New Year's waiting calendar. Several ideas. Advent Calendar of Tight Paper and Cardboard. Photo Gallery: Other options for creating a advent calendar

Marina Afanasyev

"New Year's Surprise"

Holiday calendar holiday

"Believe in a miracle ...

and it will surely happen. "

New Year

- This is the most beautiful, mysterious and fun holiday, which tasty smells of tangerines and fir bumps. New Year's Eve is the expectation of magic and fabulous miracles.

Children of our group are looking forward to the New Year's offensive, to at midnight to find gifts from Santa Claus under the Christmas tree. Every day they ask: "When will the holiday come to us?"

Most recently saw in colleagues on the site an interesting idea - "holiday calendar" and very tanned by this idea. Suggested the guys to make your calendar and count the days before the new year. Children with pleasure responded to my offer and actively began to offer their own options. In the end, they stopped on the Christmas tree with toys.

Deciding with the design, the children began to joint creative activities.

On the colored cardboard laid out herringbone from the palms, on the top of which they attached a star.

The calendar with the appearance turned out the most ordinary one, but it has a mystery.

Every December day is filled with winter wonders and surprises. Made together with children tokens (candy patties placed on the cardboard) with the name of each day.

It turned out very fun and exciting:

Day of Darment Christmas Tool Christmas Toys;

Day of winter mysteries and poems;

Day of New Year's cartoon and fairy tales;

Day of New Year's creativity (modeling, drawing, applique);

New Year's puzzle day;

New Year's Day Coloring and Games;

Drawing day on snow;

Winter fairy tale day and drawing;

Day of soap bubbles and balloons;

DAY DAY OF Santa Claus;

Day of New Year's surprises;

Day of felting in the snow and drawing angels.

You can come up with a variety of day themes.

Every morning, the child pulls one token on which it is written than children will be engaged during the day. In the evening, in front of the walk, another child hangs (sticks) on the Christmas tree a brilliant ball, and children thank "Christmas tree" for an interesting surprise.

I want to say a big thank you for the beautiful idea of \u200b\u200bElena Kandakova, Galina Shineaev and Valentina Korzakkova and wish to colleagues of fabulous and unforgettable December!

Publications on the topic:

On the eve of the New Year to help children brighten the waiting period of a wonderful holiday, I decided to make a calendar calendar in the group. Children.

New Year rushes to us, everything will happen soon. And we all look forward to this wonderful and mysterious holiday. But most of all, of course, Him.

So it's time for a new year waiting calendar, a holiday very soon. We decided to make a calendar contest in the garden. I had an idea.

In the senior group, my children were not always easy to switch to a certain type of activity, I also want to play, but fits.

Winter on the nose, and many began to prepare for the meeting of the New Year, involving children in festive troubles. The world does not stand still, and if earlier.

New Year's matinee "Kindder Surprise Visiting Children" New Year's matinee "Kinder - Surprise Visiting Children" Purpose: Create a festive atmosphere, deliver joy to children. Remove creative.

Plinkleeva Galina

Good evening, dear friends and colleagues! I am glad to meet with you again! I bring to your attention photo report "Waiting for the New Year: Advent calendar for feeding"

New Year at the gate!

Distor him so waiting!

There will be Christmas tree and gifts,

Holiday joyful and bright!

Quickly so run the days ...

Tree, tree, come!

New Year is the most magical holiday! He is waiting for everything: both children and adults! That's just fidget for children patience lacks! "When the new year comes!", - We hear this question every day. I decided to do new Year's waiting calendar in the form of a Christmas tree And give it to children.

From Green Watman cut out the Christmas tree and painted it. Found on the Internet pictures of Christmas balls with different interesting drawings (forest animals, snowmen, fabulous characters, etc., printed, pasted on white cardboard for strength and cut out. It turned out a double-sided pattern: on the one hand - Christmas ball, on the other - snowy Kickko. Tied the rain to snowflakes and waved them on the Christmas tree, trading them in pre-punctured holes and secured on the back of the scotch. At the top of a multilayer multicolored star with tasks. New Year's waiting calendar is ready!

Maybe it turned out not very spectacular, but simple and fast in the manufacture. Children really liked it! They considered the Christmas tree with interest and listened to my story about her appointment.

We together chose a place to locate the calendar in the group, pre-form the winter composition

they counted all the snow lumps,

they counted the past days of December and saw that snow lumps were hidden (Christmas ball with a certain pattern). Before opening the snow, I offered children to dream that they could see there. When the children guess, very happy! Now the children themselves, turning out every day in the snow, will be able to count the remaining days to the long-awaited New Year! But it is so interesting and joyful!

An asterisk that decorate the crown of the Christmas tree, will give children interesting and simple tasks in preparing for the new year!

Children believe in a miracle and let it be magic!

Thanks for attention!

Publications on the topic:

Tasks for Advent Calendar Distribution Fall in the group! Inflate soap bubbles in the cold! Find out who Santa Claus is? Where does he live?.

I saw on the website of the publication of the Advent Calendar for the kids and decided to do something similar too. After all, the waiting for the holiday is much more important and.

New Year in kindergarten - Event is special. The kids still believe in the existence of Santa Claus and fabulous characters, are waiting for gifts and miracles.

New Year in kindergarten - Event is special. The kids still believe in the existence of Santa Claus and fabulous characters, are waiting for gifts and miracles.

New Year is the time of magic. Everyone who is waiting for this holiday will definitely meet with a miracle. The main thing is to discern it. And it hides.

Master - Calendar Calendar of the New Year Calendar Master - Class using Primary Materials (Collective Work)

As soon as I learned about such an interesting tradition as Advent Calendar, I immediately wanted to try to introduce this custom in our family. True last year I was a little worried that my daughter in his 2 years could not understand the whole of the tradition or too "tired to wait" the holiday with such advanced training. But, as it turned out, all the experiences were in vain, the daughter was delighted with such interesting preparation for the holiday and from surprises who were waiting for her every day to Advent Calendar. Therefore, this year, the wonderful calendar will re-decorate our holidays.

After all, the sweetest in any holiday is the expectation of the holiday. And together with the New Year's Advent calendar wait much more fun. Thanks to him, the festive atmosphere in the house will reign long before the new year. In addition, he will help better introduce a child with a holiday, involve in an interesting creative process. Advent calendar every day reports to a child, what interesting events are waiting for him today, what surprises and tasks on this day I prepared Santa Claus for him.

In this article, I want to talk about how you can arrange a New Year's Advent Calendar, what tasks and gifts can be included in it. When the daughter was 2 years old, our Advent Calendar was calculated only for the last 10 days of the outgoing year. It seems to me that this age is the most optimal duration. This year, I plan to start early and stretch the pleasure for 20 days.

Decor Advent Calendar

On the Internet you can find a huge number of various calendar ideas with your own hands. Basically, Advent calendars make so that for every day of waiting there is a small container in which you can put a small surprise for a child. Capacity can be pockets, and drawers, socks, and jars, and cardboard houses, etc. If the gift does not fit into the box, you can put a note "look for a gift under the pillow" or put a photo of a place where a gift is hiding. All tanks are stitched on numbers that correspond to the number of days remaining before the holiday.

Option 1

This year, our Advent Calendar is a small town from cardboard houses. These are mainly small single-storey houses, but there are two-storey, and even three-story buildings to make small houses, I used templates found on the Internet, for a variety used different things, that's what I liked me most: template 1., template 2., template 3.. Rounds on all templates I intentionally cut off, otherwise how to get gifts from houses if they are sealed? (Just in case, here the same patterns with races). Layouts are printed on color cardboard format A3 or A4, cut out, glue PVA and ready!

Two- and three-storey buildings I made on the logic of the template 2, only changed the size of the roof and walls. Also inside the two-storey houses there are transverse cardboard partitions so that the gift from the 1st floor does not interfere with the gift from the 2nd floor

Option 2.

Last year, our Advent Calendar consisted of 10 gnomes made on the basis of cylinders. Generally speaking, grandfathers were initially conceived, but the daughter found them more like gnomes, and I agree with her.

Briefly tell about the process of making such gnomes (sheds of frosts). The cylinder is made of color cardboard format A4, it is rearmed with a scotch and stapler. At the bottom of the bottom is also made of cardboard and enshrined in a stapler. The gnome face to make it is not difficult - for this you need only colored paper, wool and plow glue. Well, on top instead of a cap - ordinary toe of an adult. It is desirable bright, multicolored and not too narrow, because From the A4 sheet, the cylinders are pretty large diameter. Side subscribe to a figure denoting the number of days left before the new year.

Option 3.

But this is our calendar waiting 2017. It is again the town but with significant changes. Read more about it.

Tasks for New Year's Advent Calendar

All tasks I invest in Advent calendar as short notes. While the daughter did not know how to read and we only, I did a few climb notes with large printed letters, read the tasks together. Now that it reads already well, the size of the note can be not limited to 2-3 words. In general, you can still try to signify the tasks in the form of pictures.

Also every day in Advent Calendar or next to them is invested with all the necessary props to perform the task.

So, task options:

  • Decorate a Christmas tree

  • Decorate the house for the holiday , for example: and other decorations, rave tinsel, decorate windows and mirrors with snowflakes, etc. We love to decorate the mirrors here with such ready-made stickers for glass.

  • Prepare together or .

  • Write a letter Santa Claus. If your baby still does not know how to write, it does not mean that you have to do without this interesting task. First, if the baby already knows the letters, you can try together to make words from the letters of the letters or syllables in advance. If the letters have not yet been acquainted, or there is no desire to play with them, you can make a letter from pictures.

The pre-New Year's bustle will begin very soon - garlands on the streets, Christmas trees, decorated at home and shop windows, letters of Santa Claus and the choice of gifts ... So I want to add to this wonderful time and children, and at the same time get rid of daily questions "Well, when when?" ...

We are in the creation of a New Year's mood helps New Year's Advent calendar of expectations.

What is a advent calendar?

Advent - (from Lat. Adventus - arrival) - Christmas time (special period, four weeks of fasting in the Catholic Church.). Advent in Germany came up, and among the Russian parents Avden was accustomed in the form of a new year calendar.

It is possible to begin advent in a week, two, three or four to the new year depending on the desire and capabilities of the parents.

Some make beautiful, unusual calendars, we chose a simple option for themselves - letters from Santa Claus. Prepare a letter takes from 5 to 20 minutes.

This year, Advent calendars for children appeared in the book online store Labyrinth.

Someone puts into an Augent calendar small gifts and souvenirs for children like a new year waiting symbol. We prefer to organize fun, so our Advent is usually full of a variety of tasks to prepare for a new year meeting. Some fulfillment is nevertheless accompanied by gifts and souvenirs.

Inventing and choosing the tasks for the Advent calendar, I want the child to have fun, tasks were simple, interesting and informative.

Tasks for New Year's Advent Calendar for Children

If you have time, then materials for most tasks and ideas for creativity can be prepared independently. If the time is not very much - you can use ready-made sets and books.
All pictures in the review are clichable and lead to the online store Labyrinth, where you can buy appropriate books, sets, coloring, blanks, New Year decor.

Create a New Year's mood with children:

  • πŸ’«, about the new year and about Santa Claus. It can be new books that the baby gets along with the task to prepare for the new year;

  • πŸ’« We read poems about the new year and winter, choose one or more and learn them for Santa Claus;
  • πŸ’« We consider books with various New Year tasks, look at how babies in books are preparing for the new year;

  • πŸ’« We listen to the New Year's Songs and learn to drive a dance;
  • πŸ’« We look at the New Year cartoons;
  • πŸ’« We write Santa Claus letter. You can send a letter to Santa Claus by mail, you can just throw in your mailbox or put in the freezer, explaining that Santa Claus will find out, take the letter and be sure to read it. Add a letter to a small pattern or a postcard, which the child itself will do;

  • πŸ’« Recall and write down that good is remembered in the outgoing year;
  • πŸ’« Gonday the winter and New Year riddles;

Create with children New Year's atmosphere at home:

  • πŸ’« Mastery together a small Christmas tree and decorate it. The Christmas tree can be volumetric from sisali, from tinsel, from the designer, and maybe flat in the form of a pattern or appliquΓ©;
  • πŸ’« We make decorations for windows: decorative New Year's stickers or snowflakes and figures cut from paper with the child;

  • πŸ’« We make a decoration on the windowsill. From paper, you can cut the whole city and place it on the window, and highlight it with garland;

  • πŸ’« We decorate the apartment by garlands homemade from rings, carved snowflakes or Christmas trees. And you can add to the Mishur, rain, New Year's toys and decorative stickers again;
  • πŸ’« Another bar in the decoration of the apartment - cut a lot of many snowflakes of paper and drag them around the apartment. On the doors, chandeliers, ceiling;

  • πŸ’« We continue the New Year's creativity with winter crafts. Candlesticks, wreaths, snowmen, symbol of the upcoming New Year - all these cute toys can decorate your rooms;

  • πŸ’« We make toys for the Christmas tree. This task can be divided for several days, because you need a lot toys, and there are few patience in children. Toys can be made independently, but you can use special sets for creativity. This year, in addition to homemade, there will be a ball-papier or other New Year's crafts.
  • πŸ’« We put the Christmas tree and dress up with her toys;
  • πŸ’« Prepare together New Year cookies or gingerbread. Part of the cookie can be eaten, and part of hanging on the Christmas tree;

