Change in skin type during pregnancy. Skin condition during pregnancy


Changes in the condition of the skin during pregnancy are noticed by all women. For some, these changes occur to a greater extent, and for others, to a lesser extent.
The skin condition changes most noticeably in the second three months of pregnancy.

Why do skin changes occur during pregnancy?

This happens, of course, due to the activity of pregnancy hormones. The circulation also changes. It is the change in blood circulation that you owe to that amazing, luminous complexion that is characteristic of pregnant women. The sebaceous and sweat glands work differently during pregnancy. They are activated, which is why many women notice that they sweat more and their skin becomes oilier during pregnancy. The mechanism responsible for skin pigmentation also works more intensively. Moreover, if you are naturally dark-skinned, then there will be more surprises such as age spots, freckles, and they will be brighter. Girls with pale skin can practically not be afraid of age spots. Do not be afraid, as soon as your baby is born, the hormonal background will begin to return to normal and the skin color will even out again.

Pigment spots on the face

The greatest experience is delivered to women during pregnancy by age spots on the face. This is the so-called mask of pregnant women. The mask of pregnant women appears closer to the middle of pregnancy. It happens suddenly. One morning you suddenly find these brownish spots on your face. This is the reaction of skin cells to the action of progesterone and estrogen. Cells begin to intensively produce melanin, but this happens spontaneously, so the skin does not darken evenly. If you are a brunette or a brown-haired woman, try to expose your face to the sun's rays less. Then the mask of pregnant women, if it appears, will not be so bright.

Pimples on the face

During pregnancy, you may develop long-forgotten acne on your face. Acne skin care is no different from what you did when you were fifteen. Do not use scrubs and peeling creams. The maximum that you can clean your face with is a scrub based on oatmeal. Under no circumstances should you try to drink any acne medicines, they can harm the baby.

Other skin problems during pregnancy

During pregnancy, your hands and feet may become brighter in color and sometimes itchy. This is also due to the changed hormonal background. Unpleasant sensations will pass immediately after childbirth.

Spider veins may appear on the skin or even on the whites of the eyes. Especially often this happens already during childbirth. These defects sometimes go away on their own, and in some cases, to remove the vascular network from the skin of the face, you have to seek help from a specialist.

During pregnancy, you may be visited by such a skin attack as papillomas. These are very small elongated warts that most often appear under the armpits, under the breasts or on the neck. If papillomas appeared during pregnancy, then they will pass by themselves as soon as the baby is born.

And another strange sore that occurs in pregnant women is prickly heat. A little later, you will get acquainted with this problem in detail using the example of your baby, but now it's your turn. As mentioned above, sweat and sebaceous glands work more actively during pregnancy. The body sweats and in some places small red pimples appear under the influence of friction. They can cause itching. Itching sometimes appears in those places where the skin is subjected to strong stretching.

From all that has been said above, the medical board of the site can conclude that, no matter what the nature of the skin problems that appear during pregnancy, one thing is clear. The skin of a pregnant woman requires more careful care. Spend a few extra minutes a day rubbing in special beauty products or a face mask. Then pregnancy will only benefit your skin.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

And my skin on my arms and legs, starting from 30 weeks, has become terribly dry, no cream helps ((I hope that it will pass after childbirth

And I have pimples all over my face and every day there are more and more of them and they are so reddeningly red I don’t know what to do with them

I was very pale during my pregnancy. I did not notice any unusual state of the face in myself, and in other girls too. None of my friends had age spots. A particularly beautiful color is also an invention of the people. There was no color. Skin like skin. Only now I say that she was pale. I used the same tools as always. Nothing special or new. They suit me well, why change then, because new ones may not fit.

My colleague gave birth to her first child with difficulty, she had a large one, and she gave birth for a long time. So all the whites of her eyes were covered with broken blood vessels. And on the neck, too, the vessels burst. Then, over time, everything went away. The skin became white and beautiful again. And my eyes didn't hurt at all. So there is no need to be afraid of such things. It all passes, everything is temporary. The main thing is that the child is born healthy, and that you also do not suffer seriously. And the skin will come back.

Pregnancy on the condition of the skin is not too affected. The skin is what it used to be. But during breastfeeding, my skin really aged. Wrinkles appeared near the corners of the eyes, and from the corner of the eye and immediately to the temple. It's impossible not to notice it up close. And I didn't notice any other changes. Although in general the body seemed to have matured. There are many new things. I wouldn't take much of this. But the body does not ask what we want.

