What is the risk of the expectant mother, raising her hands up. Why you can’t raise your hands up during pregnancy: superstitions and real threats

In the life of a woman there is always a place for prejudice. A particularly large number of new "rules of conduct" appears during the period of bearing a baby. But often restrictions and prohibitions are just superstitions, unfounded myths. For example, why shouldn't pregnant women raise their hands up and stretch? Can this really have a negative effect on gestation?

In a “special position”, a woman should behave differently: protect herself from excessive stress, have a good rest, and not be nervous. This directly affects her well-being and the development of the baby. In the brain in women, the dominant of pregnancy is established. As a result, future mothers do not react so quickly and clearly to changes in the environment, they are scattered, forgetful. All this is necessary in order not to overload the body with unnecessary things and calmly bear a child. And it's hard enough to lead a normal life.

What actually happens if a woman often raises her hands up during pregnancy

Just because a woman does not raise her hands during pregnancy. Usually this involves some kind of physical labor, such as general cleaning or hanging laundry. At the same time, she not only raises her hands, but also throws her head back. This can cause a number of unpleasant consequences, so pregnant women should not reach up a lot and often. Namely, the following happens.

  • Brain hypoxia occurs. Throwing the head back with raised arms leads to compression of the vessels that pass in the lateral openings of the vertebrae. They carry blood to the brain cells. Even a momentary cessation of blood flow can cause severe dizziness and, as a result, a fall and injury.
  • Difficulty maintaining balance. As the gestation period increases, the growing uterus shifts the center of gravity on the body, so it is much more difficult to maintain balance. To do this, you have to bend your lower back forward. If at this moment a woman is on a stool and with her hands raised up, it is difficult to avoid falling.
  • Muscles tense. If you perform such work regularly, a woman will be very tired, and constant excessive physical exertion can lead to a complicated pregnancy.

It should also be borne in mind that as the abdomen grows, it is more difficult for a woman to keep her arms up, because the abdominal muscles are overstretched, and they are necessary to maintain balance. Related to this are restrictions when pregnant women cannot raise their hands in the later stages. In the 1st and the beginning of the 2nd trimester, the changes are not so significant, therefore there are fewer conventions.

Dealing with myths and truth

Why you can’t raise your hands up during pregnancy is shrouded in many interesting versions. However, the reviews of women who happened to be on both sides prove once again that these are nothing more than signs. And the most popular are the following.

  • Possibly cord entanglement. Many believe that pregnant women should not raise their hands up, because at this time the umbilical cord can change its position with the baby, which will lead to entanglement, even repeated. In fact, there are other factors involved. Entanglement occurs in every third pregnant woman, but only less than 5% of cases it leads to intrauterine death of the baby or problems in childbirth. This is usually associated with polyhydramnios and increased mobility of the crumbs, the length of the umbilical cord is also important.
  • There is an outpouring of water. Many argue that pregnant women should not raise their hands above their heads, as this increases the risk of amniotic fluid discharge and, as a result, premature birth or late miscarriage. However, changes in the cervix, which lead to its opening and outflow of amniotic fluid, occur for completely different reasons, primarily due to infections. And women who have ICI (insufficient closing function of the cervical canal) need to limit not only raising their hands, but also any physical activity.
  • Birth begins prematurely. You can hear the opinion that if you spend a lot of time with your arms behind your head in the 3rd trimester, this will lead to childbirth. However, there is no convincing evidence that the contractility of the uterus depends on it. Otherwise, everyone who overstays pregnancy over 40-41 weeks would walk with their hands up in order to give birth faster.
  • The baby changes position. It is also believed that along with the lifting of the upper limbs and the contraction of the abdominal muscles, the child begins to move more actively and change his position from the correct, head, to the more problematic - pelvic or even transverse. However, with any physical activity, the baby can move more actively, and it is the raising of the hands that does not affect this. And the reasons for the incorrect position are usually different - a narrow pelvis, polyhydramnios, a large fetus, hidden pathological growths on the pelvic bones in a woman - exostoses.

What is really better not to do

Many of the existing beliefs do not really have real evidence, but only coincidences. But some of the recommendations for women in an “interesting position” are useful. For example, the following.

