Texts of wedding invitations. How to compose the text of an invitation to a corporate event

Surely you would think how difficult it is to invite someone to your wedding? Nothing complicated, but you should know that the wedding invitation should be sincere, and emphasize all the joy and importance of the upcoming event. In your wedding invitation, you should definitely tell the person how happy you will be to see him at your celebration.

A classic invitation is a great way to invite guests to a party. Not every welcome guest accepts humor. Especially if there are elderly people among the guests.

Prompt 1:

Expensive _!

We invite you to the celebration,

dedicated to our marriage,

which will take place in _ in _

in the banquet hall _

by the address _

We will be happy to see you at our holiday!

Prompt 2:

Expensive _!

It is with great pleasure that we invite you

for marriage registration and a celebration dedicated to this event.

Registration will take place in the _ registry office at _

Wedding feast in _ in a restaurant _ at _

We will be happy to see you!

Prompt 3:

Dear _!

We are in a hurry to share our joy with you - we are creating a family!

Bring your warm words and wishes in your heart, and gifts - in this envelope.

We will be happy to see you _ date in the restaurant _ at the address: _

Gathering guests by (for example) 17:30

Prompt 4:

Expensive _!

Month _ year

can go by like a normal day and

you will not be remembered for anything special.

And it can become one of the most pleasant and memorable

days not only for us, but also for you!

We are really waiting for you on a happy

holiday - our wedding!

Registration will take place at _ at _ o'clock at _

The celebration will take place in the banquet hall at _ o'clock at_

We ask you to inform us about your consent or refusal by the _ date by phone _

Prompt 5:

Expensive _!

Months _ years in our life will happen the most

an important event is our wedding!

We hope and believe that this day will be a beautiful start.

happy and long family life. Let me invite you to share with us

the joy of this day. Give good wishes and your support,

and we, in turn, will share a piece of our happiness.

PS: Please confirm your presence

at the holiday by phone call to _

Prompt 6:

We invite you to attend the birthday of our Family!

This day will be marked by a solemn feast of glory

Loyalty, Respect, Love,

which are the foundation of our happy union.

We are waiting for you _ date _ of the year in _ hours _ minutes

by the address: _

Respectfully _!

Prompt 7:

joy - we are getting married!

Save this beautiful postcard

in memory of this important event for us, and we will keep your wishes and warm words in our hearts.

We are waiting for you _ July _ of the year _ at the address_

a restaurant _.

With love, bride and groom!

Prompt 8:

Our dear _! We want to invite you to our family's birthday! On this momentous day, we are going to say a cherished "yes" to each other, surrounded by the most dear and close people.

We decided to connect our destinies and hearts _ of the year, at _ hours, at _.

We will be glad to see you at our first wonderful family holiday!

Prompt 9:

Fate has presented us with a wonderful gift, and we will arrange a real celebration on this occasion!

Our wedding will take place _ at _ o'clock at _ in _ the registry office.

You can come to the registry office or join us for a banquet at _ o'clock, at _.

We will be very grateful for your support and attention on such an important day for us!

Sincerely yours _!

Prompt 10:

Expensive _!

We invite you to our first joint holiday - a fun and loud wedding.

The painting will take place in _, at the address _.

The festive action will begin at _ o'clock, in the restaurant _, at the address _.

Let this card serve as a reminder to you about the upcoming event - do not miss it.

A wedding invitation can be quite unusual. For example, specifically addressed to a specific person.

Prompt 1:

Dear and beloved our mom and dad!

This unforgettable day is already very close,

this unique and magical holiday

The holiday of true love is our Wedding!

The path to the birth of our family was joyful and easy,

and this is your merit.

You taught us a lot and we will always try

remember that there is nothing more important than understanding, love,

and respect for each other!

You are the main guests at this holiday!

This day would not exist without you!

Thank you and we know that you will be with us

Month _ year

Registration will take place in _

at _ hours at _

The celebration will take place in _

at _ hours at _

Loving your children!

Prompt 2:

Expensive _!

A couple of life optimists invite you

June _ year to take part

in an unforgettable celebration called

"Lord of the Rings".

Events will unfold

in a restaurant _ at _

Bride and groom

Prompt 3:

Dear _!

Soon, or rather _ May _ of the year, something will come true,

what everyone has been waiting for - we decided to get married!

We decided to unite our destinies and hearts, we intend to live happily and for a long time!

We would be pleased to see you among our guests,

who came to share with us our joy and happiness.

The official part will be held at the registry office,

well, and unofficial a little later, namely in

By the address _

Please be present, drink and eat, have fun from the heart, and rejoice for us.

Prompt 4:


City _ point

from candidates for the creation of a full

families of the society of Alexander and Anastasia

The ice is broken sft gentlemen of the jury open

We are combined with each other and not with anything but by the bonds of legal marriage.

Therefore, we have the honor to invite you to the marriage registration table.

The meeting will take place in the county town _ at _ tchk

Prompt 5:


Where snow-white clouds embrace the azure of heaven, and the warm rays of the sun play with a mischievous breeze, angels live.

Only once in a century do they lower their gaze to the ground in search of a pair of pure hearts destined to find eternal happiness together.

Our love is so strong that we hope to become this couple and go through life without ever opening our hands.

We invite you to witness this miracle,

which will happen _to the address _ restaurant _

Waiting for you!

Prompt 6:

Expensive _!

Theater of Lost Freedom.

We invite you to the performance "AND THEN LIVED HAPPY AND LONG", which will take place _ month _year.

Main characters: names of future spouses

Act 1 - "Why don't you guys sit at home" or "Why do you love beautiful girls"

Redemption of the bride in _ hours.

Scene _

Act 2 - "Man and the Law"

Marriage in _ hours.

Place of action: _ registry office at _

Act 3 - "Riding triplets"

Ride on memorable places

Act 4 - "For body and soul"

Scene: _

Restaurant _street _

Reception in _ hours.

Prompt 7:

Expensive _! _ of the month _ of the year, we invite you to the ceremony of laying the first stone of the Reciprocity of our future joint city of the Family. The ceremony will take place at _. We will be glad to see you at the gala celebration in honor of the birth of our city in the restaurant _! The city gate will be open for close guests at _. Your pass to the first celebration of our wonderful city Family will be a red rose - a symbol of our love!

City founders Family, _, we are waiting for you!

Prompt 8:

We invite you to share with us the happiness of our debut family celebration - a wedding. From us - a wonderful pastime and first-class drinks and treats, we expect unrestrained positive energy from you.

(Number _, date _, place _) Bride and groom _!

Prompt 9:

Expensive _! _ forget about everything for a month! Turn off radios and televisions, leave phones at home, and lock doors. Come to our wedding!

First - a list in _ in _ registry office (address: _)

Then - a party at _ in the restaurant _ (address: _) Your future spouses!

Prompt 10:

Our adventurer couple _, is pleased to inform you that after long years of wandering the seas, we have found our valuable treasure!

On the Island of Tenderness in the Sea of \u200b\u200bPassion, we found a wonderful treasure of Mutual Love, which was just enough for two!

We invite you to a friendly feast dedicated to such a significant event!

We are waiting for you _ years, at _ hours, at _.

Have strong wooden legs for dancing, parrots and monkeys for competitions and a bunch of chests with gold!

