Congratulations on your first lieutenant rank. Congratulations on the assignment of the next title

In connection with the assignment of the military rank of lieutenant general, congratulatory telegrams are received by the President of Ingushetia Murat Zyazikov.

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I heartily congratulate you on your promotion to the military rank of lieutenant general.

I sincerely wish you happiness, family well-being and further success in your service activities for the benefit of our Motherland.

Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Personnel Issues and State Awards V. Osipov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your promotion to the military rank of lieutenant general.

I wish you good health, great happiness and further success in fulfilling your official duty for the benefit of our Motherland.

Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation V.Ivanov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your promotion to the military rank of lieutenant general.

I wish you good health, great happiness and further success in fulfilling your professional duty for the benefit of our Fatherland.

Deputy Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Personnel Issues and State Awards V. Buravchenko

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of Obrazovanie Bank, I congratulate you on being awarded the military rank of lieutenant general.

With all my heart I wish you success and prosperity to the Republic of Ingushetia.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSCIB "Obrazovanie" CJSC K.K. Dmitriev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I learned with great satisfaction that you were awarded the high military rank of lieutenant general. The Moscow Ingush diaspora perceived this important event as a high assessment by the Russian state, President of the Russian Federation Putin of the heroic efforts of the Ingush people, your personal contribution to the struggle for a worthy peace, stability and brotherhood among peoples. Please accept, dear President, sincere congratulations on your high military rank, and wishes of success and prosperity to you, all the people of the Republic of Ingushetia.

Judge of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, Professor Seinaroev.

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I heartily congratulate you on your promotion to the rank of lieutenant general.

I wish you happiness, health and further success for the benefit of the people of the republic and Russia.

Sincerely, Deputy of the State Duma M.I. Aushev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Congratulations on your promotion to the rank of lieutenant general.

We wish you to continue with honor sincere service to great Russia and Ingushetia. It is significant that this joyful event took place on the eve of the New Year. All the best to you and the Ingush people in the New Year 2006.

People's Artists of the Republic of Ingushetia Vakhtang Mikeladze and Sulambek Mamilov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

The Office of the Security Council of the Republic of Ingushetia accepted with satisfaction the news that you were awarded the high rank of lieutenant general.

Your numerous awards clearly show that at all stages of your life you honestly served our Motherland, defended and defended its interests, continuing the glorious traditions of our ancestors.

Under your leadership, Ingushetia has made significant progress in socio-economic development and is distinguished by a high degree of social and political stability. You put a lot of effort into improving the well-being of the inhabitants of Ingushetia, ensuring civil peace and maintaining interethnic and interfaith harmony in the republic.

We sincerely wish you good health, great personal happiness, political longevity in the field of serving the Republic of Ingushetia and Great Russia!

Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Ingushetia B. Aushev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

The leadership of the Representation of the Chechen Republic in the Republic of Ingushetia congratulates you on the assignment of the next rank of lieutenant general.

We wish you good health, success in work and well-being in your family!

Sincerely, Acting Head of the Representative Office of the Chechen Republic in the Republic of Ingushetia Z.V. Suleymanov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you, in your person, the entire people of Ingushetia, on the assignment to you of the high military rank of lieutenant general.

This award is a high honor for you and a great trust for the Ingush people from the Russian state.

I'm sure if in the 30-40s. the twentieth century, the Vainakh people would have had at least one general, perhaps the people would not have been subjected to the most severe genocide and deportation in 1944-1957 to Siberia.

I wish you good health and success in the New Year. Best wishes to your family, relatives and friends.

With sincere respect, Professor Malsagov Magomed Safarbekovich

How not to raise, say a toast
Without any extra ceremonies,
When "more" became stars
An officer on the run?
Those came stars in neat,
And you today, our glorious friend,
Not just a senior lieutenant,
And the lieutenant, in fact, is the main one!

We don’t dream about ranks very much,
But days passed by
And here, and here in your constellation
Another one has risen star.
Now not three, but all four
Your shoulder has been adorned.
So what! For wearing a uniform
More stars have been added!

There is no more important conversation today
And there is only one toast.
For the newly minted major!
And for his "big star"!
A star looks like this in space,
For everyone to see from afar
With such a star you are a knight in the nobility,
And even more - microgeneral!

Your uniform has completely added mass
And, of course, beauty:
Your wide stripes -
As many as two cuts for shorts.
Glow not by reflected light
big stars,
And such shoulder straps in gold -
Just like the icons on the wall!
Even though I feel awkward
Anyway, I'll put it in order:
There is such a situation
I don't find order.
Everything is now not according to the charter
And in the "ranks" a failure is felt ...
It seems to me, "personnel"
The battle song is missing.
To march bravura honor by honor
Performed a dozen sang -
Still not often with us together
The general "washes" the stars!
Something I hesitated, however,
The glass is still not empty...
Isn't it time to rush into the "attack"?
Everything will be done according to the sign,
Let's say: "Yes, Comrade General!"