  • Don't sit cross-legged. In this case, compression of the veins may occur, the condition during the gestation of which worsens somewhat. This increases the risk of developing varicose veins or its complications.
  • Don't sleep on your back. In the later stages, the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, thereby disrupting the outflow of blood from the lower extremities. This leads to a decrease in pressure and oxygen starvation of the fetus. It is optimal to sleep on the left side, but if a woman does not experience discomfort while lying on her back, this position can also be practiced from time to time.

The belief that pregnant women should not raise their hands in the early and especially late periods originates from the usual regimen throughout the entire gestation. Therefore, you should not avoid gymnastics or yoga classes, swimming, where you have to raise your upper limbs in many exercises. Everything should be within reason. Thinking about from what month pregnant women should not raise their hands - from the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester, the answer will be simple - you should protect yourself from the moment of conception.

Reviews: "I can say that there is NO scientific justification for this"

Who is talking about superstition? Talking about hands up, washing windows, stretching up for a long time is not a superstition! It's really bad. I began to notice when I hang clothes (a lot of clothes), after 20 minutes, my stomach starts to pull, it even gives it to the coccyx. And I didn’t hear about superstition at all, but I just typed on the Internet the reason for raising my hands up and read everything. I do not believe in any signs, I believe in what I myself felt. So you don't have to freak out...

Alena, http://www.woman.ru/health/Pregnancy/thread/3859252/

for the first time I hear, I raised all my hands in pregnancy, pah-pah, nothing happened
I know another thing, my mother said, and her grandmother - you can’t twist your fingers, the umbilical cord will twist.

Reaktivnaya Vitenega, https://www.u-mama.ru/forum/waiting-baby/pregnancy-and-childbirth/692516/index.html

From the category you can not cut your hair, paint your nails and drink coffee)
Throughout the pregnancy, she went in for sports, it is clear that she raised her hands, and even with dumbbells. Apparently, I'm an exception, everything was fine with me)

Lakrima, https://www.u-mama.ru/forum/waiting-baby/pregnancy-and-childbirth/692516/index.html

As the daughter of a doctor, and an obstetrician-gynecologist, I can say that there is NO scientific justification for this !!!. This is from the same series that you can’t cut your hair, wear short skirts, well, dye your hair, you can still somehow scientifically explain it, by the action of chemistry through the blood vessels of the head ... My mother is terribly superstitious, although she is a doctor, but this is what she refers to as signs. Recently I read on a site for pregnant women, in a forum, one girl wrote that she was hanging clothes, raising her arms up and stretching, and at that moment her amniotic sac ruptured and her water broke ... The whole forum answered her, yes, they say, thanks for the warning, now they say we won’t stretch and hang clothes, otherwise you never know ... I asked my mother, who told me: it’s just a coincidence, there is no connection ..

Thinker, https://answer.mail.ru/question/20315989


From the very beginning of pregnancy, any mother begins to actively take care of the baby in the womb. She drinks vitamins so that the baby does not need anything, tries not to be nervous, avoids taking medications, and does not lift heavy objects. This is a minimum of elementary rules that a woman who is expecting a baby must follow. One of these rules is the ban on raising your hands up. Today we’ll talk about what happens in a woman’s body when she raises her hands up, how dangerous it is and whether it’s dangerous at all.

What happens if a pregnant woman raises her hands

The fact that a pregnant woman should not raise her hands up is known not only by a grandmother in the village, but also by the most experienced gynecologist. This ban operates not only at the level of signs, it is quite scientifically justified. There are many reasons why it is impossible to raise your hands to a future mother, we will tell you about the most real and adequate ones.

