The problem of assessing the quality of the professional activity of a preschool teacher. A sample of writing an expert opinion on the certification of preschool educators Expert activities of a preschool teacher

Solving the new challenges facing modern education is impossible within the framework of the traditional "pedagogy of formation". To date, the main shift that developed countries are making in the field of early, preschool and school education is associated with the idea of ​​its humanization.

The upbringing of a creative, self-actualizing personality presupposes the recognition of the importance of the child's self-development processes, his status as a subject of his own development; the need to balance the initiatives of adults and children; taking into account the motives and needs of participants in the educational process. This radically changes the role and functions of the teacher.

Diagnosis and subsequent impact on the child (formation, correction) should be replaced by co-existence (the joint existence of adults and children, filled with interesting events), the organization of productive communication between participants in the educational process. It is at preschool age that children receive a basic set of key competencies that they will need in life. In many ways, their success and mobility in the future will depend on how they live their childhood.

The personality of the teacher becomes a decisive factor in the development of the child.

The profession of a preschool teacher is gradually moving into the category of specialties characterized by the highest level of mobility. It is becoming more and more complex, which is associated with the emergence of new professional tasks, behavioral paradigms and views, with the need to master new functions demanded by modern society.

The following personal and professional qualities and competencies of the educator come to the fore today:

  • a clear vision of modern tasks of preschool education;
  • value attitude to the child, culture, creativity;
  • humane pedagogical position;
  • the ability to take care of the ecology of childhood, the preservation of the spiritual and physical health of children;
  • showing concern for the development of the individuality of each child;
  • the ability to create and constantly enrich the cultural-informational and subject-developing educational environment;
  • the ability to work with the content of training and a variety of pedagogical technologies, giving them a personal and semantic orientation;
  • the ability to carry out experimental activities to introduce subjectively and objectively new approaches and technologies, to assess their compliance with the goals of education adopted at the state level, the tasks of humanizing the educational process, the opportunities and needs of children;
  • the ability to self-education, self-cultivation of personal structures of consciousness, giving a humane meaning
    activities of the teacher.

Against the background of updating the content, the principles of building the educational process, the introduction of various models for organizing the education of preschoolers, the contradiction between the required and actual level of professional competence of educators deepens. In practice, this is expressed in the predominance of the educational model in the work of preschool educational institutions, in the inability of teachers to organize productive joint activities with children, to build object-subject relations with pupils and their parents, to select forms and methods of education, training, development of preschoolers in accordance with the adopted goals. education.

An important step towards eliminating this contradiction should be the definition of requirements for the professional qualifications of the educator and its components (professional experience, motivation, personal qualities and other professional characteristics).

These requirements should form the basis of the certification procedure for teachers for compliance with the position held, the first and highest qualification categories, and become the basis for organizing continuous education of educators.

An analysis of the experience of assessing the professional qualifications of educators, presented by different regions, allows us to speak about the ambiguity of approaches to solving this problem. Indicators of the level of professionalism
differ in content, in scale, not for all the proposed parameters for assessing professional
qualifications, it is possible to identify a pronounced correlation with the success of pedagogical activity. For example, in the Belgorod region, the following set of indicators is in effect that determines the level of professional activity of teaching staff:

  • advanced training, professional retraining;
  • knowledge of the legal framework, theoretical and practical foundations of professional activity;
  • knowledge and use of information and communication technologies in the process of educational work;
  • participation in problem-research, experimental activities;
  • the results of work to reduce the incidence of children;
  • the results of work to increase the interest of visiting the preschool educational institution by pupils;
  • the level of development by children of the general educational program of the preschool educational institution;
  • ensuring safe conditions for children in preschool;
  • the quality of the organization of the developing environment of the group;
  • the results of pupils' participation in events of various levels;
  • rating of the teacher among parents;
  • the presence of a generalized pedagogical experience;
  • availability of scientific and methodological materials;
  • participation in scientific and practical conferences, pedagogical readings, in the work of GMO, RMO, MO DOE, sections,
    teachers' councils;
  • conducting open classes, master classes;
  • professional activity of the teacher: leadership of the MO, creative group; participation in organizing committees, jury of competitions, attestation commissions; support of pedagogical practice of students;
  • participation in professional competitions;
  • encouragement of the teacher in the inter-certification period.

In an expert opinion on the level of professional activity of a teacher of a preschool educational institution, the form of which was developed in St. Petersburg, similar indicators are grouped into four groups:

  1. Possession of modern educational technologies and methods, the effectiveness of their application.
  2. Contribution to improving the quality of education, dissemination of own experience.
  3. The results of mastering by students, pupils of educational programs and indicators of their dynamics
  4. Awards and promotions for success in professional activities.

Thus, the normative requirements for professional activity, which are reflected in the qualification characteristics of the educator and include basic knowledge, skills, are supplemented by indicators that reflect the ability to apply ZUN, comprehend professional experience, and achieve results.

In accordance with this trend, such constructs as competencies, competencies and metaprofessional qualities are introduced into the content of vocational education and the methodology for assessing professional activity.

The very definition of the concept of "competence" reflects various aspects of the teacher's professionalism.

Definition 1. Competence is the quality of an employee's actions that provide an adequate and effective solution to professionally significant subject tasks that are of a problematic nature, as well as a willingness to take responsibility for their actions.

Definition 2. Competence is a qualitative characteristic of a person's realization of knowledge formed in the educational process, generalized methods of activity, cognitive and practical skills,
competencies reflecting the ability (readiness) of a person to actively and creatively use the
education for solving personally and socially significant educational and practical tasks, effective
achieving life goals.

Definition 3. Competence is a quality determined by the availability of knowledge, skills and competencies, but not reducible to a set of competencies and is not a mechanical sum of knowledge, skills and skills, as it also includes motivational, social and behavioral components.

Definition 4. Competence is a new formation of the subject of activity, which is formed in the process of professional training, which is a systemic manifestation of knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities, which makes it possible to successfully solve functional tasks that make up the essence of professional activity.

Based on the basic components of the competence of educators, a group of authors led by V.D. Shadrikov, competencies were identified that ensure the successful solution of professional tasks in the following areas of professional activity:

  • setting goals and objectives of pedagogical activity;
  • motivation of educational activity;
  • providing the information basis of pedagogical activity;
  • development of programs and making pedagogical decisions;
  • organization of educational activities.

The description of the relevant competencies and the parameters of their assessment made it possible to present a professional standard of pedagogical activity, thereby setting an “activity-oriented criteria-based basis for assessing the quality of professional activity and attesting teachers” . Evaluation of each of the parameters in points allows you to identify the correspondence between the level of complexity and the quality of the solution by the teacher
professional (functional) tasks of the declared qualification category.

The authors of the methodology identify a number of scientific, methodological, organizational and ethical principles for evaluating professional activities and conducting certification of teaching staff. Among the scientific and methodological principles (the principle of the activity approach, the principle of criterion clarity, the principle of focusing on improving the quality of the work of teaching staff), I would like to single out the principle of differentiation of the level of qualifications of teachers.

This principle determines the need to identify indicators and evaluation criteria for each of the selected parameters, which allow differentiating teachers by skill levels.

Practice shows that the presence of scientifically substantiated, experimentally verified criteria that have a high correlation with the practice of pedagogical activity is a necessary condition for the objectivity of the expert's evaluation activity. It is also important to note that without relying on certain criteria that reflect certain characteristics of professional activity, it is difficult for a teacher to carry out self-assessment.

An analysis of various approaches to assessing the quality of the professional activity of pedagogical workers makes it possible to identify various criteria for its effectiveness:

Quantitative. The basis for evaluating a particular indicator of a teacher's competence is the amount of something (work experience, the total number of hours of coursework, articles, open events, the number of winners of competitions, etc.). Obviously, this criterion is often not enough, since quantity does not always indicate quality.

The severity of the evaluation parameter. When using this criterion, the assessment system is most often three-point. Each option is assigned a certain number of points. For example, "The quality of the organization
developing environment of the group":

a) does not comply with the federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education,
b) does not fully comply with FGT,
c) fully corresponds to FGT.

This criterion also does not reflect the qualitative essence of the teacher's activity, its results, and is not related to the personal and professional qualities of the educator.

Leveling. Such a criterion reflects the level (within the institution where the teacher works, at the level of the district, city, region, all-Russian level) of the presentation of experience (Innovator's Day, district meeting of the methodological
associations, a city competition of pedagogical skills, etc.), publications (articles for the website of the preschool educational institution, periodicals or collections of best pedagogical experience published in the region; all-Russian edition), incentives (thanks and letters of honor from the preschool educational institution, district, city, regional departments of education prizes, awards). This criterion can also be attributed to the degree of scientificity of the generalized experience, its objective novelty, to the creative component, to the quality of mastering certain pedagogical technologies.

Since in most of the examples considered, the determination of the level of the parameter being evaluated is based on reasonable, unified requirements, such a criterion can be recognized as fairly objective. At the same time, such a criterion as levelness cannot be recognized as universal, in particular, it is not applicable to the assessment of personal qualities, features of interaction with other people.

The imperfection of each of the criteria used in the practice of assessing professional qualifications determines the need for an integrated approach to their selection.

Within the framework of this approach, the assessment consists of a set of parameters:

  • personal attitude of the teacher to this area of ​​activity,
  • the level of his general culture,
  • professional knowledge and skills,
  • possession of certain methods and technologies,
  • the ability to apply them, adapt them to existing conditions, and creatively transform them.

We propose to consider some criteria for assessing the indicators of the qualifications of pedagogical workers, developed by the team of authors of the Oryol Institute for the Improvement of Teachers.

Competence in the field of personal qualities

Indicator: "General culture".

Evaluated parameter: "Literacy and accessibility for understanding the statements of the teacher, the culture of speech."

Competence in the field of setting goals and objectives of pedagogical activity

Indicator: "The ability to set goals and objectives of work in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children."

Evaluated parameter: "The ability to set goals for the lesson (other forms of work with children) in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers."

Not only the question of the choice and formulation of indicators and criteria for assessing the quality of the professional activities of teachers, but also the problem of determining the optimal forms for conducting attestation events remains debatable. In a number of regions, there is a tendency to significantly increase the requirements for applicants for the highest qualification category. Such an approach is objectively fully justified as an attempt to stop the devaluation of titles, degrees, categories.

At the same time, one should not forget about the real personnel situation in the preschool educational institution of the country.

Practice shows that as a result of the introduction of a new procedure for certification of teaching staff, most teachers cannot independently prepare for the corresponding procedure. Special difficulties for educators arise in the process of choosing modern forms of presenting the results of pedagogical activity, generalizing and disseminating best practices (see Appendix 1). At the same time, teachers need not one-time consultations, but systematically organized continuous education (self-education).

Approaches to assessing the quality of professional activity, based on only one of the methods, seem limited to us: portfolio analysis, open classes (other forms of organization of the educational process), abstract, presentation. A holistic view of the work of the teacher, his personal and
professional qualities can only be compiled based on the results of using these and other methods (interviews with the person being certified and with the administration of the preschool educational institution, analyzing the results of the teacher's self-assessment, diagnosing his competencies, analyzing the productive activities of children, planning and materials for classes, notes of events) (see Appendix 2).

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of V. D. Shadrikov:

"Assessment of the level of qualification of pedagogical workers ... is an important stage in professional life, which ensures an increase in the quality of activity by obtaining an external assessment and self-assessment of activity, understanding what has been achieved and designing further steps for improving the qualifications and professional development of a teacher" .

* * *

Appendix 1: Forms for presenting the results of pedagogical activity

There are two types of advanced pedagogical experience:

  1. pedagogical skill - skillful, rational, complex use by the teacher of effective methods, forms of work with children, educational technologies;
  2. Pedagogical innovation is an experience containing the teacher's own creative findings (new educational services, new content, forms and methods, techniques and means of training, education, development).

Criteria for evaluating excellence in teaching

Novelty. It can manifest itself in varying degrees - from the introduction of new provisions in science to the effective non-traditional application of already known provisions and the rationalization of certain aspects of the pedagogical process.

High efficiency. Best practices should give good results - high quality of education, upbringing and development of children.

Compliance with modern requirements. Work experience should be based on the recognized achievements of science and practice that are relevant at the present stage of development of education.

Also important orientation of experience to the latest regulatory requirements(orders, orders) of the federal and regional levels.

Stability- maintaining the effectiveness of the experiment under changing conditions, achieving high results for a sufficiently long time.

The possibility of using the experience of other teachers and educational institutions. Best practices can be made available to other educators. It cannot be associated only with the personal characteristics of its author.

Experience Optimality- achieving high results with a relatively economical expenditure of time, effort of teachers and children, and also not to the detriment of solving other educational problems.

Pedagogical experience can be presented in various forms. Here is a description of the most common options for formalizing the work experience of educators and the requirements for them.

abstract(from lat. refero - I report, inform) - a summary in writing or in the form of a public presentation of the content of the book, scientific work, the results of studying a scientific problem; a report on a specific topic, including a review of relevant literature and other sources.

Structure and composition of the abstract:

  1. Introduction. In the introduction, the choice of topic is justified, initial data on the problem under consideration can be given, information about the authors involved in this problem (full name, specialty, academic degree, academic title), the problems of the chosen topic, its theoretical and practical significance are revealed.
  2. Main part. Description of teaching experience.
  3. Output. A general conclusion is made on the problem stated in the abstract.

Abstract style. Abstracts are usually written in a standard, clichéd language, using typologized speech turns. The linguistic and stylistic features of abstracts include words and turns of speech that are of a generalizing nature, verbal clichés. They, as a rule, are characterized by indefinite sentences, abstract nouns, specific and scientific terms inherent in the problem under study, jargon words, adverbial and participial phrases.

Review and assessment of the abstract. The review is based on the following factors:

  • the level of the author's erudition on the topic studied (the modernity and timeliness of the considered problem,
    the degree of familiarity of the author of the work with the current state of the problem under study, the completeness of citing sources);
  • personal merits of the author of the abstract (additional knowledge used in writing the work, the novelty of the submitted material and the problem considered, the level of knowledge of the topic and the practical significance of the issue under study);
  • the nature of the abstract (the consistency of the presentation of the material, the literacy of the author, the correct design of the work, the compliance of the abstract with standard requirements).

Progress report. The results of the work, the results of the generalization of experience can also be issued in the form of a report.

The following requirements apply to the report:

  • construction clarity;
  • logical sequence of presentation of the material;
  • persuasive argument;
  • brevity and accuracy of wording;
  • concreteness of the presentation of the results of the work;
  • evidence of conclusions and validity of recommendations.

Report structure:

  • title page,
  • annotation,
  • content (table of contents),
  • main part,
  • bibliography,
  • applications.

The abstract should reflect in a very brief summary the main content of the report: the volume, number and nature of illustrations and tables, a list of keywords, the essence of the work performed, research methods (work),
brief conclusions and possibilities of applying the results.

The main part of the report includes:

  • introduction;
  • analytical review of scientific and methodological literature on the topic;
  • justification of the chosen direction of work (its relevance);
  • sections (chapters) of the report reflecting the methodology, content and results of the work performed;
  • conclusion (conclusions and suggestions).

Applications include supporting material:

  • digital data tables;
  • examples of assignments, abstracts, diagnostic materials;
  • auxiliary illustrations.

Progress report. The content of the report is intended for public speaking
analogue of the report. It may not cover the entire problem under study, but only some logically completed one.
part, aspect. Less stringent requirements are imposed on the design and content of the report than on the report. The report may not have an annotation, division into chapters, according to the style of presentation, it should be more adapted for oral presentation, listening.

Article is the most common form of presenting research results, summarizing pedagogical experience. The presentation of the material in the article should be systematic and consistent. Particular attention should be paid to the style of work, compliance with the basic requirements (clarity of presentation, accuracy of word usage, conciseness, strict adherence to scientific terminology, the sequence of presentation of positions, consistency, the relationship of provisions). Of great importance in such an article is the presentation of the conclusion, conclusions and proposals.

Toolkit- a form of presentation of the results of pedagogical activity, accessible only to experienced teachers. The basis of such a manual can be theoretically based methodological recommendations.
to improve the educational process. The manual provides specific examples of the application of the methods and methodological methods recommended by the author of the organization of the educational process, contains visual material.

Teaching aids can be divided into groups:

  • methods of teaching any subject, course, educational area;
  • methodological developments, which, as a rule, highlight the teaching methods of a separate section, topic
    curriculum or several separate sections, topics;
  • methodological recommendations that are devoted to certain aspects of improving the educational process (for example, the development of children's creative thinking when studying the educational field "Artistic creativity").

Application 2: Analysis of the summary of classes in kindergarten

Educational area_______________
Children's age__________________________

Stage of the lesson: Organizing moment

Estimated parameters:

Methods for organizing the work of children in the classroom:

  1. The essence of the techniques used (what techniques were used: "inclusion" of long-term educational motives; awakening the interest of children; attracting attention through the use of surprise moments; the use of "disciplinary" methods).
  2. Evaluation of the methods chosen by the teacher (correspondence to the age of children; effectiveness; correspondence to the plot of the lesson, the purpose of the work of children in the lesson, program tasks)

Stage of the lesson: Motivational-indicative

Estimated parameters:

The purpose of the work of children in the classroom:

  1. What was the basis for the formulation of the goal (problem situation; educational task; practical (creative) task, etc.).
  2. Formulation of the goal by children (clarity of the wording; the degree of awareness and acceptance of the goal by the children; the degree of participation of children in the consideration of the problem (learning task), the formulation of the goal of the upcoming work).
  3. The objectivity of the target setting proposed by the teacher (the correspondence of the goal to the age and individual characteristics of children, their interests and needs, the program objectives of education, training, development).

