Phased skin care. Video: Tips of the beautician to determine the type of skin and selection of cosmetics. Vegetable facial skin care oils

It is due to the skin we sail from various injuries and damage. As she protects us, we can not worry about the fact that various pathogenic viruses and microorganisms will penetrate into our body. Additional skin abilities:

  1. Lubricates a special secret, which is released by saline glands.
  2. Keeps thermal regime due to the ability to highlight sweat.
  3. SAMA eliminates excess moisture.
  4. Thanks to it, the body temperature remains stable.

At a young age, all cells are constantly updated, so the skin retains its blooming appearance.

With age, they gradually lose the ability to regenerate, the skin is dehydrated and becomes not so elastic as before. To avoid and appear wrinkles, it is necessary to regularly care for the skin properly.

Types of leather and how to define your type

Normal leather. Even without decorative cosmetics such. It is quite smooth and elastic, because there is enough fat lubricant in it, and it is enriched with water.

The owners of such never peeling and reacts well to any means to care for it. If we wash the usual soap - the skin is a little pulling a little, but after that it comes to normal condition and no discomfort is felt.

It is invisible pores, but it is very thin, therefore it is very sensitive. It is necessary to care for her very carefully, because when using incorrectly selected cosmetic agents, it can prematurely be aged.


Some women have dry skin can be covered with small vessels or red spots. If you use ordinary soap or too aggressive cosmetics, an allergic reaction may be allergic.

Therefore, to the selection of cosmetics, it is necessary to take very carefully and buy only such funds to which the skin reacts well. If despite the careful skin care, it still remains dry and begins to peel - it makes sense to think about the state of his health.

The body may need vitamins and trace elements or can progress various diseases. In the cold, this skin is practically not dilapidated, and after washing with soap, it is necessary to smear the face with cream and only after that it returns its usual look.

Oily skin . Caring for it for many women can become a real torture - even a few hours after careful washout, a fat shine can manifest on the face. It is almost impossible to get rid of it, and with incorrect care, they can be inflamed and acne appear on the face.

Pores are expanded, the skin is thick and has a gloss property. But there are some benefits. Thanks to the abundance of fatty lubricant, the skin remains longer, because the nutrient moisture is not so quickly evaporated.

For older women, oily skin can change the combined type, to care for which is also quite difficult. It is possible to determine this type by a simple sign - in the cold the skin will not be frozen for a long time, and even after washing with soap, the sensation is not present.

Mixed skin. She has most people, but not everyone knows how best to care for her to have a blooming and attractive look. Some facial zones in this case can glorify fat, and on some skin will be peeling. Therefore, it is recommended to use two types of cosmetic tools at once to take care of the skin as effectively.

With age, the skin loses its attractiveness, no matter what type of it, the processes of recovery in the skin cells slow down and stop at all. The blood supply is also very worsening, so the skin will soon become a flabby and wrinkles begin to appear on it. Each type you need to carefully care.

You can choose cosmetics yourself, and it is best to consult with a beautician to make the right choice.

Additionally, it is necessary to take care of the cold and strong wind in the cold course of the year, try to attend the solarium as much as possible (the condition of the skin is greatly worsening, burns and pigmentation may appear). Cosmetics and caring funds should be approached by the type of skin and be focused on the age of a woman.

Complex face care

  1. Cleansing. Do it better warm water, clapping in the face. So you can perform a light massage and blood circulation in the vessels will improve. It is better to use gentle lotions and never use abrasive peeling no matter what kind of skin type you have. It is necessary to wash at least twice a day and before bedtime, it is necessary to remove all the decorative cosmetics.
  2. Toning. Light tonic can wipe the face before bedtime to remove the remnants of contaminants from it. Also, thanks to such a simple procedure, you can additionally disinfive the skin and prepare it to the next stage of daily care.
  3. Food. Before this you can spend small procedures, apply a mask on the face or perform a light peeling. Then the cream will be better absorbed and the effect is much stronger.
  4. Moisturizing. After the face is preferably slightly flushed with a paper napkin to remove its surplus. This is a mandatory stage, if you have oily skin, because it is like no other type in need of additional moisture.
  5. Additional protection. It is necessary in the cool time of the year and to apply such a cream at least half an hour before exiting the house is not too thick layer. In the summer, the skin needs to be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet with special cosmetics containing sunscreen filters.

How to properly care for the skin of the face? Things that do strictly prohibited

Caring for the skin, you need to adhere to certain rules and the principle "not harm." Therefore, so as not to achieve the result opposite to the desired, categorically impossible:

  • Fall asleep, without washing cosmetics - it is strictly prohibited, regardless of the type of your skin and from your age. It is very negatively affecting the appearance and can cause premature skin aging. You can take the rule to wash immediately after the arrival home from work and do not wait for that moment when you need to go to bed.
  • To wash the usual soap is prohibited. Contrary to popular belief that it is possible to dry the skin and get rid of acne, it is better not to experiment on your appearance. The aggressive substances that are contained in the soap are capable of destroying the acid-alkaline balance of the skin (even fat), subsequently the skin will try to restore it and the production of sebum only increases. The "pleasant" bonus can be dehydration and peeling of irritated skin. For washes, you need to use only special, non-aggressive means.
  • All lotions and other cosmetics that contain alcohol, it is better to immediately throw away the garbage. It is also not recommended to wipe the face with alcohol, because instead of the dried pimples, you can only get the disturbed skin microflora. The face will look irritated, it will become very sensitive and the production of sebum will increase at times. Modern cosmetics are made according to special technology and there are no longer alcohol in their composition. Therefore, when buying needs to be carefully studying not only the price tag, but also the composition of the product.
  • Many girls love. Do it strictly forbidden! The remaining red spot will be needed at least twice the time to completely disappear after such an operational intervention. Additionally, you can only disseminate the infection throughout the person and after a while the number of acne will increase at times.
  • It is impossible to wash hot water. Especially you should listen to this advice to girls with fatty or dry skin. Such manipulations provoke the sebaceous glands to produce more fat, and with regular procedures on the face there may be a mesh from the veins. It is better to use a little warm water for washing and after wiped the face with ice cube to narrow the pores and refresh the skin.

Factors that may affect the appearance of the skin

The abundance of bad habits is negatively affecting the abundance of bad habits: addiction to caffery-containing drinks, alcohol, smoking, etc. Even the periodic consumption of coffee or smoking only one cigarette on the day makes their job and after some time the condition of the skin (and not only) will begin to deteriorate rapidly.

It is precisely on the flabby skin, covered with small wrinkles, with an unhealthy tint and can be calculated by a person who pursues its weaknesses.

It is impossible to eliminate all these consequences with cosmetics, so it is better to completely abandon the detrimental habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. In combination with complex skin care, it gives good results and freshness of the skin can be saved for longer.

Permanent stress and experiences, as well as chronic lack of sleep, will also not be better in appearance. It is necessary to learn how to behave correctly when entering the stressful situation, as well as plan your day in such a way that there are no less than 8 hours for sleep in the schedule.

At first, a small underwear at all does not affect the face of the skin of the face or well-being. Only a few months later can be seen in the mirror bags and extinct look. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate time not only to work but also a healthy sleep and regular walks in the fresh air.

How best to care for the skin?

Without a doubt, every woman has his own ritual and some secrets that she has been used for several years. At the same time, there are general recommendations that will only help in this difficult case and with which it is better to read carefully.

If you periodically wipe the face with a cube of ice or frozen decoction of herbs Calendula and daisies - you can save youth and freshness for longer, and wrinkles will begin to disturb much later.

Nourishing face cream must be applied only for the night, use it in the afternoon as a basis for makeup is not recommended - the effect will be zero. When buying a cream, you need to pay attention to its composition (it should be as many natural components and smaller chemistry as possible), its consistency and color.

A good choice will be the cream of white and thickness sour cream, other shades or too liquid consistency may indicate dubious quality.

You do not need to acquire a remedy for a popular manufacturer for big money - often it happens a bit of use and they are suitable exclusively in order to boast before girlfriends with their expensive cosmetics.

To care for the skin, you can use natural products - yogurts, fruits and vegetables, etc. Such masks will help refresh the face, make the skin smooth and healthy. Before applying any mask you need to test allergies.

To a small area of \u200b\u200bleather, the means is applied for 5-7 minutes, then it is washed off and the result is carefully studied. If the skin reacts well - you can use the selected tool or the mask in the future.


If you use cream or lotion for more than a year, it makes sense to change them. You can purchase cosmetics from another manufacturer, but at the same time you need to carefully listen to the skin reaction.

With irritation and peeling, it can signal that the selected product does not fit completely and use it is strictly prohibited, even if it is products from a well-known brand.

All care procedures must be performed regularly, it usually concerns aging skin.Then the result will not make yourself wait and you will always stay beautiful.

Every woman wants to look well-groomed and stay young as long as possible, especially now, when the beauty cult literally pursues us. Active and obsessive advertising offers all new cosmetics, but does not teach how to properly care for the skin of the face. In this matter we will try to figure out.

The most important thing

The basis of the proper care of the face is a healthy lifestyle. The skin of the face reflects the overall condition of the body. If you do not get enough sleep, then even the most expensive cream will help from bruises under the eyes. If there are problems with the intestines and the gastrointestinal tract, acne and acne will not make himself wait.

Due to the lack of motor activity and fresh air, the epidermis becomes dim and peeling.

Daily skin care is unthinkable without proper nutrition. Balanced and useful menu will help solve many problems. Sometimes acne, acne, edema appear due to the use of salty, oily, fried food. Cleaning can react with chocolate chocolate or smoked semi-finished products. As soon as you eat useful and correctly, the noticeable improvement in skin status will come very soon.

It should be remembered that daily face care must be competent and correct. A good cosmetologist will teach you how to care. Your face needs to be regularly inspected to make sure there is no problems.

Personal care rules can be divided into 4 main categories: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nutrition, protection. Let's look at each stage.


Proper face care begins with cleansing. This important procedure must be done in the morning and in the evening. Under no circumstances should I skip it.

Dust, dirt, exhaust gases, microbes, - all this is settled on the face during the day. If you do not carefully clean your face in a timely manner, it is not difficult to carefully, then black dots and rash will appear quickly.

Without cleaning the skin of the face cream, masks and other means will not be absorbed, but will remain on the surface, thereby provoking acne.

At night, the face rests, but by the morning there are dust particles and remnants of funds that you used the day before. Therefore, in the morning, the face also needs to be cleaned thoroughly. The cleansing process must be carried out in stages. This is how it is necessary to do it right:

  • If you use decorative cosmetics, you first delete it using a means for demacia. To do this, you can use gentle purchased tools such as cleansing milk or micellar water. And you can successfully do with any vegetable oil or fatty children's cream. These funds are equally well suited to remove cosmetics.
  • When removing makeup, in no case is not a tryritis very face, especially this concerns the area around the eyes. Water your cotton disk to the means and simply attach for a few seconds to centuries or lips. And only after that it is easy to erase the remnants of cosmetics.
  • Do not use toilet soap for skin cleaning. Because of the high alkali content, it dries the skin that subsequently emphasizes its declaration.
  • After removing makeup, we start washing. The temperature of the water must be comfortable. Remember that too hot water damages the skin, expands the pores and causes drainage. It is best to wash a slight cool water.
  • Means for washing Do not apply immediately to the face. Let's squeeze a little on the palm, fooled, and then make a finished foam to face through massage lines. Rinse such a means is needed carefully. His residues provoke pore plugs.
  • At the cleaning stage, you can use all sorts of brushes, sponges, sponges for the face. All these devices gently massate the skin and improve blood circulation. But watch out the condition of the skin. Perhaps it is for your skin type such an impact will be too aggressive.


After completion of cleansing, you need to move to the next step - toning. It helps to remove the remnants of the cleansing agent and decorative cosmetics and restore the acidic alkaline skin balance.

  • For tones, various tonic and face lotions are well suited. They can be made independently. Grand peres perfectly cope with this task. Herbal fees with chamomile, mint, chamber and purestulus have a positive effect on the skin condition.
  • For a better effect, it is possible to freeze such infusions in molds for ice and wipe them already clean skin. Such a procedure is very useful for the face, it tones and pulls the skin, relieves inflammation and redness. No need to use alcohol tonic, they dried the skin and can provoke an allergic reaction.

Moisturizing and nutrition

In the stages of skin care stages necessarily enters moisturizing. In the absence of a sufficient amount of moisture, the epidermis becomes dry, loses brightness and color, wrinkles appear.

  • The main skin care at moisture is the right drinking mode. You must drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. It is useful to start your day from a glass of water on an empty stomach. Better, if it is a little warm water with lemon. No drinks and teas will replace conventional water. Therefore, watch this point.
  • Depending on your skin type, choose cream or gel to moisturize the face. For dry skin, fatty creams are perfectly suitable, which penetrate the skin cells and nourish them from the inside.

With oily skin it is better to use a gel for the face. He and moisturizes, and will not leave the fatty shine, which appears very quickly on the skin. It is also necessary to moisturize fatty skin. If this is not done, then the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce skin fat, which is why acne and comedones are formed.

  • For use moisturizing serums and creams depending on the type of skin.

Useful to face and area around the eyes is quite possible to prepare at home. Look for these recipes in other articles on our website.

High-quality facial care is not possible without nutritional. They saturate the cells with the necessary substances, helping them to remain moistened. Nutrient face cream is better to apply overnight. So they will be able to absorb themselves completely, and in the morning it will remain only to get the face with a napkin.


A very important factor in competent face care is to protect. External factors negatively affect the skin condition. We regularly expose it to wind and cold, dry air and the scorching sun. It must be borne in mind that protection is a mandatory stage. What do you need to do?

  • In the hot season, the Sun is aggressively with respect to the human body and face. Plowing sun rays destroy the lipid barrier, dehydrate the skin and increase the level of melanin in the human body.

Scientists have proven that excessive hobby leads to premature aging and can cause skin cancer. To secure yourself, use sunscreen. If you plan to be located under direct sunlight for more than 3 hours, it may be necessary to re-apply the means.

Do not forget to follow the protection of the neck and neckline, as it is this zone that gives true age.

To protect during the summer, it is necessary to take care of the face not only with cosmetics, but also use the elements of the wardrobe. Widewater hats and baseball caps will not give ultraviolet rays to contact with leather and hair. Good sunglasses will protect their eyes and gentle eyelid. They will get rid of the need to pushed with bright light that they will slow down the appearance of mimic wrinkles.

  • In winter, the face needs to protect not only from the cold and wind, but also from the sun. In winter, you also need to use sunscreen. With a strong frost, use the cream, which contains Lanolin. This natural remedy will protect against frostbite.

Correct skin care will protect against adverse external influences: the scorching sun, frost, strong wind, cold rain. The main face care includes the 4 main stages that we told above. In addition, massage, peeling, leather cleaning can be attributed to facial skin care procedures.

Available care

How to care for skin at home? This will help you various folk recipes. Means that are used in the preparation of home tonics, masks, scrubics, available, cheers and absolutely safe to health.

So, home care implies the use of scrubies and masks for the skin you need to do at least 2 times a week.

Scrubs are scrubbing dead skin particles, make the surface of the epidermis smooth and clean, which allows the skin to fully breathe and absorb more nutrients. Masks made of natural ingredients can be nutritious, moisturizing and cleansing. All means cooked at home have an excellent careful effect.

Remember that the main thing in the face care is the regularity and clear sequence of actions. Try not to forget about yourself, pay quite a bit of time and attention to your beauty and health.

Basic face care at home It is usually divided into several standard steps: determining the skin type, daily washness and cleaning of the face, bringing the skin into tone, the use of moisturizers, power adjustment. Such a simple phased plan will allow any woman to always look well-groomed, shine health and flawless beauty.

Step-by-step basic face care instructions

Standard instruction, how to bring the skin to the perfect state, consists of 5 main points. Consider more each stage.

Defining your skin type

This stage is in first place for no accident, because it is especially important and becomes the basis of the entire complex of care. The right choice of cosmetics, the use of home careering procedures is all depends on the type, because the dry skin can in any way be bored with tonic or lotions, and the oily skin does not need an enhanced feeding. .png "alt \u003d" (! Lang: Face Types" width="450" height="336" data-srcset=" 621w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

It is not difficult to determine your type:

  1. Dry type It is a gentle and delicate skin, prone to cooperose, skin rashes, acne. Despite the fact that at a young age, such a type can be called a benchmark, then a number of problems requiring special care arises closer to 30 years. A characteristic feature is due to lack of moisture, rapid fading, declaration and increased sensitivity to external factors.
  2. Fat type It has a dense texture, unattractive bold gloss, increased extraction of subcutaneous bass, advanced pores. Despite such a number of shortcomings, the owners of oily skin are not aging for a long time, this is due to the natural protective film. makes it almost perfect and protected from fellow external factors.
  3. Combined type It gives a lot of problems with its owners, because such skin has a complete list of both positive and negative qualities of oily and dry skin. The T-zone often has a fat brilliance, skin covers in the cheek and forehead area is rehensited and requires careful moisture.
  4. Normal type You can call an exception to the rules, because the skin without flaws is extremely rare.

More information on how to determine your skin type of face, look in the video:

Washing and cleaning skin

Beautiful skin is the main weapon on the way to perfection, so when the question arises how to put it in order, immediately suggests the answer - wash and clean the skin of the skin every day. During the day, the face is subjected to great stress, ranging from urban dust, which clogs the pores, weather conditions, and ending with tactile touchs.

Washing is the initial stage of skin care, it will not make the owners of a fatty or combined type, it will not be enough for a soft wash to be applied to an alkaline cleansing cosmetics (foam,). But the owners of dry skin will have to be pretty sweat in the search for a soft cosmetic milk or cream. .png "alt \u003d" (! lang: skin cleansing" width="450" height="206" data-srcset=" 630w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

The main goal of means for washing and cleansing is the rapid getting rid of dirt, dust, decorative cosmetics, oroging fabric sections. They are applied according to the standard scheme: neatly flashed over the entire perimeter of the face with neat movements clockwise, while avoiding entering the eyes, then washed off with flowing water or a wet towel. This procedure must be carried out at least two times a day.


This process can be considered a continuation of purification, because thanks to the unique properties of tonic or lotion, you can not only soften the skin of the face, but also eliminate the remaining cleansing agents. This procedure is carried out immediately after washing, use the best-containing compositions that do not contain the compositions to muffle the elevated selection of subcutaneous salts. What functions performs tone:

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Apply the toning agents on the skin of the face in the same way as the cream, avoiding the eye area, with the help of a sponge or gauze.

Moisturizing - Living Moisture for Skin

The next stage is moisturizing the skin, which is vital to dry and combined skin. Night and day-action creams are most popular, as well as cooked nutritious masks, because the humidification process is also in an effective impregnation. This will allow you to put the skin in order at any time of the day, increase its elasticity and velvety. An invisible film protects the face from malicious factors from the outside and can serve as an excellent basis for make-up. .png "alt \u003d" (! lang: Moisturizing" width="450" height="203" data-srcset=" 768w, 808w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Feeding for dry and combined skin

It is these types of skin especially need a feedback. The most convenient care agent is night cream, restoring cover, activating metabolic processes with a saturable property. It is necessary to apply it on a face about 60-90 minutes before night sleep.

Famous people who are all the time and are simply obliged to look impeccable, movie stars and show business in an interview more often declare: "My face care is based on natural components." This means that even they often choose the folk recipes of masks. Why, because they can afford any cosmetologist and any of the most modern procedures? The answer is simple - natural tools are much more useful for the skin and allow you to achieve stunning results, although slower.

List of the most effective folk methods:

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Food diet for beauty and health

It is necessary to care for the skin every day, an integral part of the care is the proper nutrition filled with vitamin and nutritional complexes. According to dermatologists, there is a list of certain products that are simply necessary for the beauty of the skin of the face.

Useful face skin productscapable of filling it with beauty and health, such:

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In order for the skin of the face to acquire an impeccable look, you need to take care of it every day. After all, the main criterion of beauty in our time is well-groomed, and only correctly selected faces for care for sensitive skin, oily, dry or combined, will help to achieve first-class results. Adhering to the face simple, as well as performing a selective approach to food products, beautiful skin will be provided for many years.

To always have a fresh appearance and impeccable makeup, it is necessary to observe the facial skin care stages. A competent approach to such, it would seem like a simple case (but it would seem!) It will help if you do not get rid of many cosmetic defects, then significantly reduce their visual manifestation.

That is why it is so important to comply with simple rules for the care of your face, the neck, a zone of neckline, lips, hands. These are those areas of the body of a woman who are subjected to the greatest "tests" of the external environment. Therefore, very actively and vividly react to negative factors with their non-primary species.

Do we need it? Naturally, no! So proceed to the study of all the subtleties of the process.

Correct face care

The epidermis in open areas of the body is subjected to daily influences of the external environment. These are not only natural factors (wind, heat, cold, humidity), but also dust, dirt, harmful emissions and much more, not visible to the human eye. So comply with the rules for the care of the face in particular, from early age. Another question is that funds for different age categories will differ significantly in composition and relevant.


It is necessary to remember how to axiom that the person requires compliance with a certain ritual, and regularly. The skin care procedure involves the daily use of certain cosmetics that are suitable for skin and age.

It is also necessary to take into account that there are a number of procedures that are performed periodically, but also regularly. It is a thorough, deep cleaning with the use of special means:

  • scraping - in the cabin or home;
  • cleaning mechanical or hardware;
  • peeling of different types of testimony.

Such manipulations are carried out, as a rule, courses in several procedures. Home scraping with the use of both purchased and independently prepared products, make 1-3 times a week, depending on the type of skin.

There is a certain sequence of applying cosmetics of different action. It depends on the purpose of the product, its texture. But there is something in common, namely:

  • application is performed on massage lines, towards the middle of the face to the chests and chin;
  • movements must be light, not stretching skin;
  • liquid funds are applied with a cotton disk or sponge;
  • cream, mousses, gels - pillows of fingers.

If the funds are nutritious or moisturizing, you can help them absorb, performing the "driven" moving with the pads of the fingers. But without effort, only slightly touching the skin surface.

An immutable rule that needs to be remembered forever! Morning cream is applied to the face in the summer - half an hour before the exit to the street, in the winter - no less than an hour. "Summer" cream is relaxing to be lightly on the texture and do not contain a large amount of oils. "Winter" on the contrary - with a smaller amount of fluid, but with a large percentage of fattening components.

Personal care program at home

There are standard stages of the face of the face that are performed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Each of them performs its functions, enabling the epidermis to fully "work".

It is very important to know what sequence to apply the means to supplement each other, providing comprehensive care.

As statistics show, many women do not quite rightly imagine how to clean the skin. Hence the problems arise - inflamed areas, acne, scored pores, "floats" makeup, in the middle of the day "salmon" is found. Consequently, we study the order of applying to clean the skin, which is very important.

The stages of purification of the face can be divided into two "sub-" (let's call it):

  • washing. Use for this you need special gels or foam for washing. Water should be warm (not hot or cold!). After the procedure, the person does not wipe intensively, but only to get a cotton towel;
  • cleansing lotion. To do this, apply the desired amount of means on your cotton disk and over massage lines to wipe the skin without pressure. Wait for natural drying.

Lotion, mycelter or other product of this series should be used in the morning and in the evening for cleaning the skin. They not only complete the process, but also remove the remnants of detergents.

For the full care of the face, the tonization stage is very important. Tonic perform the following functions:

  • restore the pH of the dermis;
  • toned and moisturized;
  • increase the elasticity of the skin;
  • stimulate collagen production;
  • pores narrow.

Applying facial care products also need a cotton disk on massage lines. Movement of light, without pressure and stretching of skin. This is a kind of massage that improves blood flow and resists the formation of wrinkles.

The tonic must be seamlessly by the type of leather. In addition, experts insist that there are no alcohol components and parabens. They can overwhelm skin, which is especially important for women with a dry type of epidermis.

Proper face care provides for careful moisturizing. Even if your skin is fat or problematic, it needs moisture no less than dry, thin and sensitive.

Apply a moisturizing cream you need twice a day. The funds should be seamless not only by the type of skin or age, but also taking into account the product time indicators (that is, daily or night cream).

As part of the components:

  • vitamin Complexes (A, E, C, Group B)
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • glycerol;
  • proteins;
  • panthenol;
  • plants extracts;
  • vegetable oils.

Interesting fact. The presence in the means of collagen and elastin is considered a good indicator. But in some sources you can find information that these substances have a large size of molecules that physically cannot penetrate the epidermal barrier inside the tissues. So the presence of these components in creams is a somewhat ambiguous question.

Now consider how to properly apply cream on your face. This, as it turned out, is also a whole science, although not difficult, but important.

  1. Squeeze out of the tube (or take a sufficient amount of the means from the tube. In the case of a tube it is convenient. And if the product is in the jar, then such a reception minimizes the hitting of bacterial microflora into the container.
  2. Apply the cream on massage lines with circular motions without presne, so as not to stretch the skin.
  3. The means must be thin and uniform in order not to overload the epidermis.
  4. On the skin around the eye, apply cream with a moisturizing effect of a more easy texture. It is better to choose a specifically for this product.

I carry out the procedure of evening moisture in two or three hours before sleep. At this time, Mimica, blood microcirculation and metabolic processes are active. The cream is well absorbed, and the skin will get all the necessary substances. If you do it immediately before going to bed, the effect is reduced.

These are the main stages of skin care that will help to suspend age-related changes will have a prophylactic effect and will provide a presentable appearance every day.

Very often, women ask: "Why does the face care of the face of the face in stages, is it possible to change the scene, remove some kind of process or make it in your own way?"

We looked at why the phased face care is important, which functions do each of them. Now we will pay attention to some parties that are interested in our readers.

Is it possible to wash the usual tap water?

It is possible to wash something, but will this benefit your skin?!

Watering water in composition is a whole chemical laboratory. It contains, in particular, such a substance as chlorine. It is used to purify water. There is also iron, salts of various metals and some other components that are not removed to the end at filtration stations.

All of these "components" of tap water do not differ in the best way in the state of the skin. They are overcame, injured, clog pores and so on.

It is better to give preference to structured water (melt mineral non-carbonated). Or subjected water from the crane to re-clean with household cleaners, which today exist in almost every home.

Should I wash your face with hot or very cold water?

Hot water provokes the activity of the sebaceous glands. Consequently, the selection of sebum is increasing. A fat brilliance appears, the pores can be blocked, comedones arise, acne, acne and other troubles.

Cold water on the contrary, oppress all natural processes. Fabrics, as it were, "pinpoint from cold," closes the pores. As a result, the penetration of nutrients deteriorates, metabolic processes slow down, the skin does not have the necessary elements.

Conclusion - choose the "golden middle". In our case, the warm water, approximately room temperature.

Is it possible not to wash with water at all, but simply remove the cleansing milk watching disk?

The process of washing is very important. Water and special detergents clean the face not only from decorative cosmetics, but also remove dust, dirt, natural fat and pathogenic microorganisms.

After washing, the skin is "open" for the receipt of vitamins, minerals and other components in hygienic cosmetics necessary for the full livelihood.

If this process is too for you "troubles", you can miss it. Only in this case, you need to moisten a cotton disc with water that you use to drink, and thoroughly wipe your face to remove the remnants of cleansing agents and decorative cosmetics.

Do I need to clean the skin in the morning as thoroughly as in the evening?

Basic primary skin care provides for cleansing twice a day. It is necessary.

In the evening, during this process, all polluting particles are removed (makeup including) who fell on the skin during the day from the environment.

In the morning you need to clean the skin from natural livelihoods.

However, if the skin is dry, mature and sensitive, then in the morning you can restrict ourselves to washing, and immediately move to toning.

Probably, all women cause a problem with the question of which cosmetics to put on their precious face to do not bring harm to the skin? If you have extra money, you can buy a more expensive cream in the store, to some extent it will satisfy you, as a last resort will please the beauty of the packaging. By the way, do you know what is part of the shopping creams?

Some dyes, flavors and preservatives are worth, not to mention other components unknown to us. But how many women refused any cosmetics after allergic reactions to the store cream and masks ... Even the high price for the product can not guarantee qualities, because we will never be able to find out where, how and what cream were made, under what conditions were kept (And this is also an important factor). But you can easily avoid unnecessary experiences, loss of time to search for a decent product and save the contents of your wallet.

You may be surprised, but almost all cosmetic products can be easily made at home, our own handles. Natural cosmetics is simple enough, besides cheap, and most importantly - for the health of your skin any harm. Here, you will already be 100% sure that only proven components and nothing harmful to your skin will receive.

Daily face care step by step

If you want your face to look always young and healthy, then it is necessary to allocate time daily to give your face what it has to be very tight. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition and protection is what our skin needs, regardless of its type. Another thing, with what kind of cosmetics you will spend these three simple procedures. Here the choice should be done carefully. After all, if applying the funds that you do not fit, then instead of helping, you can only harm your skin.

So, for success you need:

Maintenance of care;
Properly selected cosmetics.

The correctness of the selected funds is primarily determined by your skin type. The skin varies very much depending on the salinity, age and combinations of various factors, as a result, you can select the following types: - brilliant, oily; - not too fat and not too dry; - thin, dry; - bold, dry and normal places; - Skin with age-related changes.

What procedures should be carried out, what funds will be needed to maintain the purity, beauty and freshness of your face?


The first stage in the care of the skin of the face - cleansing.


Water wash off dirt from the skin surface. But water is different: cold water, hot, warm, plumbing, rain, melt, soft, rigid, etc. All cosmetologists are recommended, regardless of the type of skin, wash the soft water. Such water includes - rain and thala. Yes, for washing - it would be perfect, but the process of collecting such water, especially urban residents, is very difficult. So it will be easier for water to simply soften, boil it, and adding 1 h. A spoon of the borax on 2 liters of water.

Lotions and Toniki

You can flush dirt with the help of a cleansing lotion or tonic. They also have different - alcohol and imaginary, for example, based on raccara, alkaline and sour. These funds not only remove the dirt from the face, but also, depending on their properties, tone, soften, soothe and disinfect the skin. If you are for the most natural cosmetics, then it is better to use a children's lotion to purify the face, which is bought in the store, and as tonic, select mineral water. Children's goods undergo more thorough control, and the chance to get a high-quality product much higher.

Scrubs and Pilinggi

In addition to washing, removal of dirt, you also need to clean the skin on a deeper level - exfoliate old cells and particles of the skin. This requires scrubs or peelings. And with those and others need to contact very carefully. They perform one function, but different ways.

Scrub exfoliates dead cells due to mechanical impact on the skin, and peeling - due to chemical. If, say, in the medium there are pieces of peach bones, it is a scrub, and if the means is made, for example, based on citric acid, then it is peeling.

Attention! Scrubs and peelings are very strong means of their impact, so they can not be used daily. Frequent use will result in the skin will become thin and dry, and therefore, and not by the time wrinkled. Scrubs and peelings are applied to wet skin.

Contraindications: If you have any skin diseases or vessels on your face are very close to the surface, before applying the scrub or before applying masks, you will definitely consult your doctor!

Wonderful recipe for soft scrub of coffee grounds

The recipe combines cleansing particles and a nutrient mixture. Cleaning will be coffee thick. I drank a coffee grief in the morning, do not thwart into the sink, but use its valuable properties for yourself. One thing is: coffee must be fine grinding, so that the skin does not injure the skin. And it is better to check the sleepy coffee - "Spassy". It is softer, so it is more suitable, for example, for dry skin. The thickness will need two parts. Well, the nutrient basis will be sour cream. The dry skin, the fatter is sour cream.

Sour cream take one part. We mix these two ingredients, we apply on the face and gently massaging. Thus, we clean the skin of 3-5 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Steam baths

Under the action of hot steam, the pores are open, blood sticks, and hence, the skin supply is improved by oxygen. This is the same steam room with a oak or birch broom, only for the face. And the role of a broomach on itself will take the infusion with which you will do this steam bath. Making a steam bath just once a week, for any type of skin.

Contraindications: skin diseases and close to the surface of the vessel skin.

Recipe steam bath for face on herbs

To do this, you will need a bath terry towel and a saucepan or a deep bowl. As the basis for the bath brew citrate tea. To do this, choose any grass: chamomile, mint, sage, hunting, eucalyptus, melissa, lime. Brew it, based on the proportions: 2 tbsp. Spoons of grass on 1 liter of water. Add to decoction, add 1 tsp of lemon juice. Hot decoction pour into a saucepan.

Rinse your face with water or lotion to rinse the surface dirt, lean over a hot saucepan and strengthen the towel on top. So sit in your "house", inhaling fragrant herbs, 10 minutes. After that, we neatly laughing the face with a terry towel, rinse it again with cool water.


Having finished the process of cleansing the skin, it is necessary necessary to tone it. The procedure for cleansing, albeit vital for a person, but still is a small stress. What happens when we clean the skin? We annoy it. The blood supply is improved, but the moisture from the surface of the skin begins faster. To avoid this, after cleaning, it is necessary to calm down and about toning our skin.


You can make it lotions or tonic. They will help: finally clean, calm, get a moisture. In addition, tonic or lotions (which are chosen depending on the type of skin), help specifically to struggle with their shortcomings. The tonic for oily skin narrows the pores and gives the skin of mattiness. Tonic for dry skin, not containing alcohol, soften the skin and increase its ability to retain moisture.

If the tonic does not contain alcohol, then they can even get lost sensitive skin around the eyes, which will undoubtedly affect its condition.

Recipe pink tonic

Perfectly tones the skin pink tonic, which can be cooked from the rosehip, and from the garden, and from the wild rose. He has wonderful properties - it cleans, tones, vitaminizes, softens and does not dry the skin. This tonic you can remove masks or wash the skin after the mask is removed.

You will need 3-5 roses petals. Finely disturb them, and let him lie down a little in a bowl, to stand out more juice. And then pour this mixture with a glass of boiling water. And let the lotion be mixed with 20 minutes. Then take the marblelet and strain the lotion into clean dishes.

Instead of boiling water, you can use milk, then the nutritional properties of tonic will only be added. And if you have small redness on the skin, it is enough in your tonic to drop a lavender oil droplet or add chamomile rose to petals.


The next important stage is moisturizing. Just to slip the face with water - it is practically the same as wealing a garden of six hundred and one weak. No, rinse on health, it's great, nevertheless, some part of the water, the skin will take, but it will take the entire major part of our internal reserves. And, if your skin is overpowered, it does not mean that these internal reserves end, but simply your skin has lost the ability to hold moisture. And moisturizing tonic, masks and creams are designed to restore this ability.

How many times a day you need to moisturize the skin? It used to be believed that only once, in the morning, after purification. But now cosmetologists have come to the conclusion that if the skin feels discomfort, then you need to do it "on demand." You can wear a bottle of moisturizing tonic or thermal water and from time to time to apply them to face.


You have cleaned, moisturized your skin, and the last step of the care will be skin feeding important to it elements. To do this, you will need a night cream (and the night cream is always a nutritious cream) or a nutritious mask. What type of skin is what a mask and what cream will fit best, it will be written further, but first we repeat the most important rules for applying cream and masks.

How to impose a mask

Before you put a mask, the face must be definitely cleaned!

The best action mask appears after a hot compression.

Do not forget to apply a thin layer of fat nutritious cream on dry sensitive skin around the eyes.

Apply the mask itself. It is possible to apply it to those than a comfortable tampon, a cotton disc, a special tassel, hand - the main thing so that everything is clean. Apply a mask strictly through massage lines.

While "take" a mask, put on the eyes of a small compression - tea bag.

After you apply a mask, you need to lie down and relax.

Masks are applied for 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to keep my face under the mask longer than this time. Reducing the mask, you can reach the opposite effect.

It is necessary to remove the mask very correctly, without stretching the skin on the face.

The procedure should be completed by rubbing tonic or lotion.

So that the face takes better cream or mask, you need to do cold-hot applying. What it is?

Cold-hot applying

Take two basins. In one pour cold water with ice, in the other - hot water. Better, if it is a decoction of herbs or water with the addition of some juice. In the basin, put on the towel. And after you cleared the face, start in turn to apply pre-pressed towels before the face. It is enough 4 times cold and 4 times hot. You need to finish a hot towel. And now you can make a mask or applying cream.

Cream, as well as a mask, apply only after skin cleansing.

Best of all the cream to apply on a moisturized face - water (tonic, lotion) is a good conductor, it will help faster to convey the cream deep into the skin.

If the cream is not in the tube, but in a jar, then do not get it from there with your fingers - cream is a beautiful medium for breeding bacteria. Take advantage of a special plastic blade that you can wash after each use.

Before applying cream on the skin of the face, hold it for a short time on the palm. Let it be warm to the body temperature.

Special cream is used for eye skin!

The cream is best shot down by the tips of the fingers along the massage lines of the face to prevent skin intraction.

Night cream should not be on her face all night !!! After 20 minutes after it is applied excess, it is necessary to remove a napkin !!! If the cream remains on the face for the night, just that your skin will be deprived of all this time of oxygen, so in the morning you will set up with your fellow face.


From whom will we be defended? From what hooligans? Bandits capable of harming our skin, it turns out, not so little! The leader of this gang is the sun, his right hand - frost, left - wind. Well, even talk about small bumps like central heating in our homes, polluted atmosphere does not even have. Special funds are issued to protect against these troubles, they can be found in pharmacies and shops. And it is better to use natural cosmetics.

Recipe Protective Banana Mask

If you feel that your skin suffers from the summer sun, it becomes more dry, then try a banana mask. Such a mask may be useful in the cold season when the skin lacks moisture due to too dry air heated premises.

Take 1 banana and frolic carefully to a homogeneous cleaner. Add 1 to the resulting Cashitz. A spoonful of milk. Mask is ready. Gently impose it on the face of minutes by 10-15, and then rinse with warm water. Do not forget to wipe the skin with ice cube.

Cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition and protection is what our skin needs, regardless of its type. The following articles will describe in detail recipes for a specific type of skin of your face.