Break in employment for continuous service. Continuous work experience

Seniority is a period of labor and other useful activities established by law, which entails certain legal consequences. What is included in the length of service depends on what is meant by this concept. There are several interpretations of this term, including:

It is taken into account based on how much a person worked under labor contracts, as an individual entrepreneur, was in the army or was in the civil service. At the same time, employers had to make contributions to the pension fund. It is taken into account when assigning an old-age pension (at the moment, 5 years of work is enough), calculating sick leave payments, and caring for a child. Therefore, in the conditions of the modern market, it is important to receive a “white”, properly executed salary.

The total length of service, which includes labor activity, regardless of the breaks allowed by law. The latter may include military service, disability due to injury or illness (groups 1.2), care or care of the mother for a child upon reaching the last 3 years. To qualify for a pension, you need to have a total service of 20 years for women and 25 years for men.

Special work experience - is accrued when working in certain conditions, including for hazardous industries, regions of the Far North and certain specialties.

Continuous work experience is a set of hours worked, which allows only strictly defined periods of time between leaving one job and employment in another. For example, if at their own request without good reason, then the continuity of experience is maintained for three weeks before entering another job. When transferring from one job to another, continuous experience will be maintained if no more than a month has passed. If an employee stopped working in an area assigned to the Far North, or moved from countries with which the Russian Federation has concluded agreements on providing for persons after being released from work at certain enterprises, then he can build new labor relations within 2 months without consequences for the length of service .

In order for the break between the old and new work to be 3 months and the employee not to lose continuous experience, it is necessary that he belongs to the following categories:

A person who lost his job due to the reorganization or reduction in the number of employees;

An employee who, after the end of temporary incapacity for work, was dismissed from the previous workplace;

An employee who was fired from a job due to a disability. A period of three months in this case is calculated from the date of restoration of working capacity;

The employee is a person who does not correspond to the position held, or cannot perform work for health reasons, and therefore was dismissed;

The person is a primary school teacher who is exempt from teaching due to a reduction in the number of students, etc.

Continuous experience is preserved indefinitely upon termination of the contract with pregnant women and those who have children under 14 years of age (disabled children under the age of 16), if the ladies formalize a new employment relationship before the children reach the above years. Also, the interruption period is not set for those who resigned of their own free will when one of the spouses was transferred to another area for work, and when the employment relationship was terminated due to retirement (of their own free will).

Continuous experience was relevant until 2007, because. at that time, the amount of sick leave payments depended on him. Today, the amount of these benefits depends on the insurance period, i.e. from the periods when the employer accrued contributions.

Due to the fact that in recent years many amendments have been made to the regulations on labor activity, such definitions as seniority have also undergone changes. Let us examine in more detail what is meant by continuous work experience.

The concept of continuous work experience

What experience is called continuous?

Continuous work experience is the labor or other socially useful activity of a citizen in one enterprise.

The time of continuous activity of the worker is taken into account only when it is necessary to determine the amount of payments for temporary disability.

When such benefits are calculated, the period of continuous activity is determined by the duration work of a person in a particular organization.

In some situations, it is possible to accrue during this period and during the time of the previous labor or other socially useful activity.

Regulatory framework for going concern

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, continuous activities include:

  • labor period as a worker or employee;
  • forced absences in case of wrongful dismissal(when reinstatement followed);
  • work or paid practice while studying at a university or a special institution;
  • service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • taking advanced courses qualifications.

In a situation of changing one job to another due to relocation it is allowed to extend the break in work for the time required for the move.

In a situation where a citizen has temporarily lost ability to work in the specified period of time, the allowable period is extended by the number of days, how many people were unable to work.

The term for maintaining continuity of service for an employee when moving to another place is no more than 30 days. The break will be extended in situations stipulated by law.

The length of service remains uninterrupted, regardless of how long the gap between the previous and new work lasted, if this was due to the fact that the spouse was transferred to work in another area.

The length of service cannot be saved when applying for a job if the previous employee was dismissed under such articles:

  • regularly failed to fulfill his duties without serious reasons for that and had penalties in a disciplinary order;
  • citizen once violated his labor duties(presence of the fact of absenteeism, being at the workplace in a state of alcoholic, narcotic and other types of intoxication, violation of a non-disclosure agreement, theft and embezzlement);
  • the employee violated labor protection requirements that caused serious consequences or a real threat of their onset.

When is work experience considered continuous?

The length of service remains uninterrupted - the time of a break in work is not more than 3 months for such cases:

  • citizens dismissed from organizations in case of their closure or reduction of employees;
  • after the end of the period of temporary incapacity for work, because of which the person was dismissed from the previous place of work or in the event of termination of labor activity in the same place due to disability;

In such situations, a period of 3 months is calculated from the moment when the ability to work was restored.

  • when a citizen was dismissed as inappropriate for his job positions;
  • if a teacher teaching in the primary grades, released from his duties on the occasion of the transfer of 4 classes to the form of systematic teaching or in a situation of temporary reduction of students;
  • when an employment contract with a pregnant woman or mother is terminated who has children under 14 years of age or children with disabilities under 16 years of age.

Until the moment when the child reaches this age, the experience in applying for a new workplace remains uninterrupted.

Regardless of the duration of the break, the experience will be continuous under the following circumstances:

  • after an employee leaves due to retirement or upon dismissal of pensioners due to age and other circumstances.

This will also apply to persons who receive a pension due to other circumstances (for example, on the basis of service) in the event that they are entitled to receive a pension upon reaching retirement age.

  • when an employee was fired voluntarily for a serious reason or in its absence in cases of closing the work of the company or for redundancy;
  • due to transfer to another region and forced relocation(applies to military personnel and deputies of the State Duma, as well as members of their families);
  • upon dismissal of persons living in the area where there is no opportunity to find another job;
  • when a citizen was fired due to an unfair accusation or suspended from work on the erroneous conclusion of the medical board and subsequently reinstated;
  • if the break in work was related to participation in public works on a paid basis;
  • in a situation where a citizen was taken into custody and subsequently acquitted and reinstated to his former position.

If a person has difficulties with one of the listed events, then the legislation provides time to resolve these issues without interrupting the experience.

How many days is considered continuous service?

The length of service is maintained as continuous with the duration between dismissal and admission to a new job no more than 1 month.

Exceptions to this rule are:

  • transfer of one of the spouses to work to another locality;
  • achievement care retirement age.

Experience can remain uninterrupted with a gap of less than 2 months in such situations:

  • when leaving before the end of the contract a citizen who has worked in the conditions of the Far North;
  • upon dismissal of a person, operating abroad.

How to keep the length of service uninterrupted with a three-month interval in work?

You can leave the length of service uninterrupted in situations established by law.

Experience is continuous when:

  • a citizen is studying in higher or secondary educational institutions, postgraduate or residency.

The condition is that the duration of the break between dismissal and admission to an educational institution does not exceed the time established by law.

  • when a citizen is a member of the employee's family sent outside the state to work in various structures in the event that the time interval from return to entry to work does not exceed 60 days;
  • for seasonal workers who have worked one season who have concluded a contract for work in the next season and have begun to perform their duties within the agreed time;

Applies to industries where it is allowed to summarize the time of seasonal work.

  • time of treatment in dispensaries in the situation when the duration of the break between the end of treatment and registration for a position is no more than 30 days;
  • serving correctional labor at the place of work(only provided that the citizen was not deprived of liberty).

How to calculate continuous experience in 1C?

The duration of uninterrupted work can be calculated using the 1C "Salary and Personnel" program or independently.

For calculation, using the program, data on hiring, dismissal and new employment are entered in the required columns. Then you should click the "calculate" button.

It is possible to calculate on one's own.

The principle of counting is as follows:

  1. To make calculations using the calculator, employment dates are subtracted from the date of each dismissal. If the interval between dismissal and new employment is no more than 3 weeks, the results obtained should be summarized. Breaks exceeding 3 weeks are not taken into account.
  2. If a citizen quit within one year 2 or more times, then this year does not apply to uninterrupted service.
  3. Has the right to increase the break up to 1 month employee who was forced to leave his former workplace for serious reasons (subject to documentary confirmation of this fact).
  4. For citizens who worked in the Far North or similar territories, the break is 2 months after the dismissal, and that period remains uninterrupted.
  5. Duration of a break in work for those who are dismissed due to liquidation or reorganization enterprise is 3 months. The same applies to people who left for health reasons or because of a disability. This experience will also be considered as continuous.
  6. Uninterrupted will be considered activities for women, who were forced to stop work because of the need to care for a child with a disability under the age of 16 or for those mothers whose children have not reached the age of 14.

Documents for calculating continuous work experience

The length of service is calculated according to the information specified in a number of documents that confirm the fact of a person’s labor activity and are drawn up in compliance with all requirements.

Citizen must submit:

  • original labor books;
  • military ID(if any);
  • original contract about hiring;
  • certificate from the organization where the labor activity was carried out;
  • payment slips labor;
  • in some situations will be required references from the archives.

The period of continuous work is calculated taking into account both the main position and part-time work.

Calculations are carried out in accordance with calendar days.

If a woman with young children worked part-time for family reasons, this period of time is also included in the length of service.

In disputable situations, when it is not possible to understand whether the omissions were good reasons for interrupting work, clarifications can be obtained from the relevant authorities.

Labor relations with the employer imply certain social guarantees both from the state and from enterprises and organizations. Until recently, continuous work experience was of great importance in this regard. At the moment, after the reform of the pension system, this concept is practically not used.

Definition of continuous work experience (NTS)

The very wording of continuous work experience implies a continuous period of time during which the worker had an officially registered relationship with the employer, reflected in the corresponding entry in the work book, employment contract.

The calculation of NTS is not as unambiguous as its definition. There are many exceptions and rules that must be taken into account when calculating it.

As long as NTS was used as a concept at the state level, this period included the total period of a person's employment relationship with all employers. Since the abolition of the NTS in labor legislation, the concept has been used locally within the framework of the motivation system of each specific enterprise in relation to labor collectives.

Why is continuous work experience needed and what does it affect?

The system of continuous employment has a lot of advantages, first of all, for the employer and directly affects one of the most important factors of profitable low-cost activities - staff turnover. Low indicators of this component of effective management provide:
  • continuity of production processes;
  • stability of functioning of all divisions;
  • availability of knowledge and experience corresponding to technological requirements;
  • established psychological climate in the team.
As a method of reducing staff turnover in the Soviet Union, the concept of continuous work experience was adopted at the legislative level. Its use played a huge stimulating role in order to keep the labor force in the same place.

Depending on the term, the NTS made it possible to receive certain bonuses, privileges and allowances. In addition, according to the results of labor activity, one could count on an increased pension, and during the next vacation - a voucher with partial or full reimbursement of the cost of rest.

Until 2002, the NTS calculation at the state level had a direct impact on the amount of pension payments, as well as on the receipt of other socially guaranteed benefits. In particular, the amount of sick leave payments (until 2007) or additional vacation days depended on the NTS term.

As of 2017, continuous seniority is used exclusively in private. At the legislative level, this concept was excluded from circulation.

Now NTS is taken into account by commercial structures in agreement with the owners. It is still used to stimulate the most dedicated employees with all sorts of bonuses, bonuses or intangible means of motivation, which are compensated by enterprises. Of course, their number is limited by the budget allocated to encourage personnel. Whereas before the reform, the main burden of social security and motivation of citizens was borne by the state.

In addition to commercial structures, NTS has survived in bonuses to health care workers, although in this case the focus is on length of service.

What is included in the NTS?

When calculating the period of continuous work experience, there are many reservations that were adopted at the legislative level and were valid until 2002.

In addition to continuous labor activity, the NTS includes:
  • Military service, regardless of the type of troops. The main condition is that the interval between the end / start of military duties and the start / end of employment or study is no more than three months.
  • Vacation of female military personnel forcedly dismissed from their places of service due to pregnancy, subsequent childbirth and time to care for children up to 1.5 years old inclusive, as well as at the birth of a child and up to 3 years old with the preservation of the workplace.
  • All types of work experience (paid).
  • The period of study for obtaining vocational or special education (including: advanced training, higher, secondary special). A break is possible no more than 3 months.
  • Work in special areas in the agricultural sector. Including after the liquidation of collective farms.
  • The period of a forced break due to improper dismissal (upon the fact of reinstatement to the previous workplace).
The term of educational and scientific activity in universities is not a reason for a break in the NTS. More about study and work experience -.

Is continuous work experience taken into account when calculating pensions or sick leave payments?

At the moment, the use of three main categories of seniority is legally fixed:
  • general;
For the appointment of pensions, as well as when calculating sick leave payments (as a result of temporary disability), the concept of another length of service is used - insurance. This is the time when contributions were made to the relevant funds from wages or official income received. In addition, the total period of employment is taken into account.

NTS is taken into account exclusively in private, when the owners of commercial structures accept it as a starting condition for the system of motivation and incentives for their employees.

In addition, the NTS is used to determine when, after employment, a new employee can go on vacation, namely after six months of continuous work at the enterprise.

When is the NTS not interrupted even in case of dismissal?

Before the reform of the pension system, continuous work experience was distinguished by a large number of exceptions. It included subsequent employment after the dismissal of the employee. It is important that the temporary pause does not exceed the term of 3/4 weeks (according to the legislative norms in force at different times, depending on the changes). The number of transitions in one year was also taken into account.

Without good reason, the first dismissal of a citizen from work at his own request was allowed. If within 12 months the second happened, then the subsequent employment became part of the NTS in the presence of documented valid reasons that were entered in the work book. In exceptional situations - by individual decision of trade union organizations. Possible reasons include:

  • Violation of the contract (labor / collective) by the management of the enterprise.
  • Victory in the selection for competitive positions.
  • Disability / serious illness of family members requiring the presence and constant care of an employed citizen (necessarily certified by an appropriate medical certificate).
  • Getting started in any educational institution.
  • Official transfer for service / work, moving, including due to illness, of one of the spouses to another region.
  • Operation of the provisions of mandatory state programs on labor migration.
For disabled people, pensioners, guardians of 3 or more minor children, pregnant women and women raising a minor child, there is a good reason for the second dismissal within 12 months. - optional condition.

In addition, NTS remains even if there is a break for more than a month (up to 2-3 months) provided:
  • job change after employment in the Far North;
  • moving from abroad. It was allowed if a citizen worked in international organizations, institutions and branches of state importance;
  • moving from friendly countries (if there are international agreements on social security);
  • reorganization of enterprises and bodies of the Armed Forces. The same possibility was provided for downsizing or liquidation;
  • the end of the period of disability or illness (according to the conclusion of the MSEC or the VKK), as well as if the dismissal from the previous place of work is related to the state of health;
  • reducing the teaching staff of primary classes (in particular, when switching to a new system of education or a shortage of students).
NTS is saved:
  • in pregnant women who are also guardians / parents of young children and persons with disabilities up to the age of 14 and 16 years, respectively. An important clarification: upon reaching this age, citizens must find a job;
  • for the period of forced relocation of one of the spouses to another region;
  • for all categories of employed pensioners.

How to calculate continuous work experience?

NTS is calculated exclusively in the presence of official employment, the availability of documents confirming good reasons for temporary breaks in labor activity (diplomas, certificates, sick leave, conclusions of MSEK and VKK).

Depending on the personnel policy and staffing, each enterprise has a service that has access to work books or contracts. Based on their data, employees calculate the NTS.

When assigning an old-age benefit, the full time of labor activity is taken into account. If there is no such period, then the citizen may be left without general security. Therefore, you should know how continuous experience is formed for early retirement.

The need for continuous work experience

The total service life is understood as the totality of labor or other socially useful activities carried out before 01.01.2002. This time is taken into account when assigning and analyzing human rights to pension contributions as of 01.01.2002.

The insurance period is the accounting of the period for determining the size of the insurance benefit based on the duration of work or other service, within which the contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were paid. In addition, other activities may be included in this period.

The pension fund takes into account only documented labor activity. As a rule, such papers are a book and work contracts, where the service life appears. Registration of benefits is allowed if there is a service life of 20 years for women and 25 years for the male population. In the event that the performance indicators are lower, then the amount of subsidies is reduced in volume.

What kind of service life is considered continuous

The term of continuous service for a pension is not fixed in the current Russian laws, therefore it represents the time within which the service in a certain position was carried out. Nevertheless, this concept has an impact on the formation of pension increases and the receipt of additional benefits. However, it does not play a major role in the calculation of future security, but only acts as a premium.

How to save and break conditions

In a number of situations, a citizen has the right to keep the period of labor activity, even if at that time he was in the status of "dismissed". Accordingly, a certain gap between employment has specific boundaries.

Maintaining an uninterrupted seniority for retirement is possible under the following circumstances:

  1. The father or mother of an HIV-positive child may quit their job. In order to maintain the term of employment, it is necessary to return the activity at the time the child enters the age of majority.
  2. In a situation where the term of service was restored by a citizen who issued the right to a well-deserved rest. This is relevant in relation to military personnel, persons employed in law enforcement agencies, as well as in a number of other areas. In this case, it does not matter after what interval the renewal occurred, the continuous experience will be preserved.

In all other cases, the periods when the worker was officially registered in the organization are considered as permanent service. When leaving one company and moving to another, the experience is retained by the person. The rule applies if unemployment did not exceed the legal provisions.

If this period is exceeded, the Pension Fund has the right to refuse to transfer payments and subsidies to a person. But this does not affect the amount of security formed on the basis of insurance premiums. Thus, in the new draft law of 2019, the concept of long-term work activity loses its original essence. In view of this, it is used only in a number of settlement operations, for example, when forming the level of remuneration for a number of employees.

Note: continuous hours of work allow you to receive wage supplements and additional time to paid vacation.

When continuity is maintained

In addition to the main period of service, it is allowed to accrue a pension for continuous service for the following periods:

  • conscription service in the ranks of the Russian army;
  • activities in the Department of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies;
  • maternity leave;
  • the time allotted for looking after the child until the age of 1.5 years;
  • officially established unemployment with supporting documents from the Employment Center;
  • looking after incompetent citizens, including those over the age of 80;
  • a time period spent in places not so remote;
  • annual paid vacation;
  • on sick leave in the presence of official work;
  • employment on a public and social basis;
  • the period of transfer of voluntary pension contributions;
  • conducting individual business activities.
For your information: after the entry into force of the pension reform in 2002, the situation has changed radically. To date, the number of years of work and the amount of wages are taken into account for citizens born before 1963 and who ceased their activities before the reform.

In order to establish an uninterrupted length of service for a pension as a determination of the right to receive an insurance benefit, within the framework of the service or other work that took place before the entry into force of the Federal Law, labor periods are taken into account. The appointment of a pension is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation at the time of conducting activities. In this case, the calculation can be made on the basis of the rules for calculating the corresponding service life, including the grace period, at the choice of a citizen.

It is noteworthy that the learning process can be included in the TS, subject to the following conditions:

  • study took place without interruption from work;
  • training ended before 01.01.92 for persons employed in the medical and teaching fields;
  • internship.

Grounds for interruption

In Russian laws, situations are recorded when the experience is interrupted. Such cases relate to the termination of contractual relations with the employer, namely:

  1. Regular refusal to fulfill the obligations assumed, prescribed in the contract or the organization's regulations.
  2. The presence of absenteeism and absence from the place for more than three hours, as well as coming to work in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.
  3. The impossibility of fulfilling obligations due to the entry into force of an agreement on depriving a person of liberty, engaging in community service, and more.
  4. The proven fact of theft at the enterprise of goods and materials, as well as the loss of confidence from the management of the organization.
  5. Committing an immoral act incompatible with the position.
  6. The presence of disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the Charter of the company.
  7. Proven fault of the employee, providing for dismissal on the basis of an article or the initiative of the director.

Calculation of the continuous duration of work according to the work book

The question naturally arises among workers, how much continuous service is needed for retirement. In this case, it is important to make a calculation.

The process provides for accounting for actual work equal to 12 months. The calculation procedure was established in December 28, 2013.

Note: the concept of permanent work, adopted in the Soviet Union, was abolished due to the violation of constitutional rights on freedom of labor (Article No. 37).

To carry out the calculation on your own, you need to have on hand a work book and other documentation indicating the service. Such papers are contracts, certificates from archives and more. After the documents are collected, you can proceed to the calculation:

  • counting the number of years worked, which are then summed up;
  • the result should be a figure with years and months;
  • additionally add the periods that can be credited to the vehicle.

(Total number of years of continuous service * 1.5% - the price of one point): (100 * 12) = coefficient.

It is noteworthy that this amount can be higher than 0.85 points. For example, in order to have a coefficient of 0.75, one should work as a miner until the age of 55.

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What influences continuous work experience

The continuous work experience for pension contributions does not stop in the presence of unemployment 30 days between dismissal and new employment. However, even in such a situation, there are exceptions to the rule in the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

Impact on pension

In the history of the pension system, 2015 was a turning point in the appointment of payments, since the service life no longer affects the amount of security. In 2019, insurance premiums are formed, deducted by the employer in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

To obtain the right to take a well-deserved rest, you should have a duration of work of 5 years, however, since 2016, the period has been increased to 6 years. At the same time, by 2025 it is planned to increase the retirement age, in connection with which people will accumulate a period of 15 years. If working off is not enough, then a person has the right to claim only social benefits, that is, the minimum living wage.

However, the amount of pension provision will also be summed up from two parts - insurance and funded. When calculating benefits from 01/01/2015, calculations are made in favor of the prevailing amount, even if the person has taken a well-deserved rest before 2015.

The portal of the Ministry of Labor and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of self-calculation using a calculator. Using the application, you can independently determine (approximately) future benefits based on the following indicators:

  • age category;
  • overtime processing;
  • coefficients;
  • other individual factors.
For your information: the volume of payments for temporary incapacity (sick leave) is not affected by continuous activity.

Accounting for continuous service when calculating benefits

The following time intervals are accepted for accounting for the service life:

  • being on maternity leave or caring for a bedridden patient (only one of the options is included);
  • Individual entrepreneurs, persons leading legal or notarial practice.

It is noteworthy that the experience for the second category is included on the condition of deductions made to the Pension Fund of Russia. Based on this, the duration of work will be calculated by paid months, and not by years.

Persons residing in foreign countries also have the right to receive a pension, but only the detail carried out on the territory of the country will be taken into account. If a person was able to receive a service allowance, then the amount of the insured part will be taken into account only on the basis of civil service.

Documentary confirmation of activity is necessary only when working until 04/01/1996, the remaining intervals are independently monitored by employees of the Pension Fund of Russia according to information from SNILS. It is noteworthy that the length of service is calculated in months, and the incomplete period will be calculated at the full rate if the amount of tax deductions reaches the minimum threshold.

November 20, 2018, 19:51 Jan 29, 2019 20:06