Did you love? Or the story of a closed girl. How to meet with a shy girl is not a sociable girl

Many believe it is very difficult to meet with shy girls. However, the quiet mysteriousness of modest girls actually makes them special! A shy girl may need more time to open up you or feel comfortable in a circle of your friends and loved ones. However, if you do not hurry events, you will not have any problems in relationships. Spend a lot of time with a girl. Thanks to this, she will know you better. Be yourself. Do not be surprised if the shy girl will be love with the whole of your life!


Start the relationship

    Take it as it is. Shy people are very calm in nature. This is especially manifested at the beginning of the relationship. Do not worry if the girl is not talkative or not having fun with you.

    • Many shy people are focused more in their inner world and to a lesser extent - on external. This means that they love to spend time in silence.
    • They do not feel the need to talk, having fun or listen to loud music to feel comfortable in your presence. They just enjoy the presence of the person who they like!
  1. Perceive its shyness as a compliment. Most likely, she actually loves you, but can not tell you about your feelings.

    • Pay attention to the fact that a shy or robust person is very difficult to build relationships. So people are comfortable alone. Therefore, if a girl agrees to spend time with you, feel about this as a compliment in your direction!
  2. Best patience when building a relationship with a shy girl. When a girl is comfortable with you, it will become more open in your presence. Depending on how much time you spend together, you may need a few weeks or months so that it becomes less timid. Therefore, be patient.

    Plan a date that will be held in a relaxed atmosphere. Even after the girl feels at ease in your company, most likely, she will not be very comfortable in noisy and lively places. Most likely, she will not like big parties or events on which thousands of people are present.

    • Plan a date, during which you can stay together, for example, organize a picnic in a quiet park, dinner with candlelight at home, a trip to the museum or walk around the beach.
    • Of course, you can attend the events on which there are many people there are, just do not force the girl to do it too often, if she doesn't like it.
  3. See her with friends and family members gradually. If you really like this girl, most likely, you want to acquaint her with your loved ones as quickly as possible, and they can also wait for a meeting with her. However, a shy person has only an idea of \u200b\u200ba meeting with your family and friends can cause fear.

    • The girl will be easier to decide on acquaintance with your friends and parents if she is already at ease communicating with you.
    • When the time comes to introduce a girl with parents and friends, do not hurry. Start with quiet lunch with parents. Spend the day on the beach with one or two closest friends. Gradually expand the circle of communication.
    • Shy people are easier to adapt in a social medium when fewer people.
    • If you are not sure when it is worth offering the girl to meet your loved ones, directly ask her about it.
  4. Be prepared for the fact that in an unusual atmosphere, a girl may feel silent. Over time, your relationship will be stronger, you will spend more time together, to show tender signs of attention to each other, and in the end you can create a family. However, be prepared for what falling into a new situation for yourself, the girl will show relief and embarrassment.

    • For example, immediately after the wedding, it can close the door to the bathroom when he takes a shower or cleans his teeth. In addition, she can listen to music through headphones or avoid communicating with her mother when you are at home.
    • When it adapts to new circumstances, there will be no trace from shyness. Believe me, over time she will cease to be timid.
    • Do not blame yourself in the fact that the girl is shy to you. If a girl builds a relationship with you, she has feelings for you.

Get to know her closer

  1. Encourage it to be yourself in your presence. With shy people, it is very difficult to get acquainted closer, especially at the beginning of the relationship. Introverts like being alone, and it is difficult for them to appreciate yourself from the side, as far as they are closed. Tell the girl that she likes you as it is, and you are ready to gradually recognize her better.

    • Due to the fact that you tell her about it out loud, she will find out about your intention to get acquainted with it better. Having enlisted with your support, she will be able to open.
  2. Do what I like a shy girl. One of the best ways to get acquainted with a shy man is to spend time in a convenient setting for it, because in such circumstances a person feels comfortable.

  3. Ask her as often as possible, what she thinks or what she feels. Shy people and introverts, as a rule, it takes time to treat their thoughts, feelings and experienced events. Do not rush to the girl, let her take her enough time to think about what happened. However, if you do not understand something, do not be afraid to ask her about what she thinks or feels.

    • Shy people are difficult to start a conversation, especially in cases where you need to express your thoughts and feelings. Asking about the thoughts and feelings of the girl, you help her be open with you.
  4. Pay attention to what ways to communicate your girlfriend. Shy people and introverts, as a rule, are preferred to communicate using messages by phone and in social networks or by e-mail, since these ways of communication allow them to be less open. Communication by phone or with Skype, as well as unexpected meetings may be too difficult for shy people, especially at the beginning of the relationship.

