How to treat a child with frequent urination. "Safe" frequent urination in children without pain. Where to get tested

They can be expressed in the frequency or reduction of urination, in incontinence of urine during the day or at night, in pain when urinating. Urinary disorders can be caused by a variety of reasons.

For what reasons is it possible for a child to have a violation of the rhythm of urination?

The frequency of urination, the amount of urine excreted during one urination and during the day, as well as the concentration of urine in children, change with age.

Urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis (infections of the collecting system of the kidneys) are characterized by a sudden increase in frequency of urination with occasional episodes of nocturnal urination, and sometimes nocturnal urinary incontinence against the background of a rise in body temperature and a deterioration in the child's well-being. Often, the disease proceeds without obvious violations of urination and is manifested by an unmotivated increase in body temperature. At the same time, pain may appear in the lower abdomen (with inflammation of the bladder) or in the lower back (with pyelonephritis). The diagnosis is confirmed by urinalysis (general analysis and urine culture for microflora). An ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder can help to clarify the level of damage to the urinary organs. It is preferable to collect urine for analysis in the morning, after thoroughly washing the child, from the middle portion of the stream. Urine for sowing is collected in a special sterilized container. It is advisable that the child does not urinate before the ultrasound scan; with a full bladder, the information content of the technique increases.

Bed rest is observed only during the febrile period. Spicy foods, fried foods are excluded from the diet, it is advisable to drink alkaline mineral waters (Borzhomi, Smirnovskaya, Arzni, etc.). Uroseptics are used - antibacterial agents that are concentrated in the urine (furadonin, furagin, solafur, nevigramon or blacks, 5-NOC, nitroxoline, nicodine or gramurin), as well as antibiotics (ampicillin, amoxicillin, gentamicin).

  • st. John's wort, horsetail, bearberry, nettle, yarrow;
  • st. John's wort, coltsfoot, wild rose, common barley, plowed clover;
  • st. John's wort, nettle, lingonberry leaf, centaury umbrella, wild rose;
  • chamomile, wild rose, lingonberry leaf or St. John's wort, bird's wort, marshmallow.

Plants are mixed in equal amounts, pour 1 tablespoon of the collection of 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The infusion is given to drink at 100-150 ml per day.

The doctor determines the duration of antibiotic therapy in a child individually. Usually, a 7-10-day course of antibiotic is carried out (given up to 3-5 days after the normalization of urinalysis), then a 10-14-day course of uroseptic, then a 2-3 week course of herbal medicine.

In case of repeated exacerbations of urinary tract infection or pyelonephritis, a deepening examination will be required to find out the causes of the chronicity of the disease. The most common causes of a chronic course are: urine flow from the bladder to the kidneys (vesicoureteral reflux); anomalies in the structure of the urinary tract with obstruction of urine flow; increased urinary excretion of salts (oxalaturia, uraturia). Determine the amount and composition of urine collected during the day. Cystography is performed, - X-ray examination of the bladder after the introduction of a contrast agent through the urinary catheter; urography - X-ray examination of the structure and function of the kidneys after intravenous administration of a contrast agent; isotope renography - a study of the excretion of an intravenously administered radioactive isotope by the kidneys. In the treatment, the same means are used, but with longer courses. In certain cases (for example, with narrowing of the ureter, with some reflux), surgery is necessary.

What is neurogenic bladder?

The most common form of disturbance in the rhythm of urination is a neurogenic bladder - a dysfunction of the bladder that has developed as a result of damage to its nervous regulation. Depending on the variant of the neurogenic bladder, an increase or decrease in urination, an increase or decrease in the urge to urinate, and urinary incontinence are characteristic. Observations of the frequency and the child's ability to restrain the urge to urinate, the volume of urine during individual urinations, and the nature of urination are extremely valuable for the diagnosis.

The diagnosis can be clarified by ultrasound of the bladder before and after urination. Sometimes, to find out the causes of the disease, an X-ray examination of the spine and a consultation with a neurologist are also required. Treatment of various forms is carried out with drugs of directly opposite action: with a hyporeflex form, stimulating drugs help: cholinomimetics (aceclidine), anticholinesterase (proserin), neurotrophics (pantogam or piracetam), with hyperreflex - cholinolytics (belladonna), warming procedures on the bladder area. The error can lead to the progression of the symptoms of the disease. Examination and treatment are carried out under the supervision of a nephrologist.

What other diseases are characterized by increased frequency (frequent) urination in a child?

