How to give your face a fresh look? Simple ways to freshen the air in your apartment


With a healthy look to the skin. To do this quickly, you need a makeup base. It is applied after moisturizing the face with a creamy product (if there are no special problems with the skin, do not apply tinting, it is enough to powder the face over the base). The bases come in different colors: white gives the skin a radiance, pink refreshes the color. There are also special makeup bases for the eyes (for example, Eyeshadow hides dark circles under the eyes and makes it easier to apply make up.


There are a lot of special cosmetics that can help make your skin beautiful.

1. Rollers against dark circles under the eyes improve blood microcirculation, eliminating bruising and reducing swelling of the lower eyelids.

2. Correctors for masking skin imperfections are used when it is necessary to hide the capillary network, inflammation and very dark circles under the eyes. The tone of the product is selected depending on the problem. A corrector with yellow pigment is considered universal.

3. Concealers for lightening bruises under the eyes are available in beige shades. Used only to mask dark circles.

1 Caffeine Roller 2 in 1 from Garnier. 73 UAH

2 Eclat Minute by Clarins. About 350 UAH

3 Perfect Teint Concealer by Artdeco. Check the cost in the store.


The easiest way to quickly refresh your skin is with a contrast wash. Change the water temperature three to four times. Finish the procedure with cold water.

  • If you didn't get enough sleep... Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and wash with cold water.
  • Refresh skin color coffee scrub helps. Apply the residue left after brewing coffee to your face and gently massage your skin. Wash with cool water.
  • To reduce puffiness under the eyes, 10 minutes hold on the eyelids slices of raw potatoes or cotton pads soaked in green tea. After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer.
  • Remove traces of fatigue a mask of 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil (if not at hand, any will do), 1 teaspoon of calendula tincture is capable. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes. When the mask is dry, wash it off.


It is clear that it is unrealistic to restore the health of the problem skin in 15 minutes - even in an hour. But to refresh it, tighten and make it radiant - quite! There are only six steps to success.

DRINK A LEMON DRINK Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants. A shock dose of ascorbic acid will accelerate the recovery processes in skin cells. To prepare a drink, add the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey to half a glass of water. Courageous girls can be advised to eat half a lemon.

APPLY CONTRAST COMPRESSES using terry towels soaked in hot and cold water. Make three changes. Start with a hot cloth, end with a cold one. Then apply a thick layer of greasy cream. After 10 minutes, remove with a napkin what has not been absorbed.

CHOOSE REFLECTIVE COSMETICS, not matting. The latter will only emphasize the tired look. The advice applies to the foundation for makeup, and foundation, and powder.

USE BRONZANT Tanned skin always looks healthy and radiant. A bronzer is usually applied over a moisturizer to the chin, tip of the nose, cheekbones, raised areas of the forehead and earlobes.

SPRAY FACE WITH THERMAL WATER to quickly nourish skin. By the way, the tool perfectly fixes makeup.

1 Cream "Basic Care" from Garnier, 62 UAH
2 Cream Wrinkle Expert 3D from Diademine, 75 UAH
3 Serum Olay, 104 UAH

It is difficult to imagine a blooming and well-groomed appearance without velvety, elastic and firm skin of the face. But with a modern lifestyle, frequent stress, poor nutrition or age-related changes can adversely affect the condition of the skin, as a result of which the face becomes dull and looks tired.

The worst thing is if, before a holiday or a responsible meeting, there is a need to quickly restore the skin, give it freshness and radiance, and there is no opportunity to visit a beautician. In such a situation, you can carry out several effective procedures at home that will give your face a healthy glow, natural shine and a well-groomed look.

How to make your face look fresh and rested

In order to quickly put your skin in order, you can use special masks, decoctions for washing, sprays or lotions prepared by yourself. All these products are made from affordable and inexpensive products that are completely natural and safe for health.

Actions of means to transform the skin

Refreshing agents usually contain special components that are able to quickly penetrate the skin and actively affect it, smoothing the surface, eliminating imperfections and returning a beautiful color. As a result, the face becomes radiant and rested.

Revitalizing treatments can transform the skin in this way:

To achieve these results, you can make a suitable mask, and after 20-30 minutes, the reflection in the mirror will pleasantly surprise you. It is worth remembering that it will not be possible to keep the skin toned for a long time, since the effect of the procedure can last about 7-8 hours. After that, the skin will gradually return to its original state.

