How to wash baby clothes. How and how to wash baby clothes for newborns: criteria for choosing washing powders, a range of hypoallergenic products

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With proper care for your baby's clothes, household chores will be much less. Adults should understand that all children's clothes should be washed before the child puts them on for the first time.

Many parents make a big mistake using conventional powders. This can lead to certain chemical components of this product, and in the future provoke a lot of problems. How should children's clothes be cared for?

The child has very sensitive skin. All clothing worn by the baby, including socks and hats, must be perfectly clean. Obviously, the clothes will be washed more than once a week, taking into account the needs of the child.

Follow six tips on how to properly wash baby clothes.

Examine the label

Some labels may contain washing instructions for clothes that may need a different washing procedure.

Check the instructions for washing temperatures, whether these items can be washed in a washing machine, or if manual mode is necessary.

Some clothing may have a "flame retardant" label. Pajamas are often made from this fabric. This type of clothing needs special care. Be sure to follow all instructions.



Whitening and dry cleaning:


Before washing children's clothes in the washing machine, sort them into different piles. For example, based on color scheme or size.

  • Wash "flame retardant" clothing separately from all other types.
  • Wash white only with white, and black with black.
  • Also sort clothes by washing temperature, taking into account which temperature regime is more optimal for this clothes.
  • Wash diapers separately from all other items.

Children's skin is especially delicate and sensitive to any chemicals. Therefore, it is worth buying powder and soap designed specifically for children. It would be ideal if you buy it in a specialized store for children.

Avoid strongly scented detergents!

Measure enough powder according to the size of the wash.

Make sure you keep all soiled and wet diapers separate and don't mix them with other clothes. This will prevent the spread of germs!

Use factory air conditioners

They are specifically designed to soften fabrics. In this way, the delicate skin of the baby will not suffer.

Create your own detergent by combining the following products:

  • Liquid soap 1 tbsp.
  • Washing soda 1/2 tsp.
  • Borax 1/2 hour

How can you clean tough stains after eating?

You need:

  • Special spray or stain remover;
  • Detergent;
  • Washing machine;
  • Dryer.

If you don't have the option to wash items immediately after staining, follow these steps:

  1. Pre-treat stains with a special tool;
  2. Soak the clothes in a bowl using warm water suitable for the clothes;
  3. Add powder to water;
  4. After half an hour, start washing in the machine. After the wash cycle, make sure the stains are gone. If stains are still there, repeat the cycle in the washing machine before drying.

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With the advent of a new little person in the family, household chores become at least twice as much, and not a small part falls on laundry. Not many mothers know whether it is possible to wash diapers and how to properly care for the things of a newborn so as not only not to spoil them, but also not to harm the baby himself. If you don't know how to wash baby clothes in the washing machine, take some time to study this guide - here you will find out whether newborn clothes can be washed and how to ensure proper and gentle care of things, as well as at what temperature to wash baby diapers and on how to wash diapers for newborns.

How to prepare for washing and choose a good product?

So, washing children's things is allowed, but this matter must be approached with great responsibility and a certain baggage of theoretical knowledge. Before you wash diapers and other things for a newborn, you need to properly prepare. So, it is necessary to initially put the child’s things in a separate laundry basket - it must be bought before birth, so as not to abandon this business later. It is important to start washing things no later than 24 hours after the child's clothes are in the basket. You should also immediately sort the clothes by color.

Many are tormented by the question of how to wash newborn diapers so as not to harm things and the baby. Of course, the old generation is sure that there could be nothing better than the economic one, and in this they are right, but partially. Laundry soap really does not contain toxic substances and harmful additives, but not everyone knows how to wash baby diapers with their hands and are ready to spend time on this. Therefore, in the question of how to wash baby diapers, special means are increasingly preferred. Which one to use is best and safest for the baby?

Be sure to wash baby clothes using exclusively baby powder, which does not contain surfactants, chlorine and phosphates - these substances have an extremely negative effect on the delicate skin of a newborn. Also on the packaging with the product should be an inscription that the product is intended specifically for washing children's clothes. Before washing baby diapers, do not immediately buy a lot of suitable products. It is better to take a small amount for a test and make sure that it suits you. Then you can buy more.

