Halloween horror stories for children. Scary stories. a Jekyll and Hyde personality - dual personality

Halloween appeared in our country quite recently, but fell in love with most of the youth. Only adults continue to be skeptical about this holiday. As a teenager, I loved Halloween very much, because you could wear something that would look ridiculous on a daily basis and make up from the heart. It was very cool to look at the costumes of other guys, it surprises how a person's imagination is limitless.

As soon as October thirtieth arrived, I decided to dress up as a vampire and go to the school disco. I found a black gothic dress, the make-up was easy, because it was necessary to whiten the face and make up the lips red. School discos were always fun, high school students always tried to make each disco special.

When I came to school, I immediately recognized my friends, we gathered in one group and went to the dance floor. Time flew by quickly and then suddenly slow music began to play, all the boys immediately ran to the corners, and an unusually handsome man approached me, no one could recognize him, it was clear that he was a high school student, but whether our school, that was the question. His hair was gray, it seemed that it was like that by nature and paint had never touched it, and his eyes were ruby, or just the light from the garlands gave him such a shade of eyes. Then I fell in love for the first time, not even knowing the person, and when he spoke, his voice was so warm that I wanted to listen to him all the time.

He did not say any tenderness to me, only that I left school before ten in the evening. When I asked him why, he did not answer a word. The music suddenly ended and our hands separated, my stranger went nowhere, no one else saw him at the celebration. I continued to have fun with my friends, and the words of this guy did not come out of my head, I looked at the clock, the time was approaching ten. I decided to listen to the words, called my girlfriends with me, but they refused, as they were very passionate about the high school students who invited them to dance. I left the school and decided to wait until ten in the evening, if nothing happens, then I can easily come back.

And here I am standing on the street already cool and I'm waiting for the hands on the clock to show ten. And nothing happened, I took a step, and an explosion thundered, the flame was very large, it knocked out all the windows, the remains of my classmates flew out along with the windows, I left the building alone.

I still don't know who that guy was, but he saved my life. An ambulance and police arrived at the scene. My youthful psyche suffered greatly. Later, I learned that the firefighters never found out what caused the explosion, as if the flame itself formed and dispersed throughout the building. For several years I went to a psychologist to help me cope with my suffering: I often had nightmares.

Every month I came to the graves of my friends and did not understand why I alone survived from all the guys, and they lie underground. My heart was getting lonely because all my best friends were not there for me. But after a while everything passed, I began to live a different life, just resigned to what was in my life, now I have my own life, I have matured and I have a daughter who also goes to school. Only now I do not let her go on Halloween, because I think this holiday is bad. Still, it was not in vain that our parents said that only those who worship unclean forces celebrate Halloween, which is probably why everyone paid for it.

Therefore, I want to give advice to all parents: please, have conversations with your children, explain to them the meaning of the holidays, you should not throw off everything on youth and childish pranks. Teach your child to protect themselves from evil spirits, direct them on the right path already at a young age. I sincerely wish you all not to face a similar situation. I also want everyone to be careful, especially on Halloween, because this day is dangerous for all people. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, it’s not for nothing that one proverb says: “God protects those who are careful.” And I would like to know who the gray-haired guy was, perhaps he was my guardian angel. But if he ever sees what I wrote, let him know that I am very grateful to him for that evening and would be happy to meet to find out where he got such information from.

Scary stories for Halloween and spooky campfire stories that are told out loud. Halloween is a scary time of the year when everyone has to tell their story at a party or sitting around a campfire with company.

Abandoned factory

Four girls were returning home from Halloween in 2002. They passed an old, abandoned factory that stood next to a field. It was said that the factory was haunted and many people refused to approach the factory grounds. When the girls reached the middle of the field, one of them said that it would be interesting to explore the old factory. Other girls were afraid at first and refused to go to this factory, but one of them, in the end, agreed to go to this factory, just for fun, so that later she could boast to her friends how brave she was. Two girls climbed over the fence, while the other two remained waiting for them. Approximately 20 minutes passed, the remaining girls began to worry. Suddenly, they heard bloodcurdling screams from the factory. It seemed that their friends were screaming, who were very frightened by something. The girls who remained on the street got scared and rushed to run. They ran all the way home without looking back. The girls who dared to go to the factory on Halloween night were never seen again. The factory still stands in the same place, if you decide to enter its territory on Halloween night, you too will disappear and no one will ever see you again.

Bus driver

On a dark Halloween night in 2003, a bus driver was driving down a deserted street and saw a beautiful girl on the side of the road. He stopped at the bus stop and she got on the bus. The woman sat in the back of the bus, she looked straight ahead. When the bus driver looked in the mirror, he noticed that the woman was staring straight at him without blinking. But when he looked back, he saw that the girl was sitting with her back to him. The driver was very scared. He couldn't understand what was happening. At the final stop, he opened the doors of the bus, but the girl did not get out. She continued to sit without moving, her back to him. The driver walked towards her and saw that she covered her face with her hands. He tried to talk to her, but she did not answer. He took her hands and tried to see her face. The girl began to resist, but then, finally, she spoke. “You won't like what you see,” she said and lowered her hands. Her face was terribly disfigured. Pieces of meat fell off her face and her skeleton showed through in some places. The bus driver is said to have been found the next morning lying unconscious near the bus. He lay in a coma for two weeks, and when he woke up, he remained paralyzed. He was placed in a psychiatric hospital, and he told this story to the doctors in his ward.

Garland Cemetery

It was Halloween night in 2004, a little boy was picked up from school by his older brother and his friends. They began to persuade the boy to go to the cemetery with a bunch of garlands, and put them on all the graves. The boy did not want to be called a coward, so he agreed to their persuasion. It was a moonless night and the graveyard was dark dark. The rusty gates of the cemetery creaked open, and the boy stepped cautiously inside. He looked at his watch. It was midnight. Witch hour. Clutching the garlands tighter, he went to the middle of the cemetery. He was trembling with fear, but forced himself to calm down. He was afraid that if he returned without completing the assignment, the older boys would laugh at him. As he moved slowly through the cemetery, he felt as if someone or something was watching him. Finally, he managed to spread out all the garlands. "Well, that's it," he whispered softly. Suddenly, he felt someone's cold hand lay on his shoulder, and a terrible voice hissed: "You forgot about my grave."

Black diamonds

On Halloween night in 2005, a 16-year-old girl named Maya and her friends Irene, Kate, and Leslie were on their way to a party in the country. They drove, of course, on the highway. The car began to slow down, as if it had run out of gas, but the instruments showed that the tank was full. Maya and Leslie got out of the car to check the engine. When they opened the hood, there was a hand. One bare hand. The girls were so scared that they couldn't even scream. Leslie reached out to her hand to touch it, but the hand suddenly MOVED! This time they both screamed, and Irene and Kate also ran out of the car screaming. They said that a man without an arm appeared in the back seat of the car. The girls started to run, and the car slowly followed them. Maya called her parents on her cell phone, and Irene called 911. When the police and the girls' parents arrived, all four girls were soaked in blood. It wasn't their blood. The police found a black gem in the driver's seat. The seat was covered in blood. The girls went to a party, the address of which turned out to be a wasteland. There was a lot of blood and black gems in this wasteland.

Mass kill

On Halloween night in 2008, there was a massacre. The police were called and two detectives went to investigate the terrible crime. Trying not to step on the bodies, the police took pictures of all the corpses. One policeman saw an inscription on the wall in the room, but could not read it. Coming closer, he saw that the inscription resembled the numbers "7734", they were written in blood. Taking a picture of the inscription with a digital camera, the detective turned it over in his hands and showed it to his partner. Looking at the photo, he accidentally photographed the inscription upside down again. He was about to delete the photo when he suddenly realized. The numbers were actually the word. It was the word hell (HELL).

Bad joke

On Halloween 2009, two boys decided to play a prank on the people in their neighborhood. There was a small path next to the cemetery. They decided to climb trees opposite each other across the road, and when someone walks, they will stretch the line and knock off the hat from the passerby. When their first victim approached, they pulled on the fishing line and knocked off a passerby's hat. The passer-by ran away in terror. The boys were very pleased that their joke worked, so they decided to repeat it. They saw a shadow approaching them and hid. When the shadow caught up with them, they pulled the line with all their might. Then they heard something fall and saw the severed head roll on the ground.


On the eve of the holiday, many put pumpkin costumes and pointed hats on display. But if you want the young participants in the day of evil spirits to have an original outfit, join this venture in advance. Flip through catalogs, browse the web, find vintage items in chests, and design clothes for your young vampire or pirate!

Makeup is the final chord of any Halloween look. And the scarier it is, the better! You can use the services of professionals and pay a decent amount for it, but your children are unlikely to appreciate it. It is better to provide paints, a cosmetic bag and brushes to them - let them apply a frightening touch with their own hands.

Light up Jack's lantern 0+

What's Halloween without? The tradition of decorating a house with a "Jack's Lantern" originated in Ireland several centuries ago and is still relevant today. A few hours before the holiday, keep your children busy with this business: prepare stencils, pumpkins, safety knives (you can use stationery). If there are several participants, feel free to arrange a competition for the scariest pumpkin!

You can safely beg for sweets from your neighbors, or you can become a target for evil spirits yourself, loitering around the houses shouting “Sweetness or disgust!”. To be ready for any Halloween scenario, pack your bag of treats. It is not at all necessary to buy sweets in the nearest store - you can keep your family busy cooking symbolic desserts. Pumpkin cookies or blood red lollipops - this evening will provide scope for the imagination of your children, because who understands goodies better? In addition, it is quite easy to find themed baking molds in stores.

When the sweets are ready for distribution and absorption, the makeup is applied, and the costumes are on you, it's time to arrange a session. Moreover, any standard game like chasing or hide and seek will be the basis of Halloween fun. "Blind Man's Blind" can be converted into "Catch a Ghost", and a real mummy can be twisted from several rolls of paper towels or toilet paper!

What's Halloween without the "black-black room" and "little-little ghost" tales? Invite the children to compose their own horror stories: take a real place as a basis, come up with a reason for fear and introduce your fictional characters into this story! Horror stories can be written down, and in the future, make a mini-book of terrifying tales. It will make a good gift for children and a memory of a happy holiday.

Today, many institutions, including children's, perceive Halloween as an occasion to get together. Cafes and restaurants come up with a themed menu, clubs come up with programs with animators and scary contests. So you don't have to stay at home! Look for a suitable place and go there right in costume, and along the way, do not forget to beg sweets from passers-by.

October 31st is All Saints' Eve, or more simply, Halloween. This is a funny holiday with dressing up in various evil spirits, begging for sweets, or simply drinking alcohol in a costumed company.
What a holiday of evil spirits it would be if during its period all sorts of horror stories were not told, and even supposedly supported by real facts. We will tell you 13 of the most famous Halloween horror stories below.
The Gray Lady of Hampton Court
In 2003, a ghostly figure of a woman slamming doors on Hampton Court, the favorite haunt of King Henry VIII, was captured on a security camera. It was allegedly the ghost of Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII. Once she was seen here, her screaming was forcibly dragged along the alley for treason to her husband. She was placed under house arrest, but escaped from guards and ran to the chapel where the king was praying. She screamed and pounded on the doors with all her might, but the king ignored her cries, and she, begging for mercy, was dragged back to the apartments. She is one of the ghosts that haunts Hampton Court who opens and knocks on doors. She is also known as the "Screaming Lady".
ghost of the dead grandfather

This photo of an old woman was taken in 1997 by her granddaughter Denise Russell, who claims the man in the background is her grandfather. And everything would be fine, but only my grandfather died in 1984.
The Amityville Horror

Not everyone knows that the film The Amityville Horror was based on real events that happened to a family living on Long Island. This photo was found among evidence taken by demonologists who examined the house in 1976. There were no children in the house at the time of the shooting.
Madonna of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery

This lady was photographed sitting on a grave at Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Illinois. This woman's ghost is considered one of the most haunted ghosts in the world. Reportedly, no one was in the cemetery at the time of shooting.
Armchair owner

In 1891, Lord Combermere was killed while riding a carriage. While waiting for the lord's family to return from the funeral, the photographer decided to take a picture of Combermere's favorite chair, and after developing it, he noticed a ghostly figure sitting on it. It seems the lord didn't like his coffin...
fiery girl

In 1995, when the town hall in England caught fire, there was no one inside, but the image of a young girl is clearly visible in the picture of the burning building. It is believed that this is the ghost of Jane Charn, who in 1677 accidentally started a fire that destroyed many houses in the city.
bella witch

In 1800, Tennessee farmer John Bell found himself possessed by a ghost believed to be the spirit of the executed witch, Kate Butts. It all started with noise in the walls, but soon she got to the point where she began to hit and pinch people, throw objects, and scare animals, who suddenly began to behave restlessly for no apparent reason.
The piano ghost of the Stanley Hotel

Guests of this hotel say that Flora, a female musician who died long ago at the Colorado Hotel, sometimes returns to play the piano. She is one of many ghosts seen in this place.
Ghost of the Tulip Stairs

In 1966, Reverend Ralph Hardy took this photograph of the Tulip Stairs at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England. After developing the photograph, he saw a ghostly figure ascending the stairs. Experts, including specialists from Kodak, examined the original negative and came to the conclusion that this photo is not a fake.
Ghost of Boothill Cemetery

In 1996, Terry Ike Clanton took a photo of his friend dressed as a cowboy at the famous Arizona cemetery. He was shocked when he saw a man standing among the tombstones in the developed image. “I know for a fact that no other people were in the frame during the shoot,” Clanton says.
railroad child

Years ago, a school bus stalled at this railroad crossing in San Antonio, Texas, killing ten children in a train collision. Locals say that if the car stalls or just stops on the tracks, then the ghosts of children will start pushing the car so that the driver and passengers will avoid the fate that befell them.
farm ghost

After capturing picturesque views at a farm in Hertfordshire, England, Neil Sandbach was amazed when he saw a strange childlike figure peeking around a corner. Later, he asked the farm workers if they had seen anything that looked like a ghost in the area. While Neal did not tell them that he had seen the ghost of the child, the workers admitted that they saw a boy dressed in white appearing near the barn on several occasions.
The Brown Lady of Raynham Country House

In the 18th century, Lady Dorothy Townshend was locked up when her husband, known for her violent temper, found out she was having an affair. Dorothy knew that her husband would never let her out of the room, where he kept her until his death, not letting the woman even see her children. She died under mysterious circumstances, presumably of smallpox, in 1726, and since then, at the country house of Raynham, England, a ghostly female figure can be seen walking up the stairs of the house. She was nicknamed "The Brown Lady" because of the brown brocade she wore in her dress.

22.10.2018 18:00:00

We tell scary stories for children to: from very scary children's fairy tales to funny bedtime horror stories for children and adults, with which you can surprise your friends on the eve of All Saints' Day.

On the eve of Halloween, All Saints' Day, which is celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1, invite your friends to arrange a creepy fun: don't forget to dress in. And then we offer to play, see. Well, for a real Halloween atmosphere, light candles, turn off the lights, and take turns telling creepy stories.

Surely, everyone in life had some kind of mystical and hardly explainable situations. But if you are lucky enough to do without them, check out our selection of short scary stories for Halloween night. We have collected the most real scary stories for the night and children's horror stories for Halloween.

Children's horror stories for Halloween night

Children's horror story: "Doll in a black dress"

One girl's mother forbade buying dolls in black dresses. One day a girl went to the store to buy herself a doll. All the dolls were scary, only one was beautiful, but she was in a black dress. The girl bought it and brought it home.

In the evening she put her to bed and went to bed with her. At night, the mother heard the girl's cry. She went to her room and saw that the girl was not on the bed. Mother looked under the bed, and there was a doll in a black dress with the face of this girl.

Scary story for children "The Old Woman's Piano"

There lived a mother, father, son and daughter. Daughter says:
- Mom, buy me a piano.

Her mother bought her a very old piano from a very old woman's shop. She began to play at night. He plays, and suddenly hands reach out of him and want to strangle the girl.

The next day my brother began to play. Hands showed, and also tried to strangle the boy.
A day later, my father began to disassemble the piano. Dismantled, and there - the hands hang. My father broke them and threw them away. Closed the piano and they decided to return it to the store. They came to give, and suddenly they see - there is an old woman, the seller - sitting without hands ..

Scary story for children "Red Socks"

Mom sent her daughter to the market to buy socks. I gave her money and told her not to buy red socks under any circumstances. When the girl came to the market, she liked only the red socks. The girl decided that why not buy red ones too?

I bought it and decided to try it on right away. I left the market and put them on. She did not take the bus home, but walked to walk down the street in those socks. But her legs soon began to ache. She decided that it was her shoes that rubbed her and went on.

When the girl approached the house, she was in such pain that she fell down. Mom ran out of the house, saw red socks and quickly began to take them off. But when I took it off, there were only gnawed bones from the girl's legs.

Scary story for children "The Queen of Spades"

Three girls called the Queen of Spades. Pour water into a glass and put a mirror. They pulled out a mirror and said:
- Appear, Queen of Spades!
At twelve o'clock at night, the girls hear creaking and footsteps. A girl who was in first grade came out to look. She was gone for a long time. Another, who was in the preparatory group, also ran to look. She was also gone for a long time. And the other, who was in the older group, got scared and crawled under the bed.
Mom came in the morning, she sees that the second girl is in the bathroom. She had three black spots on her neck. The first one was not found. Three days later, they found that girl in the basement. She was already dead. She also had three black spots on her neck.
The girls called the Queen of Spades. And if the water begins to boil, then it will appear. And the water churned. She appeared. To make it disappear, it was necessary to throw a mirror on the floor. And they didn't know that.

Children's scary story "Photo from the well"

In one desert there was an expedition. And suddenly on the way - a well. One geologist was decided to be lowered there. They lowered him for a long time, suddenly he screamed wildly and twitched.

When they got him, he was dead and gray-haired. Then the camera was lowered instead. The camera took a picture of something.

Here they began to develop the film. The developer looked at her, screamed terribly, and died. His assistant thought to burn the photo without looking at it. He realized that this photograph could kill hundreds of people.

So no one knew what was there, in this deserted well.

Children's horror story "Carpet imprint"

One day the girl went for a walk and never returned home. Parents did not find a place for themselves. Nobody could find the girl.

In the basement of a house, a terrible barking of dogs arose at night. People went down to the basement and saw parts of a human body on the floor. It was the same girl.

She was killed by one crazy guy who worked at a meat packing plant. It would not have been found if not for one circumstance. When the girl was dying, she kept looking at the new bright carpet that hung in the guy's room, and it was imprinted in her eyes. And the police re-photographed this picture and enlarged it. Only a madman had such a carpet.

Scary story for children "A guy named Jack"

Once upon a time there was a nice guy named Jack. One day, Jack met the devil himself. Jack was not one of the shy ones and invited Satan to drink a glass of beer with him. In a pub, he persuaded the devil to turn into a coin so that he could pay for the beer. Satan, without thinking twice, turned into a coin. And Jack took it and put a silver cross on the coin.

And the cross, as you know, deprives the devil of supernatural powers. And the devil began to persuade Jack to release him. And Jack says: "I will free you, but on one condition - you will leave my soul alone, and when I die, I will not be in hell, but in heaven."

And now Jack has grown old and died, but he is not allowed into heaven. Jack went to the devil, and he said that he could not violate the terms of the deal and would not take him to hell. And it’s dark outside, you can’t see anything, and where Jack should go now, he doesn’t know. He asked Satan for a burning ember, carved a lantern from a pumpkin, put an ember in it, and since then he has been walking around the world, shining with an ember.

Children's horror story "Dead Boy"

Two weeks ago I was visiting my friend. Suddenly, I had pain in the lower back on the right side, and I began to choke. My friend called an ambulance. Doctors quickly arrived and, after examining me, said that it was the kidneys. I packed my things and went with them to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, I became ill and lost consciousness. Opening my eyes, I saw that I was lying in a white, well-lit ward, with an oxygen mask on my face, and a boy with white hair, about seven years old, was standing next to me. He came up to me, took my hand and cried. His hand was very cold. Even then I was surprised how a living person can have such cold hands.

The boy, after standing near me for a while and releasing my hand, stepped aside and a very bright white light appeared above him. He, like a fluff, broke away from the ground and flew up and disappeared. I felt bad again, and I again lost consciousness. I opened my eyes only the next morning, I was in a coma for sixteen hours. The doctor came up to me and asked how I felt.

I said that it was better than yesterday and told him yesterday's story about the boy. After hearing the story, the doctor said that this could not be, since this boy had died three days ago.

Scary story for children "My grandmother"

My grandmother, whom I loved very much, died two months ago. Although we were from each other in different parts of our country, I often came to visit her. She was a cheerful and kind person. I did not have time to come to her funeral, I arrived only a month later.

In the house where my grandmother used to live, my aunt also lived with her. My aunt settled me at her place and made me a bed in the room where my grandmother used to live. When I fell asleep, I was soon awakened by a very strong floral scent. This smell was everywhere.

I began to look for where this smell comes from, but having found nothing, I fell asleep again. The next morning I told my aunt everything. We went up to my room. She inhaled this fragrant floral smell, immediately told me that she knew where it came from.

It turns out that just before my grandmother's funeral, my aunt bathed her and anointed her with special aromatic perfumes, from which such a floral scent emanated.

After these words, I realized that my beloved grandmother came to me at night, she wanted to say goodbye to me.

Scary story "In memory of Marina"

I had a friend, her name was Marina. She was a real friend, she never betrayed, if I quarreled with my parents, she always let me in for the night. So one day I once again quarreled with my parents and called her and asked if I could come to her. She said she would be very glad to see me, and I went to her house. When I came to her house, she opened the door for me, and I immediately rushed to her and sobbed. She asked what happened, and I told her about my scandal with my parents.

She asked me to calm down and led me to the kitchen. I drank tea and calmed down. Then we talked about this and that, and she offered to stay the night. I accepted her offer with great pleasure. She made a bed for me in one room, herself in another. They wished each other good night and went to bed.

I couldn’t sleep for a long time, my eyes just didn’t close, I kept thinking about my parents, when I suddenly heard Marina scream: “Don’t, it’s not me.” I jumped out of bed and ran to her room. When I went into her room, I saw how Marina, clutching her neck with both hands, rolled on the floor and shouted: "It's not me, it's Nea." I ran up to her and started punching her in the face.

Marina seemed to move away, opened her eyes and looked at me. There was horror in her eyes. I asked her what happened, to which she told me only one thing: "He came again."

I put her on the bed, poured water into a glass and gave it to her. When she came to, she told me a story that shocked me. One summer, she and her friends decided to go to the lake. There was notoriety around this lake.

It was rumored that a drowned man lives in it, who was brutally killed and then drowned, and that he grabs the one who bathes in this lake at night and pulls him to the bottom. So Marina and her friends came to the lake, it was already evening. While the tents were pitched, the fire was lit, it was already dark.

It was stuffy outside, so Marina decided to take a dip in the lake. Undressed and swam. The water was very good. Suddenly, something grabbed her by the legs and pulled her sharply down. She only had time to shout: "Help" and went under the water. She opened her eyes underwater and saw that some vile creature was holding her legs and saying: "It was you who killed me."

Then Marina said that she lost consciousness and that she woke up already on the ground. Saved by her boyfriend. He saw how she shouted something and went under the water, and he rushed after her. She told everyone what happened to her, but no one believed her. They said that she simply choked on water and hallucinations appeared. And after all this story, this creature began to appear to her at night.

And today it came to her. She asked me to come back to her tomorrow, as she is very afraid of being alone at night. She needs someone to be with her every night so that he can pull her out of the clutches of this creature. I promised her that I would come tomorrow.

We slept until morning. Then I got up, washed my face and went home. Evening came, and I began to gather to Marina. Mom came into my room and asked me to sit with my younger brother for a couple of hours while they go to the cinema with my father.

I agreed, but warned that I would only stay for two hours. They got dressed and left. I called Marina and said that I would come in two hours. She said she would be waiting for me. Two hours passed, but the parents did not come. I started to get nervous. Another hour passed, but no one was there. I took out the book and began to read it to my brother. Half an hour later we fell asleep.

I woke up because someone opened the door with keys. She opened her eyes and saw that the sun was already shining outside the window. I rushed to the door and saw that my parents were standing there. They told me that they met acquaintances in the cinema and went to visit them. I said that this is not done, and with tears I ran to the phone. I dialed Marina's phone number, but no one answered me.

I quickly got dressed and ran to Marina. When I ran to her door, I saw that it was open and that there were a lot of people in uniform in her apartment. I went into the apartment and saw Marina. She lay covered with a sheet on the floor next to her bed.

I rushed to her, but someone grabbed my hand and asked: "Girl, what are you doing here?". I turned my head and saw that a policeman was holding my hand. When I told him everything, what and how, he told me that Marina had died. She was suffocated. They took my fingerprints and let me go home.

I ran home, locked myself in my room, lay down on the bed and cried. A few minutes later I fell asleep. In a dream, I saw a pink clearing and Marina was standing on it. I ran up to her, took her by the hand and told her: "I'm sorry that I didn't save you." She kindly smiled at me and said that she was not offended by me and that she was very happy here. She hugged me tenderly, kissed me on the cheek and disappeared. The funeral took place three days later. Every day I go to the cemetery and bring her favorite flowers and still can't believe that she is no more.

Children's horror stories for Halloween (photo)

Children's scary isotryai "Night walk"

Once, in late autumn, relatives from a neighboring village invited us, with my younger brother Patrick, to their Halloween party.

Having collected sweet trophies from all the neighbors, as well as plenty of parroting them, we moved back.
It was well after midnight, the full moon shone with a bright, deadly white light, because of which the shaggy branches hanging low over the road seemed to be cast from silver, darkened in places with time.

The air was saturated with moisture, it had rained heavily the day before, but now the sky has cleared and spread over us like a bottomless well, entangled in a bright web of stars. It seemed that everything around had fallen into a dream, not even the habitual singing of crickets, those tireless violinists of the night, could be heard.

The road, slightly rising, led us to the ravine and circled along it, pressed against the cliff by the old abandoned village cemetery.

You know, they say Jack the blacksmith is buried in this cemetery. The one who first carved a terrible muzzle in a pumpkin and inserted a candle there, I said.
- Crap, said Pat. There was no blacksmith, and this tale was invented by a cunning peasant so that his pumpkins would sell better. Look, they have nowhere to put them in the fall.
- And yet, I did not let up, they say, once Jack scared the devil with his pumpkin. He was so offended that he put a curse on him: forever on the night of November 1, walk the earth with this stupid pumpkin and scare people.
- Yes, there was no Jack, I tell you, there is nothing for me here ...

But before he had time to finish, a stranger of medium height appeared from behind the turn, easily carrying a huge pumpkin with both hands, from the terrible grin of which a bright orange light poured onto the road.
- Great, guys, what are you scared of? Hey redhead, I see your heart is pounding so that it will soon punch a hole in the belly and jump out onto the road, giggling loudly, the stranger threw Patu.

I opened my mouth to answer, but then my eyes fell on a large puddle separating us from the stranger. It reflected the full moon and the fiery pumpkin, which was held in the hands of a stranger. But she, as it were, hung in the void: her owner was not reflected in the mirror of water.

I elbowed Patrick, but didn't make it.
- Shut your mouth with your goddamn pumpkin, squeezed out Pat.
- But you guessed it. And about the devil, and about the pumpkin, the guy said cheerfully. He made some imperceptible movement, and his head disappeared, as if it did not exist at all. And in its place, an evil, suddenly turned white fire, shone a huge pumpkin. A scorching light glinted from her eyes, and her orange teeth bared in a horrible smile. And over the ravine resounded a very loud, muffled, wild laughter emanating, if not from a pumpkin, then certainly not from a human throat.

I have never run so fast in my life. We jumped into the ravine and rushed, sliding down the slope and breaking the bushes. How our necks remained intact is still a mystery to me. Apparently our death was not included in the plans of the creature that we met on the trail.
After running at least a mile, we stumbled over a snag and rolled head over heels on a wet carpet of fallen leaves.

What was that, Pat asked, breathing heavily.
“Didn’t you see it yourself?” I croaked.
We quickly trotted to where the trail should have been. Soon, a gap between the trees flashed and we got out of the ominous place.

Scary story for kids Dead illusion

The school day ended well. I decided to come and visit my friend as she got sick and couldn't come to school.
The clock was somewhere around 14:20. My house was in front of her, and she could always see me in the kitchen or on the balcony. When she came to her, she was terribly delighted, and we sat down with her to drink tea.

Then I went to the bedroom to watch TV while she washed the dishes, after 5 minutes she entered the bedroom and said that my father had already arrived home. I was very surprised, because my parents went to their relatives and will be very late.

I went out to her balcony and froze in surprise, I saw that my grandfather, who died 7 years ago, was walking around my apartment. Stunned on the spot, he began to see what would happen next. And suddenly I heard that my friend screamed in horror realizing what was the matter. After reassuring her, I began to dress as quickly as possible - I wanted to know what was going on in my apartment.

She strongly begged me not to go there until my parents returned. And yet I managed to convince her that there was nothing to worry about - it just seemed. As I approached my door, I suddenly noticed that the door was open.

Entering the hallway, I went to the kitchen and saw my friend on her balcony, she waved to me and let me know that everything was in order. And suddenly I saw her put her hand over her mouth in horror. Then my head began to double, my legs began to tangle, and my vision blurred.

I tried to turn around, but immediately fell. I was brought to consciousness by my neighbors, who were called by my friend. She said that that figure put her hands on my shoulders, and I fell, after that she dragged me into the room, and then she didn’t see anything, but I don’t remember anything until I lost consciousness.
Nothing was missing from my apartment, and the neighbors say that during this time no one entered or left my apartment except me.

invisible machine

Last night I was returning home from work. Approaching my entrance, I heard the smooth rumble of an automobile engine and looked back at the sound. The rumble became more audible, as if the car had left the corner.
But what was interesting, I did not see anyone, but only heard the rumble of an approaching car. Rustling tires, she drove past, very close to me. She drove up to my driveway. Stopped. Suddenly, the door opened in my entrance, but no one came out of it.

Only voices were heard, someone's exclamations and laughter. I looked around again, but I didn't see anyone. I felt somehow uncomfortable.
Suddenly, someone slammed the car door of the invisible car with great force. I heard the tires rustling on the asphalt, and the sounds began to subside, moving away from me. I stood for a long time and looked in the direction where the mysterious sound had gone.

Scary story for children "Red Spot"

One family bought a new apartment, but there was a red spot on the wall. They wanted to delete it, but nothing happened. Then the stain was covered with wallpaper, but it appeared through the wallpaper. And every night someone died. And the spot after each death, the spot became even brighter.

Children's horror story "The Thief"

One girl was a thief. She stole things and one day she stole a jacket. At night, someone knocked on her window, then a black-gloved hand appeared, she grabbed a jacket and disappeared. The next day, the girl stole the book. At night, the hand reappeared. She grabbed the book. The girl looked out the window, wanting to see who was taking things. And then a hand grabbed the girl and, pulling her out the window, strangled her.

Scary story for children "Red Spot-2"

There lived a mother and two children. But one day my mother returned from work with a red spot on her face. Every day this spot grew more and more, occupied the entire face, and my mother died. Before her death, she ordered her children not to go to the cemetery at night for anything. The next day at night, the boy heard a voice. He told the boy to get up, get dressed and go to the cemetery. The boy went and disappeared. They searched for him, but did not find him. Then the girl heard the same voice at night. She got up, dressed and went to the cemetery.

There a woman in a white dress and with a red face came out to meet her. It was the girl's mother. She reached out her arms and wanted to grab the girl, but she saw that her mother's face was a red leather mask. She grabbed it and tore it off her face. The mask in her hands screamed and crumbled, and the mother thanked her daughter for freeing her and going to her grave, and the girl returned home.

Scary story for children "White Slippers"

One family bought a new apartment. When they moved into it, they saw white slippers in the hallway. They didn't touch them. At night, dad woke up and heard some sounds, but it seemed to him that he misheard and did not get up ...

When everyone woke up at night, they saw that he was gone, and there was a red spot on the bed. The next night, the same thing happened to the mother, and then to the daughter and son. The neighbors came, put a jar with a liter of blood on the bed and covered it with a blanket. There was a knock at night, then a slipper crawled up to the bed and drank all the blood.

Scary story for children "Crawling Curtains"

Mom really wanted to buy blue curtains, she went to the store, but there were no blue ones and she decided to buy black curtains.

