Poems to beloved brother from sister

An older brother is a dad who will not only tell, but also show in practice!

One day a little girl asked her older brother, "What is love?" He answered: This is when you steal chocolate from my portfolio every day ... And I continue to put it in the same place ...

It's so bad when brothers grow up and begin to live separately ... Who is there to argue with now about washing dishes?

My brother always helps me to figure out what is happening in my soul!

Some wear charms for protection, but I am worn with my brother and am not afraid of anything!

Statuses about the younger brother

With the advent of my younger brother, order, peace, money and silence disappeared in our house ... But there was a great HAPPINESS!

I don't care what they say around! My little brother says that I am the best, and children, as you know, do not lie!

I love it when my little brother to the phrase: "Show how you love me" ... Hugs me with all his might. And he says, "That's how I love you."

Yesterday they brought my brother from the hospital, he is so small ... AND THE BITCH IS ALREADY LOOKING AT MY COMPUTER ...

Why does the little brother get the best? Because the eldest gets everything first.

Oh, how I love my little brother when he sleeps! It's just an angel who came down to earth. And so I want this angel to grow up to be a good person!

Earlier, younger brothers received old toys from their elders. And now the account from the toy.

I’m standing in front of the mirror, going to the club, all so n * tted, in a short dress, on heels, with a haircut ... A little brother comes in and yells in the whole room, - * fuck, you are a pacifier !!!

When I am going somewhere, my younger brother will always help me with what is better not to wear today ... what is better to wash today ....

  • Yesterday they brought my brother from the hospital, he's so small ... AND STSUKO IS ALREADY LOOKING AT MY COMPUTER ...
  • Your brother is not always right, but he is always your brother!
  • I don't give a shit what they say around! My little brother says that I am the best, and children, as you know, do not lie!
  • My brother beat me on the head a lot as a child - I grew up to be a blonde.
  • There are friends we call brothers, there are brothers we can never call friends ...
  • And yet, it's cool when you have an older brother! -
  • I had a fight with a girl ... I come home ... I am in no mood ... little brother (6 years old) comes up and asks: "Well, what, did you give me something?" O_O ... knows how to cheer up
  • - My brother does crosswords oO - What's so strange about that? - The fact that he does not solve them in the toilet.
  • I will give everything, if only the brother was happy.
  • Finally, she taught her little brother to wash off after herself! A little more and he will turn off the light behind him!
  • And I have a brother. And in childhood, when we fought and I started crying, he teased me with a roar, etc. Then I was very offended ... But I learned to hide my tears ... Thanks to him ...
  • And my brother is getting married soon! - Well, is the bride even beautiful? - Nope, very scary, but he blows dust off her! -Fu, she's also dusty!
  • I wonder how my younger brother (7 years old) knows what sex is?
  • There is no dearer little man than my brother !!!
  • Now my soul is so empty. My brother went to the army. So lonely. And you sit and wait, out of habit, when he will come from the university.
  • It's good when your boyfriend is your best friend's brother ...
  • I sit upset, a little brother comes up, shoves a candy, I tell him: "Dima I have adult problems and this cannot solve them." In 5 minutes he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: "And so?"
  • As a child, she dreamed of an older brother, and looked after her younger brother.
  • I know the perfect guy! I know his address and phone number! But the most important thing is that I can call him at any time and say: - "I love you." And he will answer: - "I am your sister too".
  • When my brother is at home, it can be seen that he is at home. Trash and unwashed dishes are everywhere. And when I'm at home, you can hear that I'm at home!
  • Whoever touches a brother - I'll fill it up!
  • The little brother found pads at his mother, counted them and with a smart look told her: "You will have enough pampers until Wednesday."
  • My brother and I are like two drops alike, although the difference between us is three years !!!
  • As a child, my parents did not allow me to sit at the computer for a long time, my dad took the cable from the monitor to work. My brother and I bought a new one. They played in turns, one fired the ancestors at the window, the second played, and the fan blew on the monitor so that it would not heat up, because mom checked.
  • My 5-year-old brother said that when he grows up he will be president and buy me a Bentley. cool truth;) now I'm waiting. ... ...
  • I will never leave my brother, because he is good!
  • How infuriates my younger brother ... All the best for him.
  • My brother's brother is my brother! -

The young man asks his younger brother if he has a habit of eavesdropping when he retires in his room with his girlfriend. The boy honestly answered his brother: No, mom and dad are pushing each other at the door all the time and they bother me ...

