As described in the registry office. What you need to sign in the registry office. Photo of not solemn registration of marriage in the registry office

Today, more and more often you can meet people who want to sign in the registry office without a celebration. This way of formalizing a relationship has its advantages. Firstly, the family budget will not suffer losses, because it is known that celebrating a wedding is a very expensive pleasure. Secondly, there is an opportunity to sign much earlier, because without solemn ceremony significantly less.

How does registration take place?

Initially, before deciding to register without holding a solemn ceremony, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. After all, the registration of marriage in the registry office without a celebration takes place in a very formal setting. Newlyweds are offered not a beautifully decorated ceremonial hall, but one of the offices of the registry office building. There is no musical accompaniment and the ability to invite a large number of guests directly to the painting itself. Even parents are often not allowed. The regulations of such organizations stipulate that only the bride and groom, their witnesses and the registrar can be present at the painting.

Many people who want to get married are interested in how the painting in the registry office goes without a celebration? In fact, the procedures are identical from a formal and documentary point of view. There are no festive wedding paraphernalia; instead of it, the lovers are offered an ordinary office.

  1. The bride and groom enter the office and give their internal passports to the registrar. An authorized person is checked and a solemn speech is delivered. True, it is somewhat shorter than at the solemn ceremony, but the meaning is the same.
  2. An employee of the registry office should ask the newlyweds a question about whether they give their consent to the marriage. If both answers are positive, registration stamps are put in the passports of the lovers.
  3. It is also necessary to sign the registration book. After that, the bride and groom will be declared husband and wife by the registry office employee. As proof of the legal registration of the relationship, the newlyweds are issued a marriage certificate.

The absence of witnesses is not an obstacle to registering a marriage. They may not even be a natural ceremony. Often, due to the lack of space in the office, the registry office employees do not allow strangers to be present during the painting. But, if there are witnesses, then they are usually admitted, like the photographer.

The presence of rings is also voluntary. The law does not regulate this.

There is a misconception that registering a marriage without a solemn ceremony is devoid of touching and festivity. But here I would like to note that signing in a registry office without a celebration can also be very touching and unforgettable. Everything primarily depends on the newlyweds themselves. The registry office does not put forward absolutely no rules regarding the dress code, the presence of rings or witnesses. It is also not forbidden to kiss after the presentation of the marriage certificate. Only drinking champagne in such an atmosphere is not welcome.

Features of a ceremony without a celebration

Non-formal registration of marriage has a number of advantages:

  1. The lower cost of directly registering a marriage.
  2. Lack of cash spending on a wedding celebration.
  3. Possibility of quick painting.

The current legislation of our country requires the submission of an application at least a month before the alleged painting of lovers (read how to fill it out). The same rules apply with the solemn ceremony. But as practice shows, one month is not enough. The main reason is the queues for the solemn ceremony, especially in the summer and autumn period... Therefore, newlyweds are advised to apply several months before the proposed wedding.

The queue for painting without a celebration is much smaller, respectively, the percentage of the fact that the lovers will be able to sign in a month after submitting the application is higher.

Even a non-ceremonial painting can be made unforgettable and romantic. After all, the main thing is not a beautifully decorated hall, musical accompaniment, festive surroundings and guests, but the lovers themselves. They create an atmosphere of sincerity, love and respect towards each other. For a non-ceremonial painting, it is not at all necessary to abandon wedding dress, beautiful hair and makeup, rings and witnesses. It is possible to put rings on each other's fingers directly in the office (where the painting takes place) after the registrar officially declares the lovers as husband and wife.

It is also necessary to remember that in addition to passports, the registry office will need to bring a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee. IN different countries payment takes place in different time... In Ukraine and Russia, the state fee is paid at the moment, but you should not throw out the receipt. It may be asked by the registry office employee for confirmation.

