How to use a heating pad for colic in newborns. Safe use of a heating pad for babies from birth to six months. Hot water bottle for colic in newborns - video

The attending pediatrician will tell the parents about this at the next routine examination of the baby. Mothers are always very worried about their children, and even more so when the child begins to have colic.

1 A question of necessity

Colic is a physiological process that occurs due to the accumulation of gas bubbles in the intestines. For a newborn, this is rather unpleasant, but, in general, almost all parents meet with this. The condition immediately scares the mother of the child, especially if she is inexperienced. The symptoms of colic are as follows:

  • the baby is restless, lethargic;
  • often cries, cannot sleep;
  • restless sleep, the child twitches with pain, grunts.

But the first symptom of colic is a cry for no reason. Towards evening, the baby becomes restless, his face turns red, the muscles of the tummy are tense, easily palpable with the hand. The baby can knock his feet, after the act of defecation or gas, he calms down. At first, attacks are not frequent, but if the problem is not addressed, they will become a nightmare for the baby and his parents.

Colic can be both physiological and symptomatic. They often indicate the development of such pathologies as Crohn's disease, lactose intolerance, intestinal infections, etc. That is why it is necessary to see a doctor and conduct an examination.

The first point of treatment for colic will be to change the diet of a nursing mother, since the gastrointestinal tract of the baby depends on the composition of the milk. The main product that a mother should ration is cow's milk. Almost everyone is lactose intolerant to some degree. Therefore, a good solution would be to reduce its intake by replacing it with fermented milk products. Black bread, even in adults, causes flatulence and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which it is also recommended to exclude or reduce the amount of use.

Buckwheat can cause disturbances in the digestive tract. It is very useful for both the mother and the child, but it is better to remove it from the diet for the time of colic. Legumes are also very useful for the body, but they cause severe flatulence, therefore it is also recommended to exclude them, replacing them with soy cheese if desired. It is useful and does not cause changes in the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, it stabilizes the metabolism in infants.

Pickled vegetables must be completely removed from the diet, since in the case of colic in a baby, they will only bring harm. Soda, juices, Jerusalem artichoke, radishes, turnips, onions, artichokes, mushrooms are excluded, since they all strongly affect milk and, as a result, the baby, causing flatulence and colic.

2 The essence of the method

A hot water bottle for colic in newborns has an excellent effect, as its warmth relaxes the muscles, promotes the release of gases, reduces pain and improves the condition of the baby. Such devices are of two types - self-heating and thermal.

The former are filled with a supersaturated saline solution of sodium acetate, inside the solution is a trigger rod. When it is bent, a reaction begins, as a result of which heat is released. Such a heating pad keeps the temperature for 3-4 hours. The reaction is reversible. The heating pad is wrapped in a light cloth, dipped in boiling water for 15-20 minutes - and it is again ready for use. Such a device is effective in that it maintains a constant temperature, eliminates burns and skin irritation, retains heat very well, and is safe (since sodium acetate is harmless to humans).

A self-heating heating pad for newborns for colic is used quite often, but there is a nuance - it must be kept 3-5 cm from the baby's tummy so as not to cause burns and irritation. Even at this distance, the device will have a healing effect and help the child get rid of the pain.

Thermal options are common heating pads that everyone has come across as a child. When using this device, temperature control is very necessary, as it cools quickly and can easily be overheated. The optimum temperature for a newborn is + 46 ... + 50 ° С. It must be kept 5-7 cm from the baby's tummy and control his reaction.

If a newborn has a problem with colic in the first days of his life, this should be a cause for concern. That is why consultation with a neonatologist is so important. He not only examines the baby, but also prescribes individual treatment, and accurately determines the temperature of the heating pad, which is necessary for therapy. Consultation should not be neglected, as it is very important.

3 How to choose a heating pad for a baby?

When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to its characteristics. So, shopping centers offer ecological heating pads, for example, with cherry pits, barley and other cereals. They are easy enough to heat up in the microwave, they are quite effective, keep warm for a long time, but usually their cost is high. In some cases, they are designed taking into account children's themes, in the form of different animals. The advantage of such a heating pad is that it is already in the fabric; it does not need to be rewound in the fabric.

The quality of the heating pad is very important. For example, it has an unpleasant odor, which intensifies when heated; it is better not to use such a device, since the chance of poisoning a newborn is very high.

If the colic that torments the baby is physiological, then with the development of his gastrointestinal tract, the symptoms will go away on their own. This should happen in about 3 months. To relieve seizures, a neonatologist may recommend: therapeutic exercises, light drugs against flatulence, a gas outlet tube, which will alleviate the child's condition. A light relaxing tummy massage is possible, which will improve the condition of the baby.

Heating pad therapy can be replaced with mother's warmth. To do this, she must lay the child on her stomach, facing her. Feeling warmth, the muscles of the baby's abdominal cavity will relax, and he will soon calm down and fall asleep. Treatment with medications gives a strong result, but only a doctor should prescribe it, since self-therapy can harm the health of the child.

A heating pad for a newborn from colic becomes a salvation for many parents who are nervous, do not get enough sleep from the constant crying of the child, cannot calm him down, calm the cry.

The baby is born with incompletely formed organs. In the first days after birth, the intestines are not able to fight microbes that are sent with mother's milk or nutritional mixtures. When this microflora multiplies, gases arise. They stretch the intestinal walls of the baby, and he suffers from pain.

Cramping sometimes occurs when the baby swallows air or sucks very hard. To prevent this from happening, it must be applied correctly, after finishing feeding, hold it vertically. Colic torments a baby from 2 weeks of age and makes itself felt:

  • a long cry;
  • twisting legs;
  • the release of gases.

After a few months, the intestines begin to work normally. So that the child does not suffer all this time, doctors advise using heat.

How to relieve pain?

Parents are finding different ways to help relieve colic. You can put a diaper on your tummy, but it cools down quickly, give your baby medications, but this is unhealthy. The baby calms down when it is worn in a sling, because it smells milk, and mom is nearby. But it's hard for a woman to do this all the time.

A warm compress with oil reduces pain, but if the liquid flows out, it will burn the delicate skin near the navel. Bathing before bedtime excites the newborn, and the baby does not calm down for a long time, cannot fall asleep.

It is more convenient to use a heating pad. Such products are produced by many well-known companies with different fillers. When applied:

  1. Blood circulation accelerates.
  2. The spasm passes.
  3. The muscles of the peritoneum are relaxed.
  4. Pain decreases.

A special effect is achieved if the heating pad is combined with a massage using dill water. When choosing a design, preference should be given to the product in which the filler is in a separate bag.

Instead of using a heating pad, you need to call the pediatrician to the child:

  • at high temperatures;
  • with vomiting and diarrhea;
  • with streaks of blood in the feces.

Warmth is contraindicated for colic lasting for hours, with inflammation in the peritoneum, with an open wound on the body. Doctors do not recommend applying products to babies prone to allergies, suffering from dermatitis.

Rubber and electric heating pads

Structures that are used to retain heat differ in filler. They are placed in a solution of salt, seeds from berries, gel. The heating pad is placed not only on the peri-umbilical region of the newborn, but also in the crib so that the baby feels comfortable. The material in which the filler is packed does not contain synthetic components, does not cause allergies.

The cheapest rubber or silicone heating pads are filled with water at 60 degrees, leaving a third of the container empty. After that, the accumulated air is released, the lid is screwed on tightly and inverted to check if liquid is dripping.

Such a heating pad for colic in newborns is applied wrapped in a diaper or towel. The product cracks quickly, the heat does not last long. Water that is too hot can burn the baby's skin. For small children, it is better to choose another option.

You can change the temperature in an electric heating pad. Such products are made from fabric, into which current conductors are sewn, thanks to them, the heat is kept constantly. The device is connected to the network, it costs much more than a rubber structure. It is convenient to use the product to heat a crib or stroller, but you only need to apply a warm diaper to the body, not the device itself.

Hermetic heating pads

Salt solution, which is prepared from sodium acetate, is sealed in a PVC container. If you press the button of such a heating pad, a reaction occurs, the liquid begins to crystallize, releasing heat.

The advantages of this design include:

  • excellent tightness;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • safety.

The heating pad is easy to shape, the heat does not go away for 4 hours, and the temperature of the solution heats up quickly. It is sometimes used as a substitute for physiotherapy with paraffin wax.

The design is designed for multiple use. After use, it is wrapped in a material and immersed in boiling water for 15 minutes. The solution will take on a liquid form. In order for the salt heating pad to serve for a long time, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Do not put into microwave oven.
  2. Do not bend in boiling water, do not pierce.
  3. Protect from shocks.

The product must be placed in hot water wrapped in a cloth. It is used not only to deal with spasms, it is recommended to apply them on the nose, legs or ears.

In addition to a saline heating pad, a gel belt is perfect for newborns for colic. Before attaching the baby to the tummy, the battery is heated in a container with water to 50 degrees and inserted into a special hole in the belt.

Dry heating pads

As a filler for products that help remove accumulated gases from a baby, not only water or gel is used, but also salt, peas, cherry or sweet cherry seeds, barley husks. The bags are sewn from cotton or linen. Any device serves as a source of heat for such a heating pad. These products are made in the form of toys, differ in size and shape. Parents praise models Honey Mammy, Zer 099, Doctor Myakish. The advantages of dry fillers include:

  • safety;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • no synthetics and chemicals.

The heating pad is able to change its shape, you cannot burn yourself on it. The product applied to the tummy calms the child, and he stops screaming and falls asleep.

Before use, take out the bag with the filler and send it to the microwave for a quarter of an hour, set the power to about 600 watts. Sometimes women use an oven at 80 degrees to heat up, and then insert the bag into the toy.

Natural filler also has disadvantages. Products with husks, grains and bones quickly deteriorate, are poorly cleaned, and cannot be washed in water.

What's best for a newborn?

It is convenient to use salt products that do not pose a danger to the newborn, do not irritate the skin, and serve for a long time.

Some women prefer a gel belt. It is attached with Velcro, retains heat for a long time, and is adjustable in size.

Any of the heating pads, except for toys made of fabric, is wrapped in a diaper, kept on the tummy for no more than 5 minutes. Manipulations are performed repeatedly.

You can not ignore safety rules, use a temperature higher than the recommended value.

If there is no heating pad at hand, and the baby is screaming in pain, you need to pour hot water into a plastic bottle, wrap it several times with a cloth, and attach it to the tummy. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 60 degrees.

It is not difficult to sew a bag made of dense material, pour heated salt into it. The warmth will ease the baby's condition.

Newborn babies are troublesome for parents, because they often cry and scream. The reason for this behavior is the accumulation of gas in the intestines, which leads to severe pain. If the baby does not have a fever, there is no diarrhea, colic is removed by attaching a warm heating pad to the tummy.

Almost every mother knows what intestinal colic is in newborns. More than one sweet morning dream was interrupted by the sobbing and crying of a child who was troubled by colic. Although there are families that this attack has bypassed. But basically, intestinal colic in newborns is a common and urgent problem. Let's see how to help a small child with colic.

What is intestinal colic?

Intestinal colic in children is pain that has a paroxysmal appearance. Colic is caused by increased gas production. In young children, gas accumulates in the intestines and is difficult to pass, resulting in pain and anxiety and crying in the baby. Such difficulties with the passage of gases are explained by the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of newborns is not fully formed. For nine months, while the baby was in the womb, his intestines did not have to work, and now, after the birth of the baby, he will have to adapt to "earthly" life.

To determine that the child is tormented by intestinal colic, you need to carefully look at his behavior and note the characteristic symptoms. The child screams, pressing his legs against the tense stomach. Colic pains bother children at night and early in the morning. There is also the so-called "3 × 3" rule:

  1. Colic appears in the third week of life;
  2. Colic lasts about three hours;
  3. Colic goes away after three months.

It is wrong to call intestinal colic a disease, as well as to prescribe treatment. Rather, it is a physiological condition caused by intestinal ripening. It takes time for a set of necessary enzymes to form in the gastrointestinal tract and to form a microflora that helps to digest food. The main role of the parents at this stage is to help the child through the first three difficult months, easing his suffering as much as possible.

