Late toxicosis is dangerous. Diagnosis and treatment. Will medication help

Late toxicosis or gestosis is a serious disease that occurs in late pregnancy. With this disease, the presence of severe failures in the work of the main systems and organs is noted.

Gestosis: what is it?

The disease in question occurs mainly in the later stages.

Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy, due to which there is a disorder in the functioning of vital organs and blood flow. It is characterized by malfunctions in the brain, blood vessels, kidneys and other organs of a woman.

In more than 90% of situations, toxicosis develops by the end of the term, after the 34th week. Girls with the first pregnancy are most susceptible to the disease. The occurrence of the disease at a later date is an alarming signal. In general, the later the onset of the disease, the better the prognosis.

Types of gestosis:

Vodyaneka. The main symptom is fluid retention in the body, which manifests itself in the form of edema and weight gain. Especially you should be alerted by swelling of the ankles, scanty urination.

Nephropathy. In this type of gestosis, edema, increased pressure, and the presence of protein in the urine are also observed. The danger of this disease is that it can go to the next stage - a convulsive attack - cause disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, and even the death of a child.

Preeclampsia. This term is called a kind of preeclampsia, in which there is a violation of the central nervous system. Characteristic symptoms: heaviness in the back of the head, pain in the head, stomach, under the ribs, nausea, vomiting. In advanced cases, memory impairment, visual impairment, “sparks” or a veil before the eyes are possible due to impaired blood circulation and damage to the retina.

Eclampsia- this is the most terrible kind of gestosis. Its symptoms are a mixture of nephropathy and preeclampsia, convulsions are possible with sharp sounds, stress, from bright lights.

Symptoms of preeclampsia


  • pressure rises,
  • protein is found in the urine test,
  • visual disturbances occur
  • nausea, vomiting, headache.

Toxicosis can manifest itself in different ways.

  • The first signs of the disease are most often found around the 29th week.

First of all, swelling occurs in the face and limbs - "dropsy of pregnancy". This manifestation is the least severe of all existing symptoms. Unexpressed swelling of the patient is often not even noticed. To establish the presence of puffiness, the girl must regularly monitor body weight.

Under normal conditions, body weight after the 28th week increases by 300-500 grams within 7 days. If a girl becomes heavier by more than half a kilogram in 7 days, this most often occurs due to insufficiently effective removal of fluid from her body.

  • A more serious sign of late toxicosis in pregnant women is nephropathy.

With this violation, there is a malfunction of the kidneys, against which edema is formed, protein is detected in the urine test, and pressure increases. It is very important to control the concentration of protein in the urine - with its increase, the chances of successful pregnancy and natural childbirth decrease.

The main symptom of nephropathy is a decrease in urine volume. This symptom is extremely disturbing. It is on him that the patient should first of all turn her attention. The situation usually goes like this:

Edema occurs;

The pressure rises;

Decreases the volume of urine excreted.

  • Also among the severe symptoms are preeclampsia and eclampsia.

At the same time, the listed deviations are the final stages of the disease. If they are detected, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in time and take the required measures, because. these conditions directly threaten the life of the child and the woman herself.

Preeclampsia is characterized by microcirculation failures in the nervous system. The main signs of such a deviation are standard manifestations - the detection of protein in the urine, swelling, and an increase in pressure. Vision problems are added, as well as nausea, severe headaches, a “veil” or “flies” before the eyes.

In the absence of timely assistance, preeclampsia turns into a more dangerous state - eclampsia. A woman has sudden convulsions, often accompanied by loss of consciousness. Eclampsia is very dangerous, sometimes it even ends in the death of the patient.

Thus, toxicosis is an extremely dangerous disease.

Even with mild symptoms such as headache and pressure, you should immediately go to the hospital

and tell the specialist in detail about all the disturbing moments, because the sooner the required measures are taken, the more likely it is to save the pregnancy and give birth to a full-fledged baby.

What is dangerous gestosis?

The disease negatively affects the condition of the woman and the fetus. There may be malfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems. There are spasms of blood vessels, microcirculation is confused, microthrombi appear that can cause cerebral hemorrhage, vascular thrombosis, swelling of the brain and lungs, problems with the kidneys, heart and liver appear, the patient may fall into a coma.

Due to constant vomiting, the woman's body is dehydrated. Placental abruption may occur, asphyxia, premature birth are not excluded.

When diagnosing a severe degree of the disease, premature birth occurs in about 20% of situations. In the case of the progression of the disease to eclampsia, almost every third baby is born prematurely.

Regardless of the form of the disease, it causes many problems for the fetus. In the case of placental abruption, the fetus may even die - this happens in almost every third situation.

Due to sluggish toxicosis, oxygen deficiency occurs, against the background of which there is a delay in the development of the baby. More than a third of children born from patients with toxicosis are underweight.

Due to oxygen deficiency, the development of the baby is delayed mentally and mentally. These children are more likely to get sick.

In the case of progression of the disease to eclampsia - the most severe form - they resort to either abortion or emergency delivery. Provoked delivery, however, is not always safe for a premature fetus.

Rarely, but sometimes a very serious complication, known as acute liver dystrophy, appears. Because of him, a woman can die.

Also, toxicosis can lead to heavy bleeding after childbirth.

Why does late toxicosis appear?

The exact causes of the pathology under consideration have not been determined. Among the predisposing points can be noted:

  • insufficient fitness of the woman's body;
  • endocrine disruptions, and cardiovascular systems;
  • vasospasm, circulatory disorders;
  • hormonal imbalance, incompatibility of the fetus and mother;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, biliary tract;
  • constant stress;
  • excessive weight;
  • intoxication with nicotine, alcohol and drugs;
  • allergic and immunological manifestations.
  • factor of heredity. An unproven factor, but practice shows that such cases also exist.

There are many theories of the appearance of toxicosis, among which the most relevant are the following:

1. Cortico-visceral . In accordance with its provisions, preeclampsia occurs against the background of disorders of the brain, as well as the nervous system. The female body is trying to adjust to pregnancy. As a result of these and additional concomitant failures, the circulatory system stops working properly and the disease in question begins to develop.

2. Hormonal She is endocrine. In accordance with this theory, toxicosis appears due to various kinds of endocrine disruptions. Along with this, many researchers are sure that such failures occur already against the background of toxicosis.

3. Placental. Adherents of this theory see the root causes of the disease as disturbances in the work of the placenta and uterus.

4. Immunogenetic. It is considered the closest to the truth. In accordance with its provisions, an incorrect immune response to fetal proteins leads to the appearance of the disease in question. The female body regards them as foreign bodies and tries to destroy them.

5. genetic. Studies confirm that in patients whose closest relatives suffered from late toxicosis, the likelihood of an illness is 7-8 times higher.

Risk factors for the development of late toxicosis

Among the risk factors that can provoke the onset of the disease, we can note:

  • constant stress and overwork;
  • pregnancy at the age of less than 18 and more than 35 years;
  • frequent abortions;
  • intoxication;
  • infectious diseases;
  • poor environmental conditions around;
  • poor quality food;
  • bad habits.

Diagnosis of toxicosis

It is necessary to visit the antenatal clinic regularly

To confirm or deny the presence of the disease, it is not enough just to go to the doctor and tell him about the disturbing circumstances. First of all, it is necessary to undergo regular examination by a gynecologist.

At each visit, a woman's body weight, heart rate and pressure are measured without fail. During pregnancy, even a relatively small increase in pressure can be a sign of the disease in question.

The doctor assesses the dynamics of the patient's weight gain, checks her for edema, is interested in changes in the volume of urine output.

If there are suspicions of preeclampsia, the pregnant woman is sent for more detailed studies and analyzes. Standard list:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood test for biochemistry;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • the functioning of the kidneys, the condition of the fundus;
  • dynamics of weight change;
  • cardiotocography and dopplerometry.

The following events are also usually assigned:

  • urinalysis for protein content. Additionally, analyzes are carried out according to Zimnitsky and Nechiporenko;
  • regular measurements of heart rate and pressure;
  • hemostasiogram.

Methods for the treatment of preeclampsia

The order of treatment is established only after the patient has passed the required examinations and passed the necessary tests. Remember: only a qualified specialist can prescribe a course of therapy.

Self-treatment in such cases is unacceptable, because. By doing so, you only risk harming yourself and your child.

Treatment of mild manifestations of toxicosis, as a rule, is carried out on an outpatient basis. In the event of the appearance of nephropathy and more serious problems, the pregnant woman is hospitalized and taken under constant supervision in the obstetric department.

If the edema is insignificant and the conclusions on the analyzes are, at the same time, normal, no therapeutic measures are used, with the exception of recommendations for adjusting the diet and lifestyle.

With severe edema and mild nephropathy, the doctor may prescribe:

  • sedative drugs (usually mild, like valerian, motherwort, etc.);
  • antioxidants;
  • antiplatelet agents that contribute to the normalization of rheological parameters of blood;
  • diuretics (usually natural plant-based).

If headaches and increased pressure are present, antispasmodic antihypertensive drugs are prescribed.

Treatment of severe forms

Severe complications are treated intensively, with the involvement of a resuscitator. To normalize electrolyte and metabolic processes, methods of infusion therapy are used, during which the patient receives rheopolyglucin and fresh frozen plasma.

Anticoagulants are used to treat severe forms of the disease. If it is necessary to quickly normalize water-salt metabolic processes, phyto-collections are replaced by diuretics.

Regardless of the form of toxicosis, to prevent the development of hypoxia and premature birth, the doctor prescribes selective sympathomimetics.

Often you have to make a decision about the safest and most optimal method of delivery. So, if the patient is in a relatively normal condition and there is no threat to the child, judging by the CTG and ultrasound, the birth is carried out without a cesarean.

If the therapy does not give the desired result, in the presence of chronic hypoxia and other serious complications, they resort to caesarean section.

Methods of treatment are used not only before childbirth, but also after pregnancy, up to the complete normalization of the state of the patient's body.

The girl should make every effort to prevent the development of toxicosis.

  • First, she needs to stick to the optimal sleep and rest regimen, stay at rest, avoid stress and other situations that can adversely affect the baby's condition.
  • Secondly , you can't be nervous. She should be outdoors more often and walk on foot. It is important to prevent hypothermia of the body and to deal with any violations of the stool in a timely manner.

The most important preventive tool against preeclampsia is proper, balanced, regular and complete nutrition. The diet must include the required amount of protein. It is best obtained from fresh dairy products, meat and eggs. You can eat boiled fish. Read more about proper nutrition during pregnancy

Even with the appearance of edema, one should not limit oneself in fluid intake, because. with its deficiency, blood thickens, which promises many problems for the patient and her baby. The recommended rate of fluid intake is from 2 liters per day.

During pregnancy, one should not lean on salt-free diets, but an excessive amount of salt is also unacceptable. The norm of salt consumption is up to 6-8 g per day.

You can only take diuretics with a doctor's prescription.

You can take any kind of diuretic to eliminate edema only as directed by a doctor.

With uncontrolled intake of such drugs, important trace elements will be washed out of the body. Diuretics also help thicken the blood. Even the relatively safe herb bear's ears is contraindicated in the presence of toxicosis.

Late toxicosis is an extremely dangerous and rather insidious disease, so

self-medicate and take any kind of action without first discussing with your doctor prohibited.

Remember: your health and the life of an unborn baby directly depend on how responsibly you will approach compliance with medical appointments, adhere to a rest regimen, and follow a diet.

If you find the first signs of illness, consult a doctor. Left unattended, toxicosis can not only have a bad effect on your well-being, but even lead to death. Health to you and your baby!


Late toxicosis during pregnancy is considered one of the most severe and dangerous complications in pregnant women. This pathology is characterized by functional disorders of organs of vital importance. Toxicosis occurs along with the development of pregnancy and causes disastrous consequences not only for the mother, but also for the fetus.

The concept and definition of late toxicosis

Pregnancy is complicated by late toxicosis in about 13% of pregnant women. Most often it manifests itself after the 30th week. Symptoms of toxicosis increase gradually. Therefore, with timely registration, regular visits to the doctor and testing, you can significantly reduce the risk of pathology and prevent a threat to the life of the mother and unborn child.

When late toxicosis occurs, the work of the endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems is disrupted. Prevention of death in severe cases becomes possible only with the help of an emergency caesarean section. The danger of such a condition is manifested in acute heart failure, coma, pulmonary edema, premature detachment of the placenta, the occurrence of acute hypoxia in the fetus. Pathology proceeds in several stages, the most severe and dangerous of which are the latter.

Late toxicosis during pregnancy is also known as preeclampsia. It completely disappears in the period from several hours to several days after delivery. However, high blood pressure, caused not by preeclampsia, but by hypertension, cannot go away on its own and requires the adoption of separate therapeutic measures.

The risk group includes the following categories of women:

  • Age under 18 and over 35 years old.
  • The presence of preeclampsia during previous pregnancies.
  • The development of multiple pregnancy.
  • Diseases in the form of heart defects, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, etc.

In most cases, the cause of late toxicosis remains unidentified. In general, this is not of decisive importance, since all efforts are directed to combat the severe consequences of the pathology.

Causes of late toxicosis

The exact causes of late toxicosis have not yet been established. From a medical point of view, a number of factors are considered that can be the impetus for the appearance of this pathology. First of all, they are associated with various diseases and disorders of the vital organs and systems - the heart, liver, kidneys, as well as endocrine diseases. The cause of preeclampsia can be frequent stress, obesity, intoxication of the body with alcohol, smoking, drugs, the presence of allergic and immunological reactions.

There are several versions of the causes of the onset and development of late toxicosis:

  • According to the cortico-visceral theory, nervous regulation is disturbed between the subcortex and the cerebral cortex. As a result, the mother's body begins to adapt to the onset of pregnancy. Such a condition leads to a failure in the circulatory system and the further occurrence of preeclampsia.
  • The hormonal or endocrine version is associated with violations of basic functions in the endocrine system. However, there are opinions that these violations appear already in the period of preeclampsia and serve as secondary signs. They affect the adrenal cortex, the ovaries that produce estrogens. In some cases, the violation is insufficient hormonal activity of the placenta.
  • Sometimes vessels change in the placenta and uterus, spasms occur, blood flow is disturbed, causing hypoxia. These deviations refer to placental disorders. Their essence lies in the formation of the placenta simultaneously with the fetus. Its insufficient development in the initial stage does not protect the female body from the metabolic products of the fetus. The entry of these substances into the bloodstream of the female body leads to intoxication, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, intolerance to odors. After sufficient development of the placenta, these phenomena gradually disappear.
  • The immunogenetic version is considered most likely. In this case, the development of gestosis occurs as a result of a negative immune response of the woman's body to foreign proteins or fetal antigens. There is an attempt to reject it. In another situation, antibodies are produced by the female body in insufficient quantities. Therefore, they cannot cope with placental antigens entering the bloodstream. Thus, defective complexes circulate in the blood, which lead to circulatory disorders.

In most cases, late toxicosis occurs and develops under the influence of several factors at once. Changes in the female body cause an increase in the permeability of the vascular walls. Because of this, the liquid component of the blood penetrates into the tissues, leading to the appearance of edema. They occur in the uterus and placenta, disrupting the blood supply and worsening the oxygen supply to the fetus.

Symptoms of late toxicosis

Edema is considered to be the main sign of preeclampsia. The fluid consumed by a woman in large quantities is not completely removed from the body, but remains in the space between the tissues. As a rule, swelling occurs only in the lower extremities, but in severe form, the entire body can swell. There is a so-called latent form of edema, which is detected only by weighing. This is evidenced by the addition of weight over 500 g during the week. There is a need to control the amount of fluid consumed and, accordingly, urine output. If, while observing the normal drinking regimen, urine output is lower than 0.8 liters, this may be the most likely manifestation of preeclampsia.

Along with fluid retention, hypertension develops. Therefore, the pressure must be constantly monitored. As a rule, the pressure in late toxicosis becomes higher than normal by about 15-20%. Some women in the initial period of pregnancy have hypotension, when the pressure level is below the norm. This factor must be taken into account during the examination.

A serious symptom is proteinuria, when protein is excreted in the urine. This symptom indicates impaired kidney function. In such a situation, urinalysis is of great importance, which should not be skipped. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, such a study is carried out weekly. If a woman has several symptoms of pathology at once, home treatment becomes ineffective, it is recommended to hospitalize such patients.

Other symptoms include headache, nausea and vomiting, heaviness in the head, and, in severe cases, convulsions and altered consciousness.

The main types of gestosis

Symptoms and forms of the disease allow us to divide preeclampsia into several degrees of severity:

  • The first degree of preeclampsia in pregnant women is manifested in the form of dropsy. In a woman, swelling becomes noticeable, which decreases in the morning, and increases again in the evening.
  • The second degree is characterized by the presence of all the main symptoms. First of all, it is diastolic pressure, which is directly related to the blood flow of the placenta. With increasing pressure, the supply of oxygen to the fetus decreases. The greatest danger is represented by changes in pressure in the form of regular jumps. This stage is complicated by the presence of concomitant diseases. The most severe are such complications as bleeding, fetal hypoxia, placental abruption, the onset of premature birth. All of them create a real threat of fetal death.
  • With the third degree of gestosis, the development of preeclampsia occurs, manifested by pain and heaviness in the head. At the same time, vomiting, pain in the liver area, visual impairment may occur. Apathy sets in, memory deteriorates. All this is accompanied by insomnia, irritability and other symptoms indicating an altered circulation of the brain. The liver can be injured by severe edema, up to hemorrhage.

Eclampsia is considered the most severe form of late toxicosis. In addition to the symptoms already listed, convulsions appear. Attacks can be triggered by external stimuli - pain, loud sounds, stress, bright light. They last approximately two minutes. The danger of this condition is cerebral edema, cerebral hemorrhage, which can be fatal.

Diagnosis and treatment of toxicosis

The most complete diagnosis of preeclampsia is carried out using general and laboratory research methods. Pressure is measured at least three times a day, including after exposure to small physical exertion. Conducting a general urine test reveals protein and increased urine density. A special analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky determines its volume allocated at night.

It is mandatory to carry out a general and biochemical blood test, as well as a clotting test. The amount of fluid drunk and excreted is monitored daily. Weight is measured every week. The data obtained allow us to develop the most optimal set of therapeutic measures.

As a rule, late toxicosis is treated in stationary conditions. Treatment is recommended to start already at an early stage, when symptoms are manifested only by the presence of edema. First of all, a protective regime is prescribed with the appointment of a diet and special drugs that affect the desired blood parameters. Droppers contribute to the improvement of blood circulation, kidney and liver functions. Sedative sedative therapeutic measures are carried out. It is impossible to completely cure preeclampsia, since it is impossible to establish the exact causes of the disease.

In the presence of late toxicosis in the period from 29 to 36 weeks, in the case of increasing clinical manifestations, the woman is preparing for childbirth a little earlier than the due date. If intensive care measures are ineffective, and the form of gestosis is severe, a caesarean section is performed. With a margin of time of 3-4 days, the cervix is ​​​​prepared using a special gel containing prostaglandins. In this case, the woman can give birth on her own. However, in the absence of complications, threats to life and health, the possibility of treating preeclampsia, it is recommended to delay childbirth until the due date.

Complications and consequences of late toxicosis

Most often, the development of late toxicosis occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy. It causes serious complications, which are the main causes of death.

As a rule, late toxicosis during pregnancy can cause the following complications:

  • There are spasms of small arteries, detected by ophthalmologists when examining the fundus.
  • The permeability of the vascular walls increases, the outflow of blood in the veins worsens. As a result, there are obvious or hidden edema, protein appears in the urine.
  • The liquid component of the blood is released into adjacent tissues. Because of this, the blood thickens, its clotting increases.
  • The lower blood pressure is lowered and the upper arterial pressure is increased.

Late toxicosis during pregnancy is significantly different from early. It poses a great threat to the life and health of women. The main manifestations are an increase in blood pressure, the development of seizures and disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, as evidenced by changes in the urine. It develops on its own or against the background of existing diseases.

Every tenth pregnant woman is faced with preeclampsia in late pregnancy. It has a physiological explanation for the occurrence, but is a pathology. If preventive measures are not followed and timely treatment is not followed, there is a real threat of premature termination of pregnancy, with the threat of death for the expectant mother and fetus. Qualified therapy is needed within the framework of a round-the-clock hospital, often in the intensive care unit.

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    When does late toxicosis develop?

    In clinical practice, late toxicosis is called preeclampsia. It develops after 30 weeks of pregnancy, in the third trimester. At this time, the fetus is already almost formed, active growth and preparation for a meeting with the outside world begins. Increases intra-abdominal pressure due to the growing uterus, all organs of the small pelvis and abdominal cavity change their location. Due to the increasing compression, metabolic processes are disturbed in them.

    Preeclampsia is a violation of the adaptation of the mother's body to the changes that occur during pregnancy. Starting from the 30th week, blood pressure increases, the filtration capacity of the kidneys and the work of the central nervous system are disturbed. Changes can lead to irreversible consequences. Starting from the second half of pregnancy, a woman should be more sensitive to her body, respond to all the changes that occur and inform the doctor about them in a timely manner.


    Early toxicosis by the beginning of the second trimester recedes and for several months the woman feels relatively well. Against this background, it is not so difficult to notice the signs of late gestosis that have appeared. The main symptoms are:

    • severe nausea, dizziness, tinnitus;
    • swelling of the hands, face, legs, abdomen;
    • increased blood pressure above 140/90;
    • severe weakness, fainting;
    • weight gain of more than 500 g per week;
    • decrease in daily urine, its turbidity and discoloration;
    • convulsions.

    A severe form of preeclampsia is eclampsia - convulsions. They must be distinguished from an epileptic seizure - with an epileptic seizure there is no increase in blood pressure and protein in the urine. First they appear at night, spasms are localized in the calf muscles. Often this is a symptom of calcium and magnesium deficiency, which is easily eliminated with replenishment. Daytime cramps in other muscle groups are dangerous and require emergency care.

    Edema of the lower extremities in the later stages occurs in 90% of pregnant women, but if they do not subside during a night's sleep, then they are a symptom of preeclampsia.

    Swelling of the feet with gestosis

    A woman can distinguish pastosity (abnormal accumulation of fluid in soft tissues) on her own. When pressing on the skin, a dent remains, which does not resolve immediately, but within 5-15 minutes, depending on the severity of the edema. All bone protrusions are smoothed out, and the ankle is significantly increased in size.


    Late toxicosis has a complex mechanism of development. It is caused by biochemical processes, physiological changes and hormonal imbalance. The body undergoes a number of changes, the presence of pathological processes and chronic diseases only exacerbates the course of preeclampsia.

    Predisposing factors:

    1. 1. Pathology of the cardiovascular system - against the background of chronic arterial hypertension, protein appears in the urine, blood pressure rises sharply, even if before that it was independently compensated and responded well to therapy.
    2. 2. Chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, endocrine system.
    3. 3. Complicated pregnancy - large fetus, 2 or more fetuses.
    4. 4. Burdened obstetric history - abortion, gynecological diseases, interval between births less than 2 years.
    5. 5. Severe preeclampsia during a previous pregnancy.
    6. 6. Stress, work with harmful production factors.
    7. 7. The age of the woman in labor is older than 35 (the course of pregnancy may be complicated by existing concomitant chronic diseases) and younger than 18 years (functional immaturity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems).
    8. 8. Obesity - increased stress on the cardiovascular system.
    9. 9. Rhesus conflict - when a woman and a man have a different Rh factor in the blood.

    The main causes of gestosis are a violation of the interaction of the cortical and subcortical structures of the brain, followed by a violation of the regulation of vascular tone, the problem of tissue incompatibility (the fetus is genetically alien to the mother's body by 50%), pathology of the placenta or fetal development. Vasospasm develops, blood pressure rises. Due to disorders in the cardiovascular system, fluid retention develops and edema appears.


    Late preeclampsia is dangerous not only for the health and life of the mother, but also for the child. Due to oxygen starvation of tissues, there is a risk of miscarriage when an intrauterine death of an infant occurs. It stops growing and developing, after a while it undergoes necrosis and there is a danger of intoxication with the decay products of the woman's body.

    Due to the increasing intra-abdominal and arterial pressure, a spasm of blood vessels occurs, which provide nutrition and breathing for the child. If the degree of violations is insignificant, then the development of the fetus continues, but there is a danger of developing abnormalities. The most common pathology as a result of intrauterine hypoxia is hydrocephalus. After birth, the child experiences severe pain in the head due to enlarged anatomical structures of the brain. This is due to the accumulation of pathological fluid and a violation of its outflow.

    High blood pressure is dangerous for the placenta. It is tightly attached to the mucous layer of the uterus, which has many arteries of various sizes. Compression of blood vessels leads to its detachment. Bleeding appears, fetal death and other complications often occur. The woman needs emergency medical attention. A child born prematurely is placed in special conditions, a woman is at risk of death due to blood loss. If the bleeding cannot be stopped, the uterus is removed.


    During pregnancy, not all research methods are safe. Only the attending physician is competent to prescribe the volume of necessary examinations. The main ones include:

    1. 1. Measurement of pressure, especially after walking or other exercise - a woman may not always notice an increase in pressure by her well-being, especially if this happens gradually.
    2. 2. Daily monitoring of blood pressure - the measurement is carried out by the device throughout the day in equal periods of time, while the woman keeps a diary of actions that will help the specialist determine the increase in readings due to the load.
    3. 3. Determination of protein in the urine - the protein level is more than 5 g / l. In the absence of concomitant kidney diseases, there are no other impurities (erythrocytes, leukocytes) in the urine.
    4. 4. Biochemical analysis of blood - the level of total protein in the blood decreases, as the proteins go into the tissues.
    5. 5. Complete blood count - a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, erythrocytes is possible.
    6. 6. Control of the drunk liquid - daily. With a tendency to fluid retention, excessive consumption provokes the development of edema. The woman counts the amount of water drunk and the amount of urine excreted. If the indicator of the latter is much less, then there is a pathological delay in the soft tissues.
    7. 7. Control of body weight - weekly, in order to detect hidden edema.
    8. 8. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (detection of free fluid in the abdominal cavity), kidneys, ultrasound and dopplerometry of the vessels of the placenta.

    Criteria for assessing preeclampsia:

    Examination and correction of the state of the pregnant woman is carried out within the framework of the hospital. Women with severe preeclampsia often need resuscitation, the condition is urgent.


    The goal of treatment is the prevention of intrauterine disorders of fetal development, hypoxia. Need to fight:

    • disorders in the central nervous system (use of sedatives - valerian, motherwort, in severe cases and only in a hospital - Relanium, Droperidol);
    • pathology of the blood coagulation system (infusion therapy, according to indications - Tranexam intravenously with hypocoagulation, anticoagulants (Kurantil) and antiplatelet agents (Enoxyparin) - with hypercoagulation);
    • metabolic disorders (vitamins A, C, E, Essentiale, Heptral);
    • arterial hypertension (administration of magnesium sulfate intravenously, slowly).

    Only the attending physician after the examination is competent to select the dosages of drugs, their quantity and course of administration. In case of severe preeclampsia associated with an increase in blood pressure, it is necessary to call an ambulance. During pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated, the basis of treatment is magnesia therapy (to lower blood pressure and prevent / relieve seizures), which is already carried out in the ambulance and continues in the hospital.

    In the later stages, it is necessary to decide on the management of childbirth. If there is no effect from therapy within 10 days (with severe forms - within 2-3 hours), placental abruption, pulmonary edema, fetal growth retardation, intrauterine hypoxia, the doctor determines the indications for early surgical delivery. The woman is having a caesarean section. Also, a woman can give birth on her own, but this is permissible only with the effectiveness of therapy, the absence of pathologies in the fetus according to the results of ultrasound and CTG, and the well-being of the expectant mother.

t for mothers, the site has already talked about such a complication of pregnancy as toxicosis in the article "". Today's topic of conversation is

Late toxicosis, or as it is also called "preeclampsia", is a very insidious disease of pregnant women. It is insidious because a pregnant woman may not even suspect that she has toxicosis. After all, she may not feel nausea, bouts of vomiting and ailments, as with toxicosis in the early stages. The fact is that toxicosis in late pregnancy may not have external signs.

But this does not make the disease any less serious and dangerous.

Late toxicosis: causes

As noted earlier, it is very difficult to determine the cause of toxicosis, both early and late. But doctors suggest that the following reasons lead to such a complication as late toxicosis:

  • Neurosis
  • Endocrine diseases
  • Immunological causes
  • Heredity
  • Improper nutrition
  • Colds
  • Increased physical stress on the body
  • Overwork

Most often, late toxicosis of pregnant women is a consequence of several reasons.

Late toxicosis during pregnancy: signs

Usually, late toxicosis is observed in a pregnant woman. in the third trimester. It is usually discovered by a doctor, since it is often hidden from the pregnant woman herself.

The main signs of late toxicosis:

  • Rapid weight gain. The doctor is picky about excess weight gain not on a whim. This sign may indicate the presence of hidden edema. And also excess weight can lead to increased stress on the kidneys, heart and other organs, which also leads to preeclampsia.
  • Explicit swelling of the legs, arms, face
  • Ringing in the ears, flies running before the eyes
  • Protein in the urine
  • High blood pressure, as well as different pressure readings on different arms
  • With advanced toxicosis, vomiting, headaches, fainting, convulsions appear.

Late toxicosis during pregnancy: stages

  1. Edema (dropsy). At this stage, edema can be hidden and obvious, protein is not detected in the urine, there are no changes in blood pressure. The presence of this disease can be indicated by excessive weight gain - more than 300 grams per week.
  2. Nephropathy. At this stage, the vascular system and kidneys are affected. It is characterized by edema, hypertension, the presence of protein in the urine. At this stage, hospitalization of the pregnant woman, the appointment of a salt-free diet, restriction of fluid intake and drug treatment are necessary. If late toxicosis of pregnant women is not treated at this stage, then this can lead to the death of the fetus, a violation of its development, or the transition of toxicosis to a more serious stage.
  3. Preeclampsia characterized by very strong edema, the presence of protein in the urine, increased blood pressure. The pregnant woman feels headache, tinnitus, dizziness. Vision may be impaired. This stage is very dangerous for a child, as a pregnant woman experiences disturbances in the work of all the most important organs: kidneys, heart, liver. Urgent hospitalization required.
  4. Eclampsia. At this stage of late toxicosis during pregnancy, convulsions appear, loss of consciousness due to disturbances in the work of the brain of a pregnant woman. The consequences of this stage are pulmonary edema, cerebral hemorrhage. Fetal death and maternal death may occur. Fortunately, this stage of late toxicosis during pregnancy practically does not occur due to the constant monitoring of the condition of the expectant mother by doctors.


The site site does not advise treating toxicosis in late pregnancy on its own. Remember, this disease is very serious, it can greatly affect the condition and health of your child. As you know, the best treatment for any disease is prevention.

These simple rules can be very effective in the fight against late toxicosis:

  • Tell your doctor about any changes in how you feel.
  • Tell your doctor about your chronic and hereditary diseases.
  • Follow your doctor's recommendations.
  • Timely undergo examinations from specialists and take tests.
  • Rest more, sleep well.
  • Try to eat right and refuse to eat food with the addition of preservatives, dyes, GMOs.
  • Drink an infusion of wild rose and mountain ash.
  • Swim.
  • Avoid stress and anxiety.
  • Rejoice in the upcoming event.

We hope that this article will help you avoid such a dangerous complication as late toxicosis during pregnancy. Well, if you are diagnosed with such a diagnosis, do not be upset and do not refuse the recommendations of your doctor. After all, late toxicosis, detected at an early stage, is treated quickly and without consequences.

Preeclampsia is considered a rather dangerous condition that occurs in girls in position. This term refers to late toxicosis during pregnancy, which occurs in the second or third trimester. If habitual toxicoses do not threaten either the mother or the fetus in any way, then a lot of complications and dangers come from gestosis. There is a similar condition in about 15% of mothers.

It is necessary to prepare a bag with children's things in advance

Toxicosis of pregnant women is a pathological complex of symptoms that occurs with the negative impact of gestation on a woman. Toxic states occur at various times. Early toxic conditions disturb the mother at 1-12 weeks, and toxicosis in late pregnancy occurs at 26-40 weeks. It is impossible to accurately name the duration of this period, because the terms for each patient are different due to the individuality of the organisms.

Toxic conditions significantly complicate gestation, provoking the creation of an unfavorable atmosphere for fetal growth and development. At times, toxicosis does pose a danger to the health of the mother or her life. The appearance of toxicosis is primarily due to pregnancy. Against the background of a developing and growing embryo, changes in the hormonal status, the activity of the body changes seriously. Experts suggest that toxic manifestations during gestation are due to addiction to the coexistence of the embryo and mother.

Late toxicosis of pregnant women indicates a profound pathological failure in the functionality of vital organic systems such as endocrine and cardiovascular, hematopoietic or excretory, etc. there were changes in the analyzes, instability of pressure is noted, etc.


Specialists have not yet been able to find out exactly which factors are of paramount importance in the development of preeclampsia, however, they have determined that in late toxicosis during pregnancy, the causes can be caused by several factors.

  1. Endocrine. According to this assumption, the mechanism of development of gestosis is due to changes in the hormonal status, which negatively affects vascular tone, fluidity and blood clotting. There is a deterioration in blood supply and material exchange processes are disturbed, cardiovascular regulation is upset, which occurs against the background of a change in the activity of the endocrine glands.
  2. The genetic theory suggests that gestosis occurs more often in girls whose mothers also suffered from similar toxicosis during gestation.
  3. The cortico-visceral theory suggests that the main reason why preeclampsia occurs is a neurotic disorder, manifested by violations of cortical and subcortical connections, which leads to changes in cardiovascular activity and a deterioration in blood supply.
  4. placental factor. Scientists argue that late toxicosis occurs against the background of the absence of the necessary vascular changes in the uterine network of vessels that feed the placental tissues. As a result, the formation of specific substances that disrupt cardiovascular activity occurs.
  5. immunological factor. According to this assumption, late toxicosis is accompanied by an abnormal reaction of the mother's body to fetal antigens. As a result, changes occur in the permeability and tone of the vascular channels, and later in intraorganic tissues and structures.

The vast majority of experts believe that there is not only one cause of gestotic conditions. Usually the functionality of intraorganic structures is disturbed under the influence of a whole range of factors.

How late toxicosis manifests itself

It is very useful for expectant mothers to breathe fresh air

In accordance with the degree of complexity, gestosis can manifest itself with a variety of symptoms. The clinic is divided into typical and atypical symptoms. The category of typical manifestations includes dropsy and preeclampsia, nephropathy and eclampsia. Dropsy suggests that patients have pronounced hyperedema on the limbs and face, abdomen, etc. In fact, dropsy is considered the first stage of preeclampsia. Usually, the general well-being of a woman is within the normal range, but there may be a feeling of rapid fatigue, heaviness in the limbs, and a strong desire to drink something.

There are no signs of jumps in blood pressure, it may even be at a slightly lower level. Approximately 25% of these patients subsequently develop nephropathy against the background of dropsy. This is a slightly different form of preeclampsia, in which patients are concerned about a complex of several pathological conditions such as hypertension, dropsy and proteinuria. Hypertension may exceed 200/150 mm Hg. Art.

Another degree of typical preeclampsia is preeclampsia, including symptoms of nephropathic syndrome, migraine pain, heaviness in the frontal or occipital zone, dizziness and insomnia, veil and midges before the eyes, ear noise and lethargy, apathy. Also, preeclampsia is accompanied by gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea and vomiting reactions and abdominal pain.

Eclampsia is considered the most severe form of typical preeclampsia. It is a state of convulsive seizures against the background of preeclampsia with additional exposure to stimuli in the form of pain, bright light or loud sounds. The attack begins with twitching of the muscle tissues of the face, turning into tonic convulsive contractions, up to the cessation of breathing. Then there are involuntary contractions of the limbs, breathing stops, the lips and nasolabial triangle turn blue, foam begins to stand out from the mouth. Then the patient inhales deeply, after which the respiratory functions are gradually restored and the condition returns to normal.

In fact, each of the typical gestotic forms represents the severity of late toxicosis. As for the atypical manifestations of preeclampsia, they are represented by hypertension with nephropathy and non-convulsive eclampsia.

What is the danger

Preeclampsia is dangerous because it can develop latently.

  • Hidden internal puffiness appears, pressure rises, protein is released into the urine. Such symptoms do not cause any discomfort to the mother, and therefore do not attract her attention.
  • Only an obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to detect pathological symptoms, so you need to attend all scheduled examinations and take all prescribed tests.
  • Late toxicosis provokes material exchange disorders and negatively affects placental functions, which leads to acute hypoxia and nutritional deficiency of the crumbs.
  • The exchange of salts is also disturbed, water and sodium begin to accumulate in the tissues of the body, and the permeability of the vascular walls increases. All this provokes the formation of internal hyperedema.
  • Due to circulatory disorders, oxygen deficiency of the placenta and uterus, kidneys, liver and brain develops.
  • Excessive accumulation of fluid in the body provokes dystrophic changes, disrupts the functionality of organs and causes hemorrhages.

Therefore, the appearance of unusual symptoms, severe malaise and other signs indicating the development of preeclampsia, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist.

How to relieve the condition of a pregnant woman

Mineral water can be drunk in any quantity

To normalize the condition of a patient suffering from preeclampsia and prevent all sorts of complications, the patient needs to follow a half-bed or bed rest, she needs to fully sleep and rest, avoid stressful situations and irritants such as sharp and loud sounds or too bright light. If there is excessive nervousness, then it is better to discuss with the doctor the possibility of taking safe sedatives.

Mom's diet should be strictly balanced and adjusted. Carbohydrates in the diet should be limited, but eat more protein foods. Also, mom should eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, drink fruit drinks and juices, preferably freshly squeezed. Even if there is severe swelling, a pregnant woman should not be limited in the consumption of drinks.

If the situation is difficult, then the patient is prescribed drug therapy to help prevent fetal hypoxia. Diuretics are usually contraindicated because they lead to a decrease in circulating blood volume, which provokes the occurrence of disorders in the placental circulation. Diuretic drugs are prescribed only in case of myocardial insufficiency or pulmonary edema. Additionally, you need to take vitamin complexes

If the patient does not get better, then she is hospitalized to exclude the development of complications of late toxicosis. The main thing is not to ignore the doctor's recommendations, not to refuse inpatient stay, otherwise eclampsia may develop, accompanied by serious impairment of cerebral functionality, myocardial insufficiency, deep fainting, cerebral hemorrhage and even cardiac arrest. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to follow preventive recommendations.

Complications of preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is inevitably accompanied by hypertensive symptoms and hyperedema, severe headaches and premature delivery. Late toxicoses have an extremely negative effect on fetal development and on the condition of patients, especially those with hypertension, renal pathologies, myocardial and liver failure. And with severe gestotic forms, complications develop, manifested by dystrophic changes in intraorganic structures. Against this background, patients may develop complications such as:

  • Vascular thrombosis;
  • Hypoxia of chronic form;
  • kidney failure;
  • Against the background of severe vomiting, dehydration may develop;
  • Pulmonary activity is disturbed;
  • There is a cerebral hemorrhage;
  • Particularly severe complications are cerebral edema or a deep coma;
  • Also, preeclampsia can provoke premature delivery or intrauterine death.

For a baby, maternal preeclampsia can result in intrauterine growth retardation, underweight or mental underdevelopment of the child. If preeclampsia was discovered before the 36-week period, it does not cause fetal disorders, then the doctor chooses an observational tactic. If the patient develops eclampsia, then she undergoes an emergency caesarean section.

Prevention methods

To avoid gestosis manifestations and complications, mom should take care of the prevention of these conditions in advance, even at the planning stage of conception. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination in advance in order to identify hidden or chronic pathologies. In addition, the patient must give up smoking and drinking any kind of alcohol, even beer. The girl should sleep at least 9 h / d, and also take a little rest in the middle of the day. You should also reconsider physical activity, if there is a risk of developing preeclampsia, then it is better to abandon them altogether.

Psycho-emotional peace should reign in the house, without scandals, petty squabbles and domestic quarrels. It is useful to go swimming or yoga, walk every day before going to bed, practice breathing exercises. You need to eat in small portions, breakfast should be leisurely and you need to start it in bed with a slice of lemon. Food must be warm. For the prevention of hyperedema, it is recommended to drink kidney fees, rosehip broth, tea from bearberry or lingonberry leaves. It is better to consult a nutritionist about the diet, and throughout the entire gestation, it is necessary to monitor body weight in order to prevent too much weight gain.

For the prevention of gestosis, lipoic acid, magnesium preparations, tocopherol or Hofitol, Curantil, which improves placental circulation, are sometimes prescribed. Toxic conditions in the second half of pregnancy can complicate the course of gestation in any patient. But if you take care of prevention in advance, responsibly approach the issue of planning and register in a timely manner, following medical prescriptions, then you can minimize the likelihood of developing such a complication.