How to choose a biograpalization preparation. The best preparations for biorevitalization: review and rating of the most effective. Preparations with peptides for the procedure

Female half of humanity dreams of staying young and attractive, bypassing old age and wrinkles. And it is right! Rejuvenation does not constitute special problems and beauty in our time does not require victims. Remove age-related changes without surgical intervention. Cosmetic defects of the face, neck and other parts of the body are easily eliminated by bloodless methods of treatment approved by medical and plastic centers of cosmetology of the Russian Federation and the whole world. Biorevitalization The epithelial cover of the human body is the ideal method of rejuvenation without pain, complications and scars. Already after one session, improvements of the rehabilitation state of the epithelium appear.

Biorevitalization in cosmetology

Biorevitalization is a rejuvenating skin procedure with an appearance correction effect. A minimally invasive or injection technique is based on the introduction of substances in the mesoderma, reinforced and moisturizing epithelium. The injected "cocktail" saturated with vitamins and amino acids contributes to the stimulation of the exchange process in the cellular and intercellular levels. As a result, elasticity increases due to the rapid reproduction of fibroblasts. These elements are part of collagen. The growth of collagen fibers acting as a skin frame, after injection rises, holding moisture. Thanks to this, the skin is constantly moistened, the aging process slows down.

Validated the preparation for rejuvenation is hyaluronic acidwhich in turn enters the physiological structural composition of the skin. It stimulates the generation of the main component of elasticity and tightness - collagen. Therapeutic session of hyaluronic acid gives fantastic results. The extracellular matrix is \u200b\u200bupdated, unlocked absolutely all wrinkles even on such problem places as a decollete and neck. The skin after the administration of native unstabilized or semi-starved acid becomes elastic.

The biorevitalization procedure practically does not have contraindications and is appointed from 23-25 \u200b\u200byears at the appearance of the first mimic wrinkles around the eyes. Hyaluronic acid is introduced with a special disposable syringe in two ways: micropapically and linearly. Embed to injection only after consulting a doctor and a complete survey of the skin.

Biorevitalization is a very efficient technology correction of defects of the skin. This procedure is also useful for preventive purposes, as it contributes to the saturation of the epidermal layers of hyaluronic acid. In essence, this is a kind of "natural revival" of the skin. Use preparations for biorevitalization is preferably after 40 years.

After 24-26 years, the condition of the skin begins to deteriorate gradually. This is due to aging processes. but at this age, flaws You can easily disguise with cosmetics.

Approximately 34-36 years old, it becomes difficult to fight aging even with creams and serums. Therefore, experts recommend women at this age to use biorevitalization tools, since this procedure allows you to solve many problems.

The best preparations for biorevitalization after 40 years are characterized by a high content in the composition of the acid. It is this substance that accelerates the recovery of cells. In addition, similar means activate the mechanism of natural acid generation.

The procedure affects:

  • preservation and return of the natural shade of the skin;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • treatment of increased dryness of the skin;
  • stabilization of blood flow;
  • general health intake.

It should be noted that girls (from 24 years old) appeal to biorevitalization. However, they should use such means that fully correspond to the age category, otherwise it is possible to break the natural production of hyaluronic acid.

Preparations are intended for different age groups and differ in the concentration of hyaluronic acid and the presence of additional substances in the composition. The most effective are which there are two or three components.

Revitalization drugs may contain the following ingredients:

List of best tools

Studying the names of drugs for biorevitalization and is aligned with the choice, it is necessary to study the features of their composition and the impact on your skin type. If you make an error, then you can encounter with the problem of bruises in the eye and edema. In addition, such funds can greatly moisturize the epidermis.

Viscoderm (Viscoderm)

In our country, this trademark began to gain popularity in 2008, and high ratings have deserved such drugs by 2014.

The basis of the drug - hyaluronic acid.

Viscoderm is very effective to solve the problem of skin dehydration. With it, they produce the area revitalization near the eye.

It is considered a universal product for beautiful sex representatives older than forty years.

Meso - Wharton (Meso-Wharton)

A more modern drug whose development was engaged in a scientist B. Petrikovsky and ABG Lab specialists. In a free sale, the agent appeared in 2010. The uniqueness of the meso-varton is that it is made on the basis of a peptide base.

Such a substance launches the division of stem cells, as the stop of their division causes the aging of the skin, because the meso-warton is very popular among the forty-haired women.


It has synthetic origin, that is, hyaluronic acid in it was exposed to a special cleaning procedure. The drug is effective not only to improve the state of the epidermis, but also to combat many skin diseases. The tool is introduced into the following zones: hands, neckline, neck, lips, face and eyelids.

It is undesirable to apply the drug in the presence of inflammation on the skin. The results of numerous studies show that even four-five-five-five procedures are quite sufficient.

After the end of the therapeutic course, it is necessary to strictly adhere to medical recommendations that will help make the result obtained more durable.

The side effects include the occurrence of inflammation, which themselves pass in a few days after the introduction of the drug under the skin.

CRM Soft.

Germanic tool of prolonged action. The manufacturer claims that the acid present in its composition is purified by special technology. As a result, the substance is completely harmless.

In addition, the active substance obtains an increased molecular weight, which extends the effect of biographelization. In addition, due to the fact that the product has the form of gel, it has an optimal structure.

It is often prescribed in the presence of noticeable scars or stretch marks, the effects of acne and the correction of the face form.

The side effects do not affect the work of the body, and the recovery period takes no more than two days.

Restylane Vital.

The drug perfectly affects the skin on which the first signs of aging appeared.

Some women managed to get rid of this means and from the increased salinity of the epidermis, and from minor wrinkles.

Specialists use Restylane to work with small sections: forehead, cheekbones, chin, whiskey, nasolabial folds, etc.


This is a unique line of biorevitalizers that are intended for different age categories. Preparations of this group smooth wrinkles and scars, and also provide skin-cleaning excellent prevention and protection against UV radiation.


The tool is intended to accelerate the regeneration of the skin, has an upgraded structure. Having founded in the dermal layers, the drug is split, as a result, di- and monosaccharides are formed, which perform the functions of the building material.

The composition of the drug is also present zinc, copper and vitamins B. The role of anesthetic is allocated to lidokain.

Experts say that this drug has an optimal level of elasticity and viscosity.

Hyalripayer 08 and 02

Professional cosmetologists assure that this is a unique drug.

The hyaluronic acid in this case is splitting very slowly, while attracting a large amount of moisture to him. Therefore, this agent is often used for exhausted and too dry skin.

In addition, it enhances the immunity of the epidermis and prevents the emergence of problems in the future.

When using any drugs, you need to make sure that there are no individual intolerance to certain substances, otherwise you can face very unpleasant consequences. In addition, pregnant girls are better to abandon the use of biograpalization drugs.

Names and prices may vary depending on the supplier of products and the region.

Biorevitalization is one of the most effective leather rejuvenation procedures. This technique has been more than 15 years old, and during this time she managed to produce a real revolution in aesthetic medicine. At the very least, the patients got rid of the terrible consequences and complications of plastic surgery. Over the years have been improved and issued to the market in large quantities for biorevitalization, which differ in their effectiveness, indications, manufacturers worth.

On the one hand, all these innovations play a positive role, since the choice allows you to use the means as suitable as possible for a particular case. On the other hand, it is very difficult to decide on what is still stopped. We will help you do not get lost in this manifold.


Before choosing, what drug is better within, it is necessary to clearly realize what they are directed and how they work at the cellular level. We remind that this procedure implies the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin in the form of injections. It is split, activating all sorts of regeneration processes, restoration, rejuvenation, etc.

All means are distinguished by a certain efficiency on which the patient can count is:

  • moisturizing;
  • smoothing skin relief in general and wrinkles - in particular;
  • improving the color of the face;
  • increasing tone;
  • restoration;
  • tightening, second chin, eyelids and other age folds.

All preparations for biorevitalization of the person have such an efficiency, but in each of them, due to their unique formulas, or some of the above properties are reinforced or weakened. Keep this in mind before starting such a responsible choice.

Helpful information. Why does one woman have rejuvenation results after biorevitalization are saved for years, and the other is forced to go to the re-injection after only a few months? Yes, the individual characteristics of the patients play a considerable role here, but still the brand of the drug used is the first violin.


To make the right, competent choice, you need to represent at least in general terms, which are drugs for biorevitalization. Salons offer dozens of incomprehensible names, sometimes not explaining what the features of a means are. Be enlightened in this matter, do not confuse: Before going to the clinic, read the overall classification of this kind of drugs.

  1. Already ready (solutions and cocktails) and requiring dilution (hyaluronic acid in pure form).
  2. In pure form (IAL-System, Teosyal-Meso, Hyaluform) and with additives (Meso-Wharton P199, Teosyal Pure Sense Redensity, Gialripyer 02 Bioreparant).
  3. For any type of skin (IAL-SYSTEM) and individually selected, solving only narrow, specific cosmetic problems (Teosyal-Meso, Hyaluform).
  4. The volume of 1.5 ml is enough for biorevitalization not only by the person, but also the zones of the neckline (Meso-Wharton P199, hyalripayer 02) and the volume of 1.1 ml (IAL-System, IAL-SystemAcp).

Such a classification can suggest which the drug is better to make the biorevitalization of the face: find the niche you need and look for a means of it. The selection criteria can suggest a doctor in the clinic, but also the client itself needs to be at least a little understanding in this matter. So what to pay attention to when searching for the right drug?

Interesting Facts. Hyaluronic acid, which is riveted under the skin during biorevitalization, is found in umbilical cord, cartilage, eye cornea, saliva, bones, human joints. It can be found in the skin of the shark, the crest of the rooster, the eyes and cartilage of horned cattle, bacteria cells.

Criterias of choice

Can't decide which drug to choose to rejuvenate a person with biographelization? Several useful tips in this case will come by the way.

  • Age

Keep in mind that some funds are designed for light skin lifting at 35 years old, while others - for a large-scale suspender in 55. So be sure to interest, for what age certain injections of beauty and youth are recommended. For example, you can note the following best preparations for biorevitalization after 50 years: hyalripayer 02 Bioreparant and Meso-Wharton P199.

They perfectly cope with deep wrinkles, elder degros and dry skin. If you are just starting to face the age-related changes, you will be recommended by other best preparations for biorevitalization after 40 years: JaluComplex, CRM Soft, Restylane Vital.

  • Producing country

In some countries, aesthetic medicine and cosmetology are well developed. There are laboratory sites for research. Their goal is to create the best drug for biorevitalization so that he does not have analogues in this market. This affects the high quality of the products produced by them. But the price of her will be appropriate. If, for example, French brands are out of all competition, then the Korean hyalurons are not all feedback equally positive.

  • Quality

Often the patient has a clinic that make biorevitalization becomes hostages of their own inattention or even shy. The units of women ask the doctor a certificate for the injection, which she will prick. But it is he who guarantees the safety and efficacy of the drug. And do not forget to ask the shelf life of hyaluronic acid, which should be your donor of beauty and eternal youth.

  • Contraindications and side effects

Be sure to know from the doctor, what complications may arise after the introduction of a particular drug. The smaller their list, the better the means.

  • Readiness

It is better to choose drugs that are in the package already dosed in the syringes. That is, the laboratory, which made them, eliminates the errors from doctors, which themselves can enter either too little (there will be no effect of rejuvenation), or too much (consequences - multiple complications) means.

If you comply with all these criteria, choose a biorevitalization preparation will be at all difficult. If the clinic is good, and the doctor is a real professional, he will definitely advise the client on this issue and will give its recommendations. But still the names of the applied funds in a woman should already be heard. They suggested something new, what have you ever heard, assuring that this is the latest development? You should not believe the word: learn information and only then draw conclusions.

Keep in mind. If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, choose biograpalization preparations, which include hyaluronic acid in pure form, without additives.

Rating of the best tools

The main components of biorevitalization preparations - hyaluronic acid

A small rating of biograpalization preparations is a real help for those who decided to rejuvenate the face. With it, it is not difficult to choose the desired rejuvenating agent. He warne you in titles, manufacturers and approximate prices. In particular, preparations for biorevitalization in the Russian market are represented by the following brands.

  • IAL-SYSTEM.and Ial System ACP.

This is an Italian biograpalization preparation from FIDIA S.P.A. Composition - genuine hyaluronic acid. In Ial System, it is unstable, and in IAL System ACP - stabilized. Produced in the already fully prepared form, does not require dilution. Suitable for rejuvenation of any type of skin. IAL-SYSTEM is from 7,000 to 9,000 rubles. The cost of IAL System ACP is from 9,000 to 11,000 rubles.


This is a Swiss preparation for biorevitalization from TeoXane. The composition of Teosyal-Meso is a hyaluronic acid of non-residential origin in its pure form. Cost of 5,000 rubles. Teosyal Pure Sense Redensity is complemented by amino acids, antioxidants, lidocaine, vitamins. Price - from 8 500 rubles. Indications - thin, dehydrated, losing skin elasticity, as well as sunny, chemical and domestic burns.

  • Meso-Wharton P199

American drug from abg lab llc. The composition is hyaluronic acid, many, amino acids, trace elements.

A unique product capable of increased in the skin the number of stem cells. Price - from 14,000 rubles.

  • Gialripayer 02 Bioreparant

Domestic manufacturer, also did not remain aside - the biographelization drug "Halripier"

This is for those who are looking for inexpensive drugs for biorevitalization of domestic production. It was developed to rejuvenate dry and flabby skin. The composition is a modified hyaluronic acid, supplemented with vitamin C, lysine, glycine.

  • Hyaluform.

Another biograpalization preparation created in Russia. The composition is hyaluronic acid from the Japanese brand Shiseido. Indications are small wrinkles, modeling of lip forms, minor scars. It will cost from 6,000 rubles and higher.

  • Beautelle

This is a French drug for biorevitalization from Beautypharmaco. It differs from other means of high safety and efficiency. The composition is a high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Indications - any type of skin (how to determine the type of skin, look for). Cost - from 5,000 rubles. Everyone knows that France is famous for its innovations in the world of aesthetic medicine. Biorevitalization Preparation Beauselle is no exception.

  • Jaluccomplex.

Again Italy. Composition - hyaluronic acid of non-residential origin without auxiliary components. The advantage is the absence of side effects. Prices - from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles.

  • Princess Rich.

Manufacturer country - Austria. The composition is hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Basic reading -. Cost - from 4 500 rubles.

  • Viscoderm

Italian Universal Preparation "Viscoderm"

Universal preparation for biorevitalization from Italy. Presented in three species depending on the concentration of the main active substance. Price - from 8,000 rubles.

  • Yvoire Hydro.

This is a Korean drug from LG. It is distinguished by the low concentration of the main active substance, so hyaluronic acid is very quickly excreted from the body. So biorevitalization does not give a long and persistent effect. But Korea guarantees a minimum of complications.

  • Mesohyal.

This is a Spanish preparation for biorevitalization. The composition is hyaluronic acid in its pure form. It has a wide range of action and refers to a budget version of rejuvenation: the price is about 3,000 rubles.

  • CRM Soft.

This is a German biorevitalization drug. The composition is a solution of hyaluronic acid of artificial synthesis, 100% compatible with the skin. A distinctive feature is a quick and persistent effect. Cost - 4 000 rubles.

  • Revofil Aquashine.and Revofil Aquashine Br.

Holding, which has the right to manufacture, is Carengenco Ltd, located in South Korea. The preparation of a new generation, which is characterized by a powerful effect on the skin. It is not so much analogs and alternatives, due to its high efficiency (more about this drug, and the biorevitalization procedure Aquasine, read).

In this rating of drugs for biorevitalization, not all were included: there are too many of them both in the domestic and foreign market. It turned out to be the most popular and efficient, according to the reviews of patients and recommendations of doctors. This top will allow you to navigate in the manifold that is offered to the patients to choose from. At least there is a price range and a manufacturer country, which depends a lot. Someone will suit an exclusively budget version, and someone will want more reliable guarantees of this rejuvenation and will choose the most expensive drug. But in any case, the decisive word should remain behind the doctor: listen to his professional recommendations - then you probably do not lose.

The biorevitalization procedure helps to eliminate signs of fading the skin, restore the structure and prevent the premature aging of the epidermis. Excellent is the effect for persons after 30-35 years of age.

Biorevitalization procedure

For the category of persons who do not want to resort to surgical interventions, the specified method is suitable ideal, as it is considered one of the most efficient and safe among similar cosmetology procedures.

Biorevitalization is the procedure for skin rejuvenation, A cosmetologist performed by a cosmetologist, based on the removal of age-related changes and imperfections of the skin, namely:

  • loss of elasticity;
  • small wrinkles;
  • postoperative scars;
  • reduction of tone and skin elasticity;
  • dry, premature aging.

The action of the method is to introduce a natural mixture of hyaluronic acid under the skin, which has regenerating properties and the necessary moisturizing. Penetrating deep into the cells of the skin, it activates the formation of elastin and collagen.

According to cosmetologists, biorevitalization is most effective for people aged 30+. Often, the procedure is carried out on uncovered clothing areas exposed to the external environment, especially ultraviolet rays.

Laser (erosion) biorevitalization

The laser method implies the process of administering hyaluronic acid under the skin by radiation of a special laser apparatus. Actions pass painlessly, due to the insignificant difference in the temperature of the beam from the temperature of the human body.

Laser biorevitalization

The usual session consists of several stages:

  • coating the problem of the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe dermis with a special gel containing hyaluronic acid;
  • effective action of the light beam of the laser on the skin of the skin;
  • removing gel residues from the skin area.

The result of improving the status of the dermis from laser biorevitalization is noticeable after 2-3 procedures. Subsequently, the body is stimulated in the body of its own hyaluronic acid, which supports the effect of rejuvenation for a long time.

The effect after the course spent is saved to 6 months.

According to numerous reviews of women, such changes in the shortest period of procedures are noted as:

  • elimination of small wrinkles and inflammatory processes;
  • improving skin color;
  • elasticity and moisture.

The cost of the procedure for the correction of the skin varies in different limits and depends on the price list of the clinic providing this service.

The price of one session is due to the area of \u200b\u200bexposure to laser radiation and is approximately:

  • restoration of the face and neck ~ 20000 r.;
  • hand brushes ~ 13000 r.;
  • face ~ 12000 p.

Biorevitalization of hyaluronic acid

The classic biorevitalization method is carried out by subcutaneous introduction of hyaluronic acid through a syringe with a very thin needle in certain parts of the body.

Due to the lack of pain during the session, the use of anesthetizing drugs is not required. Depending on the sign of skin imperfection, the specialist appoints the right number of procedures.

Biorevitalization of hyaluronic acid

The main stages of skin improvement include:

  • skin cleansing;
  • applying the label to enter injection;
  • the introduction of the drug itself through a syringe.

This method of skin rejuvenation is determined by two directions:

  • biorevitalization for a preventive goal whose task is to prevent premature aging of the skin. The course usually includes two sessions;
  • therapeutic process applied in cases with visible problems and symptoms of age-fading of the skin.

The effects of the effect of this type of biorevitalization are preserved up to 5-6 months. Patients after the first procedure notice a tangible result:

  • smooth and healthy complexion;
  • smoothing small wrinkles;
  • raise the tone of the dermis and its deep moisture.

The price of the injecting biorevitalization service depends on the type of clinics, the type of preparation used and from the professionalism of the doctor of the cosmetologist. The cost of one procedure, depending on the introduced substance hesitate from 7 to 15 thousand rubles.

The best preparations for biorevitalization after 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 years

Hyaluronic acid is the main component of any drug intended for the biorevitalization procedure. The choice of funds depends on the complexity and degree of problemability of the skin and is carried out only by a specialist doctor.


Currently, Aquasane in injecting biorevitalization is used as the most popular and highly efficient means. The manufacturer of the drug is an organization in South Korea Caregen Co. Ltd, which is considered one of the advanced on the manufacture of cosmetic products with therapeutic effect.

To rejuvenate the skin Aquashain offers one of the above preparations:

  • Revofil Aquashine;
  • Revofil Aquashine Br.

Each of these products has its own specific set of actions. Stage of procedures with Aquashain BR aimed at:

  • activation of elastin and collagen production;
  • improving the color of the face;
  • reduction of pores;
  • improving skin elasticity;
  • ensuring intensive moisture;
  • smoothing visible wrinkles;
  • equalization of the relief of the skin;
  • elimination of skin imperfections.

Course of sessions with Aquashain Revofil provides:

  • careful hydration of the dermis;
  • alignment of the surface of the scars;
  • establishing the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes;
  • adjustment of the contours of the face;
  • narrowing;
  • elasticity and increase in skin density.

According to the conclusion of cosmetologists, the use of the drug Aquasine is the most effective way in the area of \u200b\u200bskin rejuvenation at the cellular level for persons after 30 years. The results are preserved much longer than from similar means.


One of the effective preparations to improve the condition of the skin is Revi tool. For successful implementation of the biorevalization process, you need to refer to the experienced cosmetologist.

The drug is produced by the Advanced Russian Organization NMTC International, which is famous for the development of first-class products. The resulting agent has several ingredients in its composition:

  • hyaluronic acid-based gel;
  • the track is the material protecting against the decay of the dermis cell, as a result of which the growth of metabolism increases significantly, which ensures the regeneration of the skin;
  • quartzeretin is a protein with antioxidant properties and helps in combating free radicals. The substance contributes to the deep absorption of hyaluronic acid;
  • pterostilben is a means that slows down the fading of the skin.

The preparation of the roar helps to achieve a stable and long result of the rejuvenation of the skin, which remains more than a year.

The consequences after the procedures with the drug revi:

  1. Removal of pigment spots and acne;
  2. Correction of facial oval;
  3. Smoothing small and severe wrinkles;
  4. Alignment of the shade of the skin;
  5. Skin renewal after tanning and, in the future, reducing its negative impact;
  6. Protection of dermis from external environmental impacts: wind, ultraviolet, frost, etc.

"Ial Systems"

IAL System is an Italian preparation manufactured by FIDIA. For the purpose of improving skin covers, 2 funds were developed:

Rejuvenation of the skin This means is suitable for several age categories:

  • the biorevitalization process is performed after 45 years in cases of lack of hyaluronic acid organism and improving its antioxidant properties;
  • for age after 30 and up to 45 years. The value of the course of the procedure includes: an increase in the elasticity and softness of the dermis, the activation of its adaptation qualities, the reconstruction of the skin due to the chemical cleaning.
  • up to 30 years old sessions with yal systems are important for increasing skin tone and in order to prevent its early aging due to their stay in the sun, the restoration of the skin after tanning and smoothing small wrinkles.

"Juveners Hydraite"

The product of Juviders Hydraite is produced by the American allergian organization and has the main component of its composition hyaluronic acid and antioxidant mannitol, protecting skin cells from destruction and promoting a long decay of hyaluronic acid.

Such a reception prolongs the positive effects of the drug 3 times. The course takes place once a year and contains three procedures.

With frequent stress, smoking, inhibition of solarium and aged 40 years, the course of skin regeneration is carried out every six months.

Improving the skin by the product of juveniers Hydraite rarely leads to unpleasant consequences in the form of hematomas and edema.


Renneal (renyamed) is a means produced by the "MKS laboratory", which belongs to the Russian company. The main raw material is hyaluronic acid, which does not contain protein additives, due to which they eventually have skin allergic reactions.

Types of true drug renyna:

  1. Renyamed 300 is used as eliminating wrinkles and correction of skin contours;
  2. Renyden 200 is used to restore the lips, increase their natural volume, correcting imperfections of patch and nasolabial folds;
  3. Revenged 100 ensures smoothing minor wrinkles.


Filorg Laboratory, located in France, manufactures various products for the youth of the skin. There are 2 types of drugs aimed at combating age problems:

  1. Biorevitalization with a means of M-10 (Philorg) is intended for:
  • smoothing shallow wrinkles;
  • giving the skin of elasticity and elasticity;
  • careful saturation of the skin moisture;
  • restoration of smooth and healthy skin shade;
  • fill the organism with the missing hyaluronic acid.
  1. Biorevitalization with a substance M-18which, in addition to acid, contains glycerol. This substance is necessary to maintain a long positive effect after the course of the procedures.

Main readings for product use:

  • pronounced wrinkles;
  • dull color, moisture deficiency in the skin;
  • the presence of small scars and stretch marks;
  • bioarming for people with fading face skin with signs of elastic loss. This method prevents the loss of hyaluronic acid and suspends the development of wrinkles.

Indications and contraindications - biorevitalization after tanning, after Botox, after grinding

The main prerequisites for the biorevitalization rate after 30 years are considered:

There are general and local restrictions on the use of this procedure. Common include:

  • cancer tumors. When entering hyaluronic acid, both healthy and malignant cells are activated in the body;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • specialists do not advise with viral, infectious and aggravated chronic diseases to carry out any actions to improve the skin.
  • weed immunity.

Local contraindications include infectious inflammation in the intended injection site. It is important to initially cure viral and bacterial skin diseases.

For a biorevitalization course after Botox sessions, at least 2 weeks should pass. The combination of different types of procedures gives the maximum effect. Based on the characteristics of the patient's skin, the cosmetologist determines the sequence of the implementation of Botox and Biorevitalization.

The biorevitalization process is very useful in the summer.

Under the influence of the active ultraviolet, the destruction in the cells of hyaluronic acid occurs. This procedure has a number of advantages after the tan:

Skin biorevitalization after laser grinding facial has a significant role. The face grinding contributes to a thorough removal of deadly cells of the dermis and eliminate defects, alignment of color and smoothing the wrinkles of the skin.

But the procedure is quite injured for the skin, the rehabilitation period of which lasts about 2-3 weeks. For the purpose of the doctor after the completion of the derely regeneration period, it is advisable to conduct a biorevitalization procedure to saturate the skin moisture and extend the effect of beautiful skin for a long time.

Recommendations for the care of the face after biorevitalization. Than to smear face

After the implementation of injection procedures, patients often observed symptoms in the form of a hematoma, redness and edema in the drug zone. These unattractive phenomena with strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor will soon pass.

But you can additionally help the skin, having accelerate this process with masks and creams.


When preparing a mask, it is important to choose substances with reassuring properties. Its consistency should have a lightweight density. An example of one efficient mask includes a mixture of products:

  • 1 ml of chloromexedin (as an antiseptic);
  • 4 cm of a throksevazine (for removing swelling and redness);
  • 1 ampoule of aloe extract (eliminates swelling and soothes the skin);
  • 1st.L. Mazi "Tumel".

Before applying it on the face, the skin area is treated with chloromexedin. The mixture is withstanding 30 minutes, after which its residues are removed sterile gauze dipped in chloromexedin. The mask can be used daily to the complete disappearance of unpleasant traces.


Cosmetologists are advised during the first 2 days not to apply any familiar cargoing creams. The doctor himself will advise to acquire a special ointment to restore the skin after the stage of procedures.

Panthenol after biorevitalization

These drugs include Panthenol, Bepanten, Lioton. Before entering the street, you need to apply the cream protective against ultraviolet. After the coming of the skin into a normal state, a prerequisite is considered to use hypoallergenic skin care products. The cream with a warming effect is dangerous at the stage of skin tissue regeneration.

How many are the consequences of the procedure. How to remove them. How to treat complications

Failure to comply with the councils of the doctor after biorevitalization is fraught with the emergence of unpleasant symptoms. But some of them may appear as an individual response of the body to a certain drug.

Papula, acne

The occurrence of papules after the injection procedure is a permissible fact. Seals are manifested in the injection entry places. Towing over the skin, they look like small tubercles with a dense structure and a conventional color tint. In some situations, they have red or pale pink color.

After the biorevitalization of acne disappear on the second or third day. On thin areas of the skin of the skin, they keep a little longer. To avoid skin infection, it is forbidden to touch, catch alcohol or squeeze papulas.

With careful compliance with the councils of the cosmetologist, there should not be any complications.

Auxiliary assistance for skin regeneration will have soothing masks containing "Trokevazin", "Chlorhexed" and scarlet extract. According to the recommendations of the specialist, you can purchase ready-made means containing exemplary components.

Dry skin

Skin dryness occurs in some cases and is the reaction of the body to biorevitalization. In this option, there is a consultation of the doctor to solve the problem. A beautician can prescribe special nutritional ointments with a soothing effect, such as "Losterine", "Bepanten".

If it is joined to dry skin, then we are talking about an allergic reaction. In this case, antihistamines are prescribed by a specialist: "Phenolic", "Zodeks", etc.

The effects of biorevitalization

Bruise and swelling

To prevent the appearance of such symptoms, you can make a compress based on ice on the skin area undergoing the biorevitalization process, but not more than 7-10 minutes. Several times a day every 3-4 hours you need to repeat the procedure. It will also be suitable for the use of such ointments like a trocsevazine or liton.

The main causes of the appearance of hematomas and swells:

  • a large amount of ingredient entered provokes swelling at the injection site, which comes off immediately. The bruise may occur with a deep introduction of the needle and damage to the capillary;
  • surface introduction of the drug to insufficient depth;
  • failure to comply with the main councils of the cosmetologist during the rehabilitation period.

If swelling and hematoma do not pass after 2 weeks, you should visit the doctor to detect the cause and treatment of complications.


Redness of the skin on the plot after the procedure is called Erythema. In the normal state of the body, it must pass within an hour after the biorevitalization process. If red spots do not pass throughout the day, you need to contact a specialist.

If itching and swelling is joined to redness, then we are talking about an allergic reaction to the product used. Here, antihistamines apply to the doctor's appointment.

What can and what can not be done after the restriction procedure

Unpleasant symptoms after biorevitalization arise from almost every person because of the content in the preparation of chemicals and individual characteristics of the body. In order to avoid in the future complications and to maximize the extension of a positive effect, it is necessary to know that it is possible, and which cannot be done after this process.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after biorevitalization?

Increased alcohol consumption is not health for humans, which is undoubtedly reflected in the state of its skin. It takes water from the body, as a result of which the dryness of the dermis and the loss of its elasticity, minor wrinkles appear.

At the same time, alcohol-containing drinks contribute to the swelling of the face.

After biorevitalization, the manifestation of the side effect in the form of a swelling also takes place. It should not be worsened by the use of alcohol in the first days of skin regeneration.

Is it possible to play sports after biorevitalization?

Sports, according to specialists, is postponed for a couple of weeks due to certain reasons. First, the body at this time is the rest for complete recovery after biorevitalization.

Secondly, physical exercises contribute to the expansion of vessels, which reduces the activity of hyaluronic acid. Along with the sweat, not only toxins and slags will go out, but also a part of the acid injected.

Is it possible to make a massage face after biorevitalization?

The rubbing of the skin subjected to injections is strictly prohibited in the first 3 months after the completion of the procedures. As a result of massage, heavily blood circulation occurs, which encourages hyaluronic acid to dissolve.

This reduces the term of the positive effect of biorevitalization. In the first days after the procedures, any touch to the skin is contraindicated, not to mention the massage.

Is it possible to make peeling, cleaning skin after biorevitalization?

According to cosmetologists, the combination of biorevitalization and peeling procedures is very useful for longer conservation of the skin of the skin.

Cleaning the skin with the help of acids after the course of injections by hyaluronic acid helps to achieve such a high result as:

  • softness and elasticity of the skin;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • clarity face relief;
  • elimination of dryness;
  • healthy and uniform color of the skin.
  • skin saturation with oxygen;
  • preventing loss of moisture in the future;
  • strengthened elastin and collagen production.

The combination of the above methods of rejuvenation is preferably carried out after 30 years, when the first symptoms of skin fading appear.

Is it possible to sunbathe after biorevitalization?

A visit to a solarium and staying in the open sun after the stage of procedures should be postponed for 2-3 weeks due to the high risk of developing adverse reactions and deterioration of the biorevitalization effect. Skin protection should be a prerequisite for complete skin regeneration.

In the future, it is necessary to limit the time of staying under the active Sun, and reduce the number of visits to the solarium. Ultraviolet rays destroy hyaluronic acid, which leads to a loss of a positive result from the procedures performed.

Is it possible to go to the bath after biorevitalization?

Experts are recommended to refrain from hiking in a bath and sauna for the first 14 days after the injections entered. High air humidity is an obstacle for rapid skin restoration, and a strong plus temperature contributes to the removal of derma cells together with toxins and hyaluronic acid.

Upon expiration of the rehabilitation time of the skin, an infrequent stay in such health facilities is allowed.

Photo before and after the procedure

Biorevitalization or mesotherapy - what is better?

The biorevitalization procedure is one of the methods of mesotherapy.

The similarities of methods are as follows:

  • both techniques of skin improvement are characterized as injectable. Their goal is to rejuvenate the skin cover;
  • both procedures help moisturize the skin and resume its elasticity, as well as eliminate minor wrinkles;

The differences between these 2 types of procedures are that the course of mesotherapy uses fillers with hyaluronic acid of animal origin. It does not contribute to the preservation of a long rejuvenating effect, where the consequences of the procedure are preserved no more than 10 days.

At the same time, it is important to frequent procedures for maintaining the result. For biorevitalization, the created hyaluronic acid is used, closer to human. Once in the body, it stimulates the production of self-acid.

Favorable consequences after the proceedings have done a long period, and the skin is saturated with moisture. Mesotherapy provides a fast and short effect, while biorevitalization for a long time extends the beauty of human skin.

Many people do not know which to choose a method for skin rejuvenation. With a private inspection of the patient, the cosmetologist will give a good advice.

After 30 years, the biorevitalization procedure at the first symptoms of skin aging contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for the vital activity of the dermis cells and restores the required amount of hyaluronic acid in the human body.

Video of biorevitalization of the face in the cabin:

Video about L. azerna biorevitalization of the face:

Biorevitalization is one of the most common cosmetology procedures. Biorevitalization preparations are made on the basis of hyaluronic acid, which activates the rehabilitation processes of the dermis, pulls, deeply nourishes the skin. Procedures are recommended for women after 35 years for facial rejuvenation, neck, neckline, hands.

Some biorevitalizes are widely used in sexology and gynecology for contour plastics, adjusting intimate zones (clutors, increasing point G, labioplasty).

There are many drugs, the difference between them is due to the molecular weight of the main active substance, additional components, an area of \u200b\u200bapplication. An important factors for the correct choice of biorevitalitis are individual characteristics of the body and age indicators.

Effect and mechanism of the effects of drugs on the skin

Depending on the type and scope of application, biorevitalizes have the following properties:

  • deeply nourish, moisturize skin cover;
  • effectively smooth relief;
  • eliminate small and deep wrinkles;
  • ensure unwanted pigment spots;
  • improve the complexion by making it matte;
  • fight cooperose;
  • stimulate the production of collagen, restore elasticity;
  • activate the regeneration of damaged cells;
  • correction the contours of the face (non-invasive lifting).

In addition, with the help of hyaluronic acid-based products, it is possible to increase the lips volume, form more pronounced cheekbones ,.

Indications for the use of biorevital

Biorevitalization is recommended after 35 years for deep skin moisturizing, eliminating small wrinkles. In women, after 50 years, the procedures are aimed at deep stimulation, the restoration of skin cells, effective lifting, restoration of the internal metabolic processes of the dermis.

Increasing the volume of lips and the adjustment of their shape with biorevitalitals can be carried out from 20 years in the absence of contraindications.

Biorevitalizes are often used by facial surgeons for recovery, correction after injuries and operations. At the same time, the patient's age can begin with 18 years.

Selection of drug

In modern cosmetology there are many drugs for biorevitalization. Thanks to improved technologies, everyone may choose a suitable means. The choice must be discussed with a beautician, it will help determine which composition will be most effective in a particular case.

There are several biodactors for which you need to pay attention when choosing a filler:

  • the age of the patient;
  • skin type - fat, dry, combined;
  • state of the endocrine system, immunological disorders;
  • area, area of \u200b\u200badjustment zone;
  • combined with previously conducted cosmetology procedures;
  • expected therapeutic effect.

Each organism is individual, the effect of injections is the same drug in different patients may differ.

The most effective biorevitals 2017

Top most effective biorevitalisans 2017

Brand of preparation Active Component, Concentration Age Application area Number of procedures for the course The cost of one (in rubles) Duration effect Hyaluronic Acid, 15 mg / ml 20+ Face, neck, neckline 4-6 5500-7000 2-3 months Synthetic model of the embryonic peptide 40+ Face, periorubital zone, neck, neckline 4-8 15000-18000 2-2.5 years Hyaluronic Acid, 18mg / ml 25+ Neck, hands, neckline, face 1-3 9000-11000 3-5 months Beautelle Hyaluronic acid, 1-2% concentration 30+ Leather face, neck, area around the eyes, decolte area, other problem areas 4-6 5000-12000 6-9 months Unclean hyaluronic acid, 18 mg / g 35+ Neck, zone decollet, face 3-4 4000-5000 7-8 months

Preparations of the new generation

The new generation of biorevitalizes includes peptide compounds for skin reparation. The means contains hyaluronic acid, but the basic component of biomimetic peptides is considered the main one. Such revitalizants can be attributed to Vivify Rejuvenating Soft Filler, VEC multipeptide complex, Revilab Peptide SL.

The principle of action of fillers is similar to similar means based on hyaluronic acid, however, due to peptide compounds, they have greater efficiency. These funds are considered to be the best preparations for biorevitalization after 40 years.

Why after 40 years it is necessary to use special biograpalization preparations

Over the years, natural functions of self-healing skin are weakened. If up to 35 years old are quite ordinary cosmetics (creams, tonic, masks, lotions), then after 40 the effect of them is insignificant. Biorevitalization is the best way to control the process of leather fading aged 40+.

Preparations for patients of the middle age category should contain a certain concentration of hyaluronic acid and a balanced vitamin complex. The presence in peptide compounds, ascorbic acid, zinc increases the effectiveness of the use of biorevital.

Domestic preparations for biorevitalization and mesotherapy

There are many biorevitaltasy-patented in Russia in Russia, which have positively established themselves in the field of aesthetic cosmetology. The best of them are considered:

  • CYTOLIFE (cytolaife);
  • HyalrePair (hyalripayer);
  • Medical Case (Case Medical);
  • Hyaluform (Haluoform).

Russian-made drugs are integrated, injected papidically, used for:

  • smoothing relief;
  • removal of dark circles, bags under the eyes;
  • eliminating the effect of the authorized century.

In addition to the main active substance, the composition includes: plant extracts, vitamin-mineral complexes, which stimulate extiplication, have an antioxidant, soothing, anti-inflammatory effect.

Popular biograpalization preparations

Beautypharma. Hyal Amin. Designed for biorevitalization, mesotherapy. It is a balanced cocktail for injections, does not require dilution or mixing with other means.

Butyfarm Hial Amin is designed for complex therapy. Course 5-8 sessions, break between injections of 7 days. Suitable for eliminating mesh small wrinkles, scars.

Apriline (APRIINE)- Biorevital with a new generation. Galuron Fillers of the line (Apriline Normal, Apriline Forte, Apriline Hydro) are produced by the Swiss company Suisselle. The drug is designed for advanced technology A.P.R.I., in which the stabilization of the acid occurs in an aqueous solution. Neutral environment ensures complete safety of the procedure due to the lack of additional aggressive components.

APRIINE hydro is produced as a monophasic, elastic gel for contour adjustment, deep moisturizing.

BUTspire. (AEARSPE) - Preparation of Austrian production. Released in the form of a very thick gel. It is applied not only for biorevitalization, but also as a natural filler to fill emptiness and volume.

Biomimetic peptides in a complex with hyaluronic acid provide an efficient, resistant result. Azpectr has a pronounced clarifying effect. It is considered one of the best funds in the fight against pigment stains.

CRM. Soft - Biorevitalizant of the German company Biopolymer. The main principle of operation is the restoration of the natural pH balance of the skin, elasticity, elasticity.

Used for injection facial, neck, neckline, chest, abdomen, inner parts of the hips, hands, partially buttocks. A popular remedy for removing stretch marks (Striy), scars, scars from acne, acne.

FROMytolife. (Cytolaife) - The joint production of cosmetologists of Russia Laboratory Cytolife and Japanese specialists of Shiseido. The integrated impact remodulator is suitable for:

  • biorevitalization, biorestructure of skin of various areas;
  • lifting, adjustment of the facial oval;
  • smoothing the relief of the skin in the center of accumulation;
  • removal of dark circles, bags under the eyes;
  • eliminating the effect of the authorized century.

The vitamin and mineral complex stimulates the impactification, has an antioxidant, soothing, anti-inflammatory effect.

Dermafill. (Dermafil)- Biorevitalizant of the French company SBS-MED. The series of aesthetic products of Dermafil includes four types of different density filients:

  1. Dermafill Regen (Meso).
  2. Dermafill Global Extra.
  3. Dermafill Volume Ultra.
  4. Dermafill Lips.

The compositions have a light viscosity, which ensures uniform distribution without contouring. The use of drugs guarantees a long effect and persistent result.

Evolution (Eurolesha) - The line of French filients is represented by several types of safe proofreaders, which are characterized by a hyaluronic acid concentration. The higher the molecular weight of Haluron, the more pronounced effect of the procedure.

Frequently used as a means of rejuvenation of delicate, sensitive skin sites (around the eyes, mouth). It is an effective reducing agent in the rehabilitation period, after a plastic surgery.

Genial (Jenial) - Biorevitalizer of the Swiss company Xcelence S.A. The line includes three types of drug:

  1. Genyal Volumae - for bulk correction of appearance defects.
  2. Genyal Polyvalent is used as a multi-profile dermal filler.
  3. Genyal Genyalift is a concentrated biorevital with a persistent long exposure.

Hyaluronic acid in the composition of the ghenial, has a three-dimensional structure, which significantly improves the effect of the procedure, prolongs the validity period.

Hyamira. (Hamira, Chimera) - High-quality biogeli from the Italian company APHARM. The drug is intended to activate reducing processes in dermal layers, stimulation of collagen and elastin production. Thanks to the viscoelllastic formula of the composition, it is delayed in the Derma until 14-16 days. This time is enough to launch a natural recovery.

Hamira has a unique level of pH (7.3), which is almost identical to the natural water-lipid balance.

Innea. (Inna)- The preparation has the optimal molecular weight and concentration of hyaluronic acid. Is used for:

  • elimination of age-related skin quality changes;
  • rogue coating rehydration
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • recovery of skin, after surface wounds from acne rash;
  • comprehensive procedures in conjunction with laser, radio wave therapy, peels and other cosmetology manipulations.

Intensive treatment course includes 3 procedures, periodicity 1 time in 14 days.

Jalevel (Jalawel) - Biorevitalist, which is produced by Innate Viale Industria (Germany-Italy) by order of Monaco. The preparation is very plastic, has high hydrotation.

It is recommended to use to combat small wrinkles and age-related therapy. Enhances metabolic processes, increases the tone, stimulates the production of elastin. Effective means for comprehensive reparations of skin. Not suitable for lifting, increasing volume.

JaluComplex (Yalcomplex) - Unlike other biorevital, the main active substance of the drug is oligosahar. This is a product of the decay of hyaluronic acid, which actively stimulates its natural working. Varieties:

  1. JALUCOMPLEX THIN - used to moisturize the skin of problem areas.
  2. JaluComplex Medium - deeply moisturizes the dermis, eliminates small wrinkles, adjusts the sowing faces.
  3. JaluComplex Deep - has the effect of lifting, smoothes deep, mimic wrinkles.

Nucleospire. (Nucleospaire)DNARNA DM. Peptide Effectively struggles with involutional changes in skin and hyperpigmentation.

  • unstabilized hyaluronic acid 1.8%;
  • vitamins C, B5;
  • tioctic acid;
  • special antioxidant complex;
  • methylsulfometan;
  • ubiquinon (Coenzyme Q10).

The optimal concentration of substances strengthens antioxidant protection.

Skin. Rejuvenating Solution, Skin. Rejuvenating Solution Higher. Concentration - Common preparations for biorevitalization from Otesaly cosmetology company. Have a rapid effect, lasting action. It is recommended to patients at the age of 35+, they moisturize the dermis, struggling with small wrinkles, narrow pores. Perfectly suitable as a prophylactic agent of skin aging.

Revita derm philosophy - a mixture of hyaluronic acid and amino acids. Prevents premature fading of the skin. Eliminates the consequences of a negative impact on the dermis of external factors. It is used to improve the color of the face, with excessive dryness. In the early stages, eliminates the relief, contributes to the regeneration of the damaged epithelium.

Renova. revital. - Innovative drug for intensive revitalization. The composition includes peptide, amino acid, antioxidant, hydrant complexes. The remedy has the unique properties of the strengthening of the dermis. One of the few biographeritals, which is suitable for use in the periorbital area.

Sakura. - Japanese mesolifting with high concentration of elastin. Specialists argue that regardless of age, gender, the source problem, the tool will provide a positive effect for the whole year. The composition includes hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, placenta.

The drug is used to strengthen hair, restoring hair follicle, growth stimulation.

Visage. Revital. (Visage revital) - a concentrate of an injection mixture of hyaluronic acid and saline. Promotes skin rejuvenation, eliminates wrinkles, suitable for contour correction.

Stabilized hyaluronic acid prolongs the effect of revitalizing up to 14 months. Biological material qualitatively fills wrinkles and races on the forehead, neck.

It is only a small part of registered biorevitalitas. All presented drugs comply with international standards, they can be freely acquired in the Russian market.