Than to scrub green grass from clothes. How do I get grass off my clothes? How to remove grass stains

Summer beckons people to spend time outside. Bright sun, fresh air, picnics - this is not a complete list of wonderful moments. Those who like to spend time outside the city know from their own experience how a pleasant day can be darkened by stains on summer dresses from herbal juice. Many people find that grass stains on clothing are difficult to remove. The effectiveness of the wash depends on the amount of time elapsed between the soiling and the start of removing the stains and the tools used.

Means for removing grass stains from clothes

Most of the products that can remove grass stains on clothes are in the home arsenal of every housewife. As a last resort, they are sold at the nearest store. These are table salt, laundry soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, wine vinegar, baking soda.


Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm liquid. The water temperature must be warm, not hot, in order to be able to dissolve the seasoning. The affected area is placed in this solution and kept for 20 to 60 minutes. After the allotted time, the item is rinsed and washed in the usual way, using powder or soap.

If you cannot partially soak the garment, simply wipe the problem area with a sponge soaked in solution. You can wipe grass stains on large clothes by proportionally increasing the volume of the saline solution (0.5 liters will require 2 tablespoons of salt, and so on).

Laundry soap

You can remove grass stains from colored clothing using regular laundry soap. The contaminated item is soaked in hot water for several minutes (up to five). After that, the stained area is treated with a bar of laundry soap: rubbed and left for a few minutes for the substance to work. After the allotted time, the outfit is rinsed and washed.

You can also dissolve the soap in hot water and whip up a generous lather to treat grass stains.

This cleaning method is great for fresh dirt.

Laundry soap and ammonia

A mixture of these products is capable of removing grass stains from colored clothing. Equally effective for old and new soiling.

The soap must be crushed on a fine grater and diluted in 1 liter of warm liquid, to which add two teaspoons of ammonia. Using a sponge, saturate the affected area on the tissue with the solution and leave to act for 20 minutes. Rinse and wash the item in the usual way.

The ammonia is replaced with oxalic acid. Add it in the same proportion as alcohol.

Hydrogen peroxide

Of particular concern to many housewives is the question of how to remove a stain from white clothes. Often light-colored fabrics are fragile and therefore require careful handling. Peroxide will be a good helper in getting rid of grass stains.

For 100 ml of warm liquid, add 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide and use any sponge to wet the dirt with the resulting solution, and then wash the outfit.

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

Another tip for removing grass stains from white clothing. Wet the soiled item or part of it with water, then saturate the soiled area with peroxide and sprinkle baking soda powder on top. Use a soft brush or sponge to wipe the stain off the surface. Peroxide solution or baking soda can be added as needed. Be gentle with delicate fabrics. Once the stain has rubbed off, wash the clothes as usual.

Wine vinegar

Make a mixture of 100 ml warm water and a tablespoon of vinegar. Use a soft brush or sponge to moisten the dirt on your clothes. If the fabric allows, you can rub the stained area a little. Leave the clothes on for a while, 20 to 60 minutes. After it expires, rinse and wash the outfit in the usual way.

Oxalic acid can enhance the effect of the vinegar solution. Cleansing the problem area will be faster if you add a tablespoon of the substance to the specified volume of water in 100 ml and process the thing as indicated above.

  1. When treating stains in any of the ways, place a paper napkin under the cloth, then the herbal juice coming out with the solution can be absorbed there.
  2. Use wet wipes to remove the fresh stain right away. At the same time, make movements in a circle, heading from the periphery to the center.
  3. Before using these products on colored clothing, try them on an inconspicuous area. If the solution you choose will corrode paint or fabric, choose a different stain removal option.

Now you know all the secrets on how to get rid of grass stains on clothes. Let your summer be sunny and carefree!

Video how to get rid of grass stains on clothes at home

In order not to damage the fabric when removing stubborn dirt, learn in advance how to remove stains of varying difficulty from grass. To do this, you can use stain removers: Vanish, Amway or folk remedies: ammonia, citric acid, salt, soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, sugar. Prepare a product, apply it to the stain, or soak it in warm water. After 20-30 minutes, wash the item with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent.

Summer promotes a change of scenery and cultural recreation in nature, which often ends with the appearance of persistent green streaks and green stains on clothes. It takes a lot of effort to remove them, but knowing how to remove grass stains will help you get the job done quickly and get things back to their original appearance.

