Dry skin of the hands in winter what to do. Wash: gel for washing dry hands. The skin on the fingers dries and cracks: causes


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Dry hand skin is a fairly common phenomenon, especially among the fair sex. And this is despite the fact that women spend a lot of money on the purchase of skin care products. Before talking about how to deal with this problem, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence.

Do not think that dry hands are a temporary and harmless phenomenon. If no measures are taken, then the skin will soon become even stronger and rougher, and cracks and wounds may form on its surface, which then begin to bleed heavily. At the same time, they will heal for a very long time, causing a woman a lot of discomfort.

So how do you deal with dry hands? And is it possible to take any preventive methods to prevent its further occurrence?

We are constantly exposed to external aggressive factors, from which, first of all, the skin on the hands suffers greatly. Therefore, it needs constant care and the use of various moisturizers. Weather conditions have a particularly negative effect on the skin of the hands.

Remember that in the winter, in no case should you leave the house without putting on gloves on your hands. After all, if you plan to spend a long time outside, your skin will begin to lose moisture, then peel off and form pimples on its surface.

To really protect your hands in winter, you need to keep them warm at all times. At the same time, the gloves that you wear should be made from natural materials in which your skin can “breathe”.

Wearing synthetic gloves will only make things worse for yourself. After all, such a material is not able to pass air and will lead to the fact that the skin of the hands will begin to rush into them, thereby causing severe irritation.

You need to pay special attention to your hands not only in winter, but also in summer. After all, hot weather and exposure to ultraviolet rays does not lead to anything good. They can lead not only to dry skin, but also to its burn. Therefore, before going outside in hot weather, be sure to treat your hands with a special cream that helps protect against UV radiation.

If your hand skin dries, think about whether you often come into contact with household chemicals? After all, they contain aggressive substances that cause not only skin irritation, but also contribute to a strong loss of moisture.

Therefore, if you are faced with the task of washing dishes or doing wet cleaning at home, be sure to treat your hands with a moisturizer before worrying, and put on rubber gloves on top to prevent chemicals from exposing your skin.

If your work involves constant exposure to the street or you are forced to come into contact with chemicals, be sure to use protective equipment (creams, gloves). And upon returning home, do not forget to do moisturizing baths and apply warm compresses to your hands. This will help prevent dry skin.

If your hands are still peeling, then peeling will be the best assistant in this matter for you. It promotes exfoliation of hardened particles and renewal of the skin.

Do not forget that dry skin can be not only on the hands, but also on the face. Therefore, it is important to provide proper care. Cosmetologists recommend using tonics with witch hazel extract and aloe vera. These components in tandem help to intensively moisturize the skin, making it soft and tender. In addition, due to the unique properties, such products will also help to cope with acne, various redness and inflammation on the skin. Since tonics do not contain alcohol, they can be safely used by people with sensitive skin. Popular among girls are such means as:

It is worth noting that in addition to the negative impact of the environment and chemicals, internal factors also affect the condition of the skin. For example, a deficiency of any vitamins. This should not be taken lightly, as this problem is very serious and can lead not only to dry hands and a deterioration in your appearance, but also to the development of serious diseases.

You need to review your diet and include more foods rich in vitamins A, E and D. They are responsible for the condition of our skin not only on the hands, but throughout the body. To replenish the reserves of these vitamins in the body, eat more dairy products, liver, nuts, raw vegetables and fruits.

But in autumn and spring, the human body experiences a very strong deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, by including the products described above, it will be problematic to solve this problem. Therefore, during these periods it is best to start taking vitamin complexes.

Dry skin of the hands can also occur due to a lack of fluid in the body. In this case, you need to increase your fluid intake. Drink plenty of water (up to 1.5 liters per day), herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices. They will nourish the skin cells with moisture from the inside and over time it will become moderately hydrated and soft to the touch.

It is worth noting that the appearance of dry skin on the hands may be the result of an allergic reaction or taking any medication. In the latter case, you should carefully read the instructions for the drugs that you have been using for the last 2-3 months. Pay special attention to the item "side effects". If it says that the skin under the influence of active ingredients can dry out, then the cause of your illness was the medication.

In this case, you need to contact your doctor and inform him about your problem. Perhaps he will replace this drug for you with another one, or reduce its dosage.

And the last. As we age, our skin begins to actively lose moisture, which causes it to fade and wrinkles appear on it. It is for this reason that you should carefully select cosmetics for skin care. In this case, cosmetics are required, designed specifically for withering and aging skin. Unfortunately, the usual means here will not help. Also, do not forget about facial care. For mature skin, a special one is suitable. Its natural ingredients help to increase the production of collagen, accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, and restore its firmness and elasticity. This cream not only intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but also helps to cope with age-related changes. It can be used on all skin types as a day or night treatment.

