Loboda gave birth to a second child from Til. Russian stars who hid (and continue to hide) the fathers of their children. The beginning of a solo career. Svetlana Loboda in VIA Gre

Popular Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda recently became a mother for the second time. She talks little about the personal, which is why the interview with the artist about motherhood has become so long-awaited. Read the most interesting moments below.


You can definitely call me a fanatical mother. I fed Eva for up to six months, while constantly touring and handing over breast milk with parcels from different parts of the world. It was the most difficult time, and now it is repeated. Knowing my tight schedule, seeing that I have been on tour since the end of June, relatives persuade me to refuse feeding, to switch to artificial feeding. But I'm against it. I will do this for as long as possible. It doesn't matter what you do, what your profession is and how busy you are. The only important thing is that in the first months of life, the mother must transfer immunity to her child.

The artist says that the second birth was a discovery for her in terms of sensations. She looked at the preparation process in a completely different way.

You know, I still can not realize that I am a mother of two children. This is such an event for which it is impossible to prepare, although it seems that you have been doing this for nine months. I heard a lot from my friends who have two children that the first birth is radically different in perception from the second, but I didn’t think it was that much. When I gave birth to Evochka, it was so new, unknown. I took everything very seriously and responsibly. And with the second child, on the contrary, I was hypersensitive, I experienced fears, even self-doubt, I thought: "Lord, how exciting it all is." It may seem strange, but the second time is much scarier. The second child is even more responsibility, even more anxiety.

It's no secret that Svetlana Loboda is a big workaholic. With the birth of her second child, she began to work even harder, so assistants appeared in her busy schedule, otherwise she would not have coped.

Svetlana Loboda singer

I left her with my mother, with my little sister and our nanny. In addition, there was a pediatrician nearby who observed her daughter. Since I toured continuously during my first pregnancy, my mother is my closest assistant, whom I trust absolutely everything. I needed this trip to the Prize - at least for a day, because I did not go on stage for about three months and was already beginning to suffocate from a lack of emotions. People were waiting for me, waiting for a new track. I couldn't let them down. So I left a supply of milk in the freezer for a week - and flew away for two days to a concert. Already at night after the Prize, I was sitting on the plane, which was heading towards my daughters. By the way, at the beginning of last year, I planned to move to the States for a while and stay there until June: record a new disc, think about my work, "reformat", find a new sound, devote time to myself and Evochka, whom I, unfortunately I rarely see. Three hundred concerts a year is too much, you know? And when I found out that I was in a position, the dates of my trip simply shifted to spring. It was necessary to have time to pick up all the awards. Of course, I continued to work in such a hard mode until the eighth month, because I understood that there was a long break ahead.

According to the star, she did not plan a pregnancy, but she perceives this event as a gift of fate. And until the last, Loboda managed to hide his tummy from annoying attention.

Svetlana Loboda singer

It was a miracle, a gift of fate ... For a long time I did not understand at all that I was pregnant, although it was not difficult to draw the appropriate conclusion from the symptoms. But the tour schedule did not leave me time to pay attention to what was happening to me. I was in America on tour, every day I flew from one city to another. I bought the test in the third month, I was already sick. When it became clear that I was expecting a baby, both a feeling of happiness and confusion came at the same time. I had to cancel performances at Crocus and somehow explain to people why we are transferring everything to the fall. Already now I can say that the show will be grandiose and will take place on October 25 and 26, the tickets are almost sold out. Returning to recent events, I note that for quite a long time I managed to hide the fact of a special position. By the way, during the second pregnancy, as well as during the first, I gained 7-8 kilograms. In the cold season, the abdomen was simply not visible under bulky clothes. In addition, I have amazing stylists who have been working with me for more than ten years, and they clearly understand what needs to be done in order to hide or emphasize certain features of the figure. Not features, but advantages ... Yes! A woman waiting for a miracle always looks happy and beautiful, it's true. That's what God ordered. I did not swell, it was impossible to determine anything by the face. I have grown a small tummy, very neat. When, at eight months old, I finally decided to announce from the stage that I was expecting a baby, and went out in a tight dress, my makeup artists and hairdressers were perplexed. They said: "No, well, we knew that you were absolutely crazy, but to hide such things from us when we spend time together for days is generally unthinkable!" After that, they began to treat me even more touchingly.

The famous Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda became a mother again. The long-awaited event happened on May 24, the birth was successful, without complications. The girl, whose height is 48 cm and weighs three kilograms, was born on time, according to sources close to the artist. The artist has not yet announced the name of her newborn daughter, but has already managed to publish a joint photo on Instagram.

Childbirth, as planned by Svetlana, took place in Los Angeles. The woman entrusted such a responsible matter to American specialists from the prestigious Cedars-Sinai perinatal center. The 35-year-old singer Loboda went the proven route, choosing a medical center where domestic and foreign celebrities gave birth - Katie Topuria, Anna Sedokova, the Kardashian sisters, Madonna, Kate Hudson and many others.

Interesting! The cost of a daily stay in this clinic is about 4 thousand dollars. And the birth itself cost the artist in the amount of 22 thousand dollars.

Intriguing pregnancy

Svetlana Loboda has repeatedly said that she wants another child. The singer gave birth to her first daughter Evangelina in 2011, being in a relationship with the choreographer and stage director Andrei Tsar. The birth of a child did not help save the relationship, and very soon the star couple broke up.

About the second pregnancy, the star of domestic show business hid to the last. However, meticulous fans saw changes in the appearance of the singer long before her official announcement. In the seventh month of pregnancy, Loboda allowed journalists to take photos that give an unequivocal answer to the question - is the singer pregnant. The actress chose an elegant floor-length dress that accentuates her rounded tummy.

Svetlana told the press and fans that she was expecting the birth of her second child. The singer decided to spend the next two months of pregnancy in the USA, in a luxurious villa, which she rented for 52 thousand dollars a month. The singer connected the move with the desire to give birth to a child in a qualified medical center located in the States. And the time before the birth of her second child, Svetlana was going to devote to creativity: recording an album and preparing for the solo program "Space Show", which, together with her producer Natella Krapivina, the star planned for October 2018.

In her interviews, the singer said that pregnancy did not cause any discomfort, so Loboda was very actively engaged in professional activities.

Interesting! This year has been very productive for the artist. Svetlana recorded the songs "Your Eyes", "Guy" and the soundtrack "Fly" for the second part of the film "Viy". The songs gained unprecedented popularity and the artist's talent was awarded the title of "Best Singer" and "Best Album".

Fans of the singer's work and her colleagues on the stage noted the excellent form that the singer managed to maintain by such a deadline. Loboda replied that all this time she went in for sports and toured with concerts in Russia, as her physical condition allowed her. The singer visited 70 cities, delighting fans with her work.

Mysterious chosen one

After confirming the rumors about the singer's pregnancy, the fans asked themselves a new question - who is the father of the artist's unborn child. Here the opinions of the fans are divided.

Most fans believe that the frontman of the German band Rammstein, Till Lindemann, can be the father of the child. Oh, they started talking about their stormy romance after joint photos and videos in which the German musician shows signs of attention - hugs, kisses, gently holds hands and looks longingly into the eyes of the singer.

Svetlana herself did not confirm these speculations, but shortly before giving birth, she was noticed at a concert of the cult German group in a T-shirt with the image of Lindemann. After that, the fans again started talking about Till's involvement in such a significant event in the artist's life.

The second version of the fans concerns Nazar Grabar - the very “guy” from the video for the popular song of Loboda. Fans suggested that there could be a romance between the artists that gave the singer a child.

Another version of the singer's fans suggests that Svetlana nevertheless reciprocated the feelings of the Ukrainian singer Max Barsky, who did not hide his sympathy for Loboda. Confirmation of this, the artist's followers consider Max's cheeky kiss at the Muz-TV Award performance last year. The singer claimed that she had no idea about the plans of the number partner. But shortly before the birth, she published a video on Instagram after this performance, where Barskikh kisses the singer again, emphasizing that she had dreamed about it all her life.

Its useful to note! There is an alternative version in which Svetlana Loboda took advantage of the possibility of artificial insemination. The reason for the emergence of such thoughts among the fans was an interview with the artist. The singer said that it is difficult to find a decent man who can be next to such a “strong woman” who has a very busy work schedule.

At the moment, the singer does not give any comments about the name of the father of the newborn daughter. In the near future, Svetlana plans to return to Russia and take part in the Muz-TV 2018 Prizes concert. Perhaps Loboda will want to give an official statement on this subject in order to dispel all the myths surrounding the happy event in the life of the artist.

Svetlana Loboda showed a photo of her newborn daughter

The famous Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda became a mother for the second time. The second daughter of the singer was born on May 24 in one of the best clinics in Los Angeles - childbirth there costs about 20 thousand dollars, and many Hollywood stars used the services of local doctors. Mother and child are doing well - Loboda even managed to tell fans about the happy event on Instagram.

The singer posted a picture with a newborn baby and thanked “him” for the miracle. Fans are sure that the star addressed the father of the child, while others claim that the star offered gratitude to God and heaven. The face of the child is not visible in the picture - Loboda is not one of those stars who flaunt too personal things. By the way, the society learned about her pregnancy only in the spring of this year. That is, the star was able to successfully hide its position for more than seven months.

Only in March 2018, Loboda announced that she was going on a short decree, though not a full one. She lived in America before giving birth, recorded a new album and prepared a grand show that she would present to society this fall - after she had a little rest and recovered from childbirth. The first appearance of Loboda is expected in a few weeks - the singer will perform in the Olympic at the award ceremony of the MUZ-TV channel.

Loboda gave birth to a second child - who is the father

The pregnancy of Svetlana Loboda and the birth of a daughter from a star causes a real stir in society. Many are sure that the father of the child is Til Lindemann, the lead singer of the German band Ramstein. Such a plexus of stars is a little shocking to society.

They met last summer in Baku at the “Heat” festival. Rumor has it that close communication backstage and in the VIP area of ​​the festival ended one day with a joint escape from a late party and subsequent close communication.

Loboda did not advertise her romance with the German - only sometimes ambiguous posts about longing and feelings appeared on her Instagram, accompanied by photographs of Lindemann. The singer also showed how the performer congratulated her on the passage of the new year 2018 - all appeals to him were veiled tender and sensual. It was about them that they immediately remembered when it became clear that the singer was expecting a baby.

The star does not actually speak directly about who is the father of the child. She only smiles and urges gossips not to pay attention to her. At the same time, the public is sure that Lindemann’s name does not come up easily - either he really is the girl’s father, or the pregnant Loboda cunningly calculated all the options and deliberately stirred up interest in her alleged affair with a German in order to hide the truth from society.

By the way, it is true that the singer could use the service of artificial insemination. She has repeatedly said that she wants another child, but there was no real man next to her for a long time - Loboda is officially considered a single woman.

She gave birth to her first daughter Evangelina in a civil marriage with the choreographer Andrei Tsar. The relationship did not last long and literally immediately after the birth of her daughter Loboda was left alone.

The second child of Loboda - what is known about him

What the singer called her second daughter is not yet known - she does not say anything about this to the public. Whether the happy father was present at the birth is also not clear - the singer zealously hides the details of her personal life and always says that the public should love her for her work, and not for the trains of rumors and scandals.

The girl was born with a weight of 3 kilograms and a height of 48 centimeters. By the way, the eldest daughter of Loboda accidentally revealed the sex of the child in advance - in one of the entries on Instagram, the girl sang about the little “sister” in the video, which violated the plans for the mystery of her star mother.

For a long time, she flatly refused to comment on her personal life, as well as to disclose any information about the father of her second child.

However, becoming Best Performer Russia, decided to lift the curtain.

In an interview with a Russian portal MK the artist said that they have a great relationship with the father of the newborn daughter. In addition, the singer shared her plans for the future.

Firstly, Svetlana hinted that she was going to continue living in the USA. Secondly, LOBODA intrigued by saying that she plans to give birth to a third child. However, this time she and her chosen one want a son.

“I have a goal of being the number one artist for a very long time, and maybe not just in one or two countries, but beyond. Therefore, I study English diligently, communicate with the right people, and look for managers. Maybe something will work out, ”Svetlana revealed her plans.

She also said that during the trip to Moscow she left her newborn daughter in Los Angeles.

“I left everything I needed for a week in advance, although I flew in for only two days. Your breast milk, ”added the artist.

It is noteworthy that, unlike previous interviews, the performer did not refuse to talk about the father of her second child. But Loboda shied away from a direct answer.

When asked when the fans will know the name of the chosen one, the singer answered briefly: "Someday ... someday ... Everything is gorgeous with me."

She also said that until she found out the sex of the child, she wanted a son. “At first I really wanted a boy when I found out that I was pregnant. But my whole family really wanted a girl. My daughter demanded: Mom, she decided that the boy would be after. We will have time,” LOBODA said.

Recall May 24, his second daughter. The girl was born in the hospital, where Madonna, Christina Aguilera, Kim Kardashian and others became mothers at different times.

Delighted with a slender figure and sparkling appearance. Of course, there were no interviews and questions, because many were surprised how the artist decided to leave her daughter two weeks after giving birth. However, Svetlana assured that she flew away from the child for only two days, leaving everything the nannies needed, including breast milk. Also in an interview, the artist told how her birth went in one of the best clinics in Los Angeles.

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“I gave birth very easily, in five hours. It was very good for me to give birth in America. I don’t know, maybe due to the fact that I was more calm about this (second) pregnancy ... Because the first child is, of course, always a very big fear. Fear of moving left and right ... "- admitted the singer in an interview with the publication "MK".

Svetlana also said that she dreamed of a son when she found out about the pregnancy. However, the singer is happy with her second daughter, but she does not give up plans to give birth to a boy.

“At first, of course, I really wanted a boy when I found out that I was pregnant. But my whole family really wanted a girl. My daughter demanded: Mom, I just want a sister! And when we found out that we would still have a sister, there was a lot of happiness, I got used to this idea in a week and decided that the boy would come after. We'll make it again!" — said the artist.

By the way, during pregnancy, Loboda did not waste time in vain. The singer studied music, made a documentary and wrote three hits. And what about her video for the song Super Star, which caused so much discussion on the network!

“I danced in the ninth month of pregnancy, two weeks before giving birth! My mother was horrified, dissuaded me every day: please, daughter, don’t, it’s risky. And I say: mom, the appearance and return (to the stage) should be enchanting. In general, this is what I was doing, ”admitted the artist.

Despite the frankness in the interview, Svetlana is in no hurry to talk about the father of her second child. “Someday… someday…” Svetlana mysteriously promises to tell the whole truth, and adds that now everything is fine in her life.

Photo: Instagram Svetlana Loboda