the diet is not balanced and varied enough. After sterilization, molting can occur as a result of hormonal changes or the onset of any disease that coincided with the operation. The duration of such a molt depends on a change in the diet in the right direction or the appointment of competent treatment. After taking a course of vitamins and improving nutrition, molting ends very quickly.

Why does a cat shed heavily in tufts and itches

For allergies, your veterinarian will recommend a change in diet, a strict diet, and antihistamines. Allergies are possible as a result of nervous stress or house dust and smells of household chemicals. But if you follow all the recommendations, baldness and scratching will soon pass.

The material of this article contains only up-to-date information related to the problems of cats, cats and kittens arising from their fur...

If your cat sheds, you should not leave this phenomenon unattended. Yes, periodic hair loss is typical for cats, but you need to make sure that such a process was not provoked by dangerous diseases of the animal. You should be especially careful with a pet if it sheds hair all year round.

What is a molt?

Shedding is the shedding of old dead hairs by a cat, which is a natural physiological process for almost all animals. In our area, where there is a change of winter and summer, cats usually change their coat twice a year: in spring they shed a thick undercoat and change it to a short summer one, and in autumn, on the contrary, they shed liquid wool and grow thick, warm.

You can understand that the cat has begun to shed intensively by the presence of wool on the furniture and carpets in the apartment, as well as on your clothes. Sometimes, trying to comb out their own hair, the animal may swallow it excessively and then burp painfully and loudly.

For what reasons does it happen?

Oddly enough, but molting can be provoked by various factors that are not always associated with the natural physiology of the animal:

seasonal molt

This is a physiological process of changing old wool to new one, taking into account the upcoming season. By the way, seasonal molting can cause severe itching and skin irritation in a cat, because of which he may try to comb himself with his claws and tongue. Keep an eye on your cat, as this combing can lead to scratches on his skin.

The intensity of seasonal molting can be different and this factor largely depends on the state of health of the animal. It lasts no more than 2-3 weeks. If the seasonal molt is delayed - this may be the reason for a visit to the veterinarian.

Pregnancy and feeding kittens

Cats molt more often than cats, because in their life there are periods of bearing and feeding kittens. Like women, cats can endure them very hard: their body has a reduced supply of vitamins and minerals, and therefore, by the time of birth, hair can fall out a lot, even if this happens in winter.

It is very important that after giving birth, the cat eats well, otherwise it can become very bald.


Due to nervous experiences in cats, the skin tightens, and therefore the blood flow to the hair follicles decreases. As a result, pets begin to shed their coats.

What situations can a cat perceive as stressful? Frequent moving from one house to another, the appearance of other animals or a small child in the house, a change of owner. In such situations, pets may even lose their appetite.

Diseases, old age

Cats can also have skin diseases of a fungal and bacterial nature (for example, lichen), due to which the hair can literally fall out in balls. Also, some cats suffer from allergies and hormonal imbalances.

In old age, the cat is likely to shed more often and more intensively than in his youth. By extreme old age, the animal may even go bald.

Metabolic disorders, food change

This can happen if you constantly give the cat the same food (for example, exclusively meat or cereals). As a result, the animal's body gradually loses its reserves of vitamins and minerals, and over time, it may begin to lose hair.

A one-time molt can also occur if you suddenly decide to change your cat's food. For him, such a change can be stressful, or feeds can have different nutritional values.


If the air in your apartment is too dry and the temperature is high, the cat can also shed. Yes, cats love heat very much and can even sleep on a radiator. However, they should be able to walk outside regularly even in winter. If the cat does not have such an opportunity, his skin may dry out, and the coat will crumble regardless of the season.

Changing of the living place

If you and your cat spent the whole summer in the country, where he spent whole days outside, and moved into an apartment with the onset of autumn, the animal may begin to shed its hair within a week after the move. Such a reaction should be perceived as a way of adapting to new living conditions (a kind of acclimatization).

Which cat breeds shed the most?