    • You can ask the girl who is most convenient for her. In addition, you can try several ways to communicate and evaluate the result. You yourself can determine which method of communication like her most.
    • Write each other letters. Such an old-fashioned way to communicate will make your relationship more romantic.

Help her get to know you better

  1. Build a trusting relationship. If you meet with a shy girl, show her that you are serious about it. She should know that you are betrayed by your relationship. Thanks to this, she will feel safe next to you. Contrary to popular belief, the shyness is not a consequence of insecurity. Many shy people and introverts are completely independent, and they will not suffer surface relationships, as they appreciate their time.

    • If a shy girl is sure that she can trust you, she will agree to continue the relationship with you. The sooner you tell her about your intentions, the more comfortable and safer it will be with you.
    • If you tell the girl you want to build relationships with her, and you will be honest and open with her, it will allocate time and make a lot of effort to get to know you better and strengthen your relationship.

Now in the comment, some kind of dude will come running and express its damn opinion, such as men and women can not be friendship. In fact, it may be quite well. This is not Frendzon when she uses others, but quite a friendship: one of the other will help, hears, money when necessary, will give. The main condition for this: the girl should not stand. However,

Personally, I have a couple of girls-friends with whom I can talk to shared topics and just spend time. I do not have them. The point is not that they are ugly, several of them are quite nothing, the fact is that they do not fit into me at all into the concept of the "female being". I do not perceive them. Actually, I realized it recently, when in the presence of my wife's wife and at the same time my girlfriend undressed to the bra to wear a sweater. She did not hesitate me, and I did not feel anything when she took off the T-shirt - the body in the bra, nothing more. And then unexpectedly came to awareness: she is a woman, she has tits. And that's all!

As you are her man, you must be her first and best friend. Such is life, otherwise do not move together, kittens! And then you suddenly find out that she has enough male friends. And this is absolutely not veterans of Frendzons, just the dudes with whom she communicates. With some surprise, you find that the number of male friends of your girlfriend exceeds the number of girlfriends, it can make you alert a little.


You realized that your girlfriend has a little more than dofiga friends of the same sex with you. If there are girls in her surroundings, then they are somehow not enough. She does not sit in coffee shops with girlfriends, discussing cosmetics and clothes, she can with you and your friends watching the Bar of the Beer World Championship. And it makes it much often. Why is this happening?

1. Your girl grew by a tutor. She climbed on the trees, he knew how to shoot from the slingshot, fought, played in the tree, went to the football section or martial arts and communicated since childhood mainly with guys. You immediately understand that the girl had such childhood, when you realize that it always finds a common language with your friends, actively communicates with them, and does not build eyes to the left and right.

2. She cleared with all his girlfriends

3. She has typically male interests. It is not surprising that she has so many friends among men, if she is seriously engaged in sports, extreme, fanats from "Star Wars" or plays in or ordinary games. These are the interests that have historically been most close men, created specifically men for men.

4. In her family there were much more boys. She grew up with the strong influence of the father, which the soul in her did not care and raised the Pazonka. She has several senior brothers. Their interests were her interests, so do not wonder that she is the essence of a bro-girl.

Why does her male friends?

What does a fellow want from communicating with these dudes? What do they have in common? Do not boil, man, girls want a boyfriend for two reasons.

She can ask them for advice
Even the pots of men are not clear to the end, so they need an opinion on the part. At the beginning of the relationship, the girl can ask friends, whether you are a person to get a normal male point of view. If the guy is not interested in it, he will give a real answer, which will shut up for the belt, any advice from the girlfriends, because it will be really impartial. For this girls and need guys friends, we give high-quality advice! Probably, this is because guys are steeper chicks.

They have similar interests
Films with al Pacino, paintball, anime, archery, sport. In any Duratsky Hobby itself there is always a like-minded person, with whom you can discuss creativity, and how to download Bitsuhu. Personally, I constantly see in the rocking chair girls-athletes who discuss new techniques of exercises and achievements of food additives with dude. Nothing is surprising, count up, even no one wants to fuck anyone! Just talk.

Urgent measures

If you are not satisfied with a huge number of dudes stuck around your ladies, remember one fact: the likelihood that she will quit to communicate with them in the first of your requirement, extremely small.

Get more information to understand who all these people. Ask her how they met, how long are friends and that they are binding. Share with them to get more new friends and understand that they are not going to beat it with you.

Let them understand that you are a dude of one circle with her, because if you ever offended your girlfriend or (pah-pah) you will hit it, you may well be poured in a dark alley and pour in the first number.

Try to understand which of these guys could be her loving interest in the past or even managed to get to her body. This will give you a huge tactical advantage and help you understand where to wait for trouble.

Spy come out out

There are dudes who are trying to show with all their views that they are "just friends." It can be veterans of Frendzones, lovers and an amazing type of people who love to handle unions. These guys prove the soil under your legs, wait, and then they can try to beat off you "Prey". It is unpleasant to realize that under certain circumstances can get to your Passia body. How to determine the threat?

1. He is constantly calling her to concerts, in the theater or invites her to do something that she loves
You do not exist. He buys two tickets at the last moment and invites only her to go somewhere where she likes it. And he does it so often that the impression is created, as if he cares for her, and not you.

2. He invites her in expensive restaurants or prepares complex dishes for her.
Usually, a refrigerator is quite used for a girlfriend girl in which she can find everything she likes, heat and eat and eat. But here it is met by a dinner of three dishes, a cake and a great harvest of some kind of kosher there. Oh, you, little hyaden!

3. He often calls her somewhere together
Without you, without a company of friends, only she and he. Looks like a date!

4. He gossips about you
Gossip - a thing, unworthy man. But this bitch tells about you the most feet. Sometimes in the Spirit: "Marinochka, and Vanya said that you have greatly recovered lately!" If you realized that this dude is punished with you, you need to do something.

Who is it?

You know that her friends are Roma, Dima, Kolya and this long-haired horseradish, but here you unexpectedly, you know that she dined with a new acquaintance of Petya, about whom you learned right now.

You have the right to be suspicious, because to be honest, men are not very interested in friends-women, we are more interested in women, and we have friends. Here, agree when you meet a beautiful interesting girl with similar interests, you are much more interested in becoming your girlfriend or mistress, not a friend. Girls are also done: when they meet an interesting guy, they consider it as a guy, and each other see it only when it does not pull to him. This axioma!

I have understood this fucking unpleasant thing, you have to find out when they became friends and why they became friends. Make sure you can see him if he has a girlfriend, and there are no signs of signs in their relationship with your girlfriend. But the main thing: Make sure that he knows about you.

I like it or not, but you can't prevent the girl to make new friends. But if you really want ...

1. Visual example.Ask her that she will feel if some Katya will appear in your life, with which you will walk along theaters and exhibitions together, and then nicely sit in a coffee shop behind the eclair. If she tells you that it will not worry, know: either you are not dear to her, or she is lying or she is windy. Girls such a lifestyle is much more likely, because they do not understand why girls are needed: people in a pair can do without helping the same thing that guys make friends with friends. Think about this double standard.

2. Honesty is cool. Tell her that you are not cool to see how some new dude is mistaken around her, tell her that you are not satisfied with the situation. Just remember that girls, like animals, are more interested in tone of speech than in its content: the more indexing your speech, the greater the chances that this "just friend" will become more attractive for her than you are Tiran and the Prosecutor .

3. Tell her what you want to meet him.It's how to kill two hares (even three!). You are interested in her friends, you show this bitch, who is a daddy in the house, and you look at the reaction of the girl. If she starts to eat, you know what to do!

4. Distributing. If a person is interested in another person more than in you, it is always visible by changing behavior. Only full chubban will not notice. She became more secretive, she was calling her at night and you even know who. Tell her about it. To distinguish yourself and "friend" and expect that she can confess you in everything. This is an extremely painful procedure, a man, realize that this guy is not just a guy, but she did not admit to you immediately like a normal person, but she will make you better, more experienced and wiser.

Anyway, friends are always a problem. Regardless of the floor. If they accepted you - everything will be fine. If not accepted - everything will be bad. The more seriously the relationship, the more priority towards the amourn affairs, and not friendship. Especially in women. Friends go to the background, and after they can even disappear from our life. Here is such a shrot.

    To be kind, love life and is not unique the whole world. Do not nasty, do not say nonsense. Close from the comfort zone and raise communication with strangers. Gradually, it will be made easier and easier. And appreciate people of real, sincere and decent. With them and be friends. Inner beauty colors and externally. Love for the world is reflected in relation to himself. You start to love yourself, work on yourself positively, create and take care of yourself.
    If you go through the negative, through fear of undesirable consequences, then a person ceases to do something as soon as unwanted consequences become less acute. I followed myself, a guy appeared - stopped. I swore, I quit smoking, I turned away a little - it was lit. This is all as forced, the person does not change truly, only adjusts to the conditions. And he himself is inconvenient and surrounding.
    You can go through the power of the will. But it is a big stress and not everyone has it, this willpower)
    Creative tension, creative implementation of itself and harmony with the world - the best way.

    You have walked

    be my wife?


    well, different girls are
    there are not to shut up, and there are, which and words will not say

  • If sociable - write the first and will not see this in this. Otherwise, girls are confident that it is not very good and allegedly need to show pride and inaccessibility forever. And in vain ... Probably so much chance passed by :)

    You know, yes, they do not suit me, I still hate, when they are reproached in silence. Excessive chatter also destroys sympathy, so I can't get out the bolt.
    Always, they hang out somewhere, they pull out for a date.

"If you ask, whether I'm fine with you, I will answer:" Yes. "But if you ask if I can live without you, I will answer the same thing." (c)
This quote fully reflects my problem.
But for starters, the prehistory. I am 19 years old, all my life was a favorite, a fat child. Peak of my obesity fell at age 13. Thirteen-year-old 120 kg girl. It is easy to guess that you mocked me, called, etc .. I never complained, but on my psyche it was reflected, no matter how I wanted to admit it. I lost weight up to 80 kg with growth 170, it began to look more or less decent, started to wear dresses, care for me, notice the sights of the opposite floor. But I was still closed, I could not speak with anyone, it seemed to me (and still it seems) that everyone is only thinking about my weight.
One day I had surprisingly "sociable" mood. I went to one store and saw a guy consultant. He was a cute Pukhlyash. I liked him, I found him in VC and we began to communicate.
I was 17. It was my first guy in every sense. Naturally, I closed the eyes for many things, fearing to sigh your long-awaited happiness. Everything was enough ... Not bad. He is caring, never raises the voice wounded. But gradually I started to get tired, tired of the monotony, from the fact that he is indecisive and from many little things that I just can not remember. A drop of a drop, a problem for a problem ... Even in an intimate plan, we are too different. I am too temperament (in the still waters 😀). I suggested everything, I did everything, took the initiative on myself. But he ... He seems to be trying, but scores. "Sorry, I'm tired." And I closed my eyes. It's easier to cope (sorry for the details)
Closed because I just did not see other options. He does not drink, does not smoke, household, like my parents and loves me. Loves very much. I know it. But I can't answer him the same ... more precisely, I always answer him. But it is rather affection. Confidence. I feel comfortable with him, cozy, nice. But there is no passion, there are no emotions. I do not miss when I leave to learn. He never made me compliments, it is difficult for him. Never gave flowers. Nobody gave them in life .... I periodically think about parting or other partners. This is not correct, so it should not be. I myself was disgusting from myself. But even quit it .... Once I hinted, he is very wounded, I saw my eyes got out ... I hate to do people hurt, I smooth the corners and closed the topic .... year ... two ..
In the fall, we remove the apartment together. He moves to the city in which I study. I, as it were, I want this, but again ... I do not understand that I feel about it. Affection - possibly. But love ...
I don't even know why I write it here. Just a cry of the soul. What should I do?


At work I like an unlike girl. Is it worth starting the relationship and how to get around the gossip?

Question Sergey

Settled on a new job.

The female half of the team immediately became interested in my marital status and hinted that there is an option just for me if I am free.

An option was the girl from the accounting, about 30 years old. Cute, slim, but wildly squeezed. According to its own appearance, it seems complex. Although its only feature is widely cheekbones, very beautiful. But she apparently has a different opinion. Crossing with men in the corridors, she immediately hits and turns out to the wall, trying to imperceptibly slipping by and pretending to meet anyone. He greet her, she sweeping his eyes to braid in response. Greetings while in the famine to the spoken. He behaves with men indisimally and ponuro. In fact, she is talkative with their colleagues - women, I saw it on general celebrations, but with men a full failure. Even if a person and will be interested in her, it simply approaches it is simply impossible, talk no more than one word of greetings, and immediately runs into his female environment.
Tell me, is it treated or forecast disappointing?
And yet - someone to attract in these things I do not want, then the whole female audience will watch the series about our relationship.
Yes, and put in such a debris of the complexes, to be honest, I also don't really want ... Under this, something else will open something .. although the girl, I repeat, I like it.

Interestingly, at all, as far as the person himself is buried alive and everything is afraid. On which stove of her fate will find, if even at work she is nototherly?