What's on a guy's mind when he's about to propose. The best way to get a man to propose to you

The 21st century is the age of inconstancy, free relationships, lack of commitment. And the most relevant and painful topic in the circle of girls is “When will he propose to me?”.

Indeed, there is nothing worse than being in a dead relationship that has been dragging on for a long time and will not lead to anything.

It turns out that there are men with such characters and distinctive features who can date for 20 years and never propose. Someone like this course of things suits, but someone certainly wants to get married.

And, if you want a relationship that will lead to a wedding, then you need to understand your man if he is ready for a serious relationship.
How to do it? The following 10 suggested signs will help that a man will never propose.

10 signs your man will never propose to you

Negative thoughts about marriage

Once you start dating a guy, you need to find out his thoughts on getting married. In the meantime, while you dream of a dazzling and radiant wedding, a ring on your finger, the best romantic proposal ever made, and the perfect wedding dress, he may hate the very idea of ​​marriage.

How can you find out about it?
First, what are his thoughts on getting married? Does he like to go to weddings?
Does he talk about marriage as the end of life and wonder why people get married at all?

To find out, you need to listen to his thoughts on the institution of marriage. Does he have any phobias related to marriage, perhaps he believes that all marriages lead to divorce.

He is not permanent

This is another indication that he does not have a wedding in the near future.

When you notice that the guy you date is very considerate, very romantic some days, showing you his affection, like buying you flowers or asking you out on a romantic date, while other days he's just a brute and doesn't call you much days without any particular reason or explanation, then perhaps this is because he is indecisive and does not know what he wants from you.

You are not close to his friends and/or family

Dating a secretive guy who hasn't introduced you to his friends or family yet? This is an important sign that your boyfriend will never propose to you.
Dear girls, the truth is that he may be married and you are just a mistress.
Sure, you've met them a couple of times, but if he's considering you as a potential wife, he'll try to make sure his parents get to know you better than just some girl he's dating.
A very big sign that he will propose to you when he tries to make sure that his family knows you and accepts you as part of life, like him.

Short term plans

Another sign for girls with serious intentions who are waiting for an offer from their lover. The moment you think about your plans for the next week, you notice how your man becomes very joyful, but as soon as it comes to vacation together next year, he instantly starts to stutter, then gasp and mumble something like “Let's think more on that."

If he sees you as part of his future, he has no qualms about making plans, or at least thinking about them. Ladies should be aware that if a man becomes very confused and stressed when you are trying to make plans, then this may be a sign that he does not really see you in his future.

All talk and no action

Some girls may unconsciously date guys who avoid talking about the wedding, but what about those men who love to talk about the wedding, but also don't make marriage proposals?

Yes, indeed, there are such men, they can seriously discuss the wedding, you will tell him what you think about it, and he, in turn, as if he himself passionately wants to think about the future with you, but that's it.

And nothing else happens. If after a serious conversation with your boyfriend about the wedding, he is joyful and excited, but at the same time he:
1. Does not buy a ring,
2. Doesn't propose to you
3. When you bring up this topic, he finds 1000 excuses and reasons.

Dear girls, you need to think seriously about this. As long as his excuses sound like real reasons for not getting married, chances are he's just stalling until he's backed up against the wall and forced to make a decision.

Already a wife

Very often, psychologists warn girls who dream of a wedding never to perform marital duties for their men. Don't be a wife until he puts a ring on your ring finger and you get married.

This is one of the biggest reasons why you can find a relationship that lasts 10 years and suddenly breaks down. If you were together for how long in a civil marriage, that is, lived together, had sex, had a common budget, why would he marry you again?

You perform all the marital duties that he only dreamed of. He is happy with everything and just sees no reason to propose. For this case, the saying is suitable: “Why buy a cow if you have free milk?”.

Of course, there is no fixed relationship period after which couples should decide to get married or just start talking about it.

But according to relationship experts, 1.5-2 years is enough to make a decision. If you have been dating your young man for about 3 years, but there is no relationship development, then there is a high probability that this is not your other half.

He lives in the past

Some young people cannot let go of their past and move on with their lives. Girls should avoid them. Does your boyfriend often talk about his past or previous relationships?

Cases from the past, comparison, whatever, it doesn't matter. If your boyfriend reminisces about his "best years" in college, or something in the past that he can't let go of, that's a sign that he's not capable of living in the present, and an indicator of not being ready to start a new phase in life.