Motivational bases for the activities of children in the classroom:

  1. The teacher's focus on creating a motivational basis (achieves understanding and acceptance by children of the goals and objectives of the lesson, formulates criteria for achieving goals, knows how to arouse interest in various types of activities, in the transmitted information).
  2. Reliance on personal motives (the desire for communication, self-realization, self-affirmation, satisfaction), cognitive interest, the emotional sphere of children (the desire to take part in the fate of the character, help comrades, please loved ones with their work, etc.). The ability to build tasks so that children feel their success.
  3. Formation of the foundations of learning motivation (demonstration and organization of the practical application of ZUN, competencies; showing the role of learning in human life; acquaintance with examples of learning in the lives of people significant to the child; demonstration of the child's achievements in learning, creative and practical activities, etc.)

Stage of the lesson: Search

Estimated parameters:

Organization by the teacher of joint activities to identify ways to achieve the goal
children's work in class:

  1. Forms and methods of organizing joint activities (conversation, heuristic conversation, posing problematic questions; methods of activating thinking; the ratio of monologic and dialogic forms of communication).
  2. The degree of participation of children in the preparation of the work plan, independence in the choice of forms of work, materials

Stage of the lesson: Practical

Estimated parameters:

Forms of organizing children's activities:

  1. The rationality of the choice of methods (correspondence of the methods and organizational forms of work used to the goals, objectives and content of educational interaction, interests and needs, individual characteristics and capabilities of children; reasonable alternation of types of children's activities, activities, the ratio of collective (group), subgroup and individual forms of work).
  2. The ratio of reproductive (story, show, explanation, etc.) and productive (pedagogical situations, heuristic conversation, problematic issue, experimentation, modeling, competitions, projects, setting and solving cognitive, creative, practical and gaming tasks, tasks for the development of mental processes) methods, techniques for activating the creative abilities of children, curiosity.
  1. Educational possibilities of content (solving the problems of moral, aesthetic, personal development).
  2. Implementation of integration (integration of various activities, forms of work with children, content of educational areas).
  3. Compliance with didactic principles (systematic presentation of the material, age appropriateness, program, objectivity, accessibility, visibility, relevance, novelty, problematic, optimal volume of material).
  4. The unity of the structure of the lesson (the consistency of the storyline throughout the lesson, the presence of a logical connection between the forms of work, fragments of the lesson, the preservation of goals, motivation, interest and a meaningful attitude to work).

Methodical, didactic and technical equipment:

  1. The rationality of the choice of materials (corresponding to age, the interests of children, aesthetic and sanitary requirements, ease of placement, a variety of materials that ensure the individualization of work, an integrated approach to considering an object or phenomenon, reasonable use of modern information and communication technologies, TSO, visibility).
  2. Use of author's didactic and (or) methodological developments in class.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements:

  1. Correspondence of the duration of the event with age norms (observance of the time frame, rationality and efficiency of using the time of the lesson, optimal pace).
  2. The style of communication between a teacher and children as one of the factors of children's psychological comfort (authoritarian, democratic, permissive).
  3. Alternation of activities during the lesson (compliance with the requirements for the volume of motor activity, intellectual load, load on the organs of vision and hearing; the presence of tasks that provide relaxation, the ability of the teacher to adjust the forms and volume of work in accordance with the well-being of children)

Stage of the lesson: Reflective-evaluative

Estimated parameters:

The quality of the organization of evaluation activities (the teacher introduces children to the most obvious parameters and criteria for evaluating various types of activities, forms of work; takes into account the age and individual characteristics of children in the evaluation; applies various methods of evaluation; knows how to combine the methods of pedagogical evaluation, mutual evaluation and self-esteem of children, contributes to the formation of children's self-assessment skills of various activities)

The analysis of the abstract was made by ______________________ (full name of the expert)

Colleagues post my expert opinion, maybe you will be interested as a sample. I. General information about the person being certified: Qualification category, term of the previous certification: 03/26/2015. Education: secondary special, graduated from the Tashkent Pedagogical College named after. N. K. Krupskaya June 30, 1997, Faculty of preschool education, specialty: kindergarten teacher. Diploma No. 419110, issued on 06/30/1997; NOU "Ros Know" faculty of psychology - pedagogy, specialty: teacher - psychologist of deviant behavior. 2011 Until now. No academic degree or title. Total work experience: 12 years Total teaching experience: 8 years 4 months Work experience in the position for which certification is being carried out: 8 years 4 months Work experience in this institution: 5 years Advanced training system: - Moscow Institute of Open Education, 2010. 03. , 72 hours.

Sample expert opinion on the results of assessing the level of qualification of the educator


Expert opinion on the results of assessing the level of qualifications of the educator Konovalova Elena Vladimirovna MADOU DS "Gift" Expert group consisting of: Abaimova Lyudmila Yuryevna - methodologist of the MCU Tashlinsky IMC, Vildyaeva Galina Vasilievna - senior educator MBDOU Tashlinsky DS "Druzhba", Zlobina Marina Venadievna - senior educator MBDOU Tashlinsky DS "Solnyshko" - carried out an examination of the professional activity of Konovalova Elena Vladimirovna, educator of MADOU DS "Gift". Elena Vladimirovna has a specialized secondary education, she graduated from the Buzuluk Pedagogical College in 1984 with a degree in Teaching in the Primary Grades of a General Education School. Work experience 29 years, in this institution - 14 years, currently does not have a qualification category.

During the inter-certification period, I did not take advanced training courses. For her work Konovalova E.V.

Expert opinion on the results of assessing the level of qualification of the educator


Presents the studied material logically, in a playful way, understandable to pupils of various abilities, widely uses a visual teaching method. Information and communication technologies allow Elena Vladimirovna to actively use them in the educational process. In his work, the teacher uses presentation slides, videos, educational games, watching educational cartoons, Internet resources.

In the field of program implementation and pedagogical decision-making, the teacher is highly competent. Elena Vladimirovna is distinguished by high demands on herself. The analysis of activities shows that the educational process is based on an integrated approach, the principles of pedagogy and cooperation; uses psychological approaches in the practice of his work: cultural-historical, activity and developing.

Diploma of the administration of the preschool educational institution for active participation in the competition "Design of a group site"; 2011 - Diploma for participation in the competition "The best corner of nature" in the nomination "Design solution in the design of a corner of nature"; 2012 - Diploma of the 2nd degree in the competition "Theater in the life of a child"; 2013 - Diploma of the administration of the preschool educational institution for 2nd place in the competition "Organization of a subject-developing environment." A survey of parents, a conversation with colleagues showed that the personal qualities of a teacher necessary for the successful implementation of pedagogical activity, such as a creative approach to business, responsibility, a high level of general culture and erudition, love for children, full dedication are highly developed. In relation to pupils, he shows attention to the personality of the child, providing each child with emotional well-being, through direct communication with each of them.

Respectful of the feelings and needs of the child, creates conditions for children to freely choose activities. He is a model of pedagogical skill and ethics for others. The results of the analysis of the teacher's activity allow us to assess the high degree of formation of his professional competencies.


In the field of setting goals and objectives of pedagogical activity, Elena Vladimirovna can formulate and justify the goals and objectives of her own pedagogical activity. The goals and objectives of the classes are formulated on the basis of regulatory requirements, in accordance with the age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics of the pupils. The teacher builds his professional activity in accordance with the educational program of preschool education, the federal state educational standard.

The basis of the professional activity of E.V.

A sample of writing an expert opinion on the certification of preschool educators

The teacher is distinguished by a high level of professional competence, combined with the ability to carry out the optimal selection of methods, means, forms of education, which allows the transfer of the main attention of students from the process of transferring knowledge to the process of developing intellectual and creative abilities. Elena Vladimirovna knows how to achieve an understanding of the pupils, the goals and tasks set, to correctly correlate the received learning results with them. The teacher is distinguished by the ability to plan his activities for the future, taking into account the level of development of children.
Elena Vladimirovna, working in close contact with the specialists of the institution, conducts effective work with children in all areas, which allows achieving positive dynamics in all sections of the program, reducing the psycho-emotional stress of children and enriching their emotional-volitional sphere, increasing mental performance.
Expert group: Director of the SBEI elementary school - kindergarten No. 1659 Gorlova O. A. Head of the structural unit for organizing educational work of the SBEI elementary school - kindergarten No. 1659 Cherkashina E.K. Chairman of the primary trade union organization of the GBOU elementary school - kindergarten No. 1659 Sorokina N.
V. M. p. Date of drawing up the expert opinion E. V. Vartanyan familiarized with the results of the examination “The expert opinion was analyzed, the materials were prepared for presentation at the meeting of the Main Attestation Commission” Date: Chief Expert of the State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “MTsOP” / / Chief GBU expert
In the field of providing the information base of activity, the teacher Vartanyan E. V. is characterized by knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of educational standards. Elena Vladimirovna owns modern methods, promptly makes the necessary adjustments to them, depending on the current situation.
The methods used by her always correspond to the goals and objectives of training, the content of the topic being studied, the conditions and time allotted for its study. She reasonably uses modern information and communication technologies in the classroom, both when studying new material and when repeating. For E. V. Vartanyan, one of the most important aspects of teaching is the use of computer technology and Internet resources. This allows not only to improve computer skills, to visually present the material, to achieve the general cultural development of pupils.
Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the education of preschoolers. These courses correspond to the profile of the certified person. The topic of self-education: "The use of mnemonics when reading a fairy tale in FGT." The most significant awards received by the certified for the entire period of pedagogical activity: - A letter of thanks from the administration of the State Educational Institution No. 1659 "For the high level of the educational process in the senior group" 2008 - 2009 academic year. year. - A letter of thanks from the administration of GOU No. 1659 "For the good organization of educational work." 2009 -2010 academic year year. The most significant awards received by the appraiser for the last inter-certification period: - A letter of thanks from the administration of the State Educational Institution No. 1659 "For the disclosure and development of the artistic abilities of children." 2010 – 2011 academic year year.
Home»Team»Certification»Certification of employees of preschool educational institutions. Applications and expert opinions. Regulatory documents to the current page "Educator Methodist preschool educational institution, including senior educator Musical director Physical education instructor Speech therapist teacher Psychologist Social pedagogue Educator Application_educator.DOE_ EZ_educator_DOE_2016 Methodist preschool educational institution, including senior teacher . educates Musical director Application_muz.ruk.DOU, DD 2016 in 1_DOU, DD, PO_2016 Physical education instructor Application_instructor for physical reDOU_2014 EZ_physical instructor_2 in 1_DOU, OU_2016 Teacher-speech therapist DOU, OU, Cor. DOP)_2016 Teacher-psychologist Application_teacher-psychologistDOU_16 EZ_teacher-psychologist_DOE_16 Social teacher Application_social teacher DOU_16 EZ_social.
Methodical Bulletin 2012. I took part in organizing competitions at the city level, I have letters of thanks: 2011 and 2012, the city competition “Mirror of Nature”; "2013, the city competition of drawings" Holy Russia "2013, the city competition of creative works "Variety of age-old traditions" Analysis of the level of competence in the field of organization of pedagogical activity showed that the teacher possesses the following skills at a high level: work in a team, being included in the system of business and interpersonal relations with other participants in the educational process, owns the organization of children's and adult teams, knows how to create a positive working attitude during pedagogical meetings, combines various forms of collective and individual work.
Machulina T.N. is the administrator of the site of preschool educational institution No. 18, has publications on the site "World of Preschool Childhood": In the field of program implementation and pedagogical decision-making, the teacher is quite competent. Machulina T.N. is distinguished by high demands on himself as a specialist implementing the educational program and the Development Program of the preschool educational institution. The teacher successfully implements the tasks of the educational program for preschoolers, taking into account the principles of individualization and differentiation, and purposefully updates the methodological and didactic materials in the methodological office. Tatyana Nikolaevna was the head of the creative team for the development of the educational program of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18" Ladushki ".

Modern scientific, methodological and technological approaches in the diagnosis and evaluation of the results of the organization of preschool education

Modern education is focused on achieving high quality, accessibility, continuity, increasing its innovative and creative role, as well as its focus not so much on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge by preschoolers, but on the development of the creative abilities of the individual, the desire to learn, explore, learn, be responsible for accepted their decisions. Reforming the education system should be based on forecasting and monitoring its quality. Quality tracking is essential for educational institutions to maintain the core values ​​of education.
The analysis shows that it is impossible to borrow someone else's quality assessment system, just as it is impossible to take the concept of another educational institution in finished form. It is necessary to develop our own system, to form the features of the quality of education in a preschool institution. In practice, there is often a situation where the very concept of the quality of education has not yet become the personal meaning of teaching staff, the measure of all changes and achievements in education.
A comprehensive study of various parameters for assessing management activities is reflected in the theory of social management and foreign management (M. Albert, I.V. Bizyukova, P.F. Drucker, L.I. Menshikov, M.Kh. Meskon, A.M. Omarov, G. Kh. Popov, F. A. Taylor, F. Hedouri and others); in the management of pedagogical systems (E.S. Bereznyak, T.M. Davydenko, V.I. Zvereva, M.I. Kondakov, V.S. Lazarev, A.A. Orlov, M.M. Potashnik, V.S. Pikelnaya, E.P. Thin-legged, P. I. Tretyakov, P. V. Khudominsky, P. X. Shakurov and others).
The works of K.Yu. are devoted to certain aspects of the management activities of the heads of preschool educational institutions. Belaya, A.K. Bondarenko, E.Yu. Demurova, T.S. Komarova, L.V. Pozdnyak, R.Ya Spruzha, A.N. Troyan and others. They substantiated the requirements for the manager, highlighted the main directions of his activity. Of particular interest are the studies of Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, E.V. Litvinenko, V.G. Molchanova, G.M. Tyulyu, T.I. Shamova, in which variants of programs for assessing the managerial activity of a head in the education system were developed, while no special studies were conducted on the issue of assessing the managerial activity of a head of a preschool educational institution.
S. F. Bagautdinova, G. Sh. Rubin, N. G. Korneshchuk, A. N. Starkov, taking into account the task of systemic development of preschool education, to evaluate the results, they choose an integrative characteristic of a child’s readiness for school (physical, intellectual, personal), supplementing its socially significant indicators of the activity of the institution (morbidity rate, indicators of the functioning of preschool educational institutions, demand for preschool educational institutions among the population). However, a number of scientists are critical of the appropriateness of such an indicator. So, T. I. Erofeeva believes that forced targeted special preparation for school gives rise to a lack of motivation for learning, neuroses, the fading of independence and creative activity, and the deterioration of children's health. The introduction of standards “adapted to the school” can seriously change, in her opinion, the status of preschool education (M. S. Aromshtam, A. K. Belolutskaya, E. V. Ovchinnikova). The main directions for ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the quality of professional activities of teachers as an open educational system are based on the conceptual provisions of A.I. Ostroukhova, Medvednikova.

An analysis of practical materials in the educational authorities also showed the absence of a well-thought-out system of evidence-based criteria and tools for assessing the managerial activities of managers.
Today, when solving the problem of the quality of education, two directions can be traced that bring the assessment of educational systems to a fundamentally new level.
The first direction is connected with the development of quantitative analysis based on the data of the state mandatory statistical observation, external evaluation of educational achievements, processing the results of sociological research. This allows you to move from judgments and opinions to a reasonable comparative analysis, a forecast to identify the dependencies of various factors that affect the performance of educational systems.
The second direction is based on the shift of priorities in the evaluation of education from the process to the result. The variability of educational programs, the emergence of new educational technologies have indicated that similar results in the functioning of educational services can be achieved in different ways, which are largely determined by its individual characteristics.
In this regard, the problem of measuring the quality of education arises, due to the fact that:
- the quality of education must be assessed to ensure the guarantee of human rights to receive education corresponding to the world level;
- the quality of education should be a measure of all the achievements of a preschool institution and changes in educational policy and practice, therefore, it is necessary to be able to evaluate it;
- it is necessary to evaluate the quality, first of all, for understanding and formulating development goals, creating samples of new practice, and not only for making managerial decisions aimed at ensuring the functioning of educational institutions;
- the tracking system itself, the constant measurement of quality (quality monitoring) is valuable. Self-analysis of activities at all levels is valuable in that it allows you to determine where the preschool institution is today in comparison with others in order to remain competitive.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that there is a contradiction between the need to improve the quality of management of preschool institutions and the lack of a scientific approach to assessing the managerial activities of the head of the preschool educational institution.
So, many authors associate quality assessment with the characteristics of the educational process and its results, while the existing practice of assessment in the course of attestation of preschool educational institutions is primarily focused on assessing the conditions of educational activity.

The concept of "quality of the educational process" is multifaceted. From the point of view of children, this is learning in an interesting, exciting way for them to play; from the point of view of parents, this is the effective education of their children in programs that preserve the health of children (both mental and physical), maintain children's interest and desire to learn, provide opportunities for admission and school, etc .; from the point of view of educators, this, on the one hand, is a positive assessment of their activities by the head of the preschool educational institution and parents, on the other hand, successful learning outcomes, health and individual progress of their pupils; from the point of view of the head of the preschool educational institution, this is:
firstly, the effectiveness of the activities of educators and preschool educational institutions as an organizational structure;
secondly, a high assessment of the activities of educators and preschool educational institutions by parents and children;
thirdly, successful learning outcomes, health and individual progress of pupils of preschool educational institutions;
fourthly, a high assessment of the activities of the head and the preschool educational institution by the governing bodies of education; from the point of view of the head of the micro or macro level, this is the efficiency of functioning and increasing the resilience of the managed subsystem.
An analysis of different approaches to quality assessment gives reason to assert that performance indicators should be quantitatively limited, verifiable and allow you to establish the progress of the child in his development throughout preschool childhood.
In turn, the Comprehensive Assessment Model should include a balanced combination of normative-oriented, content-targeted, organizational-technological, motivational-personal, control-diagnostic and correctional-analytical components, taking into account which criteria and indicators are determined.
The criterion of a comprehensive assessment is understood as a sign of the degree of compliance of the quality of a teacher's professional activity with established norms, requirements, standards, standards. Under the indicator is a quantitative and qualitative characteristic of the teacher's professional activity, which is the result of measurement.
The basis for developing a unified strategy and managing the assessment of the quality of education is the design of various types of monitoring (information, basic, managerial and integrated) and its main stages, which are developed in joint activities at special meetings of pedagogical workshops. Monitoring studies are carried out to assess the quality of education: the quality of goals, conditions, processes, results (subject, meta-subject, personal results, values, health of all participants in the educational process). Of particular interest is pedagogical monitoring, including: monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process; innovative processes (innovative, research, experimental activities); personal development of children and teachers; the success of the exercise; quality of mastering the components of education; formation of types and skills of pedagogical activity; creative level of children and teachers.
Educational Qualimetry (Comprehensive Assessment Technology), the main provisions of which are:
consideration of the quality of the activities of a preschool educational institution as a single system of elements, their properties and characteristics, the functioning and development of which is natural, from the standpoint of a systematic approach, educational qualimetry, quality theory;
ensuring the objectivity of the results of evaluation of a preschool educational institution by determining the value preferences of the subject of evaluation in the light of the social order of society for education;
consideration of the object of evaluation by an integral set of indicators, which allows taking into account the entire range of indicators, the whole variety of activities of a preschool institution, which is ensured by aggregating the quality indicators of the activities of a preschool educational institution into a single comprehensive quantitative assessment.
The process of quality assessment in qualimetry, which is the following sequence of actions:
determination of the objectives of the assessment of the object;
disclosure of the structural quality of the object;
determination of the nomenclature of interrelated indicators of the quality of the object, as well as the statistical characteristics of the indicators (statuses and weights);
determination of the values ​​of the quality indicators of the object;
assessment of the quality of the object;
convolution of assessments of quality indicators into a single comprehensive assessment;
analysis of the obtained results.
To conduct an objective assessment of the quality of professional activities of teachers for each indicator, a set of methods was selected: study of documents, analysis of pedagogical activities, observation, questioning, testing, conversation, peer review, self-assessment, self-analysis; pedagogical diagnostics, monitoring, control (operational, current, preventive, slice, thematic, effective), certification, methods of statistical data processing. As an example, in annexes 1–2, respectively, are the questionnaires "Satisfaction of parents with the activities of pedagogical and leading employees of preschool educational institutions" and "Identification of factors stimulating and hindering the development of teachers."
One of the stages of the quality assessment process, in accordance with the requirements of educational qualimetry, is the development of a nomenclature of quality indicators, in accordance with the structure presented in Figure 1.

The main structural component among the criteria for a comprehensive assessment is the methodological work of a preschool institution.
Methodical work significantly affects the quality and efficiency of training and education, the final results of the work of a preschool institution, therefore it is quite legitimate to consider it as an important factor in the management of a modern preschool educational institution.

The main criteria for the optimality of the final results of methodological work in preschool educational institutions are:
1. performance criterion; is achieved if the results of education, upbringing and development of pupils increase to the optimal level (or approach it) in the allotted time without overload;
2. Criteria for rational expenditure of time, cost-effectiveness of methodical work; is achieved where the improvement of the skills of teachers in order to optimize training and education takes place at a reasonable cost of time and efforts of teachers for methodical work and self-education, in any case, without overloading teachers with these types of activities. The presence of this criterion stimulates a scientific, optimization approach to the organization of methodological work;
3. a criterion for the growth of teachers' satisfaction with their work; can be considered achieved if there is an improvement in the psychological microclimate in the team, an increase in the creative activity of teachers, the presence of satisfaction of teachers with the process and results of their work.
The problem of assessing the quality of the professional activity of a preschool teacher
The content of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the professional activities of teachers provides for working instructions and evaluation and measuring materials: schemes for analyzing planning, regulatory and documentary support, directly educational activities, regime moments, other activities of the educational process, evaluation sheets, maps, including those developed by L. M. Denyakina, M.V. Korepanova, I.A. Lipchanskaya. To conduct an objective assessment of the quality of the professional activities of teachers using the above schemes, work instructions were developed to help the experts.
Consider the methodology for this assessment. For example, the values ​​of indicators 1.1–1.5 used in the calculation according to criterion 1 are determined using an ordinal measurement scale (from 1 to 5 points). It establishes ordinal relations of preference and makes it possible to judge the relationship "better - worse" between the compared objects by the measured quality.
The ordinal scale in this methodology is a series of numbers that correspond to a certain degree of severity of the assessed professional activity of teachers, its quality in relation to a preschool educational institution. Several ratings (from 1 to 5 points) characterize the degree of severity of the quality of the evaluated characteristic. The expert selects the grades that best meet the quality of the teacher's professional activity, while having an intermediate scale between qualitative and quantitative.
Processing and analysis of the summarized scores are carried out on the basis of methods of mathematical statistics with by deriving an average score for each of the six criteria using the formula:
S (k) \u003d B (p) + B (p) + ... + B (p),
K (n)

Where B (p) - score for the indicator;
K (p) - the number of indicators;
S (k) - the average score for the criterion.

Each indicator in this methodology consists of two parts: content and evaluation. The content part includes a qualitative description of the teacher's professional activity, the evaluation part - a rating scale according to a five-point system, which allows the most objective evaluate the specialist for each indicator:
4-5 points - the professional activity of the teacher fully reflects the qualitative characteristics, is pronounced and stable;
3-4 points - in the professional activity of the teacher, this characteristic is mainly reflected and manifests itself quite steadily, the teacher strives to achieve quality;
2-3 points - this characteristic manifests itself in the teacher's professional activity in an unstable manner, but within the acceptable norm, the teacher has not perfectly mastered theoretical knowledge and methods of using them in practice;
1-2 points - the characteristic of professional activity according to this indicator is not expressed enough, it is unstable, the level of development of the teacher is on the verge of critical.
When determining the final average score, their maximum number (or maximum amount?) Can reach 30. The level of professionalism of the teacher is determined based on the following gradation.
The sum of 15–20 points indicates a low level. At this reproductive (technological) stage is the so-called teacher-performer. It is characterized by the absence of the need for an independent assessment of professional activity, following stereotypes, methodological recommendations without taking into account changing conditions, the characteristics of pupils, the needs of their parents, the social order of society, and an orientation towards reproductive forms of the educational process.
20-25 points - constructive (heuristic) level - indicate that the teacher is a student-oriented practitioner. This means that he has independent judgments, but with insufficient evidence, he uses analytical skills, diagnostic methods, modern means of education and training in his work. The middle-level educator in most cases implements a differentiated approach to children, takes into account the needs of their parents, and coordinates his professional activities in accordance with the social order of society.
An employee of a preschool educational institution who received from 25 to 30 points is at a high research (creative) level. A master teacher is a competent researcher who consciously chooses innovative methods, forms and means of the educational process, independently develops pedagogical technologies and methods, has a good command of evidence-based scientific argumentation, adheres to his own pedagogical principles and implements them in practice. In addition, he predicts the development of pupils, taking into account their individual and age characteristics, provides pedagogical education for their parents, based on existing needs, and also performs his work in close interaction and cooperation with representatives of social institutions.
A set of indicators that determine the level of professional activity of teachers:
advanced training, professional retraining;
knowledge of the legal framework, theoretical and practical foundations of professional activity;
knowledge and use of information and communication technologies in the process of educational work;
participation in problem-research, experimental activities;
the results of work to reduce the incidence of children;
the results of work to increase the interest of visiting the preschool educational institution by pupils;
the level of development by children of the general educational program of the preschool educational institution;
ensuring safe conditions for children in preschool;
the quality of the organization of the developing environment of the group;
the results of pupils' participation in events of various levels;
rating of the teacher among parents;
the presence of a generalized pedagogical experience;
availability of scientific and methodological materials;
participation in scientific and practical conferences, pedagogical readings, in the work of the MO DOU, sections,
teachers' councils;
conducting open classes, master classes;
professional activity of the teacher: leadership of the MO, creative group; participation in organizing committees, jury of competitions, attestation commissions; support of pedagogical practice of students;
participation in professional competitions;
encouragement of the teacher in the inter-certification period.