Rules for home procedures

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to use the restorative agents correctly. The skin relaxation process should take place in three stages:

When caring for your face, do not forget about the area around the eyes, as the skin in these places is very delicate and requires careful care. Cucumber slice masks or wet green tea bags that can be placed over the eyelids are suitable here. This treatment will remove puffiness under the eyes and smooth the delicate skin around them.

How to refresh your complexion at home

There are many recipes for cosmetic lotions, sprays and masks that you can easily prepare in your kitchen. Restoring products should contain certain ingredients that can quickly penetrate the layers of the skin, provide a tonic, moisturizing and nourishing effect. The ingredients for relaxing formulations are readily available for use and can always be found at a pharmacy or regular grocery store.

Ice to restore skin tone

To urgently return a fresh look to your face, you need to wipe it with ice cubes, carefully moving along the massage lines. Then let the skin dry on its own without using a tissue or towel. You can use this method 2-3 times a day, lasting about 1-2 minutes.

To achieve the maximum effect from the procedure, it is recommended to use ice prepared on the basis of special infusions and decoctions according to the following recipes:

Ice cubes made from mineral water are excellent for washing, they well tone and smooth the upper layer of the dermis. To prepare a frozen product, you can use decoctions of calendula, cornflower, nettle, lemon balm or dandelion. Medicinal herbs can eliminate inflammation, irritation of the skin and retain the necessary moisture in it.

Liquid care products

Homemade sprays and lotions can be used to restore and nourish the epidermis. Thanks to their vitamin composition and natural ingredients, they can be used for quick skin regeneration and with regular care.

Try using simple recipes to prepare liquid cosmetics that will help keep your skin in excellent condition:

Since all homemade products are natural and must be kept refrigerated, be sure to keep this in mind. If you decide to use any recipe, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to the components used in order to exclude the possibility of allergies.

Refreshing face masks

With the help of masks with an active composition, you can quickly restore tired skin. It is recommended to use them after a sleepless night, before a responsible event or date. To feel the beneficial effect of the procedure, you must adhere to the following rules:

Be sure to follow these rules during restorative procedures, and then your skin can quickly regain the long-awaited freshness, velvety and smoothness.

Fast action mask recipes

It is very easy to prepare a nourishing product for the face with a natural composition, for this you need to choose the right products, and then combine them correctly. We offer you the best recipes for homemade masks, they are very effective, useful and have no contraindications:

It is quite possible to restore your skin smoothness and radiance at home with natural remedies, especially if you regularly take care of your appearance. And with a healthy lifestyle, good sleep, balanced nutrition and the presence of positive emotions, your face will always look fresh and young.

If the room smells bad, you may be tempted to just light a candle or sprinkle air freshener around. However, in this way you will only mask the smell. It is necessary to eliminate its cause, that is, get rid of harmful substances and carcinogens that pollute the air, and fill the space with a fresh natural aroma.


How to remove odors from carpets, furniture and mattresses

    Eliminate unpleasant smell from the carpet. Carpets collect and absorb many different substances that can cause unpleasant odors, such as soil, pet urine, food and drinks. Vacuum your carpets regularly and deodorize every few months. You can buy deodorant carpet powder from a store or make your own.

    Treat the furniture. Upholstered furniture can absorb a wide variety of unpleasant odor substances, such as sweat or cigarette smoke. To keep the room smelling fresh, it is necessary to clean the furniture from unpleasant odors. There are many ways to do this without harsh chemicals.

    Remove the odor from the mattress. Like upholstered furniture, the mattress also absorbs unpleasant odors. To keep the air in your bedroom fresh, treat your mattress with deodorant regularly. You can also use a mattress topper.

    Remove odors from pets. Like other unpleasant odors, they are also absorbed into furniture, carpets, mattresses, and bedding. A vacuum cleaner, baking soda, and apple cider vinegar are all you need to neutralize these odors.

    Refresh the room

    1. Open windows. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air is 2-5 times more polluted than outdoors. In addition to unpleasant odors, various pollutants negatively affect the environment and your health. Ventilate rooms to remove various toxins and unpleasant odors. Open windows, turn on some fans, and let the fresh breeze and sunshine clear your home of harmful substances and unpleasant odors. ...

      Use an air purifier. Even after you have removed the source of the unpleasant odor, residues may still be felt. Air purifiers are equipped with filters that absorb such odors. Plus, an air purifier can help you get rid of pollutants in your home, such as harmful gases and chemical toxins.

      Leave duct cleaning to professionals. Over time, dirt, allergens, mold and pet hair accumulate in ventilation pipes and air ducts, causing unpleasant odors and adversely affecting respiratory health. If you want to eliminate this source of unpleasant odors, hire a professional.

      Get indoor plants. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA) investigated ways to reduce indoor air pollution and concluded that shade-loving indoor plants can purify the air in rooms. The organization is currently using various houseplants to purify the air at space stations from harmful chemicals and carcinogens. These natural air purifiers can also be used in ordinary rooms. Add light-free indoor plants in your home to get rid of varnish, paint, glue, carpet, and detergent odors. NASA recommends having 15-18 houseplants for every 170 square meters. The following shade-loving plants work well:

    Use natural remedies and oils

      Place a vase of fresh flowers. A bouquet of recently picked flowers will brighten the room and give it a pleasant scent. Get a small bouquet or pick some flowers from your garden. Pour fresh water into a vase, place flowers in it and place them in the room. Soon the room will be filled with a wonderful aroma.

      Prepare an air freshening gel. These gels are non-toxic and easy to prepare. Unlike candles, they do not need to be lit. The gel will freshen the air in your room around the clock until it dries.

Irregular working hours, night shifts, frequent sleep deprivation, a frantic rhythm of life, natural whims (rain, wind, or heat for a whole month), stressful situations, an aggressive external environment - these are vital factors that negatively affect the health of the skin of the face ... Toning creams, nourishing masks, refreshing facial spray and lotions will help the skin quickly return to a velvety radiance, natural shine and healthy glow.

But the task is complicated by the fact that there is usually a minimum of time to correct the situation, and the result should be overwhelming. The pantry of folk recipes offers many express methods that can provide emergency assistance at home.

Healthy skin rule

There is a rule of healthy skin: Maintain moisture, thoroughly cleanse and nourish the skin using natural ingredients.

Fresh and Healthy Skin Indicators

  • elasticity;
  • no haze;
  • velvety;
  • elasticity;
  • natural shine.

With age, all these positions lose their original state due to a violation of the correct working capacity of the sebaceous glands, and ... the first wrinkles appear.

You should not despair, because to maintain vitality, it is enough to carry out a certain 15-minute cosmetic procedure at home every day.

Face freshness in 15 minutes - real?

Refreshing your facial skin at home is very simple, incredibly fast, not at all expensive and just as effective as in a beauty salon. The only difference is the absolute safety of funds. All components for making creams, masks, sprays and lotions at home are natural products, which means they are absolutely harmless to health.

To maximize the effect, it is advisable to approach the issue comprehensively and not be limited to just one mask. How can you refresh your face? To achieve the goal, all techniques are good - and washing, and restorative products, and massage. Express masks and express sprays will help to refresh the skin.

The use of an express mask and spray for transforming the skin is an effective result in a minimum of time. This solution is suitable for everyone.

Yes, most home-made refreshing masks and sprays have the same purpose as an express mask, but their action requires regular use due to the slow and gradual effect of active nutrients on the cells of the dermis. Alas, time, as always, is not enough ...

How is the effect achieved?

The basis of express methods of skin refreshing is the presence in the composition of components with an instant effect on the "problem areas" of the skin. They quickly penetrate inside and have a complex effect on her condition.

  • Normalize the work of the circulatory system. The process of blood flow improves, as a result of which the tone of the face improves. Yellowness, gray tint and pallor disappear. They are replaced by a life-giving blush and natural color.
  • Cleanses the skin. Dead cells will peel off and the top layer of the epidermis will be renewed.
  • Smooth out irregularities, roughness. The relief of the dermis acquires uniformity and integrity.
  • Get rid of oily sheen.
  • Discoloration of pigmented areas.
  • Moisturizes cells.

Pros of express methods:

  • instant effect;
  • security of the facility;
  • saving time.

15 minutes of express therapy - and the skin is toned, it is fresh and radiant. And these are not "bare phrases", but the result of the complex influence of the component composition of the product. In the mirror you can see:

  • natural blush;
  • natural shine;
  • natural freshness;
  • smooth skin.

