What inexpensive and original can be presented for a wedding? What to give for a wedding - ideas for successful and original surprises for newlyweds

A wedding gift for newlyweds should meet the needs of the family or be original. But before choosing a gift, you should find out what you can give to the newlyweds for the wedding so that the family is strong, and what is undesirable to present.

Money is the most popular wedding gift

If you were invited to a celebration, and there is very little time for long reflections, use our advice. Original ideas are collected here.

Everyone invited to the celebration wants to stand out and wonders what to present to the young. Of course, the surprise should be symbolic, because such a holiday will be the beginning of a long and happy life together. For this reason, a tradition arose to shower a couple with grain for prosperity, rose petals for a beautiful life, coins for wealth.

But what wedding gift ideas for newlyweds will help to express themselves and bring joy to lovers:

  • romantic trip to the islands;
  • excursion on horseback;
  • balloon flight;
  • travel on a yacht by sea or river;
  • membership to a spa or swimming pool;
  • encyclopedia for the whole family;
  • original vase filled with chocolates;
  • roller skates or bicycles for active leisure together;
  • fashionable bean bag chair in the shape of a hand.

a) travel on a yacht; b) flying in a hot air balloon

You can show your imagination by coming up with a contest for lovers or a funny scene. It will be funny and fun for all the guests, and it will also be interesting how artistic the spouses are.

Original DIY wedding gift

The most successful is the original gift for the wedding of the newlyweds with their own hands. Sew small pillows for the sofa or for the car with hearts or emojis. Give two pillows so that no one is left out. It is believed that a couple will live together for a long time if there are a pair of such gizmos. This also applies to cups. By the way, you can paint them yourself. It will turn out wonderful and unique.

photo gift

A creative wedding gift for newlyweds - a photograph or a picture depicting lovers together. If you can't draw, it's a good idea to make a poster-style photo and put it in a frame. The portrait is ready. It will delight its owners, remind them of a wonderful holiday all their lives.

a) cartoon b) printing on canvas

But if you are fond of photography, then a great idea would be to present an unusual wedding gift to newlyweds - a video clip with the moments of their union. Subsequently, children and grandchildren will be able to review these materials of the spouses' holiday with pleasure.

wedding dolls

Cheerful people and positive people, of course, will prepare a cool wedding gift for the newlyweds with their own hands. For example, wedding dolls of the bride and groom. Such heroes can be put on the hood of a car with future spouses. Dolls will serve as a wonderful decoration. In addition, they will remain in the house of a young family for a long time as a symbol of love and fidelity.

Boxes with envelopes

Cool wedding gifts for newlyweds are boxes with neat envelopes. It's just not convenient to donate money like that. And such boxes are suitable, as they are wrapped in bright paper on top and tied with a ribbon. Newlyweds will always need these original wedding gifts, besides, they are very interesting to unfold. You feel like a small child.

By the way, you can also come up with comic wedding gifts for newlyweds. To do this, put a smaller one in a larger box, and then a very small one, in which a gift will already be hidden, for example, a figurine of a couple in love.

Original gift for newlyweds from friends

Weekends in nature with all classmates, songs with a guitar, swimming in the lake - this is an original wedding gift for newlyweds from friends. Of course, friends know best about the desires of lovers, so they should give something incredible and memorable. These are tickets to a concert of your favorite performers, and swimming with dolphins, and bowling. Sometimes pranks are indispensable. Only friends can conspire and play so that no one will guess.

But the original wedding gifts for newlyweds from parents:

  • handmade wooden chair;
  • embroidered tablecloth;
  • kayak or ski for outdoor activities;
  • original round sofa

a) kayak; b) rollers

The list is endless as parents love their children just as much as adults. Be sure to add various household appliances and sets of pots to the surprises. And this is the right decision, because there are many pleasant gifts, but not enough necessary ones. And who, if not parents, should know what their children may need in the household. It is for this reason that we will reveal another secret of choosing surprises.

Give what you yourself like and what you would like to receive at a solemn moment. It is desirable that the thing be practical and benefit its owners.

How to give money for a wedding to newlyweds in an original way?

An original wedding gift for newlyweds from money is welcome. To do this, carefully fold the banknotes so that they resemble rosebuds, attach them to a cardboard leg, and wrap the bouquet with a cloth on top. It will seem that you gave an elegant bouquet. How happy the bride of your ingenuity will be in how to give money for the wedding to the newlyweds in an original way.

a) money in a jar; b) money on an embroidered picture

Often spouses have many plans, then they do not have the means. Such gifts will be very useful, and young people will be happy with them no less than the rest. But there will be an opportunity to bring your plans to life.