Today there is a reason to drink
Fiery speeches are appropriate,
Because now your shoulder strap
He lay heavy on his shoulders.
We miss from the sky stars,
And "This" did not fall from heaven
So the toast will be extremely simple -
For two stars and two gaps.

Your turn, as they say, -
No wonder the glasses are heard ringing.
To shine brightly gold
Lieutenant's brand new shoulder straps!
So that from now on in life, as on the march,
Everyone kept the balance like that,
So that a marshal comes out of a lieutenant,
Or at least a general!
Finding polite manners
Making a choice once and for all
Let's drink to luck, officers,
Cavaliers, ladies, gentlemen
Ahead - the radiance of starfall
And there is a high ceiling.
And for this you definitely need to drink,
So, as they say, God forbid!

You were given a different title today,
And this is a big event.
It can't be ignored,
Let's gather all our friends as soon as possible.

We will all sit at our own table,
We'll pour you a glass of wine.
Let's raise a toast to your career breakthrough,
Never been there.

Congratulations on the title! Why don't you get it, with such a glorious service! I believe that you still have many promotions ahead of you, today you are only at the very beginning of your glorious path! And I can only wish you happiness and good luck, prosperity and love!

How not to raise, say a toast
Without any extra ceremony
When "more" became stars
An officer on the run?

Those stars came in exactly
And you today, our glorious friend,
Not just a senior lieutenant,
And the lieutenant, in fact, is the main one!

Of course, in the service, first of all, honor, loyalty and execution of orders are more important, and you can be a private all your life, honestly serving, however, it’s still nice to receive the title, and today I am happy to congratulate you on being awarded the title, and also wish you happy, long life!

There is no more important conversation today
And one toast means:
For the newly minted major!
And for his "big star"!

A star looks like this in space,
For everyone to see from afar.
With such a star you are a knight in the nobility,
And even more - microgeneral!

For a long time you are a respectable person,
You don't need any care at all.
With your knowledge you achieve everything,
And then you enjoy the result.

And brought a lot of benefits to others,
And I say, barely restraining myself from big tears.
Today I'm proclaiming a toast to you
And I offer everyone a drink for you.

After all, there is already a big reason for this,
I will voice my congratulations, and I will do you honor.
You finally got an honorary title.
And I was honored to announce the best news.

Always striving for more is the key to success, and you are on the right track! Please accept our congratulations on your promotion to the rank, soldier! You are our pride, our dear person and close friend! We all want to wish you long, cloudless happiness, love and fulfillment of desires!

Everyone knows that a soldier should want to become a general, and today I congratulate you on the first step towards this great, noble goal - with the assignment of the rank! May your life be as brilliant as your service, and may your best friends be ready to go even to the ends of the world under your command!

Any professional success is, of course, a manifestation of abilities. I am glad to be one of the first to welcome you to your new officer rank and I congratulate you with pleasure on this achievement. Let's raise our glasses to new epaulettes, to successes in his future service, to his health!

We don’t dream about ranks very much,
But days passed by
And so, and here in your constellation "Ascended" another star.

Now not three, but all four
Your shoulder has been adorned.
So what! For wearing a uniform
More stars have been added!

How quickly time flies! You briskly, soon went from a green youth to the owner of a very good rank, and we believe that this is not your last achievement! Please accept our congratulations on the award of the title and wishes of happiness! May Fate, Luck and Love always be favorable to you!

But I always said, I always knew that your promotion is just around the corner! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the award of the title, as well as wishes of good health and good luck! Let your dreams come true! May there be a lot of good ahead, and sometimes great, worthy of such a real man like you!

The service of a soldier is not an easy task, it is given only to real men, but to special people who have a heart like a lion, who have both honor and a strong spirit, it brings worthy results! I congratulate you on conferring the title and wish you to live happily ever after, not knowing defeat in anything!

You know, you suit to be an officer! You have a special stature and gloss... Congratulating you on your title, I won't wish you simple happiness... no! Yours must certainly be hot as fire, strong as a rock and sweet as honey! May your dreams come true, and the best reward for your ardent, brave heart, one day will be love!

You are still so young, and the title is so high! But everything is fair, you deserved it with faithful service, and I am proud of you, congratulating you today on its assignment! May your studies smile at you in everything, may your heart always burn with a flame of honor and courage, and may your eyes look clearly and cheerfully into a happy future!

Congratulation on the rank of captain

For all hardships, labors,
Sleepless night hours, -
Four bright stars!
Relatives rejoice.
May each of these stars
Your path through life illuminates!
Go without hunching, to your full height,
Like a proud officer strides.
Not empty so that the pocket
And there was butter on the bread.
Cheer up, comrade captain,
After all, there are more stars only in the sky!

Congratulations to the team captain in verse

Captain's word
True and strong!
His team is waiting
To always be lucky!
For victory to come
To us for sure!
To be the first
Everywhere and always!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Captain you!
And we wish you
So that there was fate!
Only benevolent
Affectionate to you!
You live with dignity
Be on top!

Poem congratulations to the sea captain

Let the ship go easily
The sea is so deep!
But the captain knows
It will pass easily through the fog!
Through storms, thunderstorms, a terrible storm,
He will return to a distant home!
To accept congratulations
We want to wish you:
More happiness and love
Beautiful, fabulous dawn!
Good luck! Live joyfully
The ships will be reliable!

Happy birthday to the sea captain from colleagues

Years tired of sailing the ocean,
Dreaming on land, home, on the sofa,
But you know yourself - it's just a hoax,
On land - no life for you, captain!
Without the sea, longing is worse than pain and wounds.
The meaning of life is probably given to us from above.
We have many more countries ahead of us!
Seven feet under your keel, captain!

Captain, captain, smile
Accept congratulations from us
You are for us, like a fairytale knight,
You are the attention of enthusiastic eyes.
We see you as a hero
You still have to conquer heights.
We believe, soon with the rank of major
We will gladly congratulate you!

Congratulations on the military rank of captain

Hello, Captain!
Let your eyes shine with victory
Look in the mirror - General,
Even if they don't see it yet!
We wish you all success:
At work, at war, in love.
Let the house be filled with laughter.
We know - luck awaits ahead!

Happy birthday greetings from colleagues to the captain of the police

Everyone in the morning in our department with joyful faces,
The militia captain is celebrating his birthday.
For him, we have long had one gift,
Two Major stars and a pair of epaulettes.
Congratulating him, we shouted to him in unison:
- "Hurry up, become a major, captain!"

To the sea captain with a return from friends

Well hello friend! How nice to be on solid ground again,
Passing half the world on the waves on a fast ship!
We all missed, looking into the distance, when the smoke flickers,
And the brave captain, with laziness, will step on the threshold!
It is clear to everyone what is seen on the map as a route,
That is hard work for you every day.
You are responsible for everything in the sea, you yourself know your duty,
The brave captain carried everything on his shoulders!

Congratulations on your title


Congratulations on the title! Why don't you get it, with such a glorious service! I believe that you still have many promotions ahead of you, today you are only at the very beginning of your glorious path! And I can only wish you happiness and good luck, prosperity and love!

Of course, in the service, first of all, honor, loyalty and execution of orders are more important, and you can be a private all your life, honestly serving, however, it’s still nice to receive the title, and today I am happy to congratulate you on being awarded the title, and also wish you happy, long life!

Always striving for more is the key to success, and you are on the right track! Please accept our congratulations on your promotion to the rank, soldier! You are our pride, our dear person and close friend! We all want to wish you long, cloudless happiness, love and fulfillment of desires!

Everyone knows that a soldier should want to become a general, and today I congratulate you on the first step towards this great, noble goal - with the assignment of the rank! May your life be as brilliant as your service, and may your best friends be ready to go even to the ends of the world under your command!

How quickly time flies! You briskly, soon went from a green youth to the owner of a very good rank, and we believe that this is not your last achievement! Please accept our congratulations on the award of the title and wishes of happiness! May Fate, Luck and Love always be favorable to you!

But I always said, I always knew that your promotion is just around the corner! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the award of the title, as well as wishes of good health and good luck! Let your dreams come true! May there be a lot of good ahead, and sometimes great, worthy of such a real man like you!

Today, with slight embarrassment, you accept congratulations on being awarded the title, and this is quite natural from your honest, exemplary service and your merits! So, better smile and accept my wish to always be a happy person, beloved luck and your family, and besides, believe that one day you will reach such heights that you don’t even dare to dream of now! Perhaps you will become a general, maybe even ... intergalactic!

The service of a soldier is not an easy task, it is given only to real men, but to special people who have a heart like a lion, who have both honor and a strong spirit, it brings worthy results! I congratulate you on conferring the title and wish you to live happily ever after, not knowing defeat in anything!

You know, you suit to be an officer! You have a special stature and gloss... Congratulating you on your title, I won't wish you simple happiness... no! Yours must certainly be hot as fire, strong as a rock and sweet as honey! May your dreams come true, and the best reward for your ardent, brave heart, one day will be love!

You are still so young, and the title is so high! But everything is fair, you deserved it with faithful service, and I am proud of you, congratulating you today on its assignment! May your studies smile at you in everything, may your heart always burn with a flame of honor and courage, and may your eyes look clearly and cheerfully into a happy future!
