For all and about everything. Check yourself with the intelligence. Mysteries on the intelligence husband killed his wife he went to confess the mystery

Do you like riddles and detectives? Then these puzzles for you. You need to possess a good smelling to solve these criminal riddles. Can you find a killer or catch a criminal?Check yourself how quickly you can reveal these crimes.

Correct answers you will find at the very end of the article.

1. Ice tea

Two girls have lunch. Both ordered ice tea.

One girl drank tea very quickly and was able to drink 5 cups for the time that the other took place to drink only one cup. The girl who drank one cup, died, and the other survived. All drinks were poisoned.

How was able to survive the girl who drank the most tea?

2. Cassette

The man was found dead with a cassette tape recorder in one hand and a gun in another. When the police arrived, they immediately pressed the cassette playback button.

On the records they heard: "I have no reason to live anymore. I can't so much." And then the sound of a shot.

Listening to the cassette, the police knew that it was not suicide, but murder. How did they know?

3. Rich

The man was found killed on Sunday in the morning. His wife called the police that interrogated his wife and everyone who was in the house.

They gave the following Alibi: the wife says she slept, the butler cleaned up in Chulana, the gardener collected vegetables, the maid received the mail, and the cook prepared breakfast.

Police immediately arrested the killer. howi learned the police, and who is the killer?

4. Burgleful costume

Outdoor Frimont occurred a crime. The main suspect is a man named Sean Baker.

It is known that a man went on the road when he suddenly fired into the stomach. Suspected brown hair, blue eyes and he was in a baggy costume from Armani, as well as Shane Baker. Sean asked to tell the story from the beginning.

"So," said Sean. "I just walked in the park when I saw this man passing along the road. Suddenly, the guy appeared behind him and fired at him. I ran home as quickly as possible. "

Police asked him to describe the killer. "He had red mustache, red hair and a baggy costume from Armani."

"I think this man is lying," said the policeman. How did he find out?

5. Machine, knife and wife

A man killed knife your wife in the car. Near anyone was not to see it.

He threw it out of the car, making sure that he did not leave the fingerprints on her body. Then he threw the knife from the cliff in the ravine, where no one would find him and left home.

An hour later, the police called him and said that his wife was killed, and he needs to immediately appear in the crime scene.

As soon as he arrived, he was immediately arrested. How did they find out what happened?

6. Coin

Dead body was found below W. multi-storey house. Seeing the position of the body, it became clear that the man jumped from one of the floors by committing suicide. To investigate the case caused a detective.

He approached the first floor and went into the room, which was located in the direction where the body was found.

He opened the window and threw a coindown . Then he went to the second floor and repeated the same thing. He did it until she reached the last floor.

Then he went down and said that this is a murder, not suicide. How did he come to this conclusion?

7. Funeral

The daughter was at the funeral of the mother when she met a man.

She liked the man And she wanted to meet him. While she walked, she realized that he did not know the name nor the phone number of a man.

Later, when she returned to find him, but he was already gone.

A week later she killed her elder brother to find a man. Why?

8. Life in the cottage.

A rich man lives alone in a small cottage. Since it is partially disabled, everyone is brought to the cottage.

The postman brought him a letter on Thursday, when he noticed that the door was ajar. Through the gap, he saw the body of a man lying in dried blood. Police arrived and examined the place.

On the threshold was Two bottles with warm milk, newspaper for Monday, catalog, leaflets and unread mail.

Police suspected an intentional murder. Who are they suspected and why?

9. Court

The man was accused of murdering his wife, but her body was not found. In court, his lawyer states that she just disappeared, and enter the courtroom in 30 seconds.

A man looks at the jury, while they look at the door, waiting for it to enter.

A minute later, the lawyer says: "If you were 100% right in that he killed his wife, you would not look at the door."

Why did the jury ever remove the conviction?

10. Murder in the car

The man was shot in the car.

There are no traces of gunpowder on his clothes, which indicates that the shooting was not in the car.

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The usual tests on IQ are familiar to everyone, where, responding (or not responding) for 40 questions, you can find out your level of intelligence. However, there is another way to find out what your mind is actually capable of.

website I picked up for you a few detective mysteries, which can be solved by anyone.

Task number 1. Escape

Jack was put in jail with an earthy floor and one window, located so highly that it cannot reach him. There was nothing in the cell except shovel. In prison, it is very dry and hot, but neither water, no food Jack will receive, so he has only 2 days to escape, otherwise he will perish.

How to escape from prison, if the option with a subcarrine does not fit, since his digit will take much more than 2 days?

Task number 2. Kidnapped necklace

Mrs. Smith appealed to the police with a statement that she had an old necklace. When the police arrived at the place, they saw that neither the door, nor on the windows there were no traces of hacking, and only one window was broken. Inside the house reigned a full confusion, and the whole carpet was in dirty traces.

The next day, Mrs. Smith arrested for fraud. Why?

Task number 3. Murder at school

On the first day of the school year, on the last change in one of the classes, the body of a geography teacher was found. The police had 4 suspects: a gardener, a teacher of mathematics, physical education teacher and school principal. They all told where they were during the murder:

  • The gardener satched the bushes in the backyard.
  • The mathematics teacher conducted a final semi-annual test.
  • Physical education teacher played basketball with students.
  • The director spent the whole day in his office.

Immediately after that, the police arrested a criminal. Who killed the geography teacher and how did the police calculate the killer?

Task number 4. Lonely man

On the outskirts of the city lived a lonely elderly man who never went away from home. In the midst of the summer, a postman came to his house in one of the Fridays and called the owner, but he did not answer. He looked out the window and saw him lying on the floor in a puddle of blood. The postman called the policeman who found two bottles of warm milk near the house, one with a cold and daily newspaper for Tuesday.

The next day, the police arrested the killer. How did the police calculate the criminal so quickly?

Task number 5. Two tablets

The serial killer kidnapped people and forced them to take 1 out of 2 tablets: the first did not harm, and the second instantly killed. The remaining tablet killer always took himself. The stolen swallowed the chosen tablet, drove water and immediately died, and the killer always had a harmless pill.

Why did the murderer never got a pill with poison?

Task number 6. Frozen windows

One frosty winter day, John found his friend Jack Dead in a living room of his own house. John immediately called the police and to a police question about how he found the body, he replied that she walked past and decided to go to the Jack.

According to him, he stopped and called the door for a long time, but he did not open a friend, although it was clear through the frozen window that the light burns in the house. Then John raised on the frozen window glass to melt the ice. When he looked into the room, I saw that Jack lies on the floor.

The policeman immediately arrested John on suspicion of murder. Why?

Task number 7. Middle Chemist

The famous chemist scientist was found killed in his own laboratory. There were no evidence in the room, with the exception of a piece of paper next to the body, on which several chemical elements were listed. The investigator found out that 3 people came to the laboratory for death: his wife Mary, nephew of Nicholas and a friend Jonathan.

The investigator immediately arrested the suspect in murder. How did he succeed?

Task number 1. Decision

With the help of a shovel, Jack need to make an earthen mountain under the window, get up on it and get out of prison.

Task number 2. Decision

The policemen understood that Mrs. Smith deceives them: the glass in the house could be broken only from the inside, because if it was broken outside, the fragments would lie on the floor of the room.

Task number 3. Solution

Teachers of Geography killed a teacher of mathematics. According to him, he spent semi-annual testing, but the crime happened on the first academic day of the year.

Task number 4. Decision

Obviously, the killer is a spacing newspapers. Only he could know that on Thursday and the newspaper Wednesday will already be able to read.

Task number 5. Decision

Both tablets were absolutely harmless, and the poison was in a glass with water intended for the victim.

Task number 6. Decision

John could not melt the ice crust on the glass outside the house, because it appears only on the inside of the window.

Task number 7. Decision

The tip was on the piece of paper lying next to the victim. If you fold the letters denoting the chemical elements, then the name of Nicholas on the Latinite: Ni-C-O-La-S.