What can not be given to the newlyweds for the wedding?

Since the connection between the fates of a girl and a boy is intertwined with many traditions, there are also certain prohibitions. Girls are very afraid of many things, as if their life really depends on them. This also applies to gifts. Since the traditions are invented, we will not break them. In order for you not to look strange, we will warn you that you do not need to give.

Knives and forks

The bride and groom should not be given piercing and cutting objects so that their relationship does not deteriorate, but remains tender. Such gifts include knives, forks, needles, knitting needles.

Towels and bedding

It is believed that the spouses themselves will be able to choose bed linen and towels to their taste and personal preferences. If someone interferes, then problems will arise in the intimate sphere.

a) a set of cutlery; b) bed linen

Paintings and icons

Any paintings, icons, antiques carry someone else's long-standing energy. For a new family, this is useless.

And if your friends are believers, then we will tell you which icon to give to the newlyweds for the wedding. Choose the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, patrons of the family of Peter and Fevronya. You can choose a handmade icon. The icon must be consecrated in the church. To avoid problems with the presentation of surprises, take a coin instead. So you seem to be selling, not giving. And no one can now find fault with you about the violation of traditions.

Mirrors and jewelry

It is not customary to give mirrors and jewelry to lovers. This is considered a bad omen. But they can be presented under other circumstances, for example, for an anniversary.

Keep in mind that these are just rules invented by people, and not a common truth. These are rituals and traditions. If you, with best wishes, have already found a surprise for the bride and groom, have purchased it, then feel free to give it. Moreover, it is educated to gladly accept everything presented, despite the fact that this is already the sixth frying pan or the third iron.

If you are not sure whether the bride and groom will be happy with a certain gift, it is better to refuse such an idea. Suppose you wanted to present tickets for a fire show to your spouse, but it turned out that your wife has a fear of fire. Ask your loved ones what the spouses dream about, what they hope for.

Choosing a bouquet for a wedding

An important question remains what bouquet to give to the newlyweds for the wedding photo. A wedding celebration is always associated with flowers. In addition, there is a tradition of throwing a bouquet of a bride in a crowd of unmarried girls. Each strives to grab a bouquet, because she believes that he will bring her marriage next year. Believe it or not, check it out.

But not only the bride gives her bouquet to one of the girls. Both spouses receive a very large number of flowers from all relatives and friends. We will figure out which are suitable and which are better not to bring to the celebration.

Flowers of white and cream shades are best suited for the ceremony. Lilies of the valley symbolize fidelity, peonies - joy. Avoid red roses and carnations, appropriate for concerts and awards, as well as yellow flowers, which symbolize separation. If you want to choose roses, then a delicate shade will do, but not red.
Flowers in baskets or woven in the shape of animals will look great. If you give flowers to the groom, then the flowers should be on long stems.

We hope you already have a lot of ideas for sure, and you want to start preparing a surprise for the bride and groom as soon as possible. May you and your loved ones always be lucky in life, especially in love. Happy holidays and interesting days! We wish you fun and love!

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 3 minutes


The question “what to give friends for a wedding” baffles many. And really - what to give? I do not want banal gifts - blankets, wine glasses in boxes and irons. Yes, and money is awkward somehow. What if they get offended? What to give to friends, and how can you surprise them?

  • Fulfilling the dream of "marriagers"! The newlyweds certainly have a common dream. For example, wave to the island and spend a couple of weeks alone with each other near the ocean, sipping coconut milk through straws. Or look at your favorite city from a bird's eye view, and then jump with a parachute. Or maybe they dream of two mountain bikes and a bike trip to the mountains together? Carry out the necessary "detective" work among their relatives - and go ahead, for a gift!
  • Aquarium with fish. It all depends on financial possibilities. This may be a small, but original aquarium with a goldfish. Or a huge aquarium with all the necessary system and rare chic fish. In any case, the gift will come in handy - beautiful, solid, symbolic ("for money that will not be transferred in the house").
  • And yet money! If nothing original comes to mind, or the newlyweds transparently hinted at empty pockets, then why not - give money. Just don't stuff them into a white envelope - decorate the gift in a non-trivial way. For example, order a beautiful solid photo album, fill it with photos of the newlyweds and them in the company of friends, and put banknotes in a separate pocket on the cover. Or, for example, arrange a gift in the form of a panel under glass - “for a fur coat for a wife”, “for a husband for fishing rods” and “for children for booties”. Or fill a beautiful basket with small cabbages (with a hint), and hide an envelope with money at the bottom (just remember to whisper in your friends ear that the cabbage should be sorted out before midnight). You can also use the option of a money tree, a box in a box, etc. Turn on your imagination!

