How to dye the fabric green. How to paint fabric at home: here are some tips. How to dye natural silk fabrics

If your favorite black dress could not withstand the sunlight and frequent washings over time, it began to look faded and faded - you should not say goodbye to it. You can also restore the depth of black at home.

You will need:

I. fabric dyes;

III. washing powder;

IV. soap, salt, soda;

V. wooden spoon with a long handle or tongs.

Black clothes lose their deep color after frequent wear. Over time, it turns out that your favorite blouse or sweater has become faded and looks more dirty gray than black. This situation can be easily corrected at home. Here are some tips on where to dye your dress black.

Preparing clothes for painting

The first thing to do before dyeing is to find out what fabric the clothes are made of. Manufacturers indicate this information on the tag - if it is not there, you can conduct a little experiment. For him, you need to pull the thread out of the fabric and set it on fire. By the way it burns, you can determine the composition of the material:

Cotton, viscose and linen burn quickly, with the release of the smell of burnt paper;
- natural wool and silk form a small ball when burned;
- the polyester thread melts, without any smell.

When buying a dye, you need to find out what kind of fabric it is intended for. You can purchase a universal formulation suitable for any material.

Dyeing fabrics at home black

Having determined the type of fabric, we prepare the thing for dyeing:

1. New clothes should be washed with powder or boiled in a solution with the addition of soap and soda. All stains and dirt are removed from the worn item, since after painting these places may differ in color.
2. All buttons, buttons, zippers and metal decorative elements are removed from clothing. A light zone may form around them.
3. The last stage of preparation for staining will be the preparation of the dye solution. All manipulations must be performed strictly according to the instructions indicated on the package or insert sheet.
4. Before starting the procedure, it is better to carry out a test staining. To do this, you need to try the prepared solution on a piece of similar material, ideally the same one from which the item is sewn. If the result is satisfactory, you can start.

When everything is ready, you can proceed directly to staining:

1. First, the item must be soaked in warm water, squeezed out and quickly placed in a dye solution.
2. We heat gradually to the boiling point: the solution with the thing must boil for at least 20 minutes. At the same time, the clothes must be constantly "stirred" in order to evenly distribute the paint.
3. After this time, brine is poured into the boiling dye. To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons of ordinary salt per 2 liters of water.
4. Stir for another 20 minutes and remove the item from the water.
5. Rinse thoroughly several times in warm water, changing it, then in cold water.
6. It is better to dry the painted item on a hanger, avoiding sunlight.

If there are doubts about the composition of the fabric or the quality of the dye, it is better to refer the item to a specialist. Dyeing fabrics in dry cleaning is carried out by professional means that give excellent results.

Frequent washing, the sun's rays can change the color on the fabric, making it dull, worn out. Coloring things can solve the problem. What do you need to know before daring to take such a step?

Painting at home is always combined with a certain risk - you can get a color that is not quite the right one, or you can ruin your clothes altogether. Therefore, before proceeding, conduct an experiment on a small piece of cloth, of course, if one is available. After seeing and evaluating the preliminary result, it's time to make a decision. The composition of the fabric often determines the success or failure of painting. Natural fabrics usually dye well, with mixed types - the color will be several shades lighter than on the paint package. But it is advisable not to experiment with synthetics. At best, the fabric will remain the original color, at worst - it will be colored unevenly, with ugly spots.

It is advisable to choose a color several shades darker than the original one. If the colors are close in tone, then the result will be better. But when coloring, for example, white jeans in black, it turns out gray, dark gray, but not black. The staining result will be visible only after the item is dry. Wet fabric always looks a few shades darker.

Before painting, the item must be washed. If this is not done, then all the polluted places will be colored unevenly, forming a kind of stains. Before preparing the solution, weigh the product and calculate the required amount of paint. Most often, a standard package of powder is designed for 400 g of tissue.

Read the instructions carefully and follow all its requirements punctually. The contents of the package are diluted in a small amount of water, filtered through cheesecloth and only then the rest is added, bringing to the required volume. If the paint is in the form of a liquid, then filtering is unnecessary. A washed cloth is placed in a 40-degree solution and left for 20-30 minutes. Turn the material over from time to time to achieve uniform coloration. After a certain time, the material is rinsed in warm water several times until clear water is obtained. During the last rinse, it is recommended to add half a glass of vinegar to better fix the paint. All procedures are carried out only with gloves.

The washing machine can greatly facilitate the dyeing process. The diluted paint is immediately poured into the drum, the dyeing temperature is higher here - from 60 to 80 degrees, the longest wash cycle with additional rinsing is chosen. You will have to rinse separately with water and vinegar. After finishing painting, you need to turn on the rinse again to clean the machine. But even after that, it is not recommended to wash white clothes immediately, as some paint may remain and slightly change the color of the clothes.

After coloring, things require special care. One or two washings, they must be washed separately from the rest of the clothes, since a slight release of paint into the water is possible. When rinsing, it is advisable to add vinegar and not dry in direct sunlight to avoid burnout. For dyed items, use a powder designed for washing colored fabrics.

You can also paint things in specialized places where they guarantee quality and are responsible for the result. If you decide to paint at home, then to achieve the best result, follow all the conditions listed.

Knowing how to dye clothes at home is useful for every housewife, since this is the only way to update an old favorite thing, making its color richer, or completely change the shade.

Frequent washing, exposure to sunlight can change the color of the fabric of the thing, making it worn and unsightly in appearance. You can solve this problem at home by staining with special or natural dyes. But it should be borne in mind that painting with your own hands is always combined with some risk - you can achieve an unwanted color or completely ruin the thing. Therefore, before deciding on this step, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for painting. Today we will get acquainted with the types of dyes with which you can give an updated look to old clothes, with the rules and with the dyeing procedure itself.

Where do you start?

First of all, it is important to correctly determine the fabric from which the clothes are sewn.

After all, if the thing is made of natural fabric, it will be easy for the dye to change the shade. Natural fabrics include cotton, linen, jeans, etc. Artificial fabrics can also be dyed, but the color will be somewhat paler than expected. For example, if you want to achieve blue, you get cyan. And if you dye synthetic fabric, the paint may not take at all. This behavior of the fabric is due to the fact that the dye will not penetrate into the structure of the fibers, but will simply drain along with the water.

If you cannot determine the naturalness of the fabric of this or that thing by eye and touch, it is better to familiarize yourself with the label on the back of the garment. Although it is recommended to rely more on your own feelings, since the manufacturers do not always honestly prescribe the real composition.

It should be borne in mind that it is far from always possible to use any dye and color for painting. In fact, the tone sets the original shade of the thing. You can choose colors that are brighter or darker than the original. At the same time, you do not need to expect that the first time white clothes will become solid and rich black. After the first time, it will turn gray.

Converting the original tone to a deeper tone is ideal. For example, worn and washed blue jeans can be turned into blue jeans. Or make a yellow blouse orange.

It is also worth noting that after the procedure, the painted thing, while it is still wet, may seem somewhat darker than the desired tone. It is recommended not to wash your clothes, trying to wash off a little dye, but wait until it is completely dry, because this is the only way to evaluate the result obtained. It is even better to test on a similar piece of fabric before dyeing all the clothes, and repeat these steps several times to achieve the desired color.

Choosing a dye

As already noted, you can dye clothes at home using two types of dyes:

  • special aniline;
  • natural.

When using the first option, you should first read the instructions on the label. There will also be indicated the designation of the type of fabric for which this tool can be used. To determine the amount of dye needed to dye a particular garment, the garment must be weighed. If you need to paint several things in the same tone, it is recommended to work with each one separately so that the container for painting is incomplete. Moreover, the clothes must first be washed, the existing dirt and decorative elements must be removed. It is better to dilute the dye with soft water with the addition of baking soda - 1 tsp is enough. 10 liters of water.

If you give preference to natural dyes, they should be pre-crushed, boiled in water, and then steamed over low heat until the desired color is obtained and then filtered. Let's consider what natural dyes can be used to obtain the following colors:

  1. 1 Beige and cream shades produce instant, strong brewed coffee or tea. The thing is put in a diluted dye, kept until the desired shade is reached, then filtered and dried.
  2. 2 Green dye can be obtained from Juniper Berries, Marsh Horsetail Stalks, and Elderberry Leaves.
  3. 3 The roots and bark of barberry give sunny shades, and the leaves of birch and turmeric give a more juicy tone.
  4. 4 Dry buckthorn bark will give brown color.
  5. 5 Blue dye produces Ivan da Marya flowers, blackberries and meadow sage.
  6. 6 Red is made from ripe elderberries or oregano, and orange is made from sea buckthorn.

In general, all plants and fruits that are poorly washed are suitable as natural dyes.

Instructions for painting things

Clothes should be washed thoroughly before dyeing, as the dye will leave streaks if stained and dirty. All actions must be carried out strictly in rubber gloves.

The contents of a special dye, the volume of which is often no more than 400 g, must first be diluted in a small amount of water and filtered through cheesecloth. After that, dilute with the remaining amount of the required volume of water. It is convenient to use dyes with a liquid consistency, since the need to dilute them will disappear, respectively, time will be saved, and the risk of incorrect dilution will be minimized.

After diluting the dye, the solution should be heated to 40 ° C. It is better to use an old pan for the staining procedure, because after that it is forbidden to cook food in it. Clothes are immersed in the heated solution and left for 30 minutes. To evenly distribute the paint, it is recommended to turn the thing over periodically. When time has passed, the new clothes should be rinsed in warm water several times, making the flowing water clear. In this case, it is advisable to add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the container at the last rinse in order to consolidate the achieved result.

You just have to decide where to start coloring things. You can consult with loved ones. Some of them will probably tell you how to make something decent out of old clothes. Your family's advice will help you get things reborn

First you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of work. To do this, you should perform the following actions:

  • study what fabric the thing is made of;
  • then choose a dye;
  • follow the staining instructions.

When starting to dye, study what fabric the thing is made of.

If your clothes are made of natural materials, then the dye can easily change the shade. These fabrics include:

  • cotton;
  • jeans;
  • chintz;
  • silk;
  • wool;
  • and others.

Tips for beginners:

  1. Dyed artificial fabrics always have a paler color after the procedure. For example, using green paint will give them a salad color.
  2. Synthetic fabric may not be dyed at all, because it does not penetrate into the structure of the fibers of the product.
  3. To determine the type of fabric, carefully study the label, and then you can choose a quality dye.
  4. If you are a specialist, you can recognize the texture of the material by touch.
  5. It is advisable to choose a color of a darker tone. For example, if your jeans are blue, then buy blue dye. Then the washed thing will acquire a deep shade and will look more attractive.
  6. If desired, paint your worn or worn clothes in a brighter color scheme and then your blouse, sweater or other outfit will look like new.
  7. A dyed wet thing always looks darker, but don't be discouraged and don't rush to wash your clothes, but wait until it dries. The color of a dry cloth looks brighter and lighter.

Advice: In order not to spoil your favorite thing, carry out the experiment on a piece of cloth several times and only then get to work.

Experiment on a piece of cloth several times to avoid ruining your favorite item.

Remember: If you need to paint a lot of things, do not rush, but rather paint each one separately.

This is necessary so that the clothes do not stick together, and the container does not overflow, otherwise you will get separate light areas.

This is important: Before starting processing, remove dirt and decorative elements, then wash and dry thoroughly.

Dyes used at home are divided into two types:

  • aniline;
  • natural.

You can buy paints in a household chemicals store in powder or liquid form. One of the most popular Russian-made dyes is aniline "Lukar" intended for home dyeing of woolen and nylon fabrics, except for nitron and lavsan.

You can buy fabric dyes at a household chemicals store.

This substance is wonderfully suitable for natural fur and leather. Thanks to the instructions on the package, you will find out what kind of fabric this paint is suitable for and what color it has.

Another excellent dye for fabrics "Universal" produced by "Tekhnokhim" (St. Petersburg) is suitable for dyeing viscose, cotton and flax.