Frequent urination in a child may be a consequence of some diseases, accompanied by an increase in urine output. One of these diseases is diabetes mellitus - a violation of carbohydrate metabolism due to a lack of the hormone insulin. In diabetes mellitus, urinary frequency develops already at the stage of the disease when blood sugar is significantly increased and sugar is excreted in the urine. The amount of urine increases, the child becomes thirsty. The presence of sugar in the analysis of urine is a serious reason to urgently consult an endocrinologist.

A very high frequency of urination is typical of diabetes insipidus, a disease in which the activity of the hormone that stimulates the concentration of the kidneys is insufficient. Characterized by a sharp increase in the volume of excreted urine and drinking fluid. During the day, the child excretes with urine and drinks 4-5 liters or more. An attempt to limit drinking is hopeless, leading to rapid dehydration of the child and a sharp deterioration in his health. In the analysis, the relative density of urine approaches the density of distilled water - 1.001-1.002. It is necessary to consult an endocrinologist and prescribe antidiuretic hormone drugs to the child.

In some cases, increased urination in a child is a consequence of neurosis, manifested by increased thirst (psychogenic polydipsia). The child can drink up to several liters of fluid a day. Accordingly, he has increased urination and decreased urine density. But with restriction of drinking during any distracting activities, urination decreases and the concentration of urine increases. There are also more specific diagnostic methods: comparison of osmolarity of blood and urine, test with antidiuretic hormone, etc. The child should be shown to a neuropsychiatrist.

For what diseases is the decrease in urination typical?

A sudden decrease in urination (decrease and decrease in the daily amount of urine) is possible in children with dehydration against the background of acute digestive disorders.
If the child's urine, along with a decrease in urination, became cloudy or acquired a reddish tint (the color of "meat slops"), puffiness of the face appeared in the morning, and in the evening - pasty legs (edema), in the urine tests the number of red blood cells increased and the protein increased, it can be assumed that the child has acute inflammation of the kidneys (acute glomerulo-nephritis). Often, blood pressure rises, malaise, poor appetite, lethargy, nausea appear; the child turns pale. Usually, the onset of the disease in 1-3 weeks is preceded by a streptococcal infection in the form of tonsillitis, scarlet fever, pustular skin lesions. At present, the malosymptomatic course of the disease is often noted, when the disease manifests itself only by changes in urine tests. Therefore, after angina and scarlet fever, urine is always examined.

Before a doctor examines a child, it is very important to consider the amount of urine excreted and the amount of fluid that the child drinks. The child should be put to bed, on the lumbar region - dry heat (scarf, belt). Salt is completely excluded from the diet and drinking is limited to a volume corresponding to the amount of urine excreted yesterday + 15 ml / kg of the child's body weight. Limit meals rich in animal protein (meat, cottage cheese, fish). Recommend fruits, rice or rice-potato dishes, vegetables (carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, etc.), berries (lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.), cereals, sugar, marmalade, marshmallows, vegetable oil, salt-free bread, jam. Such a diet will help to improve kidney function as soon as possible. More detailed examination and treatment is carried out in the hospital. About 90-95% of children recover, in some patients the disease becomes chronic.

A decrease in urination is characteristic in the acute phase of nephrotic syndrome, the main manifestations of which are considered the occurrence of massive edema in a child and a significant increase in the amount of protein in the urine (more than 2-3 g / day). Edema builds up gradually, at first there is swelling of the eyelids, face, lumbar region, in the future, widespread edema of the subcutaneous tissue and genitals is possible. The skin becomes pale ("pearlescent") in the absence of anemia, dry. Fragility and dullness of hair can be observed, cracks on the skin from which tissue fluid oozes. The child is lethargic, does not eat well, shortness of breath develops, increased heart rate. The patient needs bed rest. Salt-free diet with restriction of liquid, animal fats, with the exception of seasonings, spicy foods. Therapy should be carried out in a hospital. The basis of treatment is long-term administration (3-6 months) of prednisolone. With rational therapy, 90-95% of patients recover.

In boys, sometimes the cause of difficulty urinating can be congenital narrowing of the urethra, narrowing of the opening of the foreskin of the penis (phimosis), inflammation of the glans penis (balanoposthitis). When urinating, the child has to strain very hard, nevertheless, urine flows out either in a thin stream or in drops.

