The holiday is celebrated on August 2. Day of Elijah the Prophet: history, signs and traditions of the holiday. Fringe Arts Festival in Edinburgh

The list of holidays in Russia on August 2, 2018 will acquaint you with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays August 2

Day of the Airborne Forces (Day of the Airborne Forces)

Airborne Forces Day in 2018 is celebrated on August 2. The date is celebrated by employees of the airborne troops, support personnel, former paratroopers, cadets and teachers of specialized higher educational institutions.

Airborne Troops (VDV) - a branch of the Armed Forces. They are designed to carry out offensive operations on land and airspace, defend sectors, communications and fight the enemy, including in his rear. They are considered an elite unit and have a specialized material and technical base. A professional holiday is dedicated to them.


The memorable date dates back to August 2, 1930, when the airborne unit disembarked from an aircraft to perform a combat mission. This event is considered the birthday of the landing troops, which a year later began to actively form and infiltrate the Red Army of the USSR. At first they belonged to the air force, then to the ground.

The holiday is celebrated in Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries. Official celebrations in the Russian Federation began with the Decree of President V. Putin No. 549 of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

In Belarus, the holiday is called the Day of Paratroopers and Special Operations Forces and was established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 1998 No. 157 (as amended on July 30, 2010 No. 397).

Ilyin's day

Prophet Elijah is one of those holy people who are revered in different religions. There are even traces of the presence of Elijah in pagan religions, Judaism, Islam. In the article we will talk about Ilyin's day. The history of the holiday is vague. Various myths are associated with it.

history of the holiday

The history of Ilyin's Day began a long time ago, even before the birth of Christ. According to legend, Elijah is a great prophet from the Old Testament. He was born nine hundred years before the birth of Christ.

When Ilya was born, his father, Sovak, had a vision that the men were talking with the child and feeding him with fire. From a young age, the prophet lived in the desert, in strict fasting and prayer. After he was called to the service of King Ahab, who worshiped Baal. The Lord sent Elijah to the king and told him to say that if his people did not turn to the true God, then famine would befall his kingdom. The king did not listen, famine came in the country, a severe drought came.

During the famine, Elijah lived in the desert for a year. Birds brought him food. Then he came to the widow Sarepta. After three years of wandering, the prophet returned to the kingdom of Israel and again tried to convey to the king that all the troubles are from wrong faith. To prove his point, he offered to make altars, one for Baal and the other for the true God. If the fire descends on the altar of Baal, then he is the true God, if not, then this is just an idol.

First an altar was made to Baal. People stabbed the bull, the priests began to pray, asking to send fire from heaven. Despite all the pleas, no fire was sent.

In the evening of the same day, Ilya made his altar, laid firewood, watered it with water and began to pray. The fire that descended from heaven ignited both the firewood and the sacrifice. The fire burned the stones, the waters evaporated. The people saw the miracle and glorified the real God, believing in him again.

For his earthly deeds, Ilya was taken to heaven alive, in a fiery chariot. This miracle was seen by the prophet Elisha. Then, in the Transfiguration of the Lord, he appeared together with Moses and stood before Christ. They were talking on Mount Tabor. The tradition of the church says that the prophet Elijah is the Forerunner of the Terrible Second Coming of the Savior to earth. He will be on earth in a mortal body.

birthday mailbox

The modern mailbox has become a familiar attribute of our lives. It is in it that we look every day, expecting to receive our favorite magazine or greeting card.

It will be interesting to know that he has his own history. It is believed that the first mailbox was installed in the capital of France, Paris, and this significant event took place in 1653.

Russia is somewhat behind in this innovation and can boast of the first wooden miracle for correspondence since 1848, when the first collection of letters, dark blue, knocked down from simple boards and lined with sheet iron, was installed in Moscow.

The high point in the development of the delivery of newspapers, magazines and letters can be called the rapid 20th century. Currently, mail services are still in demand, and August 2 - the birthday of the mailbox - is celebrated by the public with undisguised pleasure.

Objectively, it should be said that the modern look of the device that stores our personal mail has changed significantly recently - there is even a whole movement of creative enthusiasts who have turned an ordinary street mailbox into a unique art object.

So did the resourceful inhabitants of a small California town, who seriously compete among themselves in the honorary title - "whose mail drive is more original." Against the backdrop of bright lawns near private houses, sometimes the most unexpected structures are installed, for example, these are bright fire trucks, sharp-nosed sharks, copies of ancient cathedrals, figures of turtles, cute kittens, penguins and dogs, and you can also see a whole family of fur seals on the lawn. Probably very kind people live in this city who like to write and receive letters, of course, only with good news.