Ways to remove grass stains

Grass stains are pretty stubborn and can ruin anything: a bag, tracksuit, jeans, pants or shirt. It is best to prevent the appearance of stains on your favorite clothes, so you should dress for nature in a wardrobe that you do not mind. If, nevertheless, stains cannot be avoided, start washing immediately upon arrival home.

You can wash grass stains from clothes using several types of products:

  • folk;
  • industrial.

Each of them shows maximum efficiency in relation to fresh dirt. It is almost impossible to remove the old ones without damaging the color or structure of the fabric.

We wash the grass with folk methods

If you are wondering how to remove grass stains on jeans, blouses, T-shirts or shoes, try the folk methods first.

Folk remedies for cleaning

They are gentle on the fabric, and some of them have the ability to bleach. The main thing is that these funds are in every medicine cabinet or in the kitchen, so it will not be difficult to wipe fresh grass from white or colored clothes on time.

To get rid of greens from laundry, you can use:

  • boiling water;
  • laundry soap;
  • table salt;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • toothpaste;
  • ammonia;
  • lemon juice or acid;
  • wine vinegar;
  • table vinegar;
  • carbonated drinks.

Each product has its own characteristics, but copes well with pollution from wormwood and other plants. The maximum effect is achieved through a combination of several improvised ingredients.

Boiling water and laundry soap

If light-colored cotton clothes get dirty, it is rational to use laundry soap to restore the attractiveness of things and remove the green mark.

  1. Moisten a green strip with boiling water.
  2. Lather with soap.
  3. Let sit for about 20 minutes.

But if this does not happen, boil the water and place the soapy things inside the pan. Boil them for 15-20 minutes and then wash (by hand or in the washing machine).

Note ! Wash white and light-colored cottons this way. Wool, silk, jeans or other delicate fabrics of a bright shade are strictly prohibited to be placed in boiling water, as they shed.

It is better to familiarize yourself with the permissible washing temperature before washing.


Sugar in everyday life is used not only as an effective scrub for cleaning the skin, for example, from or.

To clean a fresh grass stain with sugar is simple:

  1. Prepare the gruel by mixing 1 tbsp. l. sugar with a little water.
  2. Apply to stain.
  3. Leave to dry.

Once dry, rub the fabric. Sugar, along with the herbal pigment, will begin to fall off. Finally, wash your clothes in a convenient way.


Pharmacy salmon removes various types of stubborn stains on colored and white clothes, for example from or.

Grass stains moistened with ammonia will quickly disappear

The main thing is that the laundry does not fade after washing. To remove green grass stains from jeans with ammonia at home, prepare a solution:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. water and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  2. Dip a rag or cotton ball into the liquid.
  3. Wipe off the dirt, leave to sour for 5-10 minutes.

If the product is not effective enough, then lather the area treated with ammonia with laundry soap and leave for 2-3 hours, and then wash it by hand. This way you can harvest fresh and or cotton material with a minimum of effort.

Wine or table vinegar

Vinegar is found in every home, but few people know that it helps to get rid of old and fresh stains from grass and dirt.

Clothes washed with wine vinegar will take on a new look

To remove any grass stains on jeans or other clothing:

  1. Apply some vinegar to the spot.
  2. Blast by hand.

If the contamination does not begin to disappear immediately, leave the clothes treated (for 20 minutes) and wash the vinegar along with the dissolved dirt with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent.


Using table salt is an old method of removing grass stains from clothes for children, teens and adults.

It does not affect the structure of the fabric, but it qualitatively removes even old dirt from trousers, T-shirts and tights:

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt in 1 tbsp. warm water.
  2. Place the stained sleeve in a small container and fill with the resulting solution.

After 30 minutes, wipe off the stain by hand and remove the stain, then rinse thoroughly to prevent the pigment from leaving unattractive marks.

Hydrogen peroxide

Lemon juice will remove unwanted grass stains

Use them to clean colored or white clothes, even with delicate textures:

  1. Moisten the stain with concentrated lemon juice or water, and then empty the contents of the acid sachet onto the stain.
  2. Soak the fabric treated for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Wash.

To enhance the effect, you can combine citric and acetic acid. Pour the lemon on a cloth soaked in vinegar and leave the thing to lie down. Use this recipe for dry stains.

Baking soda

Also, getting rid of stains of varying complexity from clothes is performed using ordinary baking soda.

If you see a child's clothes stained with grass, do not despair. Prepare a stain remover mixture:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp into the glass. l. soda.
  2. Add a little water to make a thick gruel.