Infant colic. What to do?

In order to help a newborn baby survive the developmental stage of the gastrointestinal tract without pain, a number of measures should be taken. They can be conditionally divided into warning and auxiliary. Precautionary measures must be followed by all mothers, even if the child does not suffer from colic. Supportive measures are recommended to relieve tummy pain.

Preventive action:

  • Use of special bottles for artificial feeding;
  • Laying the baby out on the tummy before each feeding;
  • The upright position of the baby after feeding before belching.

A nursing mother most often limits herself in many foods, following a diet. But in order to prevent the occurrence of colic in a child, it is necessary to refuse all food that causes increased gas formation. These are flour products, fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes. Fruits and vegetables can be steamed or boiled.

When applying the baby to the breast, you need to make sure that he takes it correctly, otherwise the baby will swallow air that provokes colic. The baby's mouth should be wide open, the lower lip turned out, the nipple halo should be pulled into the baby's mouth. When feeding, the mother should not feel pain or hear smacking sounds. With artificial feeding, you should choose special bottles, the special structure of which does not allow air bubbles to form in the mixture and, accordingly, get into the baby's stomach.

To prevent intestinal colic in newborns, before each feeding, you should lay the baby on his tummy, even if he does not really like it. A funny toy, playful song or nursery rhyme will help distract the baby. And at the end of the feeding, you need to hold the baby in your arms in an upright position. It is necessary to hold it in a "column" until it belches air.

Describing auxiliary measures, we highlight several sections. One of the most popular is the use of heat. It is possible to calm down the "unraveled" tummy with warmth in the following ways:

  • Put the baby with his tummy on his mother's breast;
  • Apply a heating pad to the tummy;
  • Apply a warm diaper to the tummy;
  • Attach a bag of cherry pits to your tummy.

The heat applied to the tummy is quite effective. Lying on mom's or dad's breast, the baby warms the tummy, which helps relieve pain in colic. And when he feels a loved one, as they say, with his skin, the child calms down. This brings an additional positive to this method.

There are other ways to warm your baby's tummy. For example, by attaching a warm heating pad. Another way to eliminate colic in babies is to apply a warm diaper. You can heat it on a battery (in the cold season) or with an iron. Just before applying, make sure that the diaper is not too hot.

The positive effect of the "heating pad" is provided by the use of a linen bag with cherry pits, which is heated in the oven or in the microwave. You can sew such a bag yourself or purchase it in a store. Many firms produce toys made of linen and stuffed with cherry pits. After the child grows up and there is no need for such heating pads, they will turn into ordinary toys - funny chickens, kittens. And by fiddling with cherry pits - toy fillers, the child develops fine motor skills of the hands.

Colic is the accumulation of gas in the baby's tummy. A large accumulation of gases causes spasms, which give the child pain and anxiety. The child's body adapts to a new life outside the womb. If earlier the child received food through the umbilical cord, now you have to work hard to get enough. And along with food, be it breast milk or formula, new bacteria enter the body. Accordingly, different food will be digested in a different way.

Colic and gas in newborns: why do they appear?

  • Formation of the gastrointestinal tract. Bloating in newborns can occur due to the fact that the baby's gastrointestinal tract is still developing and not fully formed.
  • Attachment to the chest. Perhaps colic in infants occurs due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast. The baby may not latch on to the breast and swallow air with milk during feeding. Because of this, bloating occurs and, as a result, intestinal colic.
  • The character of the child. There is a possibility that the newborn has a tummy ache due to the fact that he cried, screamed, overexcited, swallowed air. There are babies who cry a little and do not require attention, and there are children with character, so the child's special temperament can become the cause of colic.
  • Mom's nutrition. If the baby is breastfed, then you should know what it is. Colic in infants can be precisely due to improper nutrition.
  • Baby formula. If the child is bottle-fed, then it may make sense to change the mixture or once again make sure that it was prepared correctly.
  • Feeding mode. Try to eliminate the likelihood of colic due to non-adherence to the feeding regimen. Here, the opinions of pediatricians differ. Someone continues to believe that feeding should be strictly according to the regimen (an interval of at least three hours), because the food does not have time to be digested in a short time and disorders appear in the gastrointestinal tract. Others consider this belief "the past century" and suggest feeding "on demand." What's right for your baby is up to you. But if all else fails, you can still experiment one day.

Colic in a newborn: symptoms

  • The baby cries and presses his toes and hands, pulls his knees to his tummy.
  • The child is crying loudly, while the face turns red.
  • There is a swelling of the tummy, a rumbling is heard. After the gaziks have moved away, the child calms down.
  • Colic in infants can begin around the tenth day of life and last up to three to four months.
  • Usually, with colic, the child's stool is regular and unchanged.
  • Colic is more common in babies who are gaining weight quickly.

Be sure to do all the procedures while taking the baby in your arms. The kid will relax and will not be afraid of anything.

  1. Pat your tummy clockwise around your navel.
  2. Place a warm palm on your tummy and rock your other hand slightly.
  3. Attach your baby to your chest during colic. This will allow him to relax and relieve spasms.
  4. Place a warm diaper on your tummy. It should be folded in several layers and ironed with an iron. If the diaper is hot, then put it on top of the undershirt, and when it starts to cool down, put it on your naked tummy.
  5. Place the baby on your stomach. It will be very pleasant for your baby to sleep on your belly. When mom is around, children always sleep well.
  6. Do gymnastics: pull your knees to your tummy, so you get a natural massage of the abdominal cavity. Connect the right knee to the left elbow and vice versa, and so on several times. Gaziks will immediately begin to withdraw themselves.
  7. Rock the child in a tiger-on-a-branch pose. This pose is more suitable for dads who have strong arms. Bend your arm at the elbow and place the child on it with the stomach down, the head should be on the palm of your hand. In this position, you can not only alleviate the condition of the child, but also wear it at normal times. For many dads, this is a favorite walking position.
  8. Make an "airplane": put the child on his hands with his stomach down and swing slightly to the right and then to the left. Many children begin to squeal with joy and laugh for the first time during this exercise. By the way, this can always be done when the child begins to be capricious.
  9. If the child loves to swim, make a warm bath for him with the addition of chamomile brewed in a water bath (three tablespoons of flowers in half a liter of water). This will help relieve colic and gas pain in newborns.
  10. Gas outlet tube. We deliberately talk about her last. Yes, it helps to get rid of the gas, but you shouldn't abuse it, otherwise the baby will quickly get used to it, and you will no longer be able to do without this tube. The child does not want to cope with the problem on his own, moreover, this is an unnecessary irritation of the anus. For those who nevertheless, on the advice of pediatricians, decided to fight colic in infants with the help of a gas tube: lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly or baby cream and gently insert the tube into the anus, but no more than 2 cm.At the slightest resistance from the child, stop this activity. Be aware that such interference can cause diffraction.

Use our tips and you will definitely be able to relieve your baby's colic pain!

  • what drugs are usually prescribed by doctors for colic for newborns,
  • 7 tips to prevent colic
  • and also if it's not colic, then what?

In the first months of a baby's life, he and his mother sometimes have a difficult time. Often, discomfort is caused by intestinal colic, which appears in almost all babies. A heating pad will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Causes and signs of intestinal colic

Intestinal colic is a spasm of the muscles of the large intestine, which occurs due to the stretching of its walls by gases, which leads to painful sensations. Infant colic usually appears at 2–3 weeks of age and lasts up to 2–3 months.

A child is born with a sterile gastrointestinal tract, which subsequently begins to be populated by various microflora from the environment and breast milk. Microbes multiply, gas production increases. Bowel formation usually occurs by the age of 3 months. By this time, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, the baby is no longer tormented by colic. It happens that colic disappears only by 6 months, but at the same time they are episodic. Among the causes of intestinal colic are:

  • swallowing air during feeding due to improper latching of the breast or too intense sucking;
  • gas formation.

To exclude the first reason, it is necessary to attach the baby to the breast correctly (the entire areola should be captured, and not just the nipple). After feeding, you need to hold the baby in an upright position so that the air comes out. It is advisable to lay out the baby on the stomach before each feeding.

Pulling the legs up to the stomach is one of the signs of intestinal colic.

Intestinal colic can be recognized by the following signs:

  • prolonged cry (more than 1 hour), in most cases at the same time (while the rest of the time the child behaves calmly);
  • pulling the legs up to the stomach;
  • frequent emission of gases.

Video: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about the causes of intestinal colic

Heat as one of the ways to eliminate intestinal colic

One of the oldest ways to treat intestinal colic is to use heat.

Doctors also advise applying heat. But the method is not the only possible one and does not guarantee that the child will get rid of painful sensations.

Possible options:

  • stroking the tummy with a warm palm clockwise around the navel;
  • applying a diaper or heating pad heated by an iron to the umbilical region;
  • laying out the baby with his belly on the mother's belly;
  • carrying a baby in a sling.

Carrying a baby in a sling is an effective method of getting rid of colic

The most effective of the above methods is "wearing a baby in a sling", since the baby constantly feels contact with his mother, he is warm and smells of milk. If it is difficult to carry the child on yourself all the time, then you can limit yourself to other options. They help someone, someone tries to cope with colic with medication, and sometimes none of the methods can calm the baby.

Some mothers suggest sleeping together with their baby. At the same time, you can warm your baby's belly with your hand. They also advise warm baths for the night, and then a diaper warmed up by an iron on the stomach and legs. The diaper cools down quickly, so it is convenient to apply a heating pad to the stomach through a diaper or a compress with warm vegetable oil.

A compress with warm vegetable oil has the same principle of action as a heating pad, but it is less convenient to use. In addition, in the case of self-production of the compress, there is a possibility of oil leakage and the child getting burns if the oil is overheated.

All children are different, everyone reacts to colic in their own way, so if some way helped one baby, this does not mean that he will help another.

Water procedures as a sedative are not suitable for all children: some, on the contrary, are overexcited

So, water procedures as a sedative are not suitable for all children: some, on the contrary, are overexcited.

Feedback from moms about the use of heat

This must be experienced, no means will completely help. But the salt warmer still saved me sometimes.

A warm bath is also very soothing, and if the attack begins again, then heat the diaper and apply it to the tummy and on the arms. Then I'll wrap the baby in a blanket, rock it. She calmed down and fell asleep.


We also used a heating pad instead of a diaper; after all, it keeps you warm much longer. And before going to bed, a warm bath with a decoction of herbs helped us.



Colic is associated with an overexcited baby. And in a sling he calms down. So the sling helps.


Heating pads


There are the following types of heating pads:

  • salt - is a container filled with a solution. When the switch is pressed, a chemical reaction is started, the heating pad heats up (within 50 ° C) without causing burns. For convenience, the heat source can be wrapped in a thin diaper, wrapped around the baby and put to bed. This type of heating pad keeps the temperature for about 3-4 hours;

    The salt heating pad is convenient and safe

  • water - is a container filled with hot water. It can be made independently, but the disadvantage is that it is necessary to control the water temperature with a thermometer. In addition, it is not always possible to attach a heating pad to the baby so that he / she is comfortable. Also, the water heater cools down quickly;

    The disadvantage of a water heater is that it cools down very quickly.

  • gel - has the same principle of action as salt. The difference is that the heating pad is not filled with a solution, but with a gel that heats up to 60 ° C when the switch is pressed.

    The heating pad heats up to 60 ° C and keeps the temperature for an hour

  • electric - has a thermostat for temperature control. But some mothers are afraid to use it because of the connection with the source of electricity;

Electric heating pads have a thermostat to adjust the temperature, but many moms are wary of using them.


The main contraindications for using a heating pad are:

  • trauma;
  • inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity;
  • wounds;
  • inflammatory processes.

