Drugs approved for newborns. Means for hygiene. Medicines in a children's first aid kit for emergency care

Preparing for the birth of a baby, future parents often wonder what needs to be prepared for his arrival. In addition to the dowry, one should not forget about the children's first aid kit, which will be partially needed from the first days of a newborn's life.

List of medicines for the newborn

Consider what should be in the first aid kit to provide the baby with complete care, health and care:

  1. Means for hygienic care of the child.
  2. Antiseptics for the treatment of the umbilical wound.
  3. Medical accessories for medical procedures.
  4. Medications to help a sick child.

Means for hygienic care of a newborn baby:

  1. Baby soap for bathing (it is more convenient to use liquid with a dispenser, 0+)
  2. Cream for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash - Bepanten, D-panthenol, Purelan, Desitin. Also, these funds (except Desitin) are also suitable for treating the nipples of a nursing mother with their damage and cracks
  3. Baby cream or body milk to moisturize baby's skin after bathing
  4. Powder - will also help in the prevention of diaper rash (just do not use powder and cream at the same time)
  5. Baby massage oil
  6. Vaseline oil (during the treatment of the nose, cotton flagella are moistened with vaseline oil for easier removal of crusts)
  7. Cotton wool (for cleaning the nose, ears - we twist a thin flagellum about 4 cm long)
  8. Cotton swabs (for the treatment of umbilical wounds, wounds)
  9. Cotton swabs with a stopper (for cleaning the ears)
  10. Wet wipes (useful for baby skin care outside the home, for example, on a walk or during a visit to the clinic)
  11. Cotton pads (they can be used to dry the umbilical wound after treatment or used in daily baby care)
  12. Small scissors for cutting nails with rounded ends and a protective cap (the nails of a full-term newborn are cut no earlier than a week after birth, the scissors must be treated with alcohol before the procedure to prevent infection of possible skin micro-wounds)
  13. Water thermometer (bathing water should be 37-38 degrees)
  14. Nasal aspirator
  15. Salt solution for moisturizing the nasal mucosa (saline solution 0.9%, aquamaris drops)

Antiseptics for the treatment of the umbilical wound:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  2. A solution of brilliant green 1% (“brilliant green” will help dry and disinfect the umbilical wound, the navel must be treated daily, after bathing until it is completely healed, which will take 2-3 weeks after the baby is born).

Medical accessories for medical procedures:


  1. A solution of vitamin D (Aquadetrim - an aqueous solution or Vigantol - an oil solution) for the prevention of rickets (prophylactic dose - 1 drop, used from 1 month of age as prescribed by a pediatrician).
  2. Antipyretic in the form of suppositories for rectal use or children's syrup. In infants, antipyretics based on ibuprofen (Nurofen) or paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan) are used. Use when the temperature rises above 38 degrees.
  3. Antihistamine drug (Fenistil drops from 1 month of life) with an allergic reaction.
  4. A remedy used for intestinal colic (Espumizan, Plantex).
  5. Sorbent (Smecta, Neosmectin, Enterosgel, activated carbon). It is used for diarrhea in a child.
  6. Drops from the common cold (Nazivin for children, Nazol-baby from 2 months). Use vasoconstrictor drops with caution, no more than 3 days, with an interval of at least 6 hours.
  7. Vaseline candles for children (for newborns, use ½ of a children's candle, cut along or ¼ of an adult candle, also cut along, to improve the discharge of gases and feces), store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf of the door.
  8. Microclysters Microlax (will help the child with constipation).
  9. You can also add herbal preparations to the first-aid kit for a newborn. For example, an infusion of string or chamomile is useful to add to the water when bathing. They soothe the inflamed skin of the baby, have an antiseptic, softening effect. A decoction of dill or fennel seed will help with intestinal colic.

IMPORTANT!!! It is necessary to use all medicines only in emergency cases, strictly according to the instructions. Take the minimum dose and carefully observe the reaction of the baby. Further treatment should be prescribed by the attending pediatrician !!!

So, we examined the approximate composition of the first-aid kit for a newborn. Of course, it is difficult to predict everything you need, but this is the minimum that caring parents should have before a child appears.

Where to buy such a first aid kit for newborns? Of course, in the pharmacy. It is easier to buy a ready-made newborn care kit, but such a kit may not always correspond to the composition of the first-aid kit that suits you best. Some funds will have to be purchased, and some will not be needed at all. So make a list of what you need and go to the pharmacy to buy it.

Divide the finished first aid kit into two parts. The first is the one that you will need daily. Place it where you will directly care for the baby (at the crib or changing table). Remove the second part for an emergency.

Other related information

  • Choosing a diaper: what to consider?

  • Water procedures for the little ones

  • Dental care for newborns

It is not entirely true that only with the advent of a certain age we are literally “covered with a wave of nostalgia” when we hear the melody of youth, or see some attributes of that time. Even a very small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy if someone took it away or hid it. We are all, to some extent, in love with old things, because they keep the spirit of an entire era in themselves. It is not enough for us to read about it in books or on the Internet. We want to have a real antique that you can touch and smell. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a Soviet-era book with slightly yellowed pages exuding a sweetish aroma, especially when turning them over, or when you looked at black and white photographs of your parents or grandparents, those with an uneven white border. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved so far, despite the low quality of such shots. The point here is not in the image, but in that feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they come across our eyes.

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Here you can buy antiques of various subjects

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However, in a number of countries, different things are considered antiques: in Russia, the status of an “old thing” is given to an object that is already more than 50 years old, and in the USA - objects made before 1830. On the other hand, in each country, different antiques have different values. In China, antique porcelain is of greater value than in Russia or the United States.

In other words, when buying antiques it should be remembered that its price depends on the following characteristics: age, uniqueness of performance, method of manufacture (everyone knows that handmade work is valued much higher than mass production), historical, artistic or cultural value and other reasons.

antique shop- rather risky business. The point is not only the laboriousness of finding the necessary product and the long period of time during which this item will be sold, but also the ability to distinguish a fake from the original.

In addition, an antiques shop must meet a number of standards in order to gain a proper reputation in the market. If we are talking about an antique online store, then it should have a wide range of products presented. If an antiques store exists not only on the World Wide Web, then it must also be large enough for the client to be comfortable wandering between antiques, and, secondly, have a beautiful interior and a pleasant atmosphere.

In our antiques store there are very rare items that can impress even a venerable collector.

Antiques have magical powers: touching them once, you will turn into a big fan of them, antiques will take their rightful place in the interior of your home.

In our online antique store you can buy antiques variety of topics at affordable prices. To facilitate the search, all products are divided into special groups: paintings, icons, rural life, interior items, etc. Also in the catalog you will be able to find old books, postcards, posters, silverware, chinaware and much more.

In addition, in our online antique store you can purchase original gifts, furniture and kitchen utensils that can enliven the interior of your home, make it more refined.

Sale of antiques in Russia, as in many European cities, such as Paris, London and Stockholm, has its own characteristics. First of all, these are high costs for the purchase of antiques, however, the responsibility of the store selling antiques is also quite high, since these things represent a certain material and cultural and historical value.

By purchasing antiques in our store, you can be sure of the authenticity of the purchased items.

Our antique store employs only qualified consultants and appraisers who can easily distinguish the original from fakes.

We strive to make our antique online store interesting for collectors, and for fans of antiquity and for the most ordinary connoisseurs of beauty, who have good taste and know the value of things. Thus, one of our priority areas is the constant expansion of the range, both through dealers and through cooperation with other companies involved in the sale of antiques.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Preparing for childbirth, expectant mothers usually write long shopping lists. Among them are children's dishes, and things in the hospital, and clothes, and care products for the little one, etc. But before you buy toys, musical carousels and another set of diapers, you should remember another important list - the funds in the newborn's first aid kit. It is better not to take a ready-made first-aid kit (such kits are now available in all pharmacies) - something will definitely not be there, but something will not be useful at all.

So, what to buy in a newborn first aid kit necessarily, and what should be "just in case"?

  • Sterile cotton wool and cotton pads
    With the help of self-twisted cotton flagella, the nasal and ear passages are cleaned for the baby. Disks are more convenient, because leave fewer microparticles of cotton wool on the skin of the crumbs. It is also necessary to purchase sterile bandages, bactericidal plasters, gauze (for diapers, etc.) and gauze bandages (for parents).
  • Cotton buds
    The requirements for this item are the presence of a limiter (so as not to injure the ear) and a wide cotton head. The sticks are also useful for the "point" application of the medicine.

    Reminder: you can not clean the nose of the crumbs and the inside of the ear with cotton swabs.

  • Manicure children's scissors
    Requirements - rounded ends, short blades, case. Some mothers find it much more convenient to use a clipper (mini-tweezers). Features of the children's clipper: limiter-ring for the mother's finger, the presence of a lens of 4x magnification, a nail file to eliminate the sharp corners of the nails.
  • Wet wipes
    Baby wipes are useful for "quick" hygiene in field conditions or at home "on the run" (do not replace washing!). Requirements: hypoallergenic, lack of alcohol, fragrances, fragrances and stickiness, optimal pH for the baby, plastic sealed packaging.

    Reminder: do not immediately buy a lot and in large packages - it is not known how the skin of the crumbs will react to certain wipes. And do not forget to check the expiration date and the integrity of the package.

  • Powder
    It will be needed for skin care (behind the “folds”) after changing diapers and bathing. The task is the fight against diaper rash, a calming effect. The most convenient powder box with a powder puff or a novelty - cream-talc. Aromatic additives in the composition are not recommended.

    Reminder: the simultaneous use of diaper rash powder and baby cream for dry skin is not recommended (these products have different purposes).

  • Remedies for colic and gas
    For calmness in the tummy of a child in the first-aid kit, the following remedies will be useful: fennel and dill seeds (for bloating), special granulated teas (sold in a pharmacy - for example, Plantex), Espumizan.
  • Electronic thermometer (mercury is best avoided) + thermometer for measuring water temperature in the tub.
  • Remedies for fever
    Paracetamol (preferably in the form of rectal suppositories), Nurofen, Panadol. Read also:

    memo: aspirin and analgin for use in newborns are prohibited!

  • Remedies for the common cold
    A ready-made solution of pure sea water (for example, Marimer or Aquamaris) for washing the spout + Nazivin (0.01%).
  • Gas outlet pipe No. 1
    It is useful for constipation and bloating.
  • Constipation remedies
    Chamomile (enema with its decoction), Dufalac, preparations with lactulose, glycerin suppositories. Although the popular proven method remains the most effective - a tiny, smooth piece of baby soap instead of a rectal candle.

    Reminder: consultation with a doctor about the choice of drugs is required!

  • Enema 50 ml (smallest)
    It is better to immediately buy 2-3 pieces. One is for its true purpose, the second is used as an aspirator (it is much more convenient to suck mucus from the nose with a runny nose with an enema than many aspirators).
  • Aspirator
    Which is better? Oddly enough, the most effective is the syringe aspirator (the “enema” described above), with a special tip. A mechanical aspirator is a less traumatic model, but you will have to suck out the snot through your mother's mouth (inconvenient and unaesthetic). More expensive models, but very effective - an electronic aspirator and a powerful vacuum (similar to the "cuckoo" at the ENT).
  • Fenistil-gel
    The drug is useful in treating allergies to insect bites, skin itching, etc. Fenistil-drops also do not interfere in the first aid kit (or Tavegil, Suprastin).
  • Potassium permanganate (5% solution, or in powder)
    It may be needed to treat the umbilical wound or for baths.

    Reminder: potassium permanganate dries out the baby's skin, so for "bath" procedures, a decoction of herbs (string, chamomile, sage) will be the best alternative.

  • Iodine (5%)
  • Chlorophyllipt (1%)
    Used by mothers instead of brilliant green, does not burn the skin when applied, effectively treats pimples / bites. Or Zelenka (1%).
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%)
    Should always be in the first aid kit for quick disinfection of scratches and wounds.
  • Pipettes - 2-3 pcs.
    Pipettes for the baby should be in cases, with rounded tips.
  • Remedies for dysbacteriosis and diarrhea
    For the treatment of dysbacteriosis and the restoration of bowel function - Bifidumbacterin, Linex or Hilak Forte, for diarrhea - Smecta (dosage strictly according to age).
  • Sorbents
    Activated carbon, Entegnin or Polysorb MP are sorbents that may be needed for intestinal infections, intoxication, poisoning, etc.
  • Syringe dispenser for medicines
  • Baby cream/oil
    It is necessary to buy baby creams and oils for the smallest - Bübchen, Johnson Baby, etc.
  • Creams for diaper rash and dermatitis
    Bepanthen, D-Panthenol. Will bring significant benefits for diaper dermatitis, irritation from diapers and even cracked nipples (an indispensable tool for mom).
  • Vaseline oil
    It is useful for processing, for example, a gas outlet pipe before its use. And also for removing crusts on the head, treating prickly heat / irritation, moisturizing the sinuses, etc.
  • Gel for gums
    It will come in very handy when teething starts.

A first aid kit for a newborn is a set of tools and tools that will be useful for caring for or providing medical care to the baby immediately after he is born.

Take care of the selection and purchase of all the necessary components before the birth of the baby.

What items are included in a first aid kit?

The baby first aid kit should include the following:

  • hygienic– for newborn skin care and bathing;
  • antiseptic- for the treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • medicinal- to eliminate colic and other problems, including for emergency care;
  • accessories and tools for hygienic and medical manipulations.

All the means present in the first-aid kit of the baby must be grouped into groups: antiseptics, hygiene products, antipyretic drugs.

If there is a need to urgently apply any remedy, this order will help parents quickly find it.

In emergency cases, the health and life of the baby may depend on the quickness of the parents.

Hygiene care products

  • Sterile cotton, as well as cotton sticks And discs. Used for daily procedures: cleansing the baby's ears and nasal passages, washing, treating the umbilical wound.
  • Wet wipes. It is better to stock up on several packages at once, as wipes constantly find their use for cleansing the skin under the diaper. When purchasing these hygiene products, you need to pay attention to the fact that they do not contain alcohol and perfume fragrances.
  • baby cream. Helps soften sensitive baby skin.
  • Powder. Used daily to treat wrinkles. This product should not contain aromatic additives.
  • diaper cream. Needed to prevent and eliminate irritation and diaper rash, which often appear when wearing a diaper.
  • Massage Oil.
  • Vaseline oil to remove crusts from the baby's head or lubricate the tip of an enema or gas tube.
  • Nail scissors with special rounded ends.

Accessories for the treatment of the umbilical wound and other antiseptics

  • Hydrogen peroxide. This tool disinfects the umbilical wound.
  • Brilliant green solution 1% , or brilliant green. Used to dry the umbilical wound.
  • Potassium permanganate. An antiseptic that can also be used to treat the navel and wounds. Potassium permanganate is dissolved in warm water at the rate of 5 g per 100 ml of water and filtered through gauze. This product is also suitable for swimming. A light pink solution is added to baths to disinfect the baby's delicate skin. In the pharmacy, you can also purchase a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate in a bottle with a dispenser.
  • Medical alcohol required for disinfection of wounds.
  • 5% iodine solution.
  • Plasters bactericidal. May be needed for skin lesions.

Bathing accessories

  • Baby soap and baby wash. Used to cleanse the delicate skin of the baby. It is better to buy in bottles with dispensers.
  • Phytotherapeutic bath products. Babies benefit from herbal baths with infusions and decoctions. When completing a first-aid kit for a newborn, it is worth considering the purchase of various ready-made collections: sage, chamomile, calendula, succession, motherwort. These products have a beneficial effect on the skin of the baby, relieve irritation, and also help to calm the nervous system.
  • Thermometer for measuring the temperature of the water in the bath. This is a necessary accessory for any mother, as it is necessary to bathe babies at a certain temperature, 37 degrees. They produce thermometers in the form of toys, with which the kids, growing up, begin to have fun while swimming.

Remedies for infant colic

  • Medicines. Produced on the basis of the active ingredient simethicone. In pharmacies there is a large selection of such drugs.
  • herbal remedies e.g. dill water. You can purchase dill seeds for self-preparation of a solution or ready-made powder for breeding. You can store dill water in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days. Therefore, when completing a first-aid kit before the birth of a child, it is worth buying seeds or powder.
  • vent tube. It is necessary in order to facilitate the removal of air bubbles from the baby's intestines.
  • Warmer. Dry heat helps relieve pain in the baby's abdomen. The main requirement for this subject is safety for the newborn. On sale there are special heating pads that exclude the possibility of spilling boiling water and burns. The use of electric heating pads for applying to the abdomen of a newborn is not recommended.

Medical instruments

  • Thermometer to measure the child's body temperature. It is better to prefer safe electronic devices to mercury thermometers.
  • Nasal aspirator. Used regularly to clear nasal passages of mucus.
  • Pipette with a rounded tip. It is necessary for instillation of drugs into the nose or ears of the baby.
  • Syringe 25 ml for enemas.
  • Sterile napkins And bandages.
  • syringes or spoons for dosing liquid medicines.


  • Constipation remedies: syrups, glycerin suppositories, pears for enemas.
  • Antidiarrheals for babies.
  • A remedy for restoring the water-salt balance during vomiting preventing dehydration.
  • Antipyretic in the form of syrups, suppositories, drops based on paracetamol. You can give them at high body temperature to babies older than 3 months.
  • saline solution or nasal wash. Used for colds to cleanse the nasal passages as prescribed by the pediatrician. Nasal drops may also be used on the advice of a doctor.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs for the eyes. Used in the treatment of conjunctivitis. You can make lotions from freshly brewed tea or purchase special preparations.
  • Pain relief gels during teething.
  • Antihistamines. The reason for their use is most often allergic reactions when new food products are introduced as complementary foods.
  • Furacilin. It will be needed to cleanse the eyes and to wash the girls.

Many pediatricians do not recommend including antiviral agents and antibiotics in the first-aid kit for a newborn.

Such drugs are used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor, and each specific case may require the use of certain medications.

The price of a first aid kit for a newborn

You can collect all the necessary medicines and supplies for the baby's first aid kit yourself.

Pharmacies also offer ready-made kits, equipped with standard drugs. If necessary, you can supplement the first-aid kit with drugs recommended by the pediatrician.

The cost of a set depends on its configuration. Average price varies from 300 to 700 rubles.

First aid kit storage

All included in the kit can be divided into two parts. One will be used daily and should be kept handy. Another is useful in emergency situations. Its components must be placed in a dark, dry place. It is necessary to store candle ointments in the refrigerator.

Mom should keep the instructions for the drugs, and every 3 months check the expiration date of the medicines included in the first-aid kit and throw out the expired ones. If any drug is over, it should be purchased in advance.

It is impossible to predict situations that can happen to a baby. But you can prepare for possible problems. Therefore, when preparing for the birth of a child, in addition to clothes, diapers, bedding, toys, you must definitely take care of having a first aid kit.

When parents are waiting for the appearance of an heir or heiress, they plan the necessary purchases. The first thing you need to take care of is a first aid kit for a newborn. It is best to form it before birth, because later, during the joyful chores with the baby, you may not find an important tool for the baby at home.

Why do you need a first aid kit for a newborn?

A first aid kit for a newborn includes products for the hygiene of the child and first aid (if it is suddenly needed). A ready-made first-aid kit for mother and child is sold in many pharmacies. It is, of course, equipped with basic tools, but it is better to collect your own. Here are the reasons for this advice:

  • a ready-made first-aid kit for mother and child usually contains only the most minimal set of funds, and a personally assembled children's first-aid kit will fully contain all the necessary medicines;
  • if a ready-made first-aid kit for children is well stocked, its cost will be higher than the same, but bought independently.

It is better to sort all medicines and devices into groups: this way it will be much easier to find and use them. At a critical moment, I really don’t want to look through numerous packages and boxes for the right medicine, and sometimes the delay is even dangerous.

The well-known doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky offers an approximate composition of a first aid kit that is suitable for newborns.

Hygiene group

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List of products for children's hygiene:

  1. Sterile cotton. From it you can roll flagella to clean the nose and ears of the baby.
  2. Vaseline oil. Often cotton flagella are moistened with boiled water. However, with severe pollution, it is convenient to moisten the turundas in vaseline oil.
  3. Cotton buds. They are convenient to use for cleaning the outer part of the ears. We must not forget that it is unacceptable to clean their nose or the inside of the ears with them (we recommend reading:).
  4. Small nail scissors or small tweezers. The baby's nails are very small, and they grow quite quickly. For regular trimming, it is good to have scissors with blunt ends or a children's clipper. Mom should not bite off the nails of a newborn.
  5. Wet wipes. At home, on the street, at a party - wet wipes will help wash off the dirt, wipe your hands, wipe your ass. It is advisable to pay attention that the wipes are suitable for children: they are anti-allergic, with a suitable pH factor, without alcohol. After using the napkin, mom should try and close the package tightly.

Wet baby wipes are an indispensable item, especially when out and about. It is necessary to take only specialized products without alcohol, fragrances and parabens

Bathing group

For the products used when bathing the little one, there is also a place in the children's first aid kit:

  1. Water thermometer. Before starting to bathe the baby, parents must measure the temperature (we recommend reading:) of the water. The optimal temperature for swimming in the first year of life is 36-37C. You can choose a thermometer "for growth" in the form of a funny little animal or a boat. Then, growing up, the baby will be able to play with him in the bath and get great pleasure from water procedures.
  2. crumbs. The list will include chamomile, calendula, string - adding them will have a slight antiseptic effect. Sometimes a solution of potassium permanganate is used, but there are still disputes about this - potassium permanganate crystals can lead to burns on the baby's delicate skin. When using it, mom or dad should make sure that all the crystals dissolve in the water, and the color of the water becomes light pink.

Bathing in boiled herbal water is a great alternative to regular chlorinated tap water.

Skin care group

  1. Powder. It is needed to prevent rashes. You can not use the powder at the same time as the cream.
  2. Cream for diaper rash. You can fight diaper rash with a cream. Creams that contain dexpanthenol or zinc oxide are well suited for this - Bepanten, D-panthenol, Desitin, Sudocrem.
  3. Massage oil. When buying massage oil, you need to make sure that it is hypoallergenic and fragrance-free. Massage a small body should be very careful.

Navel treatment group

In the first-aid kit for a newborn, there should be means for treating an umbilical wound. The list of these funds includes:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide 2-3%.
  2. Pipette - she can drip peroxide onto the wound (if the vial with peroxide already has a pipette, then you can not put a separate pipette).
  3. Zelenka or an aqueous solution of 2% potassium permanganate.
  4. Cotton swabs and discs- with their help, it will be possible to wipe off excess peroxide or lubricate the wound with brilliant green.

Group of remedies for intestinal colic

Cases where a nursing infant has never experienced colic are very rare, so the mother should use the following list in the newborn's first aid kit:

  1. Gas tube. It will help air bubbles to more easily leave the baby's body with flatulence.
  2. Medicines that bind to air bubbles in the intestines and bring them out painlessly. As part of such drugs there is simethicone - it can be either Infacol.
  3. Fennel or dill seeds. Of these, you can prepare a homemade solution for the little one, which will improve the discharge of gases from the baby. Instead of fennel seeds, you can use the pharmacy drug Plantex.
  4. Small heating pad. For an easy discharge of gases, heat is needed, so you can apply a heating pad to the crumbs' tummy (more in the article:).

A group of remedies for constipation or diarrhea

Happiness if the little one does not survive the troubles with the intestines. But just in case, it is better to buy the following medicines:

  1. Glycerin suppositories. They help with constipation in a toddler, but you can use them no more than once every three days.
  2. Douche. With a small syringe, you can give the crumbs an enema in case of constipation, but we must not forget that the enema reduces the amount of beneficial microflora in the intestines. You don't need to use it often.
  3. Diarrhea Remedies: Lineks or Smekta. With diarrhea, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible after taking the medicine. In young children, diarrhea can lead to dehydration.

If flatulence or colic is a frequent phenomenon, it is better to consult a pediatrician. Constantly stuffing a child with drugs is a bad option, since their excess is toxic to a fragile organism.

cold remedy group

It's great if parents manage to do without the following devices and medicines, but you should still buy them:

  1. Aspirator for a newborn (more details in the article:). With a runny nose, the baby collects mucus in the nose, which he still does not know how to blow out. A nasal aspirator will help remove it. Outwardly, it looks like a small syringe with a special tip, there are mechanical and electronic aspirators.
  2. Saline or saline water. They wash the nose so that the mucus easily leaves.
  3. Vasoconstrictor drops. They can be purchased in advance, but should be used only with the permission of the attending pediatrician.
  4. Antipyretics. For infants, they are based on paracetamol and ibuprofen, they are allowed from the age of three months. Having antipyretics in a baby's first aid kit is essential, as they can help if the baby's temperature rises at night. Now you can buy antipyretic in candles, sachets, in the form of a suspension.
  5. Homeopathic suppositories- Vibrucol. These suppositories increase the body's defenses against infection and help reduce fever.

Children's paracetamol is usually presented as a suspension that is easy to swallow and provides a quick antipyretic effect.

Other funds

It is better for parents to purchase both what will be needed in the near future, and what will come in handy a little later:

  1. Thermometer. A thermometer is necessary not only for a sick little one, but also for a healthy one. It helps to control the child's temperature. It is better not to use a mercury thermometer; instead, you can purchase a safe electronic one (for more details, see the article:). The price, of course, will be higher, but the measurement accuracy will also be higher, and it will be used for many years. It must be remembered that you need to measure the temperature within 3-5 minutes after the sound signal of the electronic thermometer. Now temperature strips are becoming popular (they are simply applied to the forehead of the crumbs) and models of thermometers in the form of a nipple.
  2. Dentol gel or Bebident drops. These drugs relieve pain during teething.
  3. Antihistamine- for example, Fenistil. It will help if the baby has been bitten by a mosquito or an allergy to a new complementary food has begun. Up to a year, Fenistil drops are used, and after that you can already use the gel of the same name.