The youngest bratelnik just got it. It seems that all the best goes to him, and for me the best happiness is him.

I overheard a conversation between father and son. She whinnied for a long time ... Dad said that at first it was not very good, but the hand was gradually getting used to it, and the son complained that he was not used to it yet ... It turned out that it was about hot water in the tap ...

When asked what he wants to become when he grows up, my younger brother gave an alarming answer: "Or a plumber or a pizza delivery man ... you can also be an electrician." Did the kid still find my disks ?! A worthy brother is growing to replace ...

Best status:
My little brother and sister are real gladiators, they arrange such fights with toys, it's scary to walk past the room ...

I don’t care about the opinion of outsiders. The main thing is that my little brother considers me the best, but the mouth of a child cannot lie!

His impudence struck me. Befriended my younger brother and advised him to guard me. She says: take care of the nervous system of your older sister, I still have to marry her ... "

I want a little brother so much !!! I want it madly! And I'll call him Sasha!

I want a guy like my brother to love me.

My brother was burned out today: "Daddy buy me a prison ... Well, a prison in which there are many, many bandits." I laughed for a long time, saying: "Well, why dad spoiled, buy your child a Butyrka!"

Olenka, do you want a brother? ”I want” - then sleep)))))))))))))

Dad, why do they say about some people that he achieved something, but about others - he achieved something? - Well, look, son. If you see an apple high on a tree, climb after it and pick it, then you have reached it, and if, after beating your younger brother, you took the apple from him, then you have achieved

I will never leave my brother, because he is good!

My "caring" brother, in my contact, put the status: "I AM PREGNANT!" - posts on the wall have doubled

Eh, I remember how my little brother went under the table ... And then I cleaned!

We survived ... My younger brother teaches me how to breed men for s * ks ...

There is one guy, he is the best! This is my brother! Although he is now in the army, I love him very much and miss him terribly, see you soon dear!

- My brother does crosswords oO - What's so strange about that? - The fact that he does not solve them in the toilet.

I will give everything, if only the brother was happy.

I had a fight with a girl ... I come home ... I have no mood ... little brother (6 years old) comes up and asks: "Well, why, did you give me something?" O_O ... knows how to cheer up

In 44 days my brother will come from the army. Updated 31 days ago, having fun last days.

A real friend when asked if you go for a walk? Will answer: "Of course brother!"

My brother (4 years old) bathes in the pool, and the air got into his swimming trunks. He says: “Mom, I think my butt with pi * iska pouted” ...

Let me have to endure his dirty diapers, the time will come and he will take someone's jaw for his brother! Brother, you were born 23 days ago, I am ready to tear anyone to pieces for you for 9 months and 23 days! 17 years is not a difference for you and me!

My brother got me already, all the time humming: - Sex and whiskey, Caribbean coke, boobs beckon, fresh radishes.

With a joyful cry "Look what sweets Nastya bought me !!!" little brother snatched a brand new condom from my bag and ran to his parents.

PPC ... survived. We teach our older brother to drive)

- We are looking for Ivan Nikolaevich Petrov. - So this is my twin brother. - Can you describe your appearance?

Love my brother?

- Sonny, congratulations! You will have a sister! - So, I do not understand! What have you done to my brother ?!

there are friends whom we call brothers, there are brothers whom we can never call friends ...

And my brother is getting married soon! - Well, is the bride even beautiful? - Nope, very scary, but he blows dust off her! -Fu, she's also dusty!

And my brother is getting married soon! -Well, the bride is at least beautiful? -Not very scary, but he blows dust off her! -Fu, she's also dusty!

Now my soul is so empty. My brother went to the army. So lonely. And you sit and wait, out of habit, when he will come from the university.

Congratulations! My brother was born at 4:14 pm. Another great meaning of life has become more.

I always dreamed of an older brother.)

The girls are standing on the sidelines. Nobody goes to dance, because they are in Dagestan and a brother looks after each of them ...)

Well, understand, he is my brother, why be jealous of him?

Hurrah! In 11 days my brother will come from the army ... I love him and wait.

And yet, it's cool when you have an older brother!

I came to visit my cousin brother .. He is 6 years old .. We see each other once in half a year ... He tries to throw me on the sofa .. I succumbed to ... To which he said to me: Well, I tasted the heroic strength ?! I love him ...

The younger brother annealed. 🙂 I tell him: "Misha, it's not good to be greedy!" He: “Who is not good? I like." 🙂

Yesterday they brought my brother from the hospital, he's so small ... AND STSUKO IS ALREADY LOOKING AT MY COMPUTER ...

Here we live with my brother soul to soul, fist in the eye, heel to the forehead.

We are driving with my brother, I ask him a question: "Who am I for you?" He: “You see, you are like a splinter! It hurts and uncomfortable, but you don't want to pull it out! ”

And I have a brother. And in childhood, when we fought and I started crying, he teased me with a roar, etc. Then I was very offended ... But I learned to hide my tears ... Thanks to him ...

I sit upset, a little brother comes up, shoves a candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this cannot solve them.” After 5 minutes, he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: "And so?"

His brother said that I was better than his ex ... Nice.)

It's funny when I go with my brother, who is 10 years older than me, and he is mistaken not even for a guy, but for a dad! Either I look like a youngster, or he is fucking preserved ...

It's good when your boyfriend is your best friend's brother ...

Finally, she taught her little brother to wash off after herself! A little more and he will turn off the light behind him!

I wonder how my younger brother (7 years old) knows what sex is?

Brother is taken into the army ... It's a shame. At first I was crying, I know that it will come in a year and everything will be the same as before, but in my soul, something terrible is happening.

I love you very much - you were my best friend and the most amazing brother ... And I still regret that when you were alive, I never told you that. I hope now and almost every night, you hear it ... I love ...

There are friends whom we call brothers, there are brothers whom we can never call friends ...

It is very difficult to wait for a loved one from the army ... Even if it is a brother ...

This morning, my brother and I wanted to go to McDonald's, and so I skipped college, he - work, and then went to the circus. I am 20, he is 28, I love him)

I have the coolest brother in the world ... We had a heart-to-heart talk. He is 11 years older than me - a cousin ... In general, he told me about life, showed me where one should not be blunt, I adore him, this is his heart.

God, how I love my older brother!

My brother beat me on the head a lot as a child - I grew up to be a blonde.

When my brother was 5, he wanted to marry me, and now when he is 9 he says that he will not take his eyes off my fiance so that I would be happy.

Two brothers are sitting in the room. Phone call. One of the brothers answers the phone: - Petya, this is for you. - Brother, if it's Masha, Liza or Natasha, then I'm not there, and if it's Katya or Marina, then I'll take it. - This is a venereologist ...

- My brother solves crosswords oO - What's so strange about that? - The fact that he does not solve them in the toilet.

There is no dearer little man than my brother !!!

Yesterday it was so bad, I went up to my elder brother, just hugged him ... And he whispered in his ear: “I love you” ... How touching it was, I already cried! Brothers, say that more often! We love you too!

I don't care what they say around! My little brother says that I am the best, and children, as you know, do not lie!

I sit upset, a little brother comes up, shoves a candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this cannot solve them.” After 5 minutes, he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: "Is that so?"

My brother is a womanizer, he always cheated on girls, and now he has another one, they are already dating for 2 months, he did not cheat on her, I am happy for him, yesterday he left her, and he felt so bad, because he realized that he could not live without her. I'm happy. They are together again.

My brother is a womanizer, he always cheated on girls, and now he has another one, they have already been dating for 2 months, he did not cheat on her, I am happy for him, yesterday he left her, and he felt so bad, because he realized that he could not live without her. I'm happy they are together again.

- you are brothers? - no, twins. and what, twins, not brothers? - not always. we, for example, sisters ...

I was standing with my little brother at the checkout counter in the supermarket with pads, he told me: “This is so as not to squeal at night, right? Can you buy it for me too? And that is too lazy to get up at night. " The whole line was laughing.

I adore my elder brother, although I see each other very rarely. But I understand that I could spend my whole life holding his hand.

The dates are flashing - I feel fine, brothers are with me, the truth is behind us ...

I listened to a song about my brother and burst into tears again ... And now I am writing here, because I cannot tell you how much I love you ... You have not been with us for a whole year and a half ... But I still cry and still love ...

I was sitting at a computer, my father came up to me and said in a whisper: “Why are you throwing your things?” And holds out a condom. Me: "It's not mine!" After that, my younger brother comes up to me: “Did you accidentally find a prezik here”? (Brother is 12 years old, I am in shock).