If you notice that your boyfriend does not live in the present, then in fact this means that he does not appreciate the fact that you are around and do not worry about your future.

financial instability

Another sign that a man is not going to propose to you anytime soon.
Stability means a lot to a man. That is why many men who are under 40 years old are not yet married. While talking about marriage, they start talking about investments, jobs, money, and more. Men want to be sure they can take care of you after marriage.

single friends

"Show me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are." Good confirmation of this proverb. Guys with single friends will have a hard time imagining married life.
If a man is always among happy bachelors, do you think he will want to change his life?

If all his friends are bachelors, he most likely will not want to change his lifestyle.
But to be fair, it's not about all guys.

He's bad at problem solving

If your boyfriend is not very good at solving problems, often prefers to run away from them, then he may not want to get married. You may have noticed that even the very idea of ​​discussing a wedding scares him.

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website collected 15 cases when the most exciting moment in the life of every lover went slightly according to a non-standard scenario.

  • My boyfriend proposed to me yesterday. It seems nothing unusual, but here's how he did it, you had to see. I’m sitting watching TV, the channel suddenly cuts off and a video appears where my boyfriend is wearing a Saw mask. Well, he begins to say: “Evgenia Alexandrovna, I want to play the same game with you. You will spend the rest of your life in chains. Chains of love, happiness, affection and a little madness. Do you agree?" And then he rode on a tricycle into the room and with a ring in his hands. Of course!
  • One summer, a young man and I got caught in heavy rain and ran into the nearest, as it turned out, a wedding shop. The rain was heavy and, it seems, for a long time, and having nothing to do, I decided to try on the wedding dress. The guy saw me in it, burst into tears and proposed. We met for only a month.
  • Today, after 4 years of a romantic relationship, I finally made my girlfriend a marriage proposal, in response to which I heard: “ Woah-woah-woah, boy, take it easy».
  • One day, something happened that fate did not prepare me for at all. I was sitting with my boyfriend in a small Chinese eatery, in which there is not even a toilet. But while eating, I suddenly felt sharply that I urgently needed to go there, because of which I stopped eating and began to fidget in every possible way in my chair. Referring to the pain in my stomach and the need to lie down, I persuaded the guy to go home. I practically coped with my mission, but right in front of the entrance I realized that I could no longer hold on and, for some reason, shouting loudly “It's time!”, I ran in despair into the nearest bushes and also suffered my Chinese fiasco with despair. This story ended with my boyfriend proposing to me the next day, because, according to him, now he knows too much about me to be just a guy.
  • Even though I work as an assistant director in a large company, at heart I am the most natural geek. I have to fly a lot for work. When the plane climbs, I entertain myself, and at the same time my fellow travelers who do not understand anything, by saying out loud the mysterious numbers from the television series “Lost”: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. A year ago, during the takeoff of the Moscow-Munich flight, in another while saying these numbers, I heard my neighbor muttering: "It's time for adventure!" I proposed to her.
  • My boyfriend just once told me: “Don’t plan anything for August, we have an event!” I did not plan. But I didn't understand anything either.
  • Last New Year, I wished that my boyfriend would propose to me. On the 12th stroke, I set fire to the note, threw it into the glass and drank it quickly, quickly. The guy, knowing that I was basically strange, did not pay attention to the fact that I was diligently chewing the ashes, took out the ring and knelt down on one knee ... I just screamed: “What, so fast ?!”
  • My young man to the question: “If we got married, what do you think, what kind of family would we have?” - answered me: "It's too early for us to talk about it, because we've only been dating for 3 months." I agreed with him, but inside I felt somehow sad.

    The next day I go to work, and suddenly a gypsy woman pesters me with an offer to tell fortunes. And the gypsy is somehow dumb, decorated, she looks like a transvestite. I try to get rid of her, but she does not lag behind. Then I say: “Yes, you know where to go! Otherwise I'll hit you." And she answers so calmly with a smile and a familiar voice: “Go, go. Just take your ring" and hands me a box with a ring: " We will have a happy family. Don't get bored."

  • I decided to propose to my beloved. We have been together for 7 years. We went to an expensive restaurant. At my request, the waiter hid the wedding ring in the cake. And what was my surprise when the girl, recognizing the ring, without thinking for a second, decided that the cook had lost it during cooking, and went to return it.
  • I was so tired of waiting for my boyfriend to propose marriage that I made it myself. He replied, "I'll think about it." The next day, on my way home, I saw a dozen tough guys on motorcycles driving down the street and suddenly stopped right next to me. One of them got down on one knee with a bouquet of roses and proposed to me. I told him: "Helmet at least take off." While my future husband was taking off his helmet, he dropped and lost his ring. Further, all passers-by watched a funny picture: a dozen brutal bikers, having abandoned their motorcycles, crawled along the sidewalk, carefully examining the asphalt. God, I love this asshole!
  • My husband proposed to me unexpectedly. He simply said with some unjustified confidence: “Think of a number from 1 to 1,000, I’ll guess - we’ll get married immediately!” And it was the biggest miracle in my life: he guessed the number. And yes, I'm very happy about it!
  • We were just riding with a friend on the subway, and I laughed at the fact that he didn’t shave, singing: “You have a beard, I’ll tell you yes.” And he jokingly began to ask a bunch of questions, to which I kept repeating "yes" in rhyme. And suddenly he made a serious face and ...: "Will you marry me?"
  • My dad arranged with the concierge from the hostel to call my mom and tell her that she was being evicted. And, when my mother in tears asked to settle this issue with housing, my father arrived by taxi with a bouquet, keys to a new apartment and a marriage proposal. Mom still does not know that it was a cunning plan.
  • My boyfriend wanted to ask for my hand in an unusual way. He made the rolls himself and put a ring in one of them. As a result, he mixed up which roll the ring was in and ate it himself.
  • And finally, the story that it is better to propose without friends:

Hello dear readers. Today I want to raise the topic of marriage, and in particular to talk about what to do to make a man propose. In such a situation, you can act recklessly and break firewood, which in the end can lead to separation.

Why yes why

First, let's talk about why you need it. More than half of the fair sex dreams of getting married. One is laid in childhood that one can become happy only after marriage. Others believe in the value of the family and want to create their own reliable and strong unit of society.

Why marriage is for you? Just to start a family and tick the box. Or maybe all your friends are already married, but you are still not. Another option - parents force. Or you have a feeling inside that if you don’t find a husband for yourself, then life has failed.

The most appropriate answer to the question why do you need a wedding - I love this person and want to live with him all my life. Everything else is just a farce and a game. Believe me, when you find the right person, the issue of marriage will be resolved by itself, and you will not have to think of ways to drag a man to the registry office. Whether this will happen soon I cannot say. All in your hands.

When you figure out the reason for your idea of ​​getting married, you will understand how to behave and what to do.

I believe that a happy and harmonious relationship does not require any manipulation from both partners. When a girl thinks about how I can get him to propose, then something is going wrong.

Can I propose myself? Of course. Today's world has changed the attitude towards women so much that you have the right to make an offer yourself. When you feel that the moment has come, but for some reason your partner does not take the next step, you can absolutely calmly take it first.

To begin with, I would suggest that you talk to your beloved man and find out his attitude to family life. Perhaps you have a completely different opinion. Without this conversation, it is difficult to understand what to do next, how your relationship will develop, what you can expect in the future.

Time frame

How long does it take for a man to propose to his lover? There is no answer to this question. Each couple comes to this at different times. I have two familiar couples with completely opposite situations. In the first case, the guys have been living together for more than ten years and do not even think about the wedding. Everything suits them and they are happy. And in the second case, the guys came together two months after they met, and six months later they got married.

There is no definite answer to this question. Everyone decides for himself when the moment of a new stage of relations should happen. But what I can say for sure is that the time of your joint residence must pass. If you do not know what kind of person is in everyday life, then it may be very difficult for you later. The couple should just live together, try, work out, let's say so.

How to understand that your lover is going to propose? Perhaps he began to talk more about family relationships? Or you found a check from a jewelry store, or maybe his friend blabbed. If you know your partner well, then you will definitely feel it. Men are more direct than women. He will pick up the right moment and make you an offer. He won't play hide and seek or anything.

Various options

There are various ways to bring a man down the aisle. If you believe in otherworldly things, then magic and conspiracies are open to you. Be mindful of the consequences. Nothing just happens. When you purchase something in this way, you must pay. And I'm not talking about the money that you will give for the session. Be very careful, or better yet, don't get involved in such things at all. The price may be too high.

In addition, you can play openly and simply issue an ultimatum. Like, either get married, or we disperse. In this case, always remember that the situation can turn against you, and the young man will choose the option to disperse. When you do this, consider all possible outcomes. If you are already going to an ultimatum, then it must be done in such a way that you win in any decision.

How to gently push a man to a decision? Remember that the male sex does not understand hints well. They do not play clues, reading between the lines and so on. They are more accustomed to directness. Therefore, the most effective way will be a conversation. Without pressure and coercion, without quarrels and scandals. Quiet and calm conversation about your joint happy future.

You Can't Be Prepared for Everything

The first thing you should be prepared for is that the young man will propose and then change his mind. If you are playing the game "drag a man to the registry office", then you need to be ready for this first of all. After all, when a person does something against his will, there is a high probability that sooner or later he will become aware of everything that is happening.