  • Bed linen and pillows Seems like a practical gift to you? So be it. But, again, in the original version: order your gift at a photo studio. Let on pillows and a blanket there will be an image of smiling newlyweds or their dreams.
  • If there are enough funds, then a gift can be a flight in a hot air balloon and, as a continuation of the "banquet", relaxation, for example, in a spa or water park . Let your friends remember your gift. Afraid of heights and dislikes water slides? Too modern? Book them tickets to a concert of your favorite artist, pay for train tickets and a hotel room "for lovers".
  • Horse riding with photo session. Pleasant memories and a sea of ​​positive are guaranteed. A two-hour horseback ride, white horses, a professional photo session, and then 1-2 days in a country house with a fireplace and a refrigerator full of goodies - just for two.
  • Butterfly salute. A very popular, it is worth noting, a gift that always causes a lot of positive emotions. Large tropical butterflies "suddenly" fly out of a pre-prepared gift box - a bewitching sight. Just clarify all the nuances of transporting and waking up butterflies (in the cold they sleep, and for the spectacular gift of butterflies, you should wake them up after “warming up” the box). You can pack butterflies in one large box or give each guest a small one. The most spectacular will be the "fireworks" - butterflies released from the boxes at a time. For example, during the first dance of the newlyweds.

  • Gift certificates (for good dishes, furniture, household appliances, etc.). Of course, we decorate the gift in the most unusual way - we give it to the designer or turn on the fantasy. For example, in a basket with 2 personalized glasses created to order, a bottle of expensive champagne and sweets / fruits. Or in a designer box filled with dried flowers.
  • Picture of newlyweds. Of course, we work for the positive - we materialize the dream of the newlyweds. That is, the dream of the newlyweds in the picture must be present without fail. The form can be any - in the form of a cartoon, a huge half-wall canvas or an antique painting. We select the frame according to the content, and on the reverse side of the picture there is a hiding place with an envelope “Family stash”.

  • Horseshoe for happiness. The gift will become original if you approach its creation with imagination. Let it be a horseshoe made of precious metal. Or as in the old days - from blued steel. We decorate it solidly, supplement it with an original congratulation and a flower toy (we order it in any floristic salon with an eye on the hobbies of the newlyweds).

And do not forget to "throw the bait" to future spouses. It is quite possible that they dream of quite traditional things - for example, a home brewery, a huge TV, or a honeymoon trip along the Golden Ring of Russia.

On the eve of the wedding, each invited guest tries to prepare not only an original congratulation, but also an unusual gift. If the long-awaited celebration is approaching, and you still do not know what to give your friends for the wedding, consider ideas for romantic, comic, original surprises. A well-chosen gift will evoke pleasant emotions in the newlyweds not only on the wedding day, but will also bring joy for many years.

Wedding gift ideas from friends

Having received an invitation to the wedding of friends, immediately proceed to the choice of a gift. A carefully selected surprise will pleasantly surprise the newlyweds and make the celebration unforgettable. Remember that the presented presents should not cause resentment or embarrassment among the newlyweds. Therefore, when choosing a wedding surprise for friends, do not forget about the sense of proportion.

Inexpensive gift options

The wedding of friends is a long-awaited event that gives you the opportunity to prove the sincerity of your feelings in the form of toasts, wishes and gifts. When going to an event, pick up surprises that are commensurate with your financial capabilities. We offer you to use the ideas of inexpensive presentations:

  1. Appliances. It is customary for newlyweds to give practical things that will become indispensable in everyday life. A budget option would be a present in the form of a bread machine, multicooker, blender, toaster, coffee maker, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, food processor. Together with other friends, collect the necessary amount and purchase useful home appliances for the young family. To make an ordinary gift acquire a touch of originality, accompany its presentation with a comic verse.
  2. Linens. To decorate the marriage bed for the newlyweds, a sheet and a duvet cover with a beautiful print will help. Choose high-quality bedding so that the bride and groom can use it for a long time. You can consider the option with a blanket, bedspread or warm blanket.
  3. A set of towels. This is the best budget option for friends for a wedding. To make the surprise look presentable, buy a set in a beautiful package. Towels given to the newlyweds on the day of the wedding celebration symbolize a strong and friendly family.
  4. Statuette. A memorable and inexpensive gift for a wedding is a porcelain or ceramic figurine in the form of an animal, a human figure or a horseshoe. Such an item will become a talisman in the apartment of a young family.
  5. Tableware. A traditional wedding gift is a service, a vase or a set of dishes. These things for a young housewife will become indispensable for preparing family dinners or when receiving guests.

Unusual gifts

You can surprise your friends at the wedding with the help of unusual surprises. If you are planning to give a unique item that will be special for the newlyweds, you should carefully consider all the ideas. Remember, perhaps your friends told you about their dreams, desires. Then you will have a unique chance to bring them to life. But if you do not know what to give your friends for a wedding, use the following ideas:

  1. A handmade gift. If you are fond of needlework or can create unique things yourself, give a young family a surprise made by yourself. Such a gift will be original and will not duplicate the surprises of other guests.
  2. Photo collage. To give the newlyweds an unusual surprise, create a collage of joint photos for them. You can make a small poster or a huge wall panel.
  3. Flash mob. Organize an interesting dance in the form of a flash mob. For this action, use all the friends invited to the wedding.
  4. Candy bar. Modern traditions of weddings suggest using special zones at the event, where a huge amount of sweets is located. You can place the candy bar under a thin curtain, and open it at the right time, surprising the newlyweds. Ask the young people in advance if they will have such a sweet table so as not to duplicate the idea.


The whole wedding day will be full of positive emotions, romantic feelings and reciprocity. To keep this mood with friends throughout their family life, give them a gift that will once again remind them of their strong, true and eternal love. These ideas will help you choose a romantic surprise for friends:

  1. Fireworks. You can end your wedding day romantically by giving your friends a fantastic fireworks display. In order for the action to take place in compliance with fire safety, do not forget to invite experienced pyrotechnicians.
  2. Honeymoon. If your friends dream of spending their honeymoon on the seashore, then give them a ticket to the resort. So that this present does not turn out to be very expensive for you, organize a joint purchase with the parents of the newlyweds.
  3. Wedding night at the hotel. The final stage of the wedding for the newlyweds is considered a romantic night. Its holding will become exclusive if you book a room in a luxury hotel for friends.
  4. wedding clip. Invite an experienced videographer to capture your friends' wedding. Some professionals will be able to demonstrate the video at the end of the evening.
  5. Swimming with dolphins. If your friends are a romantic couple, they will certainly appreciate the gift of a ticket to an exciting dolphin show. Don't forget to book your sailing date in advance.


You can surprise with a gift not only the newlyweds, but also all the guests present. With the help of an original present, you will receive a lot of applause from your parents and friends. An unusual wish or a toast in the Armenian style will be an additional decoration for the gift. Rehearse your congratulations in advance so that everything goes perfectly. If you are looking for ideas for an original presentation, these ideas will help you:

  1. Money Tree. If an ordinary gift is presented in an original form, then it is perceived in a special way. To give money for a wedding, arrange it in the form of tree petals. Build an original crown yourself.
  2. Candy bouquet. You can replace traditional natural flowers with a bouquet that consists of sweets. Newlyweds will be delighted with such an original and sweet gift.


A surprise presented to the newlyweds on their wedding day will be remembered for many years if it caused a storm of positive emotions and a cheerful mood. To create a friendly and joyful atmosphere at the upcoming celebration, give the newlyweds comic presents. Before giving a gift, do not forget to rehearse the speech in advance. Comic surprises should be given under a humorous toast. The following ideas will help you decide on the option of a wedding gift for friends:

  1. Personalized t-shirts. T-shirts with their names, photos or funny phrases will be a fun surprise for the newlyweds. In this outfit, the newlyweds will be able to appear on the second day of the wedding.
  2. Joke certificate. On the eve of the celebration, purchase a comic diploma, certificate or certificate in the wedding paraphernalia store. If you are good at graphic computer programs, then you can make such a surprise yourself. For example, it is customary for newlyweds to be awarded the right to drive a baby carriage or a diploma of the best husband. An alternative to such a certificate would be a medal with a comic engraving.
  3. Cake in a comic design. You can surprise all the guests present and make the newlyweds laugh with a gift in the form of a cake, on which funny figures or inscriptions are laid out of mastic. Order a unique masterpiece from a professional confectioner or bake it yourself.
  4. Pillows with inscriptions. Give the newlyweds pillows with an original print. Going to bed and waking up in the morning, your friends will remember you with a smile.
  5. Caricature. Pre-order a comic picture of the newlyweds from a professional artist. For this, the personal presence of the bride and groom is not necessary, an experienced portrait painter will quickly draw a caricature from a photograph.