A brother is the person with whom we have been friends since early childhood. Of course, for many, this friendship does not begin with the most pleasant moments, and it so happens that we constantly quarrel and share territory with our younger or older comrade. Nevertheless, this does not prevent family ties to forever unite brother and sister, to make them the closest people for life. Shared memories, adventures experienced together, support and love - all this found its place in the lyrics of famous poets, and just loving brothers and sisters. Whether it is worth reading aloud such dedications or just keeping them for the family archive is up to you.

Poems about an older brother

The elder brother is our support, teacher and subject to follow. Even if we sometimes get angry with him for some little things, he still remains one of the closest and necessary people to us. This attachment only grows stronger over the years and turns into a real friendship. If you and your brother have just such a relationship, it will not be superfluous to devote touching poetry to him. In them, you can say thank you for all his tips and life lessons, his help and constant support, and just confess your sincere feelings. After all, the reason for such words is probably not so often found.

Poems about a little brother

When a younger brother appears in the family, the older children are ambivalent about this event. Some people immediately start to nurse the younger generation with joy, read books to them and come up with short rhymes. Others zealously follow the attention from their parents and sometimes begin real military actions. Be that as it may, all such emotions remain in childhood, and at a conscious age, the younger brother becomes an excellent companion, an interesting interlocutor and a trusted person.

If you want to devote a few lines of poetry to your younger brother, it is important to start from his age. When he is still a baby, you need to dwell on simple children's poems with a meaning that is understandable to the addressee himself. If your brother, even though he is the youngest, is already quite an adult person, it is quite possible to devote beautiful poems to him with deep philosophical reasoning. In any case, such lyrics will not do without parting words from an older friend. The main thing is that they organically fit into the text and do not look boring lectures

For many, poems about a brother are associated more with a poem about the homeland from the film of the same name than with some touching and tender statements. This usually happens when the person you call a brother is not in life, or if your relationship with him has developed in a neutral way. Nevertheless, there are many people who cannot imagine their life without a brother or sister, entrust them with all their secrets, spend a lot of free time together since childhood, share problems and experiences with each other, and without hesitation put their shoulders in a difficult situation. Such friendship and kindred love are worthy of a thousand beautiful poems that can be dedicated to a dear person, or simply enjoy reading such lines that are understandable and close to the heart.

In contact with


My older brother is very big
He went to school in the fall.
He writes himself, reads himself -
He knows about everything.

He recently told me
How the planets move
And why does the thunderstorm thunder
When summer comes.

Who draws at night on the window
Sparkling patterns
And how did the fluffy snow
To fill up the whole city.

Brother knows how the world works
He just thinks in vain
That Santa Claus is a myth
They do not exist in life.

But who brought me under the tree
A cherished gift?
Only Santa Claus knew the desire
Yes mom ... In secret.

I rocked on a chair
It became boring - roared.
The elder brother rushed to the call
And he sat down next to me.

My brother was born.
I am, of course, very happy.
Only this brother
Doesn't get out of bed.

How can you not be angry here?
During the day my brother sleeps all the time
Crying in the middle of the night
But he doesn't want to play!

Everything in the house is now upside down.
Everyone takes care of him.
Even me for my brother
You need to be an example.
I'm trying, I'm ready!

Only the brother does not know the words.
Only "mom" says
And even that is so strange!
Time passes slowly.

For a long time my brother grows
But I already know -
There is no tea in it!
I'm not rushing him!

I love him anyway!
He is so good!
He's a little bit on me ...
Looks like me!

My real protector
Dear, beloved brother!
You deserve a better life
For any girl - a treasure.

Happy Birthday
And I wish with all my heart
Peace, happiness and luck,
Be healthy! Grow big!

Everyone dreams of an older brother
And I was lucky in life!
I'll tell you that you are beautiful
In honor of your birthday!

Always stay the same -
Cheerful, strong and dear!
Just smile more often
And stay young!

Being an older brother is not easy
You know about it!
You are an island of joy
For the whole world!

You give smiles
You give fun
So be happy!
Bro, happy birthday!

You and I are sister and brother:
Our mother has two blood.
As the people say:
Two dear halves.

Stuck together - pie
Separately - pieces.
Noise and joy at the threshold
Sons and daughters bring in.

Let's sit side by side together
Our conversation is endless.
We will sing more than once
For family good tea.

Life brings us together again and again
How would not separate us.
Our mother's love
Connected us forever.

How much slander, lies in the world,
How many lies we live in.
There is no higher award in the world
When there is a brother, we are always together.

My brother and I are not afraid of either snow or frost,
And with him I have already come a long way.
And let him not give me roses for my birthdays,
Let it simply give happiness - in the bad weather of the sun a ray!

And I am happy to admit this to everyone!
Familiar from birth and friendly since childhood,
Therefore, we need each other very much!

Thank you for being kind and smart
Responsive, reliable, handsome and strong!
Are you ready to help and understand me?
You are the nicest and most devoted brother!

You are sympathetic, cheerful,
Glad to help and support
You understand at a glance-
The best brother in the world !!!

I want to wish you good luck
Let great success come !!!
Be always, brother, happy !!!
Know that I am proud of you !!!

I will prepare congratulations
And I'll paint my eyes
After all, today is birthday
My brother's older!

I want to congratulate him
Give a gift.
Because my brother, Slavik,
I love gifts!

I give him a postcard for three days
I painted with paints!
Slavik will be surprised!
Will say that I'm cool!

And it's quiet since morning
I'll make my way to Slavik,
I shout in my ear: "Hey brother!
Happy Holidays! "

Two brothers in life are so beautiful
Sharing toys and dreams together ...
But you should never divide
The love of relatives, it cannot be shared ...
You need to be support and support,
Help each other and share everything,
After all, your friendship simply cannot be broken
And everyone can be convinced of this ...
You are still just toddlers ...
But soon the day and the hour will come
When you grow up and understand
What is stronger than your friendship can not be found.

I wish you
On this birthday
Happiness and success
And in a family of love.
If it's hard
Doubts torment
You are me, little sister
Call for a visit!
Let the sorrows go away
Will hide away
And eyes are shining
Brown yours!

Today is a holiday, I'm so glad
And I hasten to congratulate my brother!
You have grown up for another year
Stronger, more serious and wiser

I kiss, hug tight,
I wish you success, joy,
Let your dreams come true,
What do you want!

Dad brought a package
Dad asked me a question:
“Did you wait - didn't you? Glad - not glad?
Meet: this is a brother! "

Yes, of course, I've been waiting for you!
I collected all the toys,
To show my brother
To play with my brother ...

And now I removed it back:
Well, what kind of brother is that ?!
Less teddy bear
This new little brother.

How to understand all this?
Who will I have to play with?
Mom laughed: “here
Let it grow up a little. "

Mom and Dad moved away
Here we are alone with the bundle.
I bent down lower -
He clung to his finger ...

Holds a finger, kind of glad!
I whispered: "Well, hello, brother!"

My little brother, a wiggly miracle,
Is it ** already?
Since childhood I have been proud of you and bragged about you.
Brother is better than awards.
My only friend, given by God,
You are also apart from me.
I am not afraid of severe trials -
I know - you are, dear.
Loving speed, work, comrades,
Loyal friend, family man,
You are an endangered breed of people -
Of real men.

My brother, I will say with inspiration,
Let it be as you want
Luck in life is unchanging
Wishes and dreams have come true!

So as not to lose myself, I accepted everything,
And I could resist fate
So that your name is honest
I wish you happiness!

We need each other more
Than it may seem.
Day and night to help
And in winter and summer.
You will not leave in trouble
I have no right to swear.
But you never
I will not say about this.

There is no dearer than we are.
There are no relatives and dearer.
Only support each time
Saves from misfortune.
You were always there
I wanted to be too.
Just remember what's closer
There is no such thing as a family.

We're not alike at all.
But only for someone.
Our thoughts will converge-
No answer needed.
Maybe you will become stricter.
You are my brother - that's a lot.
But you never
I will not say about this.

Brown-eyed, black-browed,
In a word, everyone is with the Cossack!
We are of one blood with you,
I know everything will be OK!
Do you remember, in the yard once,
I recently recalled
We stood brother for brother ...
Golden times!
Has something changed
When we got older! ?
Vodka remained bitter
And the lemon didn't turn sour.
You and me are in the same clip,
Adversity does not threaten us,
After all, we have been with you for a long time
Do not spill water friends.
But enough reasoning!
As yourself, my older brother,
On your birthday
I am wealth of one hundred carats.
Let your destiny frolic
The vine
So that life, as they say,
Was a light streak.

How handsome he is!
- Who does he look like?
Dad says: - To mom!
Very nice from the face.

Mom says: - To dad!
The boy has a smart look.
Both grandmothers to each other
Give way for a full hour:

The grandson is like you, do not argue!
What are you, darling - on you!
I sit alone like a mouse:
Let the relatives have fun ...

I know that little brother
All in me was born!

I will prepare congratulations
And I'll paint my eyes
After all, today is birthday
My brother's older!
I want to congratulate him
Give a gift.
Because my brother, (Name),
I love gifts!
I give him a postcard for three days
I painted with paints!
He'll be surprised!
Will say that I'm cool!
And it's quiet since morning
I'll make my way to my brother
I shout in my ear: “Hey, brother!
Happy Holidays! "

Do you remember when we were kids?
Do you remember how you swore?
How they shared everything
They did not admit it.

We didn't trust mom
That the world will come
It turned out to be true
This is how the World works!

As a sister, I wish
With this congratulation,
Eternal Peace Slogan - Peace
Let it be in everything!

I'm very, very proud of my brother
And I am happy to admit this to everyone!
Familiar from birth and friendly since childhood,
Therefore, we really need each other!
Thank you for being kind and smart
Responsive, reliable, handsome and strong!
You are ready to help and understand me glad
You are the nicest and most devoted brother!

A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride,
After all, this is torture, not life!
And what about a sister without a brother? To be honest,
A sister without a brother is a body without a soul.

A sister without a brother - stains on the sheet
Spines in braids, beer on the table ...
A sister with a brother - in a silk kerchief,
Champagne in a glass, brother, pour it!

A brother without a sister is annoying aunts,
Draft in the fly, vacuum in the shower.
A brother with a sister - a subtle shade of perfume,
Cozy in the house, in life and in general!

Brother and sister ... Well, fate, were you silent ?!
Hiding the beating of hearts from each other ?!
Sister and brother - two lives, two beginnings,
Two hearts, two souls, one end!

Statuses about a brother with meaning - You can lie when you talk about love to your husband or friend, but you will never lie if you talk about love for your brother.

There are friends whom we call brothers, there are brothers whom we can never call friends ...

You may not believe in God, but know, as long as you have a brother, you have a guardian angel!

A brotherly handshake is dearer than platinum and stronger than steel.

Without a brother - as in a war without a machine gun.

As a child, my brother and I were enemies, now they are best friends!

Parents give us life, nurture and instill in us love. But the best gift they can give is a brother or sister.

Brother - four letters, kilometers of understanding, and just a lifelong friendship ...

I don't have a life, but just a fairy tale: there are three brothers in the family! It remains to find out who the fool is.

What is the most beautiful and most terrible thing in the world? Brother in joy and brother in sorrow.

Don't you think, brother, that you and I have one life for two?

Sometimes you think that the most important thing in life is to help your brother grow up to be kind and sympathetic.

My brother would be the same as in the photographs: handsome, smiling, and most importantly - silent!

My happiness spends the night at home, sleeps not far from me, pampers me, indulges my whims, scolds for skirts, gives chocolates and flowers. He saw me in any clothes, and it doesn't matter to him whether I was wearing makeup or not, he continues to love, to love like no one else! I do everything for him! he is most important to me! he is perfect! bro I love you more than life!

I miss my brother so much, everything at home reminds me of him, but the saddest thing is that even my reflection reminds me of him ...

I can easily give my brother for the happiness of my brother.

I want to receive as much love and care from my beloved as from my own brother!

Sonny, congratulations! You will have a sister! - So, I do not understand! What have you done to my brother ?!

The one you never expect to be stabbed in the back is from your own brother.

When brothers are around they bother us as soon as they have to leave for a couple of months we miss!

You can talk about love and unity forever, you can prove it for an incredibly long time, but I know that it is impossible to convey what I feel for you, Brother!

Mom, I want a brother. - Okay, you will have a brother. - Hello, dad, I agreed. You will have sex tonight. With you drum and pencils ...

You hear the forbidden fruit, brother, do not take it in your hands. Think about your family, think about your health ... No need, brother, do you hear, don't ruin your life. Do not stay salt on your cheeks with your relatives ...

We are not tough, but tough are afraid of us, we are not armed but always dangerous, we are few, but we are one. We are what they call brothers.