When you are forced to do something, how do you feel? With what emotions do you carry out this task, which did not come from you at all? Things are not done under pressure. Can you live happily and know that the man you love proposed not because he wanted to, but because you forced him?

In the world of technology, one must be prepared for the fact that the faithful can make an offer via SMS. There is nothing criminal in this. If you have any preferences on the topic of the proposal, it is best to express them directly to your man.

Remember that men do not have a third eye and cannot guess what you want. Women want their beloved to surprise them, to do what they want, to please them. And the surest thing to do is to tell him what you want.

I hope you are happy with your lover. If you found interesting thoughts for yourself in my article, then be sure to share with others on social networks.

Happy future!

This is the long-awaited moment: he proposed marriage! But soon the euphoria and delight from what happened is replaced by a slight panic and a bunch of questions: where to start preparing for the wedding? What do you need for a wedding? How not to forget anything?

This article provides an analysis of the Rostov wedding services market, and it will help you plan all your wedding chores.

But back to the beginning. Thinking about where to start preparing for the wedding should be immediately after the proposal, but do not panic and do not try to solve everything at once! It is better to do everything gradually, then you will not miss any small but important details.

First of all, you need to decide What kind of wedding do you want? in a narrow circle of friends or a grand event with a huge number of guests; a chic event or a quiet cozy evening; outdoors or in a restaurant; classic wedding or stylized. This is perhaps one of the most important questions in preparation, because all subsequent steps will depend on the answer to it.

Next, we decide on the date. remember, that wedding season- this is April - October, and the most peak occurs in April, August and September. If there are no circumstances that determine the date of the wedding, then everything depends on the preferences of the bride and groom. They do not submit an application to the registry office immediately after the decision of the newlyweds. You need to call the selected registry office (the choice depends only on your preferences, and not on the place of registration) and find out when the acceptance of applications will begin on the scheduled date, in Rostov this period is 1.5 months. The registry office of the Kirov region enjoys the greatest popularity, in another way it is called the central one, it is located on Universitetsky Lane. The registry office on 1st Mayskaya street in the proletarian district is also quite famous - very cozy and beautiful. Great option - outside registration , it is very beautiful and romantic. BUT in Russia, this type of registration is still fictitious, so register in advance at the registry office. In parallel with the application, it is worth deciding on a honeymoon trip: will it be in Russia or abroad. If you are planning a vacation abroad, then start preparing the necessary documents: international passports, visas.

Choice photographer- a very important moment. After all, it is he who “forms” memories that will remain for many years. If your wedding is planned for the seasonal months: April, August, September, then you should choose a photographer about 6-8 months in advance! That is, if you are planning a wedding in April, then start searching for a photographer in October; for the August wedding - in January. The rest of the time, take care of this choice for a couple of months. When choosing a photo studio, pay attention to whether a contract for shooting is concluded or not - it’s better not to take risks and not worry that the photographer may “disappear” before such a responsible day. It is also desirable that the deadlines for the execution of the order be prescribed, since many do not receive long-awaited photos for 3 months, or even more. In large good photo studios that care about clients, you can immediately order the services of a makeup artist and view his work. Book a pre-wedding photo session to get to know the photographer better and not feel embarrassed at the wedding. If you want to capture a wedding celebration on a video camera, then with a choice operator it is worth deciding from 2 to 6 months, also depending on the season.

Search leading for a wedding, you should start about half a year before the celebration. Find exactly the person who will feel the atmosphere of your holiday. In Rostov, the hosts are ordered 5 months in advance during the season. But it happens even in a week if the celebration is canceled, but it’s better not to risk it, otherwise you will have to invite an “incendiary” toastmaster of advanced age with an accordion to your wedding.

Musicians a wedding celebration is “booked” on average 2-3 months in advance. But if this is a popular group, then the terms increase. For example, it is necessary to agree with the French group 4 months in advance.

Now you have already decided on the date, photographer, style, musicians - let's move on to choosing restaurant for the ceremonial part of the evening. In Rostov, the choice of a restaurant should be made at least 2-3 months in advance during the season. But popular banquet halls, for example, in Old House or Don Plaza, must be booked 3 months in advance in winter, and 4-5 in advance for popular dates.

Every girl from childhood imagined her own Wedding Dress. So it's time to decide on the style and start looking for that very perfect dress. If you can't find anything suitable in stores, don't worry! In Rostov, a wedding dress is sewn from 3 weeks. But of course, it is better to take care of him for a few months. But you will definitely not see this on anyone else, and it will be exactly like in your dreams.