Difficulty urinating must be distinguished from decreased urine production (eg, with glomerulonephritis). With urinary retention, the child cannot urinate, despite frequent painful urges, and with reduced urine production, the bladder is not filled and there is no urge. If you have difficulty urinating, you can apply a heating pad to the bladder area or put the child in a warm bath and be sure to consult a doctor, since high pressure in the urinary tract is very harmful to the kidneys.
A decrease in urination in children often occurs when drinking is restricted in hot weather. At the same time, urine acquires a rich yellow color and a pungent odor. You should increase the amount of fluids your child drinks. The same should be done if the child has a high body temperature, otherwise the formation of urine will decrease.

What diseases in children are accompanied by painful urination?

Pain when urinating most often indicates inflammation of the lower urinary tract. It is characteristic of inflammation of the bladder (cystitis). At the same time, disturbances in the rhythm of urination are also characteristic, an increase in temperature, changes in urine tests are possible. Treatment is more often carried out at home. The basis of treatment is made by antibacterial drugs, herbal medicine (see above).

In boys, pain during urination may be associated with balanoposthitis. Along with difficulty urinating, redness and swelling around the opening of the urethra on the head of the penis are characteristic. It is advisable for the child to warm (36 ° C) sitz baths for 30 minutes, baths for the penis (put in a jar) with a decoction of chamomile. If changes do not occur within 1-2 days, be sure to consult a doctor.

In girls, soreness when urinating may be due to inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (vulvitis). At the same time, redness can be found in the girl's perineal area, and whitish discharge can be noticed from the vagina. Often, the first symptom of the disease may be stained panties and itching in the crotch area. Sitting baths with chamomile decoction are advisable. Since inflammation can be caused by various pathogens (candida fungi, chlamydia, E. coli, etc.), the issue of targeted treatment can be resolved after consulting a gynecologist and examining vaginal smears.

Disorder of urination is only the "tip of the iceberg", just one of the symptoms of diseases of the urinary system. Often, diseases of the urinary organs proceed without vivid manifestations and it is possible to establish a diagnosis of a dangerous progressive disease only on the basis of laboratory and instrumental studies. The most accessible of them - urinalysis - should be performed for any unclear disease: with an unmotivated increase in body temperature, with the appearance of unexplained fatigue, and even more so with an urinary disorder.

Pain when urinating

Pain in the lower abdomen can occur with stenosis of the bladder neck, the presence of stones and foreign bodies in the urethra, bladder, as well as in other conditions, which is associated with tension in the wall of a stretched or overstretched bladder. Irradiation of pain into the urethra is possible.

Clinical picture... Pain usually occurs when the bladder is empty. Obstacles to passing urine significantly increase the pain, make it excruciating.

Treatment... Assign, but-shpu - 0.01-0.02 g per dose, 2% papaverine solution at a dose of 0.1-0.2 ml / year of life, take a warm bath (in a sitting position). Consultation with a urologist is required.
Pain in the urethra. Causes: nonspecific urethritis, which can be a manifestation of Reiter's syndrome, gonorrheal urethritis, severe phimosis and paraphimosis.

Clinical picture... The pain that occurs during urination is perceived as burning. It appears when urine passes over the inflamed surface of the mucous membrane, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bstrictures and other narrowings of the urethra resulting from inflammatory infiltration and exudation. The diagnosis is clarified laboratory and instrumental.

Treatment... A warm bath is prescribed (sitting position). The underlying disease is treated. A consultation with a urologist is shown.

Voicing pain occurs when the bladder is empty and is especially aggravated at the end of urination. Pulling pain, often caused by an inflammatory process in the bladder; can be cramping in the form of repeated attacks in the abdomen.

Treatment... No-shpa - 0.01-0.02 g per dose, 2% papaverine solution at a dose of 0.1-0.2 ml / year of life, nitrofuran preparations: furagin, furadonin at a dose of 5-8 mg / (kg day ). Consultation with a urologist is required.

Pain during bowel movements

Pain during bowel movements often occurs when the thickness of the outgoing stool does not match the limits of painless stretching of the anal ring.

Clinical picture... Massive feces with constipation and small, dense calculi can cause pain during bowel movements. Pain appears with anal fissures and perianal inflammation, rectal prolapse.

Treatment... For anal fissures, suppositories with methyluracil are prescribed, microclysters with sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil - 10-15 ml 1 time per day. In case of rectal prolapse, a surgeon's consultation is indicated.

Pollakiuria is a symptom of many urological pathologies, which is characterized by an increase in the frequency of urination while its volume remains unchanged. So, normally, a person goes to the toilet 8 times a day, and depending on the food and liquids consumed, he may discharge from 150 to 300 ml of urine at a time (sometimes more). If a person has pollakiuria, the number of visits to the toilet can increase up to 15 times or more, while a single volume of urine will not exceed 150 ml.

The symptom is found in both men and women, in addition, frequent urge to urinate may appear in children, which in most cases indicates the presence of pathologies of the child's urinary system.


It cannot be said that the reasons for the development of such a pathological condition are always pathological in nature, because multiple factors affect urination. In particular, physiological pollakiuria is caused by excessive fluid intake during the day. This is typical for pregnant women, and sometimes it is the first symptom of pregnancy.

In addition, the causes of this disorder may lie in hypothermia of the body, since exposure to cold adversely affects the state of the bladder. In addition, the disorder sometimes occurs in the background.

Thus, pollakiuria can be of two types: physiological and pathological. And if there is no physiological justification for frequent urination, then a complete examination of the patient is necessary to establish the pathology that caused the violation.

Pathological reasons due to which such a violation of urination can develop may be as follows:

  • Bladder;

In men, such a disorder occurs with. At the same time, the nocturnal form of pollakiuria predominates, that is, when the bulk of urine is released at night, while during the day a man does not often go to the toilet. Symptoms of urination disorder can also be observed in some pathologies of the genital organs. For example, with the uterus and bladder,.

The reasons for the development of pollakiuria in children are as follows:

  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
  • endocrine causes, namely;
  • colds;
  • acute and chronic kidney disease;
  • poor living conditions;
  • treatment with diuretics.

In children, the disorder can also develop due to a passion for carbonated drinks, as well as foods containing large amounts of water, such as watermelons. It is clear that such pollakiuria in children is physiological and goes away after restricting or stopping the use of such foods and drinks.

Pollakiuria also develops in children subject to various neuroses, fears and phobias. In particular, if a child is forced to adapt to a new team, he may develop a disorder in which an increase in the number of trips to the toilet is noted in the daytime, while at night the baby does not go to the toilet.

Sometimes the disorder results from damage to the central nervous system. In addition, tumors in the bladder can lead to a decrease in bladder volume, which reduces the amount of urine excreted and increases the frequency of trips to the toilet. Even sexually transmitted diseases and men or women can provoke the appearance of this disorder, therefore, before prescribing treatment, the doctor must comprehensively examine the person who turned to him for help.


If we talk about the symptoms of this disorder, then they are manifested by frequent urination and the occurrence of regular urges, while urine can be released with such urges either very little or not at all. Note that the symptoms of pollakiuria are more often observed in women, since they have a special anatomical and physiological structure of the urethra. In men, symptoms appear in the case of bladder disease or prostate adenoma, with the second cause being the main one in most cases.

It turns out that the symptoms of the disorder complement the symptoms of the underlying disease that caused it. So, in men with prostate adenoma, in addition to frequent urination, symptoms such as:

  • pain in the scrotum and perineum;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • discharge of mucous secretions from the urethra;
  • violation of sexual function.

If in men pollakiuria is caused by venereal diseases, the following symptoms may occur:

  • itching and burning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe glans penis;
  • discharge with or without odor, having a different color and consistency (depending on the type of STD);
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness and malaise.

In women, the symptoms of pollakiuria can be supplemented by:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • burning and itching in the vagina and in the external genital area;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • secretions;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • symptoms of general intoxication, etc.

If we talk about children, then their pollakiuria can also be supplemented by symptoms of the disease that caused it. These are high fever, pain of a certain localization, thirst, urinary incontinence and some other symptoms.


A disorder such as pollakiuria is diagnosed quite simply - usually it is enough to hear the patient's complaints. However, it can be difficult to establish the cause of the disorder. For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed, including:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • x-ray and ultrasound of the abdominal organs (small pelvis in women);
  • examination by a urologist in men to confirm the diagnosis of prostate adenoma;
  • biopsy (in some cases).


Pollakiuria caused by diuretics and drinking lots of fluids is easy to treat. Treatment consists in this case in the refusal to use the above products. If the violation has arisen as a result of an infectious process, treatment will consist in taking antibiotics, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. In cases with foci of acute or chronic inflammation, treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs is necessary.

In men with prostate adenoma, medical and surgical treatment of pathology can be used, depending on the size of the growth and the stage of the course. In children, the treatment of pollakiuria consists mainly in eliminating the underlying disease, which may require the appointment of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin complexes and agents that increase immunity. Also, children are treated with physiotherapy methods, in adults this method is used less often, but it also shows good results.

