Is it possible to give 17 roses to a girl. Flowers and girls are an eternal mystery. How many roses should be in the bouquet

The ceremony of giving flowers originated in the distant past. Flowers can be admired tirelessly. There are a lot of admirers of such amazing beauty, both among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, and among the stronger sex.

The variety of colors is striking in its extensive list: carnations, chrysanthemums, lilies, tulips, daffodils, lilies of the valley, orchids…

Probably, there will not be a person who can list all the names of colors. But the first place in popularity is occupied, of course, by the queen of flowers - a beautiful and at the same time prickly rose. It is impossible to imagine a holiday without roses.

Roses are given with wishes and with certain feelings. Sometimes a bouquet can tell about feelings much more eloquently than its owner.

The history of giving flowers has also formed a peculiar language of flowers.. As flowers for a gift, roses are preferred by people who are self-confident and firmly on their feet, their life values ​​​​are comfort and stability.

Among the Greeks, a pink bud was considered a symbol of infinity, because the rose flower has a rounded shape, which means that it has neither beginning nor end.

In addition, the petals in an unblown bud are twisted so tightly that it cannot be opened, but as soon as it fully opens, the petals begin to slowly fade.

The captivating beauty of this flower is very short-lived, which serves as a reminder of the short duration of beauty, and how fleeting human life is.

From Greece, rose bushes came to Rome, where they became a symbol of morality during the days of republican rule. When Roman soldiers went on a campaign, wreaths of roses replaced their helmets, as it was believed that with the help of such a ritual, courage was filled from the heart.

On the day of the triumph, the entry into Rome, the great Roman commander Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus allowed his soldiers to carry bouquets of roses in their hands. The ability to preserve the memory of brave warriors for centuries was expressed in the commander's decree, according to which images of roses were embossed on the shields of warriors.

But strange as it sounds, the rose was a symbol of silence.

Since the 19th century, the language of roses has acquired an exclusively love character,
but roses were distinguished by variety: for example, to receive an Austrian rose as a gift meant great love, a white Damascus rose meant quiet, shy love, infidelity was attributed to a yellow rose.

But not everything is so simple, it was of great importance which flowers were in the bouquet next to the rose.

The rich centuries-old history of giving flowers has undergone changes and improved in the meaning of flowers, but not only the language of flowers has changed, but the flowers themselves have changed and improved.
According to Christian legend, in ancient times a rose without thorns was a symbol of love at first sight. Such a flower grew in the Garden of Eden, but that was before the sin of Adam and Eve. After Adam and Eve committed a sin and were expelled from paradise, the rose was covered with thorns, a kind of reminder of mortal sin.

Rose flower meanings

The tea rose symbolizes parting - "I will never forget you", thus it reminds the recipient of flowers and the giver of meetings that cannot be forgotten. The tea rose is also a symbol of constancy. In perfumery, this flower symbolizes beauty, femininity and romance.

White violet and rose symbolize chastity, purity and innocence.

According to legend, the Archangel Gabriel made 3 wreaths of yellow, white and red roses for the Most Holy Theotokos. And each wreath was filled with its own meaning: white - joy, yellow - glory, red - suffering.

A white rose symbolizes strong, pure and eternal love, which is why these flowers are given for a wedding.

Red roses symbolize passionate and true love, desire.

Almost everyone knows how amazing the aroma of pink and red roses is. The red rose symbolizes passion and deep love.

Red roses are also given as a sign of respect and admiration.

For your information, even if the roses in the bouquet are white and framed with a red border, or vice versa, the meaning of the combination of these colors is preserved. Such a bouquet directly says: “You and I are two halves of one whole!”

The combination of white and red roses in one bouquet is a symbol of unanimity, harmony in love, long and lasting friendship, strong union.

Pink roses are a symbol of the beginning of a relationship.

They seem to serve as a hint of nascent feelings that may in the future blaze with all their might. Pink roses in a bouquet are a symbol of pride and nobility, sympathy, admiration and tender feelings.

Pink has a lot of shades, the combination of flowers of various shades of pink in a bouquet is used for promising, and often very eloquent, veiled messages.

The pink rose symbolizes sophistication, elegance, courtesy, courtesy and courtesy.

If you decide to express your gratitude to someone, you can present a bouquet of roses in a bright pink or cherry shade. A bouquet of rose buds in soft pink shades will help express sympathy.

Burgundy and scarlet roses in a bouquet will tell about love, violent passion and admiration. On Valentine's Day, there is a tradition of giving burgundy roses.

Yellow roses, oddly enough, symbolize joy, happiness and friendship. And contrary to all prevailing opinions, they have nothing to do with separation, jealousy and betrayal.

Few people know that yellow roses symbolize reconciliation. Therefore, if you had a fight with your loved one the day before, and now he has a bouquet of yellow roses in his hands, it means only one thing: “Forgive me, let's start everything from scratch.”

Orange roses are designed to convey pride and charm to the addressee of the bouquet. Often, they are given at the completion of cases.

How many roses can you give?

Almost everyone knows that a pair of flowers is brought only to the grave. But no one has good arguments why it is impossible to give an even number of flowers to the living?

This opinion was formed in the very distant past before the adoption of Christianity, when even numbers symbolized death and evil, and odd numbers symbolized goodness and prosperity.

Many have heard the expression "trouble never comes alone", for this reason it is considered a bad sign to give a pair of flowers.

At present, not everyone adheres to this tradition. In some families, for example, there is a custom to give the number of flowers, how old the person is. Therefore, the birthday girl in a year receives either an even or an odd number of flowers.

Masters of floristry are firmly of the opinion that sticking to an odd number in a bouquet costs only up to 10 flowers, and then their number, even or odd, does not matter. In Western countries, they absolutely do not think about how many roses can be given.

But all countries of the world are united by a universal love for roses, which at all times symbolize love.

How many roses can you give a girl?

One rose means tenderness.

Two roses together - the expectation of an engagement or marriage, such a number cannot be given to single girls and women.

Three roses - passionate and strong love, a declaration of love.

Five roses - this number is appropriate for a first date, and it also means a wish for well-being, a wish for good luck and happiness.

Seven roses are appropriate for offering the hand of the heart.

Nine and ten roses - the admiration and delight of a woman.

Eleven roses are a confirmation of the feeling of devoted and unchanging love, so many flowers are given to a beloved wife.

How many roses to give to a beloved girl, each young man must decide for himself based on his feelings and budget.

Twelve roses can be presented on the anniversary of the first meeting or acquaintance.

Thirteen roses are given to blood relatives or close friends, this number symbolizes the wish for happiness.

15,17,19 roses can be given, as a rule, for a wedding. Such a number of flowers is a dogma: "together for life."

21 roses - a wonderful surprise for the one and only beloved.

23-25 ​​roses - a declaration of love.

27 roses are given to a beloved and beloved wife.

29 roses means a declaration of eternal love.

31 roses are presented with the wish of only bright and joyful days of the year.

101 roses will tell a girl that she is loved and the only one for life!

At least five flowers are given to the wedding, which express the collective wish for the whole family of happiness, health, fertility, longevity and wealth.

Mom can give 25 roses or flowers in a bouquet as a sign of gratitude and eternal love.

More than thirty roses can be presented to your beloved girl when you are going to confess to her admiration and adoration, which will become a kind of marriage proposal.

How many flowers can be given for a birthday depends on the feelings of a man and their relationship with a woman. Knowing what a certain number of roses and the color of the buds means, you can choose the right option.

As a rule, 3 or 5 birthday roses are perceived as a sign of respect, 7 and 9 - love. You should not give this number of flowers if you do not plan to saturate friendships with love.

Bouquets with the number of flowers from 11 to 25 flowers are given for birthday only to close people. A bouquet of 25 flowers symbolizes the usual declaration of love.

Eleven flowers in a bouquet are given by a husband to his wife and a wife to her husband, such a bouquet means "one heart - one life."

Close relatives and closest friends can give 17 flowers for their birthday. Such a bouquet symbolizes the wish of happiness.

If a young man has serious intentions, he can give a bouquet of 37 flowers to his beloved girl on her birthday, which symbolizes a wish for joy for every day. Well, aerobatics - 101 roses in the basket.

Such a bouquet is given only to the one with whom they decided to connect their lives!

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A flower bouquet ennobles life, gives joy, calms the eyes, creates a wonderful mood, brings peace to the house. A gift in the form of a bouquet of flowers ideally expresses the feelings of the giver, if the number of buds and their shade are correctly selected.

Roses are the most popular flowers that you can give for any occasion, they are suitable for expressing romantic feelings, they are presented on special occasions, given for anniversaries, you can congratulate a young girl, a mature lady, a man and a child with such flowers. It is only important to know what the color of roses and the number of roses in a bouquet mean, so that such a gift becomes priceless and brings joy.

A little bit of history

The appearance has its roots in the distant past, it originated in the East, it was extremely popular there. Behind the impregnable walls of harems, beautiful women, languishing from boredom, have come up with a way to convey the necessary information with the help of flower arrangements, giving meaning to the color and number of flowers collected in a bouquet.

The flower language came to Europe at the very beginning of the eighteenth century, the Swedish king Charles II was simply fascinated by it after he visited Persia on an official visit. Arriving back in Sweden, he introduced the language of flowers into everyday life, published the first flower dictionary, which described in detail the designation of different flowers, explained what their number means, and described in detail how to correctly compose a bouquet in order to express the right feeling.

Subsequently, such dictionaries became widespread in many countries, they gained particular popularity among the frivolous court ladies of the French court, but stiff English women also enjoyed using this art.

What color of roses means what?

The rose has always been considered the queen of the flower world, it is usually believed that the meaning of rose flowers is passionate love, but not everything is so simple, it is the color of the rose that is important when composing a bouquet, because each shade is assigned its own secret expression of feelings.

  • The red flower is a symbol of true, fiery love. A lush bouquet will tell about crazy passion, hint to the object of adoration about fiery feelings. One scarlet rose will tell about respect and admiration for the one who received it as a gift.
  • The white rose in flower language has always been considered a symbol of purity and innocence. And also the following meanings are attributed to this color: fidelity, consent, perfection. A bouquet of white roses given to a young girl speaks of pure and perfect love. This is one of the best wedding gifts.

If the bouquet contains flowers of red and white, then the meaning of roses of these colors is as follows: harmonious feelings, strong friendship, the union of people who understand each other perfectly. White roses with red edging imply the same meaning of the message.

  • It is customary to give a pink hue, indicating a slight hint of a future relationship, on a first date, such a flower arrangement will hint at the romantic feelings of the donor, show that he feels sympathy and admiration for the lady to whom he presents flowers. A large selection of shades of pink allows you not only to hint at the feeling that has arisen, but also to express your gratitude. In this case, you should choose flowers of more saturated shades: hot pink or cherry.
  • It is customary to give orange roses if you want to express your best wishes. Such flowers are given not only to loved ones to demonstrate their warm feelings, but also to those who want to express admiration and pride. Orange roses are the most positive flowers, they can be given to both a woman and a man.
  • The tea rose is a symbol of parting. Such a bouquet seems to say: “I will always remember you”, this shade means constancy and symbolizes hope for a future meeting.
  • The yellow color of roses does not mean separation at all, the meaning of the color of roses is completely opposite to the prevailing opinion. The yellow bouquet symbolizes friendship, respect, joy and admiration. A composition of yellow roses is the most appropriate gift for an anniversary or celebration, and bright yellow flowers given to a loved one after a quarrel indicate an attempt at reconciliation. With such a bouquet, you can ask for forgiveness for the mistakes made, offer in the language of flowers to start a relationship anew.
  • Blue roses appeared not very long ago, their mysterious, unusual color implies mystery. The blue hue of the petals seems to call for the impossible to be achieved. It is customary to present such bouquets to extraordinary people of creative professions.
  • Peach roses. These flowers symbolize modesty. With a bouquet of this color, you can show your sense of joy from the meeting, express gratitude, and demonstrate the warmth of the relationship.
  • Roses of burgundy shades mean ardor, real passion, a feeling of admiration in the language of flowers. Luxurious burgundy bouquet is a wonderful gift for a luxurious woman.
  • Green roses have the following meaning: abundance, fertility. The Chinese horoscope recommends giving such unusual compositions to successful people.
  • The black rose has always symbolized sadness. But the bouquet of black roses and their number in the composition can carry another meaning. Nine black flowers can be given to a man with charisma and willpower to emphasize his respect and admiration.

Having learned what a rose of a certain color means in the language of flowers, you should also deal with the number of flowers in the composition, because with the help of a certain number of roses you can also convey some information.

The number of flowers in a bouquet, which means

Floral language focuses not only on color, but also on the number of roses collected in a bouquet. It is symbolically considered that an even number of flowers collected in a composition has a negative load, so a bouquet usually consists of an odd number of flowers.

  • It is customary to give one rose if you want to emphasize the following: this person is one and only.
  • Three flowers denote joy, friendship, sincere feelings. Numerology (the science of numbers) ascribes exactly such concepts to the number 3. A bouquet of three roses can be given for any occasion.
  • Five roses collected in a flower arrangement mean
  • It is appropriate to give seven flowers to a teacher or a person starting to study, because the number 7 in the science of numbers symbolizes a craving for the unknown, a desire to learn some secrets, to gain knowledge.
  • Nine has the following meaning - the desire to ask for forgiveness, to repent of their deeds. A bouquet of 9 roses can be presented to the person with whom you want to achieve reconciliation, and it can be not only a loved one, but also a colleague or friend.
  • A bouquet of 13 roses is never presented in our country, because of the existing concept of "damn dozen", such a gift can carry an offensive meaning.
  • 15 roses - an unusually beautiful and lush bouquet. A composition of 15 flowers is presented to express their deepest respect and devotion to the one to whom the gift is intended. Such a bouquet, presented for a celebration, acquires special meaning.
  • The composition, consisting of 21 roses, has the deepest mystical overtones. It means ideal, perfection. In numerology, it is customary to decompose such a number into derivatives, seven and three - two numbers symbolizing the highest love. Such a bouquet, presented at a wedding, will show sincere intentions and fiery feelings.
  • 29 roses are presented only to the beloved woman. This number symbolizes eternal love. A bouquet made up of so many slightly opened flowers will make it clear how strong the feelings of the giver are. The number 29 is a special number, you should not give such a bouquet without experiencing real feelings, it can invite misfortune.
  • A bouquet of 33 roses has the following meaning: a declaration of love, an offer to go through life together. The number thirty-three, which in numerology means the age of the Savior, is symbolic in that it means forgiveness and eternal love.
  • A composition of 36 roses is given if the recipient wants to wish happiness and longevity.
  • 101 flowers collected in a chic composition, a gift for special occasions. Such a bouquet is presented on the day of the engagement, wedding. Such a luxurious gift will make it possible to understand the feelings of the giver without words.

And yet, it is not so important how many roses are in the flower arrangement, and what color they are. If you give flowers with sincere feelings, they will bring joy, give a positive mood and good emotions. And the most expensive bouquet, presented without a soul, is unlikely to bring even a drop of pleasure.

Women love flowers. Even those who say they don't like it. This is a fact that must be accepted by all men a priori. So, dear gentlemen, take the trouble to figure out how to choose a bouquet, how many roses you can give a girl, what color they should be so that you are understood correctly. Yes, girls will also need to know such details.

The magical language of flowers

A bouquet of flowers, presented not for a holiday, causes a storm of emotions and feelings in a woman. But men should be more careful with the choice of the number of flowers, their type and color. So, having presented an even number of yellow tulips (a very beautiful composition, no one argues!), You can assume that you have already parted, since this is precisely the symbolic interpretation of the bouquet. But one rose will light a spark of happiness and hope for a long and strong relationship in the eyes of your girlfriend, even if you didn’t mean it at all. So flowers are a delicate matter! And we will help you figure it out.

Million Scarlet roses

If you are not a poor artist who wants to repeat the graceful act of the hero of a famous song, then let's deal with the meaning of the number of roses in a bouquet. First of all, there must be an odd number of them. An even number is brought to the dead or placed in the cemetery. The only exception is the interlacing of 2 roses: this is a symbolic invitation to the registry office.

1 flower

1 rose is considered a symbol that the guy is fascinated by the girl and timidly hopes for reciprocity - a great option for a first date. But there is a category of women who for some reason are convinced that one flower speaks only of the stinginess of the donor. This is absolutely not the case, and if a lady nevertheless frankly expresses her “phi”, then it is worth considering several times whether she deserves something more.

3 roses

Such lovely bouquets can only be given to beloved girls, and not during the candy-bouquet period, but when the relationship has become stable and strong. If a man does not have a tender and reverent relationship with a lady, then it is better not to make such gifts: they will confuse the counterpart.

5 roses

They are also called the "bouquet of the first date." It is this number of flowers that is considered ideal for the candy-bouquet stage of a relationship. However, so many roses can be given to girlfriends of friends - this will not cause any ridiculous suspicions.

7 roses

This is Mom's Bouquet. This number of roses is considered the most suitable for solemn occasions. A bouquet expresses admiration and respect - a great way to congratulate a woman on her anniversary or birthday! But if you have not been officially married for about 30 years, then it is better not to present 7 roses to your wife: she will be offended, believing that you have put her on the same level as her colleagues.

9 flowers

The meaning of 9 roses is very extensive. This is both a declaration of love, and a tribute of great respect to the personality of a woman, and a desire to emphasize her importance in her life. Usually such bouquets are presented to loved ones for discharge to the hospital.

11 roses

Men believe that every year they get married for 2. Let's not upset them and say that women have a score of 1 to 5, because anyway we cannot live without each other. So if a loved one gives 11 roses, then by this he emphasizes that there is no one better and more expensive than his chosen one in this world.

25 roses

Do you want to make a marriage proposal, but the words are lumpy in your throat? Feel free to give 25 roses. It is this bouquet that is considered to be a symbol of engagement.

29 roses

Since they gave 25, then the next stage is 29. This is an oath of eternal love. Usually such bouquets are presented in honor of the news of a long-awaited pregnancy. This occasion, by the way, deserves a bouquet - a symbol of adoration - 101 roses.

Color and feelings

Probably, there is not a single girl who is indifferent to velvet and the scent of roses. And their rich color scheme proves once again that there is no flower more popular. But when choosing shades for a bouquet, you need to clearly understand the meaning of each tone of the “pink” spectrum.

  • White roses are usually given for a wedding - it is a symbol of purity.

  • Red roses mean passion, desire. But if a young man chose a combination of red and white in one bouquet, then he feels a deep spiritual unity with the girl.

  • Burgundy buds practically scream about love at first sight and unearthly passion.

  • Pink roses make up a refined and elegant bouquet, the meaning of which depends on the shade. So, cherry or bright pink buds express deep gratitude, soft pink ones speak of sympathy, as well as the beginning of a love relationship.

  • The meaning of yellow roses is the admiration and admiration of a man for a lady of the heart. But at the same time, in the same way, you can offer a woman friendship instead of love.

  • If you are friends, then give orange roses. Such a bouquet will definitely not confuse, and your gift will be unambiguously regarded.

  • The most sincere gratitude, as well as some timidity towards a woman, is symbolized by peach roses.

  • Originality, generosity of the giver shows a bouquet of green roses. In addition, with such a bouquet you can confess your love without words.

  • Black roses, except for a sad occasion, can only be presented to the heroine Meryl Streep from the movie The Devil Wears Prada. This bouquet speaks of the unprecedented inner strength of the one to whom it is presented.

  • If a man gets tired of playing cat and mouse, he gives blue or blue flowers - to emphasize that he has never met a more mysterious person.

  • But for a beautiful parting, ladies are given tea roses.

It is difficult to find a girl who does not like to receive flowers as a gift. Moreover, there are not so many people in the world who treat roses with indifference. After all, it is enough just to look at a rose, and the soul begins to tremble, what can we say about its unique aroma. Therefore, choosing it as a present for a lady, you can safely count on favor. The main thing is to decide how many roses to give a girl. After all, each flower can carry a specific message.

Some amazing stories about roses

Before moving on to a discussion of how many roses to give a girl, let's look back at the past. This will help to understand the essence of the symbolism of this flower, and will also allow you to learn some intriguing facts. And who knows, maybe they will help melt a woman's heart, disarmed by a wonderful gift.

For the first time, the ancient Persians mention this flower; in their language, the rose is called “gul”. If you believe the legends, then at one time Persia was called Gulistan, or the country of roses. Hundreds, if not thousands of gardens found shelter within the walls of Persian cities. And when the time of flowering came, the amazing aroma of these flowers wafted through the streets.

How many roses should be given to a girl, the ancient Greeks knew for sure. They believed that roses appeared from the foam that beat against the body of Aphrodite. But she was and defended the lovers. Therefore, these flowers among the Greeks were a symbol of mutual love.

Another admirer of roses was Queen Cleopatra. There is a story about how, thanks to their aroma, she seduced Caesar, and he swore love to her.

What do roses mean in the language of flowers

Now that we have dealt with history, let's talk about modern symbolism. She is much closer to us, and affects how many roses you can give a girl.

Since the 19th century, the rose has firmly strengthened its position, as well as passions. Great artists, poets and musicians admired her and tried to reflect the depth of her beauty in their works. This added charm to the rose even more, and made it a welcome gift for any girl.

As for the deeper meaning, everything here depends not only on the colors themselves, but also on what color they are. Therefore, before deciding for yourself how many roses to give a girl, you should think carefully. After all, the meaning of the whole composition will depend on the correct combination of the number of flowers in the bouquet and their shade.

How to choose the color and variety of roses

Well, when going to a flower shop, you should be well prepared so as not to make the wrong decision. You need to understand that now there is a huge selection of these colors, and each of them will carry its own meaning.

So, what is hidden under the shade of roses.

  1. White roses are a symbol of the purity of love. With their gentle appearance, they remind that love is not always passion. Sometimes feelings can be quiet, calm, like the surface of a lake, but at the same time deep and all-consuming. It is customary to give such flowers at weddings as a sign of eternal love.
  2. Red or scarlet roses are a symbol of unbridled passion. They seem to be embraced by the scarlet flame of love, which consumes everything in its path. Such a gift means that a person is crazy about his soul mate, and wants only her.
  3. also indicates love. True, it is more suitable for shy people who do not want to scream about their feelings at the top of their voices. In addition, according to tradition, they give for the day of all lovers.
  4. talk about friendship. It is customary to give them to friends and colleagues, thereby showing them their gratitude and respect. If we talk about relationships, then yellow roses are a symbol of separation and parting. Therefore, lovers do not give each other bouquets of this shade.

How many roses to give a girl?

Now let's deal with the bouquet itself, more precisely, with how many roses to give a girl to win her heart. One point should be immediately stipulated: the number of colors must necessarily be odd, otherwise she may not take it well. True, if the number of flowers in the bouquet exceeds 13 pieces, then you can discard

And yet, how many roses can you give a girl?

  • One rose can become a symbol of flaring feelings or sympathy.
  • Three roses are already proof of love.
  • Five roses is a composition that speaks of good intentions, and such a number of flowers also means a wish for happiness and good luck.
  • Ten roses are a symbol of admiration, true love.
  • It is customary to give eleven flowers in married life.
  • Sixteen roses are given to true friends and close relatives.
  • Twenty nine is a symbol of eternal and unshakable love.
  • One hundred and one rose is a sign of love bordering on madness.

How many roses to give a girl? In Russia, it is customary to choose a bouquet of an odd number of flowers for a gift on holidays. It is believed that an even number is an option for a sad occasion. However, you can buy an even number of roses if you plan to present a bouquet for a birthday or anniversary. Example - a girl turns 20 years old. In this case, a bouquet of 20 roses can be an actual solution. However, if the beauty is convinced that such a decision is wrong, then it is better that the composition includes 1 less rose - in this case 19.

How many roses to give a girl?

1 - for no reason, just to make a nice present, as a sign of attention.

3 - if you want to demonstrate your special attitude towards the girl. Such a number of roses is appropriate if you wish to note the merits of a young lady, which the donor appreciates in her.

5 - a bouquet of 5 roses, as a hope for a long-term relationship. Do you want reciprocity of feelings? Give 5 beautiful roses.

7 is a special number. Bridal bouquets often consist of 7 flowers. If you plan to make a marriage proposal in the future or even at the time of giving a bouquet, then 7 is the best number.

9 - to emphasize girlish beauty, admiration for her, to demonstrate a deep feeling.

11 - on a different occasion, a girl who has already reciprocated.

15 - on the anniversary of acquaintance - as a pleasant gift-reminder.

17 - as a sign of admiration, with many compliments that emphasize the beauty of the girl.

19 - as a symbol of a life together, long and happy.

21 - recognition of the uniqueness and features of the beauty.

25 - the traditional number of girls with whom men become engaged.

29 - as a sign of eternity of love and sensual relationships.

101 - recognition that the girl is the only one in your life.

365 - for every day of the year - a chic gift.

It should be noted that the above tips are the answer to the question “How many roses to give a girl?”, Which is interesting for a man in love. If a representative of the stronger sex wants to buy flowers for a girl who is his girlfriend, relative, for example, daughter, niece, then there are no special recommendations in terms of the number of flowers. Give as much as you want! At the same time, the main thing is still not the number of roses, but attention, the desire to make a pleasant gift.

How many roses are given to a girl - the choice of a large or small bouquet

Large bouquets are appropriate to give on serious dates in life, in particular, on an anniversary. 25 or more roses is always a nice gift that can cause admiration and surprise. Each girl will note the chicness of the bouquet and accept it with gratitude. Volumetric flower arrangements can be presented if you wish to propose marriage. They are also worth choosing if you just want to shout to the whole world about your deep love for a beautiful beauty.

How many flowers to give a girl for a wedding? The bride deserves the most luxurious gifts. And there are no special recommendations for the number of roses - you can 25, 35, 51, 101 and more. Big can give not only the groom. Close relatives can also choose chic compositions for a present for the bride, worthy of being presented to her on such a wonderful holiday as a wedding.

A small bouquet is an option for a modest present that you want to please the girl once again. An excellent solution from a small number of roses - for a date. How many flowers are given to a girl at the first meeting? Huge compositions will be inappropriate. A girl may misinterpret such attention. It is better if the bouquet is small and compactly assembled. Roses are flowers that look beautiful in any quantity.

You can buy any number of roses. The main thing is that we will offer you only the freshest and most perfect flowers. An important tip - remember about age. It is not customary for girls to give too dark roses. White, cream, pink - the best option. Red - only to beloved and adored beauties. At the same time, reds can be combined with roses of other colors. Such a bouquet can be given to a girl who is your friend or relative.