Rings on the hands of a wedding man and woman. On the ring finger of the right hand. Traditions of different countries

January 18th, 2014

We continue to be interested in the seemingly ordinary traditions that surround us, but upon closer examination of which many surprising things are revealed.

The tradition of exchanging rings during a marriage ceremony has been known since ancient times. The first mention of this custom dates back to the era of the Old Kingdom, that is, 4 millennia BC. At that time, the presentation of an engagement ring or bracelet (usually made of hemp or sedge) and its acceptance meant that the woman became the property of the man, and he was obliged to protect her.

Men began to wear wedding rings (bracelets) after about 1500 years. And then it became a symbol of the union of two halves into a single whole. In ancient Roman times, rings were made of iron or bronze. The well-known golden ring appeared only in the III-IV centuries.

So, the ring, which is a vicious circle, has long been a symbol of the infinity of the feelings of two lovers and is magically designed to strengthen the earthly and heavenly connection between them. The noble metal from which the rings are made is a symbol of purity and purity. Initially, wedding rings were extremely simple and did not have any decorations.

At the present time, in Russia, another equally important rite is not always observed - engagement, the so-called betrothal, which implies prior consent on the part of the beloved woman to a marriage proposal from her lover. For European countries, such a ritual is mandatory. On the day of the engagement, the young people receive official marriage approval from relatives, and the groom presents the bride with an engagement ring, which symbolizes tender feelings and is a guarantee of serious intentions. Such rings can be heirloom, passed down through generations. In Orthodox Russia, the engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand of the bride, who wears it without removing it until the day of the official marriage. Subsequently, it can be worn over a wedding band or kept as a family heirloom.

Historians and archaeologists cannot answer the question of which hand the ancient Egyptians wore rings on. The only thing they are unanimous about is that it was worn on the ring finger. According to legend, it was in it that the artery of love (vena amoris) passed. In the Middle Ages, almost every European ruler, and sometimes even counts and dukes, issued their own decrees on which finger to wear a ring on - it could be absolutely any finger of both hands. So, in England at the end of the 17th century, it was customary to wear a wedding ring on the thumb, and in German lands among chivalry it was a very common custom to decorate the little finger with it. In the modern world, it is customary to wear a ring on the ring finger of the right hand among Orthodox Christians, in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, among Catholics in Austria, as well as in Serbia, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Chile, Norway, Germany, Greece, Spain, India, Venezuela and other countries. The Orthodox clergy explains this by saying that “right” is a synonym for the right, the right, and is associated with strength and reliability. On the left hand, wedding rings are worn by Catholics, as well as in countries such as Turkey, Armenia, Cuba, Brazil, France, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, USA, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Korea, Syria.

This is how the "wedding ring" looks like a sign of marriage for men in Iran. Source ( http://loginov-lip.livejournal.com/396446.html)

The Nuremberg Museum houses a 13th-century ring found during excavations. It has a simple triangular profile and the inscription "Loyalty is in me." Then there were inscriptions like “Love to the grave”, “As long as I love - I hope” - or, on the contrary, more pathetic - “United together by God, cannot be separated by man.” The number "3" was considered a symbol of hope, faith and love, and "7" - just happy. Half rings were very popular then. They were worn separately by the husband and wife, but only connected together, these halves made up a whole ring on which one could read some saying.

The Catholic Church focuses on the fact that the left hand is closer to the heart, so the vein of love (the same one from the legend) passes through it. According to Jewish tradition, the bride wears a ring on her index finger. The same tradition existed in ancient Russia. In Islam, it is not customary for men to wear wedding rings. If worn, it is made of silver or other metals. According to Islam, they are not allowed to wear gold.

In some European countries, the wedding ring is also an engagement ring and changes its status when it is engraved with an inscription and worn on the other hand. If the engagement ring is not used for the wedding, but another, and the question arises whether it should be worn during the wedding ceremony, then several options are possible. The bride can put the engagement ring on the ring finger of her left hand, and the groom puts her wedding ring on the same finger. Or the bride can put the engagement ring on the ring finger of her right hand. After the wedding, the bride can wear both rings on different hands, thereby protecting them from scratches. Another option - the engagement ring is kept by the bride's witness in a special bag, on a plate, etc. After the ceremony, the ring can be worn again either on the right or on the left hand.

ancient roman jewelry

Post-wedding customs

In some Western cultures (USA, UK, Italy, France, Sweden) wedding rings are worn on the left hand. The tradition of wearing a ring on the ring finger dates back to very ancient times, when it was believed that a “vein of love” (vena amoris) passes through this finger of the left hand, and a married couple, putting rings on the ring finger, symbolically declared eternal love for each other. . At present, this custom has become a tradition and norm of etiquette in these countries.

In other countries such as Greece, Germany, Russia, Spain, India, Colombia, Venezuela and Chile, the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. Orthodox Christians and Eastern Europeans also wear a wedding ring on their right hand. The Jews wear it on the left hand, despite the fact that during the marriage ceremony the ring is worn on the right hand. In Holland, Catholics wear a ring on their left hand, all others on their right; in Austria, Catholics wear a ring on their right hand. In Belgium, hand selection varies by region. Greeks, many of whom are Orthodox, wear the wedding ring on their right hand, in accordance with Greek tradition.

The reason for this lies in the custom of the Romans to wear a wedding ring on the right hand, because. in Latin, the word for "left" is "sinister", which in English means "evil, sinister." In Latin, "right" will be "dexter", from which the word "dexterity" comes from in English, which means "agility, dexterity, skill." Therefore, the left hand is associated with negative feelings, while the right hand is associated with positive ones.

In general, the ancient Romans, performing the betrothal ceremony, gave the bride's parents a simple metal ring as a symbol of obligations and the ability to support the bride. Marriage has not always been a “union of two hearts”, from ancient, even cave times, until very recently, the purpose of marriage was profit (money, position in society, etc.). In ancient Rome, it was believed that the metal in the wedding ring reflects the inviolability of the marriage bond. A man gave his chosen one, who could be less than 10 years old, an iron ring before the wedding. Then, when the girl grew up, the man officially took her as his wife. After that, he gave her a gold ring. Wedding rings in Rome were worn only by women. Roman women wore up to 16 (!) pieces of rings on each hand. In winter, heavy and wide, and in summer, thin, light and elegant rings. Mostly gold and silver jewelry without stones. Moreover, in everyday life, the rings indicated the social status of the inhabitants: the upper classes had the right to wear gold rings, the townspeople - silver, and slaves - metal. The engagement that preceded the marriage, and then the betrothal (at all these ceremonies, the bride was supposed to be presented with a ring) were actually the guarantees of the upcoming marriage deal, the firmness of the groom's intentions. Initially, the betrothal ceremony was more important than the wedding itself, which was considered only a simple completion of a successful engagement.

Traditions associated with the funeral ceremony

Although, according to the law and according to the norms accepted in many religions, a marriage ends with the death of one of the spouses, the customs and symbolism of wearing wedding rings in this case vary greatly: a widower or widow continues to wear his wedding ring, but on the other hand; some take off their wedding ring and put on and wear the ring of their deceased spouse. In many cultures, the duration of wearing and the custom of how to wear a ring does not depend on social norms, but on family traditions and on the choice of the spouse himself. Sometimes a widow or widower will add a deceased spouse's ring to their ring and wear two rings on one finger.

Modern traditions abroad

In the UK and the US, it was widely believed among the older generation that wedding rings should mainly be worn by women. It is now common for both spouses to wear rings, but may occasionally remove them for work, comfort, or safety reasons. Some people don't like the idea of ​​using precious metals or they don't want to declare their legal status through jewelry. There are people who prefer to wear a wedding ring on a chain around their neck.

The tradition of using two rings, i.e. for both spouses, is relatively young. Its origin is unclear, and it has never been widely distributed. In the late 19th century, the American jewelry industry launched a marketing campaign to encourage the use of two rings. This tradition was not widespread at that time, although in a book on etiquette, published in 1937, it is recommended that both spouses wear rings. The lessons of the 1920s, the changing economic situation and the impact of World War II led to a second, more successful marketing campaign, and as a result, by the end of the 1940s. the tradition of "two rings" was already used by 80% of those entering into marriage, compared with 15% before the Great Depression.

There are a lot of interpretations of how to wear rings. So, it is argued that a woman should wear a wedding ring below the engagement ring, thereby placing it closer to the heart. According to other rules, the wedding ring should be placed above the engagement ring in order to maintain an engagement atmosphere in the marriage. Some people believe that only a wedding ring should be worn. In the US, you can see a set of three rings in stores: a men's wedding ring, a women's engagement ring, and a thin ring that is attached to the engagement ring before the wedding and turns it into a permanent wedding ring.

Materials for making rings

In many religions, it is allowed to use rings of any material as a symbol of the marriage vow during the marriage ceremony, and in unusual circumstances even unusual ring substitutes can be used.

Basically, jewelers make wedding rings from a precious yellow alloy of gold, copper, tin and bismuth. Platinum and white gold alloys are also used, although the light yellow white gold alloys used in the past are increasingly being replaced by cheaper nickel-gold alloys plated with a thin layer of rhodium that needs to be reapplied after a few years. Recently, titanium has become very popular as a material for wedding bands due to its durability, affordability, and the gray color associated with weapons material. Tungsten carbide was also used, often with gold or platinum inlays. The cheapest material for engagement rings is nickel-plated silver - for those who prefer this metal over others for its look or cost. Increasingly, couples are buying rings made of stainless steel, which is as durable as platinum and titanium, and polished to a higher quality than the latter. Silver, copper, brass and other cheaper metals are not often used, because they are subject to corrosion over time and thus cannot symbolize permanence. Aluminum or poisonous metals are never used.
Contrary to popular legend, titanium rings can be easily removed with a special jewelry tool and a ring opener.

Styles and fashion trends

Jewish wedding ring, 14th century.

A smooth gold ring is the most popular pattern. People associated with medicine often wear such rings, because. they are easy to wash. Women usually wear narrow rings, men - wider ones.

In France and French-speaking countries, the most common ring consists of three rings intertwined. They symbolize the Christian virtues: faith, hope, love, where "love" is equated with a special type of beautiful sublime love, denoted by the ancient Greek word "agape". However, such rings are used less and less, because. they fall on top of each other.

Women in Greece, Italy, and Anatolian cultures are sometimes gifted and wear so-called puzzle rings, a set of interlocking metal rings that must be joined to form one ring. Men give such rings as a witty test of their women for monogamy: even if a woman already easily copes with the puzzle, she still cannot quickly remove and replace the ring.

In North America and some European countries, many married women wear two rings on the same finger: an engagement ring and a wedding ring. Couples often buy a set of two rings - one for the groom and one for the bride - where the designs of the rings complement each other. In addition, some women who have been married for many years wear three rings on their finger (from palm to fingertip): a wedding ring, an engagement ring and a ring - a symbol of eternity. This combination of three rings is especially common in the UK.

In the United States, the tradition of engraving on rings is becoming increasingly popular.

In the United States, Canada and other English-speaking countries, the Celtic style has become popular among people of Irish and Scottish descent. Rings of this style are distinguished by the presence of an engraving or embossing of the Celtic knot on the ring, symbolizing unity and continuity. The Claddagh design is sometimes used to symbolize fidelity.

In Ukraine, now, too, everyone strives

A ring is the best gift idea for both a woman and a man, so this type of jewelry is most in demand. With the help of a ring, a woman demonstrates her sophistication, beauty of hands and good taste, and a man emphasizes his wealth, image and status. and finger, depending on preference. But about which hand a man wears a wedding ring, I’ll tell you the generally accepted norms.

In fact, such jewelry for men requires special attention and care, since it is not just a piece of hand decor, but a symbol of marriage and the presence of family relationships. Despite globalization and changing fashion trends, wedding rings today are radically different from standard models. But one thing remains unchanged - the finger on which both the woman and the man wears a wedding ring.

Before determining on which finger a wedding ring is worn and in connection with what such a tradition has developed, it is worth understanding the meaning of the ring itself. Only married men are required to wear such a ring on a certain finger, and in case of a break, they change its position. The main function of an engagement ring is to demonstrate the marital status of a man. Initially, such a symbolic decoration was made in the form of a thin strip of gold.

Today, jewelry art has stepped far forward, offering several options for wedding rings:

  1. Smooth thin ring in a classic design. Most often, such rings are preferred by couples who are 100% sure of the strength of the union and the ring itself is not such an important symbol of their love. Families in this case are durable and strong, even despite the routine and some boredom in relationships over the years.
  2. Smooth ring without frills, but wide and massive. Such rings can symbolize some doubts about the strength of feelings and fidelity of partners, and a massive ring acts as an additional protection for a future marriage.
  3. Ring with notches, engraving and additional decorations. In this case, partners tend to maintain a vibrant passionate relationship, the choice indicates a fear of boredom and a desire to give ardor. If one family member has such a ring, and another has a simple or standard one, marriages are often unstable.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Psychology claims that the shape of the ring can predict the state of relations between future spouses and what awaits them ahead. These interesting patterns regarding the choice of wedding rings proved that the shape of the ring and the relationship between partners are interconnected.

If one of the spouses prefers not to wear a ring, most often this symbolizes a desire to attract attention on the side. If a man avoids marriage, accordingly, he does not want to feel the "oppression" of responsibility. Women, on the contrary, use the ring to demonstrate to society their family wealth.

Do you wear a wedding ring?


On which hand and finger do they wear a ring in Russia?

To understand for sure on which hand and finger the powers that be, that is, men wear a wedding ring, one should first of all indicate his status in a relationship, that is, family status. All representatives of the stronger sex who have a wedding ring can be classified into 3 groups - married, divorced and widowers. Accordingly, each status assumes different options for wearing such an ornament.

married men

The first thing to understand is that a married man must have a ring as a symbol of marriage. If a man refuses to wear a ring, you should think about the reasons that were mentioned earlier.

Wearing a ring indicating belonging to a family must be worn on the right hand and only on the ring finger. This tradition in Russia originates from religion and ancient customs.

For reference! If a man who is officially married wears a wedding ring on the ring finger of his left hand, most likely he belongs to the Catholic religion. Although there are other currents that suggest the same rules.


But far from every representative of the stronger sex knows where divorced men wear a wedding ring. Among Russians, it is customary to wear a ring on the left hand, on the ring finger. Thus, a man does not give up the usual decoration, but demonstrates to others his freedom and the ability to start new relationships. In modern society, rarely does anyone adhere to such a tradition, refusing to wear a wedding ring at all, being no longer married.


If we consider the group of men who were married, but widowed, it is not necessary to refuse the ring. Although psychologists insist that it is not advisable to maintain an invisible connection with a deceased person, as this will affect further personal relationships. Those who wish to remain faithful to their deceased spouse may not remove their jewelry from their usual finger, but only if it is on their left hand.

Which hand is worn on a wedding ring in other countries?

For the first time, rings that were worn as a symbol of marriage appeared in ancient Egypt, then they were worn on the ring fingers of the left hands of the spouses. The same trend was maintained by the countries of the Middle East, America and Europe. Married Swedes, English, Italians, Irish, French, as well as all those who adhere to Catholicism adorn the left hand with such a ring. Also, the left hand is ringed by residents of South America, namely Brazilians and Mexicans, North America - residents of the states and Canadians.

Considering the international tradition of ringing the ring finger of the right hand, all representatives of Christianity fall under this tradition. These are residents of Russia, and other CIS countries, as well as Greeks, Germans, Spaniards. This also includes Indians in India, residents of Chile, Venezuela and Colombia. In Belgium, everything depends on the region of residence, and in Austria and Holland, Catholics still wear a ring on their right hand, despite the commitment of Catholics to the opposite way.


Women perceive an engagement ring radically differently than men. For women, this is a source of pride and a way to demonstrate their marital status. A man attaches less importance to such decoration, considering it a pure formality. But psychologists note that the size and shape of the engagement ring can tell about what kind of relationship the spouses have. Slavic traditions suggest that absolutely everyone wears a wedding ring on their right hand, on the ring finger.

Hello! Which hand is the wedding ring worn on? Christians will answer, of course, on the right. But what about people of a different confession? Where this tradition came from and why precious metal rings are worn, we have to find out now.

History of the wedding ring

The exchange of wedding rings is a sacred ritual that has come to us from time immemorial. In ancient times, it was a talisman on the hand, and it was made from hemp and reed fibers. But amulets made of this material were short-lived.

Later they began to be made of metal. The meaning of this subject has also changed. He began to be the key to chastity, the inviolability of family values, eternal fidelity.

They were called engagement rings because, having put on rings, a man and a woman will go through life hand in hand, without parting, and the ritual before marriage was called “betrothal”. They have been used in marriage ceremonies since the 4th century.

Why should you wear a wedding ring? The ring shows that the heart of this person is occupied. The symbol of loyalty cannot be removed. If a person does not wear this symbol, then he violates the oath of allegiance. Previously, this was considered treason, because the essence of this subject is the infinity of love, mutual support in difficult situations, honesty, solidarity, and reliability.

And the circle is an ancient symbol that has neither beginning nor end, which means it cannot be opened, and two rings mean the infinity of family life.

Why are they worn on the right hand, choosing the ring finger? The right hand is considered more important than the left. Christians are baptized with the right hand. In Orthodoxy, there is a teaching: behind the right shoulder is, accompanying a person from birth. He protects not only the person himself, but also his marriage.

Why on nameless? It is believed that from this finger a blood vessel goes directly to the heart, and love always originates in the heart. Therefore, the wedding ring just flaunts where the thread to the heart comes from.

By the way, the word "marriage" comes from the word "take". A man took his wife as the most precious thing in the world.

What will the ring say?

In ancient Egypt, where the custom of wearing a thin hoop came from, one could judge the status of a person by where this item is located.

  • If a person wears on the index finger, then he is in search of the second half.
  • Wearing it indicated that the man was not ready to start a family.
  • The ancient Greeks, distinguished by inconstancy in love, wore this item on their middle finger.
  • In China, this item was melted so that any finger could be ringed. Hieroglyphs meaning "happiness" and "longevity" were necessarily carved on it.
  • The divorced ones ring the left hand. They seem to suggest to the opposite sex that now they are completely free.
  • In India, as well as in England, during the reign of King George I, the sign of marital fidelity was worn on the thumb. Today, in many countries, it is the thumb that is ringed.

Why wear a wedding ring on a chain

You can often see that girls attach this item to a chain as an ornament. For example, a guy gave a ring, but it did not fit. so as not to offend a loved one, wears it around his neck.

Athletes also often wear on a chain during competitions or in training. For weightlifters, rowers, this decoration can rub a finger.

If a man wears a wedding ring on a chain, most likely he is an athlete or this jewelry has become too small for him. Thus, he wants to show that he has a girlfriend.

Europeans have long used a similar method of wearing this little thing, both women and men. Women wear to draw attention to their person. Indeed, an unusual decoration draws attention to itself.

What should an engagement ring look like?

Why do these items melt from ? Ancient people considered gold a symbol of the sun, and the sun - the source of life, heat, light.

The ring should not have decorations, as a smooth surface portends a calm life. The smoother the surface, the happier the life of the new couple.

In Europe, rich jewelry is given for engagement or betrothal, and at the marriage ceremony, the bride receives a little thing without a stone. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the stone breaks continuity, weakens the protective properties.

Modern girls often choose an engagement ring with a pebble, especially with a diamond. However, men rarely choose this item, burdened with various frills.

Traditions of different countries

In countries where the Orthodox live, the wedding attribute is put on the ring finger. The right hand of the Orthodox is associated with sincerity, it is with the right hand that we greet, hold a spoon while eating. Orthodox Christians are baptized from right to left. So it is worn by Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Greeks.

How do Muslims wear wedding attributes?

There was no such tradition in Islam, they adopted it from the Europeans. Men are not allowed to adorn themselves with gold, only with silver and copper ornaments.

And women wear a wedding ring, just like the Orthodox. Newlyweds wear signs of fidelity only as decoration.

Who wears a ring on his left hand?

Catholics also honor the tradition of confirming their marital status. But they believe that the vein of love runs to the heart from the ring finger of the left hand, so the Catholic wedding attribute flaunts on the left hand. But the main reason for such wearing is the way to impose a cross from left to right.

Not all Catholics want to see this attribute on the left hand. Spaniards, Austrians, Norwegians adorn their right hand.

Protestants dress differently in different countries. But in the event of the death of a spouse, they do not wear these items at all, they simply store them at home.

It is worth noting that the sign of marital fidelity on the right hand is worn by residents of Venezuela, Austria, Norway. The same tradition is kept by Germans, Poles, Georgians, Israelis.

But the Turks, Japanese, Swedes, French, Canadians, Cubans, Mexicans, Americans prefer the left hand, this tradition came to them from ancient times. Married American women prefer chic massive products with expensive stones.

The widowed Turkish women change the position of the ring on their hand, and the widower puts his wedding attribute along with his wife's jewelry and carefully keeps it.

Armenian men do not wear this decoration at all, and women are required to wear a similar sign of fidelity. They wear jewelry made of silver or gold on the ring or index finger of the left hand.

Azerbaijanis treat family and marriage with special respect, observing all the traditions of their people. Azerbaijani women adorn the index or ring finger of the left hand. They are not even allowed to take them off.

According to ancient traditions, the British, Swedes, Italians, French, Irish, residents of Slovenia who profess Catholicism wear a sign of fidelity on their left hand.

In the countries of the Middle East, during the engagement, the ring adorns the right hand of a woman, and during marriage - the left. In the weak half, the engagement attribute has a large stone, in the strong half it is one ring for both rituals.

The Jews at the wedding put on the "hoop" on the right hand, and then re-shoot it on the left.

If the spouses belong to different religions, then they choose a compromise or follow their own traditions.

What to do with the ring if the husband or wife has died

When people lose a loved one, the engagement ring becomes ambivalent. On the one hand, the spouse supports the gift in difficult times, and on the other, from one look at it, unbearable mental pain rises again.

On which finger is a widow's wedding ring worn? Women are in awe of this wedding attribute, so they do not want to part with it.

As a sign of grief, widows are put on the opposite hand, and both rings. So they honor the memory of the deceased spouse. Or attach it to a chain. Many women try to put on the thumb if it is large in size.

Widowers simply put on the opposite hand. Often they take both rings to the temple, leaving it as a gift. Some men are melted down, then sold, and with this money they ask to pray for the deceased or put it behind the goddess near the icons.

Finally: the hand on which the wedding ring is worn, and the traditions associated with the intercourse of the ring, are very interesting. Their study brings real pleasure, because it concerns the brightest day in the life of many inhabitants of the planet - a wedding!

In many countries there is a wonderful custom - to wear a gold ring on your finger after the wedding. This is not just a tribute to fashion, a beautiful decoration is considered a powerful protective sign. It has a long, interesting history.

The birthplace of the tradition is mysterious Egypt. Initially, only the pharaohs wore rings, with their help they chose their heirs. Chinese men gave such an accessory to pregnant women - it was believed that if they put it on, it means that the baby will have strong protection.

Only in the 3rd-4th century AD. this sign became a well-known symbol of marriage, but then the lovers exchanged silver jewelry, which symbolized the purity of thoughts, the innocence of the soul. Silver kept spouses from quarrels and separations.

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger? This custom was given to the world by ancient Egypt. Egyptian healers believed that it was from the left side of the palm that an important artery began, reaching the heart - the "love nerve", as it was called.

And in many ancient Egyptian and Israeli regions, it was considered correct to wear a wedding attribute after the wedding not on the ring finger, but on the third finger of the right limb. This is exactly what the legendary Joseph and Mary did.

However, in distant, gloomy times, all laws depended on the mood of the rulers. Unpredictable rulers issued various decrees, where they said on which finger you can wear wedding rings after the wedding. There were ten wearing options - according to the number of fingers, sometimes the marriage attribute solemnly adorned the thumb.

Left or right?

On which hand do representatives of various countries wear a wedding ring? The oldest tradition of Protestant and Catholic states allowed to wear a wedding attribute on the left hand. This is what couples in love do after marriage in Canada, England, Spain, Mexico, Australia and Brazil.

Why? Catholic theologians explain this principle by the close location of the heart (on the left side of the body).

The inhabitants of Turkey, Japan, America and France agree with them - they also believe that it is possible to wear marital attributes on the left hand, but because there is a “love vein” that keeps the family and marital feelings.


And why do some couples wear wedding rings exclusively on their right hand? This is the tradition of the Orthodox (after all, they make the sign of the cross over themselves from right to left). "The right hand carriers" of wedding jewelry are residents of Georgia, Poland, Norway, Austria, India, Israel and Greece.

In these countries, there is also a theory according to which a guardian angel stands behind a person’s right shoulder, the patron of marriage bonds and a protector from adversity. But behind the left side perched a demon-tempter, sending all sorts of temptations.

According to the canons of Orthodoxy, those who wear a wedding ring on their left hand can bring themselves trouble, terrible troubles. Only widows have the right to wear the symbol of matrimony on their left hand.


On which hand do Muslims wear wedding rings according to their laws? Muslims have completely abandoned such wedding symbols. Why? Men of the faith of Allah consider this a bad sign - after all, the Koran says that gold destroys, destroys spiritual development. It is not forbidden to wear jewelry there, you can give lovers a narrowed ring - but only it will not be considered a wedding, but will become an ordinary decoration.

Slavic world

In ancient, before Orthodox Russia, it was customary to exchange rings after a wedding as a sign of love. Our ancestors preferred the right hand at the same time - why? The hand that feeds, waters, works, greets, was associated with honesty, work, truthfulness, and the other vice versa. “The right is from God, the left is from the evil one,” as the ancient Rus used to say.

The hand on which the Slavic men wore the wedding ring spoke of their faith. Wearing a marital sign on the right side also testified to the firmness of the intention to start a family, and the presence of a ring on the ring finger said whether the girl’s heart was free or not.

On which ring finger the ring was worn, spoke about the situation of the family; in Orthodoxy, only widows could wear the family symbol on the left side.

Modern Russians

We adhere to the traditions of our ancestors and the opinion of Orthodoxy - after the wedding, family people wear wedding symbols on the ring finger on the right side. However, there is a curious opinion that wedding signs should “kiss”, that is, touch.

Adherents of such views can wear them in different ways (for example, the wife on the right side, and the husband on the left). When lovers hold hands, their rings “kiss”.


Can we wear wedding rings long before the wedding? Why not. This is resolved by a beautiful tradition - engagement. The ring that is given at the ceremony is also worn on the second finger of the right hand until the wedding itself. At the celebration, the engagement sign should “give way” to the engagement sign, but many brides leave such a memory on their pen, and both gifts turn into a beautiful, harmonious ensemble.

Interesting signs about the wedding symbol

  • Newlyweds need to have only their own wedding rings, take someone else's, it is absolutely impossible to use it.
  • The loss of an engagement jewelry after the wedding is considered a bad sign - this entails parting, discord between spouses.
  • It is forbidden to give a ring to a stranger - so you can give him your happiness.
  • There is a taboo on getting married with a widow's or widower's ring - this is a very bad sign.
  • You can not wear a wedding symbol over a glove - only on the finger. And it is not recommended to remove it under any circumstances.
  • If a widowed person remarries, a new wedding jewelry must also be worn on the right of the ring finger, and the widow's ring should be removed and hidden. You can’t give it as a gift - it’s someone else’s decoration.
  • But wedding paraphernalia of happy marriages can be passed on to your children by inheritance - this should be kept as a family heirloom. In this case, the symbol of matrimony acquires powerful protective properties. You can only give them if the parents celebrated their silver wedding anniversary.

Putting on a wedding ring is an individual matter, you can adhere to the traditions of your native country or be original, like Muslims. The most important thing is not to lose the meaning that is embedded in this beautiful symbol of marriage, a romantic sign of the union of two destinies.

An engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry. This is a sign of genuine love and devotion. A man with a golden ring on his finger shows his feelings to his beloved wife and the people around him. The attitude to the attribute must also be appropriate. But you need to know on which hand the wedding ring is worn.

A bit of history

Judgments about where the first products appeared, and on which finger an engagement ring is worn, differ. There is an opinion that the tradition of exchanging rings and wearing them for many years appeared in ancient Greece.

Others think that the custom took hold with the participation of the ancient Egyptians. The inhabitants of this country said that a thin nerve passes from the ring finger to the heart. This fact was the reason for wearing a ring on the finger closest to the little finger.

And the custom itself to exchange them came from a long time ago. Previously, reed was used instead of metal.

Today their choice is huge. And rings are already being bought as jewelry. By the type and shape of the accessory, you can learn about the financial well-being of the family, as well as about the relationship of a married couple.

This is also influenced by the shape and design of jewelry:

In some families, one of the spouses does not wear a wedding band. There are reasons for this too:

  • Instinctive attempts to show the absence of marital restrictions.
  • original protest.
  • Desire to make new acquaintances.
  • The ring has become oversized over the years.

The choice of this attribute must be taken responsibly. After all, this is a sign of family, love and fidelity.

Traditions of Christians and Muslims

On which hand people of different faiths put on a wedding ring is of interest to many. In Russia, family people wear wedding rings on their right hand, and on the ring finger. It has been so for a long time.

In Russia, the girls wore two rings:

Currently, Christians also wear a wedding attribute on their right hand. And this custom is followed not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Greece and Belarus.

Muslims wear jewelry on the left hand. But they usually do not wear gold, but prefer silver jewelry. It is customary for Catholics to wear rings on the finger of the left hand. It has been so for a long time. After all, the left hand is closer to the heart.

Wearing on special occasions

A ring worn on the ring finger of the right hand shows that a person is not free. He already has a soul mate in this life. People value relationships with loved ones. Wedding rings on the hand are also worn on the finger in other cases:

  1. When parting. Sometimes love leaves, and two close people become strangers. The decision on which hand to wear a wedding ring after a divorce is made by each person independently. Usually, after breaking up, ex-spouses get rid of the rings. Men sometimes rent it to a pawnshop. And women regret throwing out gold jewelry. Since it cannot be re-gifted, ladies continue to wear the attribute of marriage, but already on their left hand. There are signs according to which it is not necessary to leave a wedding ring, as it will remind you of the past. And in a new marriage, it is better to buy a new piece of jewelry.
  2. Death of a spouse. After the death of one of the spouses, the ring can not be removed, only changed to the other hand. This is a sign of fidelity to a dear husband even after his departure to another world. Some women take off their jewelry and put it away, then put the husband's ring on their left hand as a symbol of eternal connection. Sometimes both rings are strung simultaneously on the ring finger. The widow decides for herself whether to continue wearing the ring. But this is not necessary. It will be harder for her to survive the loss of her husband.

It may happen that a person loses his favorite jewelry. Despite the fact that this is a thing and nothing bad will happen, many believe that such a sign is unkind, and the incident can lead to strong conflicts in the family.

If the engagement ring is lost, a person worries about how to protect himself and his family so that nothing bad happens. All the beliefs associated with his loss indicate that problems will begin in the relationship of the spouses.

You can buy new wedding attributes. And the remaining one ring can be taken to the church. The priest will tell you what prayer can be read in this case so that good relations are maintained in the family.

Other signs

People are convinced that the wedding ring is a magical symbol of the bonds of marriage. And they want to know on which hand they wear the ring, whether it is possible to take it off so that there is family happiness. There are many signs associated with these jewelry:

People are interested not only in which hand the wedding ring is worn on, but also in whether it is possible to wear it before the wedding. It is undesirable to do so. This can cause embarrassing moments during the wedding celebration or lead to its cancellation. Therefore, rituals must be taken seriously and responsibly.