Despite the stunning result, one should still remain a realist. If there were wrinkles on the face, they will not disappear at all, just their relief will not be so clearly marked.

Green tea makes a great refreshing spray

Skin refreshing recipes

Many recipes for masks, sprays, lotions for every taste and from any ingredients - an affordable way to independently carry out procedures at home to rejuvenate, nourish, tone and moisturize the dermis.

Having decided to use one of the proposed recipes, conduct a test control for the compatibility of the components used and the epidermis. Protect yourself from unwanted allergic reactions.

Facial spray "Water + green tea"

  • Pour a quarter cup boiling water over a green tea bag.
  • Cool the brewed tea.
  • Add half a cucumber and a spoonful of rose petals.
  • Grind the entire contents until smooth with a blender.
  • Spray the spray onto your skin.

Spray "Pink"

Achieve hydration, rejuvenation and give the skin a pleasant light scent that rose petals can do.

    • Arrange the rose petals at the bottom of the pot.
    • Fill them with water.
    • Place the pot over low heat.
    • "Simmer" the petals until they lose their color.
    • Cool, refresh the skin with the resulting spray.

Salt mask

  • Dissolve 5 grams of purified table salt in a glass of still mineral water.
  • Add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the solution.
  • Stir the contents.
  • Dip a natural fiber cloth (such as a cotton handkerchief) into the solution.
  • Cover the skin with a damp cloth and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Contrasting washes "Ice Cubes"

If you urgently need to look your best, you should use a primitive method that quickly restores tone.

  • Using ice cubes, rub your face in the direction of the massage lines.
  • Repeat the steps several times (2 minutes is enough for a session).

The face should dry naturally.

On a note

You can wash yourself not only with ice cubes made from mineral water. Decoctions of chamomile and calendula flowers, sage or nettle work wonderfully. They will help both refresh the face and soothe the skin in case of irritation.

Mask "Curd"

Suitable for dry and normal skin types. Refreshes the skin, improves its color.

    • Mix cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) and sour cream (2 tablespoons).
    • Mash the dairy products.
    • Pour 5 grams of table salt into the resulting composition.
    • Apply the mask to your face.
    • Wash off the rest of the product first with warm, and then with cold water.

Tea mask

    • Mix green tea leaves with 75 g of mayonnaise (if possible, mayonnaise should be homemade).
    • Lay the formed mass in an even layer.
    • Take the time.
    • Rinse off the rest of the mass with warm water.
    • Treat your skin with an alcohol-free toner.

Mask "Protein"

    • Beat the egg white.
    • Mix it with 3 tbsp. l. sour cream and 100 g of cottage cheese (homemade dairy products are ideal means for achieving beauty and freshness of the face).
    • Apply the composition to the skin.
    • When the procedure is complete, wash with warm water.

Mask "Linden Blossom"

    • Pour dry linden flowers (2 tablespoons) with boiling water.
    • Boil the contents until a thick mixture forms.
    • Lubricate the skin with the resulting gruel.
    • After 15 minutes of rejuvenation, rinse the lime blossom off your face with water.

Mask "Coffee"

  • A teaspoon of coffee - natural ground - mix with vegetable oil, milk, honey, oatmeal in an equal proportion (for example, 1 tablespoon).
  • Preheat honey to a temperature of 50 0.
  • Lubricate the skin with the resulting mask (for the best effect, the skin must be cleansed).
  • Remove residues of the product with a cotton swab soaked in warm water.

Restrictions on use!

It is forbidden to use this rejuvenation recipe if there are dilated vessels on the face.

All the proposed recipes provide that the time for the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Refreshing Lotion

  • Mix 10 ml of sea water with the same amount of honey and half a glass of carrot juice.
  • Add 10 drops of liquid concentrated vitamin A.
  • Top up the contents with rosehip, corn and rosehip oils, taking 10 ml each.
  • Mix all components until a homogeneous lotion is formed.
  • Wipe your face with it in the morning, afternoon and evening.

To keep the refreshing lotion from losing its "strength", it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

  • Need to even out the color and eliminate traces of pallor? Nutritious masks made from fresh vegetables, berries and fruits are great help.
  • Do you want to get rid of oily sheen? An aqueous solution of white vinegar will get rid of impurities in the pores, remove greasy deposits.
  • Dreaming of ruddy cheeks and firm skin? Washing with ice cubes will bring you closer to your dream.
  • Looking to tone your dermis? Protein, curd masks and a composition of banana and a spoonful of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice are the best recipes to achieve the goal.
  • Is your skin irritated? Oily kefir can calm her down, it is enough to lubricate her face for 15 minutes.
  • Are you having bags under your eyes? A mask of grated fresh potatoes applied over the eyes will remove the puffiness of the eyelids.

Giving your skin freshness at home is a simple reality if, in addition to refreshing masks, you add long sleep, proper nutrition and positive emotions to your daily routine. Try it!

Poor sleep, weather changes, poor health, possible diseases make the skin of the face lifeless and dull. And so you want to look fresh and radiant. How to refresh your face if you don't have enough time for yourself in the morning? Modern cosmetologists can recommend various products that can restore youthfulness and color of the skin, elasticity and healthy appearance.

You can also use the simplest methods of traditional medicine, which, in addition to their cheapness, also have indicative results, how to refresh the skin of the face in just 20 minutes in the morning. For skin that looks tired, flabby, haggard, we recommend performing several actions before leaving the house, which will take no more than 15-20 minutes. Doing this will help you get a fresh look and brighten your skin.

In addition, the mood will improve when in the mirror you see not a tired image, but a luminous woman of unearthly beauty. And no matter how pretentious it may sound, the mood improves if the appearance of the skin pleases the eye of its owner. Therefore, do not hesitate, try all the recipes for yourself, choose the one that you like the most and use it to your health!

How to refresh your face in 20 minutes

When to implement a plan for skin glow is every woman's choice. For one lady, it is better to get up 30 minutes earlier and do all the procedures, for another - the best time for yourself is evening. In any case, it only takes 20 minutes to restore the skin's freshness.

1. Elimination of dry skin

Dry and tight skin requires replenishment of vitamins and nutrients in the skin of the face. We will provide the skin with a vitamin revolt with a banana mask. For the mask, crush one medium-sized banana and add 1 teaspoon of nourishing cream, as well as the same amount of olive oil. Mix everything, plus add half a teaspoon of lemon juice (if not allergic), mix everything until smooth. Apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, then rinse with cool water.

2. Get rid of "bags" under the eyes, as well as swelling and annoying bruises

We use potatoes to combat edema. Grate a medium potato and apply to the skin near the eyes for 15 minutes. Potato gruel will draw out all the accumulated liquid from the eyelids.

Advice: if cosmetics do not help to remove swelling, go through an examination with a urologist to find out if everything is in order with the kidneys.

Masking the bruises. We combine business with pleasure: brew 2 tea bags (black or green) and drink tea, while waiting for the bags to cool. We put the bags on closed eyes and wait 15 minutes. Another quick option is to soak 2 cotton pads in milk and apply over your eyes.

3. Soothe irritated skin

We use a kefir mask to restore skin freshness. How to refresh your face with a kefir mask? Very simple, you only need 100-200 ml of fatty kefir. We apply it on the skin of the face for 15 minutes, while not allowing it to dry, constantly lubricating it with a new layer of kefir or yogurt. Rinse off kefir with warm water.

4. We give tone to the skin of the face

We use egg white, whipped into a foam for oily skin, mix with a spoonful of olive oil and a few drops of lemon, apply on the skin for a period of 15 minutes.

We use cottage cheese with sour cream (cream) for dry skin, stir until smooth, apply to the face.

We use banana crumb with a spoonful of fresh grapefruit juice for normal skin. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face.

5. Even out skin color on faces, eliminate pallor

An indispensable material on the way to getting rid of pallor and uneven color will help berry masks or from fresh vegetables.
Option 1. - For dry skin, take 2 carrots, grate, then mix with one egg yolk. After mixing all the ingredients, you can apply it to your face.

Option 2. - take one egg white and mix with 3 tablespoons of viburnum juice. Then we apply the resulting mixture on the face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

6. Remove greasy shine

Oily skin requires special care to remove shine. Mix water and white vinegar. We moisten cotton swabs and wipe the face. The vinegar will remove oil in the skin and unclog pores. This can be done before applying makeup.

7. Making the skin elastic

In the morning, wipe your face with ice cubes made from frozen medicinal herbs. You can use viburnum juice, chamomile or sage decoction.