  1. The optimal explanation of doctors in this regard is the possibility of entwining the child with the umbilical cord. That is, when a woman raises her hands up, there is more room for movement in her stomach, the baby begins to be active and can easily throw a loop from the umbilical cord around her neck. This can lead to hypoxia - in utero or during childbirth. The risk of entanglement increases in stressful situations, with a lack of oxygen (the baby begins to actively move), with polyhydramnios (more room for movement) and with a physiologically long umbilical cord.
  2. Raising the arms up, especially abruptly, can lead to a discharge of water, as the abdominal muscles contract from tension. It is highly undesirable to raise your hands in the later stages.
  3. Raising your arms during pregnancy is especially dangerous if the woman is diagnosed with placenta previa. In this case, the risk of its peeling is high.
  4. People say that a pregnant woman should not raise her arms above shoulder level. For the most part, this is due to protecting the expectant mother and freeing her from pressing matters. A woman should not hang up clothes, glue wallpaper, wash windows, remove curtains and perform similar work during which her hands should be raised up. It is likely that the sign was invented so that the relatives of the expectant mother would take on these responsibilities.
  5. Raising your arms up may be associated with low blood pressure, which pregnant women often suffer from. In this case, with such movements, the head may begin to spin, the woman may lose consciousness. This is fraught with fainting and, of course, a fall and injury. You need to be careful not to raise your hands sharply up, especially if the pressure is below normal.
  6. Doctors do not recommend raising your hands already at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, from this period there is a risk of complications.
  7. According to some reports, if the mother is in a standing position with her hands up, the blood supply to the uterus at this time is sharply reduced, the baby is deficient in nutrition and oxygen. If such loads fall on the crumbs regularly, hypoxia can lead to developmental delays - mental or physical.
  8. Another risk that a woman may be exposed to during pregnancy is a change in the position of the fetus. As noted, when raising hands, there is a lot of space in the womb, the baby may involuntarily move or roll over. If a pelvic, transverse, facial or frontal presentation of the fetus is diagnosed, the issue of surgical delivery is decided. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a caesarean section to reduce the risks to the baby. If the baby lies correctly, with the back of the head to the cervix, you do not need to raise your hands so that the fetus does not inadvertently change its position.

These are the most common risks associated with raising your arms during pregnancy. But is it really so scary and you have to constantly walk with straight arms folded at the seams?

Can you raise your arms during pregnancy?

Gymnastics experts and doctors agree that it is still possible to raise your hands, but this must be done carefully, slowly, gradually and not for long. If you do not have complications and the threat of a miscarriage, you can slowly hang up the laundry, but this should be done intermittently. If you feel weak or dizzy, immediately abandon the idea, ask someone close to help you. In no case do not do such difficult work as washing windows, removing curtains and wallpapering. These are quite energy-intensive activities and can be dangerous for a pregnant body.

But you should not completely abandon physical activity, especially if you led an active lifestyle before pregnancy. Yoga is very useful for pregnant women - all exercises are based on balance and balance. Many positions are available for pregnant women, they develop the elasticity and extensibility of the muscles of the back and perineum, which will be very useful during childbirth. An excellent physical activity is swimming. In the water, a pregnant woman does not experience such a strong load on the spine, the water, as it were, supports a heavy stomach. Moreover, water soothes and pacifies. However, choose places with clean water, be sure to use tampons to protect the vaginal cavity from chlorinated water. Another way to warm up for a pregnant woman is walking. It is available to every expectant mother. You need to walk a lot, often, regularly. It is better to combine walking with walks in forested areas and near water bodies. A sufficient amount of oxygen in the body of a woman is the prevention of hypoxia in a baby.

Pregnancy is the time when a woman must take care of her body, because a new life develops and grows inside. And if earlier you could neglect your own health, now you need to protect it like the apple of your eye. After all, it depends on him how the baby will be born - strong or weak, sick or healthy. Take care of yourself, do not raise your hands above your shoulders!

Video: superstition during pregnancy

During the onset of pregnancy, women become the most sensitive, emotionally unprotected. Even psychologically strong women during the period of pregnancy begin to believe in numerous signs, to be interested in such questions that would never have occurred to them in their usual way of life. It's all because of the hormonal changes that occur while expecting a baby.

One of these signs of pregnant women is the question that constantly torments many expectant mothers, why pregnant women should not raise their hands. By asking themselves or their friends such a question, pregnant women themselves find the answer that raising their hands can provoke the umbilical cord around the baby's head, which can be a significant complication during childbirth.

Gynecologists constantly reassure pregnant women with the groundlessness of this stupid assertion. But there will certainly be some emotionally unstable pregnant woman who doubts the qualified answers of specialists. She will certainly be exhausted herself, sow the seeds of doubt in the souls of other pregnant women, subject them to significant unreasonable experiences.

An extremely accurate answer to the statement why pregnant women should not raise their hands could be given by modern scientists studying this issue. During the second trimester, it is undesirable to stay with your hands up for a long time. With prolonged raising of the hands, fetal hypoxia is possible. Being in such an uncomfortable position, the child does not receive the oxygen he needs for proper breathing.

Oxygen starvation not only of the unborn child, but also of a pregnant woman may well cause the future mother to faint. That is why when fainting, it is imperative to bring the woman to her senses, to restore normal breathing. Quite often, fainting during pregnancy occurs when falling, which is most dangerous because of the possibility of provoking the outflow of amniotic fluid, which will lead to premature birth.