The following personal and professional qualities and competencies of the educator come to the fore today:
a clear vision of modern tasks of preschool education;
value attitude to the child, culture, creativity;
humane pedagogical position;
the ability to take care of the ecology of childhood, the preservation of the spiritual and physical health of children;
showing concern for the development of the individuality of each child;
the ability to create and constantly enrich the cultural-informational and subject-developing educational environment;
the ability to work with the content of training and a variety of pedagogical technologies, giving them a personal and semantic orientation;
the ability to carry out experimental activities to introduce subjectively and objectively new approaches and technologies, to assess their compliance with the goals of education adopted at the state level, the tasks of humanizing the educational process, the opportunities and needs of children;
the ability to self-education, self-cultivation of personal structures of consciousness, giving a humane meaning
activities of the teacher.

Thus, the normative requirements for professional activity, which are reflected in the qualification characteristics of the educator and include basic knowledge, skills, are supplemented by indicators that reflect the ability to apply ZUN, comprehend professional experience, and achieve results.
In accordance with this trend, such constructs as competencies, competencies and metaprofessional qualities are introduced into the content of vocational education and the methodology for assessing professional activity.

So, a comprehensive assessment of the quality of professional activity of teachers of a preschool educational institution provides for a number of components: appropriate methods; components and stages of assessment; the nature of their relationships with each other and with all activities.
The use of a comprehensive assessment model helps the teacher to identify existing problems, stimulates him to improve the quality of his own professional activity and the level of professionalism. A set of corrective actions and measures based on the results of assessing the quality of the professional activities of teachers makes it possible to obtain the final result for which this model was developed (achieving, maintaining and improving the quality of the professional activities of teachers, meeting the needs and expectations of participants in the educational process).
The presented materials do not claim to fully cover all aspects of the problem under consideration, but give impetus to further study of the issues of assessing the quality of the professional activity of teachers of a preschool educational institution. The relationship of these issues with the solution of the problem of the subjects of assessment indicates the relevance of further theoretical and empirical study of the topic of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the professional activity of pedagogical workers.

The following are the main guidelines that determine the quality of modern preschool education: meeting the needs of the family and the child in the services of a preschool educational institution; well-being of the child in kindergarten; preservation and necessary correction of his health; choice of an educational program by an institution and its scientific and methodological support.

Thus, the hierarchical structure of the quality of the activities of the preschool educational institution, in accordance with the main functions, can be represented as follows:
1. Protecting the life and strengthening the health of children;
2. Child development;
2.1. Physical development;
2.2. Cognitive speech;
2.3. Social and personal;
2.4. Artistic and aesthetic;
3. Interaction with family.

The degree of achievement of the goal is assessed through the degree of implementation of the main functions of the preschool educational institution.

Application No. 1

A model for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of professional activity of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions
L.F. Medvednikov,
cand. ped. Sciences

Comprehensive assessment of the quality of professional activity, determination of the level of professionalism
Types of comprehensive assessment:

Components of a comprehensive assessment:
organizational and technological;
control and diagnostic;
implementation of legal and documentation support;
compliance of the content of the educational process with the goals of preschool education;
creation of a subject-developing environment;
business and personal qualities of a teacher, motivation for pedagogical activity;
the effectiveness of the educational process;
correction of pedagogical activity
study of documents;

self-assessment, introspection;

Levels of professionalism:
reproductive (technological);
constructive (heuristic);
research (creative)
Achievement, maintenance and improvement of the quality of professional activity of pedagogical workers.
Meeting the needs and expectations of all participants in the educational process

Annex 2

Indicators of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of professional activity of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions
1. Fulfillment of the requirements of legislative acts, regulatory documents of preschool education.
2. Application in practice of the provisions of preschool pedagogy, psychology and pediatrics.
3. Compliance with instructions on labor protection, safety precautions, protection of life and health of pupils.
4. Culture of office work of teachers.
5. Meeting the educational needs of children, parents, society.
6. The volume of pedagogical knowledge that meets and (or) exceeds the requirements of preschool education.
7. Implementation of modern educational programs and methods of preschool education.
8. The effectiveness of pedagogical techniques and technologies for the upbringing and education of preschool children.
9. Use of information technology.
10. An integrated system for planning educational activities, routes for the individual development of pupils.
11. Compliance of the content of educational activities with the requirements of educational programs of preschool education.
12. Use of innovative methods, means and forms of preschool education.
13. Creation of a modern, aesthetically attractive subject-developing environment.
14. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for the maintenance of preschool children.
15. Ensuring a favorable microclimate, psychological comfort in the children's team.
16. Participation in creative, experimental work on the problems of preschool education.
17. Implementation of self-education and self-education.
18. Professional competence in the upbringing and education of preschool children.
19. Discipline and responsibility.
20. Implementation of educational programs of preschool education in full.
21. Achievements of participants in the educational process (competitions, exhibitions).
22. Diagnostics of development (knowledge, skills) of pupils.
23. Coordination of the educational process, its compliance with the requirements of preschool education.
24. Interaction with social institutions on issues of preschool education.
25. Pedagogical education of pupils' parents.

Expert opinion
according to the results of the assessment of the level of qualification
Machulina Tatyana Nikolaevna, senior educator
municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 18 "Ladushki" of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the social and personal development of children"
Gaya, Orenburg region

Expert group consisting of: Baeva Irina Vladimirovna, senior educator of the highest qualification category MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14 "Baby" of a combined type, Kaipova Natalia Sergeevna, educator of the highest qualification category of MBDOU" Kindergarten No. 15 "Teremok" of a general developmental type, Kulik Svetlana Anatolyevna, senior educator of the first qualification category of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 21 "Ship" of a combined type, carried out an examination of the professional activity of Machulina Tatyana Nikolaevna, a senior educator of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18" Ladushki "of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the social and personal development of children. "
Machulina Tatyana Nikolaevna was born on December 12, 1973, has a higher pedagogical education, graduated in 1999 from the Orenburg State University with a degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, with a diploma of a Primary School Teacher.
The experience of pedagogical work is 20 years, in this institution - 4 years, the qualification category is the first. During the inter-certification period, she took advanced training courses: FGOU AIC and PPRO OGPU, 2009 on the problem: “New forms of interaction between an educational institution and a family”; KBPK IPK and PPRO OGPU together with certification of the head of the educational institution, Orenburg, 2010; OGTI (branch of OSU), Orsk, 2013 on the problem: "Scientific and methodological support for the activities of preschool educational institutions for the introduction of FGT."
For his work Machulina T.N. awarded the Diploma of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18" Ladushki "Gaya, 2011, the Diploma of the Education Department of the city of Gaya, 2012, the Diploma of the administration of the city of Gai, 2013
Tatyana Nikolaevna's competence in the field of personal qualities is formed at a high level. It creates a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate for each teacher and pupil of the preschool educational institution, contributes to the development of their communication. Colleagues at work fearlessly turn to her for methodological assistance, and the teacher always provides them with support. The senior educator knows how to support and encourage teachers in time, find the strengths of their teachers, development prospects for each of them.
Tatyana Nikolaevna is good at planning, distributing current affairs in time, she is internally disciplined, she has order in her workplace, in documentation. The documentation of the teacher's activities is in a neatly completed state, aesthetically and competently framed in accordance with the nomenclature of cases.
The teacher is capable of self-control, independently sets the goals of the activity and is focused on achieving them. If the situation becomes difficult, the teacher is focused on its solution and maintains the emotional balance and optimism necessary for the case.
Machulina T.N. has a broad outlook, easily supports conversations on various topics, her statements are well-structured and easy to understand, I have a high culture of speech. He is interested in the achievements of modern science and practice, the socio-political life of the country, communicates on the Internet at various forums pedsovet, pedagogue, dovosp, etc.
The behavior and appearance of the senior educator complies with ethical standards. The teacher has a pedagogical tact, delicate in communication.
In the field of setting the goals and objectives of pedagogical activity, Tatyana Nikolaevna can formulate and justify the goals and objectives of pedagogical activity, which are formulated in accordance with the educational program of the preschool educational institution, which is based on the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.E. .Veraksy, M.A. Vasilyeva. The program is an innovative general educational program document for preschool institutions, prepared in accordance with the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program for preschool education. The teacher knows well and takes into account the level of competence of colleagues in setting the goals of the educational process.
Since 2009 Machulina T.N. worked on the problem: "Project activity and the use of ICT - information and communication technologies", summarized and presented the experience on this topic at the level of the city methodological association "Variable programs". Since 2013, she has been working on the topic of self-education "Organization of methodological work in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards." In 2013, within the framework of the city methodological association "Variability of the educational process", she made a presentation "Distinctive features of the FGT of preschool education from the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education."
The teacher is characterized by a good level of training in the implementation of the competence to ensure the motivation of pupils to carry out educational (educational) activities. Tatyana Nikolaevna has the skills of motivating, has the necessary knowledge for this, competently creates situations of success, sets creative tasks, formulates problematic tasks. The senior educator has a wide range of material and tasks that can arouse the interest of teachers and pupils in various topics of organized educational activities (OOE). The teacher pays special attention to the creation of problem situations, cognitive research activities in which educators can clearly express themselves.
The high level of pupils' motivation is proved by performance indicators.