August 2, 2018 - Thursday, 214th day of 2018 according to the Gregorian calendar. August 2 corresponds to July 20 of the Julian calendar (old style). Holidays August 2, 2018.

Holidays August 2, 2018 in Russia

  • Every year on August 2, our country celebrates a glorious date - the Day of the Airborne Forces (Day of the Airborne Forces), established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" promote the revival and development of domestic military traditions, enhance the prestige of military service and established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state. The airborne troops - "winged infantry", "blue berets" - with whatever epithets they awarded the guards-paratroopers, but always, at all times and under any circumstances, the strength, courage and reliability of people living by the principle: "No one, except us!". And today, more than a million Russians who once wore blue berets, as well as those currently serving in the Airborne Forces, will celebrate their holiday - Airborne Forces Day. The history of the Airborne Forces (VDV) dates back to August 2, 1930 - then, at the exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh, a unit of paratroopers consisting of 12 people was parachuted for the first time to perform a tactical task. This experiment allowed military theorists to see the prospect of the advantage of parachute units, their enormous capabilities associated with the rapid coverage of the enemy through the air. The formation of airborne units, which marked the beginning of the mass deployment of this type of troops, began in 1932. Already at the beginning of 1933, special-purpose aviation battalions were formed in the Belorussian, Ukrainian, Moscow and Volga military districts. By the summer of 1941, the staffing of five airborne corps of 10 thousand people each had ended. The paratroopers have always been at the forefront in the battles of the Great Patriotic War and have repeatedly shown mass heroism. Since February 1988, Russian paratroopers have taken part in operations in "hot spots" both in the country and abroad. One of the heaviest losses in the history of modern airborne forces was the death of the 6th company of the 104th regiment of the 76th Pskov airborne division in March 2000, when the unit prevented a breakthrough of 2.5 thousand militants, destroying over 700 bandits. Today, the Airborne Troops (VDV) is a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is a means of the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces and is designed to cover the enemy by air and perform tasks in his rear to disrupt command and control, capture and destroy ground elements of high-precision weapons, disrupt the advancement and deployment reserves, disrupting the operation of the rear and communications, as well as covering (defending) certain directions, areas, open flanks, blocking and destroying airborne assault forces, enemy groupings that have broken through, and performing other tasks. They wrote many bright pages in the history of the Russian army. From the first day of its existence, the Airborne Forces have become "frontline" troops capable of performing any task, no matter how impossible it would be considered. Their valor and courage, selfless devotion to the Motherland are forever covered with unfading glory. They are where it is most dangerous, where high combat skills and excellent physical training, self-sacrifice and courage are needed. "Blue Berets" are always at the forefront - whether it be a peacekeeping mission or participation in an anti-terrorist operation. In peacetime, the Airborne Forces perform the main tasks of maintaining combat and mobilization readiness at a level that ensures their successful use for their intended purpose. And today, paratroopers inspire respect and admiration, both among veterans and young people who are preparing to serve in the army. Traditionally, on this day, commemorative and festive events are held everywhere, demonstration performances of paratroopers and paratroopers, a demonstration of military equipment that is in service with the Airborne Forces, meetings with veterans of the Airborne Forces, charity events and folk festivals are organized.

Also read:

Holidays August 2, 2018 in Ukraine

  • There are no holidays on August 2, 2018 in Ukraine.

World and international holidays August 2, 2018

  • World and international holidays on August 2, 2018 - none.

Orthodox holidays August 2, 2018

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • Memorial Day of the Prophet Elijah;
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Avraamy of Galich, Chukhlomsky, hegumen;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Konstantin Slovtsov, presbyter;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyrs Alexander of Arkhangelsk, Georgy Nikitin, John Steblin-Kamensky, Sergius Gortinsky and Theodore Yakovlev, presbyters, Martyrs Tikhon (Krechkov), Archimandrite, George (Pozharov), Kirill (Vyaznikov), hieromonks, martyrs Evfimy Grebenshchikov and Peter Vyaznikov;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Alexy Znamensky, presbyter;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Theodore Abrosimov, novice;
  • Uncovering the relics of the venerable martyr Athanasius of Brest, hegumen;
  • Galichskaya (Chukhloma); "The Sign" of Abalatskaya; Orsha - icons of the Mother of God.

