International Secretary's Day of the year. International Day of the Secretary. About the profession of a secretary

Clerk's Day - how the working day of professionals goes and when the professional holiday of clerks and secretaries is celebrated. How is a clerk different from a secretary?

Clerk's Day - when the holiday is celebrated

In Russia and Ukraine there is no officially established professional holiday - Clerk's Day, and often at enterprises Clerk's Day is celebrated on the day of registration of the enterprise or on the day of signing the order to create a record keeping department at the enterprise.

How is the working day of a clerk

The clerk's day lasts like a normal working day for all employees - from 9:00 to 18:00, with a lunch break at 13:00 to 14:00. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of rush jobs due to mistakes and inability of higher management to plan their work, but: do not rush home at 18:00 if you are asked to help. This will pay off handsomely.

Firstly, you can always count on being released to see the dentist or other business during business hours, so don't be greedy about your personal time after 6:00 pm. As one of the bosses said: “You can not go to work at all, but if I need anything ...”

In organizations where it is possible to set a reception time for visitors, receiving incoming correspondence - letters, applications, receiving visitors in the office is planned for the first half of the day. In the first half of the day, incoming correspondence is registered and entered into a common database at the enterprise.

At 12:00, all documents accepted in the morning are registered and submitted for consideration to the head. From 12:00 to the lunch break at 13:00 in the clerical department, they usually “clean up the tails” of yesterday, prepare organizational and administrative documents - print the texts of orders or orders, prepare reviews for the head.

After the end of the lunch break, the clerks start working again and in the afternoon they are engaged in the so-called “closing” of letters - from all departments, the clerk is brought information about how this or that appeal to the organization was completed or satisfied. The clerk enters into the database links to information about the execution of the document - and thus the document is considered completed and closed. It is the responsibility of the clerk to keep the database of all documents of the organization up to date.

Clerk work plan

The work of a clerk directly depends on external factors - and is based on the fact that the events that need to be reflected in the activities of the enterprise occur unplanned. You cannot clearly say what exactly you will have to do tomorrow. But there should still be a general work plan - this helps to avoid piling up unnecessary instructions from the management.

Once a week

Once a week - usually on Friday morning - a work plan for the next week is prepared and submitted to the higher organization. In part, these are relics of the Soviet past, but: the preparation of the plan can be used for a PR company - yourself and your office management department. By focusing on the strengths of your department in record keeping, you will sooner or later achieve any planned goals in the professional arena.

Once a month

Often the duties of a clerk include shorthand recording of meetings of collegiate bodies - various councils, commissions, etc. A wealthy firm can afford to invite stenographers for this, the result of which will be the preparation of a transcript of the meeting. Based on this transcript, an employee of the records management department prepares the minutes of the meeting, extracts from which, at the end of the meeting, are sent to the direct executors and customers, whose applications were considered during the meeting.

Once a year

Once or twice a year, enterprises practice inviting university students to take production practices . I would like to advise students: try to make the most of this chance and get acquainted with the work of experienced clerks, get acquainted with the profession as a whole, delve into all the nuances of their work.

As a rule, you will be assigned small tasks to relieve your employees - but this will give you the right to ask the clerks about anything you are curious about.

Use your chance to get a job in this organization - be sure to prepare your resume, even if it consists of one higher education, your skills and contacts, and leave it to the head of practice. If you have shown yourself well in the execution of assignments - do not hesitate, you will be remembered. Now it is popular to involve employees from the outside in case of emergency - your help in the future may be very useful, and they will definitely call you.

Responsibilities of a Clerk

The duties of the clerk include: receiving and registering incoming and outgoing correspondence, registering orders or instructions for the enterprise, preparing minutes of meetings of collegiate bodies and preparing extracts from the minutes for applicants. In the absence of an archivist at the enterprise, the duties of the clerk include archiving documents.

What is the difference between a clerk and a secretary

The clerk, of course, is one step higher in importance in the organization than the secretary, since the clerk is engaged in the document flow of the organization as a whole, and not just the document flow of the head. All the same, all the documents in the organization, one way or another, go through the head, but the secretary brings them to the head. Therefore, the secretary is a closer person to the leader than the clerk.

However, a competent leader will always appreciate if the clerical service at his enterprise does its job well.

Office management courses

Office management courses often give a very general concept of office work, but they can make you fall in love with the profession of office worker, or they can turn you away, this is a matter of personal taste. Office management courses teach the basics of office work, introduce standard instructions for office work, with legislation in the field of office work, teach speed typing skills blindly (by the way, a very useful skill that will serve you in good stead), and also teach ethics and rules for conducting business negotiations.

Professional skills of a clerk

Attentiveness, perseverance, attention to detail, responsibility, diligence, love for working with documents, pedantry, calm attitude to the fact that in the work of a clerk it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions.

The International Day of the Secretary and the Day of the Administrative Worker are celebrated in April, on Wednesday of the last full week of the month, the professional holiday of the Day of the Secretary in Russia is celebrated in September, the date and date in 2016.

She is sweet and charming

Clever, correct and attentive,

Solve any issue at the moment

As soon as the boss hints at her.

The figurine is fragile, like a tree,

But the boss at any moment hopes

On her strength and skill,

To get out of the room

Unnecessary petitioner walkers

And the mood of pests.

Its significance is invisible

And loyalty to the cause is selfless,

That's why today is the boss

Brought her a bouquet of daisies.

There are many professional holidays in the world. This is the day of the teacher, and the day of trade workers, and the day of the railway worker. Every profession has its special day and its legal holiday. Of course, such an important profession as a secretary should also have its own holiday.

Secretary's Day 2017 date, date, when they celebrate

History of Secretary's Day

The ancestors of this holiday were restless Americans. They had a publicist, Harry Clemfuss, who did a lot in his life to popularize the work of office workers and to change their status in the eyes of the public. He worked at the Dictaphone Corporation and considered secretaries to be people who deserve recognition and respect, and sought to encourage their work.

It was Harry Clemfuss who initiated the proclamation of the first National Secretaries Week. He died at the age of 88 at Hilton Memorial Hospital. This was announced by his brother Richard Clemfuss.

In America, any office worker knows the name of his “guardian angel”, they set him up as an example, they mention him in congratulatory speeches and in reports, they are even going to erect a monument to him, which is especially pleasing to his wife, daughter and two grandchildren.

Administrative worker's day

The Day of Professional Administrative Workers began to be celebrated in 1952. The world community celebrates this day in April, on Wednesday of the last full week of the month. In Russia it is celebrated in September.

secretary profession

It seems to some that the duties of secretaries are more than modest - answer calls and make coffee for the boss. All business something! Whoever thinks so is very mistaken.

The secretary is not just a person sitting in the waiting room, answering calls and creating problems for uninvited visitors, the secretary is a living notebook of the boss, which will not only record some event, but also remind the ever-busy leader of it, coordinate all the nuances of his business meetings , but often the success of concluding a deal or signing a contract depends on the little things!

Today secretaries have many responsibilities. If this is a secretary-office manager, then he is entrusted with coordinating the work of departments, maintaining documentation, working with a courier service, and being responsible for the timely delivery of documents to their destination.

If this is an assistant secretary, he, among other things, also monitors how the employees follow the instructions of the boss, prepares reports for the boss for speeches, edits production notes, and so on and so forth.

The requirements for a secretary are now quite high. Whoever thinks that this is only the figure of a model and the appearance of a beauty is mistaken again. In many offices, the secretary is required to have a higher education and know several languages.

As for the appearance, there are no exact criteria, it’s not so much beauty that can play a role here, but charm, friendliness and the ability to deliver colloquial speech, although the choice also depends on the leader’s personal priorities.

As for age, there is also no exact framework. It can only be noted (inexorable statistics says) that it is difficult to meet more impressive young secretaries in firms. Here the age limit of the secretary is 30 years and older. In simpler firms, girls over 20 are more likely to work in this position.

But to the appearance of the secretary, the so-called dress code, requirements exist in almost all firms and offices. The secretary's clothes should not only be clean and tidy, but also meet international standards, be discreet, not defiant.

Skirts should be moderately short, blouses should be moderately open and moderately transparent. Make-up should also be moderate, fingernails of normal length (in many offices, the length of the nails should not exceed 3 mm from the finger), rings and jewelry should also be in moderation.

It's no secret that there are many different stories about the relationship between secretaries and their bosses. How much truth is in them, and how much fiction is a personal matter of each individual person. But the fact that the secretaries and their leaders can smoothly turn into family relations is a fact.

This happened with Marina and Anatoly Kinakh, with Luciano Pavarotti and Nicoletta Mantovani. Even multi-billionaire Bill Gates could not resist the charm and professionalism of his secretary Milinda and made her a legitimate multi-billionaire.

But regardless of his personal relationship with the secretary, on the day of her legitimate professional holiday, the manager is supposed to congratulate his assistant, wish her creative success, and to make her work even better in the future, make a small present.

A secretary is an employee without whom no boss can imagine his activities. Handle large volumes of paperwork, schedule business meetings, and many other important responsibilities fall on the shoulders of one person.


Secretary's Day is not an official holiday, which was created in 2005, thanks to an active group of secretaries from major cities of the Russian Federation. In addition, the magazine “[email protected]” provided support to them with their entire team.

It's interesting to know:

  1. In ancient Rome, "secretaries" were called confidants who kept secrets.
  2. Woman secretaries appeared with the discovery of the typewriter in the 1880s, and by the end of the First World War, men in this profession were extremely rare.
  3. Despite the fact that it is difficult to indicate the basis of the profession, it is believed that in Russia it is February 27, 1720. But, meanwhile, back in the 15th century, there were people whose duties included keeping track of documents and keeping records.
  4. We owe the formation of the profession of personal secretary to Peter I, who elevated it to a separate rank in 1840, and secretaries began to work at the authorities of the largest factories of that time.

In 1868, professional classes for secretaries were opened, which took place in Kharkov, and since 1884, 8 various publications devoted to secretarial work have been issued. Courses where specialists shared their experience and improved their qualifications were popular.

The position of secretary began to gain popularity in the 19th century, but this did not last long, and in 1925 secretaries were equated with messengers. The profession received a new round of popularity in the 70s of the 20th century. Today in the Russian Federation, a secretary is a promising and popular profession, which has about a million representatives.


This profession is in the top five popular professions around the world. Each state has its own Secretary's Day, but there is also an international holiday.

Since secretaries spend their professional holiday at the workplace, on this day the authorities try not to overload them with work. Also, secretaries are given various bonuses and memorable gifts, and in some companies, the end of the working day is a festive banquet or buffet table dedicated to all secretaries of the company.

Secretary's Day falls on a Wednesday of the last full week of April

(Photo: kristian sekulic, Shutterstock)

International Day of the Secretary (Secretary's Day) or in a more official version Day of Professional Administrative Workers(Administrative Professionals Day) began to be celebrated in the United States in 1952, thanks to the efforts of the New York publicist Harry Klemfuss (Harry F. Klemfuss). Traditionally, this day is held as part of the Administrative Professionals Week, which has also become traditional in the United States. The holiday is celebrated annually on the Wednesday of the last full week of April.

In 1952, "administrative week" fell on the first week of June and was called National Secretaries Week, and the Wednesday of that week was called National Secretaries Day. The new professional holiday was sponsored by the National Secretaries Association with the support of some corporations.

(Photo: UnaPhoto, Shutterstock)

Nowadays, administrative workers are not only secretaries. In 1955, National Secretaries Week was moved to the last week of April. In 1981, the name of the Week was changed to Professional Secretaries Week, and in 2000 to Professional Administrative Workers Week. Now this holiday is celebrated not only by secretaries, but also by all those on whom the work of the office depends - these are assistant directors, office managers, assistants, referents, speech writers, stenographers. As well as specialists who conduct office work, assisting presidents and heads of firms and enterprises. By the way, according to some estimates, this profession is one of the five most sought after in the world. And at present, administrative workers are not only secretaries, whose duties include only receiving phone calls and planning the boss’s work schedule, they are highly qualified and experienced specialists on whom the success of the business largely depends.

Interestingly, Administrative Professionals Week (APW) is a registered trademark of the International Association of Administrative Professionals. And on their professional holiday, all secretaries and personal assistants receive congratulations, memorable gifts and even bonuses from their leaders. In addition, in a number of companies there is a tradition to arrange banquets and receptions in honor of the secretaries, and the bosses try to load their subordinates as little as possible on this day.

Some countries celebrate national Secretaries' Days: Australia on the first Friday of May; Pakistan - on the third Wednesday of April; Zimbabwe - the first Wednesday of September.

In Russia, Secretary's Day is celebrated on the third Friday of September.

Now this is a holiday not only for secretaries, but also for all those on whom the work of the office depends - these are assistant directors, office managers, assistants, referents, speechwriters, stenographers. As well as specialists who conduct office work, assisting presidents and heads of firms and enterprises. According to some estimates, this profession is one of the five most sought after in the world.

Currently, administrative workers are not only secretaries, whose duties include only receiving phone calls and planning the boss's work schedule, they are highly qualified and experienced specialists on whom the success of the business largely depends.

Also celebrated today Day of participants in the liquidation of the consequences of radiation accidents and disasters and memory of the victims of these accidents and disasters. He appeared in the official calendar of Russian memorable dates 26 years after the accident, infamous to the whole world - on April 26, 1986, there was an explosion at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. As a result, the reactor was completely destroyed, a huge amount of radioactive substances got into the environment. The resulting cloud carried the radionuclides over most of Europe and the Soviet Union. Directly during the explosion, one person died, another died in the morning. However, subsequently 134 Chernobyl employees and rescue teams developed radiation sickness, and 28 of them died over the following months.

Today, paying tribute to the memory of the victims of radiation accidents and disasters and to the veterans of Chernobyl, as well as to all those who participated in the elimination of the consequences of accidents related to radiation, various commemorative events, rallies and actions are held throughout the country.

April 26 is celebrated every year International Intellectual Property Day. The date was not chosen by chance: it was on this day, April 26, in 1970, that the international Convention came into force, according to which the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) was established. Every year, "Intellectual Property Day" is dedicated to a specific topic.

20 years ago on this day in our country the "Russian Medical Society" was established Order "For Mercy and Healing". They are awarded for special services to the national health care, and the presentation takes place with the blessing of the Hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Order "For Mercy and Healing" is an eight-pointed star, in which the patron saint of doctors and the all-merciful healer - Panteleimon, is imprinted on the medallion with enamel.