2009-2010 academic year

45% 50% 5% 70% 30% 0%
2010-2011 academic year
Beginning of the school year End of the school year
high medium low high medium low
60% 37% 3% 72% 24.8% 3.2%
2011-2012 academic year
Beginning of the school year End of the school year
high medium low high medium low
55% 40% 5% 74% 24% 2%
2012-2013 academic year
Beginning of the school year End of the school year
high medium low high medium low

63% 34% 3% 84% 14.7% 1.3%

Tatyana Nikolaevna successfully motivates preschoolers and preschool teachers to participate in competitions at various levels:
All-Russian competition "The best lesson of the year" - diploma of the 3rd degree (music director Zaytseva N.V).
Participation in the competitive selection of teachers of the municipal system of preschool education, actively implementing modern educational programs and pedagogical technologies, applying for a grant from the Governor of the Orenburg region in 2012 (educator Ganina N.A.).
Municipal competition of professional skills of employees of the education system of the city of Gaya "Teacher of the Year - 2010" - diploma of the 2nd degree (teacher Solovieva E.V.);
"Teacher of the Year - 2012" - participation (educators: Eremeeva V.S., Neklesa N.V.).
Participation in the city competition of methodological works on the topic "Providing software support for pupils in preschool educational institutions-2010" (teacher Chigarkova I.N.)
Participation in the city competition "Methodological Bulletin-2011" (instructor in physical culture Kichigina N.A.)
International competition of children's creativity "Save the bee - save the planet" 2012 - participation;
National competition of social drawing for preschoolers "My family" 2013 - participation;
All-Russian competition of children's drawings "Water, water" 2011. - participation;
All-Russian competition "Birds of the sky" 2013 - participation;
All-Russian competition "7th" 2013 - participation;
All-Russian correspondence competition of drawings "My favorite cartoons" 2013;
City competition "Yunnat-2012" - I place in the nomination "Natural pantry";
City competition "Mirror of Nature 2011" - II place;
City competition "Green Planet 2011" - I place;
City Spartakiad of preschoolers in checkers tournament, 2012 - III place;
City Olympics "Merry Starts", 2012 - participation;
City Spartakiad of preschoolers "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family", 2011 - II place;
City Spartakiad of preschoolers "Athletics relay race" 2012 - III place;
City competition "The most, most duet - 2010" - I place;
City competition of children's drawings: "Let there always be sunshine!" 2012 - 2nd place;
City competition of children's drawings: "Holy Russia" 2013 - 3rd place
City competition of children's creativity: "Variety of age-old traditions" 2013 - 1st place
Competence in the field of providing the information basis of the activity of a teacher is characterized by knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of educational standards. She is fluent in modern literature in the field of preschool pedagogy, psychology, private methods, she tries to put her knowledge into practice. The teacher uses a variety of methodological techniques in his work, is able to adapt pedagogical technologies for the variable conditions of the organization of the educational process. The senior educator is able to present the studied material logically, in a form convenient for assimilation. When preparing for pedagogical councils, she uses additional material: books for self-education, methodological developments, didactic aids.
Machulina T.N. owns modern educational technologies and methods:
- managerial technologies (organization of educational activities of preschool educational institutions, monitoring of educational and educational and health-improving processes, planning of the pedagogical process)
- technology for the formation of an individual style of managerial activity (business games, psychological and pedagogical auto-trainings with employees, seminars - workshops, seminars - briefings, brainstorming, oral journals, intellectual casino, test task, trainings)
- technology of self-education of a teacher in the system of preschool education
(self-diagnosis of the teacher, analysis of activities on the problem, development of self-education programs, adjustment of the plan, final diagnosis, definition of tasks for the future)
- personality-oriented technologies (improving the qualifications of teachers, creating their interest in using effective methods, technologies in everyday work)
-portfolio technology (assessment of the results of the educational and professional activities of the teacher)
- health-saving technologies (planning and organizing work to increase the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of preschool teachers on the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process, recommendations for conducting various types of gymnastics, organizing and holding pedagogical councils, seminars, consultations, exhibitions of methodological literature, preparing publications for printing, file cabinets for educators, drawing up recommendations for teachers on the use of health-saving technologies in the educational space of preschool educational institutions, health monitoring, preventive measures, nutrition control, etc.);
- information and communication technologies (creation of graphic and text documents Word, Excel, use of electronic didactic and pedagogical software tools, active use of information technologies in the educational process, knowledge of information search skills on the Internet, knowledge of PowerPoint for creating multimedia presentations, Publisher for creating booklets etc.)
Effectively applies them in practical professional activities.
The teacher improves the methods of teaching and education:
- visual and illustrative method: developed and produced didactic visual material for the educational areas "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization";
- method of cognitive activity (cognitive research activity in the educational field "Knowledge");
- the method of children's experimentation (activation of mental activity through the resolution of problem situations);
- integrated method (complex-thematic principle of organization of training).
Tatyana Nikolaevna prepared computer presentations using Power Point programs on the topics: “Design and use of the road safety information corner in work with young and older children”, “Didactic games for teaching preschoolers the rules of fire safety”, “Inclusion of preschoolers in the system of social relations through the development of gaming activities”, “Teaching preschool children to solve arithmetic problems”, “Planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the FGT”, “A system for monitoring the achievements of children in the planned results of mastering the Educational program”, etc. and also assists teachers in creating presentations on various topics.
Machulina T.N. is the administrator of the site preschool educational institution No. 18, has publications on the site "World of Preschool Childhood":
In the field of program implementation and pedagogical decision-making, the teacher is quite competent. Machulina T.N. is distinguished by high demands on himself as a specialist implementing the educational program and the Development Program of the preschool educational institution. The teacher successfully implements the tasks of the educational program for preschoolers, taking into account the principles of individualization and differentiation, and purposefully updates the methodological and didactic materials in the methodological room.
Tatyana Nikolaevna was the head of the creative team for the development of the educational program of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18" Ladushki ". From April 2010 to the present, he has been participating in the methodological work of the city as the head of the methodological association "Variability of the educational process."
It monitors the professional growth of teachers, as well as organizes pedagogical monitoring of the development of preschoolers. Promotes the experience of educators in readings. Introduces variable programs, new pedagogical technologies into the practice of the work of the preschool educational institution.
The teacher pays much attention to the preparation of pedagogical councils, seminars, parent meetings of preschool educational institutions, as well as the work of GMOs. The teacher gave consultations: “What is FGT?”, “Technology for modular planning of extracurricular activities of a preschooler”, “Planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution in accordance with FGT”, “A system for monitoring the achievements of children in the planned results of mastering the Educational program”, “ICT-competence of teachers” , held workshops for teachers: "Pedagogical run", "The impact of the game on moral and speech development", "Formation of elementary ecological ideas about nature in preschool children", "Teacher's Health Day", "Our interesting work", "Formation dialogue in the process of a joint plot-representative game”, “Child safety”, “Creative games in the system of raising children of preschool age”, “Developing speech in mathematics”, “Planet Gender”.
Tatyana Nikolaevna took an active part in competitions:
She was a participant in the city competition of methodological works "Providing software support for pupils in preschool educational institutions-2011" - a certificate of participation. Participated in the city competition "Methodological Bulletin" in 2012.
I took part in the organization of competitions at the city level, I have letters of thanks:
2011 and 2012, city competition "Mirror of Nature";
2011, the third city sports day for preschoolers, dedicated to the Victory Day
2012, city competition "We are children of the Galaxy"
2013, city competition of drawings "Holy Russia"
2013, city competition of creative works "Variety of age-old traditions"
An analysis of the level of competence in the field of organizing pedagogical activity showed that the teacher possesses the following skills at a high level: work in a team, being included in the system of business and interpersonal relations with other participants in the educational process, owns the organization of children's and adult teams, knows how to create a positive working attitude during pedagogical meetings, combines various forms of collective and individual work. Tatyana Nikolaevna has the knowledge and experience to conduct educational work, with different levels of competence of preschool teachers. She does a lot of work to familiarize teachers with regulatory documents, with the results of research in various fields of scientific knowledge and new trends in the development of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and their implementation in the pedagogical and managerial process. The teacher creates conditions for the dissemination of experience and effective methods and technologies in preschool educational institutions.
Tatyana Nikolaevna is respected among the parents of preschoolers and colleagues, as evidenced by the results of the survey. The study of the level of satisfaction of parents with the work of a senior educator shows a high level.
Based on the foregoing, the expert group believes that the level of qualification of Machulina Tatyana Nikolaevna - the senior teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18" Ladushki "of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of the social and personal development of children" - meets the requirements for the highest qualification category for the position "senior educator” (the value of the indicator of the level of qualification is 4.91).

Members of the expert group:
Expert __________/ I.V. Baeva
Expert _________/ N.S. Kaipova
Expert _________/ S.A. Sandpiper

I certify the experts' signatures.
Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18"
Gaya, Orenburg Region _____________L.Yu. Borodin
"" ________________2013

Familiarized with the expert opinion: ______________ T.N. Machulina "" ___________ 2013

Expert opinion

according to the results of the assessment of the qualification level of the senior educator

municipal budgetary educational institution

kindergarten No. ... of the city of Zverevo, Rostov Region


In accordance with the procedure for certification of teachers of state and municipal educational institutions, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 24, 2010 No. 209, the order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region dated January 17, 2011 No. 12 "On approval of regional regulatory documents for the certification of teaching staff", by order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region dated December 30, 2010 No. 1024 “On approval of regional regulatory documents for the certification of pedagogical workers”, by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n “On approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section “ Qualification characteristics of the positions of educators”, by order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region dated 05.05.2014 No. 271 “On approval of schedules for the examination of professional activities”, an expert in determination of the level of professional competence of teaching staff Kutnyakhova Natalia Anatolievna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, leading specialist of the education department of the municipality "City of Zverevo", 05/29/2014 to 05/30/2014 conducted an examination of professional activitysenior teacher of the municipal budgetary educational institution kindergarten in the city of Zverevo, Rostov region.

The expert assessment was carried out in accordance with the methodological recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for assessing the level of qualification of teaching staff. The expert analyzed the qualification indicators in accordance with pedagogical competencies, analyzed the self-analysis of the pedagogical worker, conducted an interview with the head of the MBDOU, analyzed the methodological and didactic tools of the senior educator.

On the basis of an expert assessment, I certify that the senior educator has a secondary specialized education, graduated from the Don Pedagogical College with a degree in preschool education, and was qualified as a teacher of preschool children.

General work experience - 20 years, teaching experience - 20 years, in the position being certified - 10 years, work experience in this institution - 20 years, qualification category - none.

During the inter-certification period, she took advanced training courses: GBOU DPO RO RIPC and PPRO "Expertise of professional activity and assessment of the level of professional competence of a teacher during the certification of teachers in the context of the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation", 2014, 72 hours.

She took part in the regional seminar-meeting “Achieving the quality of preschool and general education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard by means of educational and methodological kits of the Drofa publishing house”.

For success in professional activities, he has encouragement and awards:

Diploma of the mayor for an active life position and a great contribution to the development of the educational system,

A letter of thanks from the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region for significant progress in educating preschool children, improving the educational process, a great personal contribution to the formation of the moral foundations of children,

Diploma of the open interregional tournament of abilities "ROSTOK-IntellectUm" for organizing and holding a tournament in a preschool educational institution, an active life position, professionalism, and a creative approach to work.

Necessary for the successful implementation of methodological and pedagogical activitiespersonal qualitiessenior caregiver highly developed.

She has a high level of professional culture. Builds relationships with colleagues at work based on the principles of humanismand mutual respect. In the teaching staffseeks to create favorable conditions for the positive interaction of all participants in the educational process. He can always find encouraging and sincere words for colleagues and pupils, he responds to a call for help with deeds. Knows how to find the strengths and development prospects for each teacher.

The senior educator is internally disciplined, competently plans and organizes her working time, distributes current affairs, anticipates time costs in advance and completes work on time. She has a broad outlook, is tactful, delicate in communicating with colleagues and students. Possesses the ability to self-control, self-organization and self-discipline, maintains self-control even in situations of high emotional stress. He knows how to objectively assess his abilities and adequately accepts value judgments about himself from all participants in the educational process.

The results of the analysis of the activities of the senior educator make it possible to assess the degree of formation of individual competencies in her.

In the region of setting goals and objectivespedagogical activity, the senior educator is characterized as a competent teacher. When organizing methodological work, city events, socially significant projects and actions, kindergarten events, the senior teacher correctly formulates their goals and objectives, develops provisions, selects the content and forms of holding,thoroughly thinks over the methodological and didactic support of each stage of its activity.It takes into account the age and psychological characteristics of the audience. Responds flexibly to changing situations, promptly makes adjustments to the planned activity plan.

In the field of implementationcompetence to ensure the motivation of educational activitiesorganizes work to improve the qualifications of teachers: plans the activities of teachers of preschool educational institutions, develops methodological materials to help teachers, conducts work on studying and generalizing advanced pedagogical experience, attends and analyzes classes and educational activities of teachers, assists in preparing open classes, constantly stimulates the work of teachers on software for the educational process.

At the same time, the senior educator skillfully motivates teachers to master new methodological material. To do this, she uses the methods of social design, problem-based learning, the methodology of practice-oriented activity and other active forms of cognitive activity. When planning the work of preschool teachers, the senior teacher takes into account their interests, problems and wishes, as well as the need to promptly acquaint colleagues with modern achievements and the requirements of pedagogical science.

The senior educator knows how to arouse the interest of teachers in working with children and involve them in an active search for solutions to the problems posed. Provides methodological assistance to teachers in educational activitiesin accordance with the federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program of preschool education. He has the ability to play the situation in such a way as to take the position of an educator, notes even the smallest success of his colleagues. Arouses interest in working with children, organizing pedagogical, methodological councils, work on holding parent meetings, health-improving, educational and other events provided for by the educational program, conducts master classes. Promotes the identification and support of children with high intellectual abilities, assists in unlocking their potential.

The senior educator has gratitude for organizing and holding the open interregional intellectual tournament of abilities "RostOK-IntellectUM".

A good level of pupils' motivation is also proved by the performance indicators of children's readiness for schooling:

2010-2011 academic year

2011-2012 academic year

2012-2013 academic year


academic year

High level

Average level

Low level

In the field of ensuring the information basis of activitiesthe teacher is characterized by knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of educational standards. In his work, the senior educator uses the following methods: activity, dialogue, discussions, practical method, method of problem presentation, analytical, comparative, generalizing, explanatory and illustrative, visual, etc. Conducts pedagogical monitoring of the quality of education. The senior educator owns modern pedagogical technologies: developmental learning, student-centered learning, interactive learning, health-saving, problem-based learning technologies, information and communication, gaming, etc. The teacher uses computer equipment: PC, MFP; materials of multimedia discs, electronic manuals, presentations, which allows to activate the cognitive activity of teachers and achieve the planned pedagogical results. Actively uses the materials of educational sites:,

In the field of program implementation and pedagogical decision-makingthe teacher is competent enough, knows the basic normative documents. The annual plan of the senior educator is drawn up taking into account regulatory requirements, the rate of assimilation of the material, and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Purposefully updates methodological and didactic materials, develops many of them independently.

The senior educator shares his experience with colleagues: he is the head of the city methodological association of preschool workers, the chairman of the commission for the distribution of bonuses to teachers for quality and performance, he has the skills of public speaking on issues of preschool education.

Level Analysis competence in the field of organization of educational activitiesshowed that the teacher has the following skills: to organize the educational and educational activities of teachers, to establish partnerships, cooperation with colleagues; uses the personal experience of teachers, their own assessments and views in the educational process, is able to organize teachers to search for additional information necessary for solving educational problems, argues for the assessment of the activities of teachers, shows their achievements and ways to overcome difficulties, is able to combine methods of assessment, mutual assessment and self-assessment of teachers.

Based on the foregoing, the expert believes that the qualification level of the senior educator of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten meets the requirements for the first qualification category for the position of “senior educator” (the value of the qualification level indicator is 4.32).

Judge Kutnyakhova N.A.

Familiarized with expert opinion