Concentration of lactic acid for face peeling. Milk peeling - gentle cleansing of the skin at any time of the year! Peeling with lactic acid at home

Reviews which can be heard in all modern salons, quite gently, without damaging the skin, will help cleanse the epidermis from keratinized particles and impurities. And also it will simultaneously moisturize and nourish the cover, increase tone and elasticity. This procedure is an excellent option for prolonging beauty, youth and freshness. Therefore, such maintenance is recommended to be performed regularly.


At the moment, milk peeling is very popular, cosmetologists' reviews on it say that this is a superficial dry cleaning, but a more gentle regime, as it removes keratinized skin without injury. The main active ingredient is acid, which has a number of beneficial properties:

It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects;
- moisturizes, cleanses, tightens and whitens;
- increases elasticity, smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates;
- fights blackheads and acne, normalizes pH;
- stimulates the formation of collagen;
- regulates the sebaceous glands.

Masks with cottage cheese, yogurt and sour cream have a great effect on the condition of the epidermis, therefore such procedures are very popular among women. They are considered harmless because the food contains a minimum amount of lactic acid. For peeling, which is carried out in the salon, the formulations used can be from 30-80%. In each case, depending on the individual characteristics and condition of the skin, the specialist himself will prescribe the concentration and frequency of use.


There is no need for a special special procedure before trying milk peeling, which can be obtained from your beautician. The only advice would be not to sunbathe for several weeks and refuse to visit the solarium. An exception will be those girls who have sensitive skin, it is recommended for them to apply cosmetics for half a month every evening, which contain 1-2% acid.


Before you start milk peeling, which every satisfied customer can leave a review on, you need to prepare a cotton pad, rubbing alcohol or witch hazel tincture, an acid solution and a hair dryer.

1. Initially, it is required to determine what kind of cleaning is necessary, since the concentration of the substance varies from 30 to 70%. If the procedure is performed for the first time, it is better to stop at 30-40%.
2. The face is washed with a mild cleanser and then wiped dry. Next, using a disc, the surface is wiped with alcohol or tincture. Thanks to this, sebum will go away.
3. Further, so much solution is applied to the cotton wool so that it is well moistened with it, but so that it does not drip from it. The entire face is wiped, starting from the forehead and below.
4. Do not come close to the eyes, and it is also recommended to bypass the delicate skin surrounding them. The lips, the area between them and the nose are not affected. For the first time, the product is left for just a few minutes.
5. After the epidermis gets used to it, the time can be increased a little. But if for the first time the solution remains on the skin for a very long time, then in the end you can get a chemical burn.
6. After the lapse of time, the cover is thoroughly rinsed with cold water.


You can often find women who use milk facial peels. Compliments and reviews about their appearance can be heard from most friends, because this procedure actually gives an amazing result:

1. The skin is qualitatively hydrated, filled with natural radiance, and age spots disappear.
2. Traces after acne disappear, skin relief is leveled.
3. Wrinkles are smoothed out.
4. Redness and inflammation are eliminated.
5. Oily shine goes away.

It is necessary to understand that such a procedure qualitatively improves the condition of the epidermis, but it is not able to get rid of deep wrinkles, scars and scars.

Indications for

Every woman wants to be beautiful, but it is not always possible to achieve this with simple cosmetics, so milk peeling for the face is perfect for solving this problem. The reviews of cosmetologists say that thanks to him, the following ailments can be eliminated:

- dull and unhealthy complexion;
- loss of tone and sluggishness of the skin;
- irritation and inflammation;
- mimic wrinkles;
- acne, blackheads, excessively greasy and oily skin;
- enlarged pores.


Before using lactic acid, you should consult your doctor, as its use has many restrictions:

Herpes at the stage of exacerbation;
- pustular and open wounds on the face, sebaceous inflammation, edema and damage;
- pigmented nevus;
- individual intolerance;
- increased sensitivity of the epidermis;
- after sunburn and solarium;
- with spider veins;
- tendency to scarring;
- age up to 25 years;
- neoplasms of a malignant nature.