You can buy a dye to change denim, thanks to it, you can not only restore the color, but also paint over the torn, worn out areas of jeans.

Before painting clothes, read the instructions of the product in detail on how to use it correctly. Then take the right amount of watercolor and weigh your outfit, and only then proceed to the process.

To dilute the paint qualitatively, use soft water with the addition of baking soda in such proportions (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).

For high-quality coloring, do your actions in stages:

  • fill the bowl with water;
  • take your time to empty the contents of the bag in small batches;
  • put the garment in a bowl and stir in a circular motion.

Before starting work, do not forget to protect your hands, wear rubber or plastic gloves. For convenience, place the filled bowl of water in the bathroom, covering the place where it will stand with a film, so that later you do not clean it from the paint.

After studying the instructions on the package, gradually pour the powder into water in small batches, stirring constantly.

When preparing a solution for staining, pour the powder into water in small batches, stirring constantly

When dyeing clothes in one tone, stir the solution with hand movements so that it is completely saturated, otherwise light areas may remain. Periodically make circular movements with the thing, as if stirring the solution with it. Do this until your outfit takes on a darker color. When dry, it will brighten.

Some dyes need to be heated in a special container (basin, saucepan). This will be indicated in the instructions.

Many solutions are made using the same technology:

  1. The washed and dried item is weighed and, according to the result, the required amount of dye is taken, taking into account the degree of the obtained shade.

For 1 kg of things you need:

  1. Dissolve completely the main ingredient in an enamel basin.
  2. Rub the lumps with a stick, add hot water and start stirring.
  3. After cooling, the mixture is poured into a bowl, where the thing will be processed.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients and interfere again.

If undissolved lumps remain in the first dish, the procedure is repeated for them and the resulting composition is added to the main one, stirring.

Remember: Even ordinary table salt and soda will help improve the process with cotton products.

Important: Some dyes are sometimes sold already mixed with baking soda and salt in one bag.

Edible salt and baking soda can help improve the dyeing process of cotton garments.

Advice: Freshly dyed fabric fades after washing, so wash by hand in cool water for the first time and separately from other clothes.

Aniline substances are usually used for dyeing fabrics:

  • when painting woolen and semi-woolen things, use paint for paper and wool (50:50);
  • if there is a lining in the clothes made of semi-woolen material, then it is desirable to rip it off in three or four places;
  • add Glauber's salt to the solution for dyeing clothes in a proportion (50 g per bucket). In this case, the paint will fall on the water more evenly;
  • viscose silk or staple is dyed with the same dye as CB fabric. But silk is not put in a hot solution, but in a cold one. Then the mixture is brought to a boil over low heat.

For those who prefer folk recipes, several coloring methods can be recommended. There are many plants, the fruits of which give persistent, difficult to wash off colors. Their use will make it easy to change the shade of clothing.

Among natural dyes, all fruits and plants that do not wash well are suitable for you. Your friends will be able to advise you on how and how to paint things at home. Their life experience will help you in such a delicate and interesting matter.

Among natural dyes, all fruits and plants that do not wash well are suitable for you.

They will tell you a lot of products or plants with which you can get certain shades. You can see for yourself:

  • instant strong-certified coffee or tea will allow you to get cream and beige shades;
  • juniper berries, horsetail stems and elderberry leaves will give green dye;
  • Ivan da Marya flowers, meadow sage and blackberries will create a blue color scheme;
  • dry buckthorn bark will give a brown tone;
  • ripe elderberries, oregano herb will color your attire red;
  • sea ​​buckthorn will create an orange color;
  • birch leaves and turmeric will give your wardrobe a sunny scale.

The calculation is as follows: for 1 kg of fabric 20-30 grams of a natural product. 20 for a light shade, 30 for a dark shade.

Before starting work you must use the plants:

  • grind;
  • boil in water;
  • simmer to obtain the desired color;
  • strain.

To paint things at home, you must follow certain rules:

  • calculate the amount of water, which depends not only on the weight of the fabric, but also on the desired color;
  • add folk remedies to improve fabric dyeing.

