Day of Special Forces - congratulations, poems, sms. Congratulations to the special forces of the GRU on the holiday

Every year on October 24, soldiers of special forces units deservedly celebrate the day of the creation of special forces. The history of the holiday is connected with the directive number ORG / 2/395/832, signed by the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal A.M. Vasilevsky, according to which formations of the most trained servicemen were created in the military districts, whose task was to conduct operations of various degrees of complexity in the deep rear of the enemy. And to this day, Russian special forces units are distinguished by a high level of psychological, physical and combat training, a fusion of experience and valiant enthusiasm, which allows them to solve problems with their inherent efficiency and in any conditions. Date, we celebrate the day of special forces - October 24.

Congratulations on the day of the Russian special forces,
Alien infection is not terrible for warriors,
Terrorists, brawlers cannot escape again,
A machine operates here, its name is "Russian Special Forces".
Congratulations brothers, friends on the holiday,
Be safe from night to morning
Take care of life, a family is waiting at home,
And the whole country is counting on you.

Brothers! Guys! Fathers and Sons,
Who visited hot spots,
Sparing no effort with a friend of death,
Spilled blood on the battlefield.
Happy special forces day, real men,
All Russia sends greetings,
May the Lord give you more strength
Don't get sick and live for hundreds of years.

In special forces, brother for brother, so it is taken as a basis,
And on the breasts is a reward for a seasoned soldier.
For Mother Russia, we are ready to give our lives,
Let him take the grave, you are not afraid to suffer.
I wish you health, success and good luck,
Solve military tasks impartially,
May death bypasses the soul and save lives,
I am quiet and calm, because I know
My spetsnaz keeps me safe.

Spetsnaz is pride and glory,
Willingness to crush the enemy
Sleep sweetly dear country,
We can protect you.
Spetsnaz is honor and freedom,
Elite squad of Russians,
Selected people of the kind,
The oldest kind of Slavs.

Happy Russian special forces day,
Personally, I shake your hand, gentlemen,
I wish everyone bright days
Let no war break out on the country.
Protect the earth with your chest, blood,
For Russia with heart and soul,
And trust in our help,
We will rush to help the whole country.

The word "No" is not familiar to the special forces,
Hands in the blood, but the fighter will do,
Don't give a damn about the complexity and the weather
The specialist knows his business for sure.
Happy holiday, special forces servicemen,
Let luck go by the hand
This toast is ordered in your honor,
Amicably, everyone drinks to health.

Perform tasks through your teeth
Spetsnaz - the elite of the Russian troops,
The enemy was always fought back
Sometimes they entered into an unequal battle.
There is strength, they say, no mind is needed,
But this phrase is definitely not about you,
And a reward flaunts on the breasts,
For helping in difficult times.

For soldiers of the GRU special forces,
I respectfully remind you
And I will bring congratulations,
After all, the holiday, I could not help but remember.
The whole country knows heroes
Sometimes the special forces are under the mask,
Your protection is so necessary
Don't forget the helmets guys.
Let a vest sit on your chest
And don't forget the machine
Please accept hello from the bottom of my heart,
And celebrate the holiday happily.

For all the good, for you guys,
And for the Russian, I raise a toast to the special forces,
We, personally, are insanely happy to congratulate,
And this verse now sounds to you.
For happiness and love, for friendship,
For joy and peace of mind,
For peaceful service in Russia,
For the special forces to be on their guard.

Ready to fight the bandits
Free the hostages
He only dreams of peace
He cannot live otherwise.
Mobility, coherence, surprise
The spetsnaz will not let you down
But if suddenly there is danger-
Friends will come to the rescue.
Let luck be near
Luck goes hand in hand!
Let the heart's time not cool
The lucky star leads.

Today, special forces unit, please accept our congratulations!
You guys are the strongest, the bravest,
Daring and skillful.
The country is proud of you,
After all, she is under protection!
Terrorists are not afraid of her,
Kohl there are such specialists.
I wish you health, happiness, live a hundred years!
In work: success, luck, victories!

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Congratulation # 3123

Happy Special Forces Day!
We wish you always
Fate protected you,
Was favorable to you!

To make happiness adorn
Your life from year to year,
So that there are a lot of luck
So that the dream calls ahead!

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Congratulation # 3122

Today you are all Russians
“Thank you” with warmth they say
And congratulating you on the holiday,
Everyone is happy to shake your hand!

Special forces, we wish you
Success in any tasks,
It's not easy for you in life, we know
But you don't expect other destinies!

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Congratulation # 3114

Happy Special Forces Day, I congratulate you!
And I wish you great happiness
So that it is not far off,
And so that it was always in your power!

Let relatives and friends be near
They believe in your strengths and designs,
And let fate with an attentive gaze
Will be able to protect from sorrows!

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Congratulation # 3113

Your vocation is special forces
And you are a hero for us
Congratulations from us
Take your holiday!

We wish you that
What do you dream about yourself
It was so easy on my heart
So that there is room for dreams!

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Congratulation # 3112

Happy Special Forces Day! This holiday
Meet in a good mood
Let the soul be warmed
General joyful fun!

Dear veterans and soldiers of special forces! I congratulate you on your professional holidayDay of Special Forces of the Russian Federation !
Spetsnaz is the elite of combat units, the most combat-ready and highly professional military formation. And each of the special forces fighters is an invincible force on which our country relies and relies.
Since 1918, when special forces (CHON) were created, special forces units have gone through a difficult and glorious battle path. Over the years of their existence, hundreds of operational actions have been carried out to find and detain especially dangerous and armed criminals, liquidate criminal groups and gangs, special counter-terrorist operations and measures to free hostages. Soldiers of special forces were active in combat work in Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Vietnam, then Afghanistan. During the Chechen campaign, they carried out search-ambush and sabotage-reconnaissance operations. Spetsnaz is always there where you need "aerobatics" and "jewelry" work. The success of large special operations on a regional and federal scale depends on the "targeted" coordinated actions of a small group of professionals.
Not everyone is able to serve in such units, and not everyone will be taken there. Service in special forces requires honor, dignity, impeccable professional training, as well as audacity, surprise, initiative, the ability to act quickly and consistently, competently use the properties of the terrain, time of day, weather conditions and many other skills. Spetsnaz is a special way of life, a way of thinking ...
The country is proud of the high moral and fighting qualities of the employees of special forces, because they have always been distinguished by patriotism, dedication, readiness for self-sacrifice, courage, courage, endurance and calmness, where necessary, the ability to fight a strong and dangerous enemy without hesitation.
The military work of soldiers of special forces is highly valued. Many of them were awarded state awards, and the people rescued by the special forces are immensely grateful and grateful to them. The names of employees who did not return home after military operations, but at the cost of their lives fulfilled their military duty, the people will forever keep in their memory.
Dear special forces - both veterans and those who are in the ranks today! Happy Special Forces Day of the Russian Federation ! I believe that being at the forefront of the fight against terrorism and organized crime, you will continue to devote all your strength and energy to solving the tasks set before you, and you will remain faithful to the traditions of the military brotherhood of the Russian special forces. On behalf of all Russians, I thank you for your impeccable service, selfless courage and devotion to the Fatherland. I wish you success in your service, return from any operations safe and sound, live long and with a clear conscience! Special thanks to your family and friends. Thanks to them, each of you can safely carry out the service and return home, where they are waiting for you. With all my heart I wish you and your families peace, good health, happiness and family well-being!

Congratulations on the day of special forces


Happy Special Forces Day! You keep the calm of the whole country, ready at any moment to repel the threat from any enemy who, in general, has no chance, while you are serving in the special forces unit! So let, in addition to combat missions, when you have to use force, your life will be happy and peaceful!

A spetsnaz soldier is strong and noble. For him, the accomplishment of a feat is a duty of honor. He is a real man! Today, on the Day of Special Forces, please accept my congratulations and best wishes! Let there be strength in the hands, and happiness in the soul!

On Special Forces Day, I want to congratulate you, servants of order and protection of our freedoms. You follow a simple rule - not a single extra step, but not retreat, not a single compromise with the enemy, but also no extra battles. You are our hope, and today, on your holiday, I wish you to keep your body and spirit strong until deep gray hairs and just live happily!

You hold any weapon confidently, and it would be better for evil not to get in your way - you will grind it into powder! You are a special forces soldier, a hero of our time! On the Day of Special Forces, I will not speak long, magnificent speeches, I will just say thank you for doing a job that is vital for the whole country and wish you happiness!

Happy Special Forces Day! You alone are worth a dozen soldiers, but your opponent is worth nothing! You can lay him down with your bare hands in a duel, or eliminate the threat in a well-coordinated strike group! So why aren't you a hero? Happy Holidays! Help us live in safety and live happily ever after!

And in the hottest battle you do not lose your composure, ready to cover your comrades and take on the most powerful enemy. You are strong and honest, you know that peace is not always achieved by peace ... Happy Special Forces Day! May your days pass safely, but if thunder still breaks out - with one hand, easily and simply, bring us back our peace!

Whatever happens, we, every citizen and the whole country, have defenders - special forces. Happy Special Forces Day! May luck always be near, the right plan and the shoulder of a comrade! Know that the whole Motherland is behind you!

On Special Forces Day, I congratulate you warmly and wish you happiness! Of course, all opponents should have surrendered even before your actions, but while they are still stupid, you will help the Motherland live peacefully, without knowing troubles! Thank you for your work worthy of real heroes!

Happy Special Forces Day! You are the elite of our troops, there are no impossible tasks for you, and acting together as one, you can easily destroy the threat even at the stage of its emergence! Always be brave and lucky, live happily ever after!

To be a brave warrior, to guard the security of the state level - this is the task of honor and the strength of a real man! Your work is a feat! Happy Special Forces Day! Let the enemies tremble, and your life will be the best!


What's a day on the calendar?
What a holiday in the yard?
October 24 -
Special Forces Day, they say!

More precisely, divisions
Special purpose!
Congratulations from us!
Words full of admiration for you!

Brave, smart, strong warriors,
You only deserve honor and glory!
Excellent preparation, clarity, dexterity!
You work harmoniously, amicably and dexterously!

Fine and careful maneuvers,
Everything is available to you and nothing is impossible!

Happy Spesnaz Day,
Admiring you again.
Your agility, your strength,
Best of all spoken words!

And you are stubborn in your work,
And good dexterity.
We will sleep well with you,
Know that there is not a soul around.

You are with a criminal gang,
Straighten easily.
Knowing the technique of techniques,
Don't drop your face.

I congratulate you on the Day of Special Forces Units and I want to wish you not only in my activity - gallant service, but also in life in general to always have a special status, a special purpose - the purpose of being a brave, proud, brave, strong, intelligent, beautiful and happy person!

You desperate guys
Kings of special forces
Congratulations on this day,
And we wish you right away
You will never see a military man,
Peaceful sky above you
The honor of the fatherland to defend
Jacket with a medal.
May your rear be reliable,
Happiness to all relatives and friends.
The fallen ones, believe, we will not forget,
Our low bow at your feet.

Aiming beam from a sniper rifle,
And battle grenades, fragments flying upwards -
You have gone through all this more than once.
You know how a land mine suddenly explodes under your feet.
Did you know: fire, the whistle of bullets - all the "delights" of hot spots,
And also the muzzle of machine guns, the coldness of the "sharpening" blades -
At a sign - you are going to capture, to storm or attack,
Himself, demonstrating reliability and courage.
Admirable! You are a lesson of valor and courage!
And as a token of gratitude, we give you congratulations!

You are the best among equals,
Who put shoulder straps on their shoulders,
To you - to all glorious heroes
Significant battles and defense,
You - ready to follow orders
Give your life on a swearing field,
To you - to all Russian special forces
On a holiday, we only talk about the main thing:
What kind of peace, reliable protection,
Children laugh under the blue sky
Today we are the army of the elite,
Our special forces, thank you for everything!

Fighters of the invisible front
Your merits are countless.
From here to the horizon
Merit, courage and honor!

Any difficulties are within reach,
You are always in the heat of events.
You value our life
Accept verses on this day.

We wish you less work,
So that it becomes day after day.
And on the holiday of your most important troops
Let the whole Earth sleep peacefully!

You are the elite, our pride,
Strength, agility - everything is with you.
Mother Russia, like a bowl
Will get stronger without embellishment.

Do everything in an instant
Impossible deeds.
Like ghosts, visions
So that luck leads you!

Impossible tasks
Executable without difficulty.
Destroy like a sensor
Rebellious enemy!

Sleep well, people, because the special forces are on guard!
With you guys, any enemy is not terrible.
Happy defenders! Happiness and smiles!
May God save you from all mistakes!

Good luck, health, strong nerves in the service!
And of course, sincere, real friendship!
We are proud of you! Glory to you special forces!
The special forces are protecting us from enemies!

I'd like to wish the special forces on their professional holiday nerves of steel, strong muscles, endurance and constant good luck. Let each task be on your shoulder, and the guardian angel and the shoulder of a friend will protect you from troubles and mistakes. May all the good that you do in the service be doubly returned to you at home.

They are afraid of you, it's true.
And we give you a reward.
Special Forces Day is power.
We love you forever.
And we could be proud.
These are our men!
Brave, strong and intelligent.
Do not rush mindlessly.
We appreciate you, adore you,
We are also very respected.
We kiss you tightly.
And, of course, very apt.