At night, as soon as my mother fell asleep, the black curtains stretched out and suffocated my mother. The next morning the police arrived. One policeman decided to find out who strangled my mother. He stayed overnight in this apartment and hid under the sofa. It had just struck 12 when the curtains moved and began to crawl around the apartment. They crawled, crawled, and when morning came, they hung on the windows again. In the morning, a policeman cut the black curtains with an ax, blood poured out of them and flooded the apartment. That apartment burned down at night.

Scary story for children "Black Ribbon"

Mother and daughter went to the store. They sold black ribbons. The daughter asked her mother to buy her a black ribbon. Her mother bought it. They came home, and the girl hung the ribbon over the sofa. Day passed. The night has come. Everyone went to bed. The girl lay down on the sofa. The black ribbon slipped from the carnation onto the sofa, wrapped around the girl's neck and strangled her.

Children's horror story "My Jack"

Jack was my favorite dog and would have remained so, if not for one incident that turned everything upside down. Walking with Jack around noon, I threw him a ball, which after a couple of meters fell into an open hatch.

Jack rushed after the ball and jumped into the hatch too. I ran up to the hatch and started calling Jack. In response, I heard only a plaintive squeak. Then I took a lighter out of my pocket, began to shine it and saw a terrible picture. My dog ​​was covered in blue slime and squeaked. As luck would have it, my lighter burned out, and I ran home for a flashlight, because without light I couldn’t see anything.

Quickly running home, I ran up to the hatch with the flashlight on and began to shine. But instead of my dog, I saw only a collar that was covered in blue slime. Where did my dog ​​go and what kind of slime is I don't know.

I really miss my dog ​​and I believe that one day he will come running to me.

Scary story for children "Transparent head"

Recently my grandmother told me a story that happened to me and my sister. I was then seven years old, and my sister was four years old. On this day, our parents were invited to visit. They asked their grandmother to sit with us.

When our parents left, my grandmother decided to turn on cartoons for us so that we would have fun, in this way, but I ran away from her to the kitchen. She, seeing that I was not in the room, shouted for me to go back to the room.

But I, without saying anything, remained standing as before in the kitchen. Then my grandmother decided to follow me herself. When she entered the kitchen, she saw that I was standing near the box in which the knives lay, and next to me in the air was the transparent head of her dead mother.

She died when my grandmother was young. I turned towards my grandmother and told her that I had just talked to her, and she told me not to open the box. And as soon as I said these words, the transparent head of her dead mother disappeared.

My grandmother at that time almost fainted from everything she saw. Now that ten years have passed and my grandmother told us everything, I believe that then the ghost of her mother simply saved me.

Since at that moment if I had taken out a knife, I could have hurt myself or something worse, just accidentally killed myself.

Children's horror stories for Halloween (photo)

Children's horror story "Wow fishing!"

This incident happened to me and my father on a fishing trip. As always at the weekend, my father and I went fishing. We took tackle, bait and something to eat with us. The weather was beautiful, as if made for fishing. We came to the river, decomposed.
Prepared gear and threw fishing rods into the river. The bite was not very good. Father said that he would go quickly pay off, as it was very hot. I stayed on to continue fishing. Literally as soon as my father left, I pecked sharply, and the float went under the water. I pulled on myself, but some force pulled me with a fishing rod into the river.

I thought it was catfish. He began to resist, it was a pity to lose the bait. I was almost sucked into the river up to my waist, I decided to let go of the fishing rod, when suddenly this force abruptly let go of the fishing line, and I fell into the water. I wanted to get up quickly, but someone grabbed my legs and pulled me to the bottom.

That was strength, I was dragged down like some kind of chip. I yelled and began to resist in vain. And then he heard the voice of his father: "Son, give me your hand." My father jumped up to me and grabbed my hand. But he did not manage to pull me out, the force that dragged my body was very strong. Then he quickly swam ashore, took a knife from the bag and rushed back into the river.

He swam up to me. He took the knife out of his mouth, put it in his right hand and dived. There was a real battle at my feet. After about five seconds, I felt my legs free. Another three seconds passed, and my father emerged with a cut hand. Now I was dragging my father ashore. When we swam to the shore and came out on it, my father showed me what he had left in his hand. It was a sticky piece of some creature, unlike any other fish.

The stench was so drawn from this piece that it seemed that this creature lives in the sewers. I helped my father bandage the wound and we began to get ready to go home. Suddenly we heard the rushing of water.

My father and I ran away from the water and hid in a hole. We raised our heads to see what was happening there. You won't believe we saw a big turtle. It was about three meters long. Instead of arms and legs, she had tentacles. A white liquid was leaking from one of the tentacles, which must have been what my father did when he saved me. She swam closer to the shore and began to look at us. This went on for thirty seconds. Then she screamed sharply, turned her back to us and went under the water. And there was silence. My father and I rushed to run home.

Nobody believed us, of course. The piece that my father cut off from this creature, we lost in a hurry. We didn't have any evidence. This is some interesting fishing.

Scary stories with a fun Halloween ending

Scary story for children "You will die!"

Night. Nobody at home. She finished her cup of green tea and went to bed. Today was a very hard day. She's tired. Lazily throwing off her slippers, she collapsed onto the bed. The window was open, and a light breeze walked around the room. There were no stars to be seen, but the round moon treacherously illuminated the silhouettes, casting frightening shadows. The eyes slowly closed. Sleep beckoned her. Warm thoughts warmed her, helping her fall asleep faster. There was a sharp creak. What's this? Probably a draft. Ignoring this, she continued to plunge into the world of warm memories and carefree sleep.