2 months before the appointed date, decide the following questions: order or buy invitations; in advance, so that it comes out cheaper and more beautiful, that is, you do not have to order express delivery of out-of-season and exotic flowers. Order the bride's bouquet matching jewelry and accessories. pick up hairdresser and makeup artist if you haven't done it before; book car . Decide on hall decoration: if you want to decorate it flowers, then in such Rostov salons as Floridence it is worth discussing all the little things

Wedding cake order 2-4 weeks in advance, in Rostov there is a huge selection of pastry shops where you can pick up the perfect cake: Pancho, Vanilla and others. Devote the whole last month to trifles, keep everything under control! A week before the celebration, call the photographer, the restaurant, the confectionery - make sure that all agreements remain valid and stop worrying! But if you have negotiated with reliable and high-class firms, then they will call you on their own. Now, with peace of mind, go to the spa, get a manicure and relax. Gather your friends hen-party, have fun!

And now the long-awaited solemn moment has come: the wedding! We hope this article will help you plan your wedding preparations and everything will go smoothly! Happiness in family life!

Market analysis was carried out by Anastasia Koshaeva, marketer of the photo studio "Your History"

My wedding is scheduled for...

April, August, September

January, February, March, May, June, July, October, November, December


6-8 months

2-3 months


4-6 months

2-3 months

5 months

1-2 months


2-3 months


3-4 months

2-3 months


Submitting an application to the registry office

1.5 months

1.5 months

dress tailoring

1.5 months

The wedding cake

Looking at your married friends, have you bought a ring and are you ready to offer your hand, heart and kidney to your beloved? Stop and think!

Everyone around suddenly decided to get married and have children. Your social networks are full of wedding photos of happy newlyweds, and every day it becomes more and more difficult for you to find a friend who could go to football with you: after all, they are all at home with their wives, and they suddenly have no time for football. Yes, and parents add fuel to the fire! Everyone asks when the grandchildren will be, and they sigh sadly, they say, “Oh, I wish I could live to see your wedding, son!”

And so, one fine (or not so) morning you wake up with thoughts that time is ticking, the clock is ticking ... in short, it's time to get married. So should you propose to your girlfriend right now? There are five good reasons to delay.


1. It's expensive. Expensive is not so much the proposal itself, but its consequences. If you have no idea how much a medium-sized wedding costs now, I have bad news for you: it costs a lot! Do not propose until you have at least half of the required amount. After all, the engagement for most girls means "soon we will become husband and wife." And waiting after the offer for another three years until the amount needed is accumulated is not very pleasant. Of course, questions are removed if both of you have discussed more than once that you don’t want a wedding at all, but are ready to just come to the registry office and put stamps. In this case, the costs will be affordable.

2. You had a fight. If you are going to make an offer, approach this issue responsibly. Almost every girl dreams that a marriage proposal is not a casual question, but something ultra-romantic and touching. So asking a cherished question to a girl with whom you are in a quarrel is definitely not the best idea. She may perceive this not as your sincere desire, but as a desperate step towards reconciliation.


3. Your girlfriend told you several times that she doesn't want to get married. Not for you, but in general. She is against the stamp in her passport, she does not even want to think about children in the next n years, and in general she is happy to be at the stage of the relationship where you are now. By proposing to her, you will put her in a terrible situation. She will either have to step over herself and agree to marriage, or cold-bloodedly refuse, breaking your heart. It is much easier to find out once again with soft, distant conversations in advance whether she would ever want to get married in principle. Find out when she is ready for it and why she does not want marriage now, and solve these problems.

4. You have even the slightest doubts about your happy future together. If you haven’t walked up yet and are guided by the rule “come on, then I’ll get a divorce, if anything” - just don’t get married. I don't care that everyone is getting married and having kids. If you are not 100% sure of your partner, you should just admit that perhaps this is not your man at all. In the meantime, the wind is walking in your head, you yourself are not ready for a serious relationship and you will not be happy in them. Don't do something you'll regret later.


5. You didn't have time to live together. Yes, yes, yes, before sex was only after the wedding, and in some countries even today the bride sees the groom for the first time after their engagement - and they all lived and live happily. But in our realities, living with each other before marriage is very important. No matter how strong your relationship may seem, they can break into the harsh reality in the form of socks scattered around the house, a toilet seat not lowered, and burnt cutlets with salted pasta. You will have time to go to the registry office, but for now, look at each other in conditions of total everyday life. Alas, you can learn a lot of unpleasant details about each other.