Folk holidays August 2, 2018

  • Ilyin's day. The folk-Christian holiday "Ilyin's Day" is celebrated on August 2 (according to the old style - July 20). In the Orthodox calendar, this day honors the prophet Elijah, who lived in the kingdom of Israel in the 9th century BC. Other names of the holiday: "Thunderbolt", "Ilya the Prophet", "Ilya the Angry". August 2 - the day of the turning point of summer and the turn to autumn. For Elijah, they usually arranged a big dinner for the worldly pool. Elijah became famous for his righteous deeds and the fight against idolatry. During the reign of Ahab, the wife of the ruler established the cult of the gods Astarte and Baal. Elijah informed the ruler that a three-year drought awaited his land as punishment for returning to paganism. A long confrontation began between a high-ranking person and the Prophet, accompanied by various miracles. The result was the denunciation of the dishonorable behavior of the ruler and his pacification. The Old Testament says that Elijah ascended to heaven while still alive, being carried away by a fiery chariot: “suddenly a fiery chariot and fiery horses appeared,” which took the prophet away. Thanks to this image, the saint received the nickname Ilya the Thunderer among the people. It was said that it was he who, rushing across the sky in a fiery chariot and trying to strike the unclean serpent, lets out thunders and lightnings. Elijah the Prophet belongs to the most popular saints, along with Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the Slavic folk tradition, he is the lord of thunder, heavenly fire, rain, the patron of the harvest and fertility. Ilya - "terrible saint." In the old days in Russia, on Ilyin's Day, they held religious processions and prayed to the prophet for rain or, conversely, for clear weather - depending on what was needed. In addition, according to beliefs, rainwater collected on this day relieved both the evil eye and eye diseases. From Ilyin's day, autumn began, despite the fact that according to the calendar it was still far away. The nights were getting cold, there were morning frosts, and the heat of the day was fading away. From that day on, people stopped swimming (by the way, this custom is still alive today). Our ancestors said: “Ilya the Prophet threw an ice cube into the water”; “From Ilyin’s day, the night is long, and the water is cold”; “Before Ilya, a peasant bathes, and from Ilya he says goodbye to the river”; "It's summer before lunch on Ilya, and autumn in the afternoon." The air became humid, and the housewives, hanging out the washed linen, noticed: “Before Ilyin’s day, it dries under the bush, and after Ilyin’s day it doesn’t dry on the bush either.” It often rained: “Before Ilya, the priest will not make rain, after Ilya, the woman will catch up with an apron.” The days were getting noticeably shorter. “Peter and Paul subtracted an hour, and Elijah the Prophet dragged away two,” our ancestors noted. “From the day of Ilyin, the night is long: the worker gets enough sleep, the horses are full,” people added, trying to see the good in everything. By Ilyin's day, it was customary to bake the first bread from the new harvest, which the whole village enjoyed. In the prophet, our ancestors saw a benefactor who is able to give a good harvest. In some provinces, on this day, a cup with grains of rye and oats was put up at the gate and the priest was asked to “magnify Elijah for the fertility of bread.” A significant ritual in the villages on Ilyin's day was a brotherhood, which is a collective meal between residents of neighboring houses and villages. It was accompanied by the slaughter of cattle as a sacrifice for Elijah. He was brought to church, sprinkled with holy water, after which a dish was prepared from the animal. It was eaten by all participants of the ceremony and those invited. The body parts of a slain artiodactyl and its blood were considered miraculous, possessing a supernatural ability to heal. They were subjected to various manipulations aimed at maintaining health. It was not customary to work on Ilyin's day, especially in the field. They said that for such a “misconduct” the prophet could punish: “They don’t throw haystacks at Ilya - Ilya will be burned by a thunderstorm.” According to the Slavic tradition, the means of labor could be confiscated from the violators of the custom with their subsequent sale. The proceeds were spent on joint drinking. However, such a custom was also associated with the belief that only until that time the grass is filled with taste and strength: “Until Ilyin’s day, throw hay - put a pood of honey into it.” The peasants believed that on Ilyin’s day, animals and reptiles come out and crawl out of their holes and roam the meadows and forests, so cattle should not be released into the meadow that day, so that they would not be torn to pieces by predators and not stung by snakes. It was believed that evil spirits inhabited wild animals, and only the thunder of Elijah the Prophet could drive them away. Also on August 2, they tried not to let dogs and cats into the house - people believed that because of them, lightning could strike the hut.

Holidays August 2, 2018 in the countries of the world

  • Holidays August 2, 2018 in BelarusDay of paratroopers. August 2 is celebrated annually in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan as the Day of the Airborne Troops (Day of the Airborne Forces). In each of these countries, the holiday has its own name, but its roots are common: it was established in honor of the anniversary of the 1930 exercise of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh, which marked the beginning of the history of the Airborne Forces in the USSR. In Russia and Kazakhstan, the name of the holiday remains the same - the Day of the Airborne Troops. In Ukraine, after gaining independence, the holiday was called "The Day of Highly Mobile Airborne Troops", and in the Republic of Belarus, the name "Day of the Paratrooper" was assigned to the holiday. At the same time, in all four countries, the name Airborne Forces Day is most often used, which has “taken root” among the people. Airborne Forces Day is always celebrated brightly: with solemn performances, concerts and often even fireworks. And in all the cities of the countries celebrating this holiday on August 2, you can see blue berets flashing here and there - this is the "winged infantry" celebrating its day.
  • Holidays August 2, 2018 in SerbiaAviation Day. On August 2, Aviation Day is celebrated in Serbia in memory of August 2, 1893, when, by order of King Alexander Obrenovic, an aeronautical department was created in each army division.
  • Holidays August 2, 2018 in KazakhstanDay of the Airborne Troops.
  • Holidays August 2, 2018 in AzerbaijanDay of national cinema of Azerbaijan. professional holiday of all film workers, which is celebrated annually in the Republic of Azerbaijan on August 2. “National Cinema Day of Azerbaijan” appeared in the calendar of official holidays of the Republic of Azerbaijan relatively recently, at the beginning of the third millennium, in 2000, after December 18, 2000, in the capital city of Baku, President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, “taking into account the merits of cultural figures Azerbaijan in the development of national cinematography” signed the Decree “On the establishment of the National Cinema Day”. For the first time, a professional holiday for Azerbaijani filmmakers appeared in 1980, when, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X of October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days", as amended by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 9724-XI of November 1, 1988 “On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorable Days” (on May 31, 2006, these decrees became invalid), the celebration of the “Day of Soviet Cinema” began. The AzSSR, which was part of the USSR, celebrated this holiday together with the entire Soviet Union on August 27. However, in 1976, the sixtieth anniversary of the national cinema was celebrated in the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic for the first time, timed to coincide with the feature film “In the Kingdom of Oil and Millions” created in the Russian Empire in 1916. The birthday of Azerbaijani cinema was celebrated in the republic along with the Day of Soviet Cinema. In 1996, twenty years later, a member of the Union of Azerbaijani Cinematographers, film critic Aydin Kazimzade, made a sensational statement to the media. He cited facts that testified that on January 8, 1898, French films were shown in Baku - "Live Photographs". In the same year, on June 21, films about the life of the city of Baku: “People's festivities in the city garden”, “Arrival of a train at the railway station”, about the activities of the “Caucasus and Mercury” society, “Departure of the steamer from the port”, “Bazaar street at dawn” were shown in the theater circus. These films were shot by Russian cinematographer, French-born photographer-cameraman Alexander Michon. On August 2, he also demonstrated the author's program of three newsreels and one documentary film: "Fire on Bibi-Heybat", "Oil gusher at the Balakhani field", "Seeing ceremony of His Excellency the Emir of Bukhara on the steamship" Grand Duke Alexei "," Caucasian dance " and "Gotcha". Some of these tapes were transferred from the Paris Archive to Azerbaijan and are currently stored in the Azerbaijan State Film Fund. In 1998, the "Festival of Festivals" was held in Baku, dedicated to the centenary of Azerbaijani cinema, one of the guests of honor of which was President Ilham Aliyev. It should be noted that not everyone in the Republic of Azerbaijan liked the new date. Thus, film critic Ulvi Mehdi spoke out with sharp criticism. “The Day of the National Cinema of Azerbaijan” is not a non-working day if, depending on the year, it does not fall on a day off.
  • Holiday in Guyana August 2, 2018 - Freedom Day.
  • Holiday in Costa Rica August 2, 2018 - Day of the Angelic Virgin. In Costa Rica, August 2 is the Day of the Angelic Virgin. This is a very important religious holiday for the people of the country. On this day, many Costa Ricans come on foot to the basilica in the city of Cartago, where the figure of the Angelic Virgin is located, to bow to the shrine. The procession of pilgrims to the basilica is a very interesting sight. Pilgrims march in large columns along highways and roads, while hawkers with all sorts of food and drinks line up along the roadsides. Red Cross tents are also set up along the roads, in order to provide medical assistance to the pilgrims if necessary. Many pilgrims arrive in Cartago on the eve of the holiday, but some try to get to this city even earlier. In the park in front of the church, pilgrims pitch tents and settle down for the night. The celebration begins in the morning. The priests hold a solemn service, the faithful venerate the holy stone, on which the statuette of the Angelic Virgin once stood, once found by the poor girl Juana in the forest. Then the faithful pray to the Angelic Virgin, draw water from the holy spring, located in the backyard of the church. A huge number of people take part in the celebration, songs are heard all day long, fun and joy reign everywhere. Costa Ricans greet their miraculous patroness and present gifts to her.
  • Holiday in Macedonia August 2, 2018 - Republic Day. Republic Day in Macedonia is celebrated annually on 2 August. This holiday is dedicated to three important events in the history of the state at once, so it is very important. The holiday at the same time coincides with the date of Ilyin's day, therefore it also has a religious character. Republic Day is a public holiday in the country. The first event, in honor of which the date of August 2 is considered a holiday in Macedonia, is the Battle of Chaeronea. In this battle, Philip II of Macedon defeated the united army of the Greek city-states. The second event is the 1903 uprising, which was organized by the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization against the Ottoman Empire. During this uprising, a republic was proclaimed for a short time. The third event was the First Assembly of ASNOM in 1944, during the Second World War, which laid the foundations of the modern Republic of Macedonia. And it was from 1944 that the day of August 2 was proclaimed a holiday.
  • Holiday in Evenkia August 2, 2018 - Day of Evenk nature. In the village of Tura, in 2011, a round table was held on the topic "Evenkia: its nature, as a factor in the formation of a positive image of the region", timed to coincide with the anniversary of the inclusion of the Putorana Plateau in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The initiator of the round table was the Youth Parliament of the Evenki municipal district. The round table was attended by the head of Evenkia Petr Suvorov, the head of the administration of the EMR Viktor Yarotsky, acting. Anton Uvachan, First Deputy Head of the EMR Administration for Indigenous Minorities, members of the Youth Parliament, heads of structural divisions of the district administration. The most remarkable decision of this event was the support by the participants of the round table of the law-making initiative of the Youth Parliament on the establishment of a new holiday - the Day of Evenk Nature, which is proposed to be celebrated annually on August 2. As Vyacheslav Repin, chairman of the Youth Parliament of Evenkia, explained, the idea of ​​establishing such a holiday arose at the first meeting of the parliament, which was held from May 30 to June 3, 2011. “We knew that on August 2, 2010, the Putorana Plateau, located on the territory of two regions - Taimyr and Evenkia, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Thus, on the territory of Evenkia, another natural object has received recognition from the world community. Prior to this, our region was known for the fact that at one time the “Tunguska catastrophe” occurred on the territory of Evenkia. In addition, UNESCO called Evenkia the most ecologically clean territory on earth. The geographical center of the Russian Federation is also located here. In other words, Evenkia is already well known outside of Russia for its nature, its attractions, while the local population often does not even know what unique land we live on. In order to correct this situation and promote the popularization of the nature of Evenkia, we decided to establish a new ecological holiday,” said Vyacheslav Repin. In order to give more weight to their initiative, the young parliamentarians first applied to the UNESCO Office in Moscow, which, on the whole, reacted positively to this initiative. Thus, the director of the UNESCO Office in Moscow, Mr. Badarch Dendev, said that: “The UNESCO Office in Moscow highly appreciates the desire of the youth of Evenkia to draw attention to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Putorana Plateau, and to preserve the natural value and folk traditions of the region.” He also advised sending information about the public initiative to the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, headed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, which the young parliamentarians did. The Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO supported the initiative of the Youth Parliament of Evenkia to establish a holiday dedicated to the date the Putorana Plateau complex was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. “We hope that the celebration of this event will become an additional incentive to attract young people to serious systematic work to preserve the unique nature of Evenkia and implement social and economic projects harmonized with this task, including such as ecological and ethnographic tourism. The solutions found on this path can serve as an inspiring example of development in harmony with nature, which humanity needs so much today,” Grigory Ordzhonikidze, Executive Secretary of the Russian Commission for UNESCO, emphasized in his letter. He also advised that it would be preferable to call the new holiday "Putorana Plateau Day" or "Evenk Nature Day". Thus, understanding the significance of the establishment of a new holiday for Evenkia, the participants of the round table supported the initiative of the Youth Parliament. The head of the Evenk municipal district, Pyotr Suvorov, set the task for the youth in every possible way to promote the popularization of the Evenk Nature Day, fill it with various social, cultural, scientific events, and make this holiday truly popular. “For the official establishment of a new holiday - the Day of Evenk Nature, the Youth Parliament of Evenkia will come up with a law-making initiative at the next session of the Evenk District Council of Deputies, which will be held at the end of September 2011. Taking into account the fact that up to this point the public initiative of young parliamentarians has found only positive responses, there is every reason to expect that the deputies of the Evenki District Council will support this initiative and a new holiday will appear in the district - the Day of Evenk Nature, ”Vek was told in Administration of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

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National Cinema Day in Azerbaijan

Every year on August 2, Azerbaijan celebrates the Day of National Cinema - a professional holiday for workers of Azerbaijani cinema.

Angelic Virgin Day in Costa Rica

The Day of the Angelic Virgin or Our Lady of the Angels is an important religious holiday celebrated annually on August 2 in Costa Rica.

Qi Xi - Valentine's Day in China

Qi Xi is a famous romantic and traditional Valentine's Day in China, which is popular with young people. This holiday is celebrated according to the traditional Lunar calendar on the evening of the 7th day of the 7th month. This year the holiday fell on August 2nd. Another name for this holiday among the people is the Festival of the Double Seven.

Unusual holidays

A day of sitting on windowsills
Day of the Taming of the Shrew
birthday mailbox

Holiday brake

This holiday was probably invented for those who do not have brakes, so that they do not forget that they still have brakes. Brakes in our life, in fact, are everywhere, but on August 2, you can celebrate Brake Holiday with reliable friends and “without brakes”. 🙂

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Ilyin's day

On this day, August 2, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Elijah, who lived in the 9th century BC in the kingdom of Israel. According to popular tradition, he was a zealous champion of Judaism and denounced all ungodliness and idolatry.

Name day August 2 at: Alexander, Alexei, Athanasius, George, Yefim, Ivan, Ilya, Konstantin, Kuzma, Leonty, Nikolai, Peter, Savva, Sergei, Tikhon, Fedor.

The holiday Airborne Forces Day is known to almost every person living in Russia or on the territory of the former USSR. The airborne troops are often called "blue berets", "winged infantry", they are considered courageous and reliable. The principle "No one but us" even became a kind of hallmark of the Airborne Forces.

It is known that it is from the date of August 2, 1930 that the history of the Airborne Forces begins. It was then that the exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District were held, and a paratrooper unit of 12 people was parachuted out near Voronezh.

This experiment made it possible to understand the prospects for the development of parachute units that would be able to capture the enemy in airspace conditions. From that moment on, Airborne Forces Day began to be celebrated.

It must be said that the airborne troops entered the history of the Armed Forces, thanks to their courage, valor, selfless devotion to the Motherland. Today, paratroopers inspire admiration and respect from both veterans and those who are just preparing to start military service. It is the "blue berets" who take part in both peacekeeping and anti-terrorist actions, and always stand guard over the security of the population.

There is a legend associated with the history of the holiday. Thus, people engaged in idolatry decided to build an altar for Baal and began to pray to him. And to make sure that their god exists, they began to ask him to send fire from heaven. But there was no answer. And then the prophet Elijah made his altar, laid firewood, watered it with water and began to pray. Suddenly, fire fell from heaven and engulfed the altar. And then people believed in the real God.

It is known that for his faith and love for God, Elijah was taken to heaven alive, and the prophet Elisha became a witness of this phenomenon. In the Transfiguration of the Lord, together with Moses, Ilya appeared before Jesus Christ, talking with him on Mount Tabor. According to the existing tradition, the prophet Elijah will be the forerunner of the Terrible Second Coming of Christ to earth and will accept bodily death during his sermon.

Today, the prophet Elijah is prayed for rain during the drought. As for the holiday, it was believed that after August 2 you can not swim in the river. If someone violates this prohibition, he will die. In any case, that's what the people in Russia said.

National Cinema Day in Azerbaijan was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev on December 18, 2000. It must be said that the choice of this date is not accidental. Thus, the history of Russian cinema does not originate in 1916 from the moment the film “In the power of oil and millions” appeared on the screens, but earlier.

The first attempt to show cinema was made in 1898, and 2 years after the invention of cinema by the Lumiere brothers, it also appeared in Baku. Thus, the first public film screening took place on August 2 and was organized by photographer A.M. Michon, who made films from the life of his native city. Today, this date is considered a public holiday.

August 2, 1912 was born Abbé Pierre, one of the most popular people in France at that time