Bloody drama on the road, chase to the criminal and recognition of the killer. What happened on the track Rostov - Taganrog - now the former policeman told the investigators. A man who shot his wife and hardly wounded her father, confessed how she was preparing for violence and why he picked up a gun.

As the investigators later find out at the interrogation, Major Police Sergey Kadatsky was not divorced with his wife, which he shot the day before. On the personnel of amateur shooting - the father-wounded, it can be seen - a man is difficult to speak, but he managed to tell who committed this crime.

At the interrogation, Kadatsky admitted to everyone and told that Karaulil relatives on the Rostov track was Taganrog. Knowing that the spouse and her father will pass here, the suspect waited for their appearance, pulled out a hunting gun and shot a passing car several times.

"After the car in which the victims were, stopped, Kadatsky made a few more shots from the traumatic pistol. Subsequently, he disappeared from the crime scene by throwing the weapon, "said Sumy SCR leader in the Rostov Region Galina Gagalaeva,

At least five sleeves were found at the scene. The man expiring the "ambulance" by blood. Doctors continue to fight for his life, so no forecasts, it is still in resuscitation.

"The ambulance brigade delivered a patient with gunshot wounds in extremely serious condition," Levon Izayan said the head physician of the CRH.

Everything happened on the eve of the evening on the busy track. Father, a former prosecutor, drove his daughter home, who worked as a notary. According to unconfirmed data, at the time of the crime on Kadatski was a police form. But when it was detained, the offender was already in civilian clothes, perhaps managed to change himself.

In the investigative committee, the official cause of what happened, which turned out during the interrogation: for several months, the spouses quarreled on household soil, and as a result they began to live separately. This prompted the former policeman, he said, to make a crime.

He was detained by police officers in just a couple of hours after what happened. They, according to eyewitnesses, had to provoke an accident: on the service car, the operatives specifically cut the Kadatsky car. As soon as he managed to grab, he was immediately handcuffed. At the same time, the only thing that was interested in the detainee is the fate of his car.

It is known that up to this point, Sergey Kadatsky was an employee of the rear division of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Rostov region.

"A police officer suspected of committing a grave crime is dismissed from the internal affairs bodies for negative reasons. After the service check, his direct direct managers will be brought to disciplinary responsibility, "the head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Rostov region said Natalia Ustimenko.

In relation to Kadatsky, a criminal case has already been initiated under the article "Murder". The investigation is going to send a petition to the election of preventive measures in the form of detention.

Incredible facts

Do you like riddles and detectives? Then these puzzles for you.

You need to possess a good smelling to solve these criminal riddles.

Can you find a killer or catch a criminal?

Check yourself how quickly you can reveal these crimes.

Answers you will find at the very end of the article.

Riddles about murder

1. Ice tea

Two girls have lunch. Both ordered ice tea.

One girl drank tea very quickly and was able to drink 5 cups for the time that the other took place to drink only one cup.

The girl who drank one cup, died, and the other survived. All drinks were poisoned.

How was able to survive the girl who drank the most tea?

2. Cassette

The man was found dead with a cassette tape recorder in one hand and a gun in another. When the police arrived, they immediately pressed the cassette playback button.

On the records they heard: "I have no reason to live anymore. I can't so much." And then the sound of a shot.

Listening to the cassette, the police knew that it was not suicide, but murder. How did they know?

Criminal riddles

5. Machine, knife and wife

A man killed knife your wife in the car. Near anyone was not to see it.

He threw it out of the car, making sure that he did not leave the fingerprints on her body. Then he threw the knife from the cliff in the ravine, where no one would find him and left home.

An hour later, the police called him and said that his wife was killed, and he needs immediatelyb smiling crime.

As soon as he arrived, he was immediately arrested. How did they find out what happened?

See also:The most terrible serial killers of the 20th century

6. Coin

Dead body was found below W. multi-storey house. Seeing the position of the body, it became clear that the man jumped from one of the floors by committing suicide. To investigate the case caused a detective.

He approached the first floor and went into the room, which was located in the direction where the body was found.

He opened the window and threw a coindown . Then he went to the second floor and repeated the same thing. He did it until she reached the last floor.

Then he went down and said that this is a murder, not suicide. How did he come to this conclusion?

9. Court

The man was accused of murdering his wife, but her body was not found. In court, his lawyer states that she just disappeared, and enter the courtroom in 30 seconds.

In order to have fun with friends, you can play "Best" - stories with answers. In this article you will find the best riddles and detailed answers to them.

Rules of the game

The game "Danut" with the answers is similar to the breakdown of the riddles. The host reads part of the story, and the task of the participants is to ask questions, find a response or find out the attack of the situation. Questions should assume only the answers "Yes", "No". If the participants went on a false path, the answer is "not essential".


In order to better understand the essence of the game, we give an example. "Functions" with answers, complex and simple, usually suggest some kind of catch.

Question: Pilot jumped out of the aircraft, but did not crash.

He achieved the earth?

He jumped with a parachute?

Plane flew?

Pilot jumped out of the aircraft standing on the runway?

Short "Functions"

"Functions" with answers complex may assume a short question and the same short answer, but it will not be easy to guess it.

This man was not known to anyone, but became famous after violated the instructions.

Answer: Icar.

This person did not violate the instructions, but died.

Answer: Stuttering parachutist could not count to three.

The stronger you beat it at the right place, the better it will perform its function.

Answer: nail.

Zoomagazine seller told the buyer that the bird belongs to rarely and repeats everything that heard. After two weeks, the woman returned the bird, because she did not say a word. The seller was not lied.

Answer: Bird is deaf.

Detective "Functions"

Detective "Denets" with answers are a special genre in the game. He is very close to the popular dinner today with the murder and living quest. Players have to reveal a cunning crime.

Murder was committed. The judge studied all the evidence and found the guilty. However, when making a decision, he stated that he could not be imprisoned in an innocent person prison, and made an acquittal decision. Why did he do that?

Answer: A killer was one of the Siamese twins.

Want to play "Functions"? Detective stories with answers may be difficult for beginners.

The man was found shown in his own office. He lay on the table, in one hand was a revolver, next to another lay old voice recorder. The police included the cassette and heard "I don't want to live anymore," and then the sound of a shot. Law enforcement workers immediately understood that it was a murder. Why?

Answer: The cassette was standing at the beginning of the record and kept the sound of a shot, and the deceased could not rewind it.

For the first games, the "Danque" is suitable with answers about poisoning. The girl came to the party, drank a little punch, went early. Then she found out that all parties who drank Punches were poisoned. Why did the girl stayed alive?

Answer. The ice was poisoned, which was put in Punch. The girl was drinking Punch when the ice had not melted yet, and then gone. They poisoned those who drank him later, after the ice melted.

Very interesting "Danque" with answers to murder outdoors. The man was quietly walking down the street, suddenly suddenly pounced on a woman passing past and strangled it. He visited the police, but he was released. Why?

Answer: The woman was his wife. A few years ago, she stated her death so that accused her husband. He was condemned for the murder, he was already served in prison. And for the same murder can not condemn twice.

Scary "Best"

"DANTEKI" - detective stories with answers - can rinse in nerves.

Parents forbade a little girl to tear the door of the attic, otherwise she will see what it is forbidden to see her. Once she disobeyed, opened the door and did see what had never seen. What was it?

Answer: The girl saw the living room and the garden outside the windows. She never saw it, because he spent his whole life in the attic.

The man woke up, lit a match and died from what was so frightened?

Answer: a man was sitting in prison and made up a shoot plan. It was easier to escape, hiding in a coffin with the deceased. He paid a person who was engaged in a funeral so that he would help escape the prisoner. The plan was as follows: When someone dies, the prisoner will break at night to the coffin, hide in it next to the deceased and they bury it into the ground. And the tutor will come and dips it. Having learned that the funeral will soon be in prison, prisonered under the cover of the night hidden in the coffin and fell asleep. He woke up underground. He lit a match and saw the face of the dead man. It was a man who was supposed to spread it.

The man found a casket in the attic, looked at her and died of fright. What scared him?

Answer: The man found a casket in the cache of his wife, in which 4 under each of them were recorded the name and date of death. All these men were former husbands of his newly made spouse and died shortly after the wedding. Men also had

Mysterious "Functions"

A man got up at night to drink water. He turned off everywhere light and went to bed. In the morning he got up, looked out of the window and shouted. After that, committed suicide. Why?

Answer: The man worked as a caretaker. In mistake, he turned off the light on the lighthouse at night, because of which several ships crashed about reefs. In the morning he saw that she had done.

Man was driving by train from Switzerland. If he was in a non-smoking car, he would die. Explain the situation.

Answer: Man drove after a complex operation in front of his eyes. When the train went to the tunnel, he thought that she was blind, and was going to shoot. He had already taken out the revolver when I saw a light of cigarettes.

Note in the newspaper: "Tragic death in the mountains." The photo shows a married couple, the article brings condolences to the spouse of the victim. A person came to the police, said some data, her husband was accused of murder. Who was this man and what did he say?

Answer. The tourist agent came to the police and said that the husband bought two tickets to the mountains and only one opposite.

Anonymous called the police and said that they should ask how John C. When the outfit came to him home, he discovered the owner's corpse with grave injuries, but the apartment was in order, the trace of hacking was not discovered. What happened to John K. and who called the police?

Answer: The driver of the truck knocked down at night, according to the documents I learned his address and took the home. After which I called the police.

"Functions" on logic

The "Dentut" with the answers can be enough enough, but most often the riddles are logical.

Man walked along an unfamiliar road. At the crossroad, he discovered that the pillar with the signs fell. He put him in place and went on the desired road. How did he manage to understand how to install pointers correctly?

Answer: Man knew what city he came out. Accordingly, by installing a pillar so that the desired pointer show on its city, he gave the right position and everything else.

The inspector came to check school. He noticed that when the teacher asked the question class, then all the students raised her hand, no matter how difficult he was. The teacher chose new students every time, and they all gave the right answers. The inspector understood that there was some kind of trick. What?

Answer: Teacher said that when he asks a question, then the hand should be lifted. But those who know the answer to the question raise the left hand, and who does not know - right.

Do you like "Functions" with answers, funny stories? This mystery is one of the best. Exam in a military school. One of the students took a ticket and began to prepare for the answer, but after a few minutes it comes to the teacher, not a word, not saying, gives it a donkey and leaves an excellent evaluation exam. What is the reason for this act?

Answer: The teacher's exam pounded the handle on the table and gave a message that anyone could come now and get an assessment.

A very punctual man who suffers deafness, strictly adhered to the schedule. Every morning he came out of the house at 7:45 to go on a small half-hour walk. At the same time, he crossed the railway tracks. The first train on them was only at 9:00. But one day, deaf was shot down by train during his walk. What changed?

Answer: This night time was translated into summer. The man did not translate his clock, left the house an hour later and crossed the move from 8:00 am at 9:00.

Funny "Functions"

"Bestca" with answers are ridiculous usually do not assume killings or some terrible stories, you can play with children.

In the house for three days the light is burning all day. Why?

Answer: The wife was in the departure for a long time, and the husband twisted the counter for electricity before her return, it was at the evenings at home.

During the day, the whole salt was repaid in the city. The cadets of the local Military Academy are to blame. Why?

Answer: The cadets got the task to remove the snow. They decided to do it with salt, went to the store and bought 10 buckets each. The pensioners saw that the military was in stock with salt and staged a panic among the population.

The man was just in rage, when he found that without a hearing aid hears better than with him. He went to complain to his doctor, who prescribed the device, but the Medic, hearing the patient, came to an even greater rage. Why?

Answer: The patient wore hearing apparatus on a healthy ear.