As for newborns, in the absence of serious diseases, acute processes in the abdominal cavity and injuries, it is not recommended to still warm the stomach during an allergic reaction or with dermatitis.

Safe use of a heating pad for babies from birth to six months

Heating pad type Principle of operation Duration of single use Frequency of application per day Maximum temperature, ° C Flaws Advantages
Saltself-heating1-3 hours, as recommended by your doctorof necessity54
  • the temperature lasts for an hour;
  • hygienic;
  • safe;
  • hypoallergenic.
Waterfilled with water manuallybefore coolingof necessitydepends on the degree of water heating
  • cools quickly;
  • inconvenient to mount;
  • there is a possibility of getting burned if the water temperature is not measured.
easy to use.
Electricfrom energy sourceaccording to the doctor's recommendationsof necessityregulated
  • connection with a source of electricity;
  • not recommended for contact with the child's body (only for warming up the sleeping place).
  • convenient to mount;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature.
Gelself-heating1 hourof necessity60 in case of leaky packaging, substance may leak out
  • the temperature lasts for an hour;
  • takes the shape of the body

The opinions of doctors regarding the choice of a heating pad are controversial. In most cases, experts advise the use of a heating pad, and the choice of the type is left to the parents. It is important to compare the advantages and disadvantages of one or another option and decide which one is more suitable for your child.

Additional methods

In addition to applying heat, there are the following ways to relieve infant colic:

  • the use of drugs - has no proven effectiveness. There is a medical opinion that if the baby felt better while taking medications, then this is most likely a coincidence, the improvement occurred for a different reason. The most common drugs for intestinal colic are dill water, Bobotik, Sub Simplex, Espumisan;
  • the use of a gas outlet tube / glycerin suppositories / microclysters - the use of a gas outlet tube should occur as a last resort, since improper use is fraught with injury to the rectal mucosa and intestinal perforation;
  • correction of the mother's nutrition (including adding dried fruits to the diet) - if there is a suspicion that the child is reacting to some product from the mother's diet (when breastfeeding), then try temporarily not to use it. If there is no change, you should eat as before. You can add dried fruits to the diet, which will have a laxative effect on the child. If the baby is artificially fed, then you should try to change the mixture;
  • watering the child with an infusion of dried fruits - the infusion can be made on the basis of raisins or prunes (a few berries per glass of boiling water). Such a drink enhances intestinal peristalsis, and the baby becomes much easier;
  • massage - it is necessary to make circular movements around the umbilical region in a clockwise direction with a warm palm. The use of a fitball also helps: they put the child on it with their stomach down, while holding the legs with one hand and the back with the other. Next, you need to make circular movements, swinging the baby clockwise, and then back and forth;
  • creating a calm atmosphere. The emotional component is equally important. If the mother is calm and positive, then the baby is much easier. To calm the child, you can turn on music with the sounds of nature, and at night, swaddling in a large, thin blanket is effective to make the baby feel safe.

If in Russia it is traditionally believed that the nature of intestinal colic is associated with the gastrointestinal tract, then doctors from a number of European countries also attribute the immaturity of the newborn's nervous system to the reasons. As soon as the child relaxes emotionally, the colic goes away. In addition, the temperament and character of the child plays an important role. The more impatient the baby is, the more colic is expressed.

The combination of the method for eliminating colic with the help of heat with other methods will greatly facilitate the condition of the baby. For example, you can put a warm diaper (or a heating pad) on the baby's tummy, swaddle him freely, and put him to sleep with soothing music. It is also possible to lay the baby's tummy on a warm sheet before the massage. The combinations of methods are different and in most cases are safe, therefore it is necessary to monitor the condition and mood of the baby and select the way in which he gets better.

Colic elimination methods (gallery)

A raisin-based decoction will have a laxative effect on the intestines of the child. Carrying in a sling Massage is recommended to eliminate intestinal colic Adding dried fruits to the diet of a nursing mother helps to improve the functioning of the child's intestines The vent tube should only be used as a last resort. Dill water