By giving your old favorite thing a new life, you will immediately gain a lot of positive emotions. Your transformed clothes will serve for some time more faithfully.

Modern women often do needlework - they sew, knit, make soft toys and create real masterpieces of the now popular hand-made style. Sometimes for work you need to get a fabric of a certain shade, or you just want to experiment with its color. How to dye fabric at home? In our article we will list "helpers" - natural means with which you will paint the matter in all the colors of the rainbow.

So what are these garment dyes? You might be surprised, but we are talking about red cabbage, beets, oranges, lemons, onions, blueberries, blackberries and spinach. And also about other helpers - tea and coffee.

Fabric dyeing is a creative process. A love of experimentation is the main quality in working with natural dyes. Do not be afraid to change the number and composition of the ingredients, leave the fabric in the water for different times - the results will allow you to choose exactly what you need.

What exactly to use

Natural dyes for clothing provide a wide range of colors. Blueberries and beets can achieve red or pink tones. Their pigments will help you achieve a beautiful and unusual "dusty" pink hue.

If you want varieties of purple or blue hues, try blackberries or red cabbage. You need a mustard or copper color - remember the familiar onion peel, which is used to paint eggs for Easter.

Yellow flowers are obtained with the help of lemon and orange skins. The zest gives the yellow fabric a soft shade. A pale green color can be achieved with spinach. But for bright green it is better to take the usual pharmacy brilliant green.

How to dye fabric at home - process technology

We begin to brew the "potion". We cut the selected ingredients, put in a saucepan, fill with water in an amount twice as much. Boil - leave to cool for an hour. If you want a richer color, leave it on overnight. And do not forget to strain the liquid - dyeing fabric is fundamentally different from making compote!

Particularly successful dyes for clothes and just fabrics can be obtained from beets (a ruby ​​hue appears literally before our eyes!) And from onion peels. Spinach, on the other hand, is not as effective.

How to prepare fabric

Before dyeing the fabric at home, it must be specially prepared with a fixing solution, with which the dyeing pigment will hold better. It is prepared like this: in the case of painting with berries, half a cup of salt is diluted in eight glasses of water, the fabric is boiled in the resulting solution over low heat for about an hour. If you paint with vegetables, the solution is prepared on the basis of vinegar, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 4, the procedure is exactly the same.

Taken out of the solution and rinsed with cold water, the fabric is ready to meet the dye. We immerse it in a container with our homemade paint and leave it for a while. Which one exactly depends on how rich the shade you need.

After drying, the dyed fabric will fade slightly - this must be taken into account in advance. But remember that natural dyes have excellent durability and resistance, dyeing fabrics with their help will retain its freshness for a long time.

We paint the fabric in flesh color

How to dye fabric at home tan or nude (let's say you are sewing a tilde doll)? In this case, natural fabrics such as flax or light-colored coarse calico should be taken as a basis, and both aniline dyes and the most ordinary tea or coffee will help to give them the desired shade. Wine and some juices are also good.

The new fabric is washed before dyeing - the factory impregnation is removed. Then a solution is prepared with which the fabric is dyed. Here are some suitable recipes.

In a hot solution of strong black tea, we lower our fabric for 20 minutes. Add a little baking soda to the brew for strength. Stir the fabric for uniform color. Then it is wrung out, straightened and dried. The final shade will appear in two to three days.

Not only tea, but also coffee

Coffee solution - take a spoonful of salt (tablespoon) and a liter of water, add the cheapest instant coffee - 50 grams, paint the fabric with constant stirring for about a quarter of an hour. Then we rinse in cold water and dry in the same way, straightening. Coffee can also be brewed in a Turk. In this case, the dyed fabric will have a light coffee aroma.

You can buy aniline dyes for fabric and batik in stationery stores or specialty departments for creativity. Dyeing the fabric to match the natural tan is obtained by mixing brown (as a base) color with orange, white and red. At first, you will have to experiment with proportions. Too dark tones are lightened with white paint.

The desired shade can be achieved by correcting the fabric already dyed with black tea with the help of aniline dyes.

Dyeing the fabric without unnecessary risk is ensured by a trial dyeing on a small piece of it.

Remember that natural fabrics can be saturated with the desired color more easily and faster than synthetic fabrics.

There are special retainers for factory-made paint.

Different brands of tea under the same conditions will give different shades and intensities of color.

I had cuts of fabric - cotton, linen, white. So wanted this wealth paint fabrics and used in needlework, there was not enough imagination for the use of pure white colors. There was only one question:

  • what paint to paint the fabric?
  • how to paint it correctly?

Recently I was in Leonardo - this is such a large chain hypermarket of handicraft materials. And immediately on the occasion I bought dyes for fabrics, called "Jeans", in a similar box, as in the picture - this is an image from the Internet:

The box contains dye, gloves, cleaning powder. For automatic and hand washing. Designed for 1 kg. dyed fabric. I bought five colors (which were available). According to the instructions, the fabric is soaked in a hot solution, and then it is heated with salt for 10-30 minutes "depending on the shade of color you want to get" - as it was written in the instructions.

So let's continue. I started my experiments with purple.

- measured a kilogram of fabric;
- weighed dry;
- washed;
- soaked in paint;
- heated for 10 minutes.

Result- stains and unpainted areas on thick cotton.
Errors- it was necessary to boil more.

In the same vat, along with cotton, I dyed guipure - I really liked the result!

The rest of the colors - red, yellow, green, khaki - turned out well. He heated in solution for 30 minutes, and took LESS tissue than a kilogram.

I experimented with different lace cuts, the original color was white, the dyes were yellow and red:

Lace and cotton sewing:

Sections of dense braid are too rich red.

What else did you paint?

I had blouse white, threads like "Snowflake", crocheted. I have an idea - to sew a decorative pillowcase out of it. But white is not entirely practical, so the blouse turned red.

Shirt my husband had it - white and white and completely new, with a stain on the front, which could not be washed off. Tried a bunch of bleach, it didn't work, and the shirt was gathering dust in the closet. Now we have it in khaki:

And this is a "rarity" - my mother's vest , she knitted it back in Soviet times from "Nitron" threads, maybe someone remembers such, one hundred percent synthetics, squeaky! But they are so strong that they hold their shape and pattern for a long time. I also painted it red. I am planning to make a pillowcase for a sofa cushion.

After prolonged wear and many washes, black clothes fade. The color becomes lighter and loses its expressiveness. But this does not mean at all that it is time to go to the store for new clothes, because you can return things to their original appearance. In this article, we'll show you how to dye black fabric.

How to dye black fabric?

How to dye black fabric at home?

In any large department of household chemicals, you can purchase a specialized dye for black clothes. On the bag with the product there should be a mention that the dye is intended specifically for textiles. Choose those preparations that are suitable for use in the washing machine. So the staining process will be quick and easy.

If you cannot find a special dye, do not despair. You can also use a simple black hair dye, you will need 2 packages. Choose a product without any shades.

Important: after such processing, things will shed heavily and the color will not last long.

It is also worth considering that not all types of fabrics lend themselves well to dyeing. Cotton and linen products change color most easily. Synthetic things can get unevenly dyed, so be careful when dyeing synthetic blouses.

How to dye black fabric?

During staining, you must adhere to the correct sequence of actions:

  1. First of all, the product must be prepared for staining. Check for any foreign objects in the pockets. Remove all metal parts, cut off buttons and zippers. Wash clothes thoroughly and remove all stains.
  2. Prepare the dye. It is necessary to dilute the product in strict accordance with the instructions on the package. If you are not sure how the product will react to the dye, test on a small piece of the same material.
  3. Pour the finished dye into the washing machine tray. Things must be wet before painting. Place them on the drum. Select a washing mode that heats up to 90 degrees. In this case, the program time should be at least 30 minutes. The longer the staining is done, the richer the shade will turn out.
  4. After the end of the wash program, remove the product from the machine and rinse in cold water. All that remains is to dry your clothes.

Such coloring will allow you to simply and very quickly return things to their former attractiveness.