How to wash diapers for newborns correctly so that it does not become a routine for you and does not negatively affect the quality of things and the health of the child? Remember the following recommendations, and try to always follow them:

  • Not sure at what temperature to wash baby clothes? Set the temperature on the washing machine to 60-70 degrees. This will be enough to ensure a good cleaning of the newborn's things.
  • In what mode are children's clothes washed? Obviously, it is recommended to set the children's wash. But what if your machine does not support this? On what mode to wash children's things in this case? You can set one of the delicate modes, or select the delicate mode for hand washing.
  • Children's clothes should always be washed separately from adult clothes. Moreover, experts recommend washing newborn clothes on days when there were no washings of adult clothes. That will be safer.
  • Set to an extra rinse cycle so that the detergent you use for newborn clothes is completely washed out of the fibers of the fabric. It is also desirable to use liquid products.
  • If the question is how to wash a newborn's diapers from urine, you can simply rinse them under water without using powder. The fact is that the urine of a newborn child has no color and smell, therefore it does not pose a big problem for removal - there are simply no traces of it on things.
  • If the diapers are stained with feces, they must first be removed, then the things should be soaked, and only then proceed to washing them. At what temperature are baby diapers washed, we have already figured out.
  • Always carefully read the information on the label before washing clothes for a newborn in the hospital or for home use. As a rule, all the necessary care information is placed on a small piece of paper, including at what temperature to wash children's clothes.
  • Never use bleach when washing baby clothes - newborns have extremely sensitive and delicate skin, which can get irritated by bleach.
  • If you want to use conditioner for washing, take care to choose a product that does not have a strong odor.

How to properly dry your baby's clothes

You already know at what temperature to wash diapers, and how to do it. However, after washing, things are wet, and they need to be dried somehow. Even in this case, there are recommendations that must be followed:

  • It is best to dry baby clothes and diapers outdoors. You should not believe in superstitions that things are subject to the evil eye in front of passers-by - these are relics of the past that should not prevent you from ensuring proper drying and care of the newborn's things.
  • Do not hang diapers in direct sunlight, as well as in the immediate vicinity of heaters and open flames. Accelerated heating can harm the structure of the fabric.
  • If it is not possible to dry the diapers and things of the newborn outside, it is better to hang them in a room with good artificial or natural ventilation. So they dry quickly and without harm to the fabric.
  • Dry things for a newborn, and also, in principle, store them separately from adult clothes.

As you can see, drying washed clothes in the right way is not so difficult. Given that you know how and at what temperature to wash baby clothes, diapers and clothes will be like new after washing and drying!

How are things going with ironing - is it possible and how to iron it correctly?

If we have already figured out the questions about at what temperature to wash diapers for newborns, and on what mode to wash things for a newborn, then the topic of ironing is still shrouded in mystery. The main rule to be understood is that before the child is 4 weeks old, things must be ironed on both sides in order to completely kill harmful microorganisms - they can enter the child's body through the umbilical wound. It is also very important to steam the clothes while ironing, so that bacteria and germs do not have a single chance to live.

If your washing machine has a steam cleaning program, you can use it - it can effectively process washed items from all sides, making them safe for the health of the newborn. When the child's umbilical wound heals, the issue of ironing can no longer be approached so seriously - it is enough to iron some things, and completely trust the rest of the washing machine, leaving free time for yourself.

How to properly handle things before the birth of a child?

Many are interested in how to wash baby clothes in the hospital, and if you are also asking this question, now you can get the answer. New items must be washed after purchase in order to remove starch and other substances harmful to the skin of a newborn, which are found deep in the fibers of purchased clothing. Is it possible to wash baby clothes in a typewriter before sending them to the hospital? You can, but you must comply with several important conditions:

  • Set the correct temperature. At what temperature to wash clothes for newborns has already been said earlier, you can also check the clothing label - washing recommendations are clearly indicated there.
  • Use a special baby soap for washing - it not only cleans clothes well, but also does not harm the delicate and sensitive skin of a newborn baby. Washing powder must not be used.
  • After washing, it is imperative to iron things on both sides with steam treatment - this is how germs are removed.

Thanks to the manual, you know well whether it is possible to wash diapers in the washing machine, how to do it correctly, and also how to wash diapers for newborns. Such seemingly trifling knowledge is very important for the health of the baby, as well as for the safety of the things themselves. Never miss an opportunity to use them!

The appearance of a child always brings a lot of changes to the life of the family, and after returning from the hospital, it is very important to provide good care for the baby. Baby's skin is very sensitive, so washing is one of the first problems. How and with what to wash the things of a newborn so that they are clean and the detergent does not harm?

When choosing a detergent for children's clothes, you must carefully read its composition and characteristics.

What to wash?

For washing diapers and clothes for newborns, you need to use special products for at least six months of age (see also:). Today we have various options, but this choice comes down to two main ones: soap and washing powder. It is important to understand what requirements a product suitable for babies should meet. The main requirements for the tool:

  • the absence of aggressive components, including chlorine;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • light rinsing;
  • low content (or better, complete absence) of fragrances;
  • high quality washing without negative impact on the quality of the material.

What tool to choose?

All of the above requirements are met by an old tool that has been proven for decades - regular baby soap and is suitable for both hand and machine washing. Of course, using soap in a car requires some preparation. What is good baby soap?

  • Firstly, it provides complete safety for the health of your baby.
  • Secondly, the modern range of this product is quite diverse and allows you to choose a "pure" soap or with herbal additives - for example, string or chamomile.

Laundry soap also has a completely natural composition. You can use it, but only one that does not have any additives. Children's skin is very sensitive, and this soap contains coarser components that are more difficult to rinse out - in particular, it has a high alkali content, which, even remaining on the fabric in minimal quantities, irritates the skin. Therefore, when using it, it is necessary to ensure thorough rinsing so that the skin of the newborn does not come into contact with the components of the detergent.

Laundry soap will cope with the most difficult stains, while not harming the crumbs. Is it important to rinse things well?

It is best to use such soap when washing or washing very dirty things and stubborn stains, and for the main procedure for putting things in order for a baby, you should give preference to a special baby one. It is produced with the appropriate labeling and does not harm children's skin.

How to use baby soap?

So, baby soap can be used for both hand and machine washing. With manual, everything is simple: take a whole bar of soap, lather the soiled diapers or clothes of the child. Machine wash is also not difficult: you just need to rub a bar of soap on a fine grater. It will turn out a kind of powder, which is poured into the compartment for washing powder. For 5 kilograms of dry laundry, you will need about a third of a standard piece of baby soap.

washing powder

Of course, the washing powder should be specially designed for newborn clothes - in this case, your baby will be safe. Today, the manufacturer offers us a fairly large selection of baby powders. When buying, you need to consider some nuances and recommendations:

  • if possible, choose a proven product;
  • make a purchase in a supermarket or a specialized store where you can be provided with all the information and documents you are interested in;
  • do not hesitate to check the availability of certificates of conformity and their expiration dates;
  • always check the expiration date of the powder;
  • make sure that the powder is suitable for washing things for newborns from 0 (this must be confirmed by the appropriate label);
  • choose a product labeled "hypoallergenic".

Be careful! If you notice any signs of an allergy in your baby, the detergent may be the cause. Try changing it or doing a more thorough rinse. If even minor allergy symptoms appear, special children's washing powders should be used for up to one and a half, or even up to three years.

If the baby does not have allergy symptoms, the product can be used to regularly wash his clothes.

We wash children's clothes

When washing clothes for a newborn, certain requirements must be observed that will ensure cleanliness and safety for the child. All children's clothes are washed separately from adults; there should also be a separate basket for folding the contaminated things of the baby. General washing rules are as follows:

  • temperature regime;
  • correct choice of machine program;
  • regularity.

At what temperature to wash? Hand wash should take place at the highest possible temperature, usually 40-50C. Machine wash will be optimal at 80-90C, as it will provide the effect of boiling, that is, sufficient cleanliness in terms of germs.

Machine mode

Today, every home has a washing machine, which makes life much easier for the family. It’s good when your machine has a special “baby wash” program, but if this is not the case, then you need to choose a program in accordance with the composition of the fabric and the desired temperature. Underwear for newborns, as a rule, is made from natural fibers, so the mode for such fabrics with a high temperature is selected.

If possible, it is worth choosing a program in which a more thorough rinse occurs, but it is better to run an additional rinse anyway to completely rid the children's clothes of detergent residue. Do not load the washing machine to the maximum, then the rinse will be better.

How often should you wash?

  • Laundry and clothes of the newborn will have to be washed daily. If the baby was wearing sliders or a vest today, then the next day you need to put on new ones, and these should be washed, even if they look clean.
  • Bed linen is changed at least once a week if it is not dirty.
  • Everything that is dirty should immediately go to the wash, you should not save up children's things - you need to wash it within a day.

What to do with diapers?

If the baby described the diaper, then it already needs to be washed. Such diapers are rinsed in cold water and then washed with soap or powder by hand or in a typewriter. For the best effect, the diapers are soaked for 15 minutes. It is very important to rinse thoroughly several times, gradually lowering the temperature of the water.

If your baby pooped and soiled the diaper, then it should immediately be thoroughly washed in cold water. Hot at this stage will only fix the stains, and they can remain on the fabric forever, then it will be impossible to wash off. After this procedure, dirty diapers will be easier to wash. Following the rules for washing clothes for newborns will help the child grow up healthy.

The main rule that you will follow next year is that the things of a newborn are stored, sorted, soaked and washed separately from adults and other children, even if the eldest is only two years old. So instead of storming hardware stores, consider buying a second laundry basket, extra basins, and making room for baby powders.

By the way, you will also need more space for drying. Think over this question in advance, so as not to hang diapers on the doors and backs of chairs.

In fact, washing

  1. Take out all the clothes you bought and donated by relatives. Realize that after the birth they will bring the same amount. Be horrified. Anything that can be returned, return. Yes Yes. And this wonderful set with pockets on the pope and ruffles around the edge. Firstly, these ruffles are for you to smooth. Represented? And, secondly, all these cute pockets create additional folds and injure the delicate skin of the baby. And what will he put in his back pocket in one month? So the simpler the better!
  2. Sort the rest of the items by color and texture. Cut off all tags. By the way, did you know that a piece of fabric that comes with clothes is not needed for a patch? It is proposed to test the washing mode and bleach. Don't thank.

All new clothes for a newborn must be washed and ironed on both sides.

What is the best way to wash clothes for a newborn?

  1. To date, the number of manufacturers in the department of household chemicals dazzles even experienced housewives. But doctors still recommend regular baby soap without fragrances and fragrances. The disadvantage of soap is that it clogs between the fibers of the fabric and rinses out poorly. And they also need to be washed by hand, which takes a lot of time and effort. For a young mother, time is probably more important than anything else. Yes, and rinsing by hand, like a machine, will not work with all your desire. Hand wash only in warm water, while the washing machine has a 95-degree mode. You can cut the soap on a grater and put it in the washing machine. But if the baby is healthy and not prone to allergies, it is better to wash with powder.
  2. Choosing baby powder, even an inexperienced mother will look at the label "for children." There are many manufacturers, even more reviews. Your baby will dot the "i". Unfortunately, only after trying in practice, you will understand what kind of powder to wash children's things.
  3. There are special lines natural and ecological detergents, without phosphates, based on natural substances. The main disadvantage is the high price. And in the first months with a baby, money goes quickly and for everything. The second important factor is that natural ingredients can also cause allergies. And the third is a high risk of forgery. Unfortunately, young mothers who want the best for their children are the favorite category of unscrupulous manufacturers.
  4. There are liquid detergents - gels. It is believed that they act more gently, do not damage the tissue structure. Clothes do not look washed out, which is important with repeated washing. But there are some pitfalls, which I will discuss below. Gels are more convenient to dose, a measuring cap is attached to them. They do not crumble and do not dust. In addition, they contain fewer substances that pollute the environment. But the components in the gel only work at low temperatures (up to 40 degrees) and are activated with intensive whipping, which is only possible with machine wash.

A separate issue is the use of fabric softeners. There are also a great many of them, there are special ones for children's underwear, with different smells and properties. But the use of air conditioners is better to postpone for a year. They are poorly rinsed out even on special regimes, and the baby now does not need additional allergic factors.

How to wash clothes for newborns?

In the literature, you can still find recommendations to wash by hand. As a mother of four children, I would like to say the following in response. If you have the energy and time to hand wash, spend it on your child. And let the machine wash the clothes. In addition, the following recommendation excludes the first: baby clothes should be washed at the maximum temperature to kill germs.

Our grandmothers boiled clothes for this purpose. Even when I was a student, I had a large wooden fork to stir the laundry in the boiling washing solution. This rarity was lost in moving, but it's a pity ...

But back to our microbes. Many washing machines have a "baby clothes" mode. As a rule, it is characterized by high temperature and double rinsing. Let's be honest: 95 degrees and boiling are still different things. Autoclaving is used in hospitals for disinfection. This is steam sterilization at a pressure above atmospheric pressure. At the same time, the temperature is noticeably higher than 100 degrees. Therefore, at home, you will not carry out a complete disinfection, and it’s good. Because the kid came to get acquainted with this world, and not to isolate himself from it.

I strongly do not recommend boiling children's clothes now. Because you can only boil things made from natural fabrics. In our time, you can not find this even for a lot of money. Manufacturers everywhere add a small percentage of artificial fibers. This makes the clothes more attractive, but drastically lowers the washing temperature.

And here we are faced with another contradiction. In order for anionic surfactants to dissolve in the powder and begin to actively wash stains, it is necessary, and tags on almost all children's things require gentle washing. Washing at low temperatures works well with gels, but doctors require children's clothes to be washed at high temperatures in order to disinfect. The circle is closed.

What is mom to do? Do not panic! Partially the problem is solved by the iron. If the things washed in a gentle mode are ironed on both sides, you can consider them conditionally disinfected and calm down.

Personal experience. Now I will say a terrible thing - I almost did not iron things for the fourth child. Only what was in time before childbirth. After returning from the maternity hospital, I took the iron in my hands a year and a half later, and then because my daughter had to go to graduation. The child grew up on unironed diapers and did not notice this. Grandmothers also did not pay attention. Even the doctor, who occasionally visited us, did not react to this egregious fact. But in the free time, I checked the lessons with the eldest, while cooking, cleaning and drinking tea at the same time.

And the last. Launder things right away

It looked like this for me: you take dirty diapers, bibs, sliders, undershirts and brush off feces, lumps of dirt, stuck cookies, a piece of LEGO into the trash with a brush. We rinse the remaining dirt under a strong stream of water and wash it with ordinary laundry soap.

Well, if you learn to do it with gloves. Your hands will thank you later.

We put it in a basin with a washing solution (we separate baby clothes, remember?). In the evening, everything is thrown into the washing machine on a normal basis. Then we add a second rinse, and we have time to put the baby to bed. And when he wakes up at night, after feeding, you can get up and hang up the diapers. The main thing is to do it carefully so that it looks like ironed. And do not fall asleep halfway.

And remember, it doesn’t matter to the baby how perfectly clean his clothes are or what is stained from his older brother. The main thing is how happy and rested his mother is.

Newborn babies are very sensitive to external influences, which can be especially attributed to clothes that need to be washed properly. Many mothers simply do not know how to wash baby clothes for newborns and how to do it, believing that washing such clothes is not much different from ordinary washing. This is the wrong approach, because such a thing as washing things for a newborn is a very delicate process that must be approached with all responsibility. In this guide, you will learn how and with what you can wash baby clothes so as not to irritate the child's skin and not cause him many other inconveniences.

What do you need to know before having a baby?

Before the question of how to properly wash baby things for a newborn, the question usually arises of the proper preparation of things before sending them to the hospital. Some women believe in signs and do not buy clothes until the birth of a child, but this is not entirely correct - you need to prepare things before the newborn is born. Here are some tips:

  • Be sure to wash the purchased items before sending them to the hospital. This is necessary to remove starch (manufacturers often add it to clothes to improve their appearance), which can have a negative effect on baby's delicate skin. You will learn how to wash clothes for newborns in the right way below.
  • Use delicate clothing to dress your newborn. What kind of soap do you wash? Ordinary? Remove it before the child grows up - all things for the newborn should be washed exclusively with baby soap that is safe for the child's skin.
  • After you wash things for the newborn, be sure to carefully iron them on both sides - the high temperature will finally kill all the remaining microbes that can cause illness (newborns have very weak immunity).

Don't forget about the processing of new children's clothes. If you do not know what is the best way to wash children's clothes, wash them with special baby soap, or use the products listed below.

Getting ready for laundry

It is imperative that before washing baby clothes for newborns, a young mother must conduct a little preparation, which includes the following mandatory steps:

  • Purchase a separate laundry basket for your baby's clothes.
  • Pre-sort things by color - white separately, colored separately.
  • If the stains are not old, scrub them thoroughly with a soapy brush before washing.

Of course, preventing stains is much better than washing children's clothes, but this is almost impossible, because children strive to get dirty. Therefore, for almost all mothers, the question arises of how to wash baby clothes for newborns most effectively.

Choosing a detergent

How to wash clothes for newborns? There are many answers to this question, but not all will be correct. So, when choosing a detergent, you should be guided by the following tips:

  • Do not use adult washing powders - they contain too many chemicals.
  • When choosing a baby powder, pay attention to those formulations that do not contain substances such as chlorine, phosphate compounds and surfactants - they can be very harmful.
  • Look for an inscription on the product packaging that indicates use for children.

If you still do not know what is the best way to wash things for a newborn, take a few small packages of suitable products, and then test them on separate things.

Ordinary soap - is it possible?

Many young mothers are actively looking on the Web for information on whether it is possible to wash baby clothes with laundry soap. It can if used correctly. Here are the advantages of ordinary soap:

  • A good soap contains a minimal amount of harmful chemicals that can adversely affect a child's skin. Before washing a newborn's clothes with soap, make sure of its quality - it is best to take, of course, baby soap.
  • A good ordinary soap makes the fabric very soft, while many powders and other products make things rough and hard. Baby soap does an even better job of keeping the fabric soft, use it whenever possible.
  • High-quality soap, even with frequent use, does not spoil the structure of the fabric.

If you have a question about how to wash children's clothes with soap, take a baby one. The usual can also have a positive effect on tissue, but in some cases it can provoke an allergic reaction in a newborn baby and harm the skin.

So, have you already decided how to wash the clothes of a newborn in a washing machine? Then it's time to learn how to wash newborn things. The following recommendations will help you:

  • If your washing machine supports a baby wash, select it.
  • For effective washing of things for a newborn, you need to set the temperature from 60 to 70.
  • Before washing clothes for newborns, remove adult clothes from the machine.
  • Do not use fabric softeners that have a very strong odor.
  • Refuse to use bleaches - they can cause allergies in children.
  • Before washing items contaminated with stool, clean them thoroughly with a brush.
  • Use an extra rinse by setting .

Can newborn clothes be machine washed with adult clothes? It is not recommended to do this, since children's clothes can receive a wide range of microbes from an adult - they will only be harmful to a fragile body. Try to separate the days of washing children's and adult clothes; for convenience, you can create a special schedule for washing clothes.

Washing baby diapers

Washing diapers is a separate topic that deserves consideration. Instead of buying new diapers in huge quantities, it is better to wash them in a timely and correct manner. You already know how to wash things for a newborn, but here's how to do it? Follow these instructions:

  1. Rinse the diaper in cold water to remove the urine from the newborn.
  2. Prepare a soapy solution of warm water (temperature 40), then soak things.
  3. Leave the diapers soaked in the solution for 15-20 minutes, then rub them.
  4. Remove clothes and rinse thoroughly in warm water three to four times, with the last rinse using cold water.

Also, diapers can be washed in a conventional washing machine, while using the wash cycle for children's clothes. What are the things of a newborn in a typewriter? Take baby powder.

Iron or not?

The question of whether it is necessary to wash new things for newborns is not worth it - this is a mandatory procedure. But is it possible to iron the washed things of the child? Yes, this is highly desirable because:

  • Ironing has a detrimental effect on microbes living on the surface of clothing.
  • Ironing removes sharp folds from clothes that can damage delicate skin.

If you care about the health of your baby, the question of proper ironing of linen and clothes should interest you no less than the question of how to wash things for newborns.

Even if you know well how and what is the best way to wash newborn things, you will definitely not be hindered by the following tips that will extend the life of baby clothes:

  • Rinse thoroughly after washing to remove soap and detergent. Otherwise, the baby's skin may react to the effects of the products with a rash.
  • If possible, wash clothes with soap nuts. They do not contain harmful substances and are highly environmentally friendly due to their natural origin.
  • Wash things immediately after they get dirty - it will be quite problematic to wash the feces and urine that have eaten into the tissues, even with all the desire.

When thinking about how to wash things for a newborn, choose only high-quality and proven products recommended specifically for washing children's clothes (this can usually be found from the inscription on the package with the product). Take care of your baby's delicate skin and follow the instructions in the manual for washing newborn clothes. Only in this way will you protect your child from possible skin and health problems.