If your cat sheds a lot, pay attention to what breed he belongs to. Perhaps year-round molting is one of the features of his breed, and therefore it should not scare you:

  • Breeds that shed a lot: Persian cats, British, huge Maine Coons. This feature of these cats is due to the presence of a very long and thick coat (especially the undercoat) and the need to change it more often.
  • Breeds that are characterized by moderate molting: American Curls, Turkish Angoras, Somali and Burmese cats. These breeds have a long coat, but rather thin and without undercoat. Therefore, during molting, they lose relatively little hair, which can be easily removed from furniture and clothing.
  • Breeds that do not shed: sphinxes, which do not have hair at all, rexes and the breed "laperm" (their skin is covered with hair, but molting occurs only a few times in a cat's life). All these breeds were artificially created by man.

If you choose a cat breed based on the presence of allergies in someone in the household, then be sure to consider the fact that allergies can manifest themselves not only on the cat's fur, but also on the scales of his skin or saliva. This means that allergy symptoms can be observed even if you get a hairless Sphynx (although this happens extremely rarely).

What to do if the cat sheds very intensively?

If your cat sheds all year round, it is worth considering why this is happening.

  1. Get tested for helminths. When visiting a veterinarian, you can also take a helminth test at the same time. If a cat has them, it means that the animal has a metabolic disorder and therefore there is nothing strange that balls of wool fall out of it. In addition, you or your children can become infected with helminths from a cat.
  2. Review his diet. Just like humans, cats need a varied diet. If she eats only purchased raw food from you, start feeding her meat, bread and cereals. Also try to always fill the saucer with water. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, you can introduce vitamin supplements (such as fish oil) into your cat's diet.
  3. Brush hair regularly. For this purpose, veterinarians recommend purchasing a special comb - furminator. It has the most convenient density and length of the villi, which make combing comfortable for the animal. During molting, comb the cat daily, and if possible, even in the morning and evening.
  4. Bathe the cat using special shampoos. Just like humans, a cat's skin can get dry, so using special moisturizing shampoos for animals can help your pet regain its beautiful, thick coat.
  5. Let the cat living in the house walk outside or at least on a cool balcony. If you are afraid that your pet will run away from you, walk him on a special leash, and install special anti-cat nets on the balcony windows.

When should you take your cat to the vet?

You can try to cope with the problems of your pet on your own.

The veterinarian will not only help you find out the exact cause of intensive molting in the animal, but also tell you what to do with the detected problem. Take the veterinarian's instructions seriously, as shedding can also indicate very dangerous diseases in animals.

Video: causes of cat molting and how to survive it

Seasonal change of coat or shedding in cats often gives owners a lot of inconvenience. It is important to understand why cats shed so as not to get rid of a fluffy beauty due to constantly falling hair or allergies.

Hair change occurs as the hair in the follicle ages and is replaced by new hair. This process can occur continuously or be seasonal. All fluffy beauties shed to one degree or another. However, there are breed features of molting that future owners should be aware of.

Abundantly shedding breeds. Persians, Exotics, Britons, Maine Coons shed wool more than others, and the spring molt in the latter is much more abundant than in autumn. This is due to the large amount of undercoat and its constant change.

Moderately shedding breeds. These include Angoras, Somali, American Curl, Burmese, Balinese. Their long guard hair is well removed from the furniture, and its amount during molting is small.

Low shedding breeds. These are cats of the Siamese-Oriental group, Abyssinians, Burmese, Bengals, Singaporeans. Shedding in such cats passes quickly and almost imperceptibly due to the lack of undercoat.

Shedding breeds. This group includes only a few breeds bred by man. These are hairless sphinxes, curly-coated rexes and la-perms (a breed of overgrown sphinxes that shed only a few times in their lives).

"When choosing a breed, you need to take into account the interests of all family members and their state of health. Very often the allergen is not wool, but skin flakes and cat saliva."

Reasons for shedding

The physiological change of wool (seasonal molting in cats) occurs twice a year. Its intensity depends on weather conditions, health status and nutrition. The molting period in cats lasts 2-3 weeks, and healthy animals feel great during this time. Under conditions of stress or beriberi, the growth of new wool slows down significantly and the molt stretches for several months. With age, irritability during the molting period may appear, signs of stress that usually disappear after a coat change.