If you have very dry skin on your hands, you will be able to cope with this problem only if you regularly take measures to moisturize it. It is very important to exclude the cause of the development of avitaminosis. Better play it safe and go to the pharmacy for a vitamin complex. By taking it, you definitely will not make your body worse.

As a rule, the appearance of this symptom is in no way connected with the development of pathological processes. Therefore, you should not worry about this. Get yourself a good quality hand moisturizer and use it several times a day (morning and evening).

Thanks to their effectiveness and efficiency, special moisturizing cosmetics presented on the legendary iHerb website are especially popular. In the catalog you will find an incredible amount of natural, organic cosmetics based on natural extracts and components from leading American companies that have long established themselves throughout the world.

Today, the hit of sales are such moisturizing hand products as:

  • . This cream will give your hands softness and tenderness. It does not contain fragrances and artificial colors, so it is suitable even for hypersensitive skin. Its main components are: argan seeds and oil, coconut oil, marula oil, shea butter, avocado oil and other natural ingredients. Together, they effectively moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands. Additional ingredients (goji, acai, sea buckthorn and pomegranate) protect the skin from negative external factors. The result is visible after the first application. Please note that this miracle cure is only available on iHerb!

  • . Due to the special composition of the cream, it effectively softens and moisturizes the skin of the hands. Its main components are natural pumpkin, jojoba oil and licorice (grass). The product has a slightly liquid consistency, absorbs quickly and easily, has a light pumpkin aroma.

  • . The composition of this cream includes natural unrefined shea butter, made by hand. Thanks to vitamins A and E, this product intensively nourishes, moisturizes and protects the skin of the hands.

  • . This versatile remedy is distinguished by high quality ingredients. It contains organic avocado oil, raspberry seed oil, sea buckthorn oil, papaya extract, blueberry extract and other components that, in combination, effectively moisturize, nourish and restore the skin. At the same time, hyaluronic acid and coenzyme Q10 help to get rid of fine wrinkles.

If you often come into contact with household chemicals, then it is recommended to use the cream 3-4 times a day. In addition, special baths and hand masks should be made, which will help moisturize the skin and relieve inflammation.

To keep your hands always in excellent condition, carry out moisturizing baths every 1-2 days. It is very easy to prepare them. For example, you can regularly do baths based on sea salt. It is important at the same time to buy natural salt without any additives and flavorings.

In one liter of warm water, dilute 1-2 tablespoons. sea ​​salt and dip your hands in it for 10-15 minutes. Then blot the skin with a towel (do not rub!) And treat it with a moisturizer. With regular use of such a bath, the skin on your hands will quickly get rid of dryness and become firm and elastic.

Oily baths have proven themselves very well. For their preparation, you can use any vegetable and essential oils. For example, you can dilute 2 tablespoons in one liter of warm water. extra virgin olive oil and 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. After it, the skin also needs to be treated with a moisturizer.

Hand baths based on oatmeal decoction are also considered effective. You need to cook the flakes in such a way that there is much more water in them than the flakes themselves. Then strain the broth and pour it into the bath. Dip your hands in it for 15 minutes, then rinse them in cool water and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

If we talk about professional products, then with dry skin, paraffin baths help well. It is very easy to carry out such a procedure at home. To do this, you will need to additionally purchase a wax melting tray and, of course, the wax itself (you can do this at any pharmacy).

So, melt the wax according to the instructions attached to it, lubricate the skin of your hands with any greasy cream to prevent burns after the procedure, and apply the melted wax to the skin with a special spatula in several layers. Now you need to keep your hands warm. To do this, you can use mittens or a terry towel, just wrapping them around your hands.

To achieve maximum effect, wax on the skin should be kept for about half an hour. Then the wax must be removed from the hands and once again treated with a greasy cream. You can evaluate the effect of the procedure after the first session. And if you carry out paraffin baths regularly, over time, the skin on your hands will become elastic and soft.

Treatment of dry skin of the hands at home can be carried out with the help of special masks and compresses.

The easiest method is to use pharmacy liquid glycerin. It costs a penny, but it gives fast and good results. You can use glycerin in its pure form, just treating the skin of your hands with it at night, or you can make a real nourishing moisturizing mask out of it.

To do this, add 9% vinegar or ammonia to a vial of glycerin. The bubble must be filled to the top, and then close the lid and shake well. After that, you can lubricate your hands with the resulting solution (preferably at night), and for the best effect, wear cotton gloves on top. Store this composition in a dark, cool place (you can on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator).

Do not lose sight of the means of traditional medicine. They perfectly fight dry hands, while making it soft and supple. For example, potatoes have a good moisturizing effect. For one procedure, you will need one large potato. It must be boiled in its uniform until cooked, and then crushed to a puree state, without