From the kitchen came the sound of broken crockery.
- You will die. You must die today,” a hoarse voice whispered.
-Who is there? She opened her eyes sharply.
— Do you hear? You will die! I said so. You will die! the voice continued to repeat. He was terrifying. It was hardly earthly. No human organism was able to speak so hoarsely and at the same time loudly and clearly.
-Who is there? Come out! - the girl was seriously scared.
"Die, die..." the voice whispered.
Fear gripped her. In a panic, she tried to find her phone, but to no avail. She was afraid to leave the room.

“Die…” was heard around.
She ducked into a corner. The pulse seemed to pierce the head, the heart - to stop from the frantic rhythm. Other voices began to be heard:
“Remember… You will die… Today… Soon… Wait…” they sounded chaotically, hardly intelligible.
Sitting in the corner, she couldn't bring herself to move. Fear gripped her. Hands shook convulsively. The brain ceased to think adequately. It echoed the words "Die, die" thousands of times. The window banged. It looks like the wind is raging in earnest.

— No, don't! Ask! she moaned, “Don't!
-That is how it should be. Today.
She began to beat on the wall in the hope of waking up the neighbors, but to no avail. She tried to get up, but fell again. The wheezing intensified. "I wish I had died sooner," the girl thought, "would this be over as soon as possible."
Start to turn gray. Morning slowly discolored the moon. Exhausted, she tried to get up. The voice definitely came from the kitchen.
She gathered her last strength to look death in the eye. Leaning against the walls, she slowly made her way to the kitchen. The voice was getting louder and louder. She lost consciousness and immediately came to her senses, fell and rose. I opened the door and saw ... the TV was not turned off with some cheap Halloween program.
- Fucked up! - she thought and collapsed to sleep!

Scary story for kids with a fun ending "Coffin on Wheels"

One girl began to clean the house. Radio says:
- Girl, girl, a coffin on wheels is looking for your city.
The girl is not hiding. Radio again:
- Girl, girl, a coffin on wheels is looking for your home.
The girl is not hiding. Radio:
- Girl, girl, a coffin on wheels is looking for your apartment.
The girl is not hiding. Radio again:
- Girl, girl, the coffin on wheels is already behind you.
The door opens, a coffin on wheels rolls in. The girl, with all her dope, will hit him with a crowbar on the coffin! The coffin broke into pieces. An old Baba Yaga climbs out of it, throws the "steering wheel" and says plaintively:
- Here you go! The last machine was broken!

Scary story for children "Knock on the window"

This year, after the school year, I decided to visit my beloved grandmother. My parents let me go without any problems. They said go, granny will be glad to see you. I packed my things, bought a ticket and left. Three hours later I was with her. She was very happy when she saw who came to her. We sat down with her, talked and drank tea. Beginning to get dark. She made my bed.

I went to shower and went to bed. Although I slept like a log, but through a dream I heard someone knocking on the window. I slowly opened my eyes, got out of bed and went to the window. The knock continued. I opened the window, but I didn’t see anyone, I only heard someone’s steps moving away from the window. I closed the window again and went to bed. After a while, there was again a knock on the window, and then I, probably for the first time in my life, got scared. I lay down under the covers so as not to hear this knock. But he got stronger and stronger. I jumped out of bed and ran into my grandmother's room in tears.

She was sleeping, but when she heard that I was crying, she immediately woke up. I told everything. She said that this had never happened before. She and I went outside, went to my window, but there was no one there. She said that she would spend the night with me in my room, and we went to bed. She lay down next to me and we fell asleep. Literally about forty minutes later, this knock on the window was heard again. I gently pushed my grandmother on the shoulder, she woke up and asked what happened. I showed her with a gesture that she would not speak, but listen. She heard everything and told me: "Come on, get up, let's go to the window."

It was very scary, but interest took its toll and we went. Approaching the window, through the curtain we saw a large shadow with horns. We bounced off the window. And this shadow, sensing that we were somewhere nearby, began to hammer on the window even louder and louder. We screamed. When we calmed down, grandma told me that she had lived almost her whole life, but she had never seen anything like it. After a while, we finally decided to go to the window. The knock on the window was gone, but the shadow still remained behind the curtain.

We got up and went to the window. I took the curtain, but my grandmother said that she was better. She squinted her eyes and pushed it away. And we saw, you know who, a cow. It was my grandmother's cow, her name was Murka. My grandmother and I ran outside and hugged this cow and laughed. It turns out that this cow got rid of it and went for a walk around the yard, and when she got tired of walking, she began to break home and knock her horns on the windows. Here's a funny story that happened to me.

Scary story for children "White Curtains"

A family lived in one village: mother, father, son. They bought white curtains. Evening has come. Everyone went to bed. Suddenly the white curtains spoke:
- Father, father, wake up! - Father woke up.
- Father, father, get up! - Father got up.
- Father, father, put on your slippers! - Father put on slippers.
- Father, father, stand on the chair! - Father got up.
- Father, father, stand on the windowsill! - Father got up, and the white curtains suffocated him.
The curtains spoke again:
- Mother, mother, wake up! - Mother woke up.
- Mother, mother, get up! - Mother got up.
- Mother, mother, put on slippers! - Mother put it on.
- Mother, mother, stand on a chair! - She got up.
- Mother, mother, stand on the windowsill! Mother got up and the curtains suffocated her.
The curtains spoke for the third time:
- Son, son, wake up! The son is still sleeping.
- Son, son, get up! - He just woke up.
- Son, son, put on slippers! - He just got up.
- Son, son, stand on a chair! - He just put on slippers.
- Son, son, stand on the windowsill! - He just stood on a chair. And the curtains smothered themselves.

Now you have a lot of scary stories and horror stories for children and adults for Halloween, which will help you spend the holiday in an interesting and atmospheric way.