Consider the possible causes of molting cats in cases where it is not seasonal.

Diseases and metabolic problems. Hair loss between molts is usually associated with metabolic disorders, allergies, dermatological diseases of a fungal or bacterial nature. The condition of the skin largely depends on the proper functioning of the liver, thyroid gland and the immune status of the body. To stop hair loss, you need to eliminate the cause of the cat's shedding by contacting a veterinarian.

Childbirth and feeding of kittens. Most often, after the cat finishes feeding its babies, she begins to shed, associated with the return of the hormonal status to normal. At this time, it is important that she eats properly and receives all the necessary vitamins, since the body, weakened by caring for offspring, cannot always cope with the load associated with the growth of new wool.

Climatic conditions. Dry and warm conditions can be another explanation for why cats shed. Most felines love warmth. They are happy to sleep on radiators, electric kettles and pot lids if they are cold. There is nothing wrong with this if the cat is able to spend enough time outside during the cold months. Otherwise, he constantly sheds wool throughout the year, the seasonal nature of molting disappears.

Stress. Abrupt changes in habitual way of life, a change of owner, the appearance of a child or other animals in the house - all this can cause great stress in cats, which are known for their conservatism. The consequence of this may be increased hair loss, depression, loss of appetite. The problem is corrected by the use of sedatives, pheromones and homeopathic remedies that stabilize the emotional state of the animal.

What to do if the cat sheds heavily?

The quality of wool is an indicator of the health of any pet. What to do if the cat sheds heavily? It is important to notice changes in a timely manner and take action. Here are the main steps an owner can take to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

Regular checkups. Examine the cat, assess the condition of the skin in places that bother him. If insects are found, use insecticides. If there are bumps, spots, balding areas, consult a doctor.

Power control. If your cat sheds a lot, add B vitamins, dietary sulfur, salmon oil containing fatty acids, methionine to the diet, or change the food to one more suitable for the type of coat and age of the pet. Try to avoid abrupt changes in your diet, and also make sure that your food is free of allergen foods.

“Some people, when planning to get a pet, opt for breeds such as the Cornish Rex or the Canadian Sphynx, thinking that their representatives practically do not shed. But alas: even “bald” feline representatives have to take care of the skin no less than their long-haired counterparts."

A healthy cat living in nature sheds twice a year, in spring and autumn. By summer, cats actively shed their hair, preparing for the hot season. In autumn, on the contrary, they increase their woolen cover in anticipation of winter cold. Animals living in an apartment are also prone to molting, but often this process is delayed or becomes uncontrollable when the cat sheds heavily almost all year round.

What causes excessive hair loss in a cat or cat?

If your pet is an apartment resident, without access to "free range", then most likely he is prone to increased hair loss. In winter, when the coat should grow, the opposite process is observed. In apartments with central heating, dry and warm air dictates that the animal shed excess fur for a more comfortable feeling. A hot battery replaces thick winter fur for our pets, and artificial lighting and, as a result, a longer daylight hours complete the picture.

To avoid hair loss from overheating, if possible, keep the animal away from the batteries, install air humidifiers, and ventilate the apartment more often. If you have a balcony or loggia, equip your cat with a “winter” house on the balcony, install scratching posts, shelves and ladders at different levels so that the animal is interested in going out into the fresh air.

Gastrointestinal disease or hormonal imbalance

Some breeds with thick undercoats, such as British, Siberian, and Maine Coons, shed all year round, so unless there are other visible coat problems, there is nothing to worry about.

Animals that spend the winter months in an apartment and move to a dacha in the summer are prone, on the contrary, to increased hair growth in the summer months, when they have access to walking, therefore, upon returning to a city apartment, they are subject to more intense molting.

Given seasonal factors and the specifics of keeping pets, it is very important not to mistake skin diseases for a normal molt. These diseases include allergic reactions to food or drugs, fungal diseases. Hair loss can be associated with gastrointestinal, as well as hormonal problems and be accompanied by itching, redness, and the formation of patchy bald patches.

In no case do not self-medicate, take the animal to the veterinarian.

The clinic will do the necessary tests (scraping at the site of alopecia, blood tests), diagnose and prescribe treatment. Perhaps excessive hair loss is due to a lack of vitamins, in which case the doctor will recommend a complex that will suit your pet.

Most often, cats with focal lesions are prescribed simple and effective vitamins, such as brewer's yeast. If all other vital signs of the animal are normal, then after two weeks you will notice a significant improvement in the condition of the hairline.

Shedding may be related to food change

The cat sheds heavily due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract or food-related allergies. Exclusion from the diet of certain foods, as well as the addition of vegetable fats, will help restore your pet's fur coat and return it to its usual shine and gloss.

How to reduce hair

There are several ways to reduce the amount of hair shedding. Here they are:


To maintain a healthy coat, you need to brush your pet regularly. For cats prone to hair rolling - Persian, Siberian - we recommend doing this daily with a special comb - furminator. Furminator allows you to significantly reduce shedding, prevent the formation of tangles, remove the undercoat gently without damaging the skin, outer hair and coat.

My cat

Washing a cat will not solve the problem of excessive shedding, but the use of special coat conditioners, for example, No Wool, will help restore damaged fur, eliminate dry skin, and relieve flaking.

You need to understand that washing and processing with a furminator solves only a consequence of the problem, but not its cause. For an accurate diagnosis, it is best to consult a veterinarian. Approaching the issue of excessive hair loss is complex and preferably under the supervision of a specialist.

Cat Shedding Video Review: An Interview with a Breeder and Grooming Expert on Cat Grooming

  • How to brush a cat?
  • What to do if the cat sheds heavily all year round?
  • Why do cats have more combs than humans?

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

The most popular pet is the cat. This soft and affectionate pet can not only cheer up and brighten up loneliness, but also relieve pain. If you watch their games, you can recharge with positive energy for the whole day. Also, the owners noticed that the purring of the cat has a calming and relaxing effect.

Of course, the pet must be healthy. Any violations in his body are reflected in the condition of the coat. There are situations when the cat sheds heavily. What to do? This question worries most owners. If the animal is healthy, then its coat is thick and shiny. However, if bald spots began to appear, then it is necessary to sound the alarm. In what situations can this indicate a serious illness, and in what situations is it enough to simply wait out the molting process? Let's figure it out.

What is a molt?

Every owner of a beautiful fluffy cat has experienced such a process as hair loss. In principle, there is nothing to worry about, since any animal that has a hairline periodically sheds. The process of changing wool should take place twice a year. Before preparing for winter, the light hairline is replaced by a denser and warmer one. This is necessary so that the animal can endure frost. Also, the molting process begins in early spring. At this time, the pet throws off its warm undercoat, replacing it with a lighter one. As a rule, the molting period itself lasts from 1 to 2 months.

In order to accelerate hair loss, you must use a special comb for cats. With its help, you can quickly comb out the remnants of the hairline. There are situations when the molting process is delayed. This can be observed in animals permanently residing indoors. Also at risk are those pets that do not receive proper care. Their molt can last up to 4 months.

Reasons for heavy shedding

To understand why an animal has abundant hair loss, it is necessary to understand the main reasons. These include:

Cat breeds

Before you get a cat, you need to learn in detail about the features of a particular breed. For example, proper hair care is necessary for British, Siberian, Persian pets. They are distinguished by a thick undercoat, which gives a lot of trouble to the owners. With such breeds, you need to be prepared for the fact that wool will accumulate in every corner of the room. If the owner is not happy with such prospects, then it is recommended to pay attention to the American Curl, sacred Burma, Somali or hangar. They are soft and fluffy, but they don't shed that much.

Those who like Siamese cat breeds do not have to worry about their hair remaining on upholstered furniture and other places. As a rule, these animals practically do not shed, as they do not have an undercoat.

Owners of such breeds as the Bombay, Egyptian Mau, Singaporean, Burmese and Bengal cats will not recognize problems with molting. Their hair does not fall out intensively, but, most importantly, in small quantities. And finally, we note that there are also breeds of cats that do not have hair at all.

