The basis and revival of Orthodox spirituality. The essence of the spiritual and moral education of the individual

In the upbringing of a person, it is important to ensure that moral and moral truths are not only understandable, but also become the goal of every person’s life, the subject of one’s own aspirations and personal happiness.

It’s scary to live in our world now: it’s scary to lose consciousness on the street, it’s scary to go home in the evening, it’s scary to open the door to a stranger, it’s scary to fly on an airplane. But even more terrible is the thought that both our children and our grandchildren will experience feelings of distrust and intolerance towards others all their lives.

Therefore, recently, more and more often there are talks about spiritual and moral education, where the most important value is the unique and inviolable human personality.

One of the tasks in shaping the personality of a younger student is to enrich him with high spiritual ideas and concepts. The degree of mastery of them in children is different, which is associated with the general development of the child, his life experience.

We must educate a generation of people who are capable of becoming worthy citizens of Russia, who love their family, their home, their business, their Fatherland, who are ready for moral behavior and the fulfillment of civic duties. The task of spiritual education is to turn the socially necessary requirements of society into internal incentives for the personality of each child, such as duty, honor, conscience, and dignity. good evil society act

The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education spells out the most important tasks of education, which consist in the formation of schoolchildren's civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market.

The upbringing of a new generation is a problem that is becoming a national affair. To solve this problem, to solve the problems of education, the class teacher is called upon. He is entrusted with the most important task of coordinating and directing the efforts of all teachers of an educational institution to form an educational system, thanks to which the self-actualization of the personality of a growing person will take place.

  • 1. Organizing time
  • Today we will talk about good and evil. (The projector turns on (1st slide)).
  • 2. Setting the goal of the lesson
  • - So, what goals do we need to set for ourselves in the lesson, what will we learn in this lesson?

Choose those expressions that, in your opinion, will accompany the goals, underline them in red, and those that will accompany the result of this lesson, underline in green.

3. Learning new material

Among Christians, there is an opinion that good and evil are almost the same thing, since they are the fruits of the same tree. This has led to the fact that believers do not feel condemnation from the evil they do and do not see the need to do good. However, the Bible - the Word of God - says very clearly that good and evil are not the same thing at all, but on the contrary, they are diametrically opposed phenomena. Scripture makes it clear to us that good is from God and evil is from the devil.

The Bible nowhere calls us to do evil. On the contrary, it calls for doing only good, turning away from evil. So where does the judgment come from that good and evil are things of the same order?

On the example of images that are understandable to us, such as a tree, a fruit, a snake, etc., the “model” of the fall of mankind is figuratively shown.

  • - Children, what do you think, who is really the talking serpent that seduced Eve (this is the devil).
  • - Let's think about what exactly the trees symbolize, what is "in the middle of paradise" and what their fruits symbolize.

Two trees in the middle of paradise symbolize life according to two different principles - life according to the principles of God (the tree of life) and life according to the principles of God's enemy - the devil (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil). Life in God, with God and according to His holy principles of love and harmony, is allegorically (exaggeratedly) presented in the form of a “tree of life”. Only the fruits of such a “tree” can give eternal life, because those who live holy and righteous are worthy of heaven. In contact with God, we come to know good and evil in perfect, true, that is, in God's understanding. There is a knowledge of His wisdom and His law, which leads to righteousness, holiness, and therefore to life.

In the middle of paradise there was a tree of “the knowledge of good and evil”, the use of the “fruits” of which was forbidden by God. The tree of "knowledge" symbolizes life according to the principles proposed by the devil. This tells us that by the time the first people appeared, unfortunately, evil had already arisen in the universe. The devil, who raised a rebellion against God, offered his own way of development outside of God. Naturally, the first people, like all beings in the universe, endowed with the right to choose and freedom of expression, had the right to choose any of these paths, but they were warned in advance by God about the consequences, that is, about inevitable death in the event of choosing a diabolical, sinful, selfish way.

And so all his life a person is subjected to trials when choosing this or that path. It is very hard not to be tempted and not to sin, but by giving up something, we become stronger, we strengthen our willpower.

  • - Tell me, what is good, what is evil?
  • - Guys, what do you think can be done to make our life a little better? (children's answers)
  • How can we become better?
  • - Have you ever heard the word "Homeless"? Who is that?

This is a man left homeless, destitute, unhappy.

  • - How is he doing? What he eats? Why did you stay on the street? What does he feel? Does he have friends, relatives?
  • What do you think when you pass by such a person?

I will tell you one parable. Every morning an old woman walked along the seashore. She was in torn and dirty clothes. She was collecting something in a black dusty bag. The woman smiled at every child she met, but they made faces at her in response (they thought she was sick). Later it turned out that the woman collected glass fragments from the sand every day so that none of the children would hurt her leg ...

If we think of others, we can make the world a little better. Let's look deeper. Learn to analyze and reflect on the actions of people. You can't judge a person by their outward appearance!

What else can be done? Each of you met with computer games, with those in which you need to shoot, killing others. We may not fully realize the full horror of what is happening. Our consciousness suffers from this cruelty, we take it out of virtual life into real life. We become rough and cruel.

The first step on the right path can be such an act as the refusal of such games.

Kindness is a quality inherent in the soul. Kindness is shown:

  • 1. In a tendency to think positively about others;
  • 2. In the ability to be unassuming towards others;
  • 3. In softness of heart.

Real kindness is always shown where there is a correct understanding of how to help people, and where there is a firmness of character that can withstand their shortcomings. There is a special kind of kindness -- MERCY. This is the mercy of the heart, pity, compassion, love for people. Mercy is not weakness, but strength, because it is characteristic of people who are able to come to the rescue.

Let's sum up and conclude that KINDNESS is: (children)

The ability to rejoice in the success of others, the ability to empathize, the ability to sympathize, the ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness, the ability to sympathize, the strong always protect the weak, helping another person not for profit, but disinterestedly, contradicts evil.

Kindness is that which is done voluntarily, disinterestedly, for the benefit of all and for one's own benefit, and not to one's own detriment.

Benefits of Kindness.

Kindness ensures openness to people, events, and life in general.

Kindness gives vigilance - in order to notice the best and brush aside the worst.

Kindness gives you the opportunity to become better yourself and help others around you to become better.

Kindness gives energy to do good deeds.

Showing kindness in everyday life.

Family relationships. Parents who invest in raising children, in explaining to them what is good and what is bad, children grow up to be kind people.

How to develop kindness in yourself.

Communication with God. God is the highest manifestation of kindness.

Sensitivity to others. Showing interest in the people around him, taking care of them - a person shows kindness.

Participation in charity events. There is no kindness without compassion; participating in charity events, people show compassion and cultivate kindness in themselves.

Reading. Both spiritual and most secular literature appeal to the best of man; it awakens, including kindness.

What good deeds can we do ourselves?

  • -show concern for family members: take care of an old grandmother, help a tired mother, play with a younger brother...
  • - help an elderly person carry a bag;
  • -make birdhouses in spring, bird feeders in winter;
  • -feed homeless animals
  • - take things to the organization for social protection of the population;
  • - to help orphans and disabled children;
  • -Plant flowers, tree, help in landscaping the school grounds...

A child, in order to become a strong personality adapted to life, must develop not only physically, emotionally and psychologically, but also spiritually. Development of spirituality in a child largely depends on his immediate environment - parents and other family members. What kind of environment do parents create in the house, in what atmosphere does the baby grow, what picture does he observe from day to day? All this will certainly affect his spiritual development. According to some psychologists, it is necessary to start worrying about the spiritual development of a child even in the womb.

Conditions for the spiritual development of the child

From birth, the child begins to actively explore the world, to recognize its features. A child who from the first days of his life sees and feels love, kindness, attention and care in the family, actively develops spiritually. Parents should pay special attention to what information their child receives from the outside world. Teaching a child to such important human feelings and states as faith, love, awareness will help the child develop spiritually. He must grow, believing in his strength, in victory. The task of parents is to let him understand that the basis of everything is faith, which is formed in the soul of the baby. The child, guided by his parents, realizes that faith is the source of his strength and steadfastness.

Develop empathy in a child

spiritual growth is impossible without the ability to love the world around, and this love is born in the heart thanks to the ability to empathize, sympathize, appreciate. It is important to teach your child to appreciate nature, to see its beauty, to love animals and take care of them. Psychologists recommend having a baby. Acquaintance with a pet and friendship with him is the most important stage of spiritual development of the child. Parents should teach the kid to help other people, realize the importance of compassion and love for others.

Protect the child from intra-family conflicts

Everything that happens in the family, the child absorbs like a sponge, including quarrels, scandals, curses. Family conflicts are the first enemy spiritual and moral development of the child. After all, he unconsciously copies parental behavior, confident that the example he sees is the only correct one and needs to be repeated. If the baby does not grow up in love, harmony and peace, then you can forget about his spiritual development.

Give the child freedom

It is wrong and even stupid to constantly keep the child next to you, not giving him the opportunity to explore the world around him and to know it the way he wants it. Of course, not without the help and supervision of parents who ensure the safety of the baby. But if his life and health are out of danger, then why not allow him to give freedom in the knowledge of the world?

Parents should teach the baby to independently look for answers to their questions, not to demand them from adults. This is a very valuable skill that will undoubtedly come in handy in the future. In no case should children's questions be ignored, even if they seem stupid to parents.

Instill a love of moral values

It is important to teach the kid to appreciate friendship, love, support, honesty. From childhood, a child should know that toys break, get lost, and happiness does not lie in them. The task of parents is to explain to their child what happiness is and how to become happy. If a child from an early age sees happiness in simple things, knows how to cherish them, then in the future it will be much easier and more pleasant for him to live.

It is important to strictly monitor what the child reads or watches on the Internet, on TV. Fairy tales should be kind, instructive stories, no aggression, evil, revenge. You can’t impose your beliefs on the baby, you need to gently and painlessly guide him, giving freedom within reason and. It must be remembered that he is a separate person who must gain self-sufficiency. Then the child will become a happy and contented person with his life.

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Khaitov Lazizbek Azamatovich

Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy

Bukhara State University

The development of a free, humane and responsible personality is directly related to the system of its moral and spiritual values. After all, spirituality, morality one way or another provides for going beyond the boundaries of selfish interests, personal benefit and focus on the moral and spiritual culture of mankind. Therefore, both the goals and intentions of a spiritually and morally mature person, rooted in the system of supra-individual values, serve as the highest criterion for orientation in the world and the soil for personal self-determination. To this end, the first president of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimov created the concept of national-spiritual revival, which is aimed at a radical spiritual renewal of society. I. Karimov singles out the following as the key points of the concept of spiritual revival:

Commitment to universal human values;

Strengthening and development of the spiritual heritage of the people;

Free self-realization by a person of his potential;


To achieve the main goal - building a civil society with a highly developed economy? it is necessary to enrich the national spiritual experience with the advanced achievements of world culture. The advanced values ​​of modern civilization include, first of all, the values ​​associated with building a legal democratic society - respect for human rights, freedom of enterprise, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc. These democratic values ​​are of fundamental importance for our society, since they do not contradict the mentality of our people either historically or ethno-culturally. On the contrary, basic democratic values ​​such as entrepreneurship, social justice, cultural tolerance have historical roots in our land.

Strengthening and development of the spiritual heritage involves, first of all, its deep study. Mastering the spiritual heritage contributes to the development of national identity, national identity, a better understanding of one's place in the world historical process. The solution to this problem involves the restoration of the objective history of the people, the restoration of forgotten names, the study of the deeds of great ancestors.

The most important factor of spiritual revival is patriotism. Only a patriot, that is, a person for whom his own fate is inseparable from the fate of his homeland, can carry out a global reorganization of society. However, this patriotism must be free from nationalism and national narrow-mindedness, it must have a healthy rational basis, which includes knowledge of the objective social needs and interests of the native country.

There are several stages in the spiritual revival of society. The purpose of the first stage was the liberation of people's thinking from the remnants of the old regime, old dogmas and outdated worldviews. national spiritual society personality

At the current stage, a new task has arisen, which is to form the spirituality of a free civil society, to educate free, comprehensively developed people.

The problem of spirituality is extremely complex. On the one hand, the spiritual life of man and society is obvious. For each person, his "I" is primarily an inner, spiritual world. And the presence in society of the spiritual sphere, which includes religion, philosophy, morality, science, art, no doubt. Difficulties arise when trying to give a comprehensive definition of spirituality. Spirituality is not captured by natural science categories. It is not grasped as something material, tangible, weakly amenable to rational-theoretical interpretation. It can be revealed through human subjectivity, spirituality is manifested in it. The sphere of human subjectivity includes knowledge, feelings, emotions, will, ideals. Human subjectivity is objectified, materialized outside in the form of texts, drawings, diagrams, symbols, works of art, written sources of literary, religious, scientific, ethical and other content.

Spirituality exists both in an individualized form, as a property of the individual, and as an integrated state of many people, society as a whole. The structural components of the spiritual sphere of society are the spiritual heritage, culture, values, education and ideology.

Spiritual heritage is an intangible cultural heritage created by the efforts of past generations. These include:

Oral traditions, including in the language as a carrier of spiritual heritage;

performing arts;

Customs, rituals, festivities;

Knowledge and practices relating to nature and the universe;

Knowledge and skills related to traditional crafts.

Another important component of the spiritual sphere of society are values. The concept of value expresses the human, social and cultural significance of the phenomena of reality. Values ​​are divided into objective and subjective. Subject values ​​are what is valued: natural resources, products of labor, social phenomena and relationships, historical events, cultural heritage, scientific truth, people's actions, works of art and objects of religious worship. Subjective values ​​are methods and criteria for evaluation. The concepts of good and evil, truth and untruth, beauty and ugliness, justice or injustice, permissible or forbidden - all this is the criteria for evaluation.

Values ​​are also divided into material and spiritual. The criterion for such a division is the needs of man and society. Objects and phenomena of natural and social reality that satisfy material needs constitute a system of material values.

Objects and phenomena that satisfy spiritual needs. Relate to spiritual values. It follows from this that the subjective values ​​and products of spiritual activity - ideas, theories, ideals, knowledge, ethical and aesthetic norms, religious teachings of a work of art and literature - constitute a system of spiritual values. The totality of material and spiritual values ​​created by mankind throughout its existence is called culture.

The spirituality of a person is the richness of the inner world of a person. It consists of four interrelated parts:

The functional side of consciousness, worldview in the form of an active attitude to the world;

The totality of the phenomena of spiritual culture (science, art, religion, folk art, the media, traditions and customs, the system of education and upbringing, recreation and sports);

Will (firmness, steadfastness, self-sacrifice, honor, national pride);

The intellectual and emotional environment established in society is the spiritual environment.

Various forms of spiritual activity remain elements of the original integrity. Their specificity is expressed in the special structure inherent in each of them and a certain set of functions. At the source of various forms of spiritual activity lie various aspects of the human personality: emotions, feelings, intellect, will. Emotions are manifested in the form of subjective experiences of the individual and in changes in the functional state of the whole organism. Feelings - the ability to intense, deep and stable experiences. Intelligence is the ability for conceptual thinking, judgment and transformation of the world. Will - the ability of a person to consciously and purposefully carry out their activities.

Values ​​are the most important and significant phenomena in people's lives, material and spiritual wealth that has gone through a long period of selection and is constantly enriched. They have a positive social, economic, spiritual impact on society. Values ​​are embodied in various spheres of culture, respectively, material and spiritual values ​​are distinguished. Spiritual values ​​include: scientific, religious, aesthetic (artistic), legal, social, ethical, etc. There are the following types of values: national, regional, universal. Spiritual values ​​reflect the social nature of a person, as well as the conditions of his existence. In terms of the beautiful and the ugly, good and evil, justice, truth, truth, humanity expresses its attitude to the ultimate reality and opposes to it some kind of ideal state.

Spirituality is embodied in culture. Spirituality is the assimilated content of culture, turned into an inner conviction, worldview, need. Spirituality is the ideological essential content of culture, culture is its internally organized, externally integral universal form. Spirituality is a manifestation and explanation of universal human values ​​in the content of culture, correlated with the historical experience of the people and the degree of awareness of the needs of modern social progress.

Culture is a phenomenon of the social existence of a person and humanity, it is a unity of the material and the ideal, being and relationship, objective existence and its ideal understanding. Material culture is always the embodiment of a certain spiritual culture, just as spiritual culture can exist only when it is materialized, i.e. having received a material embodiment in an object, sign, image, symbol. The structural elements of spiritual culture are science, philosophy, law, art, literature, morality, education, media, customs, traditions, religion.

Among the laws of the functioning of culture, one of the most significant is the law of continuity of cultural development. For the development of culture, it is necessary to preserve it, transfer it from older generations to younger ones. Spiritual heritage - borrowed from the past spiritual values, ideas, samples, experience, skills, knowledge, i.e. any results and ways of creative activity of people. The content of spiritual values, their revision and reassessment, the ways of their correlation, the forms of storage and transmission, tastes, the nature of the aesthetic perception of reality are in constant motion and change. Continuity is manifested in all areas of human development of reality, it proceeds in the form of local and global processes. The conditions for turning the possibilities of using the spiritual and cultural heritage into reality are not the same in all societies. They are mediated by socio-economic, political and ideological factors. The volume, intensity, selectivity of inheritance depends on them. But there are no societies or peoples that do not have or do not use the spiritual and cultural heritage.

The elements of the structure of personality spirituality include the development of thinking, memory, perception, the formation of a worldview and the development of character, perseverance, diligence, the assimilation of generally accepted norms of behavior, the development of aesthetic views, the development of inclinations and abilities necessary in society, the development of the need for further self-education. Only people with such qualities can preserve the spiritual heritage of the nation and people.

Spirituality primarily protects the nation, national culture, way of life. It plays the role of a socio-cultural filter and tries to prevent the penetration of phenomena alien to it into the national life, encourages the assimilation of the achievements of other peoples necessary for national development. Spirituality is the potential for self-preservation and self-development of a nation, a people. Therefore, the most important aspect of spirituality is concern for the preservation of cultural heritage, historical traditions, customs, and rituals. Thanks to independence, the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Uzbek people is being studied deeper and wider, and the spiritual values ​​of the past are being revived. The goal is not to restore literally all the traditions and rituals, because many of them are outdated, but rather, relying on the experience of the past to move forward.


1. Karimov I.A. Independence and spirituality. - T .: Uzbekistan, 1994.

2. Karimov I.A. Yuksak manaviyat - engilmas kuch. T., Uzbekistan, 2008. - 176 p.

3. Otamuratov S., Khusanov S., Ramatov Zh. Manaviyat asoslari. Tutorial. - T., 2002. - p. 24-30.

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Today we have access to almost any information, and on any topic, be it pregnancy planning or - you can easily find answers to all your questions. Also about child development, various studies have become publicly available, for example, Glen Doman's methodology, games based on Zaitsev's allowances, and Nikitin's games. And so the young mother begins to study and practice different systems.

Almost everyone cares when the baby sits down, walks, says the first word. Many people care that the child learns to read, write and count early. And sooner or later, unfortunately, often later, we come to the understanding that we are missing something, in order for a harmonious personality to grow, something else is needed. Is this what our children need?

Watching children

Let's watch how the children play with each other. I watched and often saw a sad picture. Let me give you an example, in the summer a bunch of guys played on the beach and they decided to build sand castles. Naturally, everyone tried to make it prettier and show their work as quickly as possible. And when the first castle was built, the rest somehow became discouraged, but continued their work. So 4 castles grew on the sand, and the fifth was not completed in any way. So the children began to swear and argue about who and why built the castle first or second. And in the eyes of the children, emotions that were not childish were read at all, some kind of hatred was felt.

And at school, children often gather in groups against one person, often mocking the “ugly duckling”, making fun of it.

This is where teachers and parents think. Why is this happening? How can such ugly feelings and emotions live in such a beautiful baby?

Better late than never

When to start spiritual? The sooner the better. As you grow older, the child will be more difficult to educate in this regard, but you still need to start.

What spiritual education of children? Where to begin?

In fact, everything is simple. It is necessary to teach a child to empathize, to rejoice in his own and other people's successes, to respect the opinions of others, to love and take care of nature, the world in which we live.

By raising our children, we ourselves become better. After all, the most important example for a child is parent example. And it is easy to teach a child not to throw garbage on the street if the mother throws garbage in the nearest bin.

If dad teaches a child that you need to cross the road on a green light, and he periodically switches to red, then the child will easily learn this science.

Action Examples

Instill in your children a love for animals. Start a tradition of feeding pigeons in the park, take bread and seeds with you. Tell your child what a good and useful thing you are doing. Tell that the pigeons are very grateful for your care.

We don’t have a dog at home and as a rule I threw away all the leftover food, and now I collect everything in a bag and then my son and I feed dogs and cats in the park.

At home, water the flowers with your baby. Comment on your actions. Tell them that you need to take care of the flower, water it, take care of it - otherwise it will die. You can draw an analogy with people, that people also need to be taken care of and loved. All people are initially good, and if a person lacks love, then he becomes gloomy and rude. An evil person just needs to be pitied - apparently he just lacks love and there is no one to take care of him.

I gave examples of the simplest actions that anyone can use. Door ajar in question education of spirituality in children. I will pay due attention to this topic, because it depends on us what our children will grow up and what our world will be like!

All in your hands.

It is no secret that one of the main problems of our time is a spiritual crisis. Today it is difficult to choose an ideal to focus on, it is difficult to recognize where the true good is and where the evil is. Real spiritual values ​​are being replaced by false ones. The crisis of spirituality deprives the life of our descendants of meaning. Such an important area of ​​pedagogy as spiritual and moral education is designed to find methods that meet the needs of today, which could reveal the meaning of spiritual values ​​to modern schoolchildren. Only highly moral people who have been properly educated will strive to make life better. Read about the goals and objectives of the spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren in our article.

Role and goals

The main goal of the spiritual and moral educational process at school is the creation of effective conditions for the formation of spirituality and morality of schoolchildren. Today it is one of the most important problems of our society. It cannot be said that today in our country it is being solved very successfully. Exist Problems faced by parents, teachers, and students themselves:

  • lack of positive ideals for the younger generation
  • constant deterioration of the moral environment
  • reduction in the volume of cultural and leisure work with children
  • deterioration in the physical development of the younger generation
  • lack of effective mechanisms for laying guidelines for a healthy lifestyle
  • negative factors (drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, early sexual intercourse)
  • lack of a culture of behavior and speech (which is demonstrated by the media in their materials)
  • the presence of a huge amount of negative content on the Internet and the media (pornography, cruelty, extremism, aggression, etc.)

All of the above does not have a positive impact on the development of the child's personality, but only interferes with the assimilation of true values, realizing which, the child, with faith and hope, looks to the future. On their own, a young soul is not able to find the right life guidelines. It is we, adults, who can show the child the way to goodness, creation, and light. Our future depends on how timely and skillfully we do it.

At some point, a child leaves the country of childhood and enters a big world filled with joys and sufferings, happiness and sorrow, truth and lies, participation and soullessness.

It is in childhood that you can lay the ability to joyfully go through life and steadfastly overcome obstacles. Children are very receptive to everything. It is best to teach children good things from childhood: kindness, sympathy, understanding of the problems of other people, recognition of one's own mistakes, diligence, the ability to see the beautiful, the right attitude towards nature.

“Do you know that the main thing is that the best qualities of a person should be laid down in childhood?”

School time is a good time for the formation of spirituality and morality. Spiritual and moral education is carried out with the aim of forming highest moral values, such as:

  • humane (friendly) relations between children
  • sense of duty, responsibility for one's behavior
  • industriousness and the need for work
  • respect for nature
  • orientation towards a harmonious and socially approved family life
  • communication culture
  • self-knowledge and self-education.

Spiritual values ​​of schoolchildren

What ideal should today's students be guided by? The concept of spiritual and moral education, developed for Russian schoolchildren, says that one should strive to become a highly moral, creative, professionally competent citizen of Russia, who perceives the fate of the country as his own, is aware of the responsibility for the state, brought up in the Russian Federation.

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to determine the main spiritual values ​​of schoolchildren:

  • patriotism
  • citizenship
  • freedom, honor, mercy, justice, trust,
  • striving for world peace, interethnic and intercultural diversity, tolerance, progress and cooperation
  • desire for knowledge
  • family value
  • creativity and work
  • faith and spirituality
  • art.

It is necessary to focus on these basic values ​​when educating school-age children, organizing pedagogical influence on them at home and at school.

Video about the example of spiritual and moral education in a modern school

Moral education in elementary school

Teachers believe that younger students easily perceive information from the outside, believe in the truth of everything that happens, and are also very direct in behavior. Such features positively affect the success in teaching and raising children. It is best to lay the moral foundations in.

Education is a two-way process, the essence of which is the influence of the teacher and the student's response to it. The formation of the best spiritual and moral qualities of a child consists in the assimilation of moral and ethical concepts, in the formation and expression of attitudes towards certain moral or immoral acts.

The learning process at school is the main environment where the spiritual and moral formation of younger students takes place.

“Do you know that a lesson is a place where students collectively act and experience, while accumulating the experience of moral communication?”

During the lessons, children learn to work independently, understand each other, compare their knowledge with the knowledge of classmates, defend their opinion, provide help and accept it. While studying, younger students experience the joy of discovering new knowledge for themselves, the annoyance in case of failures and mistakes. All this is the beginning of moral education, where the teacher plays the leading role. Traditionally, the moral education of schoolchildren is based on the transfer of moral and spiritual experience. A modern teacher should organize his activities in such a way that, with the help of modern and accessible methods for children, they instill moral qualities in them. The elementary school teacher should remember that the moral component should permeate every lesson. Therefore, when organizing pedagogical activity, it is necessary to think about how it is possible to productively influence the development of the student in motivational, intellectual and emotional terms through the use of various methods of moral education.

high school students

The morality of high school students is one of the most relevant topics today. Why does she need special attention? For reasons we all know:

  • loss of spiritual and moral ideals and values ​​in society
  • problematic self-determination and self-realization of a young person.

Today, adults are often indifferent to the generation that comes to replace them. The change of values ​​today is far from being for the better, disorienting children who are just discovering the versatility of the world. A civil marriage is considered quite normal, and not. The negative environment and media illiteracy lead high school students away from understanding true values. With these issues in mind, in high school, special attention should be paid to instilling real values, such as:

  • morality and spirituality
  • intellectual development
  • family value
  • healthy lifestyle.

It is possible to educate a harmonious personality of high school students with the help of various directions works:

  1. Organization of volunteer and charitable activities.
  2. Discuss questions of faith and the meaning of life.
  3. Family education.
  4. Relations between different sexes.
  5. Education of a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Love to motherland.
  7. Aesthetic education - love for beauty.
  8. Conflict-free communication.
  9. Right attitude towards work.
  10. financial literacy.

The following are relevant forms of work: charity events, exhibitions, competitions, film screenings, disputes, round tables, excursions, conversations and much more.

"Advice. When organizing the educational process, it is necessary to take into account the age and interests of high school students.

Directions of work of the class teacher

The person who plays one of the leading roles in the process of educating the moral personality of the student. In order to successfully lead the educational process in this direction, you need to have special personal qualities that allow you to create a productive pedagogical environment.

Tasks of the class teacher:

  • development of spirituality, patriotism and diligence of students
  • development of a team of schoolchildren based on morality and spirituality
  • carrying out extracurricular intellectual and cognitive work
  • study of the personal qualities of schoolchildren, their interests and inclinations
  • learning to pay attention to health as a guarantee of true morality
  • interaction between the school and parents through joint events, individual work, parent meetings.

Functions of the class teacher when organizing a holistic program of spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren are:

  • creation of a spiritual and moral environment of an educative nature
  • promoting a healthy lifestyle
  • joint creativity of pupils, providing for diverse forms of work
  • correction of individual ways of moral development of each individual student
  • stimulation of self-knowledge and self-education of the pupil.

Differentiated and individual approaches are of great importance in the educational process.

  • educational work and much more.
  • A good pedagogical effect is provided by the use problem situations when the student is invited to reflect, find a way out of the proposed situation, offer a solution to the problem. When working with schoolchildren, the development of their culture of communication is of great importance: this teaches a humane attitude towards each other, trust, mutual understanding.

    When educating morality, it is effective to use system-activity pedagogical approach. It can be used, for example, when reading together a passage of a literary work and analyzing it from different points of view. Literature study- one of the main forms of education of spirituality and morality. An obligatory element here is the reflection of the students, the discussion of what they have read.

    Situation modeling It is also a form of moral education. Pupils are included in the discussion, share their personal experience, experience, realize the values.

    The teacher can be the initiator themed class hours and conceptual events patriotic, aesthetic, spiritual (religious), folklore character.

    Pedagogical culture of parents

    Teachers believe that many of the problems of education could be avoided if all parents had at least a little knowledge in the field of pedagogy. When parents have a pedagogical culture, they contribute to the formation of the spiritual and moral personality of the child, creating a favorable moral climate in the family. Such are a positive moral example, which will be a model for the child.


    Spiritual and moral education is one of the main elements of the educational and, in particular, educational process, not only at school, but also in the family. Taking care of spirituality and morality, we help the student grow up to be an honest, kind, caring, hardworking person and be able to find his unique place in life.