Further care

Moisturizers should be used liberally in the first few days after having a milk peel at home. The reviews also say that it is required to exclude all creams containing fruit acids and retinoids. Avoid leaving your home in the sun for several weeks. It is forbidden to touch your face and apply decorative cosmetics for 2 days.

How often to do

For a pronounced result and a qualitative improvement in the condition of the skin, removal of the stratum corneum and leveling of the superficial epidermis, the course requires 10 procedures. It must be remembered that you should not use more than one session per week.

Many beautiful women can be asked for advice on how to use milk peels correctly. The reviews they leave are very extensive and are characterized by the following points:

1. If the resulting discomfort during the procedure causes great inconvenience, then a cold stream from a hairdryer can be directed to the face, and everything will pass.
2. When the skin is very dry, before the start of the session, the area around the eyes, nasolabial fold and lips must be lubricated with a fat cream or petroleum jelly.
3. After that, do not apply products that contain beta and alpha hydroxy acids and retinoids. They are recommended to be applied after a few days.
4. The duration increases gradually. After the epidermis gets used to it, at the end of the procedure, you can reapply the solution again for literally one minute.
5. At the end of the exfoliation, the skin is lubricated with a moisturizing cream suitable for its type.
6. For a home procedure, do not use solutions above 40%, as you can harm.
7. The best time will be the period from October to March, as the sun is in its not so active stage.
8. If there is a need to go outside after the procedure, then a cream with a high degree of protection (30-50) must be applied to the skin.


For salon procedures, a ready-made composition is most often used, for example, which is being developed by the Korean company Dr. Jart +. Milk peeling, reviews of which can be heard in every beauty salon, is very popular and in demand. And also such brands as Meillume (USA), Toskani Cosmetics (Spain), Mediccontrolpeel (laboratory "Toscani", Russia), Ultra Ceuticals (Australia), Allura Esthetics (USA), Sesderma (Spain) and many others enjoy great popularity. The products of these companies differ in the pH concentration of lactanic acid. Therefore, their impact can be quite aggressive. Only a specialist should work with the above cosmetics. Peels very often contain glycerin to increase temporary effectiveness. However, quite often, instead of attracting moisture from the external environment at low humidity, it accumulates it from the epidermis and keeps it on the surface, which contributes to the appearance of increased dryness. And also in the composition you can find hydroquinone, which has a whitening effect, therefore it is often present in such products. It must be remembered that this is still a toxic substance and it can cause malfunctions in the endocrine system.

Every girl who cares for skin is familiar with the peeling procedure, at home or in the salon.

Without regular cleansing, full-fledged care is simply impossible, because the removal of dead scales stimulates the growth of new cells and improves the flow of oxygen into the dermis.

Cosmetologists offer a wide choice of peels - from deep chemical peels to gentle almond ones. For those ladies who are not supporters of aggressive methods of cleansing, a delicate milk peeling is ideal, which helps to maintain freshness and elasticity of the skin.

How does the procedure for face peeling with the help of lactic acid go, what contraindications and average prices it has, we will tell you below.

Peeling is based on the use of high concentration of lactic acid, which is widely used in various cosmetics. Milk peeling can be called one of the least traumatic and gentle, it is suitable for any skin type, including the most sensitive.

Since the action of lactic acid is superficial, it can only cope with minor problems.

Peeling is best suited for young girls with the first signs of aging or to eliminate dry skin.

A dull complexion, excess sebum secretion - these are the problems with which lactic acid will cope perfectly well.

Lactic acid properties

Lactic acid is a part of many cosmetics, including for intimate hygiene.

This widespread use is due to its excellent moisturizing and healing properties.

Of no small importance is the fact that lactic acid has the ability to penetrate deeply into cell membranes, ensuring uniform distribution of the active substance.

In home masks, it is possible to use only products with a low acid content. For peeling, concentrated acid is used - safe for health, and at the same time having high efficiency.

Lactic acid has the following properties:

  • stimulates the renewal of dermal cells;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • moisturizes the upper layers of the skin;
  • accelerates the processes of collagenesis;
  • whitens pigmented areas;
  • enhances the protective properties of the epidermis.

What is the technique, the pros and cons of the procedure, and much more, you can find out from a separate article on our website.

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Well, read how pneumomassage of the lower extremities takes place and how it works.

