Carbon cleaning. What is carbon peeling. There are many types of this procedure.

Skin cleansing can be carried out using various methods: scrubbing, mechanical cleaning, etc. Carbon peeling combines laser exposure and photorejuvenation, which makes it more effective than most other types.

Indications and contraindications

This is a rather unusual type of effect on the epidermis. A special nanogel is applied to the face, which includes carbon dioxide. Particles of this substance are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, cleaning them from various contaminants, including toxins and toxins. By means of a laser beam, the nanogel is heated, and due to this, metabolic processes in the skin are accelerated.

In fact, this is a kind, so it can be performed only after consulting a specialist. On the cover there should be no damage, inflammatory processes, signs of a cold or, especially, a fungus.

Photo - Carbon peeling

Contraindications for carbon peeling:

  • Colds, chronic diseases in acute form (any), oncology;
  • The procedure is not recommended during pregnancy or lactation. Due to the fact that the nanogel, when heated, has an effect similar to photorejuvenation, during a surge of hormones, it can cause age spots;
  • Hypersensitivity to carbon dioxide. This is a fairly aggressive chemical compound that can cause allergies. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to check the effect of the nanogel on a closed area of ​​the skin;
  • Vitiligo. If a violation of melanin metabolism is detected, then any peeling can cause the appearance of new formations;
  • Keloid scars are also a contraindication. The action of the laser and gel can cause the resumption of the inflammatory process. If the scar is in the process of formation, then after peeling it may become larger or more painful.

This procedure also has a wide range of indications for carrying out. Due to the fact that the metabolic process in cells is accelerated, carbon laser peeling helps with rosacea or the first signs of aging. The depressions are noticeably leveled - they are filled with collagen, which begins to actively reproduce in the epidermis after aggressive heating.

Photo - Before and after carbon peeling

Indications for carbon peeling:

  • Necessary rejuvenation: the presence of deep or mimic wrinkles, loss of turgor, change in facial contours. As an analogue, different ones are often used;
  • Problem skin. Like photorejuvenation, carbon laser peeling will help renew the thorn-like layer of the epidermis, completely eliminating pimples, blackheads, acne, and even subcutaneous or wen;
  • Dark spots. These are freckles or photoaging. Gas-liquid peeling is able to remove these imperfections in just 1 procedure. They are reduced by an average of 40%, with a second session it is possible to completely get rid of spots;
  • Gray complexion, increased secretion of sebum, enlarged pores.

carbon peeling procedure

Before starting a session, you need to consult with a dermatologist and cosmetologist. And only after that with a specialist who will conduct the session. Carbon regenerating facial peeling is carried out with a neodymium laser, which is considered one of the softest and safest.


  1. The skin is cleansed of cosmetics and dust. A thin layer of antiseptic gel is applied to its surface. It eliminates microbes and various inflammatory processes. It should be noted that it is extremely important to prepare the face for the procedure: there should be no open wounds and pimples, otherwise the peeling will be very painful;
  2. After that, it is checked if there is an allergy to the carbon gel. A certain amount of the mixture is applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (most often the back of the hand). If there is no discomfort, itching, severe redness or swelling in this area, then the procedure can be started;
  3. The antiseptic is washed off the face and dioxide is applied in an even thin layer. At the same time, the device is configured. The laser should not burn the cells, but, at the same time, heat the mixture so that it strongly contributes to the cleansing of dead or diseased cells. Couperosis, acne and other problems are eliminated already at this stage;
  4. With pigmentation or the presence of deep wrinkles, the heating temperature of the laser and the depth of penetration of its rays increases. When internal tissues are heated, collagen and elastane are produced, and increased production of hyaluronic acid also begins. They fill empty cavities in the folds of the skin, smoothing it. Along with this, the substances also help to improve its appearance;
  5. Often, pain is attributed to the disadvantages of the procedure, but unpleasant sensations are obtained only in the case of an incorrectly chosen depth of laser exposure. If a specialist works on high-quality equipment and carefully calculated the length of the beam, then only heat will be felt on the surface of the skin;
  6. After the mixture is washed off the face, a soothing and protective mixture is applied to the epidermis. The convenience is that the session takes only 30 minutes and can be carried out at any time of the year (in the absence of increased pigmentation).

Before and after photos demonstrate the amazing effect that carbon peeling gives after the first session. In total, up to 5 regular Intraceuticals treatments are recommended, spaced 3 weeks apart (occasionally a month).

If several procedures are planned, it is better to buy a subscription right away. Many beauty salons in Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg and other cities provide discounts in this case. The average cost of one carbon peeling is $70.

Video: how laser carbon facial peeling is performed

For those who did not have time to get rid of by the time the first wrinkles appeared, carbon peeling is perfect. This is an opportunity to cope with acne and at the same time significantly rejuvenate the skin of the face. However, laser carbon peeling can be done at any age, it will help both teenagers and the elderly.

Why do you need a carbon facial peel?

The main feature of the procedure is that carbon peeling works with deep layers of the skin and does not have such a long recovery period as other types of deep peeling. If you are not allergic to carboxylic acid, this is a wonderful chance to transform without locking yourself in four walls for a few days. Here are the main advantages of laser carbon peeling:

  1. The procedure is painless, and after a few hours you can safely show yourself to people.
  2. Minor peeling occurs on the second day after the peeling and disappears after a day.
  3. Since the number of procedures for carbon peeling of the face is 4-5, and they are carried out once a week, there is no need to go on vacation or take time off for this time. Agree - very convenient!

If you decide on laser carbon peeling, you should know in detail how the procedure goes and who is not recommended to do it. During peeling, the doctor uses a special carbon gel with nano-particles of carboxylic acid. It prepares the skin, exfoliates the layer of dead cells and improves blood circulation. Then, with the help of a laser, the cosmetologist uses heat and light on the deep layers of the skin, which allows you to increase collagen production and cell regeneration. This starts the process of photo-rejuvenation. As a result, the skin becomes toned and elastic, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the complexion improves. Also, the procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the production of sebum and tightens pores. The result is noticeable after the first time.

This is a hardware procedure that is used for therapeutic and rejuvenating purposes. In cosmetology, it is practiced for skin care of the face, neck, décolleté, arms and back.

Carbon peeling - what is it? Procedure technology

The nanomask also has an antiseptic effect, destroying the bacteria that cause acne.

Carbon peeling for the face is an all-season procedure: it can be done even in summer.

Indications for the procedure can be divided into the following categories:

  • problem skin."Carbon cleaning" is recommended for oily seborrhea, acne, comedones. It helps to get rid of acne and narrow pores;
  • cosmetic imperfections. Carbon peeling will improve the complexion and give the skin smoothness, making pigment spots and post-acne scars invisible. This procedure will also help with rosacea;
  • age changes: loss of tone, first wrinkles, dull skin color, signs of photoaging.

Is it possible to carry out carbon peeling for dry skin?

This type of peeling is not intended for additional hydration of the dermis. Moreover: after it is carried out, the treatment area needs constant moisture. But this does not mean that carbon laser peeling is forbidden to owners of dry skin. In this case, after the procedures, only the risk of peeling increases, which soon disappears.


Like many other hardware procedures, carbon peeling is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. Of the restrictions of a medical nature, the following are distinguished:

  • oncological and autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes and keloid scars on the skin;
  • allergy to the components of a cosmetic mask;
  • disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Postpone visiting a beautician during your menstrual period and consult about a peeling session if you have rosacea (so-called rosacea).

Stages of carbon peeling and related procedures

Important: 2 weeks before the course of procedures, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid you drink per day. These measures will help maintain normal hydrobalance of the dermis.

The session begins with skin make-up removal: the cosmetologist cleans it from decorative cosmetics and impurities. Then, after wiping the face with tonic, a carbon mask is applied, which begins to act in the process of contact with the laser beam.

To carry out carbon peeling, the cosmetologist works with a neodymium laser - a device that is safe for dark skin. During the session, the client's eyes are protected by special goggles.

At the final stage, the cosmetologist removes the remnants of the mask from the skin and applies a protective cream.

The following video will explain the procedure in detail.

The procedure is painless and therefore does not require prior anesthesia.

The maximum that the client feels during the treatment of the skin is a slight pleasant warmth. Feeling comfort is one of the factors behind the popularity of carbon peeling.

On average, a session takes a client 25-30 minutes. In many clinics, it is performed in combination with other cosmetic procedures - facial cleansing, superficial peeling, alginate mask.

Are carbon peels and Botox compatible?

These procedures successfully complement each other, fixing the rejuvenating effect. The only condition: first of all, it follows, and after 3 weeks, proceed to hardware exfoliation of the skin.

Post-procedural care and recovery period

Another advantage of carbon peeling is the minimum rehabilitation period. After the session, a slight reddening of the skin and a burning sensation are possible - these are normal symptoms that will soon pass.

For a favorable result, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • during the first 2 weeks, avoid contact with ultraviolet rays and use sunscreen;
  • on the first day, do not wash your face and do not apply decorative cosmetics to your face;
  • regularly wipe the skin with an antiseptic, and also exclude the use of alcohol lotions.

A collage of photos taken before and after the procedure proves that carbon peeling can be done before going out. The skin after hardware intervention looks well-groomed and rested.

How often to do and how many procedures are needed?

Thanks to the accelerated restoration of the skin, the procedure can be carried out once a week. For optimal results, it is recommended to complete a course of 3-5 sessions.

Possible Complications

Although carbon peeling has proven to be a safe procedure, the following side effects are possible:

  • redness of the skin for several days;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • the occurrence of flare-ups.

All of these complications are temporary. To speed up the recovery of the skin, use moisturizing cosmetics, and also avoid exposing your face to direct sunlight. Compliance with the second requirement will help to avoid the appearance of unaesthetic pigmentation.

Carbon peeling has its pros and cons. The advantages are painlessness, accelerated rehabilitation period, minimal risk of side effects. The disadvantages of this hardware method are practically absent: it is the need for a whole course and an intense drying effect.

If you expect a more pronounced lifting effect and intense exfoliation from the procedure, you should consider laser peeling or resurfacing. However, such sessions are transferred with less comfort, require recovery at home and high financial costs.

Anna Vinkovskaya

In order for the process of regeneration and renewal to be launched as soon as possible, it is necessary to remove dead skin cells. For this, carbon peeling is often used. This is an innovative epidermal resurfacing technology offered by professional beauty salons. The procedure consists of three techniques: photorejuvenation, carbon exposure and laser peeling. This type of care will be useful for women at any age.

Many are interested in why carbon peeling got such a name. The fact is that during its implementation a special gel is used, which contains microparticles of carbon. As you know, the word "carboneum" is the Latin name for this substance.

The effectiveness of carbon peeling

Laser peeling gently removes dead layers of epidermal cells, while providing a bactericidal effect. As a result, metabolism in tissues is quickly restored, and active lipid metabolism occurs.

Carbon peeling stimulates the regeneration of skin cells in its deepest layers, resulting in the production of a large amount of collagen and elastin fibers. This type of resurfacing helps to rejuvenate, eliminate acne, scars and improve the overall health of the epidermis.

The versatility, effectiveness and accessibility of the technique allow it to be in high demand among women of all ages for several years in a row. What functions does this peeling perform?

  1. Exfoliation of the stratum corneum.
  2. Activation of cell regeneration in the deep layers of the epidermis.
  3. bactericidal effect.
  4. Alignment of relief and skin color.

The healing effect kills pathogenic microorganisms and prevents their further spread. Laser peeling eliminates not only the signs of unhealthy skin, but also their causes. The epidermis acquires a beautiful color, becomes smooth, fresh and toned.

Indications for cleaning

It is advisable to carry out laser peeling for cellulite, stretch marks, age spots, acne, poor muscle tone, wrinkles, scars and scars on the skin. Not only the face, but the whole body can be treated. Most often, the procedure is prescribed in the presence of the following imperfections:

  • signs of withering of the epidermis;
  • enlarged pores;
  • problem skin;
  • strong pigmentation;
  • cosmetic defects.

Peeling can be done at any time of the year. There is no negative effect of sunlight on the skin after the procedure.

Contraindications to the procedure

If you are not a cosmetologist, then you will not be able to carry out carbon peeling on your own. It is better to choose another procedure if at least one factor from the list below is present:

  • pregnancy and postpartum period during the year;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • colloidal scars;
  • unhealed inflammatory formations;
  • individual intolerance to carboxylic acid.

Cleaning must be preceded by a consultation with a beautician.! Depending on the condition of your skin, you will be offered a choice of several types of procedures, among which there will most likely be laser carbon peeling.

Stages of carbon grinding

After it turns out that you have no contraindications for grinding with carboxylic acid, you can start the session. Laser peeling of the face or body consists of several steps.

  1. A carbon nanogel is applied to the treated area of ​​the skin.
  2. The epidermis is treated with a laser beam, as a result of which the stratum corneum is removed, toxins are eliminated and natural regenerative processes are activated.
  3. With the help of a laser, photothermolysis is carried out - warming up the deep layers of the skin. This is necessary to activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, prolonging the youthfulness of the epidermis.

This completes the laser peel. No special aftercare is required. During the procedure, there is no discomfort, there is no recovery period. Slight peeling and redness, which disappears soon, occurs only with sensitive epidermis.

To improve and rejuvenate the skin, laser peeling is carried out in a course consisting of 5 procedures. The break between them should be at least a week. In some cases, it may be necessary to extend the course - an increase in the number of sessions.

Laser peeling of the face involves the mandatory use of sunscreen. Their use should be constant, because after 25 years of collagen and elastin becomes much less, so it is better not to provoke aging by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Laser peeling technique

The beauty industry does not stand still, so new techniques appear in cleaning. Now you can choose one of the techniques with which carbon peeling is done.

  1. Brossage. Grinding of the skin with this technique is done mechanically. Special brushes and sponges clean dead cells from the surface of the face or body. The procedure is absolutely painless and has a healing effect almost instantly: tissue regeneration processes begin, pores shrink, dirt and bacteria disappear.
  2. Ultrasound. Microscopic harmless waves penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, activating blood circulation and saturating the cells with beneficial substances. This technique is used if laser carbon peeling is aimed at rejuvenation.
  3. Laser polishing. Usually this technique is used in the treatment of young skin prone to acne. Laser peeling helps to quickly eliminate acne and scars left after acne. At the same time, the water-fat balance is normalized, the epidermis becomes smooth and silky.

What technique will be used for your skin, only a beautician can say. Ask in advance if the salon has equipment at its disposal, in which laser peeling can be performed using different techniques. In this case, you will not be forced to use alternative methods of skin resurfacing.

Benefits of carbon cleaning

Unlike many other hardware and acid peeling procedures, laser peeling with carboxylic acid does not cause pain, swelling, or any other kind of discomfort.

  1. After the procedure, the skin does not tighten and does not become inflamed. In the salon, a woman can completely relax and enjoy until the laser peeling is over.
  2. Carbon peeling can be carried out at any time of the year, but the greatest efficiency can be achieved if done in the autumn-winter period.
  3. The technique is universal, it can be carried out in the presence of several cosmetic problems at once.

Going to the salon for skin resurfacing, a woman experiences some anxiety. It is quite understandable, because due to the individual characteristics of the skin, a certain type of care can be not only useless, but also harmful. Therefore, it is so important to study all the nuances of the procedure to be completed soon. We invite you to watch a video from which you will learn how laser facial peeling with carboxylic acid is performed.

Among the numerous skin care procedures, there is one that combines the advantages of hardware techniques and cosmetic effects. This is laser carbon peeling. Manipulation simultaneously rejuvenates, deeply cleanses and heals the skin.

Read in this article

Who should do

The procedure has a wide range of effects. Therefore, it is indicated for the following skin problems:

  • mesh of wrinkles, separate superficial folds;
  • too active functioning of the sebaceous glands, provoking fat content;
  • dehydration, loss of elasticity and wilting;
  • lifeless complexion;
  • traces of acne;
  • dark spots.

Benefits of the procedure

Carbon peeling of the face differs from other equally effective procedures in several advantages:

  • passes painlessly;
  • gives effect after the first session;
  • practically does not cause side effects that interfere with a normal lifestyle;
  • does not require rehabilitation;
  • has multiple beneficial effects on the skin (from bactericidal to rejuvenating).

Carbon peeling: pros and cons

The advantages of carbon peeling are that it is safe, no long-term recovery is required, of the minuses - it cannot cope with deeper skin defects.

The advantages include:

  • absence of pain;
  • can be spent in spring and summer, but it is still necessary to protect the skin from the sun;
  • smoothes porosity;
  • eliminates oily sheen;
  • removes impurities and the surface layer of dead epithelium, removes peeling;
  • improves skin color;
  • no need to wear a bandage and immediately after the procedure it is possible to go outside, freely contact with others;
  • there is a visible result after the first session.

Carbon peeling

The disadvantages are:

  • the appearance of redness and rashes on the chin and around the nose;
  • black blotches from the applied nanogel may remain;
  • will not affect scars and wrinkles;
  • the skin is dried out and needs deep, frequent moisturizing;
  • you can not use decorative cosmetics for 3-4 days;
  • high cost and the need for repeated sessions.

Method of carbon peeling

Carbon peeling before and after does not require special measures. But still, before carrying it out, you need to consult a dermatologist and check if there is an allergy to the nanogel used during the procedure. It is applied to the patient's hand, following the reaction.

The impact itself is carried out in stages:

  • Makeup and impurities are removed from the face. Then it is necessary to apply an antiseptic gel. Microorganisms must not be allowed to act.
  • After removing the antiseptic, a carbon composition is applied and the laser device is set up. The parameters must be clearly calibrated so that the epidermis does not burn, but warms up. The more pronounced age-related changes, the higher the temperature and the deeper the penetration of radiation.

Stages of laser carbon peeling
  • The patient wears goggles. Next, the actual carbon peeling with a laser is carried out. The specialist guides the maniple of the device along the surface of the skin without touching it. The process lasts 20 - 30 minutes.
  • Upon completion of the entire surface treatment, the nanogel is removed with a cleaning agent. A soothing cream appropriate for the type is applied to the skin.

For information on how laser carbon peeling is carried out, its advantages and features, see this video:

The effect of the procedure

Nanogel for carbon peeling consists of the smallest particles of carbon, which penetrates deep into the skin, draws out the contents from the pores, and also binds dead cells from the surface. Laser radiation destroys the pathogenic microflora, stimulates the development of young and healthy cells of the collagen layer, whitens. Due to the twofold influence, the effect also arises:

  • the skin is deeply cleansed;
  • inflammation and opportunities for its development are eliminated;
  • the surface of the epidermis is leveled;
  • defects, enlarged pores, oily sheen disappear;
  • age spots disappear;
  • skin color improves;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • elasticity increases, the skin becomes hydrated;
  • the increased greasiness is eliminated.

Favorable changes laser carbon facial peeling gives from the first session. In total, 5-7 are needed, weekly pauses are made between procedures. They are needed in order for the development processes in the skin to go on independently.

You should not expect an effect from the procedure, like from plastic surgery. But it can be done for teenagers with oily skin, and middle-aged women who are immediately concerned about wilting and increased greasiness.