It seems to me that all the talk about skin changes during pregnancy is too exaggerated. I didn't notice them at all. Skin like skin. I'm not dark, so I never had any problems with pigmentation. I did not use any special skin care products. The girls were all chasing expensive creams for stretch marks, and I used a simple body cream. Nothing expensive or special. The result is the same for me as for them. Stretch marks still appear.

I had papillomas a little before. But during pregnancy, a lot of them appeared in those places where they had not been before. I think that this virus lives in the blood, and when pregnant, the immune system falls. Here are all sorts of dirty tricks and bloom luxuriantly. I fight with papillomas very simply - I cut them off with nail clippers. Previously, of course, I disinfect the wire cutters and cut right under the root. Sometimes it bleeds a little. But it usually heals easily. Only this can be done with small papillomas.

My friend had freckles and spots all over her face during pregnancy. She didn't know what to do with it, poor thing. I suffered throughout my pregnancy, smeared my face with cucumbers. If only some kind person told her that as soon as she gives birth, it will all pass by itself. And then after all, she thought that for the rest of her life she would be so pockmarked. But in fact, everything went away in two months after the birth. The face became normal. So don't worry who gets these spots.

I sweat a lot more after giving birth. During pregnancy somehow it was not so noticeable. And the skin hasn't changed much either. But sweat during breastfeeding has become more caustic, it smells stronger. In terms of quantity, it seems to be the same amount, not more. But those deodorants that used to help, now they have become completely ineffective. Probably some hormonal changes.

I have had some rashes on my skin in the last trimesters. Type of hives. At first, everything was fine, toxicosis did not particularly torment me. And in the end, the skin deteriorated. Doctors said that this is such an individual reaction of the body. This is how it all ended. I did not take any drugs and, in the end, after giving birth, all the rashes went away by themselves. This is probably what the doctors were counting on, that it would go away on its own. Here it is gone.

Today, there are so many different skin care products that, for sure, manufacturers have taken care of clients in an interesting position. I from creams saw only from extensions. There are many such funds. I did not specifically buy a cream for stretch marks, but I used a baby cream. I read that it helps too. Stretch marks have formed on my stomach, but not very noticeable and not very large. Therefore, I do not worry. You can't heal anymore.

I didn’t have any spots on my face during pregnancy, they write that they can be, but my pregnancy took place in autumn-winter and a little bit in spring, so there was not much sun and there were no spots. I cannot say that there were any changes with the skin. Everything seems to be as usual. Used all the usual skin care products and nothing else. There was no allergy to anything either, she even dyed her hair with her usual preparation.

As for the condition of the skin during pregnancy, I can not say anything. Neither I nor any of my friends had any skin changes during pregnancy. What she was, such and has remained. But after giving birth, there are really significant changes. A year after the birth of the child, I noticed the appearance of crow's feet around the eyes, the same story happened to my girlfriend, who, by the way, will be younger than me. And the wrinkles are already there. In addition, my hair became oilier, and I sweat more. This was especially true during the period until menstruation was restored.

Already from the first weeks of waiting for the baby, the skin of the face of the expectant mother seems to be changing - it becomes even, smooth and silky. During pregnancy, all the defects that cause so much trouble and grief at the usual time disappear. Pimples, black dots on the nose, peeling, feeling of tightness and oily sheen of the skin disappear. The expectant mother owes these pleasant changes to the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy.

The main reason for the appearance of acne, boils, black spots, acne on the skin is an increase in the blood of a woman androgens - male sex hormones. These substances, which are normally present in the blood of both men and women, regulate the acid-base balance of the skin and the secretion of the sebaceous glands. With an excess of androgens, the secretion of the sebaceous glands becomes too thick and clogs their excretory ducts - thus, black dots and small pimples appear on the skin. In addition, with an excess of androgens, the pH (acidity) of the skin is disturbed; this leads to a decrease in its barrier function, that is, to a loss of protection against infection. In this case, bacteria penetrate into the formed sebaceous plugs from the surface of the skin, which begin to multiply and cause inflammation of the sebaceous glands. As a result, acne may appear.

During pregnancy, everything changes for the better due to the fact that the expectant mother begins to secrete the hormone progesterone. This substance is often called the "hormone of pregnancy", since it is it that ensures the regulation of all processes aimed at bearing the fetus.

From the first days of pregnancy, progesterone significantly suppresses the production of male sex hormones, since, among other things, they cause an increase in the tone of the uterus - a very undesirable "side effect" for the expectant mother. Hyperandrogenism, or an excess of male sex hormones, is a major risk factor in the development of threatened miscarriage. Therefore, normally, the hormonal system of the expectant mother is rebuilt in the direction of reducing the production of androgens and increasing the synthesis of estrogens.

Estrogens are female sex hormones secreted by the ovaries; they are responsible for such properties of the skin as elasticity, silkiness and smoothness. Due to the predominance of these hormones during pregnancy, in most women, the feeling of tightness and peeling of the skin, as well as an unpleasant oily sheen on the “problem” areas of the face, disappears. Vitamins A and E play an important role in the synthesis of estrogen; they determine the state of elastin and collagen fibers in the structure of the skin, the amount of fluid in the cells of its uppermost layer - the epidermis, and hence its silkiness and elasticity.

It is important that the expectant mother can influence the condition of her skin with the help of a properly selected daily menu: vitamin A is found in nuts, butter, eggs, milk, carrots, avocados and marine fish liver. Vitamin E, which is perfectly absorbed from food, necessary during pregnancy and also affects the health of the skin, enters the body from vegetable oils, olives and olives, avocados, nuts, beans and peas. A lot of vitamin E is found in buckwheat and oatmeal, lettuce and spinach, as well as animal products - kidneys, liver and milk. The inclusion of these products in the daily diet provides a good tone, smoothness and silkiness of the skin of the expectant mother, and also helps in the prevention of stretch marks.

Expectant mothers owe a pleasant complexion to improved blood supply to tissues during pregnancy. During this period, the blood becomes less viscous and moves faster through the vessels. In addition to an increase in blood flow velocity, with a successful pregnancy, there is a greater saturation of blood with oxygen; this happens due to the release of reserves of hemoglobin - a substance that ensures the transport of oxygen to cells. Such a restructuring of blood circulation is necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby, because nutrition and oxygen are supplied to him through the smallest vessels of the placenta. Improving the microcirculation of blood flow through small-diameter vessels provides not only the full life support of the fetus, but also a good blood supply to the mother's tissues, including her skin. As a result, the skin acquires an even healthy color, becomes radiant and looks even younger than before pregnancy. The female sex hormones estrogens do not stand aside either: they provide a charming blush on the cheeks of expectant mothers. Estrogens slightly dilate the vessels of the capillary bed, which are rich in facial skin. Therefore, during pregnancy, many women stop using corrector, face tone and blush - they simply are not needed!

There is another cosmetic tool that often remains unclaimed during pregnancy - a corrective remedy for dark circles under the eyes. While waiting for the baby, the body of the expectant mother spends a lot of energy on life support, growth and development of the fetus. To restore strength and replenish the energy reserves of the body, you need good nutrition and, of course, good sleep. The need for rest during pregnancy always increases, so the time of night sleep for the expectant mother is significantly increased compared to what it was before pregnancy. A woman gets tired much faster, goes to bed earlier and sleeps soundly at night, so dark circles also remain in the past, because they are companions of chronic fatigue and eternal lack of sleep.

hair during pregnancy

Changes also occur with the hair of the expectant mother, which literally transforms - it becomes thick, strong, shiny and silky.

With the onset of pregnancy, problems such as dullness, greasy hair and dandruff disappear. All these unpleasant phenomena are related to the concept of seborrhea and are caused by an excess of male sex hormones in a woman's body. Since the production of androgens is markedly reduced during pregnancy, the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp usually normalizes. These hormonal changes immediately affect the condition of the future mother's hair: dullness and fatness remain in the past.

Against the background of improved blood supply and nutrition of epidermal cells, the scalp during pregnancy ceases to be irritated and flaky. Many women notice that dandruff, which previously could not be dealt with with the help of various means, disappeared on its own almost from the first weeks of the “interesting situation”. The result, as they say, is obvious: the hair grows faster, does not split or fall out, easily fit into the hair and stays clean longer. Such pleasant changes occur as a result of improved nutrition of hair follicles against the background of hypermicrocirculation - acceleration of blood flow in the capillaries of the scalp.

Nails during pregnancy

Much less problems during pregnancy and with a manicure. An increase in the production of female sex hormones has a positive effect on the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body of a future mother. The nail plates become even, transparent and shiny, stripes and ugly white dots disappear, associated with a lack of calcium and iron in the body.
Positive changes concern not only the nail plates themselves, but also the cuticle, the nail bed, as well as the adjacent skin of the fingertips. Improving microcirculation and nutrition of the skin of the nail bed contributes to the appearance of a natural pink shade of nails and getting rid of hyperkeratosis, which is the main "culprit" of increased keratinization of the cuticle and the formation of burrs around the nails. As a result, the hands and nails of the future mother look healthy and well-groomed - often without much effort on the part of the "hostess".

breast during pregnancy

An increase in the size and shape of the breasts is another pleasant change associated with the onset of pregnancy. The mammary glands undergo a number of characteristic metamorphoses, which all pregnant women pay attention to.
External changes and changes in well-being usually appear already on the fifth or seventh day from the moment of conception. Expectant mothers pay attention to slight aching sensations in the chest, accompanied by a feeling of fullness. Touching the mammary glands during this period may cause a slight feeling of discomfort, and the nipple and areola area may become particularly sensitive.

Soon, the unpleasant sensations pass and external, more pleasant changes appear, which also cannot go unnoticed. The breast increases in size, becomes dense to the touch; the shape of the breast, the shape of the areola and the size of the nipple may change slightly. The skin on the nipple and areola becomes denser and acquires a brighter color; sometimes the skin of the nipple darkens. These changes are associated with the release of progesterone by the corpus luteum of the ovary in the first days after fertilization, and in later periods with a similar hormonal function of the placenta. Thus, the body prepares for the upcoming lactation - breastfeeding.
By the end of the first month, discomfort in the mammary glands gradually disappears, but external changes can persist throughout the entire pregnancy. The breast becomes fuller, increases by one or two, and sometimes even by three sizes, the shape of the mammary gland becomes rounded and more feminine. In order for the breasts to remain beautiful after pregnancy and feeding, it is necessary to carefully care for them during these periods. For this purpose, you can apply contrast douches and other hardening procedures, apply stretch mark cream on the breast skin daily and use special underwear for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Movement during pregnancy

During pregnancy, not only the appearance changes, but also the manner of movement. Proud posture, feminine gait, smooth gestures are characteristic of a woman in an "interesting position". The new role subconsciously makes the expectant mother move more smoothly and carefully, so angular movements and sharp gestures disappear from everyday life. Especially noticeable are changes in the posture and gait of a woman; they are associated with a shift in the center of gravity relative to the spine due to the growth of the pregnant uterus. As the duration of pregnancy increases, and with it the load on the dorsal spine, the expectant mother involuntarily straightens her shoulders and throws her head back.

Pleasant concessions

In addition to changes in appearance, the very style of life of the expectant mother is changing and, as a result, the attitude of those around her. During pregnancy, even the strongest and most purposeful business woman can give herself a break, feel tender, fragile, weak. Friends, relatives, and just the surrounding people begin to treat the expectant mother with increased attention: you want to take care of her, protect her from stress and worries, everyday problems.

The expectant mother has every right to refuse boring duties, harmful work and labor overload. An employee in an “interesting position” has every right to refuse to work seven days a week and at night. And business trips with all their “charms”: stations, trains, planes, changing time zones and dubious hotels can be conceded to non-pregnant colleagues. And perhaps the best part is that during pregnancy, a woman really has the right to these concessions: it is even supported by the relevant articles of labor legislation.

The same applies to household chores, which - to be honest - not all women love! In this area, the expectant mother also relies on many pleasant indulgences. A pregnant woman should not clean with household chemicals, inhale dust and washing powder, stand at a hot stove or ironing board for a long time, carry heavy grocery bags. All these unpleasant duties can be transferred with a pure heart to the rest of the family.

Pregnancy is an ideal time to implement long-delayed ideas for cultural activities. It is here that we should expect a lot of positive emotions necessary for a pregnant woman. It is possible that attending a fashion exhibition or a jazz music concert does not have a direct impact on the spiritual development of the child, however, the indirect positive effect of cultural leisure activities is obvious: the expectant mother relaxes, rests and enjoys, which means that all this benefits the baby.

While waiting for the baby, you can finally pay attention to yourself. This time can be used in different ways - the main thing is that the activity is enjoyable. Someone begins to visit spas and beauty salons more often, someone finally decides to go in for sports or health. During pregnancy, even the busiest women find time for a full medical examination, visit a dentist, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, cardiologist and other specialists. Many during pregnancy for the first time begin to visit the pool, do gymnastics and walk in the fresh air.

The future mother has wonderful opportunities for self-education, expanding the range of interests and acquiring new useful skills. During this period, many women increase their creative abilities. It is during pregnancy that many women master knitting and embroidery, singing, belly dancing, begin to practice yoga, learn to make funny toys for the baby with their own hands. Someone is enthusiastically engaged in the re-organization of the house and the design of the children's room, someone is fond of photography or learns a foreign language during maternity leave.

And what great opportunities for shopping provides an interesting position! After all, this is a real reason to update the wardrobe, and not just once, but several times during pregnancy! This is the purchase of dowry for the baby and furniture for the nursery, the choice of a stroller, playpen, carrying, toys, a high chair and a lot of wonderful things that are so nice to look at, compare and buy. Nothing lifts a woman's mood and self-esteem like high-quality and successful shopping - especially if the purchases are really necessary and no one will reproach the customer for extra spending.

A pregnant woman is given a seat in transport, skipped a line at the cash desk, and helped to carry bags. And most importantly - everyone, even complete strangers, begins to smile at her. And this is not at all surprising: the expectant mother carries a new life in herself, which means that she herself is a symbol of life and pleasant changes!

Facial skin: care during pregnancy

On the Domashny channel from Monday to Thursday there is a new one, in which the wife and Dmitry Dibrov. Star heroines talk about how they prepare for childbirth, how they relax, what problems they face and how they take care of themselves.

It is no secret that the hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy, greatly affects the condition of the skin of the face: it can become drier or, conversely, more oily. Pigmentation and various inflammations may appear. However, as practice shows, problems with the skin of the face arise not only due to changes in hormonal status, but also due to a banal lack of vitamins. The appearance of age spots may indicate a deficiency of vitamin C, excessive dryness of the skin - the lack of vitamins A and E. That is why it is advisable for the expectant mother to take a special vitamin complex throughout pregnancy. In addition, it is important to eat a balanced diet, include more lean meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.

The appearance of age spots during pregnancy- the case is quite common, and is also associated with changes in the hormonal background. As a rule, after childbirth, they disappear without additional intervention. However, in order not to aggravate the problem of pigmentation, starting from the first trimester, it is worth using a face cream with sunscreens. In summer, the protection factor should be maximum: SPF 30 and above, in winter SPF 10-15 will be enough.

If age spots still appear, you can try to slightly whiten them at home, using safe natural cosmetics. For example, wipe your face twice a day with a decoction of parsley (for normal, dry and sensitive skin) or a slice of lemon 1-2 times a day (for oily and problematic skin). But with whitening creams, you should be careful: they may contain ingredients that are undesirable for pregnant women (for example, hydroquinone). Other popular whitening ingredients (such as kojic acid or vitamin C) can irritate the skin and increase sensitivity during pregnancy.

Oksana Pavlenko

dermatologist-cosmetologist of the clinic of aesthetic medicine "TriActive", Ph.D.

During pregnancy, the pain threshold changes - it can both rise and fall, so painful procedures (for example, manual skin cleansing) during this period are undesirable. All procedures associated with skin trauma are prohibited: injections, many peels, laser and photo procedures, hair removal, etc. Skin care products should not contain antibiotics, hormones, retinoids and any pharmacological ingredients. From April to the end of September, it is imperative to use sunscreens with a protection factor of at least 30. Pregnant chloasma is an unpleasant and persistent aesthetic flaw, which can be dealt with only after the end of lactation.

Sometimes during pregnancy, the skin becomes dehydrated and dry(in this case, do not forget to provide the body with the proper amount of water), but most often, due to an increase in the level of progesterone, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, already in the first trimester on the face acne may appear. Keep in mind that many popular acne treatments are not suitable during this period, as they can adversely affect the fetus. These are, first of all, drugs with antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids.

Since during pregnancy skin becomes more sensitive, so the usual creams can cause irritation and allergies. In this case, it is worth switching to products marked “for sensitive skin” that do not contain the main irritating ingredients - fruit acids, alcohol, perfumes, parabens, essential oils.

By the way, do not forget that most essential oils are contraindicated during pregnancy. Some of them can increase the tone of the uterus or even cause a miscarriage. Therefore, one should be wary of organic cosmetics, which often contain a large amount of essential oils, and the so-called cosmetic oils (usually mixtures of vegetable oils - avocado, wheat germ, shea butter, etc.) - they can also contain essential oils. Despite the fact that there are quite a few of them, most aromatherapists still advise against taking risks, especially if you have not used cosmetics with essential oils before.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. This is relevant not only for the internal organs and systems of a woman, but also for the skin, the state of which is especially changing.

As a rule, facial skin becomes oilier during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background of a woman is changing, as well as the activation of the sebaceous and sweat glands. True, there is a category of expectant mothers who note that their skin, with the onset of pregnancy, has become drier.

Some women have pigmentation of the skin on the face for 9 months. For example, chloasma (spots on the forehead, nose and cheeks) may occur. As a rule, in pregnant women with fair skin, these spots are dark in color, while in dark-skinned women, on the contrary, they are light. After giving birth, everything will return to normal. In the meantime, try to stay out of the sun less, as under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the color of these spots can become more intense. In girls with freckles, during pregnancy, the face will become brighter and “reddish”. The owners of pale skin are the least susceptible to pigmentation. But for brunettes and brown-haired women, the risk of having a “mask of pregnant women,” as facial pigmentation is called, is quite high. The reason for this phenomenon is also in the increased effect on the body of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. When the baby is born and the hormonal background levels off, everything will return to its previous state.

Many women with healthy pregnancies develop a blush on their cheeks. The reason for this phenomenon is the increased volume of blood, which actively flows through the numerous blood vessels located under the skin.

During pregnancy, a woman may appear on her face. In no case do not try to drink any medication for acne, they can harm the baby.

Better take care of your face with harmless hypoallergenic cosmetics and natural products often used in home cosmetics. Acne can also appear against the background of hormonal changes. In this case, a woman needs the help of a dermatocosmetologist to prevent scarring.

Some pregnant women note that they have hair on their faces. Don't worry, as most of this hair will also disappear after childbirth. The appearance of excessive hairiness is explained by accelerated blood flow and an increase in the amount of nutrients in the mother's body, causing improved nutrition of skin cells.

Often, swelling of the face can be observed during pregnancy. The mechanism of the occurrence of edema is associated with a change in water-salt metabolism, as well as as a result of a violation of the outflow of blood and lymph through the veins of the legs and changes in the blood and vascular wall. If a woman's face swells, then they talk about the third stage of edema. On the first one, edema is noted in the area of ​​the feet and legs, on the second - in the lower extremities, lower abdomen and lumbosacral region, on the third, edema on the hands joins, and pastosity of the face "puffiness" appears. The fourth stage is general edema.

Swelling of the face is noticeable visually: it becomes more round. In addition, you can independently determine whether there is puffiness: press your finger on the skin, if there is a hole left, then most likely it is swelling. With these symptoms, you need to see a doctor immediately. He will determine the exact cause of edema and prescribe adequate treatment. Inaction in this case can lead to serious problems. Most likely, with edema, the doctor will prescribe a lacto-vegetarian diet for a pregnant woman, ask her to limit the intake of table salt, and if necessary, prescribe medications.

And, finally, I would like to note one more thing. Unfortunately, various signs regarding pregnancy are still relevant in everyday life. One of them says this: a pregnant woman should not touch her face, because the child will have many birthmarks. It is not clear for what reasons such nonsense was invented many years ago. And although there is no relationship, some people try to touch their faces as little as possible. But is it really possible for 9 months not to wash your face, not scratch your nose, in general, never touch your face? And what is the connection between tactile contact to the mother's face and the baby's birthmarks? Therefore, be more reasonable and do not go on about unreasonable prejudices.

Be healthy! Happy and beautiful pregnancy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

In the third post of the "pregnancy series" we will talk about what problems occur with the skin during pregnancy, and how to deal with them.

"Blush" or rosacea during pregnancy

Due to increased blood circulation, a rather bright blush may appear on the cheeks. If the vessels are weak, then instead of a healthy blush, a small vascular network appears, creating the effect of reddened, inflamed skin. To resist rosacea, strengthen blood vessels.

Use contrasting washes and pick up cosmetics with anti-couperose components. Look for extracts on the labels of horse chestnut, grape leaves, blueberries, red tea (rooibos), gingko biloba, sweet clover, chamomile, cornflower, calendula, linden, grape seed oil, seaweed, aloe, bisabolol, panthenol, vitamin E.