Pros and cons

The advantages of milk peeling are the gentle effects of acid on the skin:

  • the procedure is suitable for the most sensitive skin;
  • the recovery period is minimal, as there is no noticeable exfoliation;
  • there is no need for preparatory measures;
  • acid rarely causes an allergic reaction;
  • peeling plentifully moisturizes the skin, unlike most similar procedures;
  • peeling can be carried out in the summer;
  • there is no need to use special care products after the procedure;
  • peeling is safe even when applied to dark skin.

Another advantage is the good compatibility of lactic acid with other components. Thanks to the combination of active substances, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of milk peeling to the middle one, in which not only the upper layer of the dermis is exposed, but also the epidermis.

The most significant disadvantage is the lack of effectiveness for mature skin. In addition, you should pay attention to the composition of the peeling agent - sometimes substances that can negatively affect health are added to it to increase its effectiveness.

If the mixture contains glycerol, its concentration is of great importance - a high content can lead to dehydration of the skin.

Burns are likely to occur in the treated area - the procedure requires careful adherence to instructions and a preliminary test.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure is ideal for young girls up to 35 years old. Lactic acid exfoliation is more likely to help prevent the signs of aging than to combat the existing ones.

Indications for the use of lactic acid include:

  • unhealthy complexion;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • freckles and age spots;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne;
  • dry, dehydrated skin;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • fresh stretch marks;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • preparation in other cosmetic procedures.

Milk peeling is mainly used for the face and décolleté, in addition, it is ideal for other areas of the body when fighting scars and stretch marks.

Milk peeling is not recommended for chronic diseases in the acute stage, oncology, with an increase in temperature. Also, peeling should be temporarily postponed for expectant mothers, nursing women, as well as those who have damage to the skin.

Herpes, individual intolerance to the components, taking antibiotics, rosacea - all this can become a serious contraindication. You should also not resort to peeling in the first week after hair removal.

Session stages

If you decide to carry out a milk peel, it is recommended to prepare for the procedure in advance - you should avoid being in direct sunlight for at least two weeks. Sometimes the daily use of a cream with a low lactic acid or fruit acid content is required.

During the procedure, the beautician thoroughly removes makeup and treats the skin with a preparation with a low content of active substance - this is necessary for preliminary softening of the epidermis and removal of keratinized scales.

Then the specialist applies concentrated acid to the face in two stages for a period of 10 to 40 minutes. The concentration varies from 30 to 90 percent and is selected individually, taking into account the condition of the epidermis and its sensitivity.

The specialist monitors the patient's reaction to the drug, if there are signs of burns, the solution must be urgently neutralized. If the reaction of the epidermis is normal, then with the following procedures it is possible to use a more concentrated preparation.

The session ends with rinsing off the active substance with cold water and applying a moisturizing mask - most often an alginate algae mask is used. Then a moisturizer is applied. Milk peeling is completely painless, some patients notice a slight burning sensation in the first minute after applying the drug.

How is the recovery period

After the peel, slight redness is observed, which can last for several days. During the week, the epidermis actively peels off, it is necessary to endure this period and, if possible, not touch the face with your hands. It is also undesirable to use cosmetics at this time.

The appearance of the skin allows you to adhere to your normal lifestyle during the recovery period, just remember to apply sunscreen before going outside. In the first weeks after peeling, it is not recommended to resort to other cosmetic methods, as well as visit the gym or sauna.


The results from exposure to the dermis with lactic acid are noticeable after the first sessions:

  • fine wrinkles are smoothed;
  • a healthy complexion returns;
  • freckles and age spots become less noticeable;
  • acne spots are evened in tone with skin color;
  • dryness and flaking is eliminated;
  • the production of sebum decreases.

See what the skin looks like after peeling with lactic acid, before and after photos:

Possible complications

In rare cases, persistent redness and irritation are observed after peeling. Incorrect concentration can cause minor burns in the treated area. It is recommended to use vegetable oils or Panthenol to accelerate healing.

To prevent negative consequences, you should strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and be careful when using cosmetics.

What are the advantages, feedback on the procedure, all the pros and cons of the technique can be found in a separate article.

What is the difference between epilation and depilation and what are the benefits of these two types of hair removal, you can find out.

Find out if photoepilation is harmful during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Course duration and average prices

Good results are noted already after the first procedures. For lasting results, it is recommended to complete a full course of 4 - 5 sessions with breaks of two weeks. You can repeat the course, if necessary, after six months. Prices in clinics vary significantly - from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles per session.

Milk peeling is gaining popularity every day, its gentle effect can effectively heal the skin.

You should not experiment at home - only a specialist will help you avoid burns and achieve sustainable results.

Approach the cleansing procedure responsibly, and lactic acid will give you a youthful and beautiful face.

What do those who have gone through the procedure say

We offer you to read the reviews of those who did milk face peeling in the salon:

  • Varya, 28 years old:

    “After winter, I always have a gray face with red spots around the wings of the nose. Cosmetics help little to hide the defect, it only adds vulgarity.

    I have not yet decided on serious methods, I chose peeling with milk.

    I did not notice itching or irritation, you can safely go to work. The course was quite inexpensive, I like the result! "

  • Olga, 29 years old:

    “I have very dry skin since adolescence. I tried a lot of creams, it does not help for long. Last year I ventured into biorevitalization, the result is very good. The beautician advised lactic acid. I am going through it for the third time, my face is soft and velvety ”.

  • Masha, 24 years old:

    “No peeling helped my freckles. As they were, they remain, maybe a little paler than steel. I just wasted my time and money. So, girls, don't get fooled by advertising! "

  • Katya, 32 years old:

    “At school I was constantly squeezing out pimples, over time the problem went away, but the spots from acne on my face remained. I got used to fighting them with homemade brightening masks. I read a lot about different peeling methods, decided to try the safest one. The effect is good - the face is clean! I hope the result will last for a long time. "

We offer you to watch a video on how the peeling procedure with lactic acid goes:

Milk peeling is one of the most popular, effective and at the same time gentle procedures that can significantly improve the condition of the skin without any health consequences or discomfort.

This procedure is simple and versatile, so it can be carried out not only in the salon, but also at home. But how exactly this happens, what features and advantages it has, we will find out.

Useful properties of lactic acid

Lactic acid or lactate belongs to the category of organic substances and is formed as a result of the breakdown of glucose. It was discovered back in 1780 by a Swedish chemist. The use of such a remedy in cosmetology is completely safe, because the composition is present in the human body: in its natural form it is found in the muscles, moisturizes the skin and normalizes metabolism.

Natural sources of lactic acid: pickled vegetables, sour milk, young wine and beer (at the stage of fermentation of drinks). Of course, for the needs of aesthetic medicine, this substance is obtained in a different way. So, to isolate lactate, an enzymatic reaction is carried out (lactic acid fermentation).

Peeling with lactic acid is most often carried out on the basis of Toskani Cosmetics, Meillume, products from the Toscan Laboratory.

How lactate works

Milk peels are effective due to the small size of lactate particles. They easily penetrate through the pores into the surface layers of the dermis and form pronounced positive changes, namely:

  • regeneration of skin cells and their renewal;
  • maximum hydration and restoration of water balance;
  • accelerating collagen production and increasing skin tone;
  • increasing the strength of the lipid barrier;
  • decrease in the release of sebaceous secretions;
  • removal of dead cells and improvement of complexion;
  • elimination of bacteria and pathogenic flora;
  • increased local immunity.

Indications for the procedure

Milk peeling belongs to the category of superficial procedures and is ideal for thin, hypersensitive skin. Lactate is considered a versatile substance and can be used to treat a variety of skin types (oily, dry, normal or combination).

This procedure is preventive and best suited for young patients, but it can also be used as a complex therapy for complex problems.

So, chemical exposure to lactate is carried out when:

  • dehydration of the skin;
  • excessive dryness and flaking;
  • small mimic wrinkles (and for their prevention);
  • stretch marks and scars (not old ones);
  • increased oily skin, a tendency to form acne;
  • decrease in skin elasticity, flabbiness, uneven structure, enlarged pores.

Milk peeling is done both after an intensive tanning course and to prepare the skin for more aggressive cosmetic procedures.

Three stages of peeling: preparation, processing, restoration

Milk peeling does not require any special preliminary preparation, but to achieve good results, the skin is treated with a cream with fruit acids or lactic acid for 7-14 days.

The peeling process itself takes relatively little time, about 40-55 minutes, and includes the following steps:

  1. Skin cleansing from external dirt, dead cells and makeup elements.
  2. Degreasing skin with fruit acid tonics.
  3. Pre-peeling. Pre-treatment of the problem area with a special composition based on lactic acid. The task of this stage is to enhance the expected results and to check the reaction of the skin to the drug.
  4. Peeling. The tool is applied in a thin layer, after a few minutes the manipulations are repeated. The lactate mask is kept for up to 20 minutes and then rinsed thoroughly.
  5. Primary rehabilitation. This stage consists in applying a special mask, the purpose of which is nutrition and hydration.

Video: milk peeling

The main rehabilitation takes place at home. Basic recommendations for this period are to regularly moisturize the skin and protect it from direct sunlight. Also, within 5 - 7 days after peeling, you should:

  • Minimize mechanical stress on the treated skin areas.
  • Refuse to use decorative cosmetics.
  • Be in the sun as little as possible.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the fact that milk peeling is considered an extremely gentle procedure, it is also subject to a number of contraindications. It:

  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
  • Allergy to the components that make up the drug for treating the skin.
  • Inflammatory formations or herpes in the acute stage.
  • Taking a separate category of antibiotics and retinoic acid-based products.
  • Carrying out a number of cosmetic procedures a few days before peeling (visiting a solarium, epilation, etc.).
  • Oncology.
  • Increased body temperature and viral diseases.
  • Diabetes.

It should be remembered, despite the observance of all recommendations and rules, after the procedure, side effects may be recorded. A negative reaction of the body to outside interference can manifest itself in.

Among the variety of beauty and rejuvenation procedures available today, peeling procedures have become especially popular. But special attention should be paid to such a method of chemical exfoliation as milk peeling. Be sure to ask your beautician about it. In this article, we will talk about the main points that relate to this procedure.

Lactic acid

Lactic acid is an organic fruit acid that is formed during the lactic fermentation of glucose. This is an absolutely natural and natural substance for humans, as it is an intermediate metabolic product in the exchange of carbohydrates.

Lactic acid has many functions, both in the human body and outside it. It is a natural preservative. It is thanks to lactic acid that vegetables and fruits are canned for the winter, wine and beer, lactic acid products are formed. From this we can conclude that this substance is absolutely safe for the body and even useful.

Lactanic (lactic) acid is a component of the natural moisturizing substance of the skin, supports the slightly acidic reaction of the skin secretion, which contributes to the vital activity of normal and beneficial microflora.

Chemical peels with lactic acid are superficial - that is, they exfoliate only the uppermost dead epidermal cells. It is considered one of the most non-traumatic and gentle procedures (equivalent to almond). Suitable for all skin types, both very sensitive, prone to dryness, and oily, acne-prone. Most of all, this peeling is suitable for young women as part of complex facial skin care.

Lactic acid properties used during milk peeling:

  • exfoliative properties;
  • pronounced moisturizing effect on the skin;
  • lifting effect, due to the activation of the processes of division of skin cells and renewal of the epithelium, the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • reducing the production of sebum, reducing the number of comedones, elements of acne and other inflammatory skin formations;
  • equalization of skin color, its lightening;
  • antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action;
  • antioxidant properties.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Superficial peeling with lactic acid is indicated in the following cases:

  • symptoms of dehydration of the skin (peeling, tightness);
  • mild acne;
  • cicatricial changes after acne and other causes;
  • uneven complexion (areas of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation);
  • symptoms of hyperkeratosis;
  • excess production of sebum;
  • black spots;
  • decreased elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • the first signs of photoaging or premature age-related changes;
  • a mesh of unexpressed mimic wrinkles.

Who is prohibited from the procedure?

Despite the fact that exfoliation with lactic acid is very gentle, there are conditions in which peeling is contraindicated:

Benefits of milk peeling

Exfoliation with lactanic acid has several advantages over other similar ones:

  • practically does not cause allergic manifestations;
  • safe method, does not cause discomfort and pain;
  • no recovery period, no redness, wounds and erosion, chemical burns;
  • it is possible to carry out even without pre-peeling preparation, since the procedure is very soft and sometimes it is used as a preparatory manipulation;
  • does not dry the skin, does not violate the composition of its normal microflora;
  • suitable for both dry and normal to oily skin;
  • can be performed at any time of the year, there is no photosensitizing effect;
  • can be used on any part of the body, not just on the face;
  • suitable for people with dark and hypersensitive skin.

How is peeling carried out?

There is a milk peeling protocol, that is, a certain sequence of actions that must be followed for the effectiveness of the procedure.

Stages of milk exfoliation:

Preparation for peeling is not always necessary, you need not to sunbathe only 2 weeks before the procedure. Depending on the type of skin, the cosmetologist may advise pre-peeling care - apply a night cream with a low concentration of lactic acid or with other fruit acids.

Cleansing the skin from impurities and make-up residues using special cosmetics.

Degreasing the skin with a tonic with lactic acid.

Trial application of the composition. It pursues several goals - diagnostics of hypersensitivity to the composition, for further uniform distribution of lactic acid.

The main stage is peeling. Depending on the type of skin, the goals pursued, the condition of the skin, the doctor will select the required concentration of lactic acid (from 30 to 90%). The composition is applied with a special tool in 2 layers for a certain time (5-20 minutes).

Acid neutralization. A special neutralizing solution is applied directly to the lactic acid, then washed off in cold running water. Warm water should not be used, as it can react with lactic acid and cause irritation.

Moisturizing the skin. First, the beautician will give you a soothing mask, and then apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type.

Leaving after peeling. It must be continued at home. A regular moisturizer for your skin type and a sunscreen for your face will work.

What to expect after exfoliation?

If you have chosen a milk face peel, then you need to know what will happen to you after the procedure. In the first days after peeling, the skin will peel off slightly. This is totally normal. You should not expect a lot of peeling, since the action is superficial.

Facial redness may be present, but not longer than 2 days. The sensation of warmth and slight burning should go away immediately after neutralization. If this does not happen, then consult a doctor - you may have an allergic reaction.

Complications include:

  • allergic reaction
  • chemical burn.
  • if after applying the composition to the skin you feel discomfort, burning sensation, then blowing cold air from a hair dryer will alleviate the condition;
  • to protect the delicate skin around the eyes and lips, lubricate it with petroleum jelly before the procedure;
  • be sure to keep track of the time, do not overexpose the composition;
  • it is necessary to wash off only with cool water;
  • choose a cream with retinoids as a moisturizer after the main stage;
  • the first session should be started with the minimum concentration, gradually the concentration can be increased;
  • do not comb acid-treated skin;
  • it is better not to use decorative cosmetics for 2 days;
  • avoid sun exposure.

What is milk peeling for the face and what is its benefit. Indications and contraindications, how to carry out the procedure correctly.

The content of the article:

Milk facial peeling is a gentle way to renew the skin and fill it with youth. The procedure is based on lactic acid, which has exfoliating, nourishing and lifting properties. It can be carried out at home using ordinary fermented milk products (sour cream, yogurt, kefir, yoghurt) or ready-made store formulas, as well as in a salon, beauty parlor.

Useful properties of milk peeling for the face

Acid peels are a new trend in cosmetology. They are often contrasted with surgical methods of rejuvenation, being called leaders in the fight against the first signs of aging. They are able to cope with shallow wrinkles, increase turgor, moisturize and nourish the skin.

All of the above applies to procedures with lactic acid. Let us consider in more detail what useful properties a milk face peeling has:

  • Skin rejuvenation... Peeling procedures with lactic acid gently remove the surface layer of the dermis, ridding it of dead cells and impurities. This activates the processes of renewal of the epidermis, microcirculation and synthesis of components necessary for facial beauty (collagen, glycosaminoglycans, etc.). As a result, the skin is evened out, it becomes more elastic and fresh.
  • Hydration and nutrition... Milk peels have good penetrating properties. Thanks to this, they are able to saturate the dermis with nutrients and deeply moisturize even very exhausted skin. Hence another plus of such procedures - a healthy look and complexion.
  • Whitening... By itself, lactic acid has a whitening effect, and even more so in the form of a peeling. Gentle cleaning of the surface layer of the dermis in combination with gentle whitening allows you to effectively use milk peeling to combat pigmentation and uneven skin color.
  • Protection... Gentle facial cleansing with lactic acid activates the skin's natural defenses. This is due to the stimulation of the production of linoleate-containing ceramides, which do not allow the lipid barrier of the dermis to pass infectious (and not only) agents into it.
  • Safety... Milk peeling is a procedure that captures exclusively the superficial layer of the epidermis. Therefore, the risk of skin trauma is reduced to zero. For the same reason, the sensations from this type of peeling range from a slight tingling to a complete absence of any unpleasant sensations. In addition, cleansing the skin with lactic acid is safe in terms of allergies and irritations.
  • Versatility... The superficial effect, combined with the nourishing and moisturizing properties, makes the lactic acid peel available for use on any skin type and at any age. The atraumatic and hypoallergenic nature of this peel allows it to be used even for very sensitive dermis.
  • Practicality... The gentle renewal of the skin with lactic acid does not leave behind visible consequences, so there is no need to limit going out after it. This also allows you to carry out such procedures all year round, regardless of the time of year and weather conditions.
The effectiveness of milk peels depends largely on the amount of lactic acid. Compositions with a high content of active substance (up to 90%) are considered the most effective, but also the most dangerous in terms of complications. Therefore, they are used exclusively by professionals who work based on the condition of your skin. Home remedies most often contain the safest concentration of lactic acid - up to 15%.

Indications for the use of milk facial peeling

Given the superficial effect of the procedure, we can conclude that lactic acid peeling is indicated for young skin with minor problems. It can be used no less effectively after 35 years, but already in combination with other cosmetic procedures.

You can think about the use of lactic acid to improve the condition of the face in the following cases:

  1. Loss of freshness and a healthy complexion;
  2. The first fine wrinkles, including mimic ones;
  3. Age spots, freckles, hyperpigmentation, uneven complexion;
  4. Inflammatory elements on the skin, acne;
  5. Enlarged pores, oily skin;
  6. Decreased facial skin turgor;
  7. Allergic reactions to other types of peels.
Milk peeling can be noted for lovers of express methods of rejuvenation - it will quickly restore beauty without irritation and redness.

Important! Peeling with lactic acid is a superficial procedure, therefore it can improve the general condition of the skin and affect minor defects. She cannot cope with deep wrinkles, scars or scars.

Contraindications for face milk peeling

Despite the fact that milky face peels are not aggressive on the skin, there are cases when it is not recommended to use it. These include:
  • Facial neoplasms of any origin (moles, papillomas, tumors);
  • Herpes in the acute stage;
  • Severe swelling on the face;
  • Skin diseases, purulent eruptions and wounds on the face;
  • Inflammatory rashes (multiple or single - with severe inflammation);
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Do not peel with lactic acid on the skin immediately after visiting the beach or solarium, depilation.

Milk facial peeling recipes

In order to make a face peeling with lactic acid at home, you can use store-bought or homemade dairy products (yoghurts, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt). You can buy ready-made cosmetic compositions in a pharmacy or a specialized store, or you can buy lactic acid there and prepare the product yourself.

Milk peeling recipe with sour milk

The simplest recipe for homemade milk peeling is washing with milk. This should be done daily in the morning.

The most popular product for peeling with lactic acid at home is kefir. It is simply applied to the face for 10-20 minutes, gently rolled up with your fingers and washed off with cool water.

Similarly, you can use masks with yogurt, sour cream or cream. With regard to yoghurt, the choice should be in favor of a natural product without any additives. The following composition can be prepared from sour cream and cream: 1 tbsp. l. sour cream + 2 tbsp. l. high fat cream + 1 tsp. finely ground salts.

Such peels contain low concentrations of lactic acid, so it takes time and regular use to achieve visible results. If even your skin reacts with redness to such gentle procedures, wipe it with herbal cubes or refuse milk peeling altogether.