If the cat sheds heavily, what should I do? In this situation, owners are advised to purchase a furminator. With it, you can easily and quickly cope with a thick undercoat during seasonal molting. It is also important, especially for representatives of fluffy breeds, to comb daily. Thanks to proper care, tangles will not form on the body of the animal.

If the shedding is abundant, you can use special conditioners and shampoos. With the right choice, they will moisturize the skin, restore hair follicles. Due to this, the coat becomes shiny and thick.

However, one caveat must be taken into account in this matter. With the help of cosmetics and a furminator, you can only eliminate the consequences of severe hair loss. But it is always necessary to look for the root cause that led to such problems. They are different, so if the molt lasts more than 2 months, you must definitely contact your veterinarian.

seasonal molt

Owners will face the first molt already at the age of 6 months of the pet. It is during this interval that the kitten changes its coat. You can even notice it by touch. Adult hairline is coarser. Also, after the first molt, the color changes to a more saturated one, and the pattern becomes pronounced.

A healthy animal molts twice a year: in winter and in spring. In order to get through this period faster, it is best to purchase a special comb for cats. According to the owners, with its help the undercoat is combed out very quickly. This is especially true for very fluffy breeds. They have an undercoat so thick that they can get rid of it all summer. Shedding in shorthair cats lasts from several weeks to 2 months.

Let's talk about nutrition

If a cat's hair climbs in tufts, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is its nutrition. Those owners who prefer to feed the pet with everything that they eat themselves cause irreparable harm to it. As a rule, food for people is seasoned with spices and salt. But they are the ones that cause food allergies, kidney and liver diseases in cats. A sick animal begins to lose its coat profusely, and also becomes very nervous.

You can choose the right nutrition only after consulting with a veterinarian. It is he who will help determine the products that cause allergies. In addition to prescribing a diet, a special vitamin complex will be recommended, which will not only help put six animals in order, but also improve their health.

Why does a cat shed a lot? This question is often asked by owners who have not yet had experience with animals. Already from the first days the kitten is accustomed to healthy food. In addition to special food, it is necessary to introduce vegetables, fruits and cottage cheese into the diet.

Domestic cat sheds heavily - what to do?

How to determine the cause of intense molting in a pet who does not leave the apartment? Most often, these animals do not feel the change of seasons. They can be affected by ambient temperature. This is especially noticeable in the winter season when the heating is on. Because of the dry air in the room, cats begin to shed their hair. In order to remedy this situation, it is necessary to use humidifiers. It is also recommended to choose vitamins for your pet. Only a veterinarian can help with this.

Let's talk about vitamins

Does your cat shed a lot? What to do, you don't know? You need to contact the veterinarian. Doctors will do an examination there. If they do not find any serious diseases, then in this situation a special vitamin complex will be recommended.

Many animals that are deficient in B vitamins begin to shed profusely. As a rule, in cats, B2 and B5 are responsible for the density of the hairline. If the latter is not enough, then in addition to intensive molting, dermatitis may occur. The pet is often in a nervous state. With a lack of B2, the animal may become completely bald in the region of the back, chest and eyes. His cornea becomes very cloudy, small cracks appear in the corners of his mouth. His body becomes very weak.

Vitamins for cats from hair loss are sold in tablets. Their composition may include not only elements of group B, but also iodine, biotin, seaweed extract, sulfur.

It is advisable not to limit yourself to only vitamins, it is better to purchase complexes that also include minerals.


In order to never encounter wool diseases in their pets, the owner must follow all the rules for caring for him. First of all, it is necessary to comb the animal daily. For this, special combs are sold. It is equally important to provide your pet with a balanced diet. It should include vegetables, meat and fish. In no case is it allowed to give food from the common table. It is also recommended not to increase portions on your own, as overeating can lead to hair loss and other diseases. If you follow all the rules, as well as introduce vitamins for cats from hair loss into the diet, then the molting process will take place quickly and almost imperceptibly for the owners.