Before and after a course of carbon peeling procedures


The procedure is non-invasive, that is, the tissues are not mechanically damaged. Nanogel is also not capable of causing harm. Nevertheless, carbon peeling has contraindications, like any external effect. Some diseases and conditions create

danger to the health of the skin and the body as a whole during its implementation:

  • inflammation and any damage to the epidermis;
  • keloid scars;
  • oncology;
  • vitiligo;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects of carbon peeling on the face

The carbon peeling procedure usually does not cause a negative reaction. The maximum that worries is reddening of the skin for a short time. But yet for some it may end:

These signs may occur as an individual reaction. The causes of problems sometimes become a poor-quality apparatus for carbon peeling, the inability of a cosmetologist to work with it, and the wrong choice of laser radiation parameters.

Skin care after

The tissues are not injured during the procedure. But this does not negate some precautions and special care after the procedure for several days. The skin undergoes changes so that it is vulnerable to bacteria, ultraviolet rays and any other attack. In addition, there is no protective film on it. And in order not to interfere with recovery, not to spoil the visible effect that laser peeling with carbon nanogel gives, it is necessary:

  • use the first day for cleansing only;
  • intensely moisturize the skin with hypoallergenic products;
  • 2-3 weeks do not sunbathe and do not go to the solarium;
  • refuse to visit the pool for the same period;
  • the entire rehabilitation period be protected from wind and cold;
  • do not do procedures that irritate the skin (cleansing with scrubs, other peels, applying aggressive products);
  • do not use decorative cosmetics (foundation, powder, etc.) for at least a week.

If you fulfill these simple conditions, carbon peeling will have only favorable consequences. Otherwise, infection, a new round of acne or pyoderma may occur, increased dryness of the skin or hyperpigmentation may develop.

Why did acne appear after carbon peeling?

The appearance of acne after carbon peeling is caused by several reasons:

  • the procedure is stressful for the skin, the reaction to it is an exacerbation of inflammation;
  • the upper layer (epidermis) is removed, which makes the rash clearly visible;
  • lack of proper care after the procedure: touching the skin with fingers, neglecting the ban on cosmetics, insufficient cleansing.
  • treat the skin with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, alcohol solutions are contraindicated;
  • lubricate the inflamed elements (pointwise) with ointment Traumeel C, Levomekol, Zinc, Panthenol.

If acne does not disappear in 3-5 days, then a dermatologist's consultation is definitely needed.

How many carbon peeling procedures do you need to do

For small changes, 2-3 are enough, and for severe problems, at least 7 carbon peeling procedures are recommended. The intervals between them are from 7 to 15 days. The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin.

How much does carbon peeling cost

Facial cleansing with carbon peeling will cost about 2000 rubles, 600 hryvnias for 1 session. With additional processing of the neck and décolleté, the price will increase.

How long does a carbon peeling procedure take?

The average duration of the entire procedure is 45 minutes.

Patient questions about carbon peeling

How often can carbon peeling be done on the face?

Is carbon peeling allowed for dry skin?

Dry skin is not a contraindication. After the procedure, the top layer is removed, which will help the penetration of moisturizers and nutrients. It is important to regularly use the recommended care products, to refuse rubbing with alcohol solutions, so as not to overdry the skin.

Carbon peeling from what age?

From the age of 16, laser skin cleansing procedures can be performed, but with widespread acne, preliminary treatment is necessary. If this recommendation is neglected, then the rash may intensify.

Is it possible to carry out carbon peeling at home?

Since the main component of this procedure is laser beams, it is impossible to carry it out at home. An alternative option may be acid peels, but it is still better to contact a beautician.

Despite the high efficiency of the procedure and safety, its price is low in comparison with other similar manipulations. A session costs 2000 - 5000 rubles, depending on the area of ​​​​impact. Taking into account the fact that they will not need more than 5 - 7, the course is inexpensive.

Useful video

Watch this video about how carbon peeling works and what are the indications for it: