How to properly wash your baby's face. Morning washing of a newborn baby, how to properly wash a baby

Having become parents and left with the newborn alone at home, the parents panic and get lost, not knowing how to properly wash, bathe, clean his eyes and nose. His skin is very sensitive and delicate, and therefore care for it in the first month of life should be carried out carefully to prevent inflammation and irritation. So, let's take a look at the basic care routines that parents need to do on a daily basis.

How to change a diaper

The diaper is changed after each bowel movement to avoid contact of the stool with the baby's skin. The urine is absorbed into a special layer located in the center of the diaper - the task of the parents is to ensure that it does not overflow. It is advisable to change your baby's clothes as often as possible - the time of a possible stay varies from two to four hours.

So, how to change a diaper:

You should put the baby on a changing table or a place specially equipped for this purpose, grab both legs with one hand, and clean the skin of dirt with the other hand. Next, apply cream or powder. Holding the baby's legs again, place the straightened diaper under his butt. Now pull up the front with both hands so that the child is comfortable - not too tight or too loose. If the diaper is sized, it will most likely cover the navel. Turning the baby slightly on its side, spread the diaper on all sides, connecting the Velcro or fasteners in parallel. Straighten the wrinkles and make sure that all elastic bands at the outermost seams are symmetrically distributed.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the choice of cream and powder. Some diaper manufacturers indicate that the cream is not needed when using their products. Unfortunately, this is not always true. Some children have particularly sensitive skin, which puts them at increased risk of developing dermatitis and prickly heat.

It is impossible to apply cream (ointment, oil, gel) and powder on the same parts of the body at the same time. Together they can lead to skin maceration. Also, watch out for the amount of cream - too much applied constantly to the skin with every diaper change itself can cause irritation.

How to wash

Babies should be washed after each bowel movement, as bacteria and enzymes in the stool can irritate the delicate skin of the groin. The newborn is washed as follows: you should take him in the left hand, so that his face is in the elbow bend, and his chest is located along the forearm. This is how boys are usually washed away, girls are washed from front to back so that feces do not get on the genitals. Therefore, when washing, the girl is placed with her back on the forearm, and her head in the elbow area. The child is washed under running water, the temperature of which should be 37-37.5 degrees, using a special baby product (soap, gel or foam).

The use of baby soap or gel is permissible only in cases of bowel movement. In all other cases, the child should simply be washed under running water.

Some mothers use baby wipes to cleanse their baby's skin from feces. However, this is unacceptable, since even the highest quality wipes contain aromatic additives, fragrances, ethyl alcohol or its derivatives. Therefore, the use of napkins should be minimized, for example, when there is no way to wash the crumbs under water (on a trip, clinic, store).

How to avoid diaper rash

Intertrigo - damage to the skin from elementary redness to the development of erosion and weeping. When parents follow the rules of hygiene, regularly change the diaper after stool, wash the baby, use cream or powder in the required quantities - most likely there will be no diaper rash. But, if, despite all of the above, you still notice signs of diaper dermatitis, the error may be as follows:

  • used to care for the skin of a newborn baby soap, detergents containing alkaline components;
  • cosmetics for the skin of newborns containing antibiotics were used, which can lead to a violation of the microbiocenosis of the skin, contributes to the development of fungal infections;
  • long-term stay in one diaper, it is necessary to carry out air baths in the genital area for 10-15 minutes several times a day;
  • using too frequent baths, soaps, herbal supplements, which lead to degreasing and dehydration of the skin.

It has been proven that diapers with a gel filler, in comparison with analogues made of gauze and cotton, reliably more often prevent irritation and diaper rash.

How to wash

Washing your newborn is an important daily hygiene ritual. It is necessary to wash twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before feeding.

What you need:

  • warm boiled water (up to 3 months of life);
  • small cup;
  • cotton pads;
  • soft towel.

The baby's towel should be individual, and the cotton pads should be stored in a closed container to avoid dirt, wool and dust.

Washing a newborn should begin by rubbing the eyes. Soak a cotton pad in warm boiled water and gently wipe the eyes with it from the temple to the bridge of the nose. A separate cotton pad is used for each eye. Then they begin to cleanse the face of the newborn. Soak a cotton ball in water and gently wipe your cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, behind the ears and ears. After the procedure, gently pat the baby's face with a soft towel.

How to clean your nose

An absolutely healthy infant does not need to be specially cleaned or rinsed out of the nasal passages. This should be done only when you notice that the baby has accumulated mucus in the nasal passages, dirt, dry particles. Remember, cotton swabs sold for adults will not work; they can push the mucus further and block the airway. Baby ear sticks will not work either - the nostrils of newborns are very small, it will be unpleasant and even painful.

If there are dry crusts in the nose, then you can get rid of them as follows. It is necessary to drip into each nostril according to the instructions a special agent purchased at the pharmacy. Then carefully remove mucus and soggy crusts with a turundochka (a piece of cotton wool, twisted with a toothpick into a tube), rolling it very carefully in the nostril.

If the baby does not breathe well, is unable to pick up the breast or bottle normally, “grunts” or snores during sleep, then in such a situation it is recommended to use a pear or aspirator.

How to care for your hair

From the very birth of a baby, it is necessary to properly care for his hair. The newborn's head is washed using a special baby shampoo. It is recommended to wash your hair 1-2 times a week, on other days with plain water. Dry hair by blotting with a slightly soft terry towel or flannel. Brush with a special children's brush with natural bristles.

Seborrheic crusts

In the first months of life, seborrheic crusts appear on the baby's head, which are flakes of a greasy yellowish consistency. It is imperative to get rid of them, because they cause discomfort, itching, redness of the skin, and interfere with hair growth.

To get rid of them, you should apply baby oil to your head 20 minutes before bathing and put on a cap. Then wash off the oil with shampoo, and comb out the softened crusts with a soft baby brush.

If at one time it was not possible to remove seborrheic crusts, then the procedure can be repeated.

How to bathe

you can start the next day after returning from the hospital. Water procedures are carried out daily, preferably at the same time. If the baby is naughty, then it is better to transfer the bathing. To bathe your newborn, you will need:

  • bath, chaise lounge;
  • soap or baby bathing product (gel, foam);
  • soft towel.

Until the umbilical wound in the newborn has healed, it should be bathed only in boiled water cooled to a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees. Bathing in herbal baths, the use of additional products, including pharmacy, is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor. The pediatrician may advise the use of baby cosmetics for bathing with lipid supplements, they give a hydrating effect, which will protect the baby's skin from drying out and from diaper dermatitis. These baths can be performed up to three times a week. Also, do not often change the funds, choose several, the baby's skin will get used to them, you will be protected from irritations and allergies in the future.

You cannot bathe a newborn on the day on which he was given BCG. Also, you cannot bathe the baby, if he just ate, you will need to wait about 40 minutes.

We take care of the umbilical wound

The cut off umbilical cord is clamped with a special device - a medical brace. Normally, after 10-14 days, the dried umbilical cord residue with a bracket should fall off on its own.

The umbilical cord must be rinsed and disinfected. You will need a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%), an aqueous-alcoholic solution of brilliant green 1% (brilliant green), a cotton pad, cotton swabs.

It is enough to treat the umbilical wound 2 times a day. The process is as follows - dip a cotton swab into hydrogen peroxide and gently blot the wound and umbilical cord with it. Next, blot your navel with a cotton pad to make it completely dry.

The next step is to smear it with a disinfectant solution with the one that your doctor advised you, for example, brilliant green. But be careful with it - with a large amount, it can cause a burn on the delicate skin of the baby. In addition, on a heavily smeared area, it will be difficult to see the healing process, redness, a weeping navel.

Why the baby's navel does not heal

  • incorrect processing,
  • inflammatory process,
  • thick umbilical cord,
  • tight clothing, diaper,

Clipping your nails

A newborn baby is born with very thin nail plates on the toes that are easily damaged. Therefore, you can trim them when they get a little stronger - 2 weeks after birth. So that the baby does not accidentally scratch himself, mittens-scratches are put on his handles.

The hardened marigolds are cut using special scissors with rounded ends. Manicure is performed when the baby is relaxed and calm. Some moms find it convenient to do this when he sleeps. You can try to trim your nails after bathing, but only after 30 minutes. Nails in water steam, soften, and when cutting them, you can accidentally catch the skin.

Before a manicure, mom should thoroughly wash her hands with soap and disinfect the scissors. You cannot cut the marigolds very short, it is recommended to leave 1-2 mm, rounding the corners on the handles, and leave straight on the legs. This reduces the risk of ingrown nails into the skin.

They make a manicure for babies as the marigolds grow. For some, it is enough to cut them once a month, for others once a week.

In addition to caring for a newborn baby, you need to regularly walk in the fresh air, regardless of the season. He needs to do gymnastic exercises, massage. Wash things with a special powder and iron. Regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room.

In the early days, or even months, it will be difficult for an inexperienced mother to handle a baby. After all, he needs constant care, care, and there is no time or energy left for household chores and for himself. However, there is no need to be afraid of such responsibility, very soon the mother will get used to new responsibilities, and the baby will grow up healthy and happy, learning about the world around him.

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It is necessary to wash the baby not only for hygienic purposes, but also in order to instill cleanliness in him from the first days of life. In the future, the grown-up child will do his toilet without reminders.

You can wash your baby gently and gently

For the procedure, you need to prepare:

  • A small container with clean boiled water at a temperature of 36-37 ° С;
  • Cotton suits or tampons;
  • Clean towel.

To wash the newborn's face, the water must be boiled. It will be possible to refuse this when the child is several months old.

The procedure is conveniently carried out by placing the baby on a changing table or changing board. An adult should wash his hands well before washing his face. A cotton pad or swab is moistened in boiled water and squeezed slightly. First you need to rub your eyes in the direction from the temple to the bridge of the nose. A separate swab must be taken for each eye. Next, a new swab is used to wipe the child's forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. After that, the neck and the area behind the ears are cleaned.

From birth, a child should have his own separate towel, which will be washed regularly and thoroughly ironed. You cannot rub your skin with a towel, you need to gently blot it.

Than to wash a newborn child, if his eyes are festering - tea leaves are best suited. In the first weeks of life, slight purulent discharge may appear from the eyes. To get rid of them, you can rub your eyes with strong, savory tea leaves. But this problem must be reported to the pediatrician, perhaps he will prescribe treatment.

When washing your face, it is advisable to clean your child's nose and ears. It is convenient to do this with small cotton filaments, twisted from ordinary cotton wool and moistened with sunflower or vaseline oil. You can also use special cotton swabs with a limiter. He will not allow you to insert the stick too deeply and thereby cause discomfort to the child.

The oral cavity of a newborn does not need any special care, but you need to monitor if there is a white plaque on the mucous membranes, indicating the appearance of thrush.

Washing a child is not difficult at all, but he will receive a boost of vivacity for the whole day.

Proper and gentle care of a newborn is a prerequisite for the healthy development of a baby. In the first weeks and months of life, correct and timely hygiene procedures are especially important for a newborn.

Every morning, mothers should start with the baby's morning toilet, which will need the following hygiene products:

  • boiled water at a comfortable temperature (36-37 degrees);
  • sterile cotton wool;
  • cotton pads;
  • baby oil.

Mother's hands should always be clean when caring for a child, and when starting to wash, it is necessary to wash hands especially thoroughly with soap and water. Soak a piece of cotton wool (or cotton pad) in warm water and gently wipe the baby's forehead, cheeks, nose, behind the ears. After that, blot these places with a dry soft handkerchief or towel. The baby should be washed in the mornings and evenings, in the summer (especially in the heat) it should be done more often.

The baby's eyes need to be washed with pieces of cotton wool dipped in warm boiled water. The eyes are wiped from the outer corners of the eyes towards the bridge of the nose. A separate (new) piece of cotton wool must be used for each eye. At the last stage, the eyes must be blotted with a soft dry towel or handkerchief. For this procedure, many mothers exclusively use cotton wool instead of cotton pads, as it rubs the baby's delicate skin less, being softer.

Regular washing of the eye is the best prevention of conjunctivitis. If you suddenly observe discharge from the baby's eyes and stuck together cilia, then, after consulting with a doctor, you can wipe them with a piece of cotton wool, previously moistened with a furacilin solution (for each eye - a separate piece of cotton wool).

It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the baby's nose. The dry crusts formed in it make it difficult for the baby to breathe, so they must be cleaned from the nose. Take sterile cotton wool and twist the flagellum out of it. After moistening it with baby oil, gently tuck the flagellum into the nasal passage and make several rotational movements in either direction. Pulling the flagellum out of the spout will remove the crust. For each nostril it is necessary to use a separately twisted cotton cord.

You cannot use cotton swabs to clean the nose, as they are too hard for the delicate mucous membrane. The hygiene of the spout must be observed without fail, however, it is not necessary to clean the baby's spout without the need. If there are no crusts inside, then cleaning the mucous membrane for prevention is not worth it: firstly, this procedure is unlikely to delight your baby, and secondly, there is a very high probability of damaging the mucous membrane.


In this article, you will learn:

The body of a newborn usually reacts rather sharply to the environment, since its immunity is only adapting to it. Based on this, it is extremely important to pay due attention to simple hygiene rules, which will reduce the number of negative factors that can cause a lot of trouble for the baby and his parents. But how to do it right? How to wash the face of a newborn, and how, for example, to clean the ears or eyes? After all, the skin and mucous membranes of the baby are often able to react violently to any intervention.

It is imperative that parents do not lose sight of this point and know the answers to the question of how to carry out daily childcare, which should begin with such an important procedure as washing. It should not be produced with ordinary tap water at all, since the number of probable problems that can be encountered by resorting to this method is too great.

What you need for washing

The "standard" set for washing is quite simple and does not require the purchase of any frills. However, it is thanks to its components that you can easily cleanse the skin, face, eyes and ears of the baby, protecting them from various rashes, possible suppurations, and so on. So, what is needed for daily hygiene and washing of a newborn.

  • Large bowl or other medium-sized container.
  • Cosmetic cotton pads.
  • Cotton flagella.
  • Boiled water.
  • Baby oil.

Baby face cleaning procedure

The sequence of steps for properly washing a newborn's face is quite simple. Having unwrapped the baby, you can lay him down on a changing table or other convenient surface. At this point, it is extremely important to track the absence of possible drafts, since the baby's wet skin is especially sensitive to them.

Having prepared the baby in this way, you should gently, with light movements, wipe his face with cosmetic discs soaked in boiled water. It is highly undesirable to use cotton wool for such purposes, since the villi from it can cause severe irritation if they go unnoticed in the folds of the skin.

When washing a newborn, you should pay attention not only to the areas of the forehead, cheeks and nose, but also to process the areas behind the ears. This procedure should be carried out at least twice a day - sutra and before bedtime. If the weather is hot and the baby is actively sweating, then you need to cleanse your face much more often.

Watch a useful video on how to properly carry out the washing process:

What to use for problem skin

The method described above is not suitable for all children. For many of them, the skin is initially too sensitive and reacts with the appearance of rashes, pimples and redness. Therefore, parents should know how and with what to wash the face of the newborn in such cases.

First of all, what you need to pay attention to when in contact with a child is your own hygiene. That is, adults must themselves control their own cleanliness of body and clothing. Before any procedure, you should wash your hands well with soap and so on. For washing the face, usually special solutions or herbal infusions are used. Some simple options are described below.

  1. Potassium permanganate. In the absence of any pronounced problems, a solution of potassium permanganate will become a simple and useful tool at hand, using which you can cleanse the baby's skin. To do this, a little potassium permanganate is diluted in a small amount of boiling water, and then diluted with boiled water until a pale pinkish hue is formed.
  2. Chamomile decoction. The beneficial properties of this plant have long been known, so it can and should be used due to the anti-inflammatory effect it has.
  3. Decoctions from the series, which eliminate irritation, have also proven themselves very well.

Baby hygiene

Washing a newborn is not carried out by itself, but is done only as part of a comprehensive daily hygiene procedure. In addition to cleaning the baby's face, it also includes control over the condition of the eye, ears and nose. There are some specific points that must be taken into account.

  1. In newborns, suppuration is often recorded in the eyes. This is completely normal, but as soon as it is identified, you should definitely consult a doctor, who will most likely prescribe special drops. The furacilin solution has also proven itself well in eliminating this unpleasant effect. On the basis of improvised means, you can use rinsing with tea and chamomile decoction.
  2. When cleaning the eyes, you should take a separate cotton pad for each of them, and it is even better to use ordinary cotton wool for such purposes, since it rubs the eye and the area around it less when cleaning.
  3. Cleaning the nose should not be carried out every day, but resort to it only when a crust forms in the nasal canals, making it difficult for the baby to breathe. Cleaning is fairly easy. To do this, cotton wool twisted into a flagellum is moistened with a little baby oil and, thrusting it into the nose, make two or three rotational movements in any direction.
  4. Also, the baby's ears are cleaned with a cotton flagellum. It is not recommended to do this too often; it is necessary to periodically check the ear canals for the presence of wax and remove it as it accumulates. It is very important to know that you cannot use regular ear sticks for newborns, although some manufacturers claim that the use of their products is completely harmless.
  5. In fact, if you test such an ear stick on yourself, you can easily be convinced that the cotton wool gets lost and the plastic has a very unpleasant effect, which can even be dangerous for the child.
  6. In addition to the described sensitive areas, delicacy must be applied even when washing hands, since using ordinary soap dries the skin and can harm the baby. Cleaning the palms is usually also carried out with the help of discs and boiled water, after which the hands are soaked with a baby towel and oil is applied to them.


Knowing the basic points of how to take care of a child, how to wash a newborn's face, and what is best for the eyes, and so on, can significantly reduce the risk of possible diseases and protect the child from many aggressive factors affecting him from the environment.

Whatever aspect you touch, we can always say about newborns that they are not a reduced copy of an adult, which means that their body functions according to its own laws. This even applies to the skin. The skin of a newborn baby has its own characteristics, which sometimes cause anxiety in young parents. The skin of the crumbs is delicate and prone to irritation, therefore it requires special attention. In order to avoid problems and inflammation, you must carefully look after her. When a child has clean skin, no diaper rash, rashes, the newborn feels comfortable, sleeps well, does not worry and is not capricious.

Skin features

When the baby arrives, his skin is covered with a layer of cheese-like lubricant. This lubricant acts as a barrier, because in the mother's tummy, the baby was surrounded by amniotic fluid. In the old days, this lubricant was washed off immediately after birth, now it is believed that it should be absorbed into the skin.

When the issue with lubrication on the skin is leveled, the mother may notice that the baby's skin is too red. This is completely normal. At first, in the blood of a newborn child, erythrocytes are contained in an increased amount. Secondly, the layer of subcutaneous fat in the crumbs is still very poorly developed, which means that the blood vessels are very close to the skin, and they are clearly visible. In addition to a red tint, a vascular pattern may simply appear on the skin.

Poor development of the subcutaneous fat layer "rewards" the baby's skin with one more feature. Newborn babies are easily hypothermic and freeze. At the same time, a "marble" pattern appears on the skin.

All mothers note that the skin of a newborn baby is very soft and velvety to the touch. Infant fluff, which covers the shoulders, back, and sometimes the hips of the baby, gives a special velvety to the skin. However, already on the 2-3rd day of life, the baby's skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Thus, the adaptation of the skin to the air environment after the water environment is manifested. The work of the sebaceous glands has not yet been established, so the skin is devoid of a protective lipid film that helps to retain moisture. Most often, the skin of the extremities peels off: palms and heels.

Often, various rashes can be seen on the skin of a newborn. Little white dots that look like pimples are milia, sebaceous cysts. They are completely safe, appear in the process of adjusting the work of the sebaceous glands and disappear without a trace without any intervention. Red, inflamed pimples, sometimes called "blooms," are the result of hormonal changes. After physical separation from the mother's body, the baby's body begins to produce its own hormones, which naturally affects the external condition of the skin.

It turns out that most of the anxiety symptoms are phenomena that are completely normal for a newborn child. The older your toddler gets, the more his skin becomes similar to that of an adult, both in appearance and in the way it functions.

Skin care rules

  • In order not to injure the delicate skin of the baby, the adult's nails should be cut short and sawn off;
  • If an adult has any sores on his hands (e.g. boils, nail fungus, inflamed burrs), it is better to entrust childcare to a healthy person;
  • It is not recommended to abuse hygiene products: use baby soap without allergenic fragrances, use baby cream on a water basis ();
  • Use only high quality baby cosmetics.

We wash the baby

Every morning, after the baby wakes up, it must be washed with boiled water.

Morning care is more convenient to carry out on the changing table, since the necessary items will be stably placed on it. The water temperature in the first days is 36-37⁰C, it can be gradually reduced and brought to room temperature (25⁰C).

  1. We start by treating the eyes: with a cotton ball dipped in boiled water, wipe the eye from the outer corner to the inner corner with smooth movements without pressure. We use an individual cotton ball for each eye.
  2. Wipe the nose outside with a damp cotton ball. From the inside, the nostrils are cleaned with a cotton flag, making rotational movements. The flagellum is pre-moistened with boiled water.
  3. We process the ears with a cotton wool flagellum, cleaning off the sulfur from the skin of the external auditory canal. It is not worth pushing the flagellum deeper, since the sulfur is not removed, but is pushed into the ear canal. It is enough to clean the ears 2 times a week.
  4. Wipe the face and behind the ears with a cotton ball.
  5. The umbilical wound needs to be treated 2 times a day with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, then brilliant green (about correct processing).
  6. After each stool, the baby must be washed with warm running water.


Body care

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Common truths:

We look at how to bathe, how to wash, how to care for the umbilical wound, how to make air baths:

Open video



Umbilical wound treatment:

Air baths:

After bathing the baby, apply baby cream to the crotch and groin folds. Because the composition of creams includes castor oil, glycerin, beeswax, this softens and nourishes the skin, and also protects it from all kinds of microbes. Immediately after bathing, it is necessary to treat the baby's skin with cosmetic oil for newborns, lotion or powder.

Skin problems

Most often, parents are frightened by the appearance of crusts on the scalp of the crumbs (seborrheic crusts). This is not a disease, it is easy to fight it. Before each bathing, the crusts are smeared with baby cream, and during bathing they are wiped with a sterile gauze napkin. Movements should be light without pressure, strong friction will lead to wounds. (Reading)

  • Prickly heat. If there is prickly heat on the child's body, then you just need to prevent overheating, avoiding unnecessarily warm clothes. At an early stage, normal newborn hygiene is sufficient. While bathing, you can add chamomile infusion to the water, or a decoction of oak bark - (about treatment);
  • Diaper rash. When diaper rash appears, special attention is paid to skin care after each trip to the toilet. Let the baby's skin "breathe" more often (the same air baths described above), diapers and diapers must be changed every few hours. After changing the diapers of the child, it is imperative to wash it off with running water, in extreme cases - wipe it with baby sanitary napkins - Details;
  • Proper hygiene initially! We read a long article about the organization.

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Watching the video:
