Why dandruff arises. Causes of dandruff. Examples of dermatological diseases

Dandruff treatment will be effective if it is sent to eliminate the causes that caused the pathological process. Resistant symptoms disappear after the appropriate means is selected. The fight against dandruff can delay for a long time if you ignore the medical advice to care for the skin of the head or perform their occasionally.

To fully cure dandruff at home, it is required to take a lot of options for special detergents with different active ingredients intended for the treatment and cleansing of the scalp and hair skin. To speed up this process, you should visit the dermatology so that Trichologist can identify the causes of the disease and make an appointment that accelerates recovery.

Timely appeal for help from a specialist allows us to determine what caused the development of pathology. This will provide an opportunity to purposefully treat it with the prescribed specialist drugs and get the greatest effect.

What types of dandruff distinguish

Dandruff appears for various reasons. Why it has a persistent nature and progresses, you can only find out after receiving the results of the tests after the medical examination. There are several species of this disease, which begins during the violation of the activity of the sebaceous glands and is complicated by the addition of a conditionally pathogenic agent that enhances the symptoms.

Dandruff can be dry or fat. With dry form, skin itch appears after washing the scalp. The dimensions of peeling scraps are small, and they are easily attracted to the shoulders. Any shampoo that has in the instructions of the word "from dandruff" can help with this form. Such a shampoo is useful in the appearance of pathology caused by external stimuli.

And irritants can be cosmetics for alcohol. Many dry dumps often appear when using the alcohol tincture of red sharp pepper or ginger root juice, which are recommended to use for rapid hair growth, but they can severely irritate the skin and dry it.

Dry dandruff can be obtained as a result of the abuse of hot tools intended for styling hair.

Active skin peeling begins after using some paints for hair. Especially often this happens when strong burning is felt when painting.

The stable shape of dry dandruff causes a fungus that amazes the hair of the scalp. It is easy to apply if you use other people's comb. It refers to a conditional pathogenic microflora and has many people. With the normal operation of the sebaceous glands, it is suppressed by local immunity. In adolescence, when the operation of the secret in the glands increases, it begins to actively multiply. It can be recognized by major multiple scales, the formation of which cannot be suppressed by conventional shampoos from dandruff.

In adults, the sudden appearance of dry dumps is observed when the body's protective functions are suppressed. This happens when stress, long-term physical or mental tension.

Fatty dandruff appears during the hyperfunction of the hydroelectric gland, which appears due to violations of biochemical processes. Pathology cause violations:

  • works of internal secretions;
  • digestive processes in a thin and thick section of the intestines;
  • pancreatic functions;
  • thyroid gland;
  • damage to the skin of the hair of the head of the mushroom;
  • genetic predisposition.

At the same time, the dandruff is the scalp is covered with a wet crust with bulk dragging scales, from which you can get rid of complex treatment.

There are mixed types of seborrhea that complicate the course of the disease and can cause focal baldness. If the pathology is not treated, the disease passes into open areas of the skin, and then seborrheic dermatitis is diagnosed, which is hardly treated. Correctly certain causes and treatment of seborrhea leads to rapid recovery.

How to get rid of dry seborria

In order not to complicate the course of the disease, Seborida is recommended to be treated in the initial stage. Therapeutic measures should be selected depending on the type of disease.

If dry dandruff is formed due to thermal or chemical burns, the scalp should be moisturized and naked with masks. They are made independently or use those that offers a cosmetic industry. Cold pressed walnut oil is often the best tool than treating dandruff..

To combat dry seborrhea or its warning with a frequent use of a hair dryer or other hot laying tools, you can use any walnut oil. It is applied to the hairpiece of the epidermis, rubbing massage movements in the head. The oil is washed over an hour with a suitable shampoo.

To prepare a nut mixture, you can take 50 g of nuclei of any nuts, crush them in a coffee grinder to a homogeneous mass and rub in the roots of the hair. Course treatment 20 procedures.

A mixture of honey, olive or castor oil, onion juice, Aloe - well helps strengthen hair and get rid of strong peeling of the scalp. They are mixed in equal shares and applied to the skin. From above are covered with insulation and leave for an hour or more. The longer you hold out such a mask, the more effective there will be a result.

From shampoos, any detergent designed for dry and normal hair is suitable. Best helps to get rid of the dandruff to the equipment that goes. The arable shampoo has an unpleasant smell, but at the same time he has antifungal activity and quickly suppresses the initial stage of dance development due to fungal lesion of the skin.

For hair rinsing uses infusions of birch leaves, daisy flowers and grass turns. Neprug with an active calming property is useful at this moment for treatment. It is brewed at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. Dry raw materials on liter boiling water and bezed the resulting hair hair.

For diseases associated with violation of the work of the internal secretion organs, special treatment is necessary. They are treated if the home resources do not provide improvements in the state for 3 procedures. The doctor often recommends purchasing the healing shampoo from dandruff at the pharmacy. Many people help shampoos, as part of which is an active substance ketoconazole. It has antifungal action against dermatophytes and quickly copes with the most abundant dandruff.

Instructions that need to be carefully examined before use are applied to therapeutic shampoos.

How to treat complex views

If the appearance of dandruff on the head is associated with pathology in the work of the internal secretion bodies, it is best to visit an endocrinologist before treating and getting recommendations. If necessary, he will send to a dermatologist or trichologist so that together to adjust the work of the sebaceous glands. The attending physician will recommend basic treatment, band vitamins necessary to improve metabolic processes. Recommendations for nutrition and lifestyle change will be given.

For topical use with dry and fat seborrhea, complicated by signs of dermatitis or psoriasis, shampoos containing salicylic acid, tar, sulfur, ichthyol are needed. These are therapeutic drugs that help get rid of stable dandruff species. Shampoos with these components can be purchased in the pharmacy network.

They are different: with a salicylic acid content - for the treatment of dry seborrhea, with deaths - for the treatment of oily dandruff. The composition of zinc oxide, which improves the appearance of the skin of the head.

Some people suffering from sustainable dandruffers helps an anti-referee shampoo, which includes ichthyol that helps to eliminate irritation. Pharmacies offer therapeutic shampoos for the treatment of heads from dandruff two types: for prophylactic care and for active treatment of the acute phase of the disease.

Often, relief occurs when using paste, soap or shampoo with an active substance of selenium disulfide, which also has an antiseptic and disinfecting effect. These drugs are used to treat skin disease, developing due to violation of the function of the sebaceous glands on the scalp.

This fund has special rules of application set forth in the instructions that should be carefully examined before treating dandruff. Before use, the head is first washed with soap. With dry seborrhea for this, spermacet, lanoline or baby soap take, and with a fat dandruff only 72% of the economic soap. Then use the therapeutic drug, well lays down their heads and leaving for up to 10 minutes, then wash off with water. To secure the effect, the tool is used up to 2 months.

In some cases, the dermatologist, advising how to cure dandruff on the head, can recommend to make therapeutic shampoo at home, using a drug to help suppress candidiasis and some other fungal diseases for outdoor use. With proper assignment, two head treatment of the head of the head is allowed to get rid of dandruff for a long time. For its manufacture, the prescribed drug is mixed with a conventional shampoo, they are applied to the skin of the scalp and leave for 5 minutes., After which they are flushed with warm water.

Sulfur ointment is well treating the disease of the scalp, but it is toxic in large volumes. It is applied daily for 7 days, hold at least 5 minutes and wash off using an ordinary shampoo. This tool helps with fatty seborrhea complicated by inflammatory processes.

Dandruff treatment should not be carried out using alcohol tinctures. All components must gently affect the upper layers of the epidermis and do not irritate the skin. The moisture part of the head has a very thin layer of the epidermis, which is quickly injured, and the pathogenic microflora varies on the site, significantly worsening the state.

It is also worth remembering that not a single pharmacy treatment tool should be applied without consultation with the attending physician.

Interesting Facts

  • According to statistics, dandruff is most often observed in young people from 14 to 25 years.
  • In 1874, French Anatas and Histologist Louis Charles Malacase with the help of a microscope found an unknown fungus as part of a dandruff. This discovery made it possible to identify one of the causes of dandruff.
  • In 90% of people suffering from seborrhea and dandruff, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are also observed ( gastrointestinal tract).
  • According to the statistics of each second person, at least once in his life there were problems with dandruff.

The structure of the skin and appendages of the skin

The skin serves as an obstacle between the environment and the human body.

The main functions of the skin are:

  • temoregulation (consumption and heat release occurs);
  • protective (protects the body from chemical and mechanical impacts);
  • separation (selects skin fat, water and decay products);
  • immune (T-lymphocytes and Langerhans cells are struggling with infection in the skin);
  • respiratory (the skin absorbs oxygen, and highlights carbon dioxide);
  • resorption (skin can absorb various medicinal and cosmetics).
The skin consists of the following layers:
  • epidermis;
  • dermis;
  • hydrometer ( subcutaneous fat fiber).


The epidermis is a surface layer of the skin, in which continuous reproduction of new cells and the energization of the old one occurs.

The epidermis contains the following types of cells:

  • keratinocytes - produce keratin;
  • langerhans cells - macrophages performing a protective function;
  • melanocytes - produce melanin;
  • merkel cells - Tangible cells.

Description of layers of epidermis

Name of the layer Description of the layer
Basal The basal layer consists of one row of cells, which are arranged directly on the border with the derma. The cells of this layer are characterized by the fact that they are continuously multiplied by forming new skin cells. Also in the cells of the basal layer contains a pigment melanin, which determines the color of the skin, protects it from the effect of ultraviolet rays and causes the effect of tanning. The existing Merkel cells in the basal layer are involved in the sale of skin sensitivity.
Spikeful The cellular cell layer is located three to eight rows. A feature of this layer is that new skin cells formed in the basal layer are bonded here by cytoplasmic growth.
Grainy The grain layer consists of one - five rows of tight adjacent cells. After a hipged cell of the cell bonded by special increases, the process of oroging is beginning here. Also in this layer contains epidermal macrophages - these are cells, the main function of which is the struggle with the infection inwards.
Brilliant The brilliant layer is observed in such areas of the body as palms and feet, where the layer of the epidermis is quite dense. Also in this layer continues the process of oroging epithelial cells.


The horny layer is direct contact with the environment and performs a barrier function, preventing the penetration of microbes inside the skin. This layer consists of damaged cells tightly adjacent to each other and containing keratin ( protein substance).

Updating the upper layers of skin on the head through an invisible exfoliation of dead cells occurs every three to four weeks, which is a normal physiological process. In people suffering from dandruff, the rate of cell death increases due to the increased production of new skin cells, that is, the process of cell oroging the corporal of cells is significantly increased in the horn. As a result, the accumulation of dead cells occurs, and their frequent exfoliation occurs. For this reason, in most cases, dry dandruff develops.


The dermis is represented by the connective tissue and consists of two layers.

In this layer of the skin, the sebaceous glands are contained, the strengthening of the operation of which makes it difficult to exfoliate the burned cells from the skin surface, which can later lead to the formation of dandruff. Skin fat, not allowing already dead skin particles disappear, in the end leads to the emergence of conglomerates ( sloped pieces of oroging skin). For this reason, in most cases, greasy dandruff develops.


Subcutaneous fat fiber is represented by fatty clusters and a connecting cloth. This layer provides movable skin attachment to organs and tissues, and also creates additional protection of the body from mechanical damage.

Skin appendages

Skin appendages include:
  • Sebaceous glands. We produce a secret - skin fat, which lubricates the hair and protects the skin.
  • Sweet glands. Water and decay products are isolated, as well as an important component in the process of thermoregulation.
  • Hair. They are derived from the epidermis and cover almost the whole body.
  • Nails. Nail bed covers a nail plate consisting of a horn.

Causes of dandruff

The main reasons for the development of dandruff are:
  • violation of the skin of the skin;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • fungus;


Disruption of the work glands may occur due to the following reasons:
  • Nervous stress. The excitement provokes the increased productivity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Heavy and fatty food. Leads to a change in the composition of the skin.
  • Hot food. Hot causes a tide of blood to the stomach, as a result of which the reinforced work of the sebaceous glands and skin is caused.
  • Hormonal disbalance. It entails a change in the work of the sebaceous glands, as well as a change in the consistency of the skin.
These factors, increasing the work of the sebaceous glands, contribute to the formation or exacerbation of the dandruff.

Violation of hormonal background

The skin and hair complex consists of hair onion, greasy and sweat glands, which highlight lubrication ( sebum), which helps to exfoliate the damaged particles of the skin. An increase in androgen levels ( group of hormones produced by the seeds and ovaries) In men or women provokes an increase in skin products. These violations lead to a change in the quality of the skin, which ceases to be fluid, and becomes more dense.

The thick skin salty provokes the gluing of the skin of the skin, not allowing them to disappear, which subsequently leads to their exfoliation by the layers ( dandruff).
Violation of the selection and changing the consistency of the skin can lead to the development of such a disease as Seborrhea.

Seboro, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • itching the scalp;
  • rashes on the skin in the form of redness covered with fatty or dry scales that are capable of merging;
  • gnove on the scalp.

Also, the causes of seborrhea may be:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • the presence of chronic foci of infection in the body.


The human skin is covered with an invisible water-lipid lubricant having a sour Wednesday. This lubricant protects the body from the set of microbes, which come to the surface of the skin, destroying them. However, in case of contacting data of microbes, the rejection process begins in the skin, that is, the body begins to produce skin fat to produce. This protective mechanism makes it difficult to detect scheels from the skin surface, which subsequently leads to dandruff.

With increasing skin products, fungi play a major role ( Pitirosporum Ovale), which normally live on the surface of the skin, they in this period begin to multiply and grow with greater intensity. Sensitivity of the head of the head is exacerbated to the products of the rivalry of the fungus, which results in the fungal damage to the skin. Subsequently, fungi covered with skin fat and extremely scales, form plaques that are exfoliating cause itching and constant dandruff.

Normally on the surface of the head, a person has 45% of fungal flora, however, in disruption of the sebaceous glands, this indicator may increase to 70%.

It should be noted that these fungi have a beneficial effect on the skin of the skin, as they participate in maintaining its microflora, protecting against penetration into the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Also fungi support a normal pH ( acid Alkaline Balance) Skin.

Skin disease

Dandruff, for example, can be an early sign of psoriasis. This disease is autoimmune and lies in the fact that its own immune cells ( macrofagi) Affect surface layers of the skin, causing them with a death. This phenomenon leads to leather exfoliation by large layers in the form of dandruff. However, there are differences that allow you to quickly determine the presence of psoriasis in humans, for example, the appearance of psoriatic plaques of reddish color.

Predisposing factors

There are also predisposing factors that can provoke the development of dandruff.

Endogenous factors:

  • avitaminosis ( for example, lack of vitamins A);
  • reducing the protective forces of the body ( for example, after transferred acute respiratory viral infection (ORVI));
  • intestine dysbiosis ( for example, after treatment with antibiotics);
  • genetic predisposition ( if parents have a dandruff).
Exogenous factors:
  • daily head washing inappropriate shampoo ( washed off the natural lubricant that covers the scalp);
  • regular use of a hair dryer with hot air leads to skin cuts ( hair dryer should be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the hair and use gentle mode);
  • frequent stresses ( provoke the work of the sebaceous glands);
  • smoking ( chemicals that are in tobacco contribute to the weakening of the body's protective forces);
  • disadvantage in the body of vitamins and minerals ( can lead to dry skin or to strengthen the work of the sebaceous glands);
  • chronic overwork ( leads to the weakening of immunity);
  • frequent hair coloring ( leads to damage and development of dry skin).

What areas do dandruff appear more often?

Most often, dandruff appears on the scalp of the head in the grinding and dark areas, as in this place there is an increased selection of sebum. Also, the occurrence of the dandruff in this area may be due to increasing the number of pityrosporum ovale fungus. This fungus is a conditional pathogenic and asymptomaticly on the skin of most people ( in those places where the greatest accumulation of the sebaceous glands occurs).

Also dandruff can be observed in the following sections:
  • eyebrows;
  • eyelashes;
  • middleweach;
  • pubis.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff consists of dead skin cells, which due to excessive exfoliation are manifested in the form of grayish-white scraps.

Normally, a person occurs in a person during the month, the process of motioning a certain number of skin cells occurs. In people suffering from dandruff, this process is observed much more often, approximately every ten days. This happens because of the decline or, on the contrary, increase the production of sebum.

Depending on the type of hair dandruff, it is customary to divide into two types:

  • dry dandruff;
  • fat dandruff.

Dry dandruff

Fat dandruff

Dandruff treatment

Currently, there is a large spectrum of dandruff drugs, however, it should be noted that this kind of means must be selected individually depending on the clinical picture and the causes of dandruff.

The means used in the masks below possess the following therapeutic properties:

  • Egg yolk It contains beta-keratin, rich in fatty acids that are deeply powered and moisturized the scalp.
  • Olive oil It feeds and moisturizes the skin.
  • Lemon juice Stabilizes the work of the sebaceous glands and acid-and-alkaline equilibrium, also has a keratolytic effect, helping to peel the damaged skin particles.
  • Kefir. The kefir includes vitamins of groups B, a, calcium and protein, which moisturize, feed the scalp, and also strengthen the roots of the hair.
  • Castor oil Moisturizes and strengthens hair, contributes to leather exhaustion.

  1. To prepare a mask, you need to take one egg yolk, a tablespoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and then rub into the skin of the head along the probor lines. After applying the mask, the head should be covered with a cap and keep for forty minutes, after which it is necessary to wash your head. This mask is recommended to be used twice a week for one month.
  1. For the preparation of masks, four tablespoons of kefir will need, one tablespoon of olive oil and one egg yolk. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly, after which they apply the resulting tool on the scalp ( hair washing) And leave for an hour - one and a half. This mask should be used twice a week for a month and a half - two months.
  1. In two egg yolk, you must add on one tablespoon of castor oil and lemon juice, after which mix thoroughly. The cooked mask should be applied on the scalp ( hair washing) For one hour with periodicity twice a week. The duration of treatment is one - a month and a half.
  • It is necessary to mix salicylic acid ( two grams), Castor oil ( five gram) and vodka ( one hundred gram). A cooked lotion should be applied to the skin of the head for a half - two hours before the head wash. This remedy should be applied every other day to complete recovery.
  • Birch tar ( five gram), Castor oil ( ten gram) and vodka ( one hundred gram) You should mix and apply to the skin in two hours before the head washing. This lotion should be used two - three times a week until complete recovery.
These funds will help eliminate fatty, itching heads, and will also contribute to leather exfoliation.


Beam name Therapeutic action Cooking method Application
Beet rich in vitamin C, beta-carotine, reduces the inflammatory process It is necessary to cook beets, after which the resulting beetted juice should rinse the hair. This decoction should be used two - three times a week for a month.
Plate nettle Contains vitamin A and E, strengthens hair, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands Two tablespoons of dry nettle Add to 400 ml of hot water and put on a slow fire for fifteen - twenty minutes. After cooking, the decoction must be strain and cool. The cooked tool should rinse the hair after washing the head twice a week. The duration of treatment is one to two months.
Decoration of calendula Eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair, reduces hair fatty Two tablespoons of calendula must be pouring 400 ml of hot water, and then put on a slow fire for fifteen minutes. After cooking, the resulting decoction must be strain and cool. The finished decoction should rinse the hair after washing the head one - twice a week for one to one and a half months.

Dandruff prevention

The following dandruff prevention methods are distinguished:
  • hygiene of the scalp;
  • protection of the scalp from the effects of not high and low temperatures;
  • diet and abundant drink;
  • prevention of stress and strengthening immunity.

Hygiene of the scalp

To maintain the hygiene of the skin and hairproof, the following recommendations must be followed:
  • remember that such items and personal belongings like comb, urine, as well as hats are intended exclusively for individual use;
  • it is necessary to contain all personal hygiene objects clean and replace them as wear.
  • shampoos and cosmetics should be selected according to the type of hair;
  • wash your head is recommended as contamination;
  • it is not recommended to wash your head very hot water, since heat contributes to increased production of skin saline;
  • during drying hair, it is necessary to put a gentle mode on devices ( warm air).
As prevention, it is recommended to use the following healing agents from dandruff:
  1. Shampoo nipped. The composition of this means includes antifungal agents ( ketokonazole.).
Note: Any prophylactic shampoos must be used more often than once every two weeks.
  1. Paste Sulsen 2%. The paste includes a sulfur compound, as well as useful additives, due to which the function of the fat secretion of the skin is normalized. The paste must be rubbed in circular movements in the hair roots. After a ten-minute break, the remedy should be washed with warm water. The procedure is recommended to be carried out once a week.
Note: before applying paste, hair should be washed with shampoo.

Protection of the scalp from the effects of not high and low temperatures

Knowing and straight solar rays are tantamount, as the cold have a negative effect on the state of the scalp, thereby provoking the appearance of dandruff. As prevention in this case, it is recommended to wear seasonal hats.

Diet and abundant drink

Qualitative and full nutrition plays a key role in the prevention of many skin diseases, including when dandruff.

In order to avoid any pathological changes from the skin, it is recommended to use those foods that contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and Minerals Food Affective
Vitamin B6. Walnuts Fish, liver, bananas
Pecoming the skin from adverse effects from the environment, and also contribute to skin moisturizing.
Vitamin PP. Cheese, Tomatoes, Cabbage Restores skin protective functions.
Zinc Nuts, seeds, beef Participates in the process of updating skin cells.
Calcium Bean, greens, dairy and dairy products Participates in the secretion of the sebaceous glands
With a lack of calcium, the elasticity of the skin is reduced.

It is also necessary to reduce the flow of that food that can contribute to the occurrence of dandruff. For example, oily, sweet, acute and salted food.

As for abundant drinking, this is explained by the fact that a sufficient amount of fluid entering the body contributes to the normalization of metabolism.

Prevention of stress and strengthening immunity

Weak immunity and stressful situations can negatively affect the work of the sebaceous glands, as well as on the quality of the skin, making it more dry. These factors can contribute to the development of dandruff. Based on this, stressful situations should be avoided and, if possible, to carry out as much free time in the fresh air.

Dandruff is a problem with which many people faced and face. Unfortunately, the trouble of this phenomenon is most often reduced to dissatisfaction with impaired aesthetics of hair, rather than concern about the problems inside the body. In fact, the unwanted "snow" on the hair is a clear sign of health problems. So, from what dandruff appears, is there a panacea to combat her, whether proven methods of prevention exist - consider further.

Symptomatics of the presence of this phenomenon

The fact that dandruff appeared on the head is usually defined by certain factors.

  • The formation of notable white scales on clothes in the shoulders area, on a comb or massage brush, headdress. These elements are detached skin particles.
  • The occurrence of itching and strong irritation on the scalp.
  • The deterioration of the overall state of the hair cover, the manifestation of dullness and fragility.
  • The occurrence of red spots, large in size of scales and crusts of yellowish color on the skin of the head. Usually these signs are manifested when the course of the disease lasts for a long time, or it progresses.

It is important to know why dandruff appears on the head to competently select the therapeutic complex to eliminate the ailment and improving the overall condition of the hair.

Causes of dandruff

There are several provoking phenomena causing the occurrence of white "snow" on the head. Causes of dandruff can be very different.

  • Skin dryness is a known causal dandruff formation factor, especially if we are talking about the winter season. It is in winter that people neglect the use of sufficient liquid and often use devices for heating.
  • Fungi - common causes of dandruff. Yeast-like elements "settle" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe scalp area and are found almost in all people. But sometimes their rapid reproduction occurs, causing irritation of the scalp.
  • Perestroika in a hormonal background entail the appearance of dandruff. Age-type changes have a noticeable effect on the overall functioning of the sebaceous glands, therefore, adolescents and pregnant women often formed dandruff.
  • The presence of the disease of seborrhea associated with the problems of violation of fat highlighting functions in the field of scalp. When the function gain occurs, the glands begin to actively produce skin fat, and dandruff appears.

So, we looked at what is dandruff, and what factors usually entail its occurrence. But in the formation of this ailment, it is necessary to pay attention to several more circumstances, which can also entail the appearance of white "caps".

Alternative causes of problem

  • The use of water of increased hair washing;
  • use of cosmetics, incorrectly selected by type;
  • excessively frequent staining or chemical curious;
  • using a dryer for drying hair, inclined to dryness, fragile;
  • application of thermal hair styling and hairstyles;
  • insufficient number of minerals obtained by the body, vitamins;
  • an increased state of stress and depression;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases - eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • the presence in the body of hereditary diseases of the immune system.

Now it is clear why dandruff appears, and how it happens. It remains to decide on the effective methods of its elimination that will increase your self-esteem and make the condition of the hair significantly better.

Drafot varieties

Based on the features of the seal, dandruff is greasy and dry. The first type of seborrhea is found at greens, and the second stands out with dry strands.

Dry dandruff

Usually it arises and for a long time does not pass due to the reduced separation of the skin and excessive dryness of the cover. Scales in this case have small sizes and ability to easily depart. On the hair creates a small powder effect. The location of the elements is carried out on the entire scalp, the dark areas are preferably "amazed".

Fat dandruff

It is formed in the case of increased sealing of the sala when the head of the head is too fat. The scales of such skin particles are quite large in size and are in the impregnation of the secrets of the sebaceous glands. Because of this, the phenomenon is accompanied by their gluing with each other, durable mounting to the hairs and difficulties in flaking.

As a result, the hair sharply becomes fat, constantly empty, a person may feel the feeling of itching in connection with blocking with fat outputs.

The noticeability of dead cells are acquired in the case of gluing them. In fact, one insignificant plate in size has 500 burdensible cells, usually such a phenomenon occurs in the case of increased skin orognery. Seborrhea may appear in a situation where there is an excessive dryness of the scalp, as well as its irritation vulnerability due to the use of low-quality shampoos. The emerging disease in this case is usually eliminated independently when reassuring irritation.

Ways to correct the situation

Often, failures in attempts to get rid of the problem are related to the fact that there is no comprehensive solution method. Many naively believe that by changing shampoo, they will be able to overcome the problem. And someone takes a more "radical" solution and buys pills in the hope of getting beautiful scalp. In fact, only the nutrition of the body from the inside and the adoption of comprehensive measures to eliminate the problem will be able to assist in the elimination of seborrhea. Therefore, so that she cannot appear again and disturb you, you need to go through special procedures.

Providing quality nutrition

It is important to deliver a large number of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the cells and tissues of the body. There is no need to buy synthetic substances, it is enough to establish the correct power regime, equipping it with vegetables, fruits, croups. By eliminating alcohol and tobacco from the diet, minimizing the consumption of flour, oily, sharp, sweet and smoked products, you can achieve stunning results.

Hair care products

So Sebori could not form, the impact on its external factors also plays an important role. To do this, you need to use special shampoos, creams and lotions designed to provide competent and balanced care.

Purchase tools without sulphate and dyes, they must include antifungal effects and antibacterial elements.

The tool must be seamless by the type of skin. The use of auxiliary compositions in the form of folk masks and compresses will speed up the process, dandruff will suddenly, will not be formed again.

Compliance with personal hygiene principles

Sometimes dandruff can be contagious, so it is necessary to comply with the rules and principles of personal hygiene. There is a possibility of transmitting this ailment through comb, scallops and other similar devices. It should not be assumed that the deliverance from dandruff implies exclusively a solution to aesthetic problem. After all, the launched state can become one of the reasons why hair falls out and baldness takes place. Only compliance with this rule will make hair exquisitely beautiful, and the scalp is incredibly healthy.

Features of the use of folk remedies

Instead of advertised new-fashioned drugs, it is sometimes recommended to use folk remedies that are more efficient and safe. According to statistics, only 5% of people suffering from this ailment appeal to those skilled in the art. The remaining 95% of "patients" prefer to be treated with folk remedies. If they are chosen competently, the result will be satisfactory, and you will get the effect after a pair of applications.

Nettle against dandruff

This weed plant contributes to the rapid upgrade of the cell composition in the epidermis, since it has a large amount of organic acids and useful vitamins. Also in nettle there is a carotene, minerals, tanning elements and phytoncides who make it an indispensable tool for the beauty of strands. To eliminate seborrhea, an implanable nettle is used.

Using the bite

An ordinary natural antibiotic - onions - acts as a folk healer and allows you to overcome a large number of diseases. In addition to dandruff, it eliminates other damages and diseases - dullness, fragility, loss. To use the mask, it is necessary to chop bulbs in Cashitz, and then carefully distribute it throughout the scalp. Top is worn with a hat from cellophane.

Using reurenik

This means of natural origin is present in a large number of healing compositions. The burdock has a powerful antiseptic effect due to the presence of tanning substances and regenerating properties. For therapy, a traditional root infusion or a special emulsion prepared by the prescription is used. It is necessary to take a crushed root in the amount of spoons and pour with untreated vegetable oil 200 ml. After two weeks insteading in the refrigerator, the emulsion is used to rub into the scalp.

So, we looked at what is dandruff, and how quickly get rid of it, so as not only to solve the problem, but also make your hair as beautiful as possible and healthy.

Dandruff is one of the common pathologies of the scalp, which leaves unpleasant traces on her hair and clothing. However, dandruff is not just an aesthetic problem, it is, above all, a disease caused by various factors. For cure, first of all, it is necessary to determine the reason for its appearance, and then select the right skin care. So why does dandruff appear?


  • Visible white scales of detachable skin on clothes, hair, shoulders, comb, headdress.
  • Itching and irritation of the scalp.
  • Litness and dullness of hair.
  • Red spots, large scales and yellowish crusts on the skin (such signs of dandruff appear during long flow or progression).

The reasons

Dry skin

The most common cause of dandruff appearance, especially in winter. It is at this time of the year that people drink less liquid, use heating technique, often dried hair with a hairdryer because of which the skin of the head is cut, provoking the appearance of dandruff.


The yeast-like Pityrosparum Ovale fungus lives on the scalp of almost all people and does not cause any diseases. However, sometimes it begins to multiply quickly, thereby provoking the skin irritation and accelerating the growth of cells.

As a result, extra skin cells die and, bonding fat, form large visible perchot flakes. The causes of fast reproduction fungi are: headed head, prolonged diseases of internal organs, immunodeficiency, stress, Parkinson's disease.

Hormonal perestroika

Age changes strongly affect the secretory function of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, adolescents during puberty along with acne often appear dandruff, as well as pregnant and women who are experiencing climax.


The dandruff formation can be associated with a violation of the function of the separation of fat on the skin of the face and the head. With the enhanced function of the sebaceous glands, the skin fat begins to actively produce, provoking the occurrence of fat perchoth. Its weak work leads to insufficient semination of skin fat, and the surface of the head dries up, which contributes to the occurrence of dry dandruff.

For thick bold seborrhea, the deterioration of skin elasticity and an increase in the size of the rods of the sebaceous glands is characteristic. The channel of the rowing gland is blocked by the fatty particles of the fat epithelium - dandruff, which is why comments arise on the surface of the scalp. Hair becomes hard and dull, and in them constantly there are fatty dandruff.

Fat liquid seborrhea provokes the formation of a porous crust on the head. The pores are expanding, becoming noticeable, and the skin fat is especially abundant. The view of the hair is significantly worsened, straight sticks, and the surface of the head looks very greasy, inaccier, the unnatural fat shine and scales of a dandruff of a yellowish shade appear.

Seborrhea may also cause hair loss, because a silent secret changes its composition and loses its protective properties. On the skin of the head there are penette, bacteria are multiplied by hair follicles.

With dry seborrhea, the yield of the skin on the surface is significantly reduced. Dry scales dandruff abundantly cover the surface of the head. Most often, dry seborrhea suffer people with low immunity.

Violation in the work of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of dandruff on the head can occur for the following reasons:

  • rigid water;
  • shampoo, balm and air conditioning, not by hair type;
  • frequent staining or chemical curling hair;
  • permanent drying of a hair dryer in dryness;
  • frequent use of styler, thermal cargo, which expose the scalp with high temperature effects;
  • lack of minerals, vitamins A, E, D, B, defective nutrition, abuse of oily and acute food;
  • excessively nervousness, susceptibility to stress and depression;
  • hereditary immune diseases.

Other reasons

In addition to the problems described above with the function of selection of sebum, there are a number of factors due to which dandruff appears.

Seborine eczema is rarely a direct cause of dandruff, but if this disease has affected the head of the head, it is quite possible to quickly form the skin squeezes on this site. The difference between seborrheic dermatitis and seborrhea lies in the fact that the latter is the pathological condition of the skin, and eczema is a chronic disease.

Psoriasis - skin disease, in which the formation of thin scaly particles of dry skin, including dandruff. Psoriasis infrequently appears on the head, but it can become an additional factor in the dandruff.

Contact dermatitis, provoked by hypersensitivity of the scalp to shampoos, gels, masks, lotions and other hair cosmetics, contributes to the appearance of dandruff. Contact dermatitis and dandruffs often appear from abuse of means for laying and staining means.


Depending on the patient's scalp, therapeutic therapy will include:

  • Medication tools. If the dandruff is accompanied by fungal lesions of the skin, antifungal medicines are prescribed, which include ketoconazole. If seborrin dermatitis became the cause of the appearance of dandmatitis, antihistamines are prescribed, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also reduce irritation and itching.
  • Exterior means - Ointment, creams, shampoos, sprays. Depending on the activity of the dandruff shampoos, it improves the process of exfoliation, destroy the fungal infection, remove damaged scales, and also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Their composition may include antifungal components (zinc pyrithion, ketoconazole), keratolithic (dairy or salicylic acid), sulfur, tar, ichthyol. Cepecol shampoos are considered to be semopol, dermazole, nodowel, keto plus, aqueous shampoo, algopiles, fittal, fridents zinc, Friterm tar, Vichy from dandruff.
    Ointment and creams relieve irritation, itching, reduce skin production and eliminate skin peeling. The healing ointments against dandruff treats the paste of Sulsen 2%, sulfur-salicyl, hydrocortisone, dermazole, nipped.
    In the occurrence of dandruff as a healing spray, it is recommended to use panthenol. This drug reduces the irritation of the skin of the head, and also contributes to the rapid restoration of tissues.
  • Physiotherapy. Depending on the state of the head of the head, the doctor as an additional treatment can be prescribed by such physiotics such as ozone therapy (has a dry effect), cryoissage (applied with a strong itching and redness of the scalp), darsonval (establishes the work of the sebaceous glands, blood flow and dry the skin), Mesotherapy (ensures hair nutrition).


Hygiene of the scalp

    Personal things, such as urinary, comb and hats are intended only for individual use.

  • Cosmetics and shampoos need to be chosen by hair type.
  • All personal hygiene objects should be kept clean and replaced as needed.
  • Wash your head with warm water and as dirty.
  • When drying the hair, the hair dryer on the device is recommended to set sparing mode (warm air).

Diet and drink

Full and proper nutrition plays a major role in the prevention of different skin diseases, including in the occurrence of dandruff. To avoid unwanted changes in the head of the head, it is necessary to give preference to products that contain a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins - it is cabbage, tomatoes, cheese, fish, liver, walnuts, beef, legumes, dairy and dairy products, greens. It is also necessary to limit the flow of products that contributes to the appearance of dandruff - acute, sweet, oily and salty food.

To normalize the metabolism and prevent the appearance of dandruff, it is recommended to drink a sufficient amount of fluid, depending on the age and body weight from 1 to 2 liters per day.

Stress and immunity

Various stressful situations and weak immunity negatively affect the work of the sebaceous glands and the quality of the skin. These factors can provoke dandruff development, so it is recommended to avoid stressful situations and carry out the best air as possible.

Folk remedies

With the appearance of dandruff hair, it is necessary to feed hard, so traditional medicine recommends using nutritious, exfoliating and moisturizing masks:

  • Mix 1 egg yolk thoroughly, 10 milliliters of olive oil, 5 milliliters of lemon juice and 10 grams of honey. The therapeutic mask of circular movements rub in the roots of the hair, then cover the head with a towel or cap and wash off warm water in 40 minutes. Such a dandruff mask must be made at least 2 times a week for 30 days.
  • Stir 50 milliliters kefir, 1 egg yolk and 10 milliliters of olive oil. The resulting mass on the skin of the head and keep it for 1 hour, after which it was washed and thoroughly wash the head shampoo. The folk remedy against the dandruff should be used 2 times a week over 2 months.
  • Mix 5 grams of castor oil, 2 grams of salicylic acid and 100 grams of vodka. The finished remedy with light circular movements to launch into the scalp and leave for 2 hours. Therapeutic lotion must be applied every other day until the dandruff disappearance.
  • 10 grams of castor oil, 5 grams of birch tar and 100 grams of vodka mix and apply to the skin of the head 1.5 hours before washing. The tool must be used 3 times a week before recovery.

Protect skin exfoliation, as well as remove the itching and irritation of decoction, cooked from beet juice, nettle or calendula. Such decorators need to rinse the hair after washing the head.

The formation of dandruff can occur in a variety of reasons most common among which are:

  • Violations in the functioning of internal organs. As a rule, certain failures occur in the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the head. We can provoke this phenomenon can various gastrointestinal diseases, problems in the work of the thyroid gland, as well as endocrine disorders. Cause strong nervous disorders, constant stay in stressful situations can cause dandruff.
  • Wearing dirty hats, the use of stupid bed linen. In order not to suffer from dandruff, it is necessary to regularly change linens and wash the hats. If this is not done, ideal conditions are created for the development of fungi, which are on the skin of the head.
  • Use inappropriate shampoo. It is not recommended to apply low-quality and very cheap tools, because they can cause the development of seborrhea.
  • Rare hair washing. I need to wash your head as pollution. In some cases, it has to do every day. You should not neglect this rule, since the accumulated dust and dirt cause serious harm to the health of the hair.
  • Violations in the process of updating cells, which should take place every 25 days.
  • Harmless yeast fungus. It lives on the body of every person, but when creating favorable conditions, it begins to multiply intensively. An increase in the amount of fungus occurs as a result of a pH change of the indicator. Provokes the beginning of the development of seborrhea, which is accompanied by a rather strong feeling of itching. The skin of the head begins to constantly hide, the number of white flakes is sharply rising.
  • Wrong skin care. Dandruff may appear as a result of too frequent staining, the abuse of a hairdryer or an iron to straighten the hair, the use of unsuitable caring cosmetics. Often Seborrhea is provoked by an incorrectly selected shampoo or balsam, masks. As a result of the excessive use of the foam or varnish of strong fixation, the formation of a film, which clogs the skin of the head, therefore changes the water-lipid composite.
  • Incorrect meals Sewardy development occurs as a result of violation of the metabolic process. The skin of the head can start strongly as a result of a shortage of vitamins, sharp weight loss, excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Physical and emotional exhaustion, constant depression, as well as overvoltage create ideal conditions for the development of yeast fungus. As a result, the head begins to be strong, the correct metabolism is disturbed, ugly flakes appear.
  • Hormonal failures. Such changes can occur as a result of age change, with a violation of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy.

1. Changes in metabolism - one of the factors.

In addition to the above reasons, dandruffs often appear from a bad, incorrectly selected shampoo. One shampoo for the whole family, budget options and use of shampoos intended for the opposite sex lead to all sorts of diseases of the scalp and hair.

Do not save on health, because treatment will cost much more expensive. The store needs to pick up shampoos for each family member separately, including children.

The period of cell renewal is 25-30 days. They are born in the basal layer of the epidermis, and moving to the surface of the skin gradually lose moisture and become flat, as a result, completely buried.

In the process of washing, they are easily washed off from their heads. But, if this period is suddenly reduced to 7-10 days, then our cells do not have time to "mature", remaining sticky, as a result, gluing with each other, form well-visible white flakes.

All this can be accompanied by itching, sometimes strong, causing mechanical irritation of the head and even wounds due to combs.

Dandruff can be fatty. When the sebaceous glands work very actively, forming a fat layer on the head of the head and separate yellowish clusters in the form of plaques.

As for the way, he often meets darling, then the answer will be unequivocal - in men and women equally, in children and old people - less often. By the way, in children, dandruffs usually appear in transition, and the older generation "for 50", on the contrary, loses its activity.

Actually, as I understood, just dandruff in our time is becoming more and less, it is usually already Materaya Seborrhea's scalp.

Allocate the following causes of dandruff:

  • weather conditions that disturb the work of the sebaceous glands (for example, harsh temperature drops in winter, heat and dry air, high humidity in the autumn-spring period);
  • hereditary factor;
  • lack of vitamins, which usually come in the winter-spring period;
  • improper nutrition, the predominance of fatty and acute food in the diet, which violates the normal metabolism;
  • hormonal changes in the body associated with age-related changes or health problems;
  • wrong skin care, very frequent or rare hair washing, the choice of inappropriate means of purification, styling, fixing;
  • all kinds of infections and allergies;
  • stay in an unstable emotional state, stress, depression.

Dandruff is the detached particles of the skin, which are a slight manifestation of such a disease as seborrheic dermatitis. If you contact the Latin language, then the literal translation of the word "dandruff", sounds like "bran."

This is explained by the fact that the separated particles of the skin appearance resemble the well-known dietary product.

Although dandruff is for many people with the usual phenomenon, this syndrome is a concept of medical, manifested in the detachment of small skin particles with considerable speed. It bothers the patient for a long time, sometimes throughout the life, the localization of the pathological process is the moral part of the head. To get rid of obsessive syndrome, you need to know about the reasons for the appearance of dandruff and about the methods of combating it.

The top layer of the head of the head is the accumulation of burdown cells, which over time peeling from the surface, thereby freeing the place for the growth of new ones.

The generation of cells occurs in the deepest layers of the epidermis and, passing the path to the uppermost layer, the cells lose moisture, become more flat and thin.

As a rule, the skin's skin cells are updated every 3-3.5 weeks, but if this process is compressed to just one week, the cells do not have time to fully form. As a result, they are compressed with each other, forming white porous flakes - dandruff on the head.

Causes and symptoms

The longer name of the dandruff - Seborrhea. Packed as an inflammatory process in the head of the head, this disease is distinguished by improper work of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the seventy secret is increased or decreases.

In some cases, seborrhea violates the chemical composition of the skin.

Fungal leather damage

The most common cause of manifestation of dandruff in men is improper nutrition. Failure or excessive use of sweet and other complex carbohydrates leads to an increase in sweat glands on the head or dryness of the skin.

Hormonal failure can also lead to this problem. The highest point of hormonal activity in men is considered a period of puberty. A pleasant news is that dandruff most often disappears after the completion of this period, of course, if during this time it does not aggravate the situation.

In addition, men rarely carefully select hair care products. Very often instead of shampoo in the course there is a normal soap. This is the third, most common cause of the problems of the scalp and hair of men.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor always makes a diagnosis first. Also in the fight against dandruff: first need to know the reasons for its appearance, and then get rid of the "snowflakes".

The reasons leading to the accelerated separation of particles of the dermis on the head, there are several.

There are certain factors that are influenced by each other exacerbate the available problem:

So, we will understand why dandruff appears on the head. The appearance of dandruff is the body's reaction to any irritant.

Conditionally reasons for its appearance are divided into two categories: endogenous and exogenous. The first is due to violations of the human body, the second - by external influences on the skin and hair.


  • infectious diseases caused by fungus;
  • lack of vitamins A, B, E;
  • serious failures in the work of the endocrine system;
  • incorrect operation of the digestive system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • serious stress.


  • frequent staining;
  • hair drying with a hairdryer, puffers;
  • the use of low-quality or overdue hair care products;
  • healthy head or long stay under the sun.

Of the above reasons, fungal infection and metabolic disorders are the main.

Infectious leather leather head causes Malassezia Furfur yeast fungus. It lives on the epidermis of both the patient and in a healthy person.

It feeds on the skin and normally, in terms of the number of individuals should not exceed 30-50% of the entire microflora of the scalp. But if it is created to create suitable conditions for habitat (dirty and fatty skin, incorrect skin care and hair, etc.), then the fungus begins to make it becoming hard, which annoys the epidermis, and this leads to the fact that skin cells are developing incorrectly and Space too early.

Disturbance of metabolism - the second prevalence cause of dandruff. Incorrect metabolism causes failures in the work of the sebaceous glands, and the salo-waste mode is broken.

Parrhot treatment is important to start with the definition of its cause.

Pediculosis, seborrheic dermatitis, fungal skin lesion - all these diseases cause such an unpleasant symptom as itching the scalp. Causes of negative sensations Consider in the article, as well as let's talk about the methods of treatment and prevention.

Types of money from perchot Consider here. And also tell me how to choose the correct effective drug to get rid of dandruff.

And in this topic http://hairs-club.ru/lechenie-volos/perxot/effektivnyj-shampun-ot-perxoti.html Teach the effective shampoo from the dandruff and the rules for using hair washing products.

Noticing the dandruff on the head, the majority immediately runs to the store to acquire an advertised shampoo. However, not always the problem can be solved by changing the detergent hair.

The reasons for the appearance of the dandruff is very much, and that the treatment has passed quickly and, most importantly, successfully, you need to know exactly what has served as a impact of the balance sheet.

Conditionally, all causes that cause dandruff can be divided into two types: the so-called internal and external.

The first should include disorders in the work of the body itself caused by the weakening of immunity or some disease.

The external reasons include all the factors that affect the scalp.

Drafot varieties

Dandruff is divided into dry and fat. It is easy to determine its type.

In the event that, after using the shampoo, a feeling of dryness and itching on the head appears, as well as white grains, then it is dry dandruff. As a rule, this type of dandruff indicates a violation of metabolism in the body, as well as violation of the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

In the event that it is bothering itching on the skin of the head, and after the hair was washed away, they seem neglected, then such symptoms indicate a fat dandruff. On the hair, this type of dandruff is more difficult to notice, but if it is not treated, it can cause hair loss.

There are two types of dandruff - fatty and dry. The main feature of the dry dandruff is a reduced level of semination of sebum.

Its development can occur with heightened skin dry. As a result of this, small-sized scales appear in the dark and frontal area of \u200b\u200bthe head, which are easily departed.

This creates an effect of light spraying.

With an elevated level of seminal seal, fat dandruff is formed. The scales in this case are quite large and noticeable.

They glued together, forming "flakes". In the absence of treatment, flakes are converted into a sufficiently dense mass, which prevents the oxygen head admission to the skin.

Hair is losing their natural glitter, become very fat, they begin to uncursively glorify.

It is not always possible to find one reason for the reason: before treating dandruff, you need to decide on its variety. This is a very important point, because the principle of treatment depends on it, and the choice of drugs against dandruff.

So, dandruff can be:

  • dry (the head of the head is peeling, there is a feeling of depths);
  • fat (first on the hair appears fat brilliance, they become rally, and then dandruff appears).

Properly determine the type of dandruff will help a simple experiment: wash your head and after 2-3 days, press the hair or a paper towel to the hair. If traces of fat remain on it, then you are dealing with the second dandruff type.

In any case, if the peeling and itching gives you tangible discomfort, it is better not to experiment, but immediately consult a doctor, especially if dandruff appeared in a child. It will diagnose and prescribe the right decision.

Dandruff is dry and fat. The first is the PityRosporum Ovale fungus, which lives in the body of every person.

With a bad immunite, he accelerates the growth of epidermis cells, as a result of which the skin of the head is quickly updated. With a fat dandruff, the head of the head becomes like a peel of orange with extended pores and yellow guns, the hair is quickly fatty and crusts for this reason are difficult to separate.

Dandruff on the head is different, and it is conditionally divided into two types: oily and dry.

Symptoms perchot


Dandruff with seborrope is well noticeable, peeling particles of the burned leather layer. Depending on the type and thickness, these flakes are seven-shaped, sheets, layered, coarse, easily separated or firmly held on the skin.

Color can vary from white to grayish-silver and yellow. People with dark hair suffering from seborrhea, dandruff is more noticeable, and during combing scales are shifted over the entire length of the hair.

The fact that a person suffers from dandruff is allowed to judge the following symptoms:

    The appearance of white scales on the top clothes, on her hair and shoulders, on a comb and hat. These scales are the head of the head of the head of the head.

    Most often, with dandruff, the skin is dry, however, it can be fat. Both of these pathological conditions of the dermis are the result of metabolic disorders.

    Hair acquire an unhealthy look. They become brittle and dull.

    If the painful state is progressing, then the detached flakes of the dermis becomes larger, the crusts of yellowish gray colors are formed on the head, and spots appear.

    Zudit head leather.

After the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment

You need to start with meals. During the treatment from dandruff, you need to establish your own power.

From alcohol during treatment should also be abstained. It is very important to add products rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, Copper, Calcium and Zinc to your diet.

In order to achieve positive results of treatment, you need to comply with the correct mode of the day and choose hair care products.

How dandruff is treated

Diagnostics perchot

So, if you decide to fight with dandruff, you can try to take advantage of folk remedies. Many herbs and infusions are able to eliminate it if it is only a cosmetic disadvantage.

For dandruff characteristic white flakes. In some cases, two-week treatment by folk remedies is quite enough.

However, if this did not bring the result, you should contact a specialist advice.

At the same time, if there is a deterioration in the situation, then it is necessary to apply to the doctor. It may be a dermatologist or trichologist.

The doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of the disease and seriousness of the situation. During consultation, a specialist should accurately name the funds you use, tell about the features of food.

Several signs that distinguish between dandruff

  • From the course of school anatomy, we know that the largest organ is the skin. Therefore, dermatitis can develop on any part of the body, including on the head. The initial stage of dermatitis is accompanied by itching;
  • Seborin eczema is a form of chronic dermatosis. It is manifested by redness of the skin on the head, especially behind the ears, as well as throughout the body. The disease can fade and amplify. As a rule, the elderly suffer.
  • Psoriasis is often localized not only in the field of knees and elbows, but also on the head. In this case, silvery scales are formed, which is accompanied by itching and redness. Often, the development of psoriasis is accompanied by hair loss.
  • Microsporia is an infection of fungal origin. This disease is transmitted from man to man. For microsporia, the formation of pink spots, which are peeling. Development The disease is also accompanied by hair loss.

Today there are a large number of different ways and means to deal with dandruff. You need to select them with the reason that provoked its appearance.

Hair shampoo against dandruff

The tool for the treatment of seborrhea on the head, helping to achieve a strong result, is the dandruff shampoo. The active substance of this drug is ketoconazole - a substance having a strong antifungal effect.

Due to this, lowlanders not only eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also successfully fights with the cause of dandruff - fungus, causing the development of seborrhea on the head (seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp).

The effectiveness of ketoconazole against pathogenic microorganisms is confirmed by successful results of 64 clinical studies. This tool can help defeat the pathogenic fungus and eliminate seborrhea symptoms in 2 weeks, after which the hair acquires clean and neat look, look healthy.

  • use in its daily diet of flaxseed oil;
  • washing head raw eggs;
  • rinsing the hair with fermented fermented or decoction of the thyase;
  • rubbing in the skin of the head and roots of the hair of olive, rapid, castor oil, as well as calendula tincture per hour before washing;
  • use of baths with a salt of sea salt;
  • the use of garlic mask from crushed garlic and vegetable oil is two hours before washing;
  • using a mask with a colorless henna in the case of a fat dandruff.

If the use of household measures did not give the result, it is necessary to refer to a specialist (trichologist or dermatologist) to establish an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

  • Article on the topic: Mask for weak hair Platinus V Professional.

Remember that the presence of dandruff is associated with a bad immunity, so the first thing that needs to be done to eliminate this problem is to pay attention to your own health, go to healthy food, harde the body and organize the right skin care.

Video tips, how to get rid of dandruff at home:

Traditional methods of getting rid of dandruff include the use of shampoos that contain an antimicotic component in its composition. To determine the choice of the appropriate means, it is worth visiting a trichthologist.

The fact is that dandruff can be a sign of serious disorders in the human body.

It is necessary to revise the diet, increase in it the content of products rich in fiber. In addition, for the period of treatment, it should be abandoned from the impact on the head of the head of any aggressive substances, in particular, it applies to chemical staining, drying with a hairdryer, using ironing, curl, etc. .

Dandruff shampoo

Each, without exception, the patient will be appointed the use of shampoos and lotions with antifungal agents.

Champun name



Ichthyol (shampoo dermasence)

    It has not only antiseptic, but also an anesthetic effect;

    Removes inflammation;

    Normalizes cell division rate, contributing to the smaller formation of scales, thereby eliminating the problem.

    Contains sulfur that has exfoliating properties.

    Improves metabolic processes.

    Does not contain an antifungal component;

    It is possible to develop allergic reactions, in the form of rash and hyperemia of the scalp.

    Cannot be used in the presence of hypersensitivity to ichthyol.

Clodrimazole (CLODERM shampoo)

    Stops the growth of fungi and contributes to their destruction;

    Has a wide range of not only antifungal, but antibacterial activity;

    Not absorbed into the bloodstream when applied to inflamed areas of the skin.

    It is possible to develop allergic reactions on the side of the skin, the appearance of rash, itching, peeling, edema and burning sensation.

Bifonazole (Shampoo Bifon)

    It has high antifungal activity, destroys the cell shell of the fungus, contributing to his death;

    It is possible to use in infants under medical control;

    Acts for two days after use.

    It is possible to develop adverse reactions - redness and burning skin;

    There is a possibility of developing allergic reactions.

Ketoconazole (part of the shampoo semozol, drank, microsyl and lowland)

    Has antifungal (fungicidal) activity;

    Contributes to stopping the growth of fungi;

    Effective for some bacteria (gram-positive Cockks).

    It is prohibited for use during breastfeeding and during breastfeeding;

    The main active substance - ketoconazole has a large number of side effects, so it is forbidden to use without a medical recommendation.

Zinc pyrithion (shampoo Friterm Zinc)

    Has antifungal effect;

    Contributes to the removal of inflammation, eliminate the dandruff symptoms;

    Has antibacterial activity;

    Possible use during pregnancy and lactation;

    It does not have side effects if you use the drug in accordance with the instructions.

    It is prohibited for use in the presence of increased sensitivity to components included in the means.

Oktopirox (SEBORIN shampoo)

    Has a fungicidal effect;

    Harmless under local application.

    It is possible to develop allergic reactions, with high sensitivity.

Cyclopirox (SEBIPROX shampoo)

    It has high antifungal activity.

    It is forbidden to use under the age of 10 years, while having tooling the child and when breastfeeding;

    It is possible to develop local reactions in the form of the skin of the skin, the feeling of burning;

    It is prohibited for long use (more than six months).

Salicylic acid (Salicyl shampoo)

    Has an antibacterial effect;

    Has an anti-inflammatory effect;

    It has a keratolytic and keratoplastic action;

    Is an antiseptic;

    Suppresses the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

    The appearance of itching and burning;

    Perhaps redness of the skin;

    Allergic reactions are possible;

    It is impossible to use in childhood up to 3 years.

QUASSIA AMARA extract (part of the Quasix cream)

    Has antimicrobial, antifungal properties;

    Contributes to the removal of inflammation.

    The development of allergic reactions is possible;

    The active ingredient has vegetable origin, the scope of the application of which in medicine is limited.

Medical Man (Shampoo Frieders Dellow, Semiton, T / GEL)

    Improves metabolic processes;

    Has antiseptic properties;

    Reduces the peeling of the epidermis.

    It is impossible to apply in disruption of the integrity of the skin;

    The development of allergic reactions is possible;

    The development of contact dermatitis is possible;

    It is prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Selena Sulfide (sulsen shampoo)

    Blocks the division of cells of the epidermis;

    Reduces the production of cornocytes.

    The development of allergic reactions is possible;

    Local alopecia is not excluded, changing the color of the hair cover;

    It is prohibited for use with exudative dermatitis and leather injuries.

Higher therapeutic activity is able to show the means of which are not alone, but several active active substances. These are funds such as:

    Keto plus based on ketoconazole and zinc pyrithiona;

    Algopiles based on tar and salicylic acid;

    DS Cyclulation with CyclopicColamine, Zinc Pyrithion and Celamide;

    Phytosylic with cypress oils, incense and tea tree and salicylic acid;

    Nodeds with climbazole, zinc pyrhythion and salicylic acid.

Best dandruff shampoo

Paste Sulsen 2% is a means to effectively eliminate dandruff. The disulfide selenium included in its composition acts in such a way that it eliminates not only visible scales of the epidermis, but also eliminates the causes of their active division. Among the positive effects from the application of the Paste Sulsen:

    It helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminating the skin of the head from the excess sludge.

    Provides a prophylactic effect and prevents the formation of dandruff.

    Allows you to get rid of itching caused by dandruff.

    Promotes the intensification of the work of hair follicles, strengthens the hair rod.

    Promotes the stop of destructive processes, in the zone responsible for hair growth.

    He has an impact on the update of the cells of the epidermis.

    Improves the nutrition of hair bulbs.

    Unlike most tools to get rid of dandruff, Sulsen has a pleasant herbal smell and does not require subsequent weathered hair.

    During the use of the paste, the head can be washed less often, which is associated with the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

    During treatment, you can use other cosmetic hair products, since there is no data on the incompatibility of sulsts with any substance.

    Not only visible will be removed, but also the smallest invisible detachable scales of the dermis.

    The paste can be used as needed, as it is pH-neutral.

    The tool contributes to the elimination of toxins entering the skin of the head from the external environment, which is an obstacle to their devastating action on the root apparatus of the hair.

    It has a prolonged effect.

Regular use of Sulsen's paste allows not only to get rid of dandruff, but also strengthen hair growth, improving the head of the head and hair follicles. Recommended use of the means as prophylactic.

Preparations used to normalize lipolysis processes

In order to normalize the process of splitting fat to the fatty acid components, riboflavin is possible (takes part in the extinguishing of fats, normalizes the process of their oxidation and recovery) and methionine (regulates the synthesis of phospholipids from fats).

In addition, the patients with dandruff can be recommended to be recommended. For this, it is important to get rid of immunodicity, dysbacteriosis and hypovitaminosis. To this end, vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators and probiotics are prescribed.

Relief from dandruff is impossible without lifestyle correction. This applies to the emotional sphere, the general physical condition and nutritional mode. If it fails to cope with stress, psychosis and dorodes on their own, then you should contact a psychotherapist. It is possible that there will be enough reception of non-cute remedies, for example, perrsen.

Treating dandruff on the head ideally should begin, first of all, from a visit to a dermatologist or trichologist. The specialist will be able to more accurately distribute and identify the reason for the emergence of this problem.

However, there are general rules, observing which, one can prevent the appearance of dandruff either to get rid of those who have already emerged hated white flakes in the hair.

It is very important to balance your daily diet. So, at least for a while completely eliminate sweet, fried and fatty dishes, as well as products that contribute to the accumulation of fat - all sorts of spices and smoked.

With dandruff on the head, it is important to eat more to eat coarse fiber, cereals, vitamins of group B1, B2, B6, A.

Abundant drink is also necessary. Only preference should be given to conventional purified water, avoiding drinking coffee, strong black tea, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. With dry dandruff, water supplies the skin of the head of the head by the necessary moisture, and with a fat - removes toxins from the body.

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, a properly selected medical shampoo and folk remedies, cure dandruff on the head with special physiotherapeutic methods, among which darsonvalization and cryoissage are the most common.

  • Darsonialization is a massage with a pulse current. As a result, the skin is annoyed, which leads to an increase in the elasticity of the walls of the vessels, improving the blood supply to hair lucco, normalization of metabolism.

Thanks to this procedure, hennamental inflammation is heal, becomes a noticeable migrating and disinfectant effect.

Darsonvalization is particularly effective with a fat dandruff on the head.

  • The cryoissage affects the skin of the head with liquid nitrogen. At low temperature, characteristic of cryoissage, the influx of blood to the skin of the head is significantly enhanced, the nutrition of the hair lows is improved, the general state is normalized. Cryomasi is more suitable for treating dry dandruff on the head.

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Additional means

The benefits of folk agents from dandruff are indisputable, but when treating the skin of the head, it is worth using other methods.

  • The daily massage will help improve the blood circulation of the head, and the dandruff will become much smaller. Make it for 3-5 minutes a day.
  • Charging for the neck will also improve blood circulation, including in the head.
  • Individual comb is as important as a personal toothbrush or underwear that you will not change with anyone. In matters of hygiene, it is better to be an individualist.
  • Degtyar soap is hypoallergenically and indispensable for healing cracks on the skin of the head. Apply it on the roots of wet hair and then flush thoroughly.

Dandruff - not a sentence. Regular care and competent prevention will help you get rid of this ailment and return gloss, beauty and power.

Be healthy!

Why dandruff from shampoo

Dandruff on the head obliges to the most thorough approach when choosing a detergent for hair. It is not worth buying a widely advertised dandruff shampoo, which promises to relieve the problem in the shortest possible time.

To treat the skin of the head, you must first turn to a dermatologist, which will prescribe a special healing shampoo depending on the cause of dandruff.

Conditionally shampoos against dandruff can be divided into several types, each of which operates in a certain direction.

  • The antifungal shampoo in its composition contains lowland or ketoconazole, which are effectively struggling with fungus.
  • Exhausting shampoo due to sulfur, zinc and selenium salts effectively slows down the growth of skin cells. As a result, the amount of scales decreases, the operation of the upper layer of the epidermis is normalized.
  • Sebugulating shampoo against dandruff makes it possible to significantly reduce the products of the skin with the scalp. As a rule, the composition of such shampoos includes coal processing products - resin or tar.
  • Shampoo without dyes and preservatives, with ichthyol sodium, protein and mineral additives. Such a shampoo enhances blood circulation, improves the supply of oxygen tissues and nutrients. At the same time, a very delicate, non-irritation and allergies, and therefore comes even for the most sensitive scalp.

Cosmetic shampoos can help get rid of dandruff, but to use them better in preventive purposes, or in the earliest stages of dandruff.

Their composition contains all the necessary components, but only in small quantities. In advanced cases, preference should be given to specialized pharmaceutical brands.

When choosing a detergent is equally important to consider the hair type. Dandruff shampoo cannot be versatile and equally all.

Dry dandruff, oily or mixed, will be able to determine only a specialist and helps to choose the most suitable drug.


In the absence of timely and proper treatment of dandruff, various complications may appear.

The hair becomes brittle, fragile, due to a large number of pathogens, they begin to rain, fall out.

Because of the supreme peel, the skin of the head is breathing with difficulty, so the metabolic processes inside the epidermis are violated.

The consequence of untreated seborrhea becomes pupose diseases, serious fungal and bacterial infections.

Dandruff can cause baldness of the scalp, so it is necessary to treat this disease very seriously.

Prevention of perchoth formation

In order not to seek the removal of dandruff, you need to follow simple tips:

  • Wash hair not hot, but soft warm water. After all, too hot water provokes the reinforced work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Washing her hair, it is not worth holding them for a very long time to keep them closed in a towel, since the creation of ideal conditions for the development of fungus is created.
  • Wash your hair must be needed. If necessary, even every day. However, in this case, it is necessary to choose a soft shampoo suitable for frequent use.
  • We must try less often to dry your hair with a hairdryer and apply for laying iron, curls.
  • After each use of foam or hair varnishes, it is necessary to wash off these funds in the evening.

Video on how to get rid of dandruff:

  1. For a better blood tide and hair growth stimulation, it is useful to regularly massage the scalp.
  2. Hairbrush should be individual, once a day it must be washed to avoid re-infection. The same applies to hats.
  3. It is advisable not to weight hair with the means for laying.
  4. Need to be taken from experiences and stress.
  5. In the summer, it is recommended to use a means of protecting the scalp and hair from the destructive effect of ultraviolet rays.
  6. It is important to establish proper nutrition.
  7. Once or twice a year you need to take a multivitamin complex.

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