The worst haircuts for men. Strange men's hairstyles: with photos. retired professor

Today, about 100 varieties of haircuts and hairstyles are popular, although more recently, men had only a few models. Despite this, cases of unsuccessfully selected and even extreme images with hair are not uncommon due to low awareness or special outlook on life. Not every man has the time and opportunity to learn the latest fashion trends or visit a salon.

Due to inexperience or oddities in character, unsuccessful men's haircuts are often selected, which give the image of comicality, absurdity, or completely spoil the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe person. But the image and reputation of a modern man directly depends on the state of the hairstyle, so it’s worth talking separately about the most curious and ridiculous haircuts that you shouldn’t choose and try on for your image.

Why are some haircuts considered bad?

If you carefully look at the photos and sources on the Internet of strange men's hairstyles, you can see several distinctive trends that spoil the look. Most often, men make a mistake in choosing a haircut, not taking into account their own hair structure, age or face shape. As a result, the hairstyle is wrong to lie down, and the appearance becomes awkward and comical.


The most common mistake of a chosen hairstyle is its excessive slickness. This effect can be achieved in several ways. For example, with excessive use of styling products, such as gel, varnish or wax. Also, a sleek hairstyle will look if a man does not have enough natural hair volume and improperly selected hair cutting technology. For sparse and thin hair, an experienced master selects a graduated, multi-layered, cascading version of a haircut that creates additional volume.


Strange inclinations and preferences are also not uncommon in modern society, as for men's haircuts. Haircuts with a figured cut look very strange on adult men, which can also be supplemented with outrageous coloring. This trend is observed more often among young people, although there are representatives of respectable age who prefer to stand out from the crowd in a very strange way.

Not suitable for the type of appearance

The type of appearance and face shape are also indisputable criteria by which it is important to choose a haircut and hairstyle for every man. Allocate -, elongated,. Any haircut model is suitable only for the first, the rest need to be corrected. Due to ignorance, many men choose the wrong haircut for the shape of their face, further emphasizing its flaws and disproportion.

Inexperienced barber

The success of a new image of a man directly depends on the qualifications and experience of a hairdresser, so it is important to responsibly select an institution for such services. Often on the street you can meet the victims of an uneducated hairdresser or a beginner in this business. As a result, you can observe awkward forms of haircuts, uneven edging, or complete asymmetry and disproportionate haircuts.

Should you wear weird haircuts?


Photo gallery of unsuccessful haircuts

You can view the most extreme hairstyles for men in the following photos, collected from various sources by stylists and hairdressers.

Bad celebrity haircuts

In fact, the most terrible men's hairstyles can be seen not so much on the average person, but on public figures who regularly flash on TV screens. Many Internet and print publications publish photos and stories about the most famous terrible men's haircuts, which were shown to the world by media faces of show business.

The top list includes the following names:

Robert Pattinson and his extravagant haircut with a shaved element at the back of the head, which neither society nor stylists accepted at all.

James Franco also shocked the audience when he appeared with a clean-shaven head and a tattoo on the back of his head.

Colin Farrell for filming a movie tried on the image of an extremely terrible hairstyle, namely combing sparse hair over a bald patch.

Zac Efron, the popular American actor, also once went overboard with his image in pursuit of a messy grunge style.

Donald Trump rounds out the top five most unfortunate male celebrity haircuts. Sparse and thin hair of such a yellow hue looks completely inappropriate for such a status person, according to stylists.


First of all, any terrible men's haircut not only spoils the idea of ​​a man, but also radically changes his facial features for the worse. The wrong choice can cost reputation, image and many other important aspects of life. Therefore, it is worth looking at the photos and cases of extreme male images again in order to remember how not to look.

Women judge men not only by what is in their head, but also by what is on it. Your attention to the 16 most terrible hairstyles, according to reputable hair stylists and fashion bloggers. Look at these haircuts and never do them!

Combed for baldness

Colin Farrell in Horrible Bosses

Amanda Shackleton, stylist Javier Bardem and Pierce Brosnan: “Who are you fooling when a strand of hair falls in your ear? This is the worst male haircut I can imagine. Cut your hair and windy days will stop scaring you!


Ronaldinho, Brazilian footballer

Amy Komorowski, celebrity male stylist and hair care expert for the Ax Hair line: “Usually this hairstyle is worn by guys who have very little hair. But even if it's not, I'll always say no to ponytails!


Jovan Vitaliano, stylist for La Voila Beauty, Emmy hair and makeup winner: "It always looks over the top and doesn't suit most men."


John Cena, American wrestler

Liz Finklestein, consulting stylist for Mile High Style: "Keep that haircut for the Navy."

Under the pot

Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Dumber"

Kim Turner, fashion blogger: “This haircut suggests that the guy is too stingy to go to a professional and cuts himself with a bowl on his head. If he is not ready to spend 1000 rubles on a haircut, where will he take the girl on a date? Probably McDonald's."


Mark McGrath - leader of the rock band Sugar Ray

Lena Sutherland, host of the TV show While Men Watch on CNN: “Clarified spikes sticking out of the top of the head scream that you have nowhere to put your time! Plus, no woman wants to imagine a guy sitting in a salon in a cape and with foil on his hair.

African braids

Edward Norton in Stone

Beka Alexander, fashion blogger at Fashion Indie: “I don't want to be labeled, but I've yet to meet a man with this hairstyle who doesn't dream of becoming a rap star. Seriously, I lived in the Bronx for several months, saw dozens of guys with pigtails, and they all tried to sell me their CDs with photos of half-naked chicks on the cover. If you want to lose my attention, get your hair done like the singer R Kelly or Edward Norton in Stone."

Shoe shiner

Jermaine Jackson, American singer

Kim Turner: "This guy still can't get over his hair loss, so he paints his bald head with some kind of shoe polish. Any woman would be afraid to go on a date with him, because this thing could leak at any moment! He should make dates only in winter, there is no chance in summer.”


Lena Sutherland: "Important message: Women love to touch your hair. Please don't let our fingers or jewelry get stuck in them. And for your information, most women will be dumbfounded to see chunks of gel on their helmet-like hair."

Too casual look

Zac Efron, American actor

Nisonya McGary, stylist Jamie Foxx and Tom Cruise: “We hate uncombed hair. It always looks careless and sloppy. Ugh!"

something in between

Roger Federer Swiss tennis player

Lena Sutherland: "It's too short to be long and too long to be short. Guys with these hairstyles have to use hair accessories so that they somehow lay down. A man's haircut should lie on its own, without bandages and without the need to constantly adjust them with your hands.

Retro Bieber

Justin Bieber, Canadian singer

Lena Sutherland: “Any version of the old-school Bieber slicked-forward hair looks old-fashioned. Women are not turned on by lush hair that covers the forehead, not to mention how it looks when its owner sweats.

Spikes on the head

Guy Fieri - American restaurateur

Beka Alexander: "No one likes petting a hedgehog! Spiked hair looks intimidating and suggests that the man was hit with a stun gun or secretly adores Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols. I’ll add salt to the wound: lightening the strands will not help here. ”

Funny pictures

Kobe Bryant, American basketball player

Lena Sutherland: “Please don't adorn yourself with shaved lines or patterns! Even if your team made the playoffs, women don't want to see their logo on the back of your head. This goes for your eyebrows and beard as well.”


Mark Wahlberg, American actor

Samantha Gow, stylist for Lady Jane’s Haircuts for Men: “The mullet haircut should go into oblivion! This hairstyle does not suit anyone. Even Jon Bon Jovi can't get her back!"

Trump hairstyle

Donald Trump, US President

Beka Alexander: “I don't know if this counts as a comb, but this hairstyle looks the worst thing I've seen on TV. Even the Walking Dead hairstyles are better! This color can turn out if you overdo it with a tinting spray. And the whole style reminds me of what happens when you try to dry your hair under a hand dryer. It's just really bad."

Thanks to these pigtails, Beckham entered all the tops of the most terrible hairstyles

However, the Mohawk doesn’t suit him at all either.

For some reason, footballers are the ones who make the most changes with their hair. Probably the reason for their superstitiousness lies in the fact that they, like Samson, depend in their abilities and skills on what is happening on their heads. The most incredible madness and orgy from match to match could be seen on Beckham's head. In addition, he does not seek to save money - even a banal haircut to zero, made by a machine in 15 minutes, cost him at least 2,000 pounds.

2. Brad Pitt

Unevenly bleached, unkempt hair is terrible, even if you are a star!

Brad is a cutie here, but the complex lift curl is too much even for him.

Every man should try to grow a beard. For some, it even suits. But this is not the case. More like an audition for the role of Robinson Crusoe on a desert island.

The famous film actor in his youth looked more like a modest girl than a conqueror of women's hearts. The 80s were the time for guys with long hair and strange curls on their foreheads, but they didn’t suit Pitt at all. Straight and even hair, as if walked through it with an iron, was terrible - no wonder that Brad had been trying to find himself in the film industry for so long.

Later, already a famous actor, he tried to go back to basics and grow long hair, but it no longer looked like a prom queen.

3. Mr. T (Laurence Thureau)

This is not a stage image, but a way of life

Lawrence did not change traditions even for the sake of shooting in Rocky 3.

A very textured and unusual actor, remembered by everyone mainly for playing in the TV series "Team A". A brutal African American who fought against injustice wore a mohawk on his head as a memory of his roots. This is how he was remembered by most viewers, this is how he was portrayed in numerous parodies in cartoons and on talk shows. Even a couple of dozen gold chains around his neck, which he patiently took away from the club's visitors for several years, when he was still working as a bouncer, did not distract attention from the Mohawk.

4. Phil Spector

Many know him for his production work and as the inventor of some of the sound effects still used in rock, but he became thoroughly famous after the murder trial of actress Lana Clarkson. It is not entirely clear how and why such a lot of awkward curls appeared on Phil's head, but even despite his crazy hairstyle, the judge still recognized him as sane.

5. Jim Carrey

Kerry also had a failed attempt at growing a beard. Any tramp would be proud of such facial hair!

Even a comedian doesn't always fit the '70s punk style

In 2011, the comedian once again surprised his fans with a bright trick, appearing with a wide mohawk. Oddly enough, but a new hairstyle is not an image for some new film, but a completely conscious decision. Perhaps it was a momentary impulse to attract attention or a real reflection of his feelings ... The effect was not long in coming: Jim was accompanied by reporters for a long time, catching his every glance.

6. Donald Trump

The American president, despite his fortune and authority, does not feel comfortable with a bald head. Of course, there is nothing reprehensible in the bald head itself, but an attempt to hide it behind a ridiculous alien comb is very stupid and looks terrible. An honest bald head or a haircut to zero would look much nicer - it even suits many balding celebrities.

7. Robert Pattinson

It's hard to imagine what the actor wanted to say with his hair like that...

Everyone's favorite and the most charming vampire of cinema appeared in San Diego at the awards ceremony of the Comic Con festival with a hairstyle that happens the next morning after a stormy evening if you accidentally fell asleep among joker acquaintances who do not like you very much. In Pattinson's case, of course, this is a carefully considered move. On the right side, the hair was cut short, and the rest of the hair was a very sloppy nest. The back of the head was shaved except for a small rectangle. The goal was achieved: the press discussed the changes in the appearance of the actor for several weeks and speculated about what such a change was connected with.

8. Justin Timberlake

Singer and actor Timberlake at the end of 2009 again decided to grow curls, but at the same time significantly increasing their volume and size. Most fans immediately stated that the usual short haircut suits him more, and seeing him with instant noodles on his head is extremely unusual. Justin himself realized his mistake - and soon returned to his usual image.

Many famous stars often choose unusual and catchy styles, in particular when it comes to hair. But in some cases, hairstyles are too strange.

Scarlett Johansson

Anyone else thought it was a guy at first? This actress often uses a short haircut, but in this case she was unable to choose the right length and other aspects, which did not give the best effect.

Britney Spears

It's weird, but it suits her. But seriously, one can only be glad that the singer coped with her problems and returned to normal life and normal appearance.

Daniel Radcliffe

The hairstyle, of course, is terrible in itself, but more questions are how it goes with his eyebrows. Now the actor looks much more attractive, but the overall effect of the eyebrows is still not the most pleasant.

Donald Trump

If such a man could marry an attractive woman, then there is still hope in the world for all single men. No, wait. He is rich. The appearance of this president is as intimidating and wacky as most of his decisions as head of the country.

Miley Cyrus

Very cute and prickly at the same time. In general, there is nothing surprising in the fact that this singer made herself such a hairstyle. Both before and after that, her style was and is very expressive.


Even in this form, she still looks good. Of course, it was far from the best period in terms of appearance, so it's better to admire her now.

Jennifer Lopez

She just radiated the power of Star Wars that night. Naturally, she is far from the original, and in general the hairstyle is rather dubious. This singer does not need to invent anything to look great.

David Beckham

Such a hairstyle does not paint anyone, even such a handsome man like him. Even when he shaved his head, he looked much better.

Avril lavigne

How can someone so colorful look so boring? This singer has always tried to look bright and catchy, and sometimes she managed to produce an impressive effect. But not at this time.

Nicki Minaj

It's just a nightmare. Of course, the world of rap is a separate world with its own laws of attraction. But everything has to have some limits.

Justin Timberlake

A bad haircut paired with a gaudy T-shirt is a complete failure. Sure, the instant pasta hairstyle has become iconic for this singer, but it's still nicer to see him now.

Natalie Portman

Attention to the background: apparently, with such a hairstyle, she needed protection. Fortunately, the actress did not repeat anything like this again and henceforth looked exceptionally cute and attractive.

Justin Bieber

Here comments are superfluous. The singer's hairstyle, combined with his pretty face, made teenage girls go crazy for him, and everyone else looked at him with disgust.

Ann Hataway

She achieved great effect with her appearance, of course, if she wanted to look like a ten-year-old boy. Naturally, her own appearance is far from feminine, but such a hairstyle destroys any potential charm.

Kim Kardashian

Apparently, she herself is not particularly happy with the way she looks. Of course, fans and female fans around the world were still delighted, but she better not repeat anything like that again.

Adam Lambert

That hairstyle, that facial hair, that smile, that look... It looks scary. Sometimes a vocalist can look quite stylish and attractive, but in some cases, the choice of his stylists looks just awful.

Melanie Brown

From the looks of it, her head fought the razor and definitely lost. Of course, undercut hairstyles are incredibly popular right now, but this photo was taken much earlier than they were in fashion, and therefore, in this case, the haircut is simply terribly styled.


This singer simply could not look bad, regardless of her next style. Up to this point. How could this happen? She dyed her hair all kinds of colors, tried dozens of hairstyles, a huge number of different styles, but she never looked as disgusting as in this photo.

Carrot Top

Seeing this, I want to immediately take a shower. Sure, this comedian's hair is one of his most powerful humorous elements, but that doesn't make it any less silly.

Angelina Jolie

Looking at her hair and clothes, you might think that she was at a funeral. Especially when you know how attractive an actress can look in other situations.


Here's what happens to you if you watch Coming to America too many times. In general, it is very strange to look at this famous singer, who is considered one of the most beautiful in the world, in this form.

Pauly Dee

How much gel is in his hair! In fact, this is the standard style of this DJ, which makes the photo even more intimidating. Does this really seem like an adequate solution to someone?

Simon Cowell

Even money can't buy a good haircut. Or a pretty face. But seriously speaking, he sometimes manages to beat the parting on short hair well, but still I would like him to choose a different style.

Dennis Rodman

There are so many things wrong with this photo that I don't even know where to start. Of course, in the world of sports you can often see strange hairstyles, so you should not be surprised by such a striking and defiant combination. That you don't make it better, to be honest.

Katy Perry

She goes to the city of the Smurfs. They will definitely take her there. What can not be said about the human world. How could you even think of doing such a hairstyle?

Justin Timberlake

Since this photo was taken in the nineties, the singer can be forgiven for his eyebrows. But not the hair! As mentioned above, when this singer first appeared on this list, now he looks much better. Naturally, he is not a beauty king, but at the same time he is always stylish, attractive and does not conduct crazy experiments with hair.

Kelly Osbourne

When you look at this photo (the main photo of the article), it may seem to you that you have been cursed. All the hairstyles of this celebrity are remembered for different colors and strange shapes, but this one definitely breaks all records.

Pete Wentz

As weird as it sounds, in this photo, the hair might be the best part. Although it's still impossible not to say that she is simply disgusting and definitely does not fit the face that she frames.

Tyra Banks

What is it all about? The hair of an actress, model, singer, and so on should never look like this.

Robert Pattison

Can someone explain how a person can walk out of the house looking like this? The most famous vampire of our time among teenagers definitely missed the mark with this style. It can be seen that he wanted to look unusual and fashionable, but it turned out just awful.

Terrible hairstyles and bad haircuts are something that happens from time to time to everyone who likes a change or vice versa, missed something in hair care. Does this mean that it is better to refrain from experiments, or vice versa? We think that everything terrible that concerns hair can be easily corrected or even prevented.

Terrible hairstyles and hair condition

What is terrible hair? For example, irrelevant, when we look at our photos from ten years ago and think: what a terrible fashion for hairstyles was. But, by the way, they tend to return in one form or another. Or come with an inappropriate hairstyle, or even - also an unpleasant situation. But the worst hairstyles tend to happen when the hair itself is in bad shape.

If the hair looks dirty

Oily hair has ruined more than one hairstyle.

If you don’t have time or you don’t have the opportunity to wash your hair, you get one of the most terrible hairstyles that can ruin the impression of even a carefully chosen look. It’s even more offensive when you washed your hair recently, just the scalp, and its water-lipid balance is disturbed, so the hair often looks untidy.

In a situation where you can't wash your hair quickly or want to extend the time between washes, it's worth a try. Its formula with green tea extract and silk proteins will help to quickly refresh the strands and give additional root volume. But the volume at the roots is already half the success!

If you have dandruff

The less dandruff, the less terrible hairstyles.

Dandruff can really make a terrible hairstyle, an image (for example, if you wanted to wear a dark top) spoiled and your mood too. When, which is actually not uncommon under stress, poor quality tap water and in cold climates, it is worth choosing a basic anti-dandruff care.

For example, take a closer look at a complex of ten useful and nutritious ingredients. With regular use, its formula helps the skin develop natural protection against dandruff, and you - forget about terrible hairstyles and unpleasant surprises.

If the hair is damaged

Damaged hair can make a hairstyle truly terrible.

One of the worst hairstyles that there is almost nothing you can do about it is when you dyed your hair badly, but you can't dye it again right now due to the fact that your hair is badly damaged. If a colorist you trust has given such advice, well, wait a while, try to restore your hair and not repeat the mistakes again (how to prevent an unsuccessful haircut or coloring is written below).

What's under the hat? Terrible hairstyle?

Additional care will help restore hair as soon as possible - for example, on a decoction of herbs, with a phytokeratin complex and clover extract. This product, designed specifically to restore color-treated hair, you can use once or twice a week, and for severe damage, use it every time after washing your hair.

Remember that dyes do not always damage hair; they also get a lot from thermal devices. Therefore, if you dry your hair with a hot hairdryer, love curling irons and irons, do not forget about. For example, with calendula extract - it will help with styling and protect curls at temperatures up to 200 ° C.

If the hair is dry and unruly

Unruly dry hair is difficult to comb and style.

Sometimes the hair does not even need to be especially damaged in any way, so that they themselves develop into terrible hairstyles. Sometimes the nature of dry, coarse, and unruly hair is such that it sticks out in different directions and cannot be styled in any way. Sometimes such curls can look like a lush and well-groomed mop, but this really needs regular care.

If the ends are dry and the hair cannot be styled.

For example, try to take with you and apply a small amount to your hair from time to time. So the strands will become softer, more manageable and moisturized. The formula of the product with a complex of keratins and red algae nourishes and moisturizes.

The same active ingredients are also contained in s. By the way, for coarse and dry hair, it is especially important to use shampoo along with conditioner!

Unsuccessful haircuts, coloring and other procedures - how to avoid

What to do to avoid terrible hairstyles?

All of the above should be learned to avoid, especially unsuccessful haircuts, since you can’t return the length of the hair back - although wait, there is! But still, it is better to follow these 5 rules.

Rule 1: find a trusted master. It is easy to say, but it is clear that not everyone has a bunch of connections in the beauty industry and good advisers in this area. Someone recently changed their place of residence, moved to a new country, city, district, and so on. But you should definitely look at the reviews on the Internet and analyze them. It is also nice if the master has a portfolio with photographs of the work, and you will like them. It's already something.

Rule 2: find as much information as possible about the haircut, color or procedure you want to do. For example, how coloring is done, which ones are, which ones. Talk to the master, discuss photos of hairstyles that you like, photos of his work and your hair type.

Rule 3: discuss with the master what you are going to do. Show a photo of a haircut or that you want to repeat. Ask if he can achieve a similar effect on your hair type, or if there are doubts. This is important: do not work with a specialist who has doubts if you want your expectations to be met as much as possible. Even if they are justified, you don’t want to spend the whole procedure sitting on pins and needles, do you?

When something goes wrong, it is important to have time to say “stop”.

Rule 4: intervene if something goes wrong. Perhaps many specialists will now hate us for this advice, because it is so difficult to work when someone says “hand in hand”! And yet, you are the client, and it is your hair. If you feel that something is going wrong (cutting off more length, overexposing the coloring composition, mixing the wrong tone), do not hesitate to clarify what is happening, and sometimes stop the procedure. This is not easy for a modest person, but it will definitely help to avoid terrible hairstyles and unsuccessful haircuts.

Rule 5: take care of your hair after the procedure, as recommended by the master. Do you like the result of the haircut or coloring? Be sure to listen to a specialist how he recommends maintaining this effect: how to care for your hair, how to style it better. You may not want to repeat all of this, but it’s definitely worth finding out. And be sure to come back if the master turned out to be good, and also recommend him to friends and acquaintances!