How to call a hand drawing lesson. Non-traditional drawing technique "Drawing with palms

Artistic creativity for children of primary school age

Non-traditional drawing "Magic hands"

Soldatova Elena Ivanovna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 1, Novouzensk, Saratov region
Material Description: The material will be of interest to educators, primary school teachers for conducting lessons in fine arts with students in grades 1-2, in extracurricular activities.
Target: demonstration of the teacher's experience in an unconventional way of drawing with the help of palms.
- continue to get acquainted with the techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques
- develop children's imagination, fantasy
- cultivate perseverance, accuracy, interest in fine arts.

"The mind of a child is at your fingertips" V.A. Sukhomlins cue
One of the most interesting and fascinating non-traditional ways of drawing is painting with the palms of your hands.
Palms are the very first tools with which children can create bright and original images. This very exciting activity will help the children discover a new and magical world of artistic creativity. After all, by drawing with their small hands, young artists develop imagination and thinking. And when the child circles the palm, he acts with both hands, which perfectly develops coordination. Like any visual activity, hand drawing contributes to aesthetic education, enhances speech activity, develops fantasy, spatial and figurative thinking.
Drawing with palms is one of the most favorite activities for kids. It gives the joy of creativity, captivates and surprises. There is something intriguing, mysterious, alluring in painting with palms. All the resulting figures from the palms are not only bright, but also very personal, since the palm belongs to the child personally and to no one else.
Creating such drawings is a very fun and exciting game for children. In the process of creation, the child improves, remembering the details, features, develops his imagination, finger motor skills, and most importantly, he forms an idea about the world around him.
“Everything in this world has beauty. But not every eye is able to see it, ”says Chinese wisdom. Drawing with the help of palms will allow the child to develop a subtle sense of beauty. After all, all children have a vivid imagination and a desire to fantasize, and with the help of a single palm, you can get a huge number of various prints, and by supplementing them with your own imagination, turn them into real masterpieces. Children's palms hide a lot of mysterious mysterious images, characters.
You can draw wonderfully with your palms, leaving prints on paper or drawing a circled palm to some kind of image. To create with the help of palms, you do not need to be able to draw at all, you only need imagination and a good mood.
Ideas for hand drawings.

And you can make applications. To do this, just put your palm on colored or white paper, circle it and cut out the resulting pattern. Or make a lot of handprints and cut them out. And then we connect the fantasy!

Children from the palms
sun folded,
To by all means
people were all friends
To this sun
shining for the people
At every window
ran to visit.

The palm is the first and most convenient tool with which a child can begin his artistic work.

Elk. On the landscape sheet, circle the child's leg, cut it out. Circle the right and left arms of the child, paint with brown paint, cut out. Glue the handles to the heel - you get horns. On the muzzle draw eyes, nose, mouth. It turned out to be a cute moose.

Flower. Draw the middle of the flower and make prints with your palms in a circle - these are the petals.

Sun. Place the palm in the corner of the sheet, spread the fingers wider, you get the sun with rays directed downwards.

Cockerel. The palm is outlined, we connect below, draw the legs. The thumb is a beak, four fingers are a comb. On the palm - an eye. You can paint each finger in a different color, like multi-colored feathers. Be sure to feed the cockerel, so let's draw dots - grains.

Tree. On paper, draw a tree (trunk and branches), and palms - leaves. In summer they are green, in autumn they are yellow and red.

Octopus. Circle your palm on a sheet of paper with your fingers down. Rounding the palm is the head of an octopus. Draw eyes, nose, mouth - it turns out very nice!

Elephant. Print the palm down with your fingers and stick out the thumb (this is the trunk), finish the ear, eyes and tusks, the tail too, that's it!

If you connect two palms, you can depict a butterfly or a bird. Also, circling the palms, you can make an application from pieces of colored plain paper or from a magazine. And the child himself fantasizes, choosing colors.

cloud. Squeeze your palm into a fist and circle it, you get a cloud. Draw raindrops, and the cloud will turn into a cloud.

Bunny. We circle the palm and cut it out. Then we bend the big, nameless and little fingers. turns out to be a bunny. Draw eyes, mouth, nose.

Crocodile. Cut out the hand. We bend the nameless and little fingers. the thumb is the eye, and the index and middle fingers are the mouth. If there are curly scissors, you can cut this palm with such scissors - you get a crocodile with pimples).

Herringbone. Place palm with fingers down. First one, then two, etc. according to the pyramid principle. Top down.

Magpie. We draw a circle (head), an oval (torso), print on the sides of the palms with spread fingers (wings), fingers together from below (tail). To finish the beak - it turned out a flying magpie!

And a few more simple recipes for making finger paints.

Finger paint recipe #1. 0.5 kg flour, 5 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, add water - until the consistency of thick sour cream.
We mix all this with a mixer, then pour the resulting mass into separate jars, add food coloring (beetroot or carrot juice, as an option - Easter sets), mix until smooth.

Finger paint recipe #2. In a bowl, mix 1/3 cup cornstarch and 2 tablespoons sugar. Add 2 cups of cold water and put on a small fire. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until the mixture becomes a translucent gel-like mass. When this mass has cooled, add 1/4 cup of liquid dishwashing detergent to it (this will make the paints easily washed off clothes and other surfaces.) Then the mass should be divided into several portions and either food coloring or non-toxic gouache should be added to each portion.

Finger paint recipe #3. Mix 1.5 cups of starch and 0.5 cups of cold water until smooth. Add a liter of boiling water there, stirring continuously until a transparent mass is obtained. Continuing to stir, add 0.5 cups of talc. When the mixture has cooled, add 1.5 cups of soap chips and stir well. Pour into jars, tint with powder tempera and cool slightly.

Anastasia Sazhina

Drawing with palms, fingers and legs contributes to the development of fine motor skills of fingers, curiosity and interest of children in work. The image of objects helps children develop imagination, memory, helps the child to better understand the world around him. Besides It is very fun and interesting (to get dirty in the paint).

In the process of classes, kids learn to name and distinguish colors. The dots drawn with fingers can be raindrops, or they can be grains for chickens. A handprint can be a bullfinch, or it can turn into a wish-granting goldfish. All this contributes to the formation of artistic and figurative thinking.

Special finger paints are safe for children. They contain only natural ingredients.

When a child is still small, it is difficult for him to draw with brushes, felt-tip pens, and a pencil. Therefore, for babies, arms, legs, fingers are best suited. So, even at an early age, an adult, without much effort, will help the child develop a love for creativity, show the child new, non-traditional drawing techniques.

Drawing with fingers, palms, legs is a permitted game with dirt, which allows you to save the individual from aggression. Moreover, no one scolds for this game, but on the contrary, everyone admires it.

Drawing with finger paints is a preparatory stage for the transition to painting with a brush, it teaches you to feel the boundaries of the sheet, and has a positive effect on the development of figurative thinking.

I want to present to your attention the work of the children of the first junior group:

These are the very first masterpieces of children, finger painting:

- raindrops:

-cherry jam for Masha:

Hand drawing:

- Fish swimming in the aquarium:

- Bullfinches pecking rowan:

- Trees covered with snow

- Cheerful sun:

- The first flowers are snowdrops:

Drawing with palms and legs:

Thanks to all!

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We all know that creativity plays a huge role in a child's life. But how to present this to a little man so that his development is.

I am fond of non-traditional drawing techniques and try to involve my preschoolers in this. Interestingly, you can draw not only with.

Our children love to draw with plasticine. This type of activity somehow came to our liking. Or maybe because kids love doing things.

So many parents, so many opinions! Someone allows their baby to paint the walls, having previously covered the wallpaper with whatman paper. Someone for this beats on the hands and scolds. I would like to touch on the topic of drawing with palms. Such a seemingly banal drawing. And how much positive and positive emotions the child and you will receive from this lesson.

Drawing, the child will create. At the same time, he develops logical thinking, imagination, he learns to fantasize. Images turn into real pictures.

Also, drawing with palms develops fine motor skills, which is very important for subsequent development. This teaches the baby to use his hands, but at the same time
om helps the child to develop speech. Since the two centers in the brain that are responsible for movement and speech are nearby. And if one starts to work, then he makes the one next to him move.

Often parents of young children simply do not know where to start. Give your child a choice. Drawing with palms and a fist, the child will fantasize, learn to see new interesting images in prints

It is still very difficult for children under three years old to hold the brush. Yes, and you want to constantly touch and feel everything yourself! And then slap-slap- and from a purple handprint you get an octopus in the sea.

The child learns the freedom of creativity, abstract thinking, learns colors and shapes.

For this activity you will need finger paints. They need to be poured into a saucer so that it is convenient for the child to dip with his palm. You can apply paint on the baby's palm with a brush. Use an apron or clothes that you don't mind getting dirty so your child doesn't ruin their clothes with paint. Prepare a container of water where the baby can rinse the pen to pick up another paint, keep a damp cloth handy. You also need to think about a place where drawing skills will be mastered, an ideal place in the country, where you are not afraid to spoil the furniture and walls, but you can do it at home. The main thing is that then it is easy to clean and wipe everything. Well, of course, the patience and smile of parents who are able to turn this activity into an exciting game.

A distinctive feature of children under five years of age is independence of thought. Therefore, give the baby a separate sheet for creativity, and let him create on his own, repeating after you. Be sure to praise the child, it is so important for a little artist.

When drawing in this way, we must not forget to use fingerprints and a fist. You can create any composition, enjoying the color! In different ways, by turning the handle, create pictures. For example, having closed all the fingers, leave an imprint of a fish with your palm, and draw pebbles with your finger, we will also draw a few wavy lines and algae will appear. The half-open cam creates an arc effect. Experiment by making prints with a closed fist, placing it on the sheet in different ways - straight, with one or two fingers abducted, sideways, turning in different directions. One color, another one and another! Now the rainbow flaunts on our sheet, trees, a cockerel, an elephant, a bunny easily appear.

And, of course, be sure to leave a baby's handprint with the date as a keepsake! This memorable imprint, passing through the years, will remind him of the happy episodes of childhood.

Fantasize and enjoy with the little creature. Draw with the whole family. And remember that there should be as many such moments in the life of a baby as possible!

Recently, I saw beautiful and unusual children's drawings on one website of a children's development center. Most of all, I liked those that were made by the hands of children.

It turns out that with a child's hand you can draw a fish, a bird, a funny little man, and much, much more - just let your child's imagination run wild.

It's very exciting and simple - every kid can outline his palm, and every child has enough imagination to draw something to this palm. If the child is still too small or did not dare to fantasize something - you show him what a funny drawing can turn out on his palm. And even if for the first time just “kalyaki-malaki” come out - nevertheless, this is not a waste of time spent with a child.

If you and your baby are a little bored on a rainy spring evening, I suggest decorating this evening with interesting creative activities. In order for creativity to be also colorful, you and your child will need at least: paints and pencils or felt-tip pens, a couple of album leaves; and also if you find several sheets of colored paper or cardboard and hygienic sticks, it will be very interesting. Oh, I forgot about the brushes and the glass of water.

How to draw with palms

Well, all this is collected on one table and start drawing. Of course, you have your own imagination and you can come up with something of your own. But I consider it not superfluous to tell you how we performed the following drawings:

Aquarium with fish

Here, a sheet of colored (blue) cardboard is taken as the basis. Then we paint over the child’s palm with paint, the colors of the future fish and put an imprint on a sheet of cardboard. We make as many of these prints as we have fish. Next, wash your hands. After that, hygienic sticks are already in use, we put dots or lines with them - which should look like algae.

With the help of a brush or those same sticks, we draw the eyes of the fish and everything else we want, so that they become more like the inhabitants of the aquarium. With a brush, draw the sand at the bottom of the picture.

Fairy birds

By doing this drawing with your child, you will not have to get dirty so much, and the kid will be able to show his imagination even more.

On a sheet of white or colored paper, you need to draw a sketch of tree branches in order to know where to plant our fabulous birds. We outline the baby's palms (on their own or with the help of their mother) - these will be our birds. You can do the drawing with anything: pencils, felt-tip pens, or draw our bird inside with paints - if you want. After you have a sketch of a tree with bird palms on the sheet, use your imagination. The thumb is the head and neck of the bird, and all the rest are the wings and tail. No more rules. Your child can draw a variety of decorations for the birds, feathers of unimaginable beauty, etc.

For volume and showiness, we glued plasticine flowers and leaves to the branches of a tree. We borrowed this kind of “decor” in kindergarten. Recently, there, children made tree branches on cardboard with seals blooming on them - very beautiful.

Cheerful little man

Here the technique, materials and rules are the same as when drawing birds. Only, after we outline the palm, we finish drawing the eyes, nose and mouth - in the center of the palm, and from the fingers we make a hairstyle.

In the technique of "outlining the palms" it is very easy and fun to draw - since you can fully show children's imagination. For example, from the same palms you can draw flowers, trees, people, animals and much more.

Application of pasta and cereals

You have probably seen this type of application more than once. I found this application very entertaining and interesting, so I decided to make it with my daughter.

For the application you will need: semolina, millet, spaghetti (any pasta that can be glued to a piece of cardboard), PVA glue, colored paper, plain paper or cardboard (the thicker the sheet, the better the glued objects will hold, and it will not get wet through from glue).

Mom or child sketching a chicken, a tree, grains and the sun. Then the kid paints over the necessary places in the picture with glue, and falls asleep with cereals, sticks pasta. Let this picture dry. Then we take paints and decorate the picture, cereals and pasta for greater expressiveness.

I think you have already guessed that using this method, you can also create whatever your heart desires: all the animals, fish, people, birds and various landscapes.

These drawings were made by a three-year-old child (with the help of his mother :)). To be honest, one drawing for the evening is enough - children get tired quickly, although they are very interested in smearing glue or paint. If your child is still too small, try to simplify all the proposed art: one fish, one bird, only a chicken, etc.

I wish you a fun and interesting time with your baby. By the way, do not be shy, call your dad to yourself - it will also be useful and interesting for him.

Draw with palms: video tutorial