A wedding is a beautiful and exciting event. What holiday is complete without gifts?

A wedding gift should be relevant and memorable. Usually for a wedding they give something that is useful in life together - money, household appliances, household items, dishes. But in order to surprise the newlyweds, you can present an unusual gift that will bring a storm of emotions, and which they will remember for a long time to come.

Here are original ideas that can be an independent gift or an addition to the main one.

What to give for a wedding?

1. A bouquet of money

Money is the best and most common wedding gift. If you don’t want to present them in the classic way in an envelope or postcard, then you should make a bouquet of money. Flowers from beautifully twisted banknotes will make a splash and delight the heroes of the occasion.

2. What to give for a wedding - something that remains in memory for a lifetime - Impression!

Horseback riding, hot air ballooning, tickets to a concert of your favorite band, joint painting lessons and much more - knowing about the interests of the couple, you can give exactly what they like for the wedding.

3. Travel

Abroad or an excursion to a beautiful place that is a few hours drive from home - this is determined only by the budget that the guest can allocate for a gift. Such a surprise will undoubtedly be the most striking and unforgettable.

4. Portrait of the young

A hand-drawn picture, a friendly cartoon, or a large canvas with a photo of the newlyweds is a wonderful gift for a wedding. This present will decorate your home and cause a storm of positive emotions.

5. Photo shoot for a couple

A great idea for a wedding gift, especially if the newlyweds love to be photographed. Spouses will remember such a gift for a long time, looking through wonderful photos.

6. Wedding photo album

A necessary thing, because after the wedding there will be a lot of pictures. And if it is also made or decorated by hand, with the names of the bride and groom and the date of the wedding, then there is no price for it.

7. Cast of hands

An interesting idea for a wedding gift is a set of special plaster and a mold that allows you to make a cast of two hands. It looks very touching and romantic. And the resulting own masterpiece will become an individual home decor.

8. Romantic figurine

A wonderful addition to a monetary gift is an unusual romantic figurine, symbolizing two figures or a bride and groom. It will become a reminder of the wedding and of who gave it.

9. Wedding dress box

A good gift idea for a bride is a large wedding dress box. So that after the holiday it is stored in a decent place, and not gathering dust on a hanger. True beauty should be packaged in a beautiful box. The bride will appreciate such a practical and unusual approach.

Paired t-shirts, pillows, sets of towels, bathrobes, a double umbrella, mittens for lovers - will be a cute reminder of your feelings for each other. Such a present can be made unique by ordering an embroidered monogram of the first letters of the names of the bride and groom or their common surname.

11. Dolls of the bride and groom

You can order miniature copies of the bride and groom from puppeteers - they will be exactly like the heroes of the celebration and will make an indelible impression.

12. Pedigree book

A great gift idea, especially if the newlyweds are interested in the history of their family. Such books can be filled in together, pasted photographs and learn new things about the history of your kind and the family of your soul mate. When the newlyweds fill them, they will tell about the past of the family and become a real value for their children.

13. Personal gifts

A magazine about a couple, a glass heart with a photo, a lock engraved with the names of the bride and groom - personalized gifts are always highly appreciated, because they were not just bought, but efforts were made to make them unique or made just for you.

14. Creative gift

An option for talented and creative guests. A gift in the form of a song, a verse specially designed for the couple or a painted picture will be a warm and unforgettable reminder of the solemn day. Such a gift will be a very pleasant surprise for a young couple.

15. Barrel of honey

To make the gift memorable, you can present a small barrel of honey or a barrel with a cash gift. And at the same time to wish for a honeymoon to eat all the honey and spend all the money. All guests and, of course, the bride and groom will appreciate the originality and sense of humor.

What to give for a wedding is a matter of taste and when going to a celebration, you should think about what to give and how to arrange it. But the main thing in the gift is the sincerity of the giver and the wish of happiness and long years to the married couple.

Before the celebration, each guest thinks not only about congratulations, but also about what to give friends for the wedding. Gifts can be original, and useful, comic and romantic. But the main thing is that they leave pleasant memories for the newlyweds and bring joyful emotions.

Original wedding gifts

Of course, you can give useful, practical gifts that will be useful in the household for many years. And you can surprise the newlyweds by presenting unique, original gifts that the young couple is unlikely to have acquired for themselves. To choose the right original wedding gift, you need to listen to the desires and dreams of your friends.

Examples of unusual gifts:

  1. Create a collage of joint photos of the newlyweds, or tell the story of friends in photos from meeting to marriage. It can be a small poster or a huge panel, it all depends on your imagination.
  2. An unusual and emotional gift will be a flash mob organized by friends and other invited guests. The best option would be a dance, you can choose the music for it that both the groom and the bride like.
  3. Give friends a trip to the country they dreamed of going to. If it is too expensive, then you can offer to organize such a gift with your parents or other close relatives.
  4. An unexpected gift will be a night in a honeymoon hotel. To do this, you need to book a room in an excellent hotel in advance.
  5. Invite a high-class operator to the celebration, who will present a video of the wedding day at the end of the evening.

DIY gifts

If you have the ability for needlework, then you can surprise the newlyweds with a handmade gift.

You can draw a picture depicting marriage, or a portrait of a newly married couple, or the place where the bride and groom met. The picture can be drawn or embroidered with threads, beads - the scope for imagination is wide.

Those who know how to knit and sew can present dolls that look like newlyweds as a gift. You can also make them using the felting technique. Put them in a beautiful box with a fabric lining, and the gift is ready.

You can make wool not only dolls, but also, for example, a pair of boots and beat the well-known saying “two boots - a pair”. Shoes or shoes can be decorated with a black tuxedo and a white outfit or veil.

An interesting and original gift will be a book about a family. On the first pages, independently issue a congratulation on the day of marriage and attach photos, describe the history of the acquaintance. And invite the newlyweds to continue to fill out the pages of the book every wedding anniversary.

Gifts for a print wedding

1 year of marriage flies by unnoticed, during this time the young husband and wife got used to each other, survived the first disagreements and quarrels, and learned to understand each other. For a calico wedding, people usually give things made from this thin, light material.

For example, you can sew printed bedding, curtains, clothes. The simplest thing is napkins, everyone can handle their manufacture.

You can give aprons for the kitchen, print images of spouses or funny pictures on them.

For spouses with a good sense of humor, you can present pajamas for the wife and family shorts in classic polka dots for the husband. It is not necessary to fit exactly in size, it will be funnier if things turn out to be large and voluminous.

You can also make a picture out of chintz. To do this, on the basis of fabric, you need to embroider a congratulation and put it under glass in a frame.

Wooden wedding gifts

Have friends already passed 5 years from the date of the wedding? This is already a significant period, most likely the young family has already acquired its own home and acquired a child, or even more than one. That is, the family has taken root, so the anniversary of the fifth anniversary of family life is called wooden.

Suitable gifts for a wooden wedding:

  1. Furniture items: shelves, stools, coasters, a small chest of drawers.
  2. Wood boxes.
  3. Wooden utensils.
  4. Wood figurines: statues, bonsai.
  5. Living plant.
  6. An addition to the congratulations can be an armful of firewood, tied with a bright ribbon.

Pink Wedding Gifts

For a pink wedding, then eat for 10 years of marriage, it is advisable to give practical gifts. Which will be useful to spouses.

The easiest way is to ask friends what they need first of all, what would be a useful gift for them. Of course, this is permissible only for the closest people.

Suitable as a gift tea or table service, decorated with roses, or a set of glasses in scarlet color.

If money does not allow you to make chic presents, then you can practically and inexpensively get by with a set of high-quality bed linen. Or pick up a good blanket, a set of bath towels, bathrobes. Or donate accessories: tie, scarf, stole.

Silver wedding gifts

For a silver wedding, gifts should be solid, emphasizing the seriousness and strength of the relationship of the spouses.

For a wife, you can present a beautiful flower in a pot, and for a husband, an interesting book, in accordance with his interests.

Also, on the 25th anniversary, a good present is high-quality alcohol with an aging equal to the number of years lived together.

Children can give their parents a trip to the sea or to the country they dreamed of going to.

A nice gift will be a photo album, already filled with photographs for all the years of married life in chronological order. You can supplement them with signatures and wishes.

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