There are several methods to speed up the painting process, such as:

  1. Providing a certificate of pregnancy for the bride.
  2. Providing medical document relatively unsatisfactory state of health of one of the partners.
  3. Certificate from the place of work, confirming an early long business trip.
  4. Providing a birth certificate of a joint child.

In these cases, the newlyweds can even be scheduled. The cost of non-ceremonial painting in Ukraine is about 80-100 hryvnia. On the territory of the Russian Federation, you will need to pay a state duty in the amount of 350 rubles. Having decided to sign at the registry office without a celebration, young people can no longer pay for anything, since they do not use the additional services of the institution.

Wedding palaces do not carry out non-ceremonial registration of marriage. This is possible only in the regional offices of the registry office. Usually, such a ceremony is possible on weekdays: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, rarely Friday. The weekend is busy with solemn weddings.

What to give for painting without a celebration?

Regardless of the setting in which the wedding takes place, the meaning and importance of the event does not change from this. The gift is given to dear people who have decided to unite their destinies. Therefore, as for an ordinary wedding, expensive gifts will be relevant: envelopes with money, expensive equipment necessary for newlyweds, travel vouchers.

How to spend your marriage registration day without a wedding?

Lack of traditional wedding after registration has its merits. When there are no crowds of guests, you can come up with something very romantic and memorable: a flight in a hot air balloon, a walk on a motor ship or a yacht, a trip to vacation homewhere you can ride horses. The money saved at the banquet can be spent on a chic honeymoon trip and go right on the day of registration.

It has become fashionable to arrange grandiose photo sessions for two. This can take half a day.

If you want to celebrate such an important event with loved ones, you can order a small room in a cafe or rent a table.

There are many more options than a crowded wedding. It all depends on the imagination and desire of the young.


Legal formalization of a relationship is a wonderful moment for every newlywed couple. How it will happen depends directly on the wishes of the lovers themselves. But even if they choose painting without a solemn ceremony, the main thing they have already found is love, confidence and support in each other's faces.

  • Choose the registry office that is most convenient for you
  • Submit an application in person or online on the Portal of State Services, for which prepare passports and a receipt for payment of the state duty. If one of the future spouses is not yet 18 years old, permission from the city or district administration will be required

Is it possible to submit an application to the registry office for two?

If, for any good reason, the groom / bride cannot personally participate in the filing of documents for marriage registration, his / her application is preliminarily drawn up on a form taken from the registry office and notarized. Thus, two separate applications are submitted to the registry office.

Registration of marriage in another city / country. Is it legal?

The modern marriage legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish any restrictions related to the place of actual residence or registration, upon marriage. In other words, citizens of the Russian Federation can marry and get married throughout the country, regardless of where they are registered or live. The same rule applies to the conclusion of marriages in foreign countries. Such a marriage is recognized as legal if the spouses at the time of marriage were adults, free from family ties and capable.

What are the waiting times for marriage?

The law establishes a period of 30 days - this is how much time must elapse from the moment the application is submitted to the wedding day. However, the same law allows for a reduction or extension of this period, if the reasons for changing the length of the waiting are sufficiently valid:

  • Pregnancy of the bride, the presence of a couple of common children
  • Service of the groom in the army (urgent, contract)
  • Urgent long business trip groom / bride
  • Severe illness of the groom or bride

In all cases, it is mandatory to provide supporting documents (certificates and petitions).

Onsite registration: is it legal?

Recently fashionable on-site registration of marriages is legal only in one case: if the ceremony is conducted by authorized representatives of the registry office. In Moscow, such registrations are officially allowed, but not in St. Petersburg. To arrange an exit registration here, you first need to formalize the relationship in one of the city registry offices, going through the usual, non-festive, painting, and only then plan the celebration for any convenient day: such a ceremony will be only symbolic.

How many months does the application take?

Minimum - one month in advance, if no urgency is expected. However, you can apply earlier - for example, six months in advance. This early service is especially convenient when the wedding is planned for the peak months - July and August. True, such a long period is allowed only when submitting an electronic application through the Portal of State Services, and in case of a personal appeal, it cannot exceed three months.

"Urgent" signature: is it possible to get married on the day of application?

Yes, according to the law, you can. But the reasons for this must be the most valid and must be confirmed by documents. Here are the situations in which you will get married immediately:

  • If a couple is expecting a child or already have children in common
  • If the groom / bride is in military service
  • If one of them (or both) has a long business trip
  • If one of the future spouses is seriously ill

Is it possible to apply alone?

Yes, it is possible if there are reasons for this, for example, the residence of the bridegroom / bride abroad and the inability to leave for a joint application to the registry office. Here's what you have to do:

  • Take the form for the second application from the registry office, send it to the groom / bride
  • The groom / bride fills out the document with his own hand and verifies it with a notary, and then sends an application to Russia
  • The second party submits two separate applications to the registry office, adding to them a receipt of state duty

Can I sign at any registry office in the country?

Yes, marriage code gives such an opportunity to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of registration and residence. The only exceptions are marriages with foreign citizens from far abroad. Only one institution of St. Petersburg is authorized to conclude such marriages - the Wedding Palace No. 4.

State duty: how much does the receipt cost and where is it paid?

350 rubles - this is how much you need to pay in favor of the state when submitting an application. Any Russian bank accepts payment.

What days can I sign?

In the registry offices of St. Petersburg, you can formalize a relationship on any of the days except Monday and Sunday. Formal registrations only take place on Fridays and Saturdays. Attention: the registry offices of St. Petersburg will not sign you if you come to get married on the last Thursday of the month: this is a cleaning day. In the Wedding Palaces, the last Tuesday of the month has been declared a sanitary day.

Is solemn registration required?

The solemn fastening of your marriage bonds is an exclusively voluntary matter, therefore, no one can oblige the bride and groom to marry to the sound of Mendelssohn's march. Non-formal registration takes place on a regular (weekday) day, outfits, hairstyles and guests are completely optional: the procedure will take at most ten minutes - and you will receive your stamped passports in your hands.

Non-formal registration: how does it work?

Such registration takes place quite routinely - without long parting speeches, musical accompaniment, the first marital kiss and other attributes of the celebration. Everything is fast, dry and businesslike.

Registry Office and Palace. How do they differ?

The registry office is a "multidisciplinary" institution: here they not only marry, but also divorce, issue birth certificates, register death, change of surnames and names, restore lost documents, establish paternity. The Wedding Palace is a place where you can only solemnly get married. Non-ceremonial registrations are not carried out here.

A little about non-formal registration. Can family and friends attend it?

This procedure does not provide for the presence of strangers: in the office of the registry office employee there are only the bride and groom, who sign in the accounting book and immediately receive a marriage certificate. There will be no photographs, no flowers, no champagne, no guests on such a painting, since this is a purely business procedure. Friends and relatives can wait for the couple near the registry office and then congratulate the newly-made spouses.

Is it possible to carry out onsite registration in St. Petersburg?

No, in St. Petersburg all marriage ceremonies are held only within the walls of the registry offices and wedding palaces. The only exceptions are cases when the groom or the bride is deprived of the opportunity to walk on their own due to a serious illness: then representatives of the registry office can marry such a couple at home or in a hospital on the basis of a medical document. Those visiting ceremonies, which are conducted by employees of wedding agencies in museums, palaces of the city, in nature, or elsewhere, are just symbolic actions that have no legal force. In order for your marriage to be recognized as legitimate in the future, you need to sign a day or two before the exit ceremony at the registry office.

How to combine surnames?

The choice of the surname by the spouses is described in article 32 of the marriage law and allows the following options:

  • A common surname is chosen (husband or wife - by common decision)
  • The spouses keep the same surnames
  • One of the spouses can add the surname of the husband or wife to his premarital surname, while the other spouse is not obliged to choose a double surname
  • Joining is not allowed if the husband / wife already has a double surname

Witnesses: Are They Needed?

Not. They can only be called guests with special status, and the decision on whether witnesses are needed is made only by the bride and groom.

Where do the witnesses sign?

They sign the book of guests of honor.

Can I invite my own photographer (video reporter)?

Yes, and the number of people who will shoot your wedding is up to you.

For many girls, a marriage proposal from their beloved is a long-awaited and joyful event. Many couples want to legalize their relationship as soon as possible. And this is quite justified. But there is a certain procedure and terms for registering a marriage. But still , how to quickly sign at the registry office and can it be done? This issue is worth considering in more detail.

Applying in standard situations

Having made the decision to enter into a legal marriage, the future spouses should first decide on the date of the wedding. Then you need to choose the registry office or the Wedding Palace. Their difference lies only in the fact that in the Wedding Palace there is a more solemn atmosphere and registration, respectively. You can choose any registry office, not only to which you are geographically attached. It may even be located in another city.

After you decide on the place of registration, which, by the way, may even be on-site, you need to collect all the documents for filing an application. IN standard situations the bride and groom only need passports. At the registry office, they are given a receipt, according to which they must pay the fee. After payment, you can start filling out the application. It indicates the personal and passport details of both parties, and it is also necessary to indicate what surname they will take for themselves after the wedding.

If they have passports, a completed application form and a payment receipt, young people are assigned the date and time of registration, or they themselves choose it if possible. Registration usually takes place after one month. This time is given to think over the decision. During this time, it is possible to pick up the application for registration of marriage.

But there are also non-standard situations when young people cannot wait that long.

Cases when it is possible to expedite the registration of marriage

There are situations when young people cannot wait a month, not because they are impatient to get married as soon as possible, but because there are objective reasons for this:

  • pregnancy of a girl;
  • the birth of a joint child;
  • serious illness of one of the future spouses, which threatens his life.

There are also reasons that are not vital, but are also considered exceptions:

  • departure of someone who decided to get married to another country for long time, but you cannot postpone registration;
  • If the future spouse is a military man and he will have to change his place of service, as well as a long business trip to another military unit;
  • if the groom is called up for urgent military service.

To confirm these reasons, you must submit the necessary documents to the registry office. Upon departure, you must provide a notarized copy of the tickets. The serviceman must be provided with a certificate of his transfer. The conscript must show the summons sent to him by the military registration and enlistment office.

Procedure for registration of marriage in exceptional cases

The desire to speed up your marriage must be documented. In the event that you do not have the documents for any reason, then registration will take place according to the standard rules.

Currently enough couples decide to marry only when they find out about pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail the features of marriage registration during pregnancy.

Documents to be brought to the registry office:

  • bride and groom passports;
  • certificate confirming pregnancy;
  • an application to be filled out by the bride and groom.
  • Before submitting all documents, you must pay the state fee.

A pregnancy certificate is issued at the place of registration. The gynecologist from the antenatal clinic, who is registered with the bride, must issue a certificate upon request. It must contain the following information: full name of the medical organization issuing the document; personal data of a woman; the length of her pregnancy; date, doctor's signature and hospital stamp.

In this situation, the registration period is significantly accelerated. If the pregnancy is less than 5 months, the couple can be painted within 2 weeks. In the case when the pregnancy has already been more than 5 months, the young are prescribed within a few days after the application is submitted.

Can I sign on the day of submission of all documents?

This can also be. For this, a certificate of pregnancy and health status is taken. future mother... If the term is very long and she will give birth one of these days, or something threatens her health, then the couple will be signed on the same day.

Registration, as a rule, takes place in the presence of both newlyweds, but it can also take place in the presence of only one of them. This can happen when a girl suddenly starts giving birth, or her spouse is on a business trip. In this situation, it is necessary to provide permission certified by a notary.

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