What is the name of the daughter of the evil queen. Profiles

Do not lie, do not lie, do not lie ... oh! Sorry! Hi :) Do not pay attention, it is me so. Hee hee. As you already know, I Cedar Wood, daughter Pinocchio. Like dad, I am completely wooden, so I really want to become a real girl. You do not know any spell ?? Okay. Actually, there is also advantages. For example, no one swims better than me in the whole school! I also have a charming purple dress that I really like. Probably all of you persistent about my features. Yes, yes, like dad, I can't lie. As soon as I say untruth - my nose begins to quickly increase in size. Here is the attack! I can not even imagine how Kitty Cheshire will laugh if he sees me in this form. I adore art! Most of all, I love to draw something, sculpt or decorating. Creative - my second name. But I don't like it at all, so it is a footing work on a tree. HORROR! When I see all these terrible saws, flashing with your steel teeth, it becomes bad. With my girlfriends, you are of course familiar - this is the rebel Raven, Maddy Maddie Hetter and secretive Serbit Hood, a daughter of a red hat. Oh, it seems, girls are going to Bukend, and I need to buy new paints and paper. So-ah ...
Story: Adventures Pinocchio.
The roommate: Serbit Hood
Secret Desire: Yes, I dream to become a real girl, but most of all I want to choose what I want (or not) say.
Abilities: I am a beautiful swimmer, simply because not tone. There are advantages in what I am made of a magic tree.
Romantic history: I can not lie, so any relationship is not yet in the main priorities.
Feature: Because of your shortcoming, I can not store secrets. This is not my fault, but my friends should closely monitor what they say with me.
Favorite subject: Art and skill. When I draw, apart or sculpt some sculpture - I feel free.
Unloved subject: Wood work. When I see all these terrible saws and scary machines, I begin to nervously nervous!
Best friends: Raven Queen, Madeline Hetter and Serbit Hood.

From Mommy Lizzy Harts got a difficult character and the habit of constantly yelling. But Lizzy Harts struggles with him and learn to suppress anger. As a future worm queen, she wants to rule with honor and dignity, and not with anger. Lizzy is proud of their heritage, but wants to be a more kind worker queen. When she shouts a lot, her throat begins with her. And screaming Lizzy often. Moreover, the most "no, then ...", "One thing is ..." ... And how would you like it, if your classmate constantly screamed "head with shoulders!". Here and classmates Lizzy do not like it. And, after all, Lizzy, when screaming "head with shoulders!" Just says "please" or "Thank you" in the language of wonders.
Story: Alice in Wonderland
The roommate: Duzzz Svan.
Secret Desire: I am proud of my heritage, but I want to be a more kind worn queen. When you shout a lot, the throat begins to hurt.
Abilities: I can easily build anything from the card deck.
Romantic history: I'll think about it when I return to the country of miracles.
Feature: I do not like moments when people perceive me too literally. When I scream "head with shoulders!", It means that I just say "please" and "Thank you" in the language of the country of wonders.
Favorite subject: Gymnastics. I adore play a crocket. I even chose the captain of the team!
Unloved subject: Basics of villainism. Why do everyone think that I am the villain? My fate is a mystery!
Best friends: Kitty Cheshire and Madeline Hetter are the only ones who understand me. In the literal sense of the word.

Poppy about "Hara - Rapunzel's daughter

This girl, although the royal blood flows in the veins - she is Rapunzel's daughter - but she is not the perfect look like a fancut and famous princess. Poppy about "Heyra (Poppy about" Hara, Poppy O'hair) - Sister Holly about "Heyra, and now they study together at school" Long and happily. "
Poppy listens to punk music, adores scarves and she is simply talent for design and hairdresser's art, which she realizes, working in the Salon-Hairdressing Salon "Tower". Other girls are written to her in turn for royal hairstyles. I want to find my fate at the Ever After School. And in any case, I will not cease to care for my hair.
Story: Rapunzel
The roommate: Holly about "Hara
Secret Desire: I want to find my fate at the Ever After school. And in any case, I will not cease to care for my hair.
Abilities: As I Rapunzel's daughter, my hair is extremely valuable. I even barely cut them every morning and I put them on my savings account!
Romantic history: Want - Believe, you want - no, but I think that SPERROOU Hood is very nice. And he would be even more glorious if he stopped singing songs about how wonderful he was.
Feature: My sister always tells me that I love to "cut corners" and go to the shortest way. And I see no reason to go around long way around the tower.
Favorite subject: Design in the style of princess. I like to create a modern image for stunning princesses - from hairstyles and makeup to outfits and style.
Unloved subject: Princessology. If I am a daughter of a fabulous queen, it does not mean that I am a fancut and prim.
Best friends: Holly about "Hara and Eshlin Ella.

Holly about "Hara - Daughter Rapunzel

This girl has an amazing hairstyle. After all, heredity is a great deal, and Holly about "Heyr (Holly about" Hara, Holly O'Hair) - the daughter of the most famous Rapunzel and a twin sister another unsuitable students of the school "Long and happily" - Poppy about "Heir. Holly O "Heyra will have the article next Rapunzel. After all, she was born a little bit earlier than her sister Poppy.
And after she lives his story in the role of the next Rapunzel, Holly wants to write a new fairy tale, whose heroes will be all her friends and, of course, her best girlfriends - sister Poppy and beauty Blondie Loks.
Story: Rapunzel
The roommate: Poppy about "Hara
Secret Desire: After I live my story as the next Rapunzel, I want to write a new book of fairy tales, whose heroes will be all my friends!
Abilities: My even trimmed hair can be used to create a stronger rope or the finest silk.
Romantic history: I'm absolutely crazy about Darling Charming. Please do not say anyone (especially Epple White).
Feature: I have been in the tower for a very long time, but I'm terribly afraid of heights. In addition, the doors constantly lock me, and I never get out of here!
Favorite subject: Salvation of beautiful ladies. I like to be in the tower and make blog entries, waiting for me to save me.
Unloved subject: Gymnastics. Especially swimming lessons. I need a few hours to collect all your hair under the bathing cap.
Best friends: Poppy about "Hara and Blondie Locc.

Kitty Cheshire - Cheshire Cat's Daughter

Ale-op! Here I am! Didn't wait? I own the art of teleportation, I can arise from nowhere and also disappear without a trace. This magical ability was transferred from my father of Cheshire cat, who drove Alice in Wonderland .. The best cat features found their embodiment! Graceness, dexterity, intelligence! At the same time, a smile is always shining on my face, and a lot of insane thoughts will sweat in my head. Sometimes I start in long and deep reflections than bringing friends to white crown. Everyone thinks that I carry a complete nonsense and fuck a little, but this is a great misconception. Just my reality is different from yours, that's all! I really love to do different pranks and do not take it until I did not bring the started to the end. In the end, I am the daughter of Cheshire Cat, and he rumored that confidence and recklessness, these are two sides of the same medal.

I am self-sufficient and independent, I love to walk by myself, but this does not mean that Kitty Cheshire is alien to friendly bonds. I have one dusty girlfriend, this is the daughter of the queen of worms, and I live in the same room with my daughter's crazy hat named Madeline Hetter. Predictable, isn't it? At school, everyone loves me, because I do not give out secrets and always try to help. The only drawback is excessive curiosity, because of which I often get into different alterations. What to do, this is the cat's cat! I also adore to wear all sorts of strange, extravagant little things. The main thing is that they were blue or purple. Well, all. Because I can't stay in one place for a long time, then it's time to disappear. Do not be surprised if you once will see a wide smile hovering in the air. Orevuar, my good!

Story: Alice in Wonderland
The roommate: Madeline Hetter.
Secret Desire: Down with all rules and conventions! I want to live only at the behest of the heart.
Abilities: Difford to disappear and to reduce people crazy - in this I am a real speaker!
Romantic history: guys? No, dismissal. If at least someone and they surpass me in tricks and resourcefulness, then maybe I will meet. In the meantime, I'm better talking to my favorite home caterpillar.
Feature: It is said that I am excessively curious, but how can you stay indifferent when there are so many undisclosed secrets?
Favorite subject: I love geography, because thanks to her I can expand the boundaries of my capabilities! All countries at my feet, but the best of them, this is a wonderland.
Unloved subject: Of course swimming. I can't endure water. She is wet and nasty. Why do I like to swim in general if I know how teleport.
Best friends: Lizzy Harts. Only she understands my fine and complex nature, when of course not raging as her mother.

Rosabella Beauty - Daughter Bell

Hello, how to help you? If that, always contact, because I do not like to sit without affairs and is always ready to stand up for protection of truth and justice. You probably know the history of love of my parents, beautiful Belle and Prince Monsters. In their example, I'm trying to prove how deceptive the appearance is and most importantly, this is inner beauty. I hate false and duplex! Probably, so I have the most sincere and devotional friends. I live in the same room with Darling Charming, which, as I like to destroy stereotypes. Brüer beauty from a fairy tale about Sleeping Beauty, this is my cousin. Although she is a little frivolous, but a very kind girl. We spend a lot of time together. I am still close to the daughter of the Red Hat Cheris Hood, because she is very good and loves nature. We reverently treat animals, especially magical. We believe that their place is free, and not in cells.

In general, I am very good and responsive, but often accused of an excessive seriousness. And as otherwise, only pragmatic and business people reach their goals! No pellery, only actions. I have a very strong character and I will never retreat from my opinion. Stubbornness I do not borrow. I am always actively involved in all sorts of school meetings. I am not indifferent to the fate of others, always try to help them and make something useful. Call Rosabella Beauty when you need help, and now I have a hurry for the meeting. Until!

Story: The beauty and the Beast.
The roommate: Darling Charming.
Secret Desire: I want justice and everyone in the world and everyone has the right to vote!
Abilities: I have a gift of insight. I see a real essence of a person, unmistakably define a lie and hypocrisy. Appearance so deceptive! Sometimes it is unnecessary suspicious for it.
Romantic history: I am strong and independent, but sometimes I want romance so much. As long as I do not have my prince, but he will definitely appear. The main thing that my chosen is to share my life position and was the same good as my dad.
Feature: Many can not blame with me, due to assertion and stubbornness. They also say that I am too correct and do not know how to have fun. But this is the purest lie! Sometimes evening spent beyond the book may be no less interesting than a party. I advise everyone.
Favorite subject: I am frequent at all school meetings, because I can not stand away from problems. I love to attend the lessons of history and in the future I hope to become a successful business queen.
Unloved subject: I do not carry the lessons for the training of animals, because it is so cruel! Animals have the right to dispose of their lives themselves. The best thing to do for them is to let go of liberty.
Best friends: I love strong personalities who have their own opinion and a kind heart. I communicate with Darling Charming, Cherrys Hood and of course the beloved little sister Bryer Beauty.

Melody Piper - daughter of cunning rat

Yuhuu ... Hello everyone, I am a school musical DJ melody Piper! Any party can turn into a real gap, give me only a DJ remote. Have you ever heard about the cunning rat, which saved the city from the invasion of rats? So this is my dad. I was transferred to his musical talent and a wiggy nonsense. The only thing we disperse is in musical preferences. He loved classic music, and I exclusively modern. At the same time, I am constantly under his supervision, because Pope teaches at the Ever After High school. It is terribly angry with me, but nothing can be done.

Although I have an intense character, but I am a very large and sociable girl. Where a party, there melody Piper! It is for this reason that I was very sfed with Brother Beauty. Together we arrange fantastic parties. The whole school goes to our parties, because I am some extent a real celebrity. Large headphones, an integral element of my image. Without them, I am sad and boring. And if you add a steep cruculus with rivets to headphones, then the outfit can be considered unmatched. I also adore a purple color! He is so bright and stylish as my tracks.

With all the popularity, I will not say that I am the best student at school .. I do not want to follow the established rules. I am looking for freedom of self-expression! Sometimes it prevents my studies and affects the estimates, because of what I often get a reprimand from the dad. But it seems to me that the most important thing is to find your calling in life and strive for him in spite of everything. How will the party go, do not forget to call the melody Piper and the party will pass to the glory. Music my all!