New Year's creativity with children:

  • πŸ’« Do appliques for Christmas topics;
  • πŸ’« Lepim from plasticine;
  • πŸ’« Deactivate the New Year coloring;

  • πŸ’« Draw New Year's masterpieces;

We are preparing with children New Year's postcards and gifts:

  • πŸ’« We make new year postcards and congratulations for friends and relatives;

  • πŸ’« Package New Year's gifts. Tell your child that gifts in the New Year gives not only Santa Claus, but also close and friends each other;

Other New Year entertainment with children:

  • πŸ’« Go to the street and blind a snowman;
  • πŸ’« For one or a few days of New Year's Eve, you can schedule a visit to the New Year tree, presenting tickets to it in the form of invitations from Santa Claus to visit his holiday;
  • πŸ’« Freeze flowers, leaves, twigs in ice shapes and decorate the trees on the street;
  • πŸ’« Make feeders for birds and hang them on trees;
  • πŸ’« Offer the child the game "Visitals" on the street. The task is to find and photograph as much elements of the New Year decoration of the area on the routes of your walk;
  • πŸ’« Influence soap bubbles in the cold;
  • πŸ’« Ride on the hill, on sledding, skiing or skating on the rink:
  • πŸ’« We make ice cream from snow. The child's delight is guaranteed. We go along with the child to the street, sculpting snowballs, bring home and put in the refrigerator. The next morning the child finds a real ice cream in the form of snowballs in the refrigerator. Who, if not we, can we create magic for our children?

What to put in the Advent Calendar for Children

🎁 In the process of expectation and preparations for the new year, it is simply a pleasure from performing tasks, and you can give a child small gifts for performing tasks.

As presents in the Advent Calendar can be:

  • chocolate candies, chocolate medals, chocolate toys for Christmas tree or marmalack;
  • new Year ,

It remains quite a bit and the most magical holiday of the year has come - the New Year. And adults and children fall under the charm of this holiday. In the air smells of magic and miracle. Every time on the eve of winter, I want a holiday really turned out to be a holiday. Therefore, let's take your hands to prepare for the new year and make it waiting and the holiday itself is fabulous for yourself and your children. To do this, you need to take a little more desires, a drip of inspiration and express all this in action.

I propose from the preparation of a waiting calendar or how it is often called in foreign-Advent. Similar Advent - calendar is made not only for kids, but also for adults. With it, it is easy to envisage all the necessary affairs remaining before the holiday and note the necessary events. Let us dwell on children's calendars. I offer you a selection of ideas found by me on the expanses of Ineta. All ideas are easily subject to implementation.

For kids up to 3-4 years, I would advise you to make a simple calendar, with a small number of numbers. Since kids are still small and performing different tasks for a whole month can be bored. When creating a calendar, you can take into account the interests of the child, as well as to make a developing note.

For older children, you can offer such calendars:

After the calendar is made, it remains to determine its filling. The tasks can be inventing every day, and you can write immediately for a long time. You can stretch the execution of the instructions of the Frost's grandfather for several days. In any case, the age and interests of the child should be taken into account, as well as your time costs. But the most important thing - everything should be fun and interesting. No boredom and obligations.

I, too, every year, starting from a two-year-old age of my son, try to make the waiting for this wonderful holiday as interesting for your children. While they were small, Grandfather Frost simply put them in small surprises in a house under the Christmas tree. And during the month we were engaged in different interesting things for winter topics. When the kids have grown up, we have already become more serious to spend time before the New Year. That's how it looks now.

I sowed a Christmas tree from a green buzz. December 1st
Early in the morning, the Christmas tree appears on the wall of a large room. It is already hanging the first toy with the task. Under the Christmas tree is a chest. His Grandfather Frost puts a welcoming letter, surprises and all sorts of different things necessary to perform his instructions or tasks. Sometimes in the chest appear assistants of Grandfather Frost. That's like this.

During the day, we fulfill the tasks proposed by Santa Claus. It can be both writing letters and making postcards, and looking for new year cartoons and fairy tales, and home decoration, and helping mom with cleaning, and funny fun on the street, and many more different interesting things. Time passes completely unnoticed. Children are delighted with such a game. This year I decided to still change the events to expect a new year. I will add a small quest. In the blog I will lay out the tasks for the week, and then a report on the work done. If you have little time or do not know what to come up - join.