Raising the question of why pregnant women should not raise their hands, it should be noted that the argument about the possibility of entanglement of the umbilical cord around the child is completely unfounded. In the process of bearing a child, the fact that after the thirtieth week of gestation the baby becomes entangled in the umbilical cord is not at all excluded. This phenomenon is quite common in practice, it does not depend at all on the position of the hands of a pregnant woman, but on the length of the umbilical cord, the activity of the fetus in the womb.

During pregnancy, a woman with the development of the length of the umbilical cord is much higher than the existing average size, as well as with excessive activity of the child, it is impossible to avoid some entanglement with the umbilical cord. Even if such an entanglement has occurred, there is absolutely no sufficient reason to assume that such a situation will remain absolutely unchanged until almost the birth itself. The baby in the womb is constantly moving. As a rule, everything returns to its place, regardless of the activity of the baby, the length of the umbilical cord.

Gynecologists notice that standing with your hands up for several hours is a direct way to do enough harm to your unborn baby. It should be noted that not only pregnant women, but even physically strong men are not capable of such physical exercises.

During the course of pregnancy, it is absolutely not forbidden for a woman to hang out washed clothes for a short time, holding her hands in a slightly raised position. This is a simple, natural, positive load that should under no circumstances cause severe fatigue.

Therefore, it is completely inappropriate to fill the expectant mother's head with stupid questions, whether you can raise your hands or not. Think about a bright, joyful future event, prepare for it, listen to good music, find various reasons for joy. Remember that thought is material, a wonderful life awaits you!

Pregnancy is associated with a large number of prohibitions. However, many of them are unfounded. So, a lot of questions are raised by the ban on raising hands up. Many believe that it can lead to a whole list of negative consequences. However, experts are not so radical.

Myths and reality

Women give different reasons why you should not raise your hands during pregnancy. Most of them are myths and signs that have no real basis. The most common misconceptions are:

  1. Childbirth will begin ahead of time. Quite often you can hear the warning that if you spend a lot of time with your arms behind your head in the third trimester, this will cause premature birth. However, there is no conclusive evidence for this to date. Experts could not establish a connection between the contractility of the uterus and arms thrown behind the head. Another argument in favor of the fact that this statement is erroneous is the fact that all women who overstay their pregnancy for more than 40-41 weeks constantly spent time with their hands up to provoke the onset of labor.
  2. Cord entanglement may occur. Some women are sure that when raising their hands up, the umbilical cord changes its position along with the child. As a result, even more than a single entanglement with it is possible. Statistics show that every third pregnant woman faces a similar situation. However, in only 5% of cases, what happened causes the death of a child in utero or problems during childbirth. A connection with the raising of hands in a similar phenomenon has also not been proven. Usually, doctors explain the entanglement of the umbilical cord with polyhydramnios or increased fetal mobility. The length of the umbilical cord is also important.
  3. The child will change position. It is believed that if a woman raises her hands, there is a contraction of the abdominal muscles. As a result, the child begins to actively move and change his position. It can take a more problematic transverse position. However, doctors say that the child moves more actively with any physical activity. It is the raising of hands that does not affect what is happening. The reasons for the wrong position can be a narrow pelvis, a large fetus, polyhydramnios.
  4. There will be an outpouring of water. A number of women are sure that raising their hands up increases the risk of such a phenomenon. As a result, late miscarriage and premature birth may occur. However, a similar phenomenon is observed due to changes occurring in the cervix. It is they who lead to the leakage of amniotic fluid. However, such changes occur for other reasons. They are usually caused by infections. If a woman has an insufficiency of the closing function of the cervical canal, it is necessary to limit any physical activity. Raising will be just one of the restrictions.

What is actually happening in the body?

A woman rarely just raises her hands during pregnancy. Usually the performance of such an action is associated with physical labor. The need for manipulation arises when hanging clothes, as well as general cleaning. Moreover, the woman is forced not only to raise her hands, but also to throw back her head. This can indeed lead to a number of unpleasant consequences, which include:

  1. The emergence of the brain. Due to the fact that, along with raising her hands, a woman is forced to throw her head back, compression occurs in the joints passing in the lateral openings of the vertebrae. It is through these vessels that blood enters the brain cells. If blood flow stops even for a second, this can lead to severe dizziness. A woman in such a situation often loses her balance. This is fraught with a fall and, as a result, injury.
  2. There is muscle tension. If a woman is forced to perform such actions regularly, she will be very tired. Constant heavy physical activity can cause complications during pregnancy or its difficult course.
  3. As the belly grows, it becomes more difficult for a woman to keep her hands up. The fact is that in order to maintain balance, it is required to use the muscles of the press. As the uterus grows, they stretch. That is why experts still do not recommend raising your hands up at a later date of bearing a child. In the first, the change is insignificant. Therefore, there is no prohibition on such an action.

Effect on the fetus

During pregnancy, it is forbidden to make sudden movements. It's not just about raising your hands. However, if the patient performs such an action suddenly abruptly, there will be a strong tension. It can cause premature birth. Particular attention should be paid to the last stages of pregnancy.

The most dangerous development of oxygen starvation in a child. Experts call this condition. If a woman often raises her hands up and lies in this position for a long time, there may be a violation of blood flow to the uterus. This, in turn, causes oxygen starvation. As a result, the following negative consequences may occur:

  • increase the chance of miscarriage;
  • the child may experience deviations in mental and mental development;
  • there may be problems with the postpartum adaptation of the child;
  • the fetus will grow and develop slowly.

To reduce the chance of negative consequences, experts recommend not raising your hands up during pregnancy, especially in the later stages. However, a complete ban on actions is not imposed.

When is it okay to raise your hands?

Gynecologists agree that physical exercises during pregnancy can be performed, but only if the woman feels well. Yoga and gymnastics are allowed. However, the movement of the hands should be smooth and calm. Refusing to lift the limbs up is recommended if there is a problem with the attachment of the placenta to the uterus. Light homework that does not require a lot of effort, as well as a leisurely walk, not only will not harm the health and well-being of the child, but will also have a positive effect on his development.

An approximate period has also been identified, until which you can raise your hands. In the future, such actions are recommended to be limited. Specialists conducted a study with a group of pregnant women. As a result, it turned out that raising hands in the first trimester is not dangerous. In the second and third trimester, the risk of negative consequences is higher. They are usually associated with the risk of falling due to head tilt and injury. Standing with your hands up for a long time or performing actions too abruptly is not recommended at any time.

During pregnancy, it is important to continue to exercise. Specialists have developed a special program that does not harm either the mother or the fetus. However, it is recommended to conduct training under the supervision of a professional trainer. Experts do not advise giving up gymnastics, even if it involves raising your hands up, for the following reasons:

  1. At a later date, special gymnastics will bring the muscles into tone and prepare the woman for the birth of a child.
  2. If a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, this has a negative impact on health. However, the rule also applies to an overly active lifestyle. For this reason, self-study during pregnancy is not recommended. The fact is that a woman can overdo it and cause stress in the body.
  3. Physical activity allows you to control weight. As a result, a woman will not gain more than necessary.

Exercises for pregnant women are developed taking into account the peculiarities of the position in which the woman is located.

What actions are really worth giving up?

The process of bearing a child is associated with a large number of superstitions. Often they do not have any soil under them. However, there are a number of warnings that are really worth heeding. So, during pregnancy, you can not sit cross-legged. In this position, the vein is squeezed. Their condition worsens during pregnancy. As a result, the risk of fetal oxygen starvation or complications becomes higher.

Sleeping on your back is also not recommended. The fact is that at a later date, the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, leading to problems with blood circulation. This can cause oxygen starvation of the fetus. The best option during the period of bearing a child is sleeping on your side.

The belief that raising arms during pregnancy can lead to negative consequences is caused by the traditional gestation regimen. However, if a woman is engaged in gymnastics, yoga or swimming, expecting a child is not a reason to refuse classes. However, everything should be within reasonable limits.

What physical activity is allowed?

It is impossible to exhaust yourself with active physical exercises for 9 months. A woman must maintain the necessary physical shape. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy there are cardinal changes in the functioning of the endocrine system. All this leads to the fact that the elasticity of muscles and tendons changes. The body naturally prepares itself to make childbirth as easy as possible. However, the patient is able to help herself by increasing her endurance. During pregnancy, it is allowed to carry out:

Breathing exercises. During labor, the correct hands and breathing rate can stimulate the contraction of the muscles of the uterus. The body receives the necessary amount of oxygen. Breathing exercises are recommended to be done regularly. One of the varieties is the usual singing. By doing it constantly, the patient will feel that the lungs and the muscles of the diaphragm begin to strengthen.

Household physical activity. Doing light household chores keeps you physically fit. So, the action that is associated with walking, turning, tilting and squatting contributes to an easy and quick delivery. Such processes strengthen the muscles of the lumbar girdle, giving them endurance and elasticity. However, there are a number of works, the implementation of which is strictly prohibited. This is an action that is associated with pull-ups, jumping, weight lifting and running.

Walks. Every day, calm walking in the fresh air for 30-40 minutes will help improve the general condition of a woman and strengthen her immune system.

Gymnastics. Specially designed exercises will not harm the mother and child, help to keep fit and not gain weight.

Doctor's opinion

During pregnancy, it is recommended to lead a measured, calm life. With an increase in the period, the volume of the abdomen also increases, which creates additional inconvenience for the woman. The patient becomes more clumsy and clumsy. There is no categorical prohibition on raising hands. However, from the very beginning of the term, it is necessary to ensure that all movements are smooth. Any action must be performed slowly and calmly. Any sudden movements of the mother cause discomfort to the child. The risk of preterm birth increases.

Raising your hands up for a long time is really not recommended. This can lead to overwork and the fall of a woman as a result of a developed brain. It appears as a result of circulatory disorders, which in turn occurs due to squeezing of blood vessels. Most of the prohibitions associated with raising your hands up are not grounded. However, the implementation of such an action is still recommended to be minimized so as not to harm yourself and the child.

Pregnancy is not only a happy, but also quite an exciting and responsible period in life. Expectant mothers should take care of themselves and avoid excessive physical exertion. This is necessary in order for the baby to develop normally and be born on time.

There are many more prohibitions for women in an interesting position. Pregnant women should not visit the sauna and walk in high heels. It is also believed that pregnant women should not raise their hands up. This article will help you figure out if this is so and whether raising your hands can threaten the health of the unborn baby.

Activity restriction during pregnancy

Women in position should be extremely careful and fundamentally change your lifestyle. You should give up not only bad habits, but also sports. However, this does not mean at all that a woman should completely exclude physical activity during this period.

Is it possible to play sports during pregnancy? There are several answers to this question. For example, there are types of physical activity which are not contraindicated during pregnancy. Here are some of them:

Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy

When performing various exercises, a woman should not overstrain. For the duration of pregnancy the following sports should be excluded:

  • running and jumping;
  • exercise in the gym;
  • fitness;
  • lifting heavy objects.

There is a lot of discussion around this ban. This taboo is explained by the fact that the baby can change its position and wrap itself around the umbilical cord.

This mainly applies to the second and third trimester.. In the last stages of pregnancy, raising your hands up can provoke the discharge of amniotic fluid. And accordingly, because of this, childbirth can begin prematurely.

To the question “why should pregnant women not raise their hands?” there are other answers. For example, with a sharp raise of the hands up, the following complications may occur:

  1. Dizziness. When you raise your hands up, the blood in the brain of a pregnant woman enters in insufficient quantities. This may cause dizziness. And also fainting and, accordingly, a fall can occur, which can lead to sad consequences.
  2. Fetal hypoxia. This position, in which a woman raises her hands up, contributes to the deterioration of the blood supply to the uterus. At the moment of raising hands, the baby does not receive oxygen and other necessary substances to the right extent. Prolonged hypoxia can lead to mental retardation, and mental disorders may also occur in a newborn child.
  3. Detachment of the placenta. This can happen if the pregnant woman has placenta previa.
  4. Hypertension of the uterus. If pregnant women have problems with the tone of the uterus, then they are prohibited from loading.
  5. The position of the fetus may change. Why does this occur? By raising your arms up, the baby has more space and can change position. If this happens on the eve of the expected date of birth, this can significantly complicate their process.
  6. Abortion. Heavy physical activity, which is accompanied by raising the arms up, can provoke premature birth.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that physical activity is not prohibited during pregnancy. However, all exercises are worth doing. as carefully as possible. Before performing them, you should consult with the doctor leading the pregnancy.

In the event that a pregnant woman feels unwell or the pregnancy proceeds with various complications, it is worth refusing to be active. In the later stages, physical exercises should not be done.

During pregnancy, there is no need to think about why you can not raise your hands up. You should listen carefully to your body, to refuse from bad habits less nervous and stressed out. It is also recommended to monitor your diet and eat only high-quality and fortified foods.