Pigmentation on the face during pregnancy

Pigmentation often occurs due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. As a rule, it appears in the corners of the eyes and above the upper lip.

Important! Many whitening cosmetic ingredients (kojic acid, arbutin, hydroquinone) are very active. They are highly undesirable for pregnant women.

To prevent pigmentation during pregnancy:

  • do not sunbathe;
  • Be sure to use SPF 30+.

Important! Ideally, the filters should be physical (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide). Chemical filters one way or another cause a chemical reaction in the body, the effect of which on the baby, if studied, is little.

Finding a face cream with only physical filters is difficult, but possible. Look in children's cosmetics, organics and pharmacy products for sensitive skin.

You can also use mineral powder with physical filters on top of a day cream as an SPF. The main thing is that it has a high protection factor, and you renew the powder every couple of hours.

After childbirth or the end of lactation, the pigmentation that appeared during pregnancy often disappears by itself. And if it suddenly remains, then even then you can safely use whitening cosmetics, peels and even a laser. In the meantime, mask the spots that appear with a mineral concealer.

Pimples on the face during pregnancy

The two main causes (exacerbation) of acne:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • the liver cannot cope with the increased load, and some of the toxins are excreted through the skin.

Often, hateful acne appears not only on the face, but on the shoulders, back, chest and even the stomach.

All this is sad, ☹ but do not despair. Most often, in the second trimester, the body adapts, and the number of rashes is noticeably reduced or they completely disappear.

Important! Most traditional anti-acne components are too active and are contraindicated for pregnant women. Among them are triclosan, camphor, salicylic acid. Therefore, if you want to use anti-acne cosmetics during pregnancy, you need to carefully read the ingredients. If in doubt, don't take it.

In addition, if acne appeared during pregnancy, then the cause is most often “internal” and cosmetic effects from the outside will be practically useless.

So, it is impossible to defeat acne during pregnancy with cosmetic forces, but you can improve the appearance of the skin with the help of mild sebum-regulating and cleansing components: zinc, kaolin (white clay), tea tree.

And the first remedy for fighting acne during pregnancy is to drink plenty of fluids. 3 liters of fluid per day will help the body flush out toxins and dilute the concentration of hormones.

The work of the sebaceous glands is activated by fried, spicy, spicy foods, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate. The restriction of these products in the diet will have a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the course of pregnancy.

And do not forget the main rule for problem skin - do not press in any case! The old song about the main thing about the fact that you can bring the infection is already known to everyone. We will add one more argument for persuasiveness: when squeezing out, a blow is struck to the skin immunity, the process of formation of new tissue is disrupted, and as a result, post-acne spots appear.

A good helper for oily and problem skin during pregnancy will be clay masks. They dry the skin, deeply cleanse and remove inflammation. It is best to use not ready-made, but powder masks, which include clay and nothing but clay. You can add 1 drop of tea tree essential oil to the mask yourself - a good natural anti-inflammatory component that is not contraindicated for pregnant women in small quantities. The mask can be applied not only on the face, but also on the entire area of ​​​​rashes and left until completely dry.

Facial swelling during pregnancy

Edema is often found in expectant mothers, especially in recent months. This is due to impaired blood circulation and the body's great need for fluid.

To combat swelling, try to drink 3 liters of fluid per day. The seemingly logical restriction of fluid is a mistake, since the body, with a lack of moisture, begins to store it in even greater quantities.

In addition, it is worth limiting fried, spicy, spicy foods, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate and coffee. These foods contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Pregnant women should limit fluid intake only on the advice of a doctor. In addition, if you have severe edema, different sides swell alternately - immediately consult a doctor.

To relieve mild swelling on the face during pregnancy, use:

  • contrasting washes;
  • cold compresses;
  • cooling masks (for example, with menthol).

For swelling under the eyes, special cooling gels and caffeine rollers will be useful.


To minimize skin problems during pregnancy, follow these simple rules:

  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • do not sunbathe;
  • use SPF 30+;
  • do not use active cosmetic products (whitening, anti-acne);
  • use mild sebum-regulating agents;
  • do not crush "enemies";
  • make friends with contrasting washes and cooling masks;
  • exclude fried, spicy, spicy foods, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate;
  • drink 3 liters of water a day.

What problems did you encounter and how did you deal with them? Share in the comments.

Love yourself, stay beautiful and enjoy your "interesting position".