Fluffy skirt for girls crochet pattern description. Children's skirts. Short summer skirt

Things created by one's own hands looked stylish and original at all times. Knitted wardrobe items will help you emphasize your individuality, style and sense of taste. A crochet skirt looks very gentle and almost weightless. We will consider the schemes and description for the girl in detail in today's article.

"Not my style, not my size"

These are lines from a popular song by Irina Allegrova. You create knitted things individually, for yourself, so both the style and the size will fit perfectly. If you have mastered the minimum crochet skills, then you can easily get a knitted skirt for a girl. Schemes and descriptions will facilitate the process of creating an author's wardrobe item.

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The global network allows you to choose a model that is right for you, including the level of complexity. If you like the pattern of a short skirt, you can use it as a basis. A long crochet skirt is knitted in the same way, the patterns and description are the same, you only need to increase the number of circular rows and knit the product to the desired length.

Before you get started, read the following tips:

  • take measurements and calculate the density of knitting;
  • the number of air loops dialed is equal to the volume of the waist;
  • We select the size of the hook in accordance with the type of yarn;
  • if the skirt is knitted with an openwork pattern, then you will need a dense lining;
  • crocheted skirts can be decorated with ribbons, knitted flowers, laces, beads, sequins.

First, master a set of air loops, knitting columns with and without crochets.

We knit a skirt for a little fashionista

Every mother dreams that her daughter always looks neat, stylish and beautiful, and from early childhood. If you like to devote your free time to knitting, then crochet a children's skirt for your daughter. The diagrams and description will clearly show you how to make such a thing. If you are already savvy in this matter, then you will knit a skirt in one evening.

  • hook No. 1.5;
  • 100 g of yarn.

Feel like a beach queen

The beach season suddenly creeps up every year. The main item of clothing is a swimsuit. And to emphasize your own refined sense of taste, as well as being considered a style icon in the resort, you will need a crochet straight skirt. Schemes and descriptions are varied, and you can choose the model that suits you.

We invite you to knit an original airy skirt that will emphasize the charms of the figure and harmoniously complement the beach look.

Required materials and tools:

  • white yarn;
  • hook.

Step by step description of the creative process:

Children whose mothers and grandmothers know how to needlework are really lucky, because they can wear beautiful clothes created by caring, loving hands. In addition, no one else in the world has such things. Hand-sewn and hand-knitted things are also a budget way to update a children's wardrobe.

In today's article we will tell you how to crochet a skirt for a girl. An openwork skirt will be a wonderful summer gift for your little fashionista. We will introduce you to various ways of knitting children's skirts, as well as give some recommendations on how and with what it is best to wear such things.

Knitting popular patterns

Crochet is more suitable for creating light, summer skirts with intricate patterns. Knitting needles are best left for denser, winter things - warm dresses, sweaters, etc. We invite you to get acquainted with two interesting models of skirts for girls that can be crocheted. Knitting patterns are quite simple, so even a novice needlewoman can master them.


Zigzag is one of the most beautiful and popular crochet patterns. It looks especially impressive when knitted from threads of different colors, therefore, to create this model, it is recommended to use yarn of several shades.

To knit a skirt with a zigzag pattern for a girl of primary school age, you will need:

  • several skeins of bright threads (it is better to choose 100% cotton);
  • hook number 1;
  • scissors;
  • pin for marking rows.

To determine the required amount of yarn, we recommend that you knit a small sample first - this way you can understand how many threads are spent on a given pattern and approximately calculate the required number of skeins. Then you can proceed directly to work on the skirt.

In the instructions for creating a pattern, we used the following abbreviations:

  • "VP" - air loop;
  • "Runway" - air lifting loop;
  • "SSN" - double crochet;
  • "SS2N" - a column with two crochets;
  • "SBN" - single crochet;
  • "SS" - connecting column.

We knit the product in the round, moving in the direction from the bottom up. The number of stitches in the set should be divisible by 17.

I row: 3 runway, 4 dc with one top, (5 dc, 5 dc with a common base, 5 dc, 5 dc with one top), repeat points in brackets, finish row 1 dc;

II row: 1 runway, then to the end of the row we knit RLS, we finish row 1 SS.

Next, we knit each odd row as I, and each even row as II. Every 2 rows we change the color of the threads. Having connected 18 rows, the next row needs to be knitted, making decreases, since here we will begin to form the waist for the skirt. Decreases are done like this: instead of 5 CCHs with a common base, we knit 3 CCHs with a common base. Then we knit yarn of a different shade instead of 3 CCH 1 CCH. We decrease the loops along the edges, one on one side and the other. Next, we knit one row of dc in the round. The next row is RLS. Then repeat the last two rows five times. In conclusion, we knit 5 rows of sc in the round. We fix the thread, hide the tail and cut.

A zigzag skirt for a girl is ready!

Tiered skirt

Your little princess will definitely love this fluffy, lace crocheted skirt. In order for the skirt to be voluminous, we suggest you knit several tiers of frills. To work, you will need thin cotton threads and a hook No. 1.5. If you wish, you can knit a plain or multi-colored skirt. In the latter case, you will need yarn in 2 or 4 different shades. In addition to the hook and thread, you will need a thin elastic band to match - with its help we can make the belt of the product more elastic. The knitting pattern, which we give below, is designed for a skirt for a child of 4 or 5 years of age.

The belt of the skirt will be knitted using the fillet lace technique. We collect 18 VP, then we knit CCH and close the row in a ring. Next, we knit: 1 CCH, 2 VP to the end of the row. In each 8th loop we knit an increase according to the scheme: CCH, 2 VP, CCH. How much increase you make depends on how fluffy the skirt will turn out. We knit 16 rows in this way. After completing the work on the fillet net, without breaking the thread, we proceed to the creation of the first tier of the skirt.

I row: 3WFP, 2 dc from the same base, (2 ch, skip 2 sts, 5 dc), continue to knit points in brackets, complete row 2 dc, which we knit in the first loop of the row, then knit 1 sl-st in the third runway.

II row: 3 runway, 2 ch, 1 dc from the same base, 2 dc, (3 ch, 2 dc in the next two dc, go to the third of the five dc of the previous row and knit dc, ch, dc into it, then knit in the next dc 1 dc each), repeat the points in brackets to the end of the row, complete the row 2 dc and dc.

III row: 4 runways (in the arch of 2 VP we knit 3 SS2N, 2 VP, 3 SS2N, then in the arch of 2 VP we knit 1 RLS, skip the next 2 SSN, knit 1 SS2N in the third SSN), repeat the points in brackets to the end of the row, complete row 3 SS.

IV row:(2 СС2Н, in an arch of 2 VP we knit 3 СС2Н, 2 VP, 3 СС2Н, then we knit 2 СС2Н, skip 5 loops), repeat the points in brackets to the end of the row, complete the row 2 SS.

V row:(3 СС2Н, in an arch of 2 VP we knit 3 СС2Н, 2 VP, 3 СС2Н, then we knit 3 СС2Н, skip 4 loops), repeat the points in brackets to the end of the row, complete the row 1 SS.

VI row:(3 CC2H in an arch of 2 VPs we knit 2 SS2H, 5 VPs, 2 SS2Ns, then we knit 2 VPs), repeat the points in brackets to the end of the row, replace the 1st SS2H with 4 runways, complete the row 3 SS.

VII row:(1 runway, 4 times we knit picot + 2 sc, 1 sc, skip 5 ch), repeat the points with brackets to the end of the row, complete row 1 sl-st.

We knit the second tier of the skirt in the same way in the 1st row of filet lace, and the third tier - in the 8th row.

A tiered children's skirt can be decorated with a wide satin ribbon at the waist. For the ribbon we knit beautiful openwork harnesses.

The first seven rows consist of 3 dc each. Then you need to tie these rows, moving from left to right. The posts and lifting loops in this case will be arches for knitting. We tie the rows as follows: 3 runway, 3 CCH, 1 RLS in the side loop of the VI row, 6 CCH in the side loop of the V row, 1 RLS in the side loop of the IV row, 6 CCH in the base of the column of the III row, 1 RLS in the II row, 3 CCH in row I. In the end part we knit 6 CCH, then go to the side part. We knit 3 dc, 1 sc, 6 dc, 1 sc, 6 dc, 1 sc, 3 dc, in the upper part we knit 5 dc. We finish knitting 1 SS in the third PP.

Will diversify the wardrobe of any fashionista. A beautiful summer skirt for a little princess is perfect for walking and for holidays. The presented description of the skirt is suitable for a girl of 4-5 years. Skirt length 27 cm.

For work you will need:

  • 3 skeins of YarnArt Begonia - 2 light pink and 1 darker (100% cotton; 50g - 169m);
  • Hook number 2.1.

Description of the process of crocheting a skirt for a girl:

We begin to knit the part with frills (from top to bottom), the coquette is tied later.

We collect a chain of air loops, about 50 - 55 centimeters, close in a circle and knit according to scheme 1.

Crochet pattern for the main skirt pattern:

After knitting four rows, start knitting according to scheme 2, the frill is knitted in a different color. There is nothing to tie up under the last extreme frill.

Crochet pattern for tying a skirt for a girl:

After the frill is tied, cut off the working thread and knit under the frill with the main pattern according to scheme 1 for three more rows and again the frill. So repeat until you knit four frills or any other number you want.

Knit skirt belt

It is knitted in a dense pattern, in this case with double crochets in the X position (X position means through the loop - first the second loop is knitted, then the first loop through one air loop). You knit 6 - 7 centimeters and finish.

Rising up, on the last rows, the loops should be slightly reduced so that it is not very wide at the waist.

Sew a lining, preferably from satin or crepe satin (bright with a sheen of material) and stitch to the yoke, the main thing is that the skirt does not shrink from above.

Insert the lace connected from the air loops and the product is ready.

Most girls, girls and women are very fond of wearing skirts at any time of the year, but this is especially true, of course, in the warm season. Skirts can be made from a variety of materials, be the most incredible shapes and sizes, but, importantly, they can be made with your own hands according to your idea.

One of the many possible options for creating a skirt is to crochet it. The knitting process is a pleasure, and the result will greatly please not only the owner of the little thing, but also everyone around, because a good skirt will emphasize the dignity and hide the flaws of the figure.

YU crochet bki look airy, textured and very interesting. They can be made in a variety of patterns and motifs - from simple to openwork and embossed. Consider the different knitting options for these skirts in order, starting with models for girls, and then we will study options for women.

Knitted crochet skirt for girls

Girls love original things, so many of them like things knitted according to special patterns, such as dresses, blouses and skirts. Designers and ordinary crochet lovers have come up with a huge number of models of crochet skirts that can please even the most fastidious baby, and which will suit both beginners and pros: summer, insulated, laced with ruffles - a great choice. To begin with, we will analyze the description and patterns of crocheting a skirt for beginner craftswomen.

A simple model or master class for beginners

Here is such an interesting model of a children's skirt that will prove to beginner knitters that they can achieve good results in this craft, and a master class on crocheting a skirt for a girl will help you do it correctly and quickly.

Popular articles:


110/116 (122/128) 140/146


  • yarn (100% cotton; 125 m / 50 g) - 100 g dark blue;
  • yarn 50 g light blue, orange-pink and pink;
  • yarn 50 g multi-colored printed;
  • hook number 4;
  • elastic band 2 cm wide - 65 (70) 75 cm.

Main pattern

Knit in circular rows. b / n and art. s / n, while each circular row starts with 1 or 3 ch. lifting instead of the 1st tbsp. b / n or art. s / n and finish 1 connection. Art. to the uppermost initial c.p. To double 1 st, work 2 sts on one base st.

zigzag pattern

The number of loops is a multiple of 16. Knit according to the scheme in circular rows. Each row starts with ch 1. lifting instead of the 1st loop and loops before rapport, rapport is constantly repeated, ending with loops after rapport and 1 connection. Art. in the 1st p. 1–4th circle. knit 4 times, then constantly repeat the 5th and 6th circle. For clarity, under the diagram, the last circular row of st. s / n.

Sequence of color bars

* 1 circle. dark blue, printed, dark blue, printed, pink, printed, light blue, printed, light blue, printed, pink-orange, printed, pink-orange and printed thread, from * repeat.

Knitting density

16 p. x 20 circle. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by the main pattern of Art. b / n;
16 p. x 8 circle. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by the main pattern of Art. s / n;
18 p. x 10 circle. R. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted in a zigzag pattern.

Important: You need to knit a skirt in the direction from top to bottom with a single canvas.



With a dark blue thread, dial on the knitting needles 86 (96) 109 ch. and with the help of 1 connection. Art. close in a ring. Then knit for the strap 4 cm with the main pattern of Art. b/n.

After 24 cm = 24 circles. (28 cm = 28 rounds) 32 cm = 32 rounds finish the zigzag pattern.


Unscrew the bar half the width to the wrong side and sew. Put on elastic band.

Knitting a summer openwork skirt with ruffles

A very suitable gift can be a crocheted summer skirt for a girl. This model of a children's skirt fits perfectly into the "crocheting for beginners" category. Such an openwork skirt with ruffles for a girl is simple in execution due to the main pattern, and looks playful and cute due to its structure and cut.


86/92 (98/104) 110/116


  • yarn (96% cotton, 4% polyester; 160 m / 50 g) - 100 (150) 150 g white and 50 g blue;
  • hook number 4 and 5.

We knit patterns

Double crochet

Knit in circular rows, each circle.r. start from ch 3 lifting instead of the 1st tbsp. s / n and finish 1 connection. Art. in the upper v.p. lift.


1st round.r. knit with white thread. Attach the thread to the corresponding circle: ch 1, * skip 3 loops, 9 tbsp. from 2 / n to the next loop, skip 3 loops, 1st. b / n in the next loop, from * constantly repeat, skip 3 loops, 9 tbsp. from 2 / n to the next loop, skip 3 p., 1 connection. Art. perform in the initial cp (= close).
2nd round. knit with blue thread. Attach the thread to the corresponding circle: ch 1, then 1 st in each st of the previous circle. knit 1 tbsp. b / n, 1 connection. Art. perform in the initial cp (= close).


* 1 connector st., skip 2 loops, 5 st. b / n perform in the next loop, skip 2 loops, from * constantly repeat, finish 1 connection. Art. in the 1st conn. Art.


With a blue thread, tie 1 initial c. P.
1st p.: 1 ch. lifting, 1 tbsp. b / n in v.p. previous river.
2nd p.: 1 ch lifting, 3 tbsp. b / n in Art. b / n of the previous river.
3rd row: ch 1 lifting, 5 tbsp. b / n perform in 3 tbsp. b / n of the previous river, while in the 1st and last paragraph of the previous river. do 2 tbsp. b/n.
4th row: ch 1 turn, 7 tbsp. b / n from 5 tbsp. b / n of the previous river, while in the 1st and last loop of the previous river. do 2 tbsp. b/n.
5th row: ch 1 lifting, 3 tbsp. b / n, 1 connection. st., 3 st. b/n.
At the end, tie a heart 1 circle. Art. b/n.

Knitting density

18 art. s / n x 10 p. = 10 x 10 cm, Art. s / n.

Important: The skirt is knitted in one piece from top to bottom.


With a white thread, complete the initial chain of 104 (120) 136 ch. and with the help of 1 connection. Art. close in a ring. Knit st. s / n, while in the 2nd and 3rd circle, as well as in the last 7 circles. Knit loops, inserting the hook only behind the back wall of the loop.

After 24 (28) 32 cm from the initial row, finish the work.


Knit ruffles as described above. Insert the hook behind the front walls of the upper loops of Art. s / n next. rows: 17, 20 and 23rd (21st, 24th and 27th), 25th, 28th and 31st.

Tie the upper edge of the skirt with a blue thread with arches, while slightly fitting the edge.

Knit 2 hearts as described above.

For crochet cord No. 5, tie a chain of ch into 2 blue threads. length 110 (115) 120 cm. Skip the cord, starting from the middle of the front, in the 2nd circle. skirts (over 2 and under 2 st. s / n), sew 1 heart on the ends of the cord.

Video lesson

A detailed video with the process of crocheting a skirt will greatly facilitate the knitting process. In this case, we will talk about working on a beautiful openwork light skirt for a girl.

Video tutorial on crocheting a skirt for a girl

Crochet skirts for women with diagrams and descriptions

Girls and women also have plenty to choose from among many interesting models of crocheted skirts. They can look both formal and playful, and variations in cut and color schemes help to regularly bring the charm inherent in a variety of styles into everyday wardrobe: mini, classic, long, with wedges, pencil skirts, beach, flared skirts, puffy or with frills - countless variations. Consider several interesting knitting patterns that will be useful to both serious ladies and lovely young ladies.

Short summer skirt

There is no option more perfect for the hot season than a short summer crochet skirt for a woman. The product is light and airy, pleasant to the body and very attractive. It will be quite simple and fast to create it. Why not add a beautiful skirt to your wardrobe? Consider a cute version of a striped skirt, similar in color to the sun, which will look great on women and girls.


34/36 (38/40 – 42/44) 46/48


  • yarn (100% sheep wool; 120 m / 50 g) - 150 g each of pink, red and beige, 100 g of wine red, coral and yellow;
  • hook No. 3.5 and 4;
  • Elastic band around the waist and 4 cm wide.

We knit patterns according to diagrams and descriptions

Single crochet

Each row start ch 1 lift.

Main pattern

Knit according to the given scheme. Knit the 1st and 2nd circle 1 time, then repeat the 2nd circle 16 times. Knit 1 time in the 19th–21st circle, then repeat 20 times in the 22nd circle. Next, knit the 42–45th circle 1 time.

If the icons are connected at the bottom, knit the columns on one loop of the base.

Stripe alternation

8 round. coral thread,
2 circle.r. red,
8 round. beige thread,
2 circle.r. wine red,
8 round. red,
10 round. pink,
2 circle.r. beige,
2 circle.r. wine red,
3 circle.r. red thread.
When changing the color of the thread, knit the last loop of the previous color with the new color.

Knitting density

20 p. x 25 p. = 10 x 10 cm, connected (hook No. 3.5) with single crochets;
1–18th round. - 6 rapports x 12 circles. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by the main pattern.

Important: first knit the belt in rows in the forward and reverse directions across, then knit the skirt in circular rows in the direction from top to bottom.




With a yellow thread, crochet No. 3.5, complete the initial chain of 18 ch. + 1 v.p. lifting and knit 86 (94 - 102) 110 cm = 216 (236 - 256) 276 p. Art. b/n. Belt finish.

Run the middle seam, for which the initial row is sewn to the last row.

Fold the belt in half lengthwise, insert an elastic band into it and sew the longitudinal edges of the belt.


With a coral thread, crochet No. 3.5, knit with the main pattern in the seam of the belt and then knit, alternating stripes. To do this, repeat the crochet pattern in every 4th p. belts.

From the 19th round. pattern continue to crochet No. 4.

For increases in the 21st circle. skip in every 5th rapport only 2 tbsp. s / n. Finish the skirt.

How to knit a beautiful long skirt

Another way to diversify the image is to crochet a long skirt for a woman. Especially if you keep it in a fashionable style now, such as ethno. Buying such stylish skirts in stores, you have to spend huge amounts of money, and you can learn how to knit this beauty for free. Let's consider in detail how it fits crochet long skirt for women - diagrams and descriptions will help us with this.


36/38 (40/42–44/46) 48/50


  • yarn (53% cotton, 47% linen; 112 m / 50 g) - 350 (350-400) 400 g beige and 100 g black;
  • hook number 3.5.

We knit patterns according to diagrams and descriptions

Main pattern

Knit st. s / n in rows in the forward and reverse direction, with each circular row starting from ch 3. lifting instead of the 1st tbsp. s / n.

border pattern

Knit with threads of two colors acc. counting scheme. Each cell corresponds to 1 tbsp. s / n thread of the specified color.

Start at the point marked A on the counting chart, continuously repeat 24 loops of the rapport and end at the point marked A (B-C) D on the counting chart.

Run 1-26th rows 1 time. When knitting jacquard, simply pull the unused thread along with the work and tie it.

Simple Decrease

Row start with ch 3. lift, knit 2 tbsp. s / n together, then knit st. s / n and for 3 loops from the end of the row, knit 2 tbsp. s / n together and perform 1 tbsp. s / n in the last art. s / n.

double deduction

Row start with ch 3. lift, knit 3 tbsp. s / n together, then knit st. s / n and for 4 loops from the end of the row, knit 3 tbsp. s / n together and perform 1 tbsp. s / n in the last art. s / n.

Knitting density

19 p. x 10 p. = 10 x 10 cm.



For a skirt, knit the front and back panels from the bottom up and then sew.

Back panel

For the back panel of the skirt with a beige thread, make a chain of 89 (98–107) 115 ch. + 3 v.p. lifting and knit the main pattern of art. s / n rows in the forward and reverse direction.

At a height of 14 cm = 14 rows, knit a border with threads of two colors according to. counting scheme.

Then continue to work with a beige thread with the main pattern of Art. s / n rows in the forward and reverse direction.

At the same time, starting from a height of 41 cm = 41 rows (42 cm = 42 rows - 43 cm = 43 rows) 44 cm = 44 rows from the initial row, start decreasing: in the 41st row on both sides, perform 1 simple (simple - simple) double decrease, in the 45th and 47th rows on both sides perform 1 simple (simple - double) double decrease, in the 49th row on both sides perform 1 simple (1 double - 1 double) 1 double decrease, in the 51st, 53rd and 55th rows on both sides, perform 1 double decrease for all sizes. As a result, the number of loops will be reduced to 69 (75-81) 87 p.

At a height of 57 cm = 57 rows (58 cm = 58 rows - 59 cm = 59 rows) 60 cm = 60 rows finish the work.

Front panel

Knit the front panel in the same way.


Run the side seams, leaving the top 20 cm open in the left seam.

For the cardboard fringe, cut out a 15 x 15 cm square and wrap it with beige thread. Then cut the threads on one side. Weave 2 threads together into the bottom edge, 1 bunch per st. s / n.

To tie at the waist, make a chain from ch. length 144 (150–156) 162 cm. Insert a chain at a distance of 1 cm from the top edge into every 3rd st. s / n. Start and finish in the middle of the front panel.

Video lesson

Another interesting option for crocheting a women's skirt can be viewed in a detailed master class. The video will help beginner knitters get their bearings faster, and for professionals it will be a worthy challenge to themselves.

Video tutorial "women's crochet skirt"

Every parent wants the best for their children. This statement is true in every respect. With regard to those mothers who own a crochet, it will mean that their efforts will be spent on unique knitted children's masterpieces. may become one of them. You can read about how to knit a skirt for a girl with knitting needles in this one.

Skirt for girls with ruffles

Beginning of work

Knitting a skirt for a girl is not at all difficult. The summer skirt is designed for the age of 3-4 years. Threads are chosen as you wish. A chic result for children will be obtained from silk yarn. Cotton is also good for summer skirts for girls. The work is done with a crochet 1.25. To knit a product for children, you will need 100 grams of yarn.

The basis for the future skirt will be a small sirloin mesh. With her help, the ruffle skirts for the girl will be connected to each other. If you plan to sew on the lining, then the base, which will be under the frills, can be knitted larger. To do this, you need to replace the columns with one double crochet on columns with two nakida . Or alternatively, you can increase the number of air loops between them.

We start crocheting by making an elastic band for a skirt. To do this, we collect a chain of 18 air loops and knit according to the scheme 1 strip 18 columns wide with double crochet . In total, you need to complete 80 rows. At the beginning of each, we make a rise from 2 air loops.

Fillet net base

We connect the resulting fabric and knit in a circle 5 rows of loin mesh. She knits like this: 1 column with double crochet , 1 air loop, 1 column with double crochet , 1 air loop, etc.

In the 6th row, evenly add 10 columns with double crochet . We make additions according to scheme 3 in every 8th column. We knit the next 4 rows of the grid and evenly add 10 more to every 9th. After another 4, you need to add the next 10 columns to each 10 column. We carry out the last 4 rows of the grid and knit a frill of a skirt for a girl, as diagram 4 shows, after which we cut off the thread and hide it.

Knitting frills

Next comes the knitting of frills along the entire length of the children's skirt. To do this, we attach the thread to the beginning of the first row of the base mesh and knit the frill according to scheme 4. After finishing, we cut off, fasten and hide it. Then we attach the thread to the fifth row and knit another ruffle in the same pattern. We do the same actions in the tenth and fifteenth rows.

You can knit a strip under the strap for a children's skirt like this. We collect a chain of 3 air loops. We get 3 more loops to lift the row. This action must be performed starting knitting each new row. There will be seven in total. After completing the strip, we tie it with columns with nakida . The scheme of work is shown in the picture.

Knitwear and elastic

The elastic is designed to keep the shape, and in the case of a skirt, also prevents it from falling. If knitted products made of wool or wool blends have relative elasticity and after washing, the elastic bands can only partially lose their shape and stretch, then with cotton, the situation is completely different. Elastic bands from these types of yarn often stretch quickly, so it is better to crochet them a whole size smaller than other parts of the product for children.

For knitting, there are very thin elastic threads that are almost invisible on finished elastic bands. However, if such a thread breaks at some point, then small threads will appear everywhere, which will then be very difficult to pull out. It will be better and more reliable if you additionally insert a thicker rubber thread with a blunt needle.

Rubber thread implantation or crocheting

Pull the thread on the wrong side of the work through the part of the front loop and knot the threads tightly in the hem loops of the children's skirt. If you pull the elastic through the entire front loop, it may happen that it will be visible from the outside. Depending on the width of the gum, you can stretch 4-6 such rows with the same gaps between them.

The crocheting method will give greater strength. It consists in knitting rubber thread with equal intervals of fixing loops through the halves of all front loops of a skirt for a girl. Although in this case 2-3 rows are enough, you will need much more material. In addition, it is important to secure the end thread well, since if the knot unravels, then the entire elastic band will be in your hands. Therefore, it is also important that you process each row of products for children separately.

Delighting yourself and your children with beautiful things, you show them and those around you your care and love. A summer skirt made for a girl by a loving mother will decorate the little princess in the best possible way.