Important! Make the choice of kefir for milk peeling taking into account the type of your skin: for dry, fresh products with high fat content will be more effective, for oily - medium fat content, "mature", and better sour.

Lactic acid peeling recipe

To prepare a home remedy for facial milk peeling, simply dilute the purchased lactic acid to the desired concentration with distilled water. For example, if you want to use it as a lotion, a 1% solution is enough, in the form of a mask - 4%, for peeling - no more than 30%.

In addition to the required lactic acid solution, for the procedure you will need cotton pads, medical alcohol, tonic with acids in the composition (fruit or the same lactic acid).

Lactic acid is applied to the face cleansed with a mild lotion, followed by degreasing with alcohol. A cotton pad moistened with a peeling solution is used for distribution. The exposure time for the first time is 1-2 minutes. After that, if the skin perceives the procedure normally, the time can be gradually increased. The remnants of the active substance are washed off with cold water.

To avoid irritation, do not apply lactic acid to the delicate skin around the eyes and near the mouth.

Milk peeling recipe with lactic acid and yogurt

For a more effective home beauty procedure with lactic acid, you can combine it with the same fermented milk products. We suggest you try one of these magical tandems.

Take 50 ml of natural yogurt without additives (or medium fat sour cream), add 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal. Mix them together and add 1 ml of lactic acid to the resulting mass. Apply the ready-made composition to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth. The exposure time of the mask is 15-20 minutes. Rinse off - cool water.

Home peels using lactic acid are able to solve only superficial problems: improve the condition, turgor and complexion of the skin, reduce fine wrinkles. Therefore, do not expect to remove more serious cosmetic imperfections with their help.

Milk face peeling technique

To make facial peeling with lactic acid at home as effective as possible and at the same time safe, it is important to adhere to the following steps of the procedure.

Preparatory stage

This period includes 10-14 days before the peeling. During this time, put all sunscreen aside, and do not go to the solarium and the beach.

It is advisable to include in your daily care complex products (creams, tonics, lotions), which include fruit acids or lactic acid in small concentrations. In this way, the skin will be ready to receive large amounts of lactic acid.


Facial cleansing is a stage that is carried out immediately before peeling. To do this, you can use the cleanser you use every day. After the skin is cleaned of cosmetics and impurities, it must be additionally wiped with a tonic containing a weak concentration of acids (fruit or lactic acid), or alcohol.

This will provide the degreasing effect required for milk peels. Do not forget to leave the area around the eyes and lips intact. You can protect it at this stage by applying petroleum jelly or greasy cream.

Peeling with lactic acid

The prepared lactic acid solution can be applied to the face with a brush or with a cotton pad. In this case, the brush or disc must be sufficiently moistened with the product, but without fanaticism - so that lactic acid does not drip during application. Otherwise, it can get in your eyes or lips and cause unpleasant reactions.

It is better to start treating the face from above, that is, from the forehead and cheeks, moving along the massage lines. Do not forget about the areas around the eyes and lips that need to be bypassed.

Immediately after applying the peeling composition, you need to catch the time and switch to your feelings from the procedure. For the first time, 30 seconds - 1 minute is enough, and you need to focus on how the skin reacts to lactic acid. If there is a tingling or burning sensation, but within tolerance, you can wait all the allotted time.

There are recommendations for using a hair dryer in cold air mode in such cases, which relieves the condition. If the skin burns significantly enough, this is a reason to stop the procedure. Otherwise, instead of beauty, you can get irritation or even a chemical burn.

Over time, as the skin gets used to milk peeling, the duration of the procedure can be gradually increased.

The final stage

The correct completion of the milk peel, that is, washing off, is an equally important part of the entire procedure. In order not to aggravate the situation from the exfoliating process, you only need to remove the remnants of the product with cool or cold water in large quantities. Saving water, rushing or using warm (all the more hot) water can provoke continued exposure to acid on the skin and the resulting irritation.

After washing off the peeling, the face should be wiped with a soft towel with gentle blotting movements. As a finishing touch, you can make a soothing and / or moisturizing mask, apply a nourishing cream.

The optimal frequency of peeling with lactic acid is 5 procedures with an interval of at least 10 days.