Story: Rats
The roommate: Ginger Bradhouse
Secret Desire: I want to devote yourself to modern music, and not to engage in the training of rats, as Dad does.
Abilities: Masterfully owning turntables and all sorts of DJ acceptors. For this reason, there are always crowds of people on my speeches!
Romantic history: Very demanding about guys. If they have a bad musical taste, then nothing shines with me. So far, my heart is not busy, I am waiting for a musically gifted guy or at least a devoted fan of my creativity.
Feature: I am too loud and active. It prevents the rest of the guys to focus on the lesson and often leads to conflicts.
Favorite subject: Of course music! But only when they are not classical, and steep DJ tracks, which can be danced.
Unloved subject: Honestly, I do not like all the lessons that pass in silence. Give more drive and then the melody Piper will definitely get up to study!
Best friends: I am friends only with steep girls, such as Brüer Beauty and Ginger Bradhouse. They know how to have fun and I like it damn!

Gillian Binstok - Jack's daughter.

Story:"Jack and bean stem"

Roommate:Nina Tambelle

Secret Desire of the Heart:Live without restrictions! There is no bean stalk - I can't climb it, but no giant - I can not escape from him.

My "Magic" ability:My magic beans are perfect for rapid escape, especially from giants.

Oh, this damned moment!:Being fearless, sometimes my friends accidentally fall into terrible situations because of me.

Favorite school lesson:Grimmnastics. I'm trying to convince the school to introduce an extreme climbing to the class on a bean stalk.

Unloved school lesson:Mithmatic (Translator note: The combination of the words "myth" and "mathematics"). I am not very good in the counting of beans.

Best friends for all centuries:Darling Charming and Serbit Hood are always open for adventure.

Michelle Mermare - Daughter of Little Mermaid.

Story:"The little Mermaid"

Roommate:Headlight Hudfari.

Secret Desire of the Heart:I want my voice to be heard from the scene and the screens of the whole earth for a long time and happily.

My "Magic" ability:Being a mermaid, I can control the water. For example, the size of the waves. This incredibly fascinates during surfing.

Oh, this damned moment!:Unfortunately, as soon as a drop of water falls on me, my legs turn into a tail. So I can't go for a walk in the rain.

Favorite school lesson:Charming song. I like to sing with other princesses at school.

Unloved school lesson:Science and spells. Especially the chapter "Changing the voice for marine witches."

Best friends for all centuries:I like to write music from Malodi Piper and swim from Cedar Wood.

Nina Tambelle - Daughter of a thm.


Roommate:Gillian Binstok

Secret Desire of the Heart:We live to take care of the world. Even the smallest fabulous heroes can make a lot.

My "Magic" ability:Although I, in fact, I'm not more than a finger size, I can become higher when it wish.

Oh, this damned moment!:Although I do not sweat in small quantities, for a moment I can become wet if I build out.

Favorite school lesson:Ecological magic. It is important to know how to properly dispose of old flasks from potions.

Unloved school lesson:Escape. Seriously? In my book, short stories are no worse!

Best friends for all centuries:Eslenn Ella and Rosabella Beauty are two girls who love nature and animals as strong as me.

Crystal Winter - Daughter of the Snow King and the Snow Queen.


Secret Desire of the Heart: I'm in Charstorge. (approx. Choir + delight / Hexcited) being the heir of the throne, but while I want to play hockey!

My "Magic" ability:My royal rod is endowed with snow magic, and Snow Blaster Magically Icy.

"Oh, this is a curse!":I am so accustomed to walking on the ice that I start sliding on the neurous surface.

Favorite school subject:Magic meteorology. I have a shiver all over the body from learning how to make a day snow and perfect!

Unloved school subject:Cooking. Why do people want to defrost frozen food so much? Their textures are similar to the royal ruins!

Best friends:Eslenn Ella and Brüer Beauty were two of my favorite princesses from elementary school.

Daring Charming- Sign King Charming

Story: Each fairy tale in which a beautiful prince comes to the rescue.

Neighbour:Hopper Kwalkington ||

Secret desire of the heart: Live a full life, while doing real feats.

My "Magic" ability:I have the most charming smiles in the lands for a long time and happily! She can do any fabulous day better.

Status of romantic relationship: Yes, the epple is sweet and we are doomed to be together, but why do other ladies in school should remain unclear?

Oh, this damned moment!: Easy to upset me, but when I see this beautiful face, everything goes.

Love the subject:Theater. I am born to be the center of attention!

Unloved subject: Extermination of Dragons. I, of course, train on it, but this item is so simple that I get bored.

Best friends for all centuries:My brother Dexter Charming and Hopper Kwalkington ||

Cortley Jesterdaughter Joker cards

Story:"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"


Secret Desire of the Heart:I just want to have a significant role in my story, and this is not a joke.

My "Magic" ability:I can magically change my appearance. It's just the power of a wild card!

Alistair conquered me!

Oh, this damned moment!:People too quickly bring Joker from the game.

Favorite school lesson:Total villainism.

Unloved school lesson: Royal Student Council. If I am not a king or queen, then this does not mean that I can't be the leader.

Best friends for all centuries:Daeschov Swan

Many said that she was like Raven. And what is amazing in the fact that Raven daughter looks like his mother?

Secret Desire of the Heart: Find new friends ... to then manage them all! Ahahaha

My "Magic" ability: I have a spell for any occasion ... evil spell.

Oh, this damned moment!:In addition to imprisonment in the mirror world? Days when the head is bad hairstyle. They are worst.

Favorite school lesson:The story of evil spell. I just like to read about the evil queen. Is it cool, right?

Unloved school lesson:Royal Office Should it be to be the management of the queen?

Best friends for all centuries:Raven Queen. She is the best, but I believe that she could be a little evil. Is not it so?

Justin Densen -daughter of the twelfth dancer princess.

Story:"Twelve dancing princesses"

Roommate:Ramona Badwulf.

Secret Desire of the Heart:After the end of my story, I want to open a dance studio with my own show and music program.

My "Magic" ability:When I dance, people who are nearby, suddenly begin to dance in the same way! So it happens all the time, even when I do not want it!

Status of romantic relationships:I am ready to divide the dance floor with a guy, but for this he must be an ideal prince.

Oh, this damned moment!:Every time I try to smear, they always catch me with political. Nevertheless, this is part of my fate.

Favorite school lesson:Music. I love to inspire songs and present new images.

Unloved school lesson:Princessology. Although I and the heir, but I like more lessons, allowing me to reveal your creative nature.

Best friends for all centuries:Malodi Piper always plays only the best melodies, and the talent of the talent is delighted by Talent.

Although I like to be the fairy of the godfather, I would like from time to time to go to the balls and dance all night long.

My "Magic" ability:With my magic wand, pollen fairies and the right spell, I can create anything truly royal!

Romantic relationship page:Now I'm looked for studying my magical abilities, so I do not have time for the relationship.

Oh, this damned moment!:My magic is valid until the watch is trying at midnight. So carefully follow the time!

Favorite school lesson:Fashion and design. I can make crystal shoes from glass; I like to give people things that they love to wear.

Unloved school lesson:Cooking. I accidentally turned the pumpkin pie in the royal carriage!

Best friends for all centuries:Eshlinna Ella - Royal Essential, descended from Heaven to Earth. Except her, Cedar Wood - her work gives me inspiration.

A few years ago, the puppet world simply blew up a completely unusual novelty. The famous producer of "Mattel" toys, once created Barbie, released the Monsters School of Monster and a series of dolls on him. Naughty stylish girls with features of cute monsters have instantly conquered millions of hearts. Not only small girls, but also adult serious collectors were among their fans.

But not to all parents, especially those who have not watched the adaptation of the monster-history, was like their peculiar aesthetics. The manufacturer instantly responded to the mood of potential buyers and pleased the fans of high-quality dolls by another new product known as the Ever After High ("Long and Happily").

With this, the story began, the heroes of which were siblings of fabulous families. All characters "Ever After High" are unique, each of them has a unique style, Skinton and Molt, and in the devils there are similarities with the heroes of favorite children's fairy tales.

Series and dolls

From an economic point of view, the company "Mattel" has just developed a brilliant marketing strategy. The series telling about the life of the disciples of a special school, heats up purchasing interest in the company's products. Of course, everyone wants not just a doll, but a doll with a story, a character, a unique style.

The characters "Ever After Hai" first appear on the screen, and after the new seasons of the series - on store shelves. The first release included all four characters, today the buyer offers more than five dozen dolls. Some of them are reissued annually in each new collection.

Girls of the first wave

In 2013, 4 dolls were issued. Today they are still welcome and valuable, because they are considered to be pioneers.

4 characters entered the series:

  • Eppl White is a blonde blonde. Despite the fact that her Mom Snow White once ate the entered apple and fell victim to the curse of eternal sleep, the epple itself simply adores these fruits. The doll has a very light skin-tone, gentle-gold hair, and her outfit is decorated with apples.
  • Raven Queen did not inherit from his mother's evil queen or her ambitions or a bad character. Her appearance is bright and expressive, gray-violet hair shade the depth of dark eyes. Raven style wears targets, but generally very feminine. The doll is dressed in the royal dress, decorated with feathers, chains and spikes.
  • Brüer Beauty, like her mother Sleeping Beauty, loves to take a nap. On a doll, a gentle pink chocolate dress with roses. Accessories are decorated with these colors.
  • Medelin Hetter is one of the most interesting Ever After High dolls. It is released at the adolescent body, and therefore, height is slightly lower than the rest (like Hawlin MX). Its turquoise-purple hair, accessories with cups and a radiant smile suggest that a girl from an unusual family. Still would! After all, her father is a mad hat.


Soon the series was replenished with new characters "Ever After Hai". Can not in a real fairy tale not to be big love? Dexter and Dering Charming - the royal sons, handsome and clever. They have friends: SPERROOU Hood (the same adventure seeker, like Robin Hood, his father), Alistaist Vonderland (son of the Alice, the conqueror of the country of miracles, and the same dreamer).

The most unusual characters Ever After High

The popularity of dolls inspires the manufacturer to create new images. In the same year, the series replenished Seraiz Hood. The doll came out on an adult body, it is slightly higher than the rest (like oil from MX).

He deserves the attention of cubid. By legend, the girl was transferred to the Ever After High School from Monster High. Today is the only character that is in both worlds. Dolls are similar to each other, but different.

Cedar (Cedar) Wood has a unique body. It's not just a chocolate skinton, but also in wood relief. No wonder, because her dad is Pinocchio.

Couples and Sets

Eshlyn Ella and Hunter Hantsman are very popular characters "Ever After Hai". This is a happy couple. The dolls were released at the end of 2013, the set complements accessories and stands.

Another couple - sister Holly and Poppy O'Hyr, Rapunzel children. Girls are very different. Holly loves their long golden hair, and Poppie carries an asymmetrical short haircut with color strands.

We are waiting for new products from "Mattel"

The manufacturer annually pleases the fules with new Ever After High releases. The full list of the characters of the series today has already exceeded a hundred, in many of them have been released dolls. Analyzing the Assortment of Monster High, it can be assumed that someday "Mattel" will release game sets with accessories, clothing and furniture and the TV series Ever After High.

The history of the school "Long and happily" just begins.

Biographies of the main and secondary heroes of Ever After Hai (schools for a long time and happily)

In May 2013, the American company Mattel launched a new feshn-doll line, whose characters are children of famous fabulous heroes and learn at school for a long time and happily. The history of the main and secondary characters of Ever After Hai is no less interesting than the biographies of Monster High dolls, because their parents are Cinderella, Mad Hatter, Pinocchio, Rapunzel and other heroes of fairy tales, both kind and evil. At the same time, the names of the characters of Ever After Hai often correspond to the origin of the heroes and their biography - for example, Apple White is the daughter of Snow White, Brother Beauty - Sleeping Beauty, and Serbit Hood ("Cherry Hood") - a red hat and gray wolf.

School training is long and happily somewhat different from studies at the school of monsters, and above all, because every student of the school Monster Hai is obliged to give an oath: in the future he will repeat the path of his parents so that the fairy tales live forever. However, all students of Ever After High were divided into two large groups - those who agree to pass their parents (Royal, heirs) and those who want to find their own way in life (Rebel, apostates).

Periodically appear new characters of School Ever After Hai, for example, GUS & Hilda Crum (Children and Gretel), Duchess SWAN (Daughter of Princess Swan) and Alistair Wonderland (Son Alice from Wonderland). Despite the fact that these heroes Ever After Hai new, not only their names and descriptions, but also detailed information about the characteristics of the characteristics of the characters. The most famous heroes of Ever After High come in:

Apple White (Apple White)

This is a daughter of Snow White and one of the main characters of Ever After High. She has pale leather, bright blue eyes and golden hair. Apple White is a bright and very confident girl who invariably causes admiration for others. She is destined to marry Prince Darling Charming, but until they meet. The best friends Apple White are Brother Beauty and Blondie Loks.

Serbit Hood (Cerise Hood)

Daughter of a red hat and gray wolf. She has bright skin, gray eyes, dark pink lips and long dark hair with a strand of white. Ears Serbit Hood slightly pointed, so she hides them under the hood, and when the girl is angry, the animal instincts wake up in it, which is not surprising, since she is a berry daughter. Despite the fact that Serbit Hood has girlfriends (Cedar Wood, Medellin Hetter and Raven Quin), most of his free time it prefers to spend with his pet - a wolf camone.

Raven Queen

Daughter of the evil queen and the good king. This doll has pale leather, the eyes of purple color, lilac lips and slightly curly black hair with burgundy and purple strands. Raven Queen attentive and kind, but a little sarcastic girl who does everything to not repeat the fate of his mother, concluded in the mirror dungeon. Best girlfriends - Serbit Hood and Medellin Hetter.


The daughter of sleeping beauty, which is intended to repeat the fate of the mother and also fall asleep with eternal sleep. Because of this, the girl leads a very active life, trying to catch everything that it is possible until it becomes possible to incarnate in its life. The only drawback brief beauty is an uncontrolled sleep, it falls asleep several times a day, regardless of the place and time. Best girlfriends Brother Beauty - Melody Piper, Blondie Locks and Epple White.

Cedar Wood (Cedar Wood)

Daughter Pinocchio. She has brown skin with divorces resembling wood texture, and brown long hair. Unlike his father, Cedar does not know how to lie at all, as the truth spell was imposed on her, so Cedar Wood is forced to tell the truth even when it is not required. Cedar Wood is friendly with Serbit Hood, Medellin Hetter and Raven Queen.

Holly O'Hair and Poppy O'Hair (Poppy O'Hair)

Holly twin sisters and Poppy about Heyra, Rapunzel's daughter. Holly - Future Rapunzel, Poppy - No, as it was born later. Holly O "Heyre has long magic hair, which can be used to create both thin silk and the stronger rope. Holly secretly in love with Prince Darling Charming. Poppy about" Heyra, unlike his sister, with a short haircut (every morning she is a bit Towers the tips and makes their valuable hair on a savings account), has a talent for hairdressers, realizing it in the salon-hairdresser "Tower", where he worries in his free time.

The best girlfriends Holly about "Heir-sister Poppi and Blondie Loks, and the best girlfriends Poppy about" Heyra are also her sister Holly and Eshlin Ella.

Eshlynn Ella (Ashlynn ELLA)

Daughter Cinderella. Initially, she was on the side of the heirs, but after he fell in love with Hunter Huntsman (the son of the hunter), began to side apostates to always be with her beloved. From Mother Eshlin Ella inherited love for shoes, which is implemented by working in the shop "Crystal Shop". The best girlfriends Eshlin - Raven Queen and Apple White, but a truly girl understands only her beloved, Huntner Hantsman, with whom they have a lot in common.

Medeline Hetter (Madeline Hatter)

Daughter of all the commercially insane hatter. She has pale leather, emerald green eyes, light pink lips and curly hair of burgundy and emerald colors. Most of the time Medelin Hetter spends his father in the tea store, where tea cerimony is spent. She is very friendly, energetic and bright girl, ready to always come to help those who need it. The best girlfriends Medelin Hetter - Cedar Wood and Raven Queen.

These are just the most famous, the main characters of Ever After High, about which the adventures of which are described in almost every series of the same name. However, the doll data line from Mattel is quite wide and includes children of such fabulous characters as the Chervonny Queen, the White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat and Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Zlatovlask, an evil witch from the Genzel and Gretel's fairy tale, the Prince - Haughsonok, Robin Hood and Princess-Swan from Ballet Fairy Tale "Swan Lake" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

"And they lived long and happily ..." - so many popular fairy tales end. And so the new line of dolls begins from the legendary manufacturer of Mattel (the beginning of the release - May 2013), most famous and. However, it is already easily believed that this series of chats legends are supplemented by the name Ever After High (School "Long and Happily").

Dolls and Legend Ever After High

Often, you can find a statement that the dolls Ever After Hai is a "relaxed" copy of "Monsters". Say, not all the parents were delighted with what had to yield to the infancy of the child, to buy not a milapiduous doll, but the "genetic experiment", and at the same time not a joke was worried about the tastes in the chad. And it remains only to guess how many children's hopes broke about the solid parent "no", dictated by reinforced concrete belief: Monster High is an unsuitable toy for the younger generation. Well, Ever After Hai is a wonderful alternative, as a rule, corresponding to parental tastes for a hundred percent.

From the named Monster High Doll Ever After Hai left near, at least in the design of the tel. However, we must give them due, they are more "human", for example, without a characteristic "monster" protruding tummy. In the lineup - three types of female bodies and one man. Women differ among themselves mostly leg length. The growth of dolls ranges from 24.5 to 28 cm.

Ever After High is also a school; A school in which each character in the end is obliged to swear in what will follow the fabulous fate of his parents. Well, fabulous fate, is good, who will refuse it? But do not forget that it is not only about the descendants of positive characters, because at school "long and happily" there are a variety of disciples. And what about those who do not want to follow the example of their parents? Perhaps someone wants to rewrite their "long and happily" for a non-fabulous scenario!

The school has a variety of characters that are loyal to the peculiarities of other students. It seems we have something to learn from them. But still the school is divided into those who dream of repeating the fate of the parents ("Royal", or Royal), and those who, by all means trying to avoid this ("rebels", or Rebel).

Talking both schools tied the receptional daughter of God's love - C.A.cupid: I saw a photo of the son of a beautiful prince on the school attack - Dexter Camming's son - she fell in love with him without memory. Thus, from the world of monsters, Kyupid snuck into the fabulous world.

As in the case of the previous line of dolls, Ever After High have good media support: the animated series tells about the school weekdays of the characters; On the official website you can find blogs separate characters. The Storybook of Legends was released, Shannon Hale, which was translated into Russian and was released by the Eksmo Publishing House in 2014. And this is just the beginning.

The first basic series in the 2013th year consisted of only four different characters: Raven Queen, Medelin Hetter, Epple White and Bryar Beauty.

Dolls Ever After Hai: photo characters

Rebel from Ever After High

Raven Queen

The daughter of the evil queen from the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".

Medeline Hatter (Madeline Hatter)

Daughter of a crazy hat from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland".

Eshlynn Ella (Ashlynn ELLA)

Daughter Cinderella from the fairy tale of the same name. First belonged to "Royal", then to "rebels".

Hunter Huntsman

The son of a hunter from "Red Caps".

Serbit Hood (Cerise Hood)

Daughter of a red hat from the same fairy tale.

Si Hey Cupid (C.A.cupid)

Eros's daughter.

Cedar Wood (Cedar Wood)

Pinocchio's daughter from the fairy tale "Adventures Pinocchio. History of wooden doll. "

Poppy O'Hair (Poppy O'Hair)

Rapunzel daughter from the fairy tale eponymous.