In short, in each case, the treatment should be selected individually for each patient, taking into account the reasons for the development of the disorder and the severity of clinical manifestations.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Femoral hernia is a saccular formation, which is characterized by the exit of the loops of the intestine and the omentum outside the abdominal cavity. In this case, the internal organs "fall out" into a neoplasm, which externally manifests itself as a tumor in the area of \u200b\u200bthe femoral triangle.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. In children, this disease rarely happens, but you should not completely exclude the possibility of its occurrence. Infection can enter the bladder in several ways, including from diseased kidneys or nearby inflamed organs. What is the treatment for cystitis in children?


The symptom of cystitis can occur in both boys and girls. In boys, the urethra is located farther from the anus, where the infection accumulates. In this regard, in boys, symptoms of cystitis appear much less often.

In older girls, the disease is much more severe due to physiological characteristics and can affect the genitals. In this regard, as soon as the first symptoms appear, cystitis must be treated.

Symptoms of cystitis in a child are easy to recognize:

  • frequent urination (more than 3 times per hour);
  • temperature increase;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • dark shade of urine.

Cystitis can be both infectious and non-infectious. The only difference will be in the cause of the occurrence. The symptoms remain the same.

It is much easier to recognize cystitis in a child 3-4 years old than in a child 2 years old and younger. Small children are not yet potty trained and cannot clearly express in words what hurts they have. The mother can only guess about the presence of cystitis by the fact that the child often pees (more than 15 times for children from 2 years of age and older). Older children are already potty trained, and parents can easily notice frequent urination, as well as ask the child about other symptoms.

In children under one year old, it is even more difficult to make a diagnosis at home. Mom can guess about painful sensations only from the restless behavior of a child up to a year old. Only urine analysis can fully clarify the picture.


Frequent urination is a consequence of ARVI and develops as a complication. Most often children after 3 years of age are susceptible to the disease, especially girls. Since their urethra is located close to the rectum and genitals, infection occurs much more often.

Cystitis is caused by:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • colibacillus;
  • candida;
  • ureaplasma.
  • caries;
  • throat diseases;
  • adenoids;
  • weakened immunity;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • colds;
  • malformations of the genitourinary organs.


It is necessary to treat cystitis and often urination as a symptom of it both with medication and folk remedies. Only a doctor should prescribe medications, since antibiotics will be the basis of therapy.

However, before treating, the doctor must make a diagnosis. For this, a general urine test and bacterial culture from the urethra are taken. If cystitis is suspected, an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys is prescribed.

Also, the doctor conducts a survey of a child after 3 years old or his parents (especially in a child under one year old).

Drug therapy

If the baby pees very often, he has pain during urination, the doctor is inclined to prescribe drugs that contain antibiotics. Usually drugs of the penicillin group are used. The most famous antibiotics are Amoxiclav, Augmentin.

The scheme by which antibiotics are used depends on the age of the baby:

  • if frequent urination is noticed in a child from 9 months to 2 years old, 2.5 ml of suspension is prescribed three times a day;
  • if a baby is often peeing from 2 to 7 years old, you should take 5 ml three times a day;
  • it is necessary to treat frequent urination in children from 7 to 12 years old by prescribing antibiotics at a dosage of 10 ml three times a day.

These norms are appropriate if the preparations are given at a dosage of 156 g per 5 ml.

For children over 12 years old, you can use drugs with a dosage of 0.312 g per 5 ml.

Sometimes drugs of a new generation can be used, for example, cephalosporins (Zinnat, Tsedex).

To relieve the sensation of pain, drugs for spasms are prescribed: No-shpa, Papaverine, Spazmalgon.

Children are given not only preparations containing antibacterial substances, but also herbal medicines, for example, Kanefron.

Diet and Drink

At home, if a child has the urge to write often, you should not deny him the main principle of treating cystitis - drinking plenty of fluids. This is important for children of any year of life.

You need to treat a baby, first of all, by adjusting a diet. This will help overcome the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. If the child very often experiences the urge to urinate, it is recommended to exclude foods that provoke inflammation:

  • pickles and marinades;
  • smoked meats;
  • strong broths;
  • mayonnaise;
  • chocolate;
  • greens;
  • sausages;
  • offal;
  • legumes.

With phosphaturia, limit the intake of dairy products.

The drinking regime becomes more abundant. Children under one year old need to drink at least 0.5 liters of liquid, children after 1 year to 12 years old - 1-1.5 liters of liquid. Drinking regime can be:

  • dried fruit compotes;
  • fruit drinks;
  • tea with lemon;
  • boiled water;
  • juices;
  • mineral water.

Folk remedies

If the child often goes to the toilet to write, and other symptoms of cystitis appear, and you do not know what to do in this case at home, use folk remedies. It is not recommended to give herbs to children under one year old.

  • Kidney tea. You can buy the finished product at the pharmacy. 1 tsp herbs need to be insisted for an hour in 1 tbsp. boiling water. 0.5 tbsp. infusion should be drunk 2-3 times a day.
  • Infusion of birch leaves. 2 tbsp. l. infuse raw materials for 2 hours, pouring 2 cups of boiling water. Take half a glass before meals.
  • Infusion of cornflower flowers. 1 tsp brew raw materials for half an hour in a glass of boiling water. Take a quarter glass before meals.

It is necessary to treat the urge to urinate, starting with the cause. Simply eliminating the symptoms means transferring the disease into a chronic stage. And this is even worse.

It is especially dangerous if a child under one year old often goes to the toilet: this is a clear sign of cystitis. What to do? Be sure to consult a doctor and discuss with him even traditional methods of therapy at home. That way they will be more useful.

Komarovsky's opinion

Doctor Komarovsky tells what to do to parents, and how to treat children with cystitis. In addition to medication prescribed by a doctor, Komarovsky recommends eliminating symptoms and treating children before and after a year with abundant drinking, heating pads and baths, which will help flush out bacteria from the body. Komarovsky stands for the observance of a reasonable regime. The child should be in bed, dressed in cotton underwear. This will help him cope with the disease faster.

Cystitis is a dangerous disease that certainly requires treatment. At the first symptoms, see your doctor. He will tell you how to overcome the disease.

Frequent urge to urinate in children is a fairly common disorder that usually signals a health problem. Therefore, such a symptom should not be ignored.

general information

A child is not an adult. The main functions of the systems of internal organs in it differ significantly. What is usually the norm for an adult can be a pathology for a child. Anatomically and functionally, the kidneys of a child and an adult have many differences. The younger the child, the stronger this difference is. By the time the baby is born, it has not yet been completely formed.

The kidneys are a serious machine. Through these organs, it balances the fluid and minerals in the body, removes end products of metabolism and foreign chemical compounds from the blood. In addition, the kidneys are actively involved in maintaining normal blood pressure, glucose production, and in the regulation of bone marrow production of red cells.

The work of the urinary system of a small child goes to the limit of its capabilities. Against the background of complete health, the kidneys cope with their direct responsibilities, but with minor failures, violations are possible.

The rate of urination in children of different ages

Features of the structure and functioning of the urinary system in young children determine the frequency of urination depending on age. For example, a baby usually needs about 25 diapers a day. The exception is children in the first week of life. Their frequency of urination is negligible - no more than 5 times a day. This is due to high fluid loss and insufficient supply of breast milk. By the age of 12 months, the child begins to urinate about 15-17 times a day. With age, the amount of urination usually decreases. At three years old, children go to the toilet no more than eight times a day, and at nine years old - about six times. Teens urinate no more than five times a day.

Anything that exceeds the listed indicators can be considered frequent urination. However, small deviations from the norm are always allowed. If a six-year-old child has urinated 6 times today and 9 tomorrow, there is no reason to panic. It is necessary to analyze possible changes in the baby's life. For example, after eating fruit, urination can increase without any pathology. On the other hand, changes in these indicators often indicate health problems. Next, let's look at the main causes of pain-free children.

What is physiological pollakiuria?

The causes can be harmless and not related to disease. In this case, physiological pollakiuria is usually implied. Its development is due to the following factors.

  1. Drinking large amounts of liquid. When the child drinks a lot, the urge to use the toilet becomes more frequent. Parents should pay attention to the reasons for the increased fluid intake. It's one thing if a child in a family is accustomed to drinking mineral water every day or feels thirsty against the backdrop of hot weather, as well as after physical exertion. If the baby constantly asks for water for no reason and pees a lot, this can signal a disease such as diabetes.
  2. Taking medicines with a pronounced diuretic effect. These include diuretics, antiemetics, and antihistamines.
  3. Hypothermia. Frequent urination in a child without pain is accompanied by reflex vasospasm of the kidney vessels. After rewarming, pollakiuria stops.
  4. Eating foods that have a diuretic effect (lingonberries, watermelon, cucumbers, green tea). Most of them contain a large amount of water, so the number of trips to the toilet is increasing.
  5. Frequent urination in a 4-year-old child is possible due to stress and overexcitation. Against their background, adrenaline is released in the body, which affects the excitability of the bladder and the excretion of the fluid itself. Therefore, the child often visits the toilet, but urinates in small portions. This is a temporary condition that goes away on its own.

Physiological pollakiuria is completely safe and does not require specific treatment. Urination returns to normal after elimination of the provoking factor.

Parents are not always able to independently determine the cause of such a disorder. In some cases, frequent urination in a child without pain is a symptom of a serious illness. These can be psychosomatic disorders, pathologies of the endocrine and nervous systems. Usually, the disorder is accompanied by fever, excessive sweating, and refusal to eat. Let's consider the main diseases in which frequent urination is observed in more detail.

Endocrine system pathology

Frequent urination in a child without pain can be a symptom of diabetes, both diabetes mellitus and insipidus.

In the first case, the disease develops due to impaired absorption of glucose, which does not fully enter the cells. Its primary symptoms are constant thirst and excessive appetite. In addition, children have inflammatory and purulent lesions of the skin and eye area.

It arises against the background of dysfunction of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the production of It ensures the reabsorption of water during the filtration of blood through the kidneys. Frequent urination in a child 3 years of age or older may be due to a deficiency of this hormone.

Bladder dysfunction

A neurogenic bladder is a pathology in which there is a violation of the functioning of this organ. It develops due to the slow maturation of the nerve centers that are responsible for the proper functioning of the bladder. Frequent urination in a child without pain is the main symptom of neurogenic dysfunction. Its manifestation can increase against the background of stress or colds.

Neuroses and psychosomatic disorders

As noted above, stress and overexcitation often provoke frequent urination in children. The causes of this disorder can also be hidden in neurasthenia and various psychosomatic conditions. Physiological pollakiuria against the background of stress is a temporary phenomenon, the duration of which should not exceed 10 hours. In the case of pathology of a psychosomatic nature, symptoms are observed constantly, but they may be less pronounced and supplemented by mood swings, aggressiveness.

CNS pathology

Emptying the bladder each time occurs with the help of impulses that come from the brain through the spinal cord. If the chain breaks, there is spontaneous flow of urine. This happens every time the bubble is filled. As a result, parents notice frequent urination. In a 5-year-old child, this is possible with injuries, inflammatory-degenerative diseases, brain tumors.

External pressure on the bladder

With a decrease in the size of the bladder, there is a need for more frequent emptying, that is, pollakiuria. In addition to abnormal development, external pressure can lead to this disorder (pregnancy in adolescent girls, tumors in the pelvis, etc.).

Examination to confirm the diagnosis

To identify the presence of a particular disease, it is necessary to do a urinalysis. It is not recommended to collect it in the evening. Also, do not store liquid in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours, as the test results may not be correct.

If a large number of microbes are found in the urine during the diagnosis process, additional research will be required to determine the sensitivity to antibiotics. Ultrasound is done to detect signs of inflammation or abnormal bladder structure. A blood test is needed to test hormones, assess kidney function, and determine glucose levels. Sometimes consultation of narrow specialists (nephrologist, endocrinologist) is required.

Treatment options

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor can determine what is associated with frequent urination in children, the causes of the pathological disorder. After that, the pediatrician prescribes the appropriate treatment.

With physiological pollakiuria, specific therapy is not used. All other reasons require treatment in a hospital, where it is possible to fully diagnose diseases and monitor the child's condition around the clock.

The course of therapy is prescribed in accordance with the diagnosis, since pathological pollakiuria cannot be overcome without affecting the main disease. The selection of specific drugs remains with the doctor. The range of drugs used for frequent urination in children is very wide. For example, in case of neuroses, sedatives are prescribed, for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, the administration of insulin is required. In the event of a malfunction of the central nervous system, surgical intervention may be required.

Parents should understand that pollakiuria is a rather serious disorder that can be caused by dangerous diseases. and frequent urination persist for several hours, a medical team must be called. Self-treatment of such a pathology is not recommended.

Prevention measures

Of course, it is impossible to insure a child against diseases of the urinary system. However, a number of preventive measures make it possible to identify pathology in a timely manner and prevent the appearance of unpleasant complications.

  1. Be extremely attentive to the child's condition and possible manifestations of the disease.
  2. Do not be dismissive of routine visits to your doctor. Children under six months should be examined by a pediatrician every month, up to three years old - every three months, after four - once every six months.
  3. Make sure that the child does not catch a cold, forbid him to sit on cold benches and damp ground.
  4. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding your baby for as long as possible. The urine of these children contains large amounts of immunoglobulin A, which protects against various infections.
  5. Do not try to figure out for yourself what may be associated with frequent urination in children. Treatment and comprehensive examination can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Parents should constantly monitor how often their child goes to the toilet. For any deviations from the norm, you must contact your pediatrician. It is better to consult a doctor once again and protect the child's body from possible complications.

Pollakiuria is a pathological condition in which frequent urination occurs. This ailment often occurs in children. Frequent urination in a child without pain sometimes causes parental concern for good reason. Malaise can warn of problems with the kidneys, bladder, other internal organs, and systems.

General information

In a child, in contrast to an adult, the functioning of internal organs is significantly different. The child's body is not yet sufficiently formed to work in an enhanced mode. Therefore, if some condition is normal for an adult, for a baby it will be a pathology that requires correction and immediate therapy. This directly applies to the urinary system, which is finally formed in adolescence (14-15 years). The kidneys perform the main excretory function in the body, removing fluid and harmful substances along with urine. When a malfunction of the kidneys occurs, triggered by various factors, urinary disorders occur.

The rate of urination in children, depending on age

Table of indicators of the norm of urine in children.

The volume of separated urine in children is directly related to age. Indicators in boys and girls may differ slightly from each other, this is due to the physiological characteristics of the body. The volume of urine increases with the use of a large amount of liquid per day, as well as diuretic products - watermelon, melon, berries. The approximate frequency of urination in a child aged 0 to 10 years:

  • from 0 to 6 months - the number of urinations will be 20-25 times a day;
  • from 6 months to 1 year - on average 15 times;
  • from 1 to 3 years - daily measure 10 times;
  • from 3 to 7 years - about 8 times;
  • from 7 to 10 years old - 6 times a day.

Causes of frequent urination in a child

Physiological pollakiuria

In young children, frequent urination is caused by drinking plenty of fluids.

The frequency of urination in children is often associated with ailments, but physiological pollakiuria refers to harmless conditions that are caused by drinking plenty of fluids. If the child drinks a large amount of liquid, the urge to use the toilet becomes more frequent. Here it is necessary to find out whether the child drinks from thirst or out of habit. Thirst is often the first manifestation (symptom) of diabetes.

Common causes of physiological pollakiuria include:

  • The use of diuretic drugs that have a diuretic effect. Antiallergic, laxatives, diuretics have this effect.
  • Prolonged exposure of the child in the cold, as a result of which the body is hypothermic. There is a frequent urge to urinate in children without pain. After the change from a cold environment to a warm one, pollakiuria stops.
  • Eating foods that have a diuretic effect. Melons, fresh fruits and berries have a pronounced diuretic effect.
  • In a state of tension and stress, children often urinate. This is a temporary discomfort that goes away very quickly.

Physiological pollakiuria in children is explained quite logically, and is considered harmless. When the action of the instigating factor is stopped, the normal separation of urine is restored. If we consider other causalities of impaired urination, such as problems with the bladder, diseases of the central nervous system, and others, they need to be treated carefully, since they are often a sign of a serious illness.

Bladder problems

Frequent urge to urinate is possible with inflammatory processes in the bladder.

If the bladder malfunctions, there is a sick, rapid or poor urine flow. The cause of the anomaly is hidden behind the work of nerve receptors responsible for the functioning of the organ. The problematic state is exacerbated by provoking factors - stress, anxiety, inflammatory processes. Less often, against the background of pollakiuria, enuresis (nocturnal or daytime) may occur.


If the child is often prone to tantrums and mental disorders, then pollakiuria will be permanent. Often, frequent urination in a child against a background of psychosomatic abnormalities is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • nervousness;
  • irritability.

Diseases of the central nervous system

The disease can occur due to a failure in the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain.

The urge to urinate and the process itself occurs under the influence of nerve impulses coming from the brain. When the transmission of nerve impulses fails, involuntary emptying of the organ (incontinence) occurs, or urine is separated in small portions. It is associated with trauma, autonomic disorders, and malignant neoplasms in the brain and spinal cord.

Bladder pressure

False urge to urinate and the need for frequent emptying of the organ occurs due to a decrease in the volume of the bladder, and internal pressure exerted on it. The onslaught on the organ is associated with the following root causes:

  • early pregnancy (in adolescent girls);
  • neoplasm localized in one of the pelvic organs;
  • pathology of the structure of the organs of the urinary tract.

Symptoms accompanying the problem

The frequency of urination in children, which parents need to pay attention to, is accompanied by the following signs:

  • high body temperature;
  • excessive sweating;
  • disturbed appetite;
  • soreness when passing urine;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region;
  • constant thirst even in the cold season;
  • enuresis (day or night);
  • darkening of the color of urine, the appearance of its characteristic odor.