Women's breasts and sports: what's going on? How to run a girl with big breasts

Want to perfect your chest workouts? Try these 5 programs for the development of pectoral muscles from real professionals!

Muscles can be such finicky guys sometimes. You can bench press 100 kg from the chest, and the chest will still not be a wheel, because pumping the pectoral muscles is a little more than just lifting the maximum weight. These trainer guys can attest that chests need to be trained from different angles in order to improve and achieve the best.

Thinking about how to do it in the hall? Don't worry, these elite athletes will teach you what to do. Try one of these killer combos to spice up your chest routine.

Nick Twam

Variation is the key to Nick Twam's chest growth program. "To achieve results, the chest must be trained from different angles," says Nick, "this will give all the conditions for muscle growth."

Nick prefers to start with heavy compound exercises to gain mass in the upper pecs. "Most people have a clear deficiency in the upper section, the most difficult," he explains.

"To achieve results, the chest must be trained from different angles," says Nick, "this will give all the conditions for muscle growth."

Having finished with the top section, Nick moves on to the middle section. He does a superset - a special set of two exercises that are done one after the other - for many repetitions in order to achieve maximum fatigue.

"By focusing on high reps, I get better contraction," he says.

And while his pecs are fried afterwards, he ends up with crossovers and push-ups.


Incline Chest Press (2-3 warm-up sets, 4-5 sets of 6-12 reps, increasing weight after each set).

Straight chest press (3-4 sets of 6-12 reps)


Incline chest press on the simulator (4 sets of 12-15 reps)

(4 sets to failure)


crossover (4 sets of 12-20 reps)

Push ups (4 sets to failure)

Jimmy Everett

The MuscleTech-sponsored athlete insists that the secret to the success of developed pecs is to prioritize form. "Get the weight you can reach, even a little more, and focus on feeling your muscles clench," he says. "Many people neglect this and just press without thinking."

"Make sure you warm up well before you start," he recommends. "Start by relaxing your shoulders to avoid injury."

Jimmy prefers the "10x10" protocol for all exercises, which makes his workout very hard. "Make sure you warm up well before you start," he recommends. "Start by relaxing your shoulders to avoid injury."

Jimmy's program starts with heavy basic exercises, and then, when the muscles reach failure, he moves on to isolation exercises.

Protocol from Jimmy:

Incline Chest Press

Butterfly with dumbbells (10 sets of 10 reps)

Pullover with dumbbells(10 sets of 10 reps)

crossover(10 sets of 10 reps)

Push-ups on bars with weights (10 sets of 10 reps)

Push ups(3 sets to failure)

James Pulido

Magazine cover model James Pulido echoes Jimmy when it comes to shoulder health. "The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body and is easily damaged, so it's important to warm up well," he says.

James' program always starts with a serious warm-up, which includes numerous dumbbell curls in different directions for 12-15 reps. "When doing dumbbell raises to the sides, start with your arms lowered along the body. Raise your arms 45 degrees, thumbs pointing up, then over your head." Everyone should do this warm-up exercise, but, unfortunately, it is often neglected.

"While chest machines have great potential, if the goal is maximum muscle hypertrophy, then there is nothing better than a simple incline bench with an incline of 15 and 30 degrees."

Interestingly, James does not use any machines. "While chest machines have great potential, if the goal is maximum muscle hypertrophy, then there is nothing better than a simple incline bench with an incline of 15 and 30 degrees." He claims that at these angles, all muscle tissues are involved, which leads to greater muscle potential.

The man on the cover chest workout program

Push ups (2-3 sets to failure)

Butterfly on an incline bench (5 sets of 8 slow reps at 15 and 30 degrees)

Bench press (5 sets of 8 slow reps at 15 and 30 degrees)

Push-ups on the uneven bars with your own weight or weights (5 sets of 8 slow reps)

Eirin Goly

If you want to build your chest muscles, you need to visualize, he says. It also includes a 1 second pause at the end of each pressing movement. A wide range of motion is critical for muscle growth. He does not bring the movement to the straightening of the arms in order to maintain tension in the muscles throughout the approach.

When doing dumbbell incline presses, he focuses on the widest possible range of motion, using not only the pectoral muscles, but also the triceps.

His program also includes the classic completion - push-ups. A set of 100 reps - with breaks if needed - will push your chest to the brim. "I love ending the program like this because it fills the chest with blood and gives you the maximum pump," he says.

"Pumping" program from Eirin

chest press (6 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps, last set is a triple drop set)

Butterfly with dumbbells(5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 8, 8 reps)

Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (3 sets of 12 reps, last set is a triple drop set)


Butterfly on a bench at a right angle (3 sets of 25, 20, 20 reps)

Push-ups on bars with weights (3 sets to failure)

Pullover with dumbbell (4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 reps)

Push ups (100 times)

Dave Dries

The upper thoracic region is Dave Dries, the magazine cover model's biggest workout target. "Many people don't pay attention to the upper section at all," he notes, "so I want to emphasize that I pay special attention to this object."

Dave also thinks it's important to extend the time that the muscles are under pressure during the bench press as long as possible. "I almost never fully extend my arms so that the muscles are under tension all the time."

"Many people don't pay attention to the upper section at all," he notes, "so I want to emphasize that I pay special attention to this object."

Finally, Dave makes the most of the reps to get his own muscles through multiple levels of intensity.

Dave's upper chest workout

Incline Dumbbell Press (5 sets of 6-8 reps)

Wiring on a crossover on a bench (4 sets of 10-12 reps)

Chest press in the simulator(5 sets of 8 reps)

Bench press (5 sets of 8 reps)

Push-ups with dumbbells(3 sets to failure)

Beautiful toned breasts are the pride of all the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. But as many of you may have noticed, with active fitness, the bust is significantly reduced in volume. Excess fat "leaves" not only the buttocks, legs and stomach, but also the mammary glands. Under what last suffer in the first place. What to do in such a situation? How to keep your chest while exercising?

Features of the structure of the chest

The mammary glands consist of a subcutaneous fat layer by as much as 90%. Thanks to this structure, they are completely protected from negative environmental influences - temperature changes, injury, and so on. To the surprise of many, the content of adipose tissue in the breast does not depend on the weight and total fat on the woman's body. It's more of a hereditary factor.

The shape and size of the breasts are individual. Both of these parameters determine the sexual attractiveness of a woman. The shape is determined by the elasticity of the connective tissue of the mammary gland, and the size is determined by the number of elastic Cooper's ligaments and the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. Then what should you do if your breasts sag? - First, let's figure out what causes its elasticity.

Cooper's ligaments are responsible for the tone and support of the mammary glands, and the following factors affect their elasticity:

  • The age of the woman;
  • number of feedings;
  • Wearing a quality bra;
  • Active physical activity.

At the same time, the thicker the subcutaneous fat layer, the greater the likelihood of breast reduction in volume during intense training and dieting.

Reasons for breast reduction

The main reasons for breast reduction in volume include the following factors:

  • Pregnancy and feeding;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Age changes;
  • Slimming.

We are interested in the last factor - weight loss. What if I want to keep my body in shape, while I want to keep my breasts, you ask? - Indeed, a sharp weight loss makes the skin sagging, it loses firmness and elasticity.

Weight loss can be due to 3 factors - adherence to a strict diet, intense physical activity and severe dehydration. As for the latter, it can be easily eliminated by observing the drinking regimen. During your workout, be sure to compensate for the intense calorie loss with sufficient fluid intake. Rigid diets are generally not recommended for weight loss. Weight loss should be slow and gradual, and all the necessary nutrients should be present in the diet.

Is it possible to keep the chest while training? - A properly balanced diet and systematic fitness classes can keep the breasts in shape and in their former volume. To do this, be sure to take care of strengthening the pectoral muscles. Include different types of push-ups in your training. Push up a lot and constantly!

Buy a sports bra

Doing fitness in a spacious, too tight bra or without it at all is equally harmful to the chest. In the first case, it threatens with sagging of the mammary glands, and in the second - with circulatory disorders.

You should also be aware that Cooper's ligaments are very thin and can be easily "stretched" during intense fitness activities. Too active physical sports accelerate the wear of the connective tissue of the breast. What should be done so that the chest does not sag in this case? – To maintain its elasticity during active movements, the mammary glands must be well fixed. You can easily ensure this with the help of a special bra or a tight sports top that securely fixes the chest, prevents it from moving and sagging during exercise.

You can buy a high-quality sports top at a bargain price or CLICK THE PICTURE.

How to keep the shape and size of the breast?

If in the process of training the legs, buttocks and stomach lose weight, this will inevitably affect the chest as well - this is a feature of the structure of the female body. With a large bust, jumping and running are contraindicated, so it is better to give preference to power loads.

  1. Be sure to buy a sports bra, which helps to support the chest during intense physical exertion and allows you to keep the shape of the breast unchanged.
  2. It is forbidden to use express diets and fasting days. Why? - Such a restriction in nutrition negatively affects the elasticity of connective tissues. It is enough just to give up pastries and sweets. In this case, the skin receives all the necessary nutrients, and the breast remains in the same size.
  3. Protein food- An excellent stimulant for the production of collagen. Its consumption not only strengthens the muscles, but also increases the elasticity of the connective tissues, which is of particular importance for maintaining the shape and size of the breasts.
  4. The use of protein shakes also promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers.

To reduce the likelihood of breast reduction in volume during training, take care of a balanced diet in advance, moisturizing creams with vitamins, a contrast shower, massage, and, of course, a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the chest. This is not all that needs to be done so that the chest does not sag, but this will be quite enough.

"Stronger, higher, faster" is a slogan that many of us associate with sports. Competition for the title of the owner of the most beautiful breasts is unlikely to be included in the Olympics program in the near future, but I have already prepared the slogan: "More beautiful, more magnificent and sexier!" Yes, just in case.

A modern woman seeks to achieve harmony by improving the soul and the shape of her body. This encourages her to exercise regularly, visit the gym and the district library. Let's focus on sports. If you are serious about exercising, then finding a comfortable sports bra should not be the last place in choosing clothes for training.

What should it be and should it be as such? Every girl has repeatedly come across medical rumors: wearing underwear trains the chest, sports underwear aggravates sagging and causes loss of ideal shape, etc. The truth, like the navel, is somewhere in the middle.


An international group of scientists convincingly argues that you should wear a bra less time. And thus proves the need to train the ligamentous apparatus of the mammary gland. It is the state of this complex that helps the breasts to keep their shape. Having performed a large number of operations on the mammary gland, I can say with confidence that these words are not without meaning. These ligaments are in most cases very pronounced and are a real "support" for the chest. But, in my opinion, it is possible to agitate for the rejection of underwear in everyday life, and in particular in the gym, only for women with the 1st and 2nd breast sizes (cup A and B). In the case of the presence of the 3rd or more sizes, do not neglect wearing bras and bodices, since the ligamentous apparatus cannot cope with the large weight of the breast and begins to stretch - leading to additional sprain and even more sagging of the breast.

It follows from this that if you have a 1-2 chest size, then you can absolutely calmly wear loose T-shirts and sports sweaters when going to the gym, thereby increasing the level of domestic injuries among male jocks who gape at you. But if you have more significant "dignities" in the neckline - the presence of a tight bodice is necessary in the same way as it is necessary to perform 3-4 sets on the press during a workout. Otherwise, the risk of breast sagging will increase with each new subscription to a sports club purchased.

In continuation of the conversation about the relationship between your chest and sports, I want to tell you about one interesting and remarkable fact. Intensive fitness and strength training can lead to a decrease in breast volume. We are not talking about Pilates, yoga and other types of physical activity where cardio loads predominate. I'm talking specifically about strength training and bodybuilding.

How it works? Intense strength training inevitably leads to an increase in the level of male hormones in a woman's body, in particular testosterone. And we remember that the breast is a very hormone-dependent organ, the volume of which is largely influenced by female hormones. It is because of the increase in the level of hormones in adolescence that the breasts of the representatives of the graduating classes begin to grow intensively. Why do breasts shrink during menopause? Because there is a critical decrease in the level of hormones, and the woman turns into a grandmother.

The same thing happens with active weight training. Testosterone rises, causing a relative decrease in estrogen. Which ultimately leads to a decrease in the volume of the mammary glands. Again, I'm talking about strength training, not cardio training. Watch professional athletes and you will understand everything. Therefore, if you want to keep your precious chest in a stable volume and shape, "do not lean" on the barbell and dumbbells.

The paradox of the situation is that many women are one hundred percent sure that it is the barbell and arm extensions on the butterfly simulator that can help increase breast volume, making it wider and more voluminous. But, alas, in the end, this leads to an increase in the level of male hormones and an inevitable negative effect on breast volume. Moreover, the very tactics of increasing breast volume by increasing the volume of the pectoral muscle is wrong. After all, the pectoralis major muscle itself makes up a negligible percentage of the total chest volume. And increasing it even by a multiple size will not lead to at least some visible result.

So girls should be girls. You should not carry iron in the fitness club, it is better to devote more time to Pilates and spa treatments. And boys should become men, "pump" iron and carry their girls in their arms.

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This article talks about all the best exercises for the pectoral muscles, with a detailed description of the technique for their implementation, all with photos and videos.

In general, in order to try the exercises listed below in practice, you will need a gym, because only there is everything you need for this.

In case you intend to train at home, you will need the following:

  1. Adjustable bench for bench press (price from 5000 rubles)
  2. Olympic bar (price from 1300 to 28000 rubles)
  3. Dumbbells or collapsible dumbbells (price from 1000 rubles for one 10 kg dumbbell)
  4. Pancakes for the barbell (discs, weighting, the price depends on the manufacturer and weight, about 3500 rubles per 25 kg)
  5. Simulator: Smith machine (price from 20,000 rubles)
  6. Simulator bars (price from 5000 rubles), or a complex simulator: “horizontal bar, bars, press” (price from 5000 rubles)
  7. Crossover simulator (price from 15,000 rubles).

1. Bench press on an incline bench (30 degree incline)

This exercise is designed to develop strength and mass in the upper part of the pectoral muscles. This exercise uses the highest working weights, which makes it very effective for working out the muscles of the pectoral array. In my opinion, this is the most effective, powerful, on the chest.

Execution technique: The slope of the bench is 20-30 degrees no more (this is why an adjustable bench is needed, because on a regular incline bench the slope is more than 45 degrees, this significantly reduces the effectiveness of this exercise). Lie down on a bench and raise your legs to the bench so that there is no bridge when you raise your legs - your back will immediately press against the bench, thereby complicating the exercise even more. Take a grip slightly wider than your shoulders, remove the bar from the racks and lower it down.

Important : do not touch the chest bar with the bar at the bottom point and do not straighten the arms to the end at the top point. This is done so that the maximum tension of the chest is maintained at the lower point, and the triceps are not included in the upper point. Thus, the chest is constantly tense.

You can try to perform this exercise in the Smith machine (Smith machine). Because there the bar is fixed (it moves up and down along a given trajectory), it will be easier for you to learn the technique for performing this exercise, I personally do this exercise right here, therefore I recommend it!

This exercise an effective exercise for developing volume and giving the muscles of the chest a good shape. Just like the bench press, it develops the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle well in general, although the main emphasis of the load is on the upper chest. In the dumbbell press, do not reduce the amplitude. Stretching in the lower position is a must. And for this you need to choose a heavy, but manageable weight of dumbbells. The incline is usually the same as for barbell presses on an incline of 20-30 degrees.

3. Bench press on a horizontal bench

Technique: Lie down on a bench. In the initial position, the bar is opposite the eyes. During the exercise, the body must maintain contact with the bench at three points: the feet firmly resting on the floor, the buttocks firmly pressed against the bench, and the upper back, also firmly pressed against the bench. At the same time, the back naturally sags in the area between the shoulder blades and the buttocks. Grab the barbell shoulder-width apart at an even distance from the ends of the bar. Remove the projectile from the racks and, maintaining weight control, slowly lower it to the center of the chest. With a powerful but controlled movement, return the barbell to its original position. Work with full range, do not sacrifice it for the sake of using a lot of weight.

There is the "classic" bench press, which is used in bodybuilding to develop chest muscles, and the "lifter" bench press, which allows you to squeeze much more weight per repetition.

  1. The purpose of the "lifter" bench press is to start to press more, and learn to include the muscles of the chest, triceps, lats and front deltas at the same time!
  2. But for bodybuilding certainly only the classic bench press, because our goal is not to lift a huge weight for 1 repetition, but to work out the muscle as much as possible.

Attention: If you were vigilant, you probably already noticed that the video uses an open grip, due to an injury to the athlete's hand. Carefully avoid such an execution, the grip must be closed!

Read more about this exercise in the article:

4. Push-ups on the uneven bars (with an emphasis on the chest)

Dips are a great basic exercise for the outer and lower chest muscles.

Technique: Sit on wide bars (palms facing each other). Ideally, the bars should diverge slightly to the sides so that your elbows also seem to look a little to the sides. Bend your legs at a 90-degree angle at the knees, and constantly hold this angle. Bend your head slightly down to round your back a little and thereby focus on contraction of the chest muscles. While inhaling, slowly lower yourself down, tilt the body forward, and pull the pelvis back (to use the chest muscles, and not the muscles of the arms). Exhale as you push up and return to the starting position.

5. Breeding hands on an inclined or horizontal bench

This is a shaping exercise for the upper chest. After squeezing the dumbbells, try very slowly, without losing balance, to lower them on straight arms down towards the pelvis. Performing an exercise for the chest in such a motor plane loads the upper pectoral muscles well, especially in a stretched position. Amplitude- complete. Stretching in the lower position is required. Bench slopes can be very different. From negative (-30 degrees) to classic positive (35 -45 degrees). It is recommended to alternate inclinations and the MOST IMPORTANT DO NOT CHASE WEIGHT.

The best chest shaping exercise to complete your workout. However, in the first year of training, you should forget about it until you have gained enough muscle mass. The exercise stretches the top of the pectoral muscles as much as possible without loading the joints. It is performed both standing and on an inclined bench. In the latter version, the most difficult growing area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “collar” is extremely loaded (the middle upper part of the chest next to the neck). The pace of this chest exercise is slow. In a contracted position, pause for peak muscle contraction. In principle, this exercise is performed both from the upper and lower rollers.

With this, I end this release. I hope you found it INTERESTING and INFORMATION.

Attention: This video is provided as an advertisement:

For dessert - video: chest muscle training for MEN and WOMEN separately:

Regards, administrator.

“Now, if all the calories went to the chest,” admit it, you yourself have repeatedly used this phrase, however, calories stubbornly settle everywhere, but not where they are really lacking. And then you rush to the gym in the fight against them and most often forget there that the "least calorie" part of the body - the chest - deserves special attention. Indeed, due to rapid weight loss, the chest sags, stretch marks appear, and soon we are interested in how to tighten the skin of the chest, how to tighten the pectoral muscles and how to maintain the beauty of your figure as a whole.

Sports can really make breasts more beautiful, but only with certain physical exertion and carefully selected underwear for classes. Otherwise, training can even harm the breasts: both their aesthetics and health. Scholars disagree about whether women should wear bras at all and how to choose a bra without hurting themselves. We, based on known facts, will try to answer in simple words.

Firstly, in the chest there is such a thing as the ligamentous apparatus of the mammary gland - this is a real support for the chest. You can tell he's holding his chest. This device tends to stretch, for example, if the chest is heavy (third size or more). How it happens: the apparatus cannot cope with the weight - the ligaments are stretched - the chest sags. In part, this may affect blood circulation and other important processes in the chest. As for sagging, it is simply ugly, and it is this that causes most breast plastic surgeries (except aesthetic ones). You understand, you should not refuse a bra in everyday life and in particular in the gym. Unless you have 1 or 2 sizes - you see, there is a big plus in a small chest size.

But the wrong bra is worse than no bra. Therefore, it is very important to know how to choose a bra in your size. For professional athletes, perfect underwear is just as important as special shoes. For example, the absence of seams on linen protects against unnecessary irritation, special fabrics will not allow microorganisms to multiply, and therefore unpleasant odors, and some - hypoallergenic - will protect against allergic reactions.

How to choose a sports bra

Underwear for sports can be divided according to several criteria. For example, according to the strength of the loads: strong (fitness, running), medium (skiing), weak (biking, power loads) - information about them is on the labels. There are also other marks that you need to know:

moisture wicking- the mark indicates moisture-absorbing properties, especially suitable for intense physical exertion;

antimicrobial- underwear made of fabrics impregnated with an antibacterial substance, that is, with intense sweating, an unpleasant odor will not appear;

compression- underwear with a tightening effect. Such underwear is useful for women with breasts larger than 3 sizes;

off-set seams- linen that does not rub or leave marks, because it does not have internal seams

molded cups- bras that hold the chest well, so these should be worn for activities, such as running or jumping.

How to choose a bra without trying on? Should not be doing that. Do not be lazy and be sure to try on a bra before buying. If this is a sports bra, then it’s worth jumping in it: the chest, despite everything, should remain at rest. Choose the right cup size: A - 12.5 cm; B - 15 cm; C - 17.5 cm; D - 20 cm; E - 22.5 cm. Do not be afraid to consult with sellers.

If you have seriously decided to go in for sports, take seriously the choice of a bra, which, by the way, is desirable to change at least once every six months.

How to tighten the pectoral muscles

We already know that the chest has a ligamentous apparatus. And they also have muscle. There is an opinion that the chest can be pumped up. Theoretically, this sounds very good for advertising campaigns for sports training, gyms or exercise equipment. In practice, it’s actually possible, but the pectoral muscle occupies a very small percentage of the entire chest area, so even if it increases significantly, the effect will be hard to notice.

In general, the chest does not consist of muscles, but of glandular and fatty tissues. Therefore, be sure that playing sports will not help increase the breasts, but can accelerate their sagging, so be sure to buy sports underwear.

How to tighten breast skin

If you have already allowed sagging or stretch marks on your chest, you can fight them too. Stretch marks can be treated with commercial or homemade creams.

How to tighten breasts at home? To do this, there are useful recipes from ingredients familiar to us.

Recipe #1

5-10 drops of almond or olive cosmetic oil + 1 drop of geranium and ylang-ylang oils. Stir the mixture, place in a small jar and store in the refrigerator. Use this mixture every day for 1 month. Apply to clean, steamed skin in circular motions, bypassing the nipples. Wash off after 15 minutes. The mixture will help tighten the skin of the breast, make the skin supple and elastic.

Recipe #2

5 st. spoons of natural (unheated) honey + 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ground aloe. Stir the mixture until smooth, then apply on the chest daily for 2 months on clean, steamed skin in a circular motion, bypassing the nipples. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Recipe #3

5 st. spoons of pharmacy chamomile pour 1 liter of water. When it boils, reduce the heat and simmer for another 15 minutes. Then wrap the vessel with a terry towel and hold for several hours. Then strain the decoction. Pour into molds and keep in the freezer. If you wipe the breast skin with such a cube every morning, then you will keep a healthy and elastic breast for a long time.

Recipe #4

150 g baby cream + 25-50 g lavender oil or rose oil. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. Apply to the chest daily on clean, steamed skin in a circular motion until you see the result.

If you notice that your chest has begun to sag, take action immediately.

  • Refuse too hot water and use of soap - it dries the skin.
  • Regular massage (professional only) with rubbing in healthy oils will benefit not only sagging breasts, but also healthy ones.
  • Sudden weight loss can be bad for the chest. Therefore, it is better to lose weight gradually.
  • Avoid tanning beds and topless tanning.
  • Keep your posture - so the chest will retain elasticity.
  • Contact your doctors for advice.

Here is another effective recipe for those who are interested in how to tighten the skin of the chest.

Recipe for a breast tightening mask: 1 teaspoon of low-fat cottage cheese + 2 tablespoons of milk. Mix until smooth. Then apply the mask on the chest for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask under a cold shower.

We already know that the chest due to sports will not increase, however, it can decrease. You need to understand this before choosing which sport to play. The chest does not decrease from Pilates, yoga - in a word, from cardio loads, and not from strength training, such as fitness or bodybuilding. The fact is that intensive strength training increases the level of male hormones, which can affect the “very female” mammary glands, which need female hormones for volume.

In general, it is worth taking care of the chest not only in the gym, but also in everyday life. Doctors advise to be checked at least twice a year for the presence of various formations in the breast, without waiting for pain or other signals. After all, healthy breasts are athletic breasts.