Apply the mixture to the stain and let it soak into the fabric. After 15–20 minutes, wash by hand using detergent or laundry soap.


With the help of toothpaste, it is convenient to clean sneakers, sneakers, shoes and fabrics with a suede insert:

  1. Take an old toothbrush and apply some toothpaste.
  2. Scrub the contaminated area.
  3. Let the product soak into the structure for 20-60 minutes, depending on the age of the contamination.
  4. Rub again and rinse.

Note ! Delicate fabrics such as suede should not be rubbed too hard, otherwise you risk damaging the material itself.

Carbonated drinks

Use dye-free drinks such as mineral water to clean clothes.

It mimics oxygen stain removers as the bulbs pass through the fabric, destroying the structure of the stain. Do not use water as a stand-alone ingredient. Use mineral water in combination with:

  • citric acid;
  • salt;
  • soda.

Also combine with other ingredients that require pre-wetting with liquid or soaking in room water.

Note ! You cannot boil carbonated drinks, otherwise all oxygen bulbs will fizzle out.

To consider in detail how grass stains are removed using folk remedies, watch the video:

We remove grass stains with stain removers

If you do not trust folk recipes, but have stain removers in your home arsenal, use them to achieve the desired result. The most popular and high quality products are:

  • Vanish
  • Amway (Amway);
  • powder stain removers.

The former are used to remove many types of dirt, including, therefore, will be useful if you have been on a hike for several days and the grass has dried out. Powdered products are less effective, but they are good at removing dirt that is less than a day old.

Stain removers

Modern stain removers are divided into 2 types: bleaching and colored clothes.

Choose a product based on the shade of the soiled wardrobe, and follow the recommendations:

  1. Heat the water to a hot state, provided the clothing does not shed.
  2. Dissolve the stain remover in it (the amount is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions).
  3. Soak the item for 20-60 minutes.

Wash by hand and machine wash if necessary. This remedy can remove any herb stain, including wormwood, but the sooner you take action, the better the result will be. The danger of grass contamination is the staining of the fabric itself. If you are late and the greens are absorbed into the structure, it will be impossible to get rid of it without leaving a trace.

Note ! Removing grass stains from white is easier than from color. Treat stain with concentrated whiteness and rinse thoroughly. But be careful! "Whiteness" is capable of destroying tissue structure.


Vanish is the most popular remedy for stains of varying difficulty, for example, from or from.

It is made in the form of a powder or liquid, which can be used in various ways.

Using a liquid detergent, pour it over the stain and leave to absorb, then wash it additionally in an automatic machine with the same detergent added.

To use Vanish's powder look:

  1. Pour the powder into a small container.
  2. Add water to make a gruel.
  3. Apply to the stained area.

After 30-40 minutes, rub the stain by hand and wash the clothes in the washing machine, adding another 1 serving of Vanish.


The manufacturer Amway produces high quality skin care products and household chemicals. The disadvantage of these funds is their high cost.

But if you want to achieve purity "at any cost", this recipe is for you:

  1. Apply Amway stain remover to dry stains. Rub with your hands after 20-30 minutes.
  2. Wash with booster powder to remove pigment residues. It is added by soaking or directly into the washing machine before starting the wash.

Such products help to remove stains even from, but, most importantly, to act on the pollution in a timely manner, until the pigment is absorbed into the structure of the fabric.

Removing stubborn stains is a painstaking process. Sometimes the wrong wash is the last thing you love. To avoid this, follow these tips:

  1. It is much easier to remove fresh grass from clothes than old grass. Do not delay washing.
  2. Do not use cold water.
  3. Wash colored items with stain removers for colored items, and snow-white items with bleach.
  4. Before applying the chosen method, test it on an inconspicuous area so as not to spoil the color.
  5. If it is necessary to rub the dirt with a cotton swab dipped in the product, process the thing from the edges to the center so as not to increase the amount of work;
  6. If the stains are large or old, increase the treatment time from 2-3 to 12 hours.

By choosing the right product and adhering to simple recommendations, you will clean any clothes from the grass, especially if they have recently been smeared. Washing affects the condition and shade of the item, so try not to use acids and alkalis when you can do with regular laundry soap.

Larisa, June 21, 2018.

It is difficult to remove traces of grass on clothes, but it is possible. Stains of this kind are considered difficult to remove, especially if they are stale. The top tip in this regard is to remove greens from clothing right away.

If you have products designed specifically for removing tough dirt, use them first. Otherwise, use any detergent or one of the folk recipes. By studying the tips below, you'll always know how to get grass off any fabric.

The stain remover will remove grass stains

Ideally, you have a stain remover on hand that says it can remove such stains. You just have to follow the instructions on the package. If you have stained colored clothing, never use a stain remover for white fabrics.

Laundry soap or washing powder

Wipe a fresh grass stain with laundry soap or laundry detergent and let the soapy water sit on the fabric for 15 minutes. Then hand wash the garment in warm water or submerge it in the washing machine.

You may not necessarily be able to remove the contamination the first time. In this case, try again one or two more times until you are sure that the greens are gone. If traces of grass have been left on clothes for a long time, the chances of removing them in this way are minimal.

Soap solution and ammonia

Ammonia has long been known as a fighter against complex pollution. It helps remove even the brightest grass stains on clothes. Combining it with a soapy solution, you can get the expected result when dealing with colored and white, dense and thin fabrics. In this case, there are two ways:

  • Add half a glass of ammonia to half a glass of warm water. Soak a cotton swab or a piece of clean cloth in the prepared solution and wipe the dirt thoroughly. After that, apply a soap solution prepared from laundry soap or washing powder to the stain, leave for 15–20 minutes, and then wash the fabric by hand or in a typewriter.
  • Prepare a soap solution and add an alcoholic ammonia infusion to it (observing a 1: 1 ratio). Use this mixture to wash the green stain on the clothes and wait 15-20 minutes to wash the garment in the usual way.

Whiteness from green stains on white

Whiteness brightens the fabric, so when you try to remove a green stain with it, you leave a light one in its place. To avoid this, use whiteness only when working with white fabric. Make a water solution and scrub off the dirt. Rinse clothing with cool water after the stain has come off. Be careful, as whiteness tends to thin the threads, so it can tear the fabric under its influence.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another answer to the question "how to wash the grass?" - hydrogen peroxide. Apply it neat to a stained cloth, and after a few minutes wash off with cool water. The procedure can be repeated several times. Hydrogen peroxide acts as a light brightener - it is best not to use it on colored fabrics.

Wine vinegar will remove grass stains

Wine vinegar, judging by the reviews, helps to cope with this problem. Check the strength of its action if such contamination appears on your clothes. Using a rag or brush, moisten the dirty area with it, and after an hour wash the item in the usual way.

Salt for grass stains

A variety of contaminants are removed with a saline solution. Try using it to remove grass stains. Prepare a solution of 100 ml warm water and a tablespoon of table salt. Soak the stain in it, and after 2-3 minutes wash the garment in soapy water.

Boiling water for natural fabrics

For some natural fabrics, you can try pouring boiling water over the green spots and wash immediately in soapy water. Repeat the procedure several times if necessary. Before washing it like this, it is important to make sure that the fabric will withstand this treatment without changing its texture or color.

What to do with the grass on jeans

Let's talk separately about cleaning jeans. This is a convenient form of clothing for outdoor recreation, so grass stains have to be removed from them most often. How can this be done so that the tissue does not undergo changes noticeable to the eye? Jeans stains are removed in several ways:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. If you quickly treat a stain with this product and immediately wash your clothes in a soapy solution, you can get rid of the grass stain without leaving a light stain on your pants.
  • Soda. This method is only suitable for working with denim and other fabrics of the same density. Prepare a paste by diluting the baking soda and water, and try to use it to wipe away the planted stain. Another way is to sprinkle a layer of dry baking soda over the stain and then pour vinegar over the top. In both cases, finish the procedure with a regular wash.
  • Alcohol. Moisten the green spot well with pure alcohol (you can mix it with ammonia) and leave for half an hour. Then stretch.

There are many remedies for traces of grass on clothes. Which one to choose is up to you. When making this decision, take into account the quality and color of the fabric, the intensity and age of the pollution. When faced with the described problem, remember the main thing - you need to act immediately.

Summer is a pleasant period for spending time in nature. During picnics or ordinary walks, children and adults unknowingly expose clothes to dirt.

Things that are soiled in a park or forest are most often full of grass stains. Seeing such contamination, many try to wipe them off by hand, without the use of additional substances. This is how the stain seeps even deeper into the clothing.

Liquid ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, soda or vinegar will not completely help remove dirt - if you use these funds, you can aggravate the situation by allowing the fabric to completely change color or structure.