All for the wedding boarding!

Option 1:

In the rays of the spring dawn, under the rustle of leaves and rain,

In heaven, or somewhere higher, a new family will be created.

This action is not easy, we want to invite you to our place.

As a person close and dear, and sip a glass with us.

We are waiting for you _ month _ of the year, in the restaurant hall,

We will have fun together, to the clink of glasses and fanfare.

Your dear _!

Option 2:

Expensive _!

At a solemn hour for both of us.

We invite you to our wedding,

The happiness of the dawn will shine on us,

At the wedding, you shout: Bitter!

We are waiting for you _ months _ years

in the restaurant _.

Your bride and groom!

Option 3:

We decided to get married

The holiday is coming soon

Let's sing and have fun

The heart burns with joy.

Come to our wedding

It will be fun, warm

We are glad to have good guests

Everyone has a place at the table!

Waiting for you:

Months _ of the year, in a restaurant _

by the address: _.

Respectfully, _!

Option 4:

Everything turned out the way we wanted

and now that glorious hour will come!

We'll wear the rings of loyalty

We invite you to the wedding!

The solemn ceremony will take place on _ date, in _ registry office,

We are waiting at the restaurant _, at the address _. Your _!

Option 5:

We are glad to tell you: we are getting married, friends!

We hasten to invite you: we cannot be without guests!

Both in joy and in sorrow - we are together forever,

Our union is illuminated by a love star,

On the wedding day, we want to see you at the table

What better could be loved ones around!

The solemn registration of marriage will begin at _ hours _ of the year at the address _.

We will be glad to see you at our holiday!

Option 6:

We just dreamed of each other.

Then they accidentally fell in love.

Dreamed, wished, suffered,

They swore, laughed, forgave.

Caught happiness firebird:

We want to get married on Saturday!

Dear _ we are waiting for you_ for a month _ of the year, at _ o'clock for our celebration at _.

Option 7:

Well, now it has happened - we are getting married,

This is a beautiful day in the world for us.

After all, the two of us lit a beacon of love,

Which will illuminate our path of happiness.

We invite all friends to our wedding,

At a solemn hour for both of us,

When we connect our destiny forever,

We will be very glad to see you.

The holiday will take place on the _ date _ of the year.

Registration in the _ registry office, a feast in the _ restaurant at _ time.

Option 8:

Happy day is around the corner

We want you to share it with us,

At a very bright celebration,

Wonderful, glorious magic.

We invite you to a wedding,

Wonderful, like a starfall -

Then our souls will unite

And we will no longer be afraid of the cold.

Rejoice for us and share the joy

So that bad weather in our life does not concern.

You are welcome on _ date, restaurant _ at _ hours.

With love, _!

Option 9:

Event happened from events -

We strive for the power of marriage bonds,

We are on the verge of opening -

We create a family union!

We invite our relatives to our place,

The celebration will be in our house.

Do not forget to congratulate us too:

Come at the specified hour!

Waiting for you:

in _ at the address: _, registry office _,

and in _ at the address: _, restaurant _.

With love,_!

Option 10:

With a proposal, we leave this:

We invite you to a holiday -

Come together and celebrate

Weddings are our quivering hour!

Be welcome guests,

Prepare a toast for the "young".

Don't forget to take a gift -

From the bottom of my heart, let it be inexpensive, simple!

We made up our minds together,

Two hearts complete the relationship.

And we invite you to celebrate

Weddings are a wonderful celebration!

We will have a big holiday

We invite - the bride and groom:

Come! Here is the day and hour:

And you already know the place:

Registration of marriage will take place at: _,

and a wedding celebration at: _,

restaurant _ in _.

Respectfully, _!

Helpful hints:if you chose the form of verses for your wedding invitation, make sure that there is a beautiful rhyme and that the verse is not too long. It is recommended to entrust the writing of the invitation to someone who has a beautiful handwriting, or alternatively it can be printed on a postcard.


The wedding invitation and the text for it become for each couple the subject of careful searches and a difficult task, because you want an unforgettable and most original wedding! So, a wedding invitation should be special. The main rule is wedding invitations, their design and text should correspond to the general style and theme of the wedding.

Wedding invitation for a classic wedding.

There are billions of galaxies in the Universe and
My only half!

We received the greatest gift from fate:
our hearts were trapped in love
our souls found happiness in each other!
On July 1, 2011, we decided to take our vows and become husband and wife!
Expensive ___ !
We will be very glad if you will be with us and share our happiness!
We want to seal our union with a seal at (registry office, address and time).
And celebrate this event at (address). Start at (time).
We would be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us -
July 1 is the day of the beginning of our happy family life!

The names of the bride and groom

FROM a humorous wedding invitation for a traditional wedding of a young couple.

Bird trills, summer time
Destiny brought - what we wanted -
a happy family was born!

The inevitable happened - our crazy love couple decided to make their own family nest! The stars told us the best day for our endeavors - July 1, 2011!
We would be happy to enlist the support of the people closest to us, share our most positive emotions of this day, plunge into the atmosphere of our immense love!
Dear, dear, precious!
Be with us on this Insanely Important Day!
We want to secure this grand event with paper, stamps and signatures in the registry office (time address) and enjoy our holiday that will begin (time, place). And the continuation can be completely unpredictable and depends on the mood of our dear guests!

The names of the bride and groom.

Wedding invitation text for spring green wedding.

“Only in the delights of love do they feel the happiness of existence and,
pressing their lips to their lips, they exchange souls! "
/ K. Helvetius /

Spring! A dazzling dance of sun bunnies, the scent of greenery and delightful trills of birds! The most striking symbol of all this spring joy will be the union of two loving hearts!
Expensive _______ !
We hasten to invite you to join this festive riot of colors and a grand event, where a storm of positive emotions is expected, a stable atmospheric front of love and precipitation, mainly in the form of a good mood!
The union of two loving hearts will be sealed at (time, date, registry office address).
The spring festive extravaganza will begin at (time, restaurant address).
Clothes of spring colors will serve as your pass: green, gold, white - symbols of our holiday of love!

Two loving hearts
The names of the bride and groom

Lovers in spring and each other
The names of the bride and groom

Autumn red gold wedding invitation text.
An autumn wedding invitation can be made in the shape of an autumn leaf. Alternatively, a dried yellow or red leaf can be varnished and glued to the invitation. You can also use red rowan in the design. The invitation describes the dress code: the colors used to decorate the wedding are gold and red.

It will take a few seconds to say "I love you"
show how -
all life…

Under the rustle of golden leaves,
in the crimson beauty of a blushing mountain ash,
in heaven or somewhere higher
We decided to light the hearth of the family.
We hasten to inform you of this message,
Having ventured into the main decision,
On an autumn day, an autumn leaf
Let the talisman be faithful.
We ask relatives and friends for support,
At such an important hour for our couple,
We want to give warmth to everyone
and complete everything with a grand ball!

Let nature rejoice with us
our precious guest!
We are waiting for you in autumn clothes: crimson with gold
and red flowers.

Solemn speeches, ceremonies are waiting for you (date, time, place).
The autumn ball will spin (time, place).

Youth denim wedding invitation text.
Such a joke-style wedding invitation for a wedding with a denim dress code can be made as a collage of funny photos of the newlyweds, on the back of which the text is handwritten.

We decided to tell the whole world in secret!
We're getting married!
And this is not a prank!
Soon, or rather (date), we decided to connect our life lines and intend to write our story about "They Lived Happily Ever After"! On this day, we are going to have fun until we drop and it would be nice for us to see you among our guests who came to share with us our happiness and indescribable delight!

All officialities will take place (time and place)
well, and the unofficial most interesting part will begin later, namely at (time and place).
We are children of our time, so we reject all conventions! No dress codes or rules! The best dress is denim, the best suit is jeans! The best congratulations are humor!

The names of the bride and groom

Classic wedding invitation in a formal style.

The whole universe in the eyes of the beloved ...
The whole universe in the eyes of a loved one ...
This is happiness!

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our life - our First family holiday, where we will unite our destinies and our hearts! We would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared with us an exciting atmosphere of love and happiness!
The solemn ceremony of registration of our union will take place at (place) at (time) on the last Friday (month) of this year. Our First Family Party will take place (time and place).
A white flower, a symbol of purity and nobility, will serve as a pass to the celebration.

The names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation in verse for a traditional wedding.

Wedding date.

This day is the beginning of all beginnings!
On this day, we will double happiness!
It was destined for us in heaven
To become each other a better destiny!
Invite, let the joy of the day
Divide and complete the event
A friendly toast of the best wine,
Wish of the love of the century!

The names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation with original text for urban wedding.

“To love is not to look at each other,
but look together in the same direction "
/AND. De Saint-Exupery /

We decided to create our own city of the future, whose name is Family! We dream of settling in a house on the street of Love in the area of \u200b\u200bJoy, where there is light from the lanterns of Care and the music of Tenderness sounds. We would like to walk along the alleys of Infinite Sincerity and watch the attraction of Passion. On Doverie Boulevard, we would sit with friends in the Attention cafe, and work on Respect Avenue. Family - The city of our future - where all residents are happy!
Expensive ____ !
(Date) we invite you to the official ceremony of laying the first stone of the Reciprocity of our future city of the Family. The ceremony will take place (Date, time). And we will be glad to see you at the grand celebration in honor of the birth of our city (place)! The city gates will be open for all guests at (time).
Your pass to the first celebration of our city Family will be a red rose - a symbol of our love!

City founders Family
The names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation text for wedding in nautical style.

Love is a beacon raised over the storm
Not fading in darkness and fog;
Love is the star by which the sailor
Determines the location in the ocean.

The captain of the ship is the name of the groom
and his muse is the name of the bride

Wedding invitation for a wedding in the style of the middle ages.
The invitation to the medieval wedding of the Knight and the Lady of his heart must certainly be in the form of a scroll, which is personally read by the herald. With the invitation, a card is handed on which the guests come up with (usually with pleasure) and write their title, return the card if they are going to come to the celebration. Invented titles are used when meeting guests, whom the herald solemnly announces. If the symbolism of a red and white rose has been chosen for the wedding, then the guests in the invitation are asked to bring these very flowers, complementing the overall design. In the invitation (for decoration), you can use knightly symbols, an arrow, a heart. In the text of wedding invitations, we use phrases about love in Latin.

Ecce spectaculum dignum, ad quod respiciat intentus operi suo deus!
Here is a sight worthy of God to look back at him, contemplating his creation!

God send you a wonderful day, virtuous Signora and Signor!
You have been entrusted with delivering a pleasant message.
In two families, equal in nobility and glory,
the day has been appointed when the Union of their children will be consecrated.
In an ancient castle
twelfth day
hot July of this year
this ceremony will take place.
In honor of the young lady of the heart Olga
noble knight Alexander
accomplish a number of feats! Having achieved favor,
he will rescue the beautiful bride from the maiden dungeon.
The monk will consecrate their union and will demand an oath of allegiance immediately.
Evening feast and knights' tournament,
and songs of wandering minstrels
waiting for you (name of the castle or place).
If you give this event your attention,
support the fun with eloquent words,
you will be grateful
beautiful signora Olga
and the noble knight Alexander

Chief Herald of the White and Red Rose Kingdoms

P.S. The castle gates will open for guests at exactly six o'clock.
And let the flower be a pass for all - white or red roses.
On the response card, write your noble title,
name and consent to take part in the solemn event
July 12, 2010.

FROM alice in Wonderland style wedding invitation.
An invitation to a stylized fairytale wedding can be of an unusual shape, with the theme of the chosen book. Alice in Wonderland is necessarily the White Rabbit, the Hatter, the top hat, the smile of the Cheshire cat, and playing cards.

Dear friend,
Tell me honestly, when was the last time you read Alice in Wonderland? Long? But the Fairy Tale is so beautiful! Kings and queens, talking rabbits, smiling cats, magic and transformation ... Are you sure they don't exist?
We, of course, have already grown up a little and must certainly grow up ... But our childhood Faith in Miracles has always remained in us. And that Miracle of the Fairy Tale that exists in real life happened to us - Love!
We know this Miracle must be shared! And now it's our turn to tell you one Magic Tale!
You are invited to the Wonderland, where the kingdoms of the Red and White Rose will unite. You will get to a real Fairy Ball, and your pass will be a trick you have prepared and one rose, but only necessarily white or red. And do not forget that the Ball will be Royal, which means that you must get your most elegant dress! Oh yes! If you want to congratulate the King and Queen of Hearts, then bring them a small envelope with your warmest wishes and ... well, you know, you are already big!
Remember this is a Fairy Tale and be prepared for adventure and oddity.
Read the next page carefully so as not to get lost anywhere and try not to be late, otherwise you may miss something very interesting.

For this I remain, your Good Storyteller,
on behalf of Eugene,
King of Hearts from the Kingdom of the Red Rose,
and Natalia,
Queen of Hearts of the White Rose Kingdom.

Their Royal Majesties
Evgeny and Natalia
await you at the Unification of the Kingdoms ceremony
May 29 this year
at ... o'clock royal time at ...…… (registry office)
The Royal Walk will take place along the route …….
It will be possible to relax before the Royal Ball at… o'clock in the Exit Palace at …….
After - you will have a buffet at …… (exact place and time).
The inauguration of the King and Queen of Hearts and the opening of the Royal Ball will take place at… .. Royal time at… .. (place).
The Royal Ball will be closed by a farewell fireworks display on the lawn in front of the Palace in…. hours.
Royal carriages will take all guests home safe and sound!

P.S. Follow the White Rabbit!

And you can also order a script for a wedding in the style of Alice in Wonderland from Art-Bufet! To order.

Wedding invitations for romantic chamomile wedding.

There are many happy days in life
but (wedding date) is the most important one for us!
Let me invite you to spend this day in Chamomile Paradise - in the country where love leads, where the First Birthday of our family will take place.
We are waiting for you at the solemn ceremony (registry office address, time) and at the magic ball, which will be open (time, address).
Your pass to the chamomile paradise will be a bunch of daisies, because only this flower can tell everyone about true love "Loves - does not love, will press to the heart ..."

Another variant of the ending of the invitation text:
A cute bunch of daisies will show you the way to Chamomile paradise and bring good luck, because only this flower will be able to tell about true love "Loves - does not love, will press to the heart ..."

Travel french french wedding invitation.

A friend of mine!
You soar behind a cloud with a dream -
You rave about the village of Kursk ...
Shouldn't we wave to Paris,
So, say, on an excursion?
We will devote Van Gogh to the works
Clock: rural landscapes ...
We'll see the Louvre and Notre Dame
Elysee lawns!

We go on a journey on a honeymoon charter flight (date, address)
Please take the minimum amount of luggage with you, and wedding gifts in an envelope.

Car travel style wedding wedding invitation.

Our whole life is a journey full of exciting adventures!
"Adventure" - the word itself promises something tempting and incredible.
Very soon (date) we are going to experience one of the greatest adventures of our life - a wedding. And here we cannot do without the support of loved ones. We will need all their reliability, benevolence, imagination, adventurism, the ability to have fun and many other qualities.
The most interesting and romantic journey, in our opinion, can be done by car! Therefore, we invite you to join our honeymoon road trip, which starts (place, time).
Many surprises await you, and the most original car design will receive the main prize!
Your pass is 4 wheels, and what is on them is a matter of your imagination!

The names of the bride and groom

Hawaiian style wedding invitation text option.
Invitations can be made in the form of a ticket to Hawaii on the fast liner Wings of Love.

Who wouldn't want to be the discoverer James Cook and visit exotic tropical islands in the heart of the Pacific Ocean? Who wouldn't want to hear about the most active volcanoes on Earth? Sit in the shade of palm trees and listen to huge turquoise waves crashing on the shore? Who would not like to taste exotic fruits and dance with the Papuans? Who wouldn't want to see heaven on earth?
All this is in Hawaii. And it was in this magical place that we decided to connect our hearts. We invite you (date) to go with us on the high-speed liner "Wings of Love" to the bay (name of the restaurant and address).
The official ceremony of joining our hearts and sailing to exotic islands will take place (address and time).
The beautiful lily will be your pass to the Wings of Love frigate. And don't forget about colorful attire for exotic islands travel.

Western style cowboy wedding invitation.

Dear friends! We're getting married!
In honor of this event, we received a wedding gift from the planet Harakum from a certain mysterious professor - one leap in time and space. We decided to solve the mystery of the ancient Incas.
We invite you to join us (wedding date) after the solemn registration (registry office address, time) to go to the 19th century to the Wild West and visit the ancient town (name of a cafe or restaurant) on the prairie, on the border with the Indian Reservation (address).
To be on horseback and fully armed on our journey, do not forget to wear the outfit of a real cowboy and his lady, or you can represent the law in the person of the sheriff or join the ranks of the brave Indians.
It is better to travel light, so bring your wishes and congratulations in envelopes! And the scarlet rose will become your pass to travel in time.
And remember, surprises and suspense await you at every turn!

Text options for invitations: different styles, themes.

Official style

Dear ______

We invite you to the celebration on the occasion of our wedding, which will take place on February 1, 2006 at 15:00 at the address: _________

Vasya and Glasha

It is with great pleasure that we invite you on June 7, 2006 at 15 o'clock for the registration of marriage and a celebration dedicated to this event. Registration will take place

in the Wedding Palace No. 1 at the address: Maly Kharitonevsky lane, 10.

The wedding celebration will take place at 17 o'clock in the hotel "Baltschug Kempinski", hall "Vladimir" at the address: Balchug street, 1

We will be happy to see you!

Vasya and Glasha


Marriot Grand Hotel, experienced in organizing VIP receptions

and royals, will be honored to invite you to participate in the holding and presentation of the unification ceremony of Teresa Borodina and Maxim Arakcheev on Thursday, September twenty-fifth, two thousand and three, at half past seven in the evening in the Trinity Hall.

Marriot Grand Hotel

Tverskaya st., 26


We have the honor to inform you that we have chosen the first day of our life together and we will be very glad to see you at the festive celebration on the occasion of our wedding, which will take place on April 19, 2003 at 15:00 o'clock in the restaurant _____ at the address: ______

Vasya and Glasha


We will be very glad to see you at the long-awaited celebration of our entry into the family union, which will take place at ________________________.

Sincerely yours, Andrey and Nadezhda.

Soulful style

Dear ones ... and ...!

Save this gentle postcard in memory of this important event for us, and we will keep your warm words and wishes in our hearts. We are waiting for you on June 19, 2009 at the address: M. Kharitonevsky per., 10, Wedding Palace No. 1, at 12:30 pm.

Igor and Anna

Sincerely yours

Vasya and Glasha

Dear ones ... and ...!

You have opened this delicate transparent envelope, and we invite you to open with us a new stage in our life - the same tender and transparent. We will be happy if you share our joy on this unforgettable day - June 19.

We are waiting for you at the address: M. Kharitonevsky per., 10, Wedding Palace No. 1, at 12:30 pm.

Vasya and Glasha

Dear ones ... and ...!

Vasya and Glasha


Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our entire life. We want to connect our destinies and our hearts on September 5, and we would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared our joy with us. The celebration will take place in the Pushkin restaurant at 16:30. Vasya and Glasha

My beloved grandparents, on December 20, a solemn and significant event will take place in our life - our wedding day. Among those who should come to this important celebration for us, unique and unforgettable, and share our joy with us, we would like to see you. The celebration will take place in the Kutuzovsky registry office at the address: Kutuzovsky prospect, 23. We are waiting for you by 10.00 o'clock.

Vasya and Glasha

May go by like a normal day and

You will not remember anything special ...

Or it may become one of the most enjoyable

days not only for us, but also for you!

We are looking forward to seeing you at our happy holiday - our WEDDING!

The registration ceremony will take place at 14.40

at the Wedding Palace at:

obninsk, Triangular Square, 1.

The celebration dedicated to this event will take place in

Restaurant "OBNINSK" at the address:

obninsk, st. Lenin, 21.

Please confirm your presence in advance.

And we also invite you to the celebrations on the occasion of our

P.S. The format of the evening involves the presence of guests in evening dresses.

Maria and Alexander.

The celebration will take place at the Bagrationi restaurant. Collection of guests at 17:00.

Now we dream of everything together. About eternal youth, boundless happiness and home on the coast. We believe that these dreams will also come true. Love makes us happy and will not let the soul grow old.

Vadim and Ekaterina


Soon, or rather on August 8, 2009, what everyone was waiting for will come true - just think, we decided to get married!

We decided to connect our hearts and destinies and intend to live happily ever after! We would be pleased to see you among our guests. The official part will be held at ___________ at 12-00. Well, unofficial - a little later, at 18-00 in the restaurant __________. Please be present, have fun with all the heart and rejoice for us !!!

Expensive __________!

We invite you to _______ in ___ together with us to open a new chapter of our story at the celebration of our wedding in ________ at ___.

Vasya and Glasha

Dear and beloved mom and dad !!!

This magical day is already very close, this unique and

unforgettable holiday ...

Holiday of True Love - Our Wedding!

The path to the birthday of our family was easy and joyful, and this is

Your merit. You taught us a lot and we will try to always remember

that there is nothing more important than Love, Understanding and Respect for each other!

You are the main guests at this celebration!

This day would not exist without you!

Thank you and we know that you will be with us for __ ______ ___ years.

Andrey and Tatiana.

Funny and themed


Theater of Consciously Lost Freedom Invites to the performance

"And then we lived happily ever after"

Characters: Vasya and Glasha

Act I "For the soul"

Moscow, Wedding Palace No. 3

Act II "For the body"

Reception at 16.00 - restaurant "BM"

Act III "After the Wed Night"

Without public participation

The Theater of Consciously Lost Freedom is pleased to invite you to the performance "And Then We Lived Happily Ever After ..."

Characters: Bride and Groom

The first picture "Merry"

Ransom of the bride at 10 o'clock

by the address: ____________________

Scene Two "Soulful"

Wedding at 14 o'clock

by the address: _________________

Intermission Walk around Moscow

Scene Three "Appetizing"

Banquet at 18

by the address: ________________________

Scene Four "Tempting"

Without public participation;)

Dear ... and ...!

The Union of Brave Racers invites you on June 19, 2004 to the Formula of Love rally. This lifelong route will start:

Run I: "Ready"

The registration of the riders will take place at the Nagatinsky registry office at 15:00 at the address:

Nagatinskaya embankment, 34

Run II: "Attention"

Start at 17:30 at the Phoenix restaurant at the address: Volgogradsky prospect, 26, building 1

Run III: "March"

Night check-in without broadcast rights

We invite ptk Moscow zpt

Apple Spas zpt

The celebration of the Yankovskys and Glebovs

Choose gifts only

www point netudeneg point narod point ru point

Exchange of gifts for apples

Botanical Garden of Moscow State University zpt

Prospekt Mira zpt 28 15:30 p.m.

Honorable ...

We, as it should be in Russia, thought 7 times and, relying on Eastern wisdom, decided to be together for the next 1001 months in sorrows and joys. We have one love for two, but we have two weddings in one day. We invite you on this day - September 25, 2004 - to a bright and cheerful Russian wedding, as well as to the wise and mysterious world of the oriental wedding 1001 nights. For our health, eat pancakes and drink a glass at the Russian wedding ceremony in the morning at 11:30 and taste real oriental pilaf in the evening at 18:00.

Only the magical power of Love can transform the different and the distant into the close and similar.

Your Ivan and Marya

Honorable ones!

Rumors of a pirate treasure, the owners of which are predicted eternal family happiness, haunt us. And now, after two years of careful study of old documents in libraries, archives and private collections, we came to the map of treasures hidden on one of the islands of the World Ocean. According to rumors, this island has an amazing property - hiding in a foggy distance from the gaze of sailors passing by, but we hope that the command of our hearts will help us discover it and take possession of family happiness forever.

We have studied all the legends, beliefs and superstitions of old sailors, according to which the most favorable day for our ship to sail in search of the hidden treasure is July 3, 2004.

We are waiting for you on this significant day at 17:17 in order to support us at the beginning of this difficult journey, as well as help us equip our Grand Ship, starting from the Slivki Bay. In order not to overload the ship, we ask you to come light, and in case you want to support your financial support, we have compiled a list of things we need on the island. You can book any of them for us on the website www ..... ru and then give it to us in the envelope enclosed in your invitation.

Vasya and Glasha

Dear ..... and .....!

Within the framework of the Venice Film Festival, the chain of cinemas "Empire of Tenderness", "Formula of Love" and the Film Company "Paramount Wedding" invite you to

cinema center "Venice" for a private screening, preceding the world premiere of the film,

based on the famous Italian fairy tale "Three Oranges" by Carlo Gozzi.

The show will open with a press conference with the leading actors Natalia

Shikova and Dmitry Kupcha.

Address of the cinema center "Venice": Old Arbat, 38/1 bldg. 1

Collection of guests - 17:30.

Individual horoscope for September according to the Solar Calendar

for Vasya and Glasha.

At the beginning of the month, the Sun will be in its active stage.

The stars promise an eventful and emotional weekend. At this time, you may feel a slight excitement when meeting the opposite sex, but at the same time you may feel courage and confidence in your future.

September 4 on Saturday is a good time to socialize with friends and relatives. You may discover new interesting and useful acquaintances in the future.

Take a closer look at those around you, among them there is definitely a couple that will be able to surprise you. Try to please them with some pleasant surprise.

The most suitable place to meet: Restaurant ..., st. ...

Favorable meeting time: 16:00

Astrologers advise you to relax and rest to the fullest. Any bright sunny colors are welcome in clothes.

The beginning of next week is good for travel! Spend more time with your loved one.

Andrey and Nastya, novice astrologers

Astro forecast for __________

a great time to meet with Happiness, you need to forget about boredom, rejoice, have fun and have fun. On this day, be sure to visit our Do-it-yourself Workshop on Creating Miracles - the stars promise many new brightest impressions!

The most favorable place to learn Miracles:


The optimal time to meet with Happiness: ________.

Best regards, Svetlana and Alexander, Sorcerers


On September 15, 2007, one well-known comrade by the nickname AI (hereinafter - the Groom) wishes to be legally married with another person you know well

in the difficult matter of redemption of the Bride from witchcraft captivity. Knowing your remarkable abilities, the Bridegroom is confident that the victory will be ours!

Addresses and appearances:


Time: ________.

Thanks in advance, Groom

It would seem that not long ago we were little ... But now adulthood and serious decisions. It is enough to steer through life separately - we pass to the general family management !!!

We invite you to rejoice with us and celebrate our wedding on August 2, 2008 at 17-30 in the restaurant "Zolo" at Vorontsovskaya street, 41.

Sashka and Katyushka.

Folk wisdom:

The more fun it is for the young, the bolder your toast is!

Don't worry about gifts - the young take in coins!

Beloved Count ________ and Countess ________!

It is with great pleasure that we invite you on September 10, 2008 at 4 pm to the solemn registration of the union of Prince Nikita and Princess Katerina, which will take place at the Wedding Palace No. 1 at the address: Promenade des Anglais, 28/1, as well as a fabulous Marnezon banquet dedicated to this event in the "Empire" at the address: Arsenalnaya emb., d13 / 1

Honor us with your visit! Best regards to you,

imperial Majesties Prince and Princess.

We have the honor to invite you on a tour of the cultural and historical places of Moscow, which acquire special value and indescribable beauty in summer days, especially on July 25, 2008. Our program includes:

1. Marriage at 12:30 pm in the Meshchansky Department of the Civil Registry Office. Before your eyes, the fearless groom will thrust his head into the jaws of family life.

2. Walk through the Hermitage garden with scaring away pigeons and passers-by with cannonade from bottles of champagne.

3. Sealing the sacred bonds of marriage with a special burglar-proof lock to the railing of the bridge near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior with the subsequent loss of the keys.

4. Excursion to the “Usadba” restaurant on the territory of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, where you can view and taste the exposition of Russian cuisine.

The tour will take place on a comfortable silver tram. The excursion starts at the groom's house, at 10.30, Moscow time. Sacrifices to the god Dionysus will be carried out along the route.

Ruslan and Julia

Our union of Russian television workers invites you on August 9, 2008 to shoot the romantic comedy My Big Russian Wedding.

Starring: Oleg and Olga.

Venue: Film studio "Moscow Pictures" (pavilion - Tushinsky registry office, Khimki blvd, 14) Start of shooting: 11.15.

We will be glad to see you at our family's birthday party!


On one of my visits to the Future, I had a vision that in the year two thousand and nine from the Nativity of Christ in Russia, two happy hearts would beat together and open for each other the mindless Formula of Love, in search of the ingredients for which I once traveled all over the world. Now, centuries later, Grand Master Giuseppe Cagliostro returns to Russia to open it to the world - and in this he needs your help. The luminaries and signs of the zodiac showed me the names of the lucky ones - Anna and Alexander, as well as the place - the Astoria restaurant. Be there at 5 pm on April 24th.

Giuseppe Cagliostro


It's time to! One of the nine barons decided to marry! On March 8, 2009 on Tortuga (Nametkina street, Atlanta restaurant) all pirate clans will gather for a merry wedding. At 4:30 pm, laid tables, the warm atmosphere of the Caribbean and a traditional bottle of rum will await you.

A wedding is not a reason to change your style! So everything is as always: ladies in skirts, and hardened sea wolves - no ties.

Andrey and Svetlana

P .S. Late pirates bring rum from their ships;)

Dear, dear, wonderful, wonderful, radiant, and of course the most important person for us on the planet (third from the sun) !!!

Yes, it’s you !!!

You are holding in your hands not just a piece of cardboard, or some kind of postcard, but a real, unquestionable (exchange and return) invitation to a holiday on the occasion of our wedding, which will take place _______________ in the Palace of Happiness No. ___, at __________________, and subsequent eating wedding cake in a restaurant ___________, at the address: ______________.

Don't forget to take a good mood with you!

We have the honor to invite you, as a devoted fan of our union, to a wedding celebration with registration and subsequent fun in honor of the birth of a new family!

We will do our best to make the holiday at the highest level. A huge request - take a good mood with you, we will provide for the rest!

Tribune: VIP. Your sector: ____. Places: the most honorable. The event will take place on ________ at the address: _________.

Vasily and Glafira.

Special signs of the heroes of the occasion.

Place of acquaintance: Bitsevsky Park.

Year of acquaintance: 2001

Skrynnikova S.S.

Beautiful woman in a white dress.

There is a gold ring on the ring finger of the right hand.

Andreev O.D.

Handsome man in black suit.

Polished black boots.

Clean shaven .....


Can be armed with a bottle of champagne.


Skrynnikova Svetlana Sergeevna

Birth Year: 1980

Andreev Oleg Dmitrievich

Born in 1977

The hearing in the case of citizen Andreev and citizen Skrynnikova will take place on ________.

The hearing begins on _______ at ________________________.

The presence is required.

Have a good mood with you and not an empty envelope.

In verse


Everything turned out the way we wanted

And now the desired hour will come

We'll put on the rings of chastity ...

We invite you to the wedding!

Vasya and Glasha


Your life path

The two of us begin

For the wedding of relatives

And we invite friends!

We ask you very much

Come to visit us,

Celebrate together

The beginning of the way!

Together we decided forever

Connect your destiny

And we invite you cordially,

To share our joy!

Vasya and Glasha


Event happened from events -

We strive for the power of marriage bonds,

We are on the verge of opening -

We are opening a family union!

We invite those closest to us -

The celebration will be at our house.

Do not forget to congratulate us too:

Come at the specified hour!

Vasya and Glasha


Deciding once and for all

Connect your paths

We invite you to the evening,

To share our joy

Say a parting word

Exclaim "Bitterly" (and more than once!).

We will be infinitely happy

See you at our wedding!

Vasya and Glasha

In the rays of the autumn dawn

Under the rustle of leaves and rain

In heaven or above somewhere

A new family will be born.

This action is not easy

We want to invite you to our place

As a dear person

And sip a glass with us.

We are waiting for you at 18:30

In the veranda of the summer restaurant "Yar",

We'll have fun together

To the clink of glasses and fanfare.

Vasya and Glasha

Do not waste your time in vain -

Come to our wedding,

There is no one happier than us

We will be glad to see you.

Together we decided forever

Unite your destiny.

And we invite you cordially,

To share our joy.

Happy by the will of fate

We met each other!

Years passed and we lived

We decided to crown the union

Love, care and warmth,

Family life of the outbreak

And a friendly, reliable circle!

On this joyful and bright day

We want to see you by your side,

To share the excitement of joy

And the moment of the birth of the family.

We hope that this news

Will bring joy to you and you

You will come to congratulate personally

Happy birthday to us family!

We are so full of happiness today

The bride in the status of a wife

Should appear for the first time.

The groom will go out for the first time

Already a completely legitimate husband,

And lunch is scheduled

Going smoothly into dinner.

To see you at our wedding

We will be glad among the guests.

See below the day and hour,

And the place of celebration is nearby.

12:00 Bogorodsky registry office

The original version.


As it became known from sources close to reliable, this year recorded increased activity of anyone in various areas. The people we know are also not lagging behind: In this regard, we hasten to bring the news to you. She will delight someone, surprise someone, puzzle someone, and someone will remain indifferent.

But from September 27, 2003, a person who bore the name of Mirya Andreevna Sholokhova will cease to exist officially. Her soul and body do not leave the Earth, they are renamed, for this female being, 22 years old, marries out of great mutual love. The condition of the newly-made bride and groom causes concern: the pulse is quickened, there is fire in the eyes, flame in the hearts, faces are distorted by incredible happiness.

According to preliminary data from doctors, these are symptoms that are simply impossible to fight. It is believed that they can become chronic and lead to a long and happy family life. patients refuse to live without each other and are going to legally spend the rest of their lives in this state.

You can interview them right at the place of their legal marriage. The meeting is scheduled for __ September 200_ __ hours __ minutes Moscow time at the address: Moscow, street _______________________, house__. This document can be considered the official invitation of Katya and Vasya Ivanov to our wedding!

Sasha and Masha

In English

Dear Andrij and Larisa!

We have the joy of inviting you

To be present at our wedding ceremony

Which will take place

On Sunday, the twenty third of July, Two-thousand and six

At 16:00, Cathedral of Holly Spirit,

Sobornaja Square, Chernovtsy.

Wedding invitation for a classic wedding.

There are billions of galaxies in the Universe and

My only half!

We received the greatest gift from fate:

our hearts were trapped in love

our souls found happiness in each other!

Expensive ___ !

We will be very glad if you will be with us and share our happiness!

We want to seal our union with a seal at (registry office, address and time).

And celebrate this event at (address). Start at (time).

We would be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us -

The names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation with humor for a traditional wedding of a young couple.

Bird trills, summer time

Destiny brought - what we wanted -

a happy family was born!

The inevitable happened - our crazy love couple decided to make their own family nest! The stars told us the best day for our endeavors - July 1, 2011!

We would be happy to enlist the support of the people closest to us, share our most positive emotions of this day, plunge into the atmosphere of our immense love!

Dear, dear, precious!

Be with us on this Insanely Important Day!

We want to secure this grand event with paper, stamps and signatures in the registry office (time address) and enjoy our holiday that will begin (time, place). And the continuation can be completely unpredictable and depends on the mood of our dear guests!

The names of the bride and groom.

Wedding invitation text for spring green wedding.

“Only in the delights of love do they feel the happiness of existence and,

pressing their lips to their lips, they exchange souls! "

/ K. Helvetius /

Spring! A dazzling dance of sun bunnies, the scent of greenery and delightful trills of birds! The most striking symbol of all this spring joy will be the union of two loving hearts!

Expensive _______ !

We hasten to invite you to join this festive riot of colors and a grand event, where a storm of positive emotions is expected, a stable atmospheric front of love and precipitation, mainly in the form of a good mood!

The union of two loving hearts will be sealed at (time, date, registry office address).

The spring festive extravaganza will begin at (time, restaurant address).

Clothes of spring colors will serve as your pass: green, gold, white - symbols of our holiday of love!

Two loving hearts

The names of the bride and groom

Lovers in spring and each other

The names of the bride and groom

Autumn red gold wedding wedding invitation text.

An autumn wedding invitation can be made in the shape of an autumn leaf. Alternatively, a dried yellow or red leaf can be varnished and glued to the invitation. You can also use red rowan in the design. The invitation describes the dress code: the colors used to decorate the wedding are gold and red.

To say “I love you” will take a few seconds, to show how - all my life ...

Under the rustle of golden leaves,

in the crimson beauty of a blushing mountain ash,

in heaven or somewhere higher

we decided to light the hearth of the family.

We hasten to inform you of this message,

Having ventured into the main decision,

On an autumn day, an autumn leaf

Let the talisman be faithful.

We ask relatives and friends for support,

At such an important hour for our couple,

We want to give warmth to everyone

and complete everything with a grand ball!

Let nature rejoice with us

our precious guest!

We are waiting for you in autumn clothes: crimson with gold

and red flowers.

Solemn speeches, ceremonies are waiting for you (date, time, place).

The autumn ball will spin (time, place).

Youth denim wedding invitation text.

This joke-style wedding invitation for a wedding with a denim dress code can be made as a collage of funny photos of the newlyweds, on the back of which the text is handwritten.

We decided to tell the whole world in secret!

We're getting married!

And this is not a prank!

Soon, or rather (date), we decided to connect our life lines and intend to write our story about "They Lived Happily Ever After"! On this day, we are going to have fun until we drop, and it would be nice for us to see you among our guests who came to share with us our happiness and indescribable delight!

All officialities will take place (time and place)

well, and the unofficial most interesting part will begin later, namely at (time and place).

We are children of our time, so we reject all conventions! No dress codes or rules! The best dress is denim, the best suit is jeans! The best congratulations are humor!

The names of the bride and groom

Classic wedding invitation in a formal style.

The whole universe in the eyes of the beloved ...

The whole universe in the eyes of a loved one ...

This is happiness!

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our life - our First family holiday, where we will unite our destinies and our hearts! We would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared with us an exciting atmosphere of love and happiness!

The solemn ceremony of registration of our union will take place at (place) at (time) on the last Friday (month) of this year. Our First Family Party will take place (time and place).

A white flower, a symbol of purity and nobility, will serve as a pass to the celebration.

The names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation in verse for a traditional wedding.

Wedding date.

This day is the beginning of all beginnings!

On this day, we will double happiness!

It was destined for us in heaven

To become each other a better destiny!

Invite, let the joy of the day

Divide and complete the event

A friendly toast of the best wine,

Wish of the love of the century!

The names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation with original text for a city wedding.

“To love is not to look at each other,

but look together in one direction "

/AND. De Saint-Exupery /

We decided to create our own city of the future, whose name is Family! We dream of settling in a house on the street of Love in the area of \u200b\u200bJoy, where there is light from the lanterns of Care and the music of Tenderness sounds. We would like to walk along the alleys of Infinite Sincerity and watch the attraction of Passion. On Doverie Boulevard, we would sit with friends in the Attention cafe, and work on Respect Avenue. Family - The city of our future - where all residents are happy!

Expensive ____ !

(Date) we invite you to the official ceremony of laying the first stone of Reciprocity of our future city of Semya. The ceremony will take place (Date, time). And we will be glad to see you at the grand celebration in honor of the birth of our city (place)! The city gates will be open for all guests at (time).

Your pass to the first celebration of our city Family will be a red rose - a symbol of our love!

City founders Family

The names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation text for wedding in nautical style.

Love is a beacon raised over the storm

Not fading in darkness and fog;

Love is the star by which the sailor

Determines the location in the ocean.

Expensive _____ !

Sailing to the coveted island is through the thresholds of responsibility, with the wind of diplomacy, mastering the vastness of mutual trust, and it will be possible to stay afloat only by holding hands tightly!

We invite you to join our upcoming voyage to the Family Island and would be very grateful for your participation and support on this Important responsible day! The ceremonial presentation of the certificate allowing sailing to the island "Family" will take place on July 1, 2011 at 12 o'clock. A festive banquet on the deck of our ship named "Destiny" and departure to the island "Family" is scheduled for 2 pm from the bay (name and address of the restaurant)! It will be more pleasant to travel light, so we will be glad to receive your congratulations and wishes in small envelopes.

Captain of the ship the name of the groom

and his muse is the name of the bride

Wedding invitation for a wedding in the style of the middle ages.

The invitation to the medieval wedding of the Knight and the Lady of his heart must certainly be in the form of a scroll, which is personally read by the herald. With the invitation, a card is handed on which guests come up with (usually with pleasure) and write their title, return the card if they are going to come to the celebration. Invented titles are used when meeting guests, whom the herald solemnly announces. If the symbolism of a red and white rose is chosen for the wedding, then the guests in the invitation are asked to bring these flowers, complementing the overall design. In the invitation (for decoration), you can use knightly symbols, an arrow, a heart. In the text of wedding invitations, we use phrases about love in Latin.

Ecce spectaculum dignum, ad quod respiciat intentus operi suo deus!

Here is a sight worthy of God to look back at him, contemplating his creation!

God send you a wonderful day, virtuous Signora and Signor!

You have been entrusted with delivering a pleasant message.

In two families, equal in nobility and glory,

the day has been appointed when the Union of their children will be consecrated.

In an ancient castle


twelfth day

hot July of this year

this ceremony will take place.

In honor of the young lady of the heart Olga

noble knight Alexander

accomplish a number of feats! Having achieved favor,

he will rescue the beautiful bride from the maiden dungeon.

The monk will consecrate their union and will demand an oath of allegiance immediately.

Evening feast and knights' tournament,

and songs of wandering minstrels

waiting for you (name of the castle or place).

If you give this event your attention,

support the fun with eloquent words,

you will be grateful

beautiful signora Olga

and the noble knight Alexander

Chief Herald of the White and Red Rose Kingdoms

P.S. The castle gates will open for guests at exactly six o'clock.

And let the flower be a pass for all - white or red roses.

On the response card, write your noble title,

name and consent to take part in the solemn event

july 12, 2010.

Wedding invitation for a wedding in the style of "Alice in Wonderland".

An invitation to a stylized fairytale wedding can be of an unusual shape, with the theme of the chosen book. Alice in Wonderland is necessarily the White Rabbit, the Hatter, the top hat, the smile of the Cheshire cat, and playing cards.

Dear friend,

tell me honestly, when was the last time you read Alice in Wonderland? Long? But the Fairy Tale is so beautiful! Kings and queens, talking rabbits, smiling cats, magic and transformation ... Are you sure they don't exist?

We, of course, have already grown up a little and must certainly grow up ... But our childhood Faith in Miracles has always remained in us. And that Miracle of the Fairy Tale that exists in real life happened to us - Love!

We know this Miracle must be shared! And now it's our turn to tell you one Magic Tale!

You are invited to the Wonderland, where the kingdoms of the Red and White Rose will unite. You will get to a real Fairy Ball, and your pass will be a trick you have prepared and one rose, but only necessarily white or red. And do not forget that the Ball will be Royal, which means that you must get your most elegant dress! Oh yes! If you want to congratulate the King and Queen of Hearts, then bring them a small envelope with your warmest wishes and ... well, you know, you are already big!

Remember this is a Fairy Tale and get ready for adventure and oddity.

Read the next page carefully so as not to get lost anywhere and try not to be late, otherwise you may miss something very interesting.

For this I remain, your Good Storyteller,

on behalf of Eugene,

King of Hearts from the Kingdom of the Red Rose,

and Natalia,

Queen of Hearts of the White Rose Kingdom.

Their Royal Majesties

Evgeny and Natalia

await you at the Unification of Kingdoms ceremony

at ... o'clock royal time at ...…… (registry office)

The Royal Walk will take place along the route …….

It will be possible to relax before the Royal Ball at… o'clock in the Exit Palace at …….

After - you will have a buffet at …… (exact place and time).

The inauguration of the King and Queen of Hearts and the opening of the Royal Ball will take place at… .. hours royal time at… .. (place).

The Royal Ball will be closed by a farewell fireworks display on the lawn in front of the Palace in…. hours.

Royal carriages will take all guests home safe and sound!

P.S. Follow the White Rabbit!

Wedding invitations for a romantic chamomile wedding.

There are many happy days in life

but (wedding date) is the most important one for us!

Let me invite you to spend this day in Chamomile Paradise - in the country where love leads, where the First Birthday of our family will take place.

We are waiting for you at the solemn ceremony (registry office address, time) and at the magic ball, which will be open (time, address).

Your pass to the chamomile paradise will be a bunch of daisies, because only this flower can tell everyone about true love "Loves - does not love, will press to the heart ..."

Another variant of the ending of the invitation text:

A cute bunch of daisies will show you the way to Chamomile paradise and bring good luck, because only this flower will be able to tell about true love "Loves - does not love, will press to the heart ..."

French wedding invitation in travel style.

A friend of mine!

You soar behind a cloud with a dream -

You rave about the village of Kursk ...

Shouldn't we wave to Paris,

So, say, on an excursion?

We will devote Van Gogh to the works

Clock: rural landscapes ...

We'll see the Louvre and Notre Dame

Elysee lawns!

We go on a journey on a honeymoon charter flight (date, address)

Please take the minimum amount of luggage with you, and wedding gifts in an envelope.

Car travel style wedding wedding invitation.

Our whole life is a journey full of exciting adventures!

"Adventure" - the word itself promises something tempting and incredible.

Very soon (date) we are going to experience one of the greatest adventures of our life - a wedding. And here we cannot do without the support of loved ones. We will need all their reliability, benevolence, imagination, adventurism, the ability to have fun and many other qualities.

The most interesting and romantic journey, in our opinion, can be done by car! Therefore, we invite you to join our honeymoon road trip, which starts (place, time).

Many surprises await you, and the most original car design will receive the main prize!

Your pass is 4 wheels, and what is on them is a matter of your imagination!

The names of the bride and groom

Hawaiian style wedding invitation text option.

Invitations can be made in the form of a ticket to Hawaii on the fast liner Wings of Love.

Who wouldn't want to be the discoverer James Cook and visit exotic tropical islands in the heart of the Pacific Ocean? Who wouldn't want to hear about the most active volcanoes on Earth? Sit in the shade of palm trees and listen to huge turquoise waves crashing on the shore? Who would not like to taste exotic fruits and dance with the Papuans? Who wouldn't want to see heaven on earth?

All this is in Hawaii. And it was in this magical place that we decided to connect our hearts. We invite you (date) to go with us on the high-speed liner "Wings of Love" to the bay (name of the restaurant and address).

The official ceremony of joining our hearts and sailing to exotic islands will take place (address and time).

The beautiful lily will be your pass to the Wings of Love frigate. And don't forget colorful clothes for exotic island travel.

Western style cowboy wedding invitation.

Dear friends! We're getting married!

In honor of this event, we received a wedding gift from the planet Harakum from a certain mysterious professor - one leap in time and space. We decided to solve the mystery of the ancient Incas.

We invite you to join us (wedding date) after the solemn registration (registry office address, time) to go to the 19th century to the Wild West and visit the ancient town (name of a cafe or restaurant) on the prairie, on the border with the Indian Reservation (address).

To be on horseback and fully armed on our journey, do not forget to wear the outfit of a real cowboy and his lady, or you can represent the law in the person of the sheriff or join the ranks of the brave Indians.

It is better to travel light, so bring your wishes and congratulations in envelopes! And the scarlet rose will be your pass to travel in time.

And remember, surprises and suspense await you at every turn!

The names of the bride and groom

Text options for wedding invitations and other holidays.

1. Text in the registry office:

We invite you to the ceremony

our marriage,

to be held

"__" ________ 20__

at ___ hours ___ minutes at

Registry Office

cities _________________

by the address:_______________

2. Text to restaurant:

We invite you to the celebration,

dedicated to our marriage,

to be held

"__" ________ 20__

at ___ hours ___ minutes

in a restaurant ______________

by the address:_______________

3. Text in the registry office and restaurant:

We invite you to the ceremony

our marriage,

to be held

"__" ________ 20__

at ___ hours ___ minutes at

Registry Office

cities _________________

by the address:_______________

and a celebration dedicated to

this event.

The beginning of the banquet

at ___ hours ___ minutes

in a restaurant ______________

by the address:_______________

Expensive …………. and ……. …….!

Save this delicate memory card

about this important event for us,

and we will keep your warm words

and wishes in our heart.

We are waiting for you “….” ………… 20…. at 18:30 hours.

By the address: …………………………

Igor and Anna

We have the honor to inform you that we have chosen

The first day of life together

and we will be very glad to see you at the festive celebration

dedicated to our wedding, which will take place ...

Our life!

We want to connect our destinies and hearts

We would be very pleased if you shared

Our joy is with us!

With great joy

we invite you to our wedding

and we ask you to be witnesses

our wedding.

Dear friends!

We will be happy to see you

among the most welcome guests

at our wedding,

which will take place ...

Alexey and Evgenia!

We invite you to celebrate

a wonderful event with us!

We're getting married!

We will be happy if you share our joy

on this unforgettable day.

The wedding ceremony will take place

at the registry office of the Kirovsky district of Samara at 11.30.

The banquet will take place at the Frau Müller restaurant,

on the street Novo-Sadovaya 184 "a" at 17.00

Sergey and Tatiana

We invite you to celebrate

Valentine's Day!

Everything turned out the way we wanted













to be held





to be held


















to be held






































Our life!
























































































































































____________ !
























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