Raspberry face mask is the most summery berry mask. Fresh raspberry leaf juice mask. Mask for normal skin

A raspberry face mask can relieve inflammation and get rid of acne. It is only important to make sure that this tool can really have a positive effect. All this will be described below.

Raspberry is undoubtedly an excellent product that is used for food and cosmetic purposes. In cosmetology and medicine, both raspberry berries and its leaves and stems are used - each component of this plant has useful and healing properties. In medicine, it is known as an antipyretic for colds, and in cosmetology, raspberry face masks are very popular.

More and more often, modern women are starting to use natural cosmetics instead of cosmetics from supermarket shelves. There are many advantages of natural cosmetics over synthetic ones, but the most important advantages are that natural cosmetics do not cause allergic reactions, are absolutely harmless, non-toxic and can be used at any age and for any skin type. Raspberry face mask is a clear confirmation of this, as it is one of the best skin care products.

Benefits of raspberry for skin

The benefits of raspberries for the skin of the face are simply colossal. Because this berry has a number of positive properties. So, masks are prepared from raspberries that can perfectly saturate the skin and moisturize it with vitamins and microelements. This berry renews the epidermis and even cleanses the skin. In the fight against freckles and acne, raspberry also has a positive effect. In addition, the berry contains many vitamins, such as A, B2, E and others. Masks, which include raspberries, can remove wrinkles, relieve inflammation and relieve acne. Moreover, the berry nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and also makes it smoother and more beautiful. You can prepare nourishing masks from both fresh and frozen raspberries. It should be noted that this component is perfect for any type of skin. Therefore, there can be no restrictions.

But again, the exceptions are those people who are allergic to this berry. But, despite this, picking up a good remedy is still real, even with the addition of this ingredient. A raspberry face mask is a great way to revitalize your skin.

Raspberries are a very useful product. It is rich in vitamins and various phytocomponents. In addition to vitamins A, PP, B2, E, C, it also contains organic salicylic acid, fiber and many micro and macro elements. With the systematic intake of fresh raspberries over time, you can notice obvious improvements in immunity and overall body tone. The benefits of drinking raspberries as a tea or a decoction of leaves and stems are also very significant - raspberry teas are great at fighting colds and help boost immunity, especially in the cold season. Fresh raspberries have a particularly positive effect on the skin - the skin becomes soft and smooth, a natural blush appears. Raspberry face mask helps to even out skin tone and make it healthier, more beautiful and firmer. Masks from fresh berries are very nutritious and prevent dehydration, regardless of skin type. Separately, it is worth mentioning the invaluable benefits of raspberries as an anti-aging agent.

Raspberry face mask recipes

Recipes for raspberry face masks are so diverse that everyone is able to choose something worthwhile for themselves. So, the first recipe that can give a stunning effect.

Moisturizing mask, which includes raspberries. To prepare this remedy, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of raspberry puree, oatmeal and olive oil. All this is mixed together and applied to the face. Hold the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  • Complex raspberry mask

This product is great for oily skin. To prepare it, you need to take a little raspberry puree and mix with protein. In order to enhance the effect, you can add a little yogurt and lemon juice. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes.

  • Anti-inflammatory mask

Raspberries soften into puree. After that, the excess juice is squeezed out and mixed with chamomile infusion. It is important that all this be done in equal proportions.

  • Purifying mask

To prepare it, you need to take raspberries and a couple of tablespoons of rice flour. All this is mixed together and applied to the face for about 30 minutes. Then you need to wash it off with warm water. The effect will not keep you waiting.

  • Rejuvenating mask

Raspberries must be crushed to a mushy state. Then add a little cottage cheese and a spoonful of honey. All this is brought to a liquid state in a water bath. You need to apply the mask for 30 minutes. The result will be amazing. A raspberry face mask can have an incredible effect and improve the overall condition of the skin.

There are many different recipes for raspberry face masks. All of them are designed for one or another type of skin.

For dry skin, the following mask is perfect - take 3 tablespoons of fresh raspberries and 1 teaspoon of any essential oil, mix this mass well and apply on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. By this principle, you can also prepare a wonderful raspberry scrub, which gently exfoliates dead skin cells and makes it soft and smooth. To do this, you need to add half a teaspoon of finely ground natural coffee to the above ingredients. This scrub can be used 1 or 2 times a week, depending on how quickly your skin starts to peel.

For oily skin types, another raspberry face mask is used, to prepare it, you need to take 5 tablespoons of raspberries and 2 tablespoons of blue cosmetic clay. All these ingredients are mixed and the mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, then washed off with cold water. Such masks for oily skin can be done often, especially in the summer, when the pores of the skin greatly expand and the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases. A mask for a face with problem skin is prepared in a similar way. We take 5 tablespoons of fresh raspberries, 2 salt spoons of blue cosmetic clay, 1 teaspoon of cognac or vodka and 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid (previously, these 3 tablets must be poured with 1 teaspoon of water, let them swell and then crush well). All these ingredients are mixed well and applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with cold water. This mask will be very useful for problem skin, as it has antiseptic properties and reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, thereby preventing them from clogging.

Raspberries are an amazing berry that has a lot of health benefits. It contains strong antioxidants such as vitamins C, B, E, quercetin and gallic acid. Together, these substances fight diseases, and also have strong anti-aging properties. The benefits of raspberries have been known since ancient times, it was used not only for health, but also for the skin, it was used to give elasticity to the skin of the face. Raspberries are used in cooking, folk medicine for flu and colds as an antipyretic and diaphoretic, as well as in home cosmetics in the form of masks, scrubs and lotions. Raspberry is a universal plant, it is successfully used in home medicine and cosmetology, not only the berries and leaves of this plant, but also flowers are used. A decoction of flowers is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis and erysipelas. An ointment made from fresh raspberry leaves is a good remedy for skin rashes and acne.

Note: To prepare an ointment from raspberry leaves, squeeze the juice from the leaves and mix with butter or petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1: 4 (1 part juice from raspberry leaves, 4 parts petroleum jelly or oil), apply to inflamed areas (acne or skin rash) up to four times a day.

Raspberries have 11% sugars (fructose, glucose and pentose), 1 - 2% organic acids (salicylic, citric, malic, tartaric, etc.), ketones (β-ionone, diacetyl and acetoin), catechins (I- epigallocatechin, d-catechin), alcohols (isoamyl and tartaric), 0.3% tannins and anthocyanin cyanine. The berries also contain protein and pectin substances, essential oils, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, etc., as well as trace elements such as iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, copper, cobalt and zinc. Berry seeds also contain beneficial substances, these include beta-sitosterol, 0-sitosterol and 22% fatty oils.
Raspberries have antimicrobial, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that reduce wrinkles and age spots, perfectly cleanse the skin of acne and pimples, and also fight free radicals. Raspberries have a good effect on the skin, hair and the body as a whole, it is used for scrubs, lotions, shampoos and masks.

Benefits of a raspberry face mask

Raspberry is an excellent source of beauty, it saturates the skin with vitamins and minerals that moisturize, cleanse, nourish the skin, this berry also fights acne, freckles, wrinkles, acne and inflammation on the skin. Raspberry masks perfectly smooth, cleanse and brighten the skin of the face.
Fresh raspberry masks have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, because raspberries contain 86% water, 12% carbohydrates, 1% proteins and 1% fats, as well as macro and microelements, 3% calcium, 6% magnesium, 4% phosphorus , 32% manganese, 5% iron, 3% potassium and 4% zinc. Also, fresh raspberries contain a large amount of useful vitamins A, C, E, K, PP and B vitamins, as well as folic acid (B9) and 3% choline. Raspberry masks are suitable for all skin types, and also have a positive effect on mature, aging facial skin. A raspberry mask is especially indicated for skin prone to acne and acne, since raspberries contain a large amount of vitamin C, 32% per 100 grams of berries, which has a positive effect on this type of skin. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that rids the skin of free radicals, which in turn helps fight the signs of aging. Thanks to such a number of useful substances, raspberry masks perfectly fight the signs of skin aging, acne and age spots. This article has prepared recipes for effective face masks from fresh raspberries that are easy to prepare at home.

Note: Fresh raspberries can cause allergies, so it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction before using a raspberry mask. It is necessary to apply fresh raspberry pulp on the wrist or the inside of the elbow and leave for 20 minutes, if the skin turns red, then you cannot use raspberry masks.

Raspberry face mask

10 raspberries (fresh pulp)

Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The mask cleanses the skin well, smoothes wrinkles, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the face. This mask is great for all skin types. The mask should be applied once or twice a week.

Raspberry and yogurt face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:

Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add natural yogurt and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. If desired, after the mask, you can apply a moisturizer. The mask well saturates the skin with moisture and evens out skin tone. Raspberries have astringent properties, and yogurt perfectly moisturizes and smoothes the skin. The mask is well suited for oily skin, it perfectly eliminates inflammation and normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands. The mask should be applied once or twice a week.

Note: If you have sensitive skin, then the mask should be applied for 5-7 minutes.

Raspberry, honey and oatmeal face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:

1 tablespoon oatmeal

Before preparing the mask, you must first soak the oatmeal in hot water for 3-5 minutes and knead until a slurry is formed. Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add natural honey, oatmeal and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The mask fights skin aging, acne and hyper-pigmentation well. It gives the skin smoothness and silkiness, and also perfectly narrows the pores. The mask is well suited for acne-prone and aging skin. The mask should be applied three or four times a week.

Raspberry and rose water face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
6 - 8 raspberries (fresh pulp)
1 tablespoon rose water
1 teaspoon baobab oil
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice (optional)
8 drops of essential sea buckthorn oil

Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add rose water, baobab oil, lemon juice, essential sea buckthorn oil and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. The mask fights skin aging well, suitable for all types of facial skin. The mask perfectly improves complexion, smoothes wrinkles and gives the skin radiance. The mask should be applied once or twice a week.

Note: This mask can be applied at night and washed off in the morning.

Raspberry and red clay face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
8 raspberries (fresh pulp)
1 tablespoon red clay
1 teaspoon warm water

Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add red clay, warm water and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The mask gently and gently cleanses the skin of the face, and also eliminates dead skin cells. The mask is well suited for dry, dehydrated, fading, acne-prone and irritated skin. The mask should be applied once or twice a week.

Raspberry, honey and yogurt face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
6 - 7 raspberries (fresh pulp)
1 tablespoon natural yogurt
1 tablespoon natural honey

Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add natural honey, yogurt and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask helps to retain moisture in the upper layers of the skin, so this mask is well suited for dry and dehydrated skin. The mask should be applied once or twice a week.

Raspberry, yogurt and green tea face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
8 raspberries (fresh pulp)
1 tablespoon natural yogurt
1 tablespoon green tea (tea)

Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add natural yogurt, green tea and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The mask perfectly tightens, moisturizes and smoothes the skin of the face. This mask is suitable for all skin types. The mask should be applied once or twice a week.

Raspberry and egg white face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:

1 egg white (whipped)
5 drops lemon juice

Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add the beaten egg white, lemon juice and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. The mask perfectly tightens pores and cleanses the skin. This mask is suitable for oily and acne-prone skin. The mask should be applied two or three times a week.

Raspberry and rice flour face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
10 - 15 raspberries (fresh pulp)
1 tablespoon rice flour

Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add rice flour and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. The mask perfectly cleanses the skin and eliminates dead skin cells. This mask is suitable for oily skin. The mask should be applied once or twice a week.

Raspberry and milk face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
8 raspberries (fresh pulp)
1 tablespoon milk

1 tablespoon olive oil (you can use any vegetable oil)
Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add olive oil, milk and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask is suitable for dry and normal skin. The mask should be applied once or twice a week.

Raspberry and egg yolk face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
8 raspberries (fresh pulp)
1 egg yolk

Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add the egg yolk and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask is suitable for dry and normal skin. The mask should be applied once or twice a week.

Raspberry Starch Face Mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
8-10 raspberries (fresh pulp)
1 tablespoon potato starch
1 teaspoon warm water

Mash raspberries with a fork or chop with a blender until puree is formed. Then add potato starch, warm water and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and neck, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. The mask smoothes wrinkles well, reduces acne, and also has a lifting effect. This mask is suitable for all skin types. The mask should be applied once or twice a week.


For the preparation of raspberry masks, it is advisable to use only fresh, ripe, unspoiled berries.
Before applying face masks, raspberries must be cleaned of insects and rinsed thoroughly.


If you have sensitive skin, then fresh raspberry masks should be applied for 5-7 minutes no more.
Raspberries can cause an allergic reaction, so a test must be done before using the mask.
If you have any damage to the skin (abrasions, cuts or scratches), then you must stop using raspberry masks.

Raspberry masks contain a huge amount of useful substances, for example, vitamin C and some organic acids. They suit absolutely all skin types. These components of such a wonderful berry as raspberries are able to moisturize, nourish and tone the skin, in addition to whitening freckles and various age spots, and also help to get rid of wrinkles.

A raspberry face mask can tighten the pores of the skin, eliminate its excess shine, or dry it out in case of severe oiliness. This can be achieved very simply - instead of washing your face in the morning with ordinary water, wipe it with this juice.

Cosmetic ice, which is made from raspberry juice diluted with any mineral water, has excellent nutritional and tonic properties. There is also a more effective form of using raspberries - a special mask in the form of gruel.


A refreshing mask that has a moisturizing and tightening effect:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l. raspberries, mashed to a gruel, and the same amount of sour cream.
  • Spread the mass in a thin layer over the face, leave for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm green tea (or boiled water).
  • Rinse your face with cool water (or infusion of raspberry leaves).

Raspberry mask for dry skin:

Due to the use of dairy products, the mask is suitable for dry skin types. The frequency of application is approximately 1-2 times a week. The duration of the course should not exceed more than one month.

Raspberry compress for the face: chop the raspberry leaves, pour them with a small amount of boiling water. Let the infusion cool to room temperature. Take gauze, soak in the infusion and put on the skin of the face. After 10-15 minutes, remove the compress and rinse your face with cool water.

Beneficial features

The effectiveness of raspberry face masks is entirely due to the chemical constituents of the berry, which is widely known for its beneficial properties:

After applying such a composition, you should definitely “fix the result” by applying, then your skin will absorb all the necessary vitamins much faster.

With all the properties listed above, it is safe to say that raspberries are one of the most effective natural skin care products.

1727 03/28/2019 7 min.

At the beginning of July, raspberries ripen in the gardens of Russians. Its ruby ​​berries are not only fragrant and tasty, but also extremely useful for human health. The healing properties of raspberries have been known to mankind since time immemorial.

Berries are eaten fresh, they are used to make jam and preserves, marshmallows are made, dried and frozen. Raspberries are no less in demand in home cosmetology: with the help of fragrant masks, you can refresh and rejuvenate the skin of the face, solving many of its problems along the way.

Useful properties of raspberries for facial skin

The beneficial effect of raspberries on the skin of the face is due to the extraordinary richness of its biochemical composition, which contains a whole complex of bioactive substances:

  • The high content of a powerful antioxidant - vitamin A provides a rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, regenerating and soothing effect.
  • Another bioactive component - vitamin C helps to restore lost elasticity and the rapid healing of small cracks and wounds.
  • The third antioxidant - vitamin E stimulates the renewal of skin epithelium cells, delaying their aging, and also prevents the damaging effects of free radicals on the skin of the face.
  • The complex of organic acids effectively protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, improves the color of the skin and restores its elasticity.
  • The high content of potassium, which regulates the normal level of skin moisture at the cellular level, provides excellent moisturizing qualities of juicy berries, which is especially important for overdried skin.
  • The presence of flavonoids accelerates cell renewal and stimulates the production of its own collagen.
  • The content of polyphenols allows the use of raspberries to protect the skin from the harmful effects of harmful natural factors, to smooth fine wrinkles and eliminate acne.

Homemade cosmetics made from ripe berries can be used for any skin, but in their natural - undiluted form - only oily skin can tolerate them without problems. In the formulation of masks intended for exposure to normal and dry skin, it is imperative to introduce components that soften the drying effect of raspberry puree.

Application rules

  • Since raspberries can be the culprit of a severe allergic reaction, it is imperative to test the composition on a small piece of skin on the wrist. In the absence of an undesirable reaction, manifested in the form of itching and burning, you can proceed to the procedure.
  • Before applying the mask, it is necessary to perform make-up removal of the face, relieving it of the remnants of cosmetics.
  • When using raspberry masks for medicinal purposes, the duration of the course of healing procedures can be anything, but their frequency is determined solely by the type of skin: for oily skin, two sessions a week will be enough, for dry skin - three.
  • In summer, raspberry masks should be made from fresh berries; in winter, frozen ones are quite suitable. Before the procedure, it is imperative to sort out the berries, making sure that there are no rotten and spoiled ones among them, since only high-quality fruits can benefit.
  • Contraindication to the use of raspberry masks is the presence of wounds, pustules, significant inflammation and skin diseases.

The best mask recipes at home

Raspberry masks are easy to perform and do not require the addition of expensive components. Their recipe is so diverse that the owner of any skin can choose the most suitable option for herself.

For oily skin

  • A mask made from four dessert spoons of yogurt and the same amount of raspberry puree will help normalize the production of sebum (thus solving the problem of excessive gloss and constant inflammation of oily skin). The prepared composition is applied in a thick layer on the face and kept for a quarter of an hour. Cool water is used for washing.
  • An anti-inflammatory and softening effect that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands has a substance prepared from two teaspoons of crushed raspberries, a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. After thoroughly mixing the components, the resulting slurry is evenly distributed over the entire face and washed off with water after a quarter of an hour.

According to most experts, alginate masks, which have absorbed the healing power of algae, have a truly unique rejuvenating and restorative effect on the skin. Read more about what alginate face masks are.

For dry

For excellent moisturizing of the skin of normal and dry type, the following recipe is intended. Two dessert spoons of mashed raspberries are mixed with mashed egg yolk and two dessert spoons of vegetable oil (any). To give the mass the desired density, a small amount of oatmeal is added to it. A thick layer of fragrant mass can be kept on the face for at least twenty minutes. Warm water is required for rinsing.

Watch the video recipe for a raspberry mask from Vse bude Dobre

All kinds of face creams can be called the visiting card and main products of the Vichy company. We have made a review for you, we invite you to read it.

For the fading

To effectively smooth out aging skin, eliminating fine wrinkles, a mask made from chilled whipped protein and four dessert spoons of ground raspberries will help. The duration of the treatment session is from twenty minutes to half an hour.

For acne

You can solve the problem of excess sebaceous secretions by relieving oily skin from an abundant scattering of youthful acne with the help of a drug made from four dessert spoons of raspberry puree and two dessert spoons of any (preferably wheat) flour. To obtain a more pronounced effect, the drug is applied with the very tips of the fingers, making light massaging movements with them. After fifteen minutes, it is washed off with plenty of cool water.

With sour cream

You can moisturize dry and sensitive skin, whiten age spots, and relieve inflammation with the help of a fragrant substance obtained from mashed berries and the fattest, taken four dessert spoons each.
For high-quality impregnation of the skin, fifteen minutes is enough.

With cottage cheese

This composition is ideal for softening, toning and improving the color of fading sensitive skin. It is enough to squeeze a couple of teaspoons of juice (from raspberries wrapped in gauze) and mix it with liquid honey and cottage cheese, taken from the same spoon. After holding the mask on the face for twenty minutes, remove its remnants with cool running water.

With kefir

To effectively cleanse clogged pores and exfoliate the exfoliated epithelium, a substance prepared as follows will help: taking four dessert spoons of flour, gradually dilute them with kefir until a very thick mass is obtained. Four dessert spoons of crushed raspberries and a pinch of salt are introduced into the resulting gruel.

If the composition turns out to be watery, you can add a little flour. Grabbing a small amount of the prepared mass with your fingers, they begin to lightly massage the face, paying special attention to areas with black dots. The remaining composition is distributed over the face and left for five minutes.

With honey

To rejuvenate the skin of any type, a substance made from fresh honey and raspberry puree, taken in a small spoon, is suitable. After twenty minutes of exposure, this light mask is washed off with warm water.

with currant

The composition prepared according to this recipe has a rejuvenating effect on the skin of any type. Having kneaded two dessert spoons of currant and raspberry berries in a glass bowl, mix them with a teaspoon of the fattest sour cream (yogurt or cream), half a small spoonful of honey and one drop of mint ether.
The duration of the mask on the skin of the decollete and face is fifteen minutes. Frequency of execution - no more than two sessions per week. To obtain smooth, velvety and delicate skin, a course of ten procedures is required.

Other recipes

  • A tonic effect on oily and normal skin will be provided by a mask made from mashed raspberries alone. Session time is no more than fifteen minutes.
  • Skin in need of removal of particles of desquamated epithelium can be cleansed of it by exposure to a substance obtained from half a glass of crushed raspberries, two dessert spoons of honey and six dessert spoons of oatmeal, whipped in a blender. The duration of the session is twenty minutes, running water is suitable for washing.
  • To relieve inflammation from sensitive skin, an effective composition is prepared from raspberry juice and infusion of chamomile flowers, taken in four dessert spoons.
  • You can effectively cleanse any skin with a gruel obtained from a couple of tablespoons of raspberry mass and a tablespoon of rice flour.
  • You can cheer up tired skin by exposure to a drug obtained from four dessert spoons of mashed raspberries and two dessert spoons of peppermint infusion. You can thicken the composition to the desired consistency with a small amount of oatmeal.
  • A substance obtained from four dessert spoons of raspberry juice, chopped parsley and lemon juice, taken in a teaspoon, can lighten highly pigmented skin.
  • A mask made from half a glass of mashed raspberries and crumbled crumb obtained from one piece of bran black bread has a cleansing effect and the effect of tightening enlarged pores. In order for the cleansing effect to be most pronounced, it is necessary to apply the resulting slurry with careful rubbing movements. The exposure time of the composition is no more than fifteen minutes; warm water is needed for washing.

Video for you: Elena Malysheva with the team about the benefits of raspberries

Raspberry is a tasty and beneficial berry for the whole body, which is not only eaten, but also actively used in cosmetology and for medicinal purposes.

Benefits of raspberry face mask huge- thanks to the berries, you can cope with wilting, oily sheen, pigmentation, dullness of the skin.

Home cosmetics prepared from berry pulp and freshly squeezed juice.

Composition and properties

How useful is raspberry for facial skin?

The benefits of raspberries for the face are due chemical composition of berries, wherein:

  • magnesium;
  • vitamins - B groups, A, PP, C, E;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper, zinc and other necessary elements.

The above substances cope with dry skin, make it supple and tender, can saturate it with vitamins, enhance the protective qualities. In addition, raspberries contain:

  1. Catechins- youth-preserving antioxidants.
  2. Salicylic acid- dries and has an antibacterial property.
  3. Flavonoids- help education.
  4. Polyphenols- antioxidants that protect the dermis from harmful effects and fight rashes, acne, bumps.

For the manufacture of cosmetics, fresh and frozen berries can be used.

Such cosmetics are suitable for absolutely any type of skin, but it is permissible to use them only if there is no allergic reaction to raspberries.

Application efficiency

What are the benefits of raspberry face masks?

They help in the fight against aging, promote regeneration skin, relieve acne and the remaining traces of it, nourish skin, eliminate other inflammatory rashes, cleanse dermis, refresh and , whiten and brighten .

In addition, raspberry masks help to smooth out small facial and age wrinkles, so their use is relevant. at any age.

Raspberry juice no less useful than masks.

If they simply wipe their face cleansed of cosmetics and impurities a couple of times a day, then small wrinkles and pigmentation will become almost invisible in about a week.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


On the oily skin a mask made from 100 grams of raspberries and one bread (black) crumb works favorably:

  1. The ingredients are mixed.
  2. The mixture is applied to the skin with slow, gentle, gentle massaging movements.
  3. It is left on the face for a third of an hour.
  4. The mixture is washed off with warm water, and then the face is wiped with a pre-prepared and chilled infusion of chamomile broth and raspberry juice (4 to 1).

Moisturize the skin fatty type a mask from:

  • a teaspoon of natural yogurt;
  • one;
  • a small spoonful of lemon juice;
  • half a glass of raspberries;
  • a small handful of oatmeal.

It is quite simple to make it - everything should be mixed manually, the mass should turn out to be a porridge-like consistency. Then it is applied to the skin and left a minimum for 15 minutes. You can wash off the mass with both warm water and cool milk.

For normal type skin a mask with the following composition is suitable:

  • a quarter cup of raspberries;
  • yolk;
  • a spoonful of herculean flakes and the same amount of vegetable oil;
  • a quarter of a glass of milk.

The mask is prepared gradually - first, milk is heated, ground flakes are placed in it, the mixture is left to steam for several minutes. Then the yolk is introduced into the porridge, the berries are poured out and everything is ground. After that, oil is poured in, everything is mixed and applied for up to half an hour.

For freckles and age spots will relieve the mask from those taken in equal proportions:

  • lemon juice;
  • raspberry only squeezed juice;
  • finely chopped parsley.

Mixed ingredients should be applied carefully, avoiding the eye area.

Leave her on the dermis no longer than 30 minutes, after which the composition is washed off with chilled water.

After applying this cosmetic, wipe your face with an ice cube and spread with a moisturizer.

Dry skin a mask of heavy cream and raspberry juice will help to recover and get the necessary moisture. It is prepared and applied according to the following algorithm:

  1. The ingredients, taken in a large tablespoon, are mixed.
  2. Small gauze pieces are well wetted in the mixture (you can take cotton swabs).
  3. Moistened gauze is placed on the face for 25-35 minutes.
  4. Wash off this mask with warm water.

Contraindications and frequency of use

Summer berry masks are contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance or allergy to them.

There are other factors that should not be overlooked if you want to avoid the appearance of inflammation and irritation on the skin of the face:

  • for masks it is preferable to use freshly picked berry, but if this is not possible, be sure to check it for freshness before adding it;
  • before applying the mask to your face for the first time, you should make sure that the skin on it react normally- for this, a little prepared mixture is applied to the wrists or elbow bend;
  • should not be applied masks, which include raspberries, if the capillaries are extremely close to the upper layer of the dermis.

Raspberry masks are enough effective, but you should not apply them to the skin before leaving the house - if the skin is light, pale, then the mask can lightly stain.

Raspberry cosmetics are applied to the face no more than once a week, and left on the skin 1 for no more than 20 minutes in one session.

Regular use Raspberry masks for the face will help to cope with various skin problems - from acne and age spots to blackheads and wilting.

The main thing- do not apply a cosmetic home remedy too often and make sure there are no contraindications, then raspberry masks will bring maximum benefit.

Recipes raspberry face masks in this video: