Allowances and payments to single mothers. Benefits for a single mother in the Kursk region. Features of calculating payments to non-working single mothers

Divorce statistics are pretty high these days. The number of women raising children without paternal support is constantly growing. Today, about 30% of families are considered incomplete. In this position, single women are often interested in what benefits and allowances are due to mothers after a divorce. If everything is clear with children that the father is obliged to pay child support until they reach adulthood, then the woman herself has to take care of her well-being.

Before understanding what benefits are intended for mothers in divorce, one must determine the social status of a woman. After all, a single mother has slightly different preferences than a woman who has a child who has a father. Let's analyze these concepts in more detail.

Single mother or incomplete family?

Mothers raising children on their own can be formally divided into two groups:

  1. , in official documents this status is interpreted as "single parent". In the children's certificate, in the column "father" there is a pass, the father does not take part in the life of the child at all and does not help him financially.
  2. - the status that a family receives when the father leaves the family. In reality, children have both parents. Divorce is a situation in which former spouses are forced to live separately. Most often, the mother remains with the young children, it turns out that the children are actually brought up in an incomplete family without a father. At the same time, there is a dad in principle, he has every right to communicate with a child and must help him financially.

It is not always clear to divorced women why they are denied help as a single mother. They need to understand that the second group is a special status that requires documentary evidence. We remember that if mothers themselves raise offspring after a divorce from their husband, then they can only classify themselves as incomplete families.

Belonging to a group of single mothers in 2019

Let's look at the grounds for determining belonging to a particular status in 2019. So, from a legal point of view, a single mother is a status that is confirmed by such signs:

  1. The offspring was born unmarried and paternity has not been established. In such a situation, in the child's certificate in the column "father" there may be two different entries:
  • a dash indicating that there is no information about the pope;
  • Full name, when information about the applicant is not confirmed. In this case, the registry office even issues a certificate stating that the entry about the parent was made according to the mother.
  1. Note! A woman must submit Form No. 25 everywhere with a child's certificate to confirm the status of a single mother.
  2. The child was born when an official marriage was registered, but the applicant's paternity was disputed, and the other father's belonging to a minor was not established.
  3. A minor citizen is brought up in a family of two people: mother and stepfather. If there is no information in the father column, and the woman’s new husband does not adopt the baby, then she will still be considered a loner.
  4. The child was adopted by a single woman. Of course, such cases are rare in practice (preference is given to complete families during adoption), nevertheless, they are provided for by law.

Belonging to an incomplete family

An incomplete family is a cell of society where, in the presence of both parents, the child remains in the upbringing of one of them, most often it is the mother. Applicants acquire the appropriate status in various life situations. Legal signs of an incomplete family:

  1. A minor was born in wedlock, but:
    1. father and mother divorced and left the family;
    2. the father of the offspring died;
    3. the parent is missing and there is no news of him for a long period of time;
    4. father has been deprived of parental rights.
  1. The child was not born in marriage, but the fact of paternity was subsequently established and proven, while the parents do not live together.
  2. The child is adopted by the new husband of the mother, but after a while he leaves the family and ceases to participate in the life of the adopted person.

Important! The main difference between a single mother and a woman from an incomplete family is the entry made in the children's birth certificate, in the column "father".

Alimony for children from single-parent families in 2019

Anyone who has divorced knows that a parent who is actually raising children can receive assistance from the second spouse for the maintenance of common children. The basis for such a payment is the official divorce / non-participation of the applicant in the life of the child.

Assistance forms:

  • voluntarily;
  • forcibly.

If a couple can come to an agreement regarding the upbringing and maintenance of common children, then the spouses can make an oral agreement or sign a maintenance agreement. In order to avoid further claims and misunderstandings, it is better, of course, to fix the agreement on paper. Such an agreement may provide for the form, size, frequency and frequency of the provision of material support.

Attention! An alimony agreement that has a notary's visa acquires the force of a writ of execution. The terms of such an agreement are binding on both parties.

When alimony is enforced by the court, the amount of assistance is determined taking into account certain circumstances, such as the number of children and dependents of the defendant, the level and frequency of cash receipts. One of the following forms of accruals can be selected:

  1. Percentage of total income. The following scheme is provided:
  • 25% - one offspring;
  • 33% - two children;
  • 50% - three or more children.

Note! Children, regardless of whether they are born in a legal family or out of wedlock, have the same rights to alimony. For example, one man has two children in the family and one more - outside it, so all three children are entitled to equal shares of their father's income.

  1. Fixed amount of money. This is an agreed and fixed amount of funds that the parent is obliged to pay to the children systematically. This form of accrual is used in a situation where:
  • the payer does not have a permanent income;
  • its income is received in foreign currency;
  • the defendant's income level is minimal and the percentage of the amount does not cover all the needs of the child.
  1. Transfer of property against future alimony. The ex-husband can leave the children an apartment, a house or a car on account of the assistance that he must pay monthly.

Mother's support

A single woman can count on help from her ex-spouse in the form of alimony for her own maintenance. Such assistance can be assigned to her in conditions of need and the presence of certain grounds, such as:

  • pregnancy with a common child;
  • caring for a child up to three years;
  • unsatisfactory state of one's own health, the need for help from a spouse.

What are the benefits for mothers raising children on their own after a divorce?

In 2019, as well as in previous years, the state does not establish any benefits and preferences for single-parent families. Only if there is an additional status, for example, “poorly provided” or “large families”, you can get certain benefits and concessions.

Standard payments per child

These are the types of material support that each family receives, regardless of their status:

  1. Benefit during pregnancy and childbirth.
  2. One-time assistance at the birth of a child.
  3. Regular monthly allowance until the child is one and a half years old.
  4. Monthly compensation payment until the child reaches the age of three.
  5. Cash benefit that is paid to children under 16 (18) years old in certain regions and subject to certain conditions.

Note! To clarify information on a particular type of benefit and the conditions for its issuance, the applicant needs to contact the social protection authorities or at the place of work (maternity allowance).

Benefits for single mothers 2019

The situation is completely different with benefits for women with the official status of a single mother, the state guarantees them a number of benefits and concessions, including:

  • free sets of things for the baby;
  • free dairy products for children of the first and second year of life;
  • medicines that are required for a child under three years of age, free of charge;
  • not taking into account when calculating utility bills of persons under one and a half years;
  • priority in enrolling minors in preschool institutions;
  • a discount of 30% or 50% when paying for the cost of services of a kindergarten, sports or music school;
  • free meals, twice a day, in schools;
  • vouchers to children's camps and other recreational facilities.

Single mothers are also entitled to labor and other benefits provided by law. In particular, they are protected from being recruited to work on night shifts. Unfortunately, such preferences are not granted to divorced women who do not have a special status.

A woman who, due to circumstances or of her own free will, decided to raise a child alone, has the right to count on additional social and financial support from the state. What benefits are available for single mothers in 2019? More on this later.

Who is a single mother?

In modern Russia, women who raise children without the participation of a father have ceased to be a rarity - they account for at least 30% of families. However, not every woman is considered a single mother by law, since this concept has a strict definition. Hence the conflicts that arise on the basis of a misunderstanding of the meaning of this status.

So who is eligible for single mother benefits in 2019?

To be officially recognized as a single mother, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. To be divorced from a spouse for more than 300 days or not to have a husband at all.
  2. Do not have a written document from the father, indicating his relationship with the child.
  3. Do not have a court opinion on the fact of paternity.

In other words, only the woman whose children are born out of marriage is considered a single mother, and the “father” column is empty in the birth documents. In such cases, the registry office employees who register the child issue a certificate to the mother on a special form 25, confirming her status as a loner.

If the baby was born in an official marriage, his mother can officially become “single” only by the conclusion of the court, which established the fact that there is no relationship between the woman’s husband and her child.

Let's list situations when in society a woman is mistakenly considered a single mother:

  • The couple divorced, after which the ex-woman does not receive alimony from her ex-husband and brings up common children alone.
  • The child was born out of wedlock, but less than 300 days have passed since the divorce or death of the spouse. In such situations, the former spouse will be legally recognized as the father of the child, even if he does not have a biological relationship with the baby.
  • The parents of the baby are not officially spouses, but the man does not abandon the child and officially recognizes his paternity.
  • The father has been deprived of parental rights.
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According to modern legislation, under the above circumstances, payments in 2019 to single mothers are not allowed, since they do not have this status at all. When a woman is recognized as a single mother legally, the mother receives the right to social and labor privileges from the state.

If there are doubts about the rights to benefits and additional material support, it is worth contacting the welfare authorities at the place of registration. Also, these and other issues related to divorce and motherhood will be resolved by a qualified lawyer.

Benefits and other forms of support for single mothers

A woman who has received the official status of a single mother applies for federal and local support in the form of payments and benefits.

Social support

The mother of the baby in the status of a single person acquires the rights to the following forms of social support:

  1. Reimbursement for the price of baby food for a child under 36 months of age.
  2. Cost of Living Compensation
  3. Natural help for mothers with children under 3 years old - free envelopes for newborns, sets of linen and clothes for babies, dairy kitchens for children under 24 months, first-necessity medicines.
  4. Housing benefits - discounts on utilities.
  5. Benefits for education.
  6. Preferential physiotherapy (massage) in the district clinic.
  7. Free meals at least 2 times a day in the school cafeteria.
  8. Preferential queue for admission to a preschool educational institution (DOE).
  9. Discounts for receiving educational, educational and other services in preschool educational institutions.
  10. The right to participate in the housing program "Housing".
  11. Annual treatment of a child in a sanatorium-resort type dispensary.

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Labor privileges

There are specific privileges that an employed single mother is provided with:

  • Companies often face layoffs. A mother who raises children alone is spared the risk of being fired until each of her children is 14 years old. An employer does not have the legal right to fire an employee, even if she is not suitable for the position. A single mom can be laid off only if she maliciously evades official duties and regularly commits misconduct.
  • A woman gets laid off during the liquidation of an enterprise. In such a situation, the manager will have to take care of the new place of work for a single mother on his own.
  • A single mom has the right to an extraordinary vacation. The period of additional rest should not exceed 14 days. At the same time, the salary is not saved, but they cannot refuse to provide a woman with rest - she herself decides what time for a vacation it is convenient for her to get.
  • Before the baby is 5 years old, a woman should not work night shifts, work overtime, or work on weekends and holidays. Of course, if a single mother is not against such working conditions, the employer will not violate the law. In such cases, the woman must provide written consent.
  • Mom is required to provide sick leave if the child is sick. During inpatient treatment of a baby, a woman is entitled to an additional allowance, the amount of which depends on her length of service. The amount of payments is made in 100% of the volume of the first 2 weeks of sick leave, the subsequent ones are 50% of the woman's salary. For outpatient treatment, experience does not count.
  • There are restrictions on sick pay. Until the child is 7 years old, a woman's disability leave is paid in full, regardless of its duration. After 7 years, sick leave payments are made only for 15 days.
  • Until the child turns 14, his mother has the right to work on a reduced working day.
  • If a woman gets a job, the manager should not refuse to provide her with a position because of her status as a single mother. Refusal to provide a job must be accompanied by a written explanation of the reason for the refusal. Otherwise, a woman can file a complaint with the social security authorities.
In addition to all these forms of support for single mothers, a woman is entitled to a double personal income tax deduction.

Payments and benefits

The status of a single mother does not deprive a woman of the usual benefits intended for all mothers who have given birth:

  • Hospital Maternity Benefit (H&M) — in the amount of 100% of the average salary for the last 2 calendar years;
  • Additional disability benefit for BiR, if the sick leave was extended due to difficult childbirth - additional paid 16 days.
  • A one-time allowance paid after childbirth is 15.5 thousand rubles.
  • up to 18 months - a benefit from the employer equal to 40% of the salary (unemployed single mothers receive material compensation from the Employment Center: for one child - in the amount of 3 thousand rubles, for two or more - 5.817 thousand rubles).
  • A one-time payment to women who have registered under BiR before the term of 12 weeks - 613.14 rubles.

In addition to these payments, a single mother can count on additional benefits provided from the state and regional budgets:

  • (low-income) - depends on the region.
  • Additional payments for the third and subsequent children at the age of 36 months (low-income) are equal to the size of the child subsistence minimum in the region.
  • Compensatory allowance for a woman caring for a child on her own. It is paid only until the child turns 3 years old - 50 rubles. per month (with one child).
The amount of the allowance in 2017 was 16,350.33 rubles. it can be issued after the baby is six months old. The allowance is paid for the first and each of the subsequent children.

Documents for processing payments

To apply for benefits and additional benefits, the mother should collect a package of the following documents:

  • Grant application.
  • Baby's birth certificate.
  • Certificate of cohabitation of mother and child.

The last document can be obtained from the social security authorities at the place of registration. All other papers should also be included there. The task of the social security officers is to verify the indicated information, pay a visit to the family in person, and, based on the data received, draw up acts on the cohabitation of the applicant and the child.

As soon as the application for the payment of benefits is accepted by the social security authorities, accrual begins to occur. Payments are made until the child reaches the age of majority. In some cases, benefits can be paid only up to three years.

If the mother and baby live in a place other than the place of registration, the woman will have to take a certificate from the social security authorities for registration. The certificate must indicate that at the place of registration a single mother does not receive any payments. Then the allowance will be made at the place of residence.

What single mothers are supposed to do by law: benefits, payments, benefits.

March 16, 2017, 07:18 Mar 3, 2019 13:49

For single moms, there are federally guaranteed benefits for working women. They are the same for single mothers throughout the country and relate to and from the salary for each child. The specified types of benefits should be known and taken into account by the employer, since it is on his shoulders that the implementation (TC) of the Russian Federation falls.

In addition, single mothers are entitled to all benefits that relate to parents from complete families, and they are provided in the same order on a general basis. There are no special plan privileges for a single parent raising one or more children. single mothers are paid the same as other mothers. Special periods of sick leave are established only depending on the condition of the child (the presence of a disability, special diseases, living in a zone of radiation contamination), and not on the presence or absence of a father.

The laws of the subjects of the federation for single mothers may also provide for additional types of assistance established by at the regional level(their list may vary significantly even in neighboring areas). Along with raising a child without a father (and there are not too many such benefits in Russia), there are a number of benefits for such families.

The benefits are designed to ensure that a woman who is raising a child without outside help has more opportunities for this. First of all, in terms of providing more free time that she can devote to her child.

What are the benefits for a single mother in Russia

In Russia, benefits at the federal level are designed for working single mothers. They relate to working conditions and the calculation of taxes. Benefits fall into two main groups:

In addition to federal benefits for single mothers, there are also regional ones. Among them are a discount on kindergarten fees and free meals in schools, a subsidy for communal services and other types of assistance. Their list must be specified in the social protection authorities (departments, departments and departments) of a particular district or city.

The rights of single mothers under the Labor Code

The largest list of benefits and guarantees for single mothers is provided for by Russian labor law. Eases for the labor of women and parents with children, available in the Labor Code (LC) of the Russian Federation, are provided in kind- they relate to the peculiarities of the work schedule and the pre-emptive right upon dismissal.

Often, employers not only do not seek to meet the needs of a single mother (for example, provide her with additional days off required by law), but they themselves do not even know about their existence.

Therefore, a woman must herself know about the features of the labor process, which she can use to her advantage.

Working hours for a single mother

Regardless of the form of ownership, the location of the enterprise and the number of employees, management must comply with the requirements of the Labor Code. A number of paragraphs of the Labor Code apply to working single mothers. Many benefits apply equally to parents from both complete and single-parent families.

In terms of the work schedule for single mothers, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that:

  1. Work at night(from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) the mother of a child under 5 years old can only if she herself agrees to this, has signed a written consent and has no contraindications for health (Article 96 of the Labor Code). However, a woman has every right to refuse night work - such a refusal cannot be considered a violation of labor discipline, unless it is expressly stated in the employment contract (for example, if a woman is not intentionally hired as a night watchman).
  2. Send on business trips, involve overtime work(including work on weekends and holidays) a woman with a child under 3 years old is prohibited, unless she herself gives written consent and her health allows it (Article 259 of the Labor Code).
  3. According to the woman, she can be installed part time work schedule(working week), if she is raising a child under 14 or a disabled child under 18 (Article 93 of the Labor Code). Such a measure may be established for a fixed period or indefinitely.
  4. A single mother with a child under 14 can be provided up to 14 days of unpaid leave at a convenient time for her, but only if it is provided for by the collective agreement (Article 263 of the Labor Code).
  5. If a single mother is raising a child with a disability, she can apply to the employer for 4 additional paid days off per month on any days convenient for her (Article 262 of the Labor Code). These holidays do not carry over to the next month.

Can a single mother be fired from her job?

The law establishes that can't be fired single mother with a child under the age of 14 or with a disabled child under 18 at the initiative of the employer(Article 261 of the Labor Code).

Since downsizing is always the initiative of the company's management, a single mother layoffs are not allowed. This rule applies to persons in the state or municipal service, working for private and other employers.

But there are some exceptions. Can a single mother be fired? in such cases:

  • liquidation of the organization;
  • periodic non-fulfillment of labor duties (if there are official penalties);
  • a single gross violation of duties (truancy, drunkenness, disclosure of secrets, theft or embezzlement, violation of labor protection rules followed by an accident);
  • committing an immoral act incompatible with the performance of labor duties;
  • presentation of false documents when applying for a job and concluding an employment contract.

In the event of an unlawful dismissal related to the initiative of the employer, the employee can count on reinstatement or compensation for the period of forced absence from work. However, this will have to go to court- alone or through a legal representative.

Double tax deduction for children of a single parent

This is a fixed amount from the income of workers, from which personal income tax is not levied. It helps to increase the actual size of the salary given out on hand. Deductions are established for certain categories of citizens, including each of the parents for each of the children under 18 years of age (up to 24 years of age if he is studying full-time), starting from the month of their birth or adoption.

  • The concept of "single mother" by default does not provide for the presence of a second parent in the family, therefore, according to Art. 218 of the Tax Code (TC) of the Russian Federation, single mothers can count on double tax deduction from the amount that is provided to each parent from a complete family.
  • This deduction is standard - that is, it does not depend on material well-being, receipt of other benefits and benefits, or any other additional factors.

The amount of tax deductions for single mothers is fixed. In 2016 they are:

  • 2 800 rub. - for the first, second child;
  • 6 000 rub. - on the third and every next;
  • 24 000 rub. - .

From January 1, 2016, tax incentives are provided until a woman's annual income will reach 350,000 rubles. (equivalent to earning an average of more than 29 thousand rubles per month). Starting from the month in which the total income exceeds 350 thousand, personal income tax will be levied on the full amount of earnings.

Single mothers can receive a double deduction only until the moment of marriage, while many are entitled to after she marries (but only if her husband does not adopt her child).

How to get a personal income tax deduction for a single mother

In order, in most cases, the application and relevant documents must be submitted at the place of work at the same time. If the conditions for granting a double deduction have not changed (for example, due to the birth of another child), and the initial application does not indicate the specific year for which the employee applies for the benefit, then a second application is not required.

The application is written in free form. Copies of supporting documents are attached to it:

  • birth certificate of the baby (court decision on adoption by a single woman);
  • certificate from the housing office on the cohabitation of the child and mother;
  • certificate from the registry office:
    • according to form No. 24 - if the child has a dash in the column "father";
    • - that the father was recorded from the words of the mother;
  • confirmation that the applicant is not married (her passport);
  • if necessary:
    • certificate of disability of the child - to receive a tax deduction in an increased amount;
    • a certificate from an educational institution stating that a child over 18 years of age is studying full-time - to extend the period for receiving a personal income tax deduction until graduation or until the child reaches the age of 24 years.

The tax credit is only available one place of work. The deduction is provided monthly by the employer (for employees) or at a time after filing a tax return at the end of the year (in the form of a one-time compensation).

Hospital single mother childcare

For a single mother issued and paid the same as for a married woman. Despite the abundance of rumors and even publications on this subject, there are no priorities and features for singles at the federal level for a long time.

According to Art. 6 of the Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 "On Compulsory Social Insurance", as well as part V of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 624n of 06/29/2011 "On the procedure for issuing disability certificates", sick leave for a child is paid from the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) depending on age:

  • Up to 7 years - for the entire period of treatment at home or joint stay in the hospital, but not more than a total of 60 calendar days per year per child. If the disease is included in this list, the period is extended to 90 days.
  • From 7 to 15 years - up to 15 calendar days for each case in outpatient or hospital treatment, but no more than a total of 45 days a year.
  • From 15 to 18 years old - for 3 days for outpatient treatment (may extend up to 7 days).
  • In special cases, for children under 15 and under 18 years old - for the entire period of treatment:
    • Up to 15 years in case of residence (resettlement zone or with the right to resettlement, when relocating from contaminated areas), as well as in case of diseases caused by radiation exposure to the mother - for the entire period of illness.
    • :
      • in the general case, up to 18 years - for the entire period of outpatient or hospital treatment for each case, but not more than 120 days a year in total.
      • under 18 with HIV infection- for the entire period of stay of a mother with a child in a medical institution.
    • For a child under 18 years of age with a disease associated with post-vaccination complications or malignant tumors- for the entire period of treatment on an outpatient basis or in a hospital.

Deadlines may be extended medical commission. Sick leave is not paid when caring for a chronically ill child during remission, and also if the mother is on a planned annual or unpaid leave.

The amount of sick leave payments when caring for a child

The amount of hospital payments for each case for a single mother and one of the parents in a complete family as a percentage is (according to article 7 of law No. ., Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1244-1 dated May 15, 1991):

  • For outpatient treatment:
    • for the first 10 calendar days - depending on the length of service of the mother:
      • 60% of average earnings - with an insurance period of less than 5 years;
      • 80% of the average salary - with an experience of 5 to 8 years;
      • 100% - with an experience of 8 years or more;
    • for the rest of the time - in the amount of 50% of the average earnings.
  • During inpatient treatment- for the entire period of treatment, depending on the insurance work experience of the mother (see above).
  • For outpatient or inpatient treatment for a child under 15 years old - 100% of the mother's average earnings, if:
    • mother was exposed to radiation as a result of tests at the Semipalatinsk test site or an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
    • when living in a contaminated radiation area.

Benefits for admission to kindergarten

In our country, the activities of kindergartens are regulated at the municipal level, therefore, even in neighboring cities, the conditions for receiving children and looking after them can differ significantly. As of 2016 at the state level there are no single benefits when a child is admitted to kindergartens for certain categories of citizens, including children of single mothers.

In 1995-2008 the founders of kindergartens were indeed recommended to accept in groups, first of all, children raised by a single parent, as well as a number of other beneficiaries (paragraph 25 of the "Model Regulation on a Preschool Educational Institution" - the current Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 677 of 07/01/1995).

However, similar benefits for children of single mothers operate at the local level in many cities. They are subject to local laws. For example:

  • The advantage in admission to kindergartens is given to residents who are raising children without a husband. For example, in Angarsk, Bratsk, Shelekhov, such mothers are given a priority or extraordinary right.
  • a single mother who finds herself in a difficult life situation can submit an application for the priority admission of her child to a kindergarten for consideration by a special commission (order No. 675-ru of 09/07/2009).
  • A benefit for admission to a kindergarten is provided to children of a single mother (Order No. 1310 of August 31, 2010).

Before placing a child on a queue for a kindergarten, it should be clarified whether there are benefits in a particular city for admitting or paying for a kindergarten for single mothers.

  • Also, in many regions there are childcare discounts single mothers (up to 50% of the established parental fee for each child).
  • In some subjects of the Russian Federation there are benefits for parents whose children could not get into kindergarten due to lack of places (in kindergarten).

How to get housing for a single mother?

Assistance in solving the housing problem for single mothers in Russia is provided in the same order as complete families with kids. This is a queue for an apartment, as well as the opportunity to participate in government housing programs with subsidies or subsidies to buy an apartment or build a house.

A single woman with children has the same right to improve housing conditions with state subsidies as other families in Russia. Another thing is that not every single mother has enough of her own funds to purchase housing, even with all the subsidies from the state.

There are still legends that single mothers are given apartments from the state for free. Unfortunately, this is not true - you should not even hope for it. Now it is very difficult to get the cherished square meters, even for large families who huddle in small apartments.

Participation in the program "Young Family" for a single mother

Public housing programs that provide housing subsidies may include single mothers. How to get an apartment with such a program?

  1. First of all, the Russian citizenship of the mother and child is required, the absence of other housing in the property and residence in the same territory during the time established by the regional law.
  2. You need to contact the district administration at the place of residence and get a document that the family needs to improve living conditions, as well as to become in the general housing queue. This is possible when:
    • the area of ​​living quarters per person is below the standards established in the region;
    • living in a room that does not meet sanitary and other standards;
    • living in a communal apartment;
    • the presence in the family of a sick person, living next to which is dangerous to health.
  3. single woman income must be such that she is given a housing loan that she can pay. In 2016, for two (mother with a child), it should be at least 21,621 rubles, for three - 32,510 rubles. You also need a certain amount of personal funds to pay the first installment.

The payment is given at the rate of 35% per 42 m² for a family of two (or at the rate of 18 m² for each family member if there are more than two). The bad thing is that in many regions these social programs are curtailed due to the crisis.