How dangerous is chickenpox during pregnancy, and what to do in case of infection? Is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy?

The incidence of chickenpox around the world is growing steadily. This is due to the modification of the living conditions of the planet's population, the wrong way of life and a decrease in the immune system. Therefore, chickenpox during pregnancy has become common today. Women in position are most susceptible to viral infections and chickenpox in certain cases, poses a serious danger to both the pregnant woman and the fetus. In the article, we will reveal not only the danger of this disease for pregnant women and the fetus, but also talk about the rules of treatment, and also give a list of the possible consequences of chickenpox at different stages of pregnancy.

Chickenpox disease occurs in three stages:

  1. The incubation period is from the minute of infection until the appearance of external symptoms. In sick women under the age of thirty, it traditionally averages about two weeks. Over the age of thirty, the stage is up to three weeks.
  2. Prodromal stage - occurs one to two days before the actual manifestation of the first nodules (papules) of the rash.
  3. The stage of the rash is the beginning of an active mass spread of chickenpox. The duration of this stage is seven to ten days.

Primary chickenpox infection and pregnancy

If a pregnant woman has chickenpox for the first time, then the infection poses a real danger to both the mother and the baby. Because there is no immunity, and the infection enters the fetus through the bloodstream, causing various disorders in the development of the baby, namely:

  • termination of pregnancy, as well as missed pregnancy;
  • the development of fetal defects;
  • the birth of premature, and therefore low birth weight children.

Secondary chickenpox infection during pregnancy

If the infection is chronic, that is, a woman has previously been ill with this virus, then the likelihood of the formation of defects in babies is extremely rare. But here, various problems can also arise if the virus, entering the body, provokes a relapsing form. In this case, it can damage the placenta, which, in turn, is a kind of filter and, if damaged, the blood flow in the uteroplacental circulation is disturbed, which can also lead to:

  • to the formation of non-developing pregnancy;
  • to the formation of fetal malformations is extremely rare, but there are isolated cases in world practice.

What is the danger of chickenpox for pregnant women

For women with chickenpox, the danger seems to be that it can be quite difficult to treat them, since pregnancy is a special condition when minimalism in prescribing medications is welcomed. The fewer drugs, the better for pregnant women and for the baby.

There is no need to be afraid of chickenpox. And when the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately contact obstetrician-gynecologists and try to solve this problem together with the doctor.

There are several types of herpes infection, and scientists speculate that other viruses can cause similar symptoms, like chickenpox. For this, laboratory tests are used, which confirm which virus is currently causing the disease. Re-infection with chickenpox is unlikely.

General symptoms

Symptoms significantly depend on both the age and the individual characteristics of the sick woman. If a pregnant woman has chickenpox, then the following symptoms begin to appear:

  • often the stomach begins to hurt;
  • body temperature rises;
  • general malaise is observed;
  • after 2 days, a rash begins to appear in the form of red blisters filled with a cloudy liquid;
  • rashes appear sporadically;
  • episodes are repeated every 3-5 days.

Symptoms of chickenpox in pregnant women are similar to childhood signs of chickenpox, only the number of rashes is much greater. The disease is accompanied by severe intoxication. The rash begins to develop later than with chickenpox in children. Blisters always appear with purulent contents.

Rules for the treatment of chickenpox during pregnancy

Treatment of chickenpox during pregnancy includes drugs to increase immunity, most often this is a group of interferons. Usually Viferon or Kenferon are prescribed, as well as a number of other drugs.

It is still advisable to refuse traditional drugs for the treatment of herpes infections, such as acyclovir, famvir and others, during pregnancy, because there are no long-term results in the study of these drugs for the development of the baby's condition.

Recently, in order to prevent the appearance of congenital herpetic infection in babies, women in the third trimester of pregnancy, most often two to three weeks before the birth of a baby, still has the opportunity to give a group of antiherpetic drugs that minimize the appearance of babies with congenital herpetic infection.

At elevated body temperature, paracetamol can be used for pregnant women, which can pass through the placental barrier. So far, no negative effect on the fetus has been noted. If it is necessary to use the medication during pregnancy, the expected benefits of therapy for the pregnant woman and the possible risk to the fetus should be carefully weighed.

With chickenpox in pregnant women, it is deadly to use aspirin. In general, the combination of aspirin and chickenpox virus poses a risk of fatal liver damage.

The consequences of chickenpox at different stages of pregnancy

Is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women, in general terms, was discussed above. Now let's talk about the specific consequences of chickenpox during pregnancy. Recall that if at a young age a woman has already had chickenpox, then it is unlikely to get sick again. The necessary antibodies are already present in the blood, which reliably protect it and the unborn baby.

But if infection does occur, this can lead to the formation of fetal malformations, which are modified depending on the specific gestational age:

  1. Chickenpox in early pregnancy (up to 140 days - 20 weeks) - the threat of complications for the fetus is approximately 5%. Usually in such cases, congenital chickenpox syndrome is found. It exhibits consequences such as:
  2. violation of the most important functions of the cerebral cortex;
  3. paralysis;
  4. limb atrophy;
  5. convulsive state;
  6. scars and scars on the skin.
  7. When chickenpox in pregnancy appears after 140 days, the risk is reduced to 2%. In this case, it is necessary:
  8. conduct an ultrasound;
  9. perform amniocentesis;
  10. undergo cordocentesis.
  11. If chickenpox occurs in pregnant women 1-2 weeks before childbirth, the baby develops neonatal chickenpox. This pathological condition is very dangerous for its complications, the consequences of which:
    • encephalitis;
    • inflammatory liver disease;
    • inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Summing up, it is worth noting that chickenpox in pregnant women quite often causes complications. Therefore, if a woman is planning a pregnancy, and she did not have chickenpox, she needs to be vaccinated in advance and then the risk of complications and infection will be reduced to a minimum. Vaccination immunity lasts for about 20 years. After the transferred chickenpox, a persistent defense mechanism is formed.

Carrying a child is the most responsible and exciting stage in the life of any woman. Expectant mothers experience numerous fears of "picking up a sore." And these fears are well founded, since most viral infections can harm mother and child. Today we will find out whether chickenpox is dangerous during pregnancy, what are the consequences of the disease, and we will clarify measures for its prevention.

What is chickenpox?

The opinion that if a person had chickenpox at an early age, then he develops lifelong immunity to it, is erroneous. The virus mutates, acquires new properties, which means that there is always a chance to catch it again.

The risk of contracting chickenpox in pregnant women is small - one case in 1000. Most of the children suffer from this infection (95%), therefore, if there are preschoolers in the family, or a woman works in a children's educational institution, the probability of infection increases many times over.

From the moment the pathogenic agents enter the body until the first manifestations of the disease, it takes about 20 days. Only on day 21 can clear symptoms of infection be detected.

The most recognizable sign is numerous skin rashes that look like small blisters filled with clear liquid. After two to three days, the bubbles begin to dry, crusting over. It cannot be scratched or peeled off, otherwise scars will remain on the skin.

Other signs of chickenpox in pregnant women include:

✓ a sharp deterioration in health;

✓ lack of appetite, accompanied by nausea;

✓ quick fatigue and exhaustion;

✓ feverish condition;

✓ muscle and joint pain;

✓ high temperature.

Since adults tolerate chickenpox much harder than babies, you need to see a doctor at the first symptoms of infection. Self-medication or disregard for the "childhood" disease is fraught with serious consequences.

Diagnostic features

Characteristic blisters with fluid and other manifestations usually leave no doubt when clarifying the diagnosis. However, the "interesting situation" presupposes more painstaking work of doctors. So get ready for the following questions: 

  • ✓ have you interacted with people with chickenpox; 
  • ✓ how long the contact lasted; 
  • ✓ how prone you are to infectious diseases; 
  • ✓ whether the course of chickenpox in particular and pregnancy in general is complicated.

In addition, the differential diagnosis of chickenpox implies the exclusion of other diseases in patients with similar symptoms:

For abnormal leaks or blurred signs, doctors often prescribe additional laboratory tests to help in making an accurate diagnosis:

  • ✓ Viroscopic method, which consists in silvering the contents of the bubbles to detect the virus under light microscopes; 
  • ✓ With the serological method, paired blood sera are examined(RSC studies the activity of antibodies against the virus, RTGA detects the causative agent of the infection itself).


Influence on baby and women's health

Chickenpox usually clears up in pregnant women. Carrying a child is not an aggravating factor for infection and the course of the disease. But for the baby there are certain risks, which largely depend on the timing of intrauterine development.

1 trimester

In the first 12 weeks, the fetus is most at risk from all kinds of infections. This is the time of laying the organs, tissues and systems of the human body, therefore any virus can cause severe pathologies. However, doctors reassure: the risk of violations is minimal - 0.4%.

The most dangerous consequence is intrauterine chickenpox, which can provoke:

  • ✓ frozen pregnancy; 
  • ✓ fetal death and miscarriage; 
  • ✓ disorders in the development of the organs of hearing and vision, limbs; 
  • ✓ problems with the central nervous system; 
  • ✓ diseases of the bladder and gastrointestinal tract.

2 trimester

At this time, doctors note an increase in the risk of various deviations - up to 2%. To eliminate the likelihood of pathologies, doctors examine and evaluate the development of the skull and limb bones using ultrasound images. Potential complications during this trimester include:

  • ✓ underdevelopment of the bone and muscular apparatus; 
  • ✓ scars on the skin; 
  • ✓ ophthalmic disorders; 
  • ✓ congenital pneumonia; 
  • ✓ neurological symptoms.

3 trimester

If at the beginning of this period the risk of infection with chickenpox for children is practically absent, then by the end of pregnancy the threat of severe consequences increases significantly.

The most dangerous period is 3-4 days before childbirth and a week after birth. The risk of infecting children is approaching 50%, since the child's body did not have time to form immunity and develop the required amount of antibodies to resist the virus.

Possible consequences: 

  • ✓ congenital chickenpox, characterized by disorders of the internal organs; 
  • ✓ death of a child before childbirth; 
  • ✓ severe course of the disease in newborns (deaths noted).

Chickenpox vaccination during pregnancy

It is excluded from infection if the woman has already become pregnant. If you want to protect yourself from this disease and keep your baby safe, follow these medical recommendations:

1. If you did not have chickenpox as a child, get the vaccine. However, in this case, you will have to wait three to four months to conceive.

2. After vaccination, avoid contact with people who have not had time to get the infection. The fact is that for several days you yourself become a source of infection.

3. If you are unsure if you had this infection as a child, contact a laboratory. Specialists will check for antibodies in the blood to the pathogen of chickenpox.

4. Do not terminate the pregnancy if conception occurred before the expiration of the required period from the date of vaccination. Doctors assure that there are no complications after vaccination. But be sure to mention this medical procedure when talking to your gynecologist.

Prevention methods

It should be remembered that vaccination is only one of the preventive measures against chickenpox infection. During pregnancy, female immunity is significantly reduced, so doctors often prescribe a reception to resist various infections.

To prevent infection, doctors suggest that expectant mothers follow a few simple recommendations:

  • ✓ vaccinate older children against chickenpox if they have not yet had the disease; 
  • ✓ isolate a sick family member (move to another room for a while, send to relatives);
  • ✓ you should not visit children's educational institutions, if possible, you need to refuse contact with other people's children, since they can be sources of infection;
  • ✓ avoid contact with people with colds and skin rashes;
  • ✓ do not touch the skin of a person with chickenpox.

Chickenpox treatment during pregnancy

If, nevertheless, contact with a sick person could not be avoided, and you have the first signs, immediately contact your local gynecologist who is observing the course of pregnancy.

When prescribing therapy, the doctor will take into account the period, the course of the disease, the complication of secondary infections. If everything is in order, then they refuse specific treatment and follow standard advice.

1. Blisters are treated with brilliant green or methylene blue solution. Gauze bandage with calamine lotion perfectly relieves itching and prevents the urge to comb the bubbles.

2. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to refuse combing. In this case, you can use the drug "Tsindol", which dries sores well and reduces the likelihood of scarring on the skin.

3. Do not overheat, arrange water procedures. You need to drink more fluids, give preference to dairy and herbal products. They contain proteins and vitamins necessary during the treatment period.

4. If a woman becomes infected in the first and second trimester, then she is injected with a special immunoglobulin. It reduces the likelihood of complications in infants.

In severe cases of the disease, the doctor may prescribe acyclovir. This antiviral drug fights infection and reduces the severity of symptoms. An important condition is to take the drug within 24 hours after the first skin rashes are detected.

If signs of chickenpox appear just before childbirth, doctors will try to artificially delay them for as long as possible. This will reduce the risk of infection in the newborn. After childbirth, the child is injected with immunoglobulin, which contains antibodies to chickenpox. Then the baby is placed in the infectious diseases ward for a course of antiviral therapy.

Yes, chickenpox during pregnancy does not pose such a danger to a woman and a fetus, as, for example, rubella. However, this does not mean that this disease should be ignored. If the expectant mother contracted this infection, first of all, one should not panic. Seek qualified help from a doctor, he will prescribe a course of treatment that will save the child from negative consequences and possible complications.

Perhaps there is no person who has never heard of chickenpox or, as the people call it, chickenpox. About 90% of the adult population of the planet met with this viral disease and developed strong immunity to it. Because of this, only a few women get chickenpox during pregnancy. According to statistics, approximately 7 women out of 10 thousand become infected with the chickenpox virus while in position. If a pregnant woman has already had chickenpox earlier, then a new encounter with the virus is not dangerous either for her or for the baby in her stomach. But if the expectant mother does not have immunity to the virus, and she contracted it, then there is a completely different situation, which we will discuss in our article.

Is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman gets sick with chickenpox without immunity to this virus, then there is a 15% chance of developing complications in the form of pneumonia, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for the woman's life. Pneumonia while carrying a baby in the third trimester can lead to premature onset of labor. By the way, if the expectant mother smokes, then the risk of developing complications with chickenpox is much higher for her than for a non-smoking pregnant woman.

Also, the varicella-zoster virus is transmitted from mother to child. If a woman gets chickenpox early pregnancy or in the second trimester, then with a probability of 1.5%, her baby will be born with congenital chickenpox syndrome. Moreover, if the infection occurred between 13-20 weeks of pregnancy, then the risk of fetal disease increases to 3-5%.

Congenital chickenpox syndrome is a developmental abnormality of a child, which can lead to the fact that the baby will have mental and physical abnormalities, seizures, an abnormally small head, deformed limbs, scars on the skin, vision problems, small height and weight. Intrauterine chickenpox infection can cause fetal death and significantly increase the risk of spontaneous abortion.

If a pregnant woman has chickenpox at the beginning of the third trimester, then in this case, nothing threatens her child, since 5 days after infection, the mother's body will begin to produce antibodies to the virus and transmit them to the baby through the placenta, thereby ensuring his protection from smallpox. The immature immune system of the fetus is unable to produce antibodies.

In cases where a pregnant woman becomes infected with chickenpox three weeks before labor starts, there is also a possibility of infection of the child. But thanks to the antibodies received from the mother, the course of his illness will be mild and will not cause malformations. If the baby has had chickenpox in utero and does not have any anomalies, then there is still a risk of herpes zoster in early childhood.

The most dangerous infection of a woman with chickenpox during pregnancy 5 days before delivery... In this situation, the child becomes infected with the virus, but does not have time to receive antibodies from the mother. With a probability of 30%, such a baby will develop neonatal chickenpox or the so-called chickenpox of newborns. This disease poses a threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the baby. Especially if the treatment was not started on time. With the timely administration of chickenpox immunoglobulin to a newborn (immediately after birth) and a course of treatment with antiviral drugs containing antibodies to chickenpox, nothing threatens the child's health and life.

In cases where the symptoms of chickenpox did not appear during pregnancy, but occurred 2 days after childbirth, the baby is given an injection of immunoglobulin immediately after the mother is diagnosed.

Chickenpox symptoms

From the moment of infection with chickenpox until the first symptoms of the disease appear, it usually takes from 10 to 21 days. Having become infected with chickenpox during pregnancy, a woman at first may not even guess about it, since rashes on the body do not appear immediately. The first signs of chickenpox are the same as with a cold or flu: body temperature rises, fever appears. And only then a red rash appears on the body, which is very itchy. The rash then develops into small blisters that contain fluid. After a few days, the blisters dry out and crust over.

What to do for a woman if she contracted chickenpox during pregnancy

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, the expectant mother should immediately seek medical help at the infectious diseases hospital. If the doctor confirms the diagnosis of chickenpox, he will prescribe the antiviral drug Acyclovir to the patient and, regardless of the severity of the condition, refer her to the hospital for treatment and observation.

If the disease develops rapidly and is accompanied by a complication in the form of pneumonia, the pregnant woman has a fever, cough, shortness of breath or rapid breathing, severe chest pain, then the woman needs urgent hospitalization. It is best to call an ambulance to take the pregnant woman to the hospital as soon as possible.

Prevention of chickenpox infection

Since in case of chickenpox disease in the early stages of pregnancy, and during the entire period of bearing a child, vaccinations against this infection are not done, preventive measures are reduced to avoiding a woman in a position of contact with a sick person. You need to know that chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets and is extremely contagious. With direct contact with a patient with chickenpox, the probability of infection in a healthy person is 90%.

Most people first encounter chickenpox during childhood. The disease is relatively easy and leaves no consequences. But those who manage to avoid infection risk getting sick later. At an older age, the disease is more severe. And for pregnant women, primary infection with the chickenpox virus is dangerous.

What is the danger of chickenpox for pregnant women, and what are the consequences of the baby?

  • Features of the disease and viral infection
  • Is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy?
  • Chickenpox during pregnancy: danger to the baby
    • If mom gets sick in the first trimester: what to expect?
    • Infection of a pregnant woman in the second trimester: what to do?
    • Chickenpox in a pregnant woman in the third trimester
  • Treatment of pregnant women with varicella-zoster virus infection
  • The oldest child fell ill: what to do?
  • Pregnancy immediately after chickenpox
  • Prevention when planning conception

The causative agent of chickenpox and its features

The cause of the disease is herpesvirus type 3 - Herpes zoster. People are generally susceptible to him, but he dies in the external environment under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, antiseptics, and high temperatures.

Infection occurs from a person with chickenpox or shingles. This pathology is a relapse of the disease in an older age. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets or by contact.

For the first signs of the disease to appear, an incubation period of up to 20 days is required. The first rashes appear on the face and scalp, then spread throughout the body. The elements of the rash go through several stages:

  1. Spot.
  2. Bubble.
  3. Sore.
  4. Crust.

After healing, scars are not formed, the skin condition does not suffer. The exceptions are cases when a bacterial infection joins with non-observance of personal hygiene. Then damage to the growth layer of the skin occurs, small scars remain at the site of the vesicles.

Pregnancy does not affect the course of chickenpox, but the infection increases the risk of complications in the baby.

What is the threat of chickenpox during pregnancy

The risk of getting sick chickenpox during pregnancy small, about 90% of women already had an infection during childhood. Statistics show 5-7 cases of the disease per 1000 births. For the mother, the virus does not pose a significant danger, the condition of the child is at risk. The severity of complications depends on the time of infection. If this occurs at the beginning of gestation (in the early stages), then the probability of termination is much higher than in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. But the onset of chickenpox symptoms 5 days before childbirth and 2 days after also poses a significant danger to the newborn. In this case, the virus enters the child with the mother's blood, but the immune bodies that help the baby cope with the chickenpox virus do not. has not yet been able to give an adequate response to infection (immune antibodies have not yet formed).

Chickenpox during pregnancy: consequences for the child

The effect of the primary infection on the fetus depends on the trimester of pregnancy in which the infection occurred. The most serious consequences occur when chickenpox is transferred during the laying of organs and before the formation of the placenta, that is, in the early stages.

Chickenpox during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

The first trimester is the most significant period in the life of the fetus. Infection in time - leads to the pathology of the development of the limbs in the child. If the disease manifests itself at 12-, then there is a high probability of damage to the eyes and brain. Chickenpox virus damage to sympathetic nerves in the cervical and lumbosacral spinal cord causes Horner's syndrome, a dysfunction of the sphincters of the urethra and rectum.

The underdevelopment of the limbs is due to the tendency of the virus to infect fast-growing tissues. Skin manifestations are zigzag scars. They often cover hypoplastic (underdeveloped) limbs. Eye lesions are represented by cataracts, the brain may remain in an underdeveloped state, with a biopsy, calcifications, areas of necrosis (tissue necrosis) and hemorrhages are determined in it.

The severe consequences of chickenpox transferred in the first trimester can be an indication for termination of pregnancy. In some cases, the pregnancy is terminated spontaneously on its own, and a miscarriage occurs.

Chickenpox in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, chickenpox infection leads to brain damage, the child may be born outwardly normal, but later signs of mental retardation will become noticeable. Sometimes after childbirth, pathological neurological symptoms are present, convulsions are possible.

Chickenpox during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

Infection in the 3rd trimester is the least dangerous for the child. The internal organs are already formed, the placenta is functioning and protects the fetus from the penetration of the virus. The danger is represented by the symptoms of the disease in the mother, which appeared 5 days before delivery or 2 days after them: the child does not have protective antibodies, the system of its own immunity is not mature, and the mother becomes a source of infection. A newborn is very difficult to tolerate such an infection, death is observed in 20% of cases.

Methods for treating chickenpox in pregnant women

Clinical protocols for the treatment of chickenpox in pregnant women recommend with the introduction of interferon alfa. Earlier this period, with an uncomplicated course, specific drugs are not prescribed. For moderate and severe forms of the disease, Acyclovir is used in tablet form for antiviral treatment. For drying and for the purpose of antiseptics, the rash is lubricated with a solution of brilliant green.

Other symptoms of chickenpox are treated according to their severity. With mild severity, treatment takes place at home, in other cases, hospitalization is necessary. Temperatures above 38 degrees are knocked down by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. But in late pregnancy, their use is prohibited - they speed up the moment of onset of childbirth. In such cases, you can use non-specific methods - cold compresses to the temples, rubbing the neck in the area of ​​the carotid arteries, elbow bends.

When a secondary bacterial infection is attached, antibiotics are used: Ceftriaxone, Clarithromycin. If the course of the disease is severe, cerebral edema threatens, and neurological symptoms appear, Prednisolone is used. Also, in such a situation, detoxification and restoration of the electrolyte balance with saline solutions are carried out. Convulsive syndrome is stopped with diazepam.

Contact of a pregnant woman with a chickenpox patient: what to do if a sick child is at home

Chickenpox is dangerous for a pregnant woman only if she has not been sick with it before. If she does not know about whether to establish the presence of antibodies, and therefore the transferred infection, you can use a serological test.

If antibodies to the virus are not detected, then there was no meeting with him. Such pregnant women need to be wary of contact with a sick person, especially if he is a family member, for example, an older child attending a kindergarten.

Those who have a small child in their family who attends kindergarten, when quarantine for chickenpox is announced, they need to stop taking him to the team. This way you can protect yourself from the virus. It is also possible to vaccinate the child before he gets sick.

If the older child is already sick, then the pregnant woman is offered an injection of immunoglobulin within the first 4 days after contact. This will help protect the mom and unborn baby from infection.

Pregnancy after chickenpox

Those who have had the herpes zoster virus before pregnancy should not be afraid for their condition and the consequences for the baby. The woman develops specific antibodies that protect her from the pathogen. But there is always a risk of reactivation of the infection: it is impossible to get rid of any type of herpes completely, it remains in a latent form in the nerve ganglia.

Pregnancy is a period of physiological decline in immunity. Therefore, the virus can become active and cause shingles. But it does not pose a serious danger, the immune system and appropriate treatment help to cope with the disease.

Specific prophylaxis: vaccination before pregnancy

If the expectant mother knows that she has not had chickenpox, it is possible to get vaccinated at the stage of pregnancy planning. There are two vaccines, Okavax and Varilix, which contain an attenuated type 3 herpes virus. But for the development of immunity, a period of at least 1 month is required. But for the best effect, it is better to plan conception in at least 3 months.

Those who are already in a position to avoid contracting chickenpox should avoid visiting large crowds, public and especially in the first trimester. The cause of infection can be not only a patient with chickenpox, but also a person with signs of shingles. In a primary infection, it causes the symptoms of chickenpox.

The period of pregnancy is accompanied by many dangers for both the mother and the baby. To avoid most of them, it is enough to intelligently approach conception planning and disease prevention. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity will allow for non-specific prevention of most pathological conditions. And timely treatment of the initial symptoms of diseases will prevent them from becoming severe.

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Chickenpox during pregnancy