Is a chemical peel good for the face? The benefits and harms of peeling for the face: chemical, fruit acids, glycolic, hardware, retinol, Jessner, succinic acid, with calcium. What to expect from the procedure

Facial peeling - today a lot has been written about this cosmetic procedure:

  • beauty salons are trumpeting about him with might and main in advertising brochures;
  • cosmetics manufacturers offer various exfoliating products;
  • women on the forums actively share their experience of conducting it at home.

However, along with laudatory reviews, one can often come across negative ones, indicating that this procedure is quite unsafe and can cause harm, sometimes very significant, to the skin of the face.

For starters, in general terms. Peeling or as it is also called - exfoliation - a procedure involving exfoliation of the dead upper layer of the epidermis. It is assumed that such an effect on the skin of the face will improve its appearance, refresh, remove fine wrinkles, irregularities, unwanted pigmentation and other defects. Classification of peelings Modern salon cosmetology offers a fairly wide selection of procedures of this type. Peeling can be:

  • chemical;
  • laser;
  • biological;
  • physical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • mechanical;
  • fruit.

It should be noted that this is not a complete list, since the development of technology in the modern beauty industry is a fairly dynamic process that opens up new preparations and methods of cleansing. The names given in the list, as a rule, indicate the type of action or the main component used in exfoliation.

If we choose the method of exposure to the skin as a criterion, then in general the types of peelings can be divided into three groups.

  1. Physical - the essence of which is loosening the surface layers of the epidermis.
  2. Mechanical - its name speaks for itself. Here the skin is subjected to mechanical action with the help of any cosmetic abrasives.
  3. Chemical - is a rather complex and risky type.

Here are combined all the elements used for the chemical peel procedure. Each type can have a different depth effect on the skin of the face, based on which peeling is distinguished:

  • superficial - in this case, dead cells are removed;
  • medium - deeper and involving the removal of the entire surface of the stratum corneum;
  • deep - the most complex procedure, which involves the almost complete removal of the upper layer of the epidermis.

Such a distinction in the degree of exposure allows you to vary the "load" on the skin depending on age, skin condition and the desired effect.

Peeling: what is more good or harm

There are frequent discussions about what effect peeling has and what still prevails: benefit or harm. It is difficult to give a definite answer in this case. In each case, factors can be cited that indicate that there is a benefit. However, at the same time, there are cases when irreparable harm is caused. As a rule, it is associated with the use of chemical peels.

A few words in defense

In modern cosmetology, you can find a lot of arguments saying that the benefits of peeling are undeniable.

  1. There is a cleansing - the removal of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, which "prevents" the skin from breathing.
  2. The complexion is evened out.
  3. The texture of the skin improves, it looks fresh and radiant.
  4. You can get rid of scars, scars and other "roughness" of the face.
  5. The effect of “rejuvenation” of the face becomes visible, which manifests itself due to the fact that the cells of the basal layer begin to actively divide, trying to make up for losses from cleaning.

Harm from peeling

Information that this procedure can create a lot of problems with the skin, as a rule, is hushed up. By itself, the process of such a “roughest” cleansing by its nature creates an additional load on the cells of the epidermis and causes harm. You can estimate the scale of such an intervention by looking at the skin using special devices. They will allow you to see the processes that occur with the skin after peeling and, on the basis of this, give an unequivocal answer: the harm from this procedure more than covers what is presented as a benefit. The removal of the stratum corneum leads to the activation of the division of basal cells, which ensure the replenishment of losses in the upper layers of the epidermis.

  1. The top layer of the skin becomes thinner, which leads to its excessive dryness and sensitivity.
  2. Activation of the process of cell division leads to a reduction in its lifespan. This is due to the fact that there is a limiting genetically incorporated number of divisions, and the more there are, the faster the cell wears out.
  3. Passion for peeling leads to premature aging.

Features of the chemical type of peeling

Speaking about the harm that peeling can cause, special attention should be paid to its chemical type. In addition to the above, it can create a number of other problems:

  • in case of incorrect dosing of drugs, very severe burns are possible;
  • instead of the expected skin renewal, excessive dryness and irritation occur;
  • after burns, bursting vessels and scars may remain on the face.

Whether peeling is harmful to the face is a primary and topical issue before the planned cleansing procedure. It would seem that it could be better: old cells are removed, new ones appear, the effect of rejuvenation is obvious ... But the problem lies deeper than we notice, and with the slightest oversight and violation of the technology of the procedure, peeling becomes even dangerous to health and life.

The essence of peeling

Peeling has come to cosmetology for a long time. Even in ancient times, queens, priestesses applied concentrated lemon juice to their faces, scrubbed their skin with berry seeds. But if you look at these procedures from the point of view of modern cosmetology, this is nothing more than acid and mechanical peeling.

The secret of the high popularity and fame of peeling lies in its effectiveness. Indeed, sebaceous plugs that are “frozen in the pores”, keratinized layers and old, already non-working epidermal cells in every possible way prevent the skin from filling with nutrients and breathing. If you do not pay attention to this, then the rate of aging will begin to increase, a dull color will appear, single wrinkles will deepen or increase in number, problems with dryness, oily epidermis will become more frequent. Insufficient cleansing of the skin stimulates acne and the development of dermatological diseases.

In this case, peeling comes to the rescue. All unnecessary, problematic areas are removed cleanly, giving way to new, resilient and elastic cells. Having got rid of dead cells, the mechanism of rapid renewal (regeneration) of the integuments is launched. In a short time, the skin is forced to actively work to fill the resulting voids. The deeper and more extensive the peeling, the more intense the renewal takes place and the more active the skin works.

As a result of peeling, the patient notes an even relief of the face, a fresh look and unusual lightness, tenderness of the covers.

What happens inside the skin after peeling

Despite the excellent anti-aging effect, peeling also leads to unpleasant consequences:

  • After cleansing, the uppermost layer of the epidermis becomes thinner, which provides the skin with the main protection against external factors. It is not surprising that after acid median, deep peels, the risk of a herpes rash, the appearance of hyperpigmentation caused by sunlight, increases. All this in the absence of proper protection of the epidermis.
  • The thinning of the upper layer of the epidermis causes dryness and peeling of the integument in the future. That protection is no longer there, the skin is unable to retain moisture particles. They leave the cells of the epidermis faster - an unusual feeling of tightness, dry skin appears.
  • Excessive activity of epidermal cells for the regeneration of damaged areas can have a deplorable effect on the further life of these particles. Each cell has its own supply of energy and strength, so the faster it spends them, the faster it freezes. That is why patients can observe a sharp rejuvenating effect after cleansing, and after a short time, an accelerated rate of wilting.

There is one caveat: in adulthood, the instant effect of the cleansing procedure may soon turn into a boomerang of trouble. Therefore, it is important to anticipate this, to direct all efforts to prevent it. The solution to the problem is simple, contact a beautician and use high-quality care cosmetics.

At a young age, sparing peels are used, they put less stress on the skin and cause less harm. However, this does not mean at all that it is possible to carry out various cleanings and therapies every week. Follow the measure - and the unpleasant consequences will bypass your skin.

Complications after peeling

Possible side effects, complications - this is the second point of the harmfulness of peels. Of course, the risk of complications after peeling depends more on the responsibility of the patient to choose a clinic and staff, to prepare before cleansing and care for the skin after it. The slightest mistake in any of the stages of the procedure threatens with serious violations of the vital activity of the skin, in some cases even deformity, long-term treatment.

Unpleasant effects after cleaning cosmetologists are divided into 2 types: expected and unexpected.

  • Expected complications are erythema, slight swelling, noticeable peeling of the integument. They are considered acceptable, pass by themselves and do not cause strong feelings for clients.
  • Unexpected defects are the answer of the skin, which is unable to fight the attacks of infections, ultraviolet radiation, its own predisposition to the appearance of rough scars. Often, a sharp expansion of blood vessels provokes an accelerated rate of development of problems with rosacea, which was not diagnosed in the client before peeling. Unexpected complications can be caused by poor care during the rehabilitation period. It is necessary to solve unpredictable problems with the help of a professional, self-treatment, ignoring defects will only complicate the situation.

Unexpected complications can be avoided. To do this, follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist as much as possible, choose only specialists experienced in their field, adhere to the frequency of cleanings. Frequent peelings increase the harm from the procedure, cause unacceptable stress for the skin.

What to fear

Consider the main points that can affect the condition of the skin after peeling and even pose a strong threat to the patient's health:

  1. The peeling procedure involves the removal of dead cells, interfering with the integrity of the structure of the skin. Therefore, there is always a risk of infection. If the dangers are minimized during hardware cleaning (the integrity of the upper layer is practically not violated), then with acid exposure or mechanical grinding, these risks are at a high level.
  2. Insufficient skills of a cosmetologist, ignoring contraindications, their silence on the part of the patient, exceeding the dosage or concentration of the exfoliant during chemical peeling causes severe burns, exacerbation of chronic diseases, even violations of the patient's organs. If with light superficial cleaning this does not carry a strong danger, then with deep exfoliation with phenol, an excess of the concentration of phenolic acid, its hasty application even threatens with a fatal outcome.
  3. Allergy to an exfoliant component is a significant health risk factor. This applies to a difficult stage, exacerbation of the problem. There are cases when the neglect of a rapid test for skin sensitivity to the drug used cost patients their lives. The most striking example of this is Quincke's edema. The reaction is very fast: there is a strong swelling that can spread to the larynx. Then the person begins to suffocate, falls into a hypercapnic coma. This is very dangerous for human health, so everyone should seriously think about the importance of an allergy test!
  4. Improper care during the rehabilitation period, premature visits to the bathhouse, swimming pool, sunbathing and increased sports, the use of decorative cosmetics on damaged areas - all this provokes skin infection, a surge of acne and the development of skin diseases, the development of severe erythema, swelling, delays the recovery period and threatened with drug therapy. In addition, after such consequences, scars, scars, age spots remain.
  5. A separate category of patients are pregnant and lactating mothers. The ignorance of the doctor and the client in how the procedure will affect the health of the mother and baby is doubly dangerous. Therefore, patients in position, while breastfeeding, need to approach the choice of the type of exfoliation with all rigor, if possible, it is better to postpone peels for a while or replace them with homemade scrubs. In addition, the hormonal background of women can play a cruel joke, the effect can be zero, or cleaning will provoke a surge of acne.

Be attentive to the choice of procedure, beautician and yourself in the post-peeling period. Do not jump to conclusions, but weigh the decision. Sometimes your health depends on it!

Summing up

Modern cosmetology unequivocally recognizes peeling as one of the most effective and useful problems, even despite the risks of harming the skin. If you follow the recommendations, prescriptions of specialists, strictly approach the choice of cleansing technique, the risk of complications and unpleasant consequences is minimized.

Whether facial peels are harmful is a moot point. Each person is individual, the reaction of his body to the actions taken is different. To a greater extent, the final result of peeling depends on the professionalism and skill of the cosmetologist in choosing the exfoliation technique. Having carefully studied the characteristics of the patient, the structure and problem of the skin, having analyzed the tendency to any complications, he can predict the outcome of the procedure and determine the possible risks.

If you want the cosmetic procedure to leave only pleasant memories of yourself, a rejuvenated, refreshed face - listen to the opinion of experts. In this case, the danger, the possibility of harming the skin will be negligible. Be healthy!

So all the same scrubs - is it useful or harmful?

According to cosmetologists, with our ecology, it is not enough just to wash your face and wipe your face with tonic. Harmful external influences plus delayed cell regeneration - as a result, keratinized cells accumulate on the surface of the skin - this is a real resort for bacteria. They actively multiply, grow dull, coarsen, look lethargic and groomed. Therefore, the skin from time to time needs a “general cleaning”, that is, deep cleansing.
The only question is how and how often it should be carried out.

The procedure for exfoliating dead cells is called exfoliation or peeling and can be chemical or mechanical.

Mechanical peeling carried out with the help of scrubs. They contain small, hard particles - natural or artificial. Rolling on the skin, they “clean off” its dead scales.

Moreover, experts advise choosing scrubs with artificial particles, since they have an ideal spherical shape, which means they do not scratch or irritate the skin. Unlike, for example, apricot kernel crumbs, the grains of which can have sharp edges. For these reasons, luxury brands are increasingly using artificial scrub particles in their products.

During a chemical peel dead cells of the stratum corneum do not “scrape off”, but dissolve

▪ using acids: lactic, malic, citric
▪ with the help of enzymes (enzymes) that “feed” on dead protein.

Peeling with enzymes is considered more natural and gentle, because these substances are present on our skin from the very beginning. It’s just that with age (at 35-40 years old) they become insufficient to “eat” all the dead cells. Then peels containing enzymes extracted from fruits, such as papaya or kiwi, come to the rescue.

Too frequent exfoliation will “confuse” the sebaceous glands and they will start working in emergency mode. The result will be the opposite.

Can peeling cure acne? It can't, but it will help. Its impact is not deep enough to cope with clogged pores, but it is one of the essential components of problem skin care. True, if the skin is inflamed, it is better to postpone the procedure.

We do peeling correctly:

1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin

2. Apply the peel liberally in circular massage movements from the center of the face to the periphery in an ascending manner. Peeling must be held on the skin for at least 3 minutes. Firstly, deep cleansing does not happen quickly, and secondly, good manufacturers add a lot of useful elements to their products - give them time to act.

3. Wash your face thoroughly with warm water and wipe with tonic. Now you can apply the cream. After which you can mask or daily care.

Along with exfoliation, cleansing is also a way to deeply cleanse the skin.
They not only deal with surface contaminants, but also release pores. Kaolin (or another type of clay) is a key component of such masks - a strong absorbent that successfully absorbs oil from the surface of the skin. The already mentioned enzymes and acids are also included in cleansing masks and provide additional cleansing from horny scales. In addition, cleansing masks are not complete without antiseptics that fight bacteria and ingredients that regulate the process of sebum secretion.

Making a cleansing mask correctly:

1. Cleanse your skin with exfoliation

2. Apply the mask in a thick layer on the face, excluding the areas around the eyes and lips. If the skin is combination - only on the T-zone. The thick layer is designed to prevent the mask from drying out quickly.

3. Do not laugh or smile while the mask is on your face

4. After the mask is removed (with warm water), be sure to wipe your face with tonic. Keep the mask on your face for 5-7 minutes if the skin is clean, but is carried out for prevention. If there are real problems on the face, then it will not be possible to achieve results faster than in 15-20 minutes. You will also have to repeat the procedure three times in the first week of treatment, in the second - two, and then once a week.

At what age should deep cleaning be done?

Of course, a girl with a perfectly smooth face does not need to exfoliate her skin. But for teenagers with problematic skin, such procedures are useful.

As cosmetologists note, at a more mature age, peels and deep cleansing masks are indispensable - they not only perform their direct functions, but also greatly enhance the effect of other cosmetic preparations. Regular use of homemade deep cleansing products will help to have an even skin texture and eliminate the need for painful cleaning in the salon. But the main thing is not to overdo it!

Lyubov Petrukhina

It's all about the incredible effectiveness of chemical skin cleansing, which is often used as a rejuvenating technique. At the same time, despite the huge variety of home peeling compositions offered by well-known cosmetic brands, it is professional chemical exposure that, unlike other cosmetic procedures, has a powerful mechanism of action that can achieve the greatest efficiency.

Based on the nature of the interaction of a chemical peeling agent and human skin, many patients ask themselves a logical question - is it worth doing a chemical facial peel, and in which cases the risk is really justified. We will try to consider all the pros and cons of chemical peeling and find the "pitfalls" of this procedure.

Benefits of a chemical peel for the face

In order to fully appreciate the advantages of chemical peeling, it should first of all be understood that the technique is aimed at complete cleansing of the surface layers of the skin from dead skin cells of the epidermis, excess sebaceous secretion and pollutants. The essence of the procedure is to obtain a controlled light chemical burn under the action of an acid or enzyme composition, as a result of which the skin is cleansed and renewed, forming a young healthy epidermal layer.

The effectiveness of chemical peeling lies in the following aesthetic and physiological effects:

    Skin cleansing. Under the action of acid, there is a significant weakening of the intercellular bonds of the stratum corneum, which leads to the elimination of dead cell structures. A similar reaction is observed in relation to sebum and the contents of the epidermal ducts. As a result, the skin is cleansed of excess surface elements, acquiring an even structure and a healthy color tone.

    Rejuvenation. The anti-age effect that can be achieved by chemical peeling is justified by the complete renewal of the surface layers of the epidermis. After the chemical destruction of keratinized cells, an active regeneration process is launched, which leads to the formation of new, young skin cells. In addition, the activation of internal growth factors provokes the production of collagen and elastin by cellular fibrils, which as a result is manifested by an increase in the elasticity and firmness of the skin, as well as smoothing of epidermal mimic wrinkles and skin creases.

    Normalization of the sebaceous glands. Especially often, cosmetologists recommend peeling procedures to patients with oily skin types. This is due not only to the ability to clear the clogged ducts of the glands from the natural secretion, but also to the effect of optimizing the work of the sebaceous glands and narrowing the skin channels. A full course of peeling procedures significantly reduces the fat content of the epidermis and eliminates the manifestations of acne and acne, restoring the natural beauty of the skin of the face.

    Elimination of skin defects. Chemical peels are often used as a therapeutic technique to eliminate scars, scars, especially those formed as a result of acne, and age spots. The latter aspect is based on the fact that the melanin pigment is produced in the superficial skin structures, which are rapidly renewed under the action of peeling.

Considering the ratio of the pros and cons of chemical peeling, one can unequivocally draw conclusions in favor of this cosmetic procedure, since it is almost impossible to achieve the appropriate aesthetic effects without the use of chemical agents.

Speaking about the dangers of chemical peeling, it is worth mentioning that there are a number of contraindications, which most often provoke complications and the development of unpleasant consequences of this cosmetic technique. Most often, if the procedure protocol is followed and there are no contraindications, chemical peeling does not cause significant side effects. At the same time, a number of temporary post-peeling reactions are always observed, which you should know about in advance when deciding to carry out this cosmetic procedure:

  1. Chemical burn of the skin- this concept primarily means hyperemia and swelling of tissues, which may be accompanied by the formation of crusts and active peeling. Usually, this reaction persists for the first few days - a week after the peeling.
  2. Dry tissue– one of the disadvantages of the peeling effect is some dryness of the skin, which patients usually notice in the first week after the procedure. In this case, such a reaction is quite natural and is compensated by the subsequent active hydration of the tissues.
  3. Hypersensitivity to sunlight- is manifested by an increased risk of the formation of age spots. This effect is typical for almost all types of chemical acid peeling, which imposes some restrictions on its implementation - it is recommended to do it only in the autumn-winter period.

Assessing the benefits and harms of chemical peeling, of course, we can conclude that this procedure has much more positive effects than negative skin and body reactions. At the same time, a decision on the need and feasibility of peeling and the choice of a specific technique should be made only on the basis of consultation with a professional cosmetologist who will be able to assess the individual characteristics of the skin condition. Cosmetologists of the beauty center "NEOMED" are ready to provide informative advice and conduct an effective and safe chemical peeling of the face.

Facial peeling is one of the procedures necessary to preserve beauty and youth. According to cosmetologists, it helps to smooth out wrinkles, eliminate spots, and eliminates problems with rashes. But what needs to be considered in order for the process to live up to expectations?

What is the essence of the peeling procedure

Whatever type of peeling you choose, the principle remains the same: a layer of dead cells is removed from the face, which returns smoothness and health to the integument. Peels also reduce wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. When you remove dead layers, skin regeneration processes are accelerated. As a result, its texture improves, the color evens out. The only problem that skin peeling will not solve is the presence of scars.

The first procedures that cosmetologists undertook caused disappointment among the beauties: since the products were aggressive, the result was redness or inflammation. It was necessary to take into account before peeling the face that this would require not leaving the house for a week: the injured integument needed to be protected from environmental influences.

As a result, cosmetologists have abandoned deep and aggressive cleansing in favor of a series of gentle exfoliation procedures (the so-called removal of dead cells). But the head of the Australian clinic, Dr. Joseph Hkeikik, argues that powerful effects are not as invasive as they used to be. Face peeling at the beautician or at home in most cases will not cause irritation or itching, so choose the appropriate procedure.

Chemical Peel Types: What to Expect

Acid-based chemical peels are in high demand. In salons, hydroxy acids are used:

  • glycolic;
  • apple;
  • dairy.

In combination with salicylic, which is included in the formula of most formulations, they produce gentle exfoliation. Cleansing peeling implies that the cosmetologist treats the skin with a solution that acts on intercellular junctions: dead layers are exfoliated and the surface is smoothed.

Acids are used in combination and separately. Cosmetologist Christina Snow of True Solutions International says, "For first-time clients, we recommend the classic option, glycolic acid." It eliminates wrinkles and starts the process of collagen production in the skin, which gives a long-lasting effect of rejuvenation. You can learn more about the procedure and rules for glycol peeling by watching the following video:

Salicylic acid is added to glycolic acid: the latter acts on the surface layers, enhancing the action of other components. What gives facial peeling in this case? It provides complex rejuvenation and eliminates rashes. Cosmetologist James Vivian explains: “Salicylic acid reduces inflammation and destroys harmful bacteria. It also increases the skin's resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Since the component removes cells from the surface layer, the remaining components of the peel penetrate deeper.”

Lactic acid is used for exfoliation and for moisturizing. It stimulates the body's production of hyaluronic acid, which is necessary for skin elasticity. Under its action, the integuments produce fats that create a natural barrier on the surface: it allows you to retain moisture in the dermis. The component is recommended to clients with fading and overdried integument, and it is used for all skin or in certain areas. The facial peeling procedure can be supplemented with injections of vitamin A, which enhances the anti-aging effect.

In order for the doctor to make a suitable mix, contact proven salons: the procedure should be carried out by an experienced dermatologist-cosmetologist.

What you will have: a step-by-step description

Although the steps may vary, the process is as follows:

  1. During the preliminary visit, the patient, together with the doctor, chooses the appropriate option.
  2. On the day of the procedure, the skin is treated with a special composition. He is selected taking into account the characteristics of the condition and the goals that the patient wants to achieve. After application, a tingling sensation appears, and the intensity depends on the depth of cleansing.
  3. The active substance is washed off, the doctor applies a sedative drug, if necessary, makes cold compresses.

The specialist is obliged to explain the specifics of care during the recovery period, and, depending on the condition of the skin, schedule a follow-up visit.

Latest trends in cosmetology

The fashion for naturalness has also spread to the beauty industry: companies are developing additional formulations with natural extracts. Cosmetic networks offer a series that includes the extract of the following plants:

  • wheat containing mild enzymes;
  • blueberries, gently affecting the integument and saturating with vitamins;
  • papaya, which enhances the exfoliating effect.

This option will cost more, but you will like the result.

Who is the peeling procedure for?

Usually the effect is better in people with fair skin and hair, and for clients with swarthy integument, the beautician will select a special exfoliation, taking into account the type of problem. Skin peeling, carried out by a chemical method, for beauties with a high content of melanin in the cells can lead to the appearance of spots on the face, so the qualification of the master remains a necessary condition.

Although exfoliation will get rid of fine wrinkles, it is powerless for deep wrinkles and ptosis. It is possible to get rid of them thanks to fillers and lifting.

At what age can face peeling be done? The answer depends on the type of problem. Teenagers often complain about acne, but gentle cleansing can remove impurities from the pores, resulting in less breakouts. At an older age, getting rid of dead cells smoothes superficial wrinkles and removes age spots. When contacting a proven salon, the procedure can be done by both young people and the elderly.

Nuances of preparation and recovery period

Before the exfoliation process, tell the dermatologist about chronic diseases and medications you are taking: he may ask you to temporarily stop them and prepare the covers by applying preparations with glycolic acid or retinoids. Together with the doctor, you will determine the intensity of the upcoming procedure. If your body is prone to the formation of keloid scars, look for another option.

Also observe the following rules:

  • refrain from smoking for several weeks before and after exfoliation;
  • Apply SPF even on cloudy days and on days you don't leave the house.

Features of the recovery period depend on which face peel you have chosen: this will be the decisive factor. With a superficial type, you will appreciate the advantages and do without a long recovery, and the average degree will get rid of noticeable wrinkles without causing noticeable discomfort. Deep chemical cleansing gives the best result, and it lasts for a long time. But the duration of the procedure increases to 2 hours, and the recovery period can take 4 weeks. The sensations and consequences are comparable to those of a sunburn.

Features of physical impact

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Physical peeling involves the mechanical removal of a layer of dead cells, which is performed using scrubs. Those contain particles of substances that act on the skin by light friction. But not all drugs that will be offered in the store are equally useful: dermatologist Dennis Gross draws attention to the fact that the fraction of inclusions should not be too large. According to him, scrubs do work, but they need to be used with caution. In terms of softness of action and effectiveness, they are inferior to the previous version, but they are also available at home.

After learning what peeling with scrubs is, you will ask the question how gentle it is for the skin. The answer depends on various factors:

  • what tools do you use;
  • how do you do the procedure.

Apply scrubs gently, rubbing with massage movements for 1-2 minutes. Do not bet on the intensity of friction, otherwise microtraumas will appear on the covers. You should also not choose products that include crushed fruit seeds or exotic nut shells - sharp edges will damage the epidermis.

Have you used similar scrubs, but there were no complaints? If you had the opportunity to examine the cleaned skin under a microscope, you would change your mind. Dr. Gross claims that the integument after such peelings is as if processed with sandpaper. Rough breaks with jagged edges confirm that the agents act unevenly. True, not all products are harmful, so success depends on the right choice.

How to choose the right home remedy

What is facial peeling without microtrauma? This is a treatment for which you have chosen one of the following types of scrub:

  1. A product with plastic abrasive particles will please with its affordability and gentle impact. Tiny balls are made of safe materials, and their edges do not cause microtrauma. But finding such scrubs is becoming increasingly difficult, as they have proven to be harmful to the environment - when you wash off the product, over time, the plastic ends up in water bodies and is available to animals and birds. They eat the balls, and those, once in the body, release toxins. In the US, this type of scrub is banned, and many countries are rushing to follow suit.
  2. Popularity is gaining funds, whose formula includes sugar. When you apply them to a moisturized face, the grains melt, which softens the effect of the scrub. You can make the product yourself, but many cosmetic brands have developed ready-made lines. They also adopted sea salt, because it will provide the covers with useful minerals. Having learned how to do peeling and what it is, it is not difficult to give yourself youth.
  3. Peeling gels and gommages were initially used by Asian women, but European girls also picked up the fashion, appreciating the softness of the products. Products are produced on the basis of cellulose, which removes the layer of dead cells from the skin and removes impurities. The product is applied to a moistened face and rubbed in a circular motion; gradually it rolls down in lumps, which are washed off with water.

By choosing one of the proposed options, you will be satisfied with the result.

When to Avoid Scrubs

When performing a physical peeling of the face, there are few contraindications. The reason for refusing it will be the following:

If there are no contraindications for use in your case, use the product 1-2 times a week. Dermatologists say that excessive care also becomes the cause of problems, so you should not be zealous.

Which type is better: physical or chemical

After learning how different types of peeling are done and what they are, you will wonder which type is best. There is no universal answer, since the choice depends on the characteristics of the skin. Chemical exfoliants act on intercellular bonds, therefore they are indispensable for those who suffer from acne. After all, the application does not imply friction of abrasive particles that irritate already inflamed skin.

Physical methods will appeal to owners of integument prone to excessive fat content. Scrubs can also include acids in the formula, which allows you to combine the advantages of both options.

Hardware exfoliation: types, benefits, features

Hardware procedures are performed in special clinics. A dermatologist-cosmetologist will offer the following options:

  1. Vacuum peeling of the face is carried out using a device that creates negative pressure. The covers are attracted to the nozzle, and under its action, both the dead layer and impurities are removed.
  2. Brushing is similar in principle to the mechanical version, but a special apparatus is used in the process.
  3. The ultrasonic type is considered gentle, but this does not affect the result. The covers under the action of the waves are smoothed, the sebaceous plugs disappear, the skin gets rid of the stratum corneum.
  4. Laser procedures are popular in the West because they are gentle and effective. The abundance of options will allow you to do deep cleansing or get by with superficial removal of cells.

You can choose the right type with a specialist, making adjustments to the condition of the skin.

Features of laser exfoliation

What is laser facial peeling? This is a procedure based on the effect of its rays on the epidermis and dermis. It allows you to get rid of the following problems:

  • wrinkles;
  • age spots;
  • stretch marks;
  • uneven complexion;
  • scars.

The lasers used fall into 2 categories:

  1. Ablative (they are also called cold) are characterized by an aggressive effect. They remove the top layer from the epidermis, which is fraught with redness. In most cases, after such peelings, recovery time is required - you will have to stay at home for a week.
  2. Non-ablative, or hot, are among the non-invasive devices, because they affect the deeper layers of the skin. They stimulate the production of collagen by the body, and do not remove the upper cells of the epidermis. In the full sense, the procedure cannot be considered peeling, since it belongs to progressive, but also expensive methods.

Laser exposure can be prescribed even to 18-year-old clients, whom it will relieve of rashes and skin irregularities left after acne. For those who want to reverse age-related changes, a set of procedures is prescribed, which also includes lifting and polishing.

Facial peeling produced by this method requires special qualifications. If the cosmetologist makes mistakes, the formation of a “gauze effect” is possible - micro scars remain at the site of the burn from the laser. Clients also complain about hemorrhages and blisters, so do not go to a random master. The procedure must be carried out in a clinic, because an ordinary cosmetologist will have neither the knowledge nor the equipment to provide proper assistance.

The difference between laser peel and resurfacing

Laser peeling and resurfacing differ in the depth of impact on the integument. If you choose exfoliation, then the beam is directed to the epidermis, while the dermis remains intact. The method will get rid of wrinkles and age spots, but there will be no cardinal transformation.

Resurfacing means that the laser energy is directed to the dermis. With its help, even strong age-related changes are removed, but the sensations will be painful, and recovery will be long.

In some cases, instead of separating resurfacing into a separate procedure, dermatologists talk about deep laser peeling.

What is peeling: video


Peelings are processes aimed at removing a layer of dead cells. Chemical and mechanical types are common, to which hardware effects are added. The latter includes laser exfoliation, which allows for effective rejuvenation. Finally, the type of procedure is chosen together with a dermatologist, because only a specialist can take into account all the features of the skin condition.