Proven methods that have helped housewives to clean denim or other types of fabrics will help to remove grass stains from clothes.

These include the following methods:

If the listed methods do not help, it is worth purchasing a special stain remover.

Modern products are designed to effectively remove stains without changing the color of the fabric.

When buying, pay attention to the purpose of the substance: for white or colored clothing.

How to remove old stains?

Often, sorting through things in the wardrobe, you can find clothes that have not been worn for a long time. The reason for this is old stains that were not removed in a timely manner.

Old grass stains tend to turn yellow over time, making washing more difficult. It is really possible to save your favorite thing, you need to make a little effort and restored jeans, shirts, T-shirts will be in use again.

Note! The basic rule is that you should not soak your clothes in cold water, otherwise you will hardly be able to return to its former appearance.

If the method involves the use of water, it must be warm. This nuance is especially applicable to denim.

Lawn grass has the property - during the period of its growth, it emits certain components, characterized by a green color.

The same is observed at the time of mowing the grass. If you accidentally lie in the grass, nothing will happen.

However, the chances of getting dirty are increased with constant movement over green decking or freshly cut grass.

How to clean up old dirt is described below:

clothing Way
Jeans Glycerin and 2 egg whites will help remove grass yellow stains from jeans. To do this, the components are mixed and applied to the thing, after which the mixture is kept for 2 hours.

After the lapse of time, the stain on the pants should lighten, so the item is sent to the wash.

Cloth items With salicylic alcohol, you can remove the old type of grass trail.

Using a cotton swab, it is necessary to apply the product on the dirt and wait a little, then wash the thing in hot water

Light things Hydrogen peroxide and soda will help here. Dampen the stain with water, then rub with peroxide.

Take a pinch of baking soda and sprinkle on the dirt completely. Using a foam sponge, rub the baking soda over the stain, rubbing it in a little.

If the dirt does not disappear, add peroxide or add soda

Jeans The method is good when other methods do not help. Take some wine vinegar and pour it over the stain.

Soak for 30 minutes and rinse in warm water or wash with laundry soap

Any clothes The Amway stain remover has proven to be an excellent way to deal with old stains.

Soak dirty clothes in warm water with a product. After 30 minutes, take out the items and rinse under warm running water

Denim Old traces of grass will be effectively removed by the Vanish chemical, pour a little substance on the dirt and rub.

After 15 minutes, rinse off the product with warm water - there will be no trace of grass on the trousers

Any thing A completely dried yellow grass stain will remove 1 tablespoon of brine. salt and 250 ml of water at room temperature.

Pour the resulting liquid over the dirt and wait 15 minutes, then wash the item

Having familiarized yourself with the popular and effective methods of removing grass marks, you can safely get poisoned in nature without fear of getting dirty things.

Remember one rule- do not leave dirt for a long time, this is how you can quickly save your favorite thing.

Useful video

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In summer, both children and adults are more likely to stain clothes with grass. The former love to play outside and with particular interest strive for glades with dandelions and other flowers that attract attention. Adults, on the other hand, often go on picnics in the warm season, and in nature there is a lot of greenery, which can get dirty. Therefore, information on how to remove grass stains will be very relevant.

Often, seeing dirt on clothes after being in nature, many try to remove them using conventional means, but instead it would be more effective to use proven methods, because washing powders cannot remove grass stains.

Improvised means

Instead of despairing over damaged clothes and deciding to throw them away, try using the simple but effective recommendations of those who have learned to "save" things stained with plants. You can do the following:

Jeans separately

Stains on denim are usually difficult to remove, so you may want to try other methods:

  • Soda... A small amount of baking soda should be diluted with a little warm water and brushed onto the stain. You can also sprinkle a pinch of dry baking soda over the stain and pour vinegar on top. After the procedure, wash clothes;
  • Alcohol... Apply a little pure alcohol to the grass stain and leave for half an hour. Then wash clothes with soap or powder;
  • Peroxide... On jeans, grass stains are successfully removed with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, it is applied directly to the stain, then washed off with water and the thing is washed in the usual way.

In principle, there are enough tools that you can use to clean stains at home. In addition to the above methods, you can use popular stain removers, which contain ingredients that can remove many types of stains. The main thing to keep in mind is that the fresher the stain, the more likely you are to successfully remove it. Therefore, do not postpone this troublesome business on the back burner.