How much will you not get better during pregnancy? How not to gain weight during pregnancy. Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a great happiness for a family. But immediately mothers think about how to eat right in order to safely carry the baby and not harm their figure. Literally every woman experiences excess weight, and there are even those who give up the joy of their whole life, for the sake of a toned body and cherished kilograms.

It is believed that over the entire period of pregnancy, a woman gains from 9 to 12 kg. But it often happens that the weight has already exceeded the norm step, what to do and how not to get fat during pregnancy, we will tell you in this article.

Nutrition by trimester

The expectant mother must change her diet, which she was used to earlier. Food should be healthy, of high quality and environmentally friendly, in a word - proper nutrition. After all, harmful products can disrupt metabolic processes, which can contribute to excess weight, and in extreme cases, the emergence of pathology in the baby. When a woman is overweight, doctors recommend a pregnancy diet.

The average healthy person needs about 2,000 calories, and a woman in a position of up to 3,000 in the first trimester and plus 500 in each subsequent trimester. You need to eat 4-5 times a day. It is undesirable to allow brutal hunger, but you do not need to sit down at the table even without appetite. How not to gain weight during pregnancy?

The diet of a pregnant woman has general principles for all periods, however, it should be selected according to the trimester, taking into account the characteristics of each period and the condition of the woman at the current stage:

  1. Eat in fractional portions, ideally 4-5 times a day, without overeating.
  2. Do not overeat at night, if you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir or warm milk.
  3. A proper diet should be balanced in protein, fat and carbohydrates. And the diet consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, seafood. It is necessary to exclude fried, salty, fatty and spicy foods.
  4. Dishes are cooked in steam or in the oven.
  5. All products should be easily digestible and quickly digestible.

First trimester, what is included in the diet?

In the first trimester, the nature of food and lifestyle does not differ from that to which a woman is accustomed to before pregnancy. Almost every expectant mother from the first days of pregnancy eats what she wants and in unlimited quantities. Often these are "light" carbohydrates - sweets, pastries, cakes and much more. In this trimester, such an unbalanced diet does not entail the appearance of excess weight, since early toxicosis is observed.

It is important to maximize and diversify your diet with various natural vitamins and minerals. Preference should be given to food that has undergone minimal cooking. During this period, there is absolutely no need for mothers to strictly control their weight.

In the first trimester, folic acid is the most important vitamin and can be obtained from foods such as:

  • spinach and greens;
  • cabbage (white cabbage, Beijing, cauliflower);
  • corn;
  • asparagus.

You should also give up various bad habits such as:

  • alcohol, which is the most toxic drink;
  • caffeine and strong tea;
  • any energy drinks.

These substances easily penetrate the placenta to the developing fetus and disrupt the circulatory process, its cardiac and respiratory systems. They also carry a bunch of calories that are converted into adipose tissue.

Second trimester, how to cope with appetite?

During the second trimester, early toxicosis disappears. No longer sick and no aversion to food, appetite returns, and with it extra pounds. The fetus begins to grow actively, each of its internal organs increases. The main component of the diet during this period is protein.

Preference should be given to foods with the highest amount of protein - chicken breast, rabbit and beef. It is also important to consume milk and cottage cheese, preferably homemade, so that the baby's skeleton is strong and does not lack calcium.

Before lunch, you need to eat foods high in carbohydrates and protein, and in the afternoon - pure protein. Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of kefir or eat some low-fat cottage cheese. As an addition to your diet, you need to add fiber, that is, fruits, berries and herbs - these will help to cope with constipation. The amount of animal fats should be reduced, but not given up completely, because it is a source of energy. Animal proteins are easier to digest in the morning, vegetable proteins - you can safely eat in the afternoon and evening.

Third trimester, is it possible to diet and fasting days?

In this trimester, you can go on a protein diet, it will not harm the baby, but will help not to get better during pregnancy. There is only one rule: eat more protein in the form of lean meat, eggs, dairy products than before, thereby reducing the intake of carbohydrates several times. It is important to steam or in the oven.

An example of a diet might be:

  • Breakfast: a slice of whole grain bread with butter, a boiled egg and a glass of milk.
  • Second breakfast: fermented baked milk 4%, banana.
  • Lunch: soup, chicken pilaf, vegetable salad and a slice of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: nuts, prunes 10 pcs. or dates.
  • Dinner: curd casserole.
  • At night: a glass of low-fat kefir.

A woman will begin to recover with great speed in the third trimester. Adhering to a strict diet so as not to gain weight during this trimester is very dangerous and in no case should it be. The body of the mother and baby must receive the necessary nutrients for proper development. That is why the diet should be 100% balanced, if possible, you need to consult a doctor. Various greens, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat, fish and eggs - these products contain a set of vitamins and nutrients that mother and baby need.

In order not to gain excess weight, it is worth giving up sweet soda, pork, flour and sweets. You should also consume a minimum of table salt.

  • It is advised to carry out fasting days from 28 weeks of pregnancy, all organs and systems are formed in the fetus, so a small diet will not hurt.
  • Unloading can be carried out only once every 7-10 days, not more often.
  • Eat 5-6 times in small portions.
  • On the day of unloading, drink at least 1.5 liters of water, preferably pure and natural.
  • You can also alternate foods. The first day of the first week is only kefir, the next week - apples, etc.

Weight loss with such a diet is facilitated by the rejection of salt and sugar, which retain fluid in the body. In any case, the doctor should decide about the need for unloading, and he will also help you choose the menu.

Sport and its useful qualities

The next step is an active lifestyle. Exercise and various sports will help a woman not gain weight and stay fit. If you haven't played sports before, it's never too late to start. Any set of exercises while waiting for a baby should be based on the basic rules:

  • Be sure to start your workout with warming up to reduce the risk of injuring your joints and muscles.
  • The load should remain in your comfort zone for you, there should be no soreness and overexertion during pregnancy.
  • After classes, a feeling of cheerfulness and an increase in strength should remain, but if the opposite is true, it is recommended to reduce the load.
  • Any workout should be finished with relaxation or stretching.

Sports opportunities for a modern woman are great enough. Water aerobics, yoga, Pilates and walking are all you can do to train your muscles, prepare them for childbirth, and also avoid extra pounds.

Sport has the most beneficial effect on the body and helps:

  • The body will return to the desired shape after childbirth.
  • Lose excess weight.
  • Childbirth will be more successful and much easier if the body is prepared for it.

Water aerobics are exercises with elements of conventional aerobics, only they are performed in water and give quick results. During exercise, a large number of calories are wasted. Water relaxes, all movements that are performed in the water become smooth, which is very pleasant for pregnant women. Increasingly, doctors prescribe this sport if the expectant mother is gaining weight above normal. The biggest plus of water aerobics is that after it, no one practically gets tired, but, on the contrary, the feeling of lightness and vigor remains for the whole day.

Each organism is individual, so before going to the pool or gym, you need to consult with your doctor about building a training program.

Pregnancy is a time of change! This is a great motivation to change your lifestyle, daily routine and diet. It should be noted that if you accustom yourself to proper nutrition and an active lifestyle during pregnancy, then after the birth of the baby it will become a habit that will help maintain a beautiful figure and health for many years.

About being overweight during pregnancy almost every woman experiences.

And there are even those who, for fear of losing their figure, generally refuse to have children.

However, you should not be so much afraid of excess weight during pregnancy.

After all, as a rule, after childbirth, a woman returns to her weight.

But on condition that she ate rationally and healthy food.

It is important to remember about weight for pregnant women, because women who greatly gain weight during pregnancy are prone to the risk of developing diabetes and hypertension.

And some gynecologists also claim that obese pregnant women give birth to large babies, and therefore childbirth is more difficult. But in practice, this is not always confirmed. And it is very possible that a fat woman will give birth to a small child.

Don't eat for two

It is especially important to eat properly in the first trimester of pregnancy, when all the baby's organs are laid. During this period, a woman's body should receive a sufficient amount of proteins and vitamins. In no case should you force yourself to eat for two.

It is a myth that a pregnant woman needs to eat twice as much. In fact, women do not need additional calories during the first 6 months of pregnancy. In the last trimester, she needs about 200 additional calories when the baby is growing especially intensively.

And 200 calories is 1 large banana or 83 g of dried apricots, or 33 g of nuts, or 2 toast with butter, or a small baked potato in a jacket with cheese.

Replacing unhealthy foods with tasty ones

In order not to gain weight during pregnancy, do not eat fatty and fried meat, pork. Replace it with boiled chicken, turkey and rabbit - these varieties are rich in protein.

Include sea fish and red fish in your diet, they are high in calcium and phosphorus. Very nutritious and healthy foods during pregnancy - milk, cheese, cottage cheese. Cheese dessert is a great substitute for sweets.

Substitute white bread for black or coarse bread. If you do not want to gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, replace sweets and sweets with dried fruits and fresh fruits. Keep on hand what is useful to eat. For example, peel carrots and apples and put them on a plate, and hide cookies and sweets as far as possible.

But whatever one may say, during pregnancy, well, I really want to eat something sweet, flour or spicy, fried. Do not bully yourself and limit yourself to loss of consciousness.

If you are already completely unbearable than suffering, it is better to eat a little bit of the desirable and forbidden product. But only a little!

Coping with appetite

It so happens that during pregnancy, a woman feels severe hunger. It literally seems like you can eat an elephant. And here you, being afraid to harm the figure, begin to limit yourself in food. It is categorically impossible to starve during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester.

To satisfy your appetite, eat a little, but often, 5-6 times a day. To save yourself from overeating, make it a rule to eat only from the same small plate.

When you eat, do not be distracted by anything, think only good and enjoy every bite of food. Experiment with flavors, mix unexpected foods, cook something you've never cooked before.

After eating a little, even if you have not completely satisfied your hunger, take a break for 20 minutes. According to nutritionists, this is how long it takes for the brain to receive a "message" from the stomach about satiety. Eating beautiful food and remembering the amount will also help you eat less.

Monitor your weight weekly

Feeling like you're gaining extra weight? Weigh yourself weekly, and draw conclusions if you scored more than the average. Record your weight in the early stages once a month, later - once a fortnight. Your weight should also be monitored by the gynecologist during each review. He will also state his wishes for the set of scales by you.

On average, during pregnancy, a woman should gain 4 kg by the 20th week of pregnancy, during the rest of the period - 0.5 kg weekly. If you are overweight, adjust your diet and consult your doctor.

Take a walk and do exercise

Hiking long walks in the fresh air will help maintain your figure during pregnancy. Unless, of course, you are not threatened by varicose veins. Although you can walk with varicose veins, but not so long. Special gymnastics for pregnant women, fitball exercises, swimming, water aerobics, yoga - all this will help you keep your shape.

Drink a variety of healthy drinks

There are two diametrically opposite thoughts about fluid during pregnancy. Some doctors believe that if a pregnant woman has edema, you cannot drink a lot and you need to strictly limit the amount of drinking to 1 liter. Others, on the contrary, assure that edema is precisely due to a lack of fluid.

If the doctor has not given you separate recommendations on this matter, drink diluted freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, herbal and green teas, non-carbonated water during pregnancy. At the same time, monitor the quality of the water. These drinks will help you cope with intense hunger and saturate your body with vitamins.

Healthy sleep will save you from excess weight

Nutritionists have long come to the conclusion: if you do not want to get better during pregnancy, get enough sleep. Because the lack of sleep is actively compensated by the body with calories. As a result, ravenous hunger and a desire to eat foods rich in carbohydrates - that is, bread, sweets and candies.

If you are not at all able to and you want to eat to a dump of various nasty things - fatty, fried, butter cream cake - then just stop for a minute and think about your baby. The fact that all these harmful substances enter his small and not yet formed stomach, settle in the liver and negatively affect his health.

The news of the imminent appearance of the baby makes many women think about body changes. No one wants to gain weight strongly during pregnancy, and besides, doctors do not recommend this. That's just the people around are advised to eat for two, and the appetite periodically increases in earnest. So how not to get fat during pregnancy?

Eat regular portions of food

Eating for two is completely useless, it's just a dietary myth. In the first six months, the body does not need additional calories at all, and in the last trimester, a small increase will be enough. It's just a banana, a handful of dried apricots, or some nuts. So, using the usual amounts of food, you will not have to think about how not to gain weight during pregnancy.

Replace junk food

It is worth trying to get rid of too fatty and fried, replacing such food with more useful counterparts. Instead of steak or pork, it is better to choose a turkey or rabbit, because they are rich in protein. It will not be superfluous to add sea fish to the daily diet, in which there is a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which are important for the development of the baby. It is equally useful to eat cheese, cottage cheese and drink milk. A curd dessert would be an ideal sweet option during pregnancy. It is better to replace white bread and rolls with coarse baked goods, and sweets with dried fruits. To avoid temptations, keep healthy foods close at hand, such as keeping a peeled apple on your plate. But if you really want something forbidden too much, it is better not to torture yourself and still eat a little. You should not constantly think only about how not to get better during pregnancy.

Satisfy your hunger right

In order not to experience severe hunger and not limit yourself in everything, you need to eat on time. Keep your meals small but frequent, five to six times a day. In order not to think about how not to get better during pregnancy, every time the plate is filled, it is worth using small dishes and enjoying every bite. It is best to eat beautiful food, the pleasure of which will be maximum, experiment and try something new to distract from the amount of food consumed.

Control your weight

One of the secrets of how not to gain weight during pregnancy is systematic weight control. It is worth weighing yourself every week and making sure that you gain pounds at a normal pace. In the early stages, weight can be recorded every month, and towards the end of pregnancy, every two weeks. Everything should be assessed by a doctor during examinations. In case of lack or excess weight, he will definitely comment on the situation and advise on how best to proceed.

Walk and exercise more

Outdoor hiking is a great cure for excess weight, not only during pregnancy. In addition, there are many sports activities for pregnant women - swimming, yoga, fitball. All this will help maintain your figure until the very birth and quickly return to its previous shape after them.

Drink healthy

Drinking too much can cause swelling, which is familiar to many pregnant women. But a lack of fluid will also not be beneficial, so you should not limit yourself to drinking. Fresh juices, herbal teas, still water will be an ideal choice for the expectant mother. Drinking will help to cope with hunger and replenish the body with vitamins and nutrients.

How much they recover during pregnancy largely depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body - her constitution and body weight before pregnancy, metabolic rate, lifestyle, diet. However, there are weight gain rates that allow doctors to monitor the progress of pregnancy and help prevent possible complications or deviations.

It is believed that during pregnancy, the body weight of an average healthy woman increases by 10-15 kg. This is at normal weight before pregnancy. Thin women can gain more weight - by 12-18 kg, and women “in the body” - by 8-12 kg. But if a woman is going to give birth to twins, then the weight gain can be 16-21 kg.

As a rule, a third of the weight is added in the first 20 weeks: 270-330 g every week. The remaining two-thirds of the weight is gained during the second half of pregnancy: from 21 to 30 weeks - 290-370 g per week, from 31 weeks before delivery - 310-370 g per week.

It should be noted that this is also an average figure. Often, during toxicosis in the early stages, women lose kilograms, and then, when the toxicosis passes, they begin to gain them intensively. So here, too, everything is individual. But with the initial normal weight of a woman in the first three months of pregnancy, the optimal weight gain is about 1.5 kg, with insufficient initial weight - 2 kg, with excess - 0.8 kg.

Please note that insufficient weight gain in a pregnant woman negatively affects the unborn child and can lead to intrauterine growth retardation and low birth weight (less than 2.5 kg).

The distribution of those kilograms that women gain during pregnancy is as follows:

  • 30% - the weight of the fruit;
  • 25% - the mass of the increase in the volume of blood and tissue fluid;
  • 10% - the mass of the uterus;
  • 10% - the mass of the placenta;
  • 10% - the mass of amniotic fluid;
  • 15% - a reserve of fat (maternal reserve to ensure the normal bearing of the baby and breastfeeding).

Excess weight during pregnancy: causes and consequences

Both during pregnancy and in the usual state, the reason that a woman is recovering, in 9 cases out of 10, is due to the fact that food consumption exceeds the body's needs and its energy costs.

A pregnant woman does not need to eat more at all: nutrition should cover the costs of the formation and development of the fetus by increasing its usefulness - in terms of the content of essential proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, micro- and macronutrients.

If a woman follows the diet, does not overeat, does not consume harmful foods, but still greatly recovers during pregnancy (with the exception of multiple pregnancies), then this may be caused by polyhydramnios and edema. An excess volume of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) is a signal that some disturbances have occurred during pregnancy. To clarify the situation and promptly start treatment, be sure to consult your doctor, since polyhydramnios can lead to fetal malformations.

But swelling during pregnancy is common. The load on the kidneys increases, the parameters of water-salt metabolism change, so the fluid is not only retained in the body, but also accumulates (up to 7 liters by the end of pregnancy) in almost all of its tissues (as you remember, an increase in blood and tissue fluid volume is 25% weight gain). Adipose and connective tissues accumulate the most fluids. So when a woman complains that her legs "got better during pregnancy", most often it is swelling. In the morning and in the first half of the day, the swelling of the legs is almost invisible, but in the late afternoon, significant swelling appears on the feet, ankles and legs.

When women gain excessive weight during pregnancy, the risk of metabolic disorders in the form of pregnancy diabetes increases dramatically. In such cases, babies are born with a large weight (4 kg and more), and the birth itself is difficult. In addition, with excess weight, a pregnant woman may have high blood pressure, shortness of breath, pain in the sacrum and hemorrhoids, sore and tired legs, and veins begin to expand on them (varicose veins).

"I get very well during pregnancy, what should I do?"

And yet, how not to get better during pregnancy? So that later not to carry obviously extra 10, 15, or even all 20 kilograms of yourself ...

Expectant mothers who complain: "I'm getting very well during pregnancy, what to do ...", you need to follow three main rules: eat right, regularly control your weight and move more.

For the expectant mother in the first three months of pregnancy, the optimal amount of calories is 2000 kcal, and then 2500-3000 kcal. Although many nutritionists argue that in the second half of pregnancy, the calorie content of food should be reduced - with an increase in the proportion of animal protein and the energy value of all other foods.

The menu of a pregnant woman must include meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fruits. At the same time, confectionery should be completely excluded from the diet, not to mention fast food, chips and sweet soda.

Weekly weighing will allow you to independently monitor weight gain and control this process one fasting day a week (after consulting a doctor). And move more, for example, walk. It's not only prevent you from gaining too much weight during pregnancy, but also helps to give birth easier - thanks to the good tone of the muscular system.

Nutrition of the expectant mother during the entire 9-month period of intrauterine development of the fetus is a very important aspect, because a woman should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. How to organize a daily menu so as not to gain weight during pregnancy and maintain the same weight category after childbirth, while not harming the formation of an unborn baby?

How much can you gain during pregnancy?

Before wondering how not to gain weight during pregnancy, you need to understand that weight gain during this period is inevitable. In medical practice, there are conditional norms for an increase in body weight, taking into account the growth of the fetus:
  • the weight of the child at the time of delivery is about 3-4 kg;
  • the placenta is defined as an organ weighing up to 700 grams;
  • amniotic fluid - 800 g;
  • an increase in the uterus up to 1 kg;
  • an additional circle of blood circulation with an increased blood volume of about 2 kg;
  • body fat up to 3 kg, conceived by nature to hedge the body in the event of a lack of nutrition from the outside.
Such indicators indicate that women are gaining an average of 10-12 kilograms. This figure may vary depending on the physique, genetic characteristics, or the presence of a concomitant disease in the expectant mother. Thus, the limits of the norm expand from 8 to 15 kg, but no more. Diagnosing more than one fetus by ultrasound has its own framework for gaining body weight during pregnancy, taking into account the number of babies inside the womb.

Moreover, in the first trimester of pregnancy, weight gain should not exceed 40% of the total. The remaining 60% falls on the rest of the child's development.

Excess weight does not always indicate overeating, it is often a sign of an edematous reaction of the body, manifested by the accumulation of fluid in the limbs. The arms and legs appear to be swollen and swollen, mostly in the last trimester. In this case, you will need to consult a doctor to rule out kidney or cardiovascular diseases.

Why do they get better during pregnancy?

Immediately after conception, the female body begins to produce the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which affects the rounded forms of the pregnant woman. Energy costs increase, and accordingly, the need for food also increases. But, the widespread belief that a woman should eat for two is only a myth of the older generation.

The daily requirement for calories in humans is about 2000. At the stage of bearing a baby, the indicator increases by 1000 kcal in the first three months, and then by another 500 kcal.

In order not to gain a lot of weight and not gain weight, you should consider not only the number of meals, but also the quality. Fast food, flour and sweet dishes, chips do not have a beneficial effect on health. Often, a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to the accumulation of body fat. Therefore, the main argument when answering the question of how not to gain weight during pregnancy is a restriction in food preferences and an increase in walking on the street.

How to eat for pregnant women so as not to gain weight?

In order not to gain too much weight, you should eat during pregnancy in small portions, but often. It is necessary to eat up to 7 times a day, which will help not only restrain weight gain and kill hunger, but also reduce toxicosis in the early stages and reduce the load on the digestive tract.

Tips on how not to get fat while carrying a baby boil down to general recommendations for nutrition and a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Breakfast is a must on the menu. You cannot refuse it, so that the body does not perceive it as hunger and does not begin to stock up on excess body fat.
  2. Exclude harmful products - sausage, pickles, carbonated drinks, canned food, dough products and sweet dishes. If you really want to eat something that you shouldn't, you need to limit yourself to a small amount, but not replace a full meal.
  3. The main food should consist of fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, lean meat and fish. You can eat steamed or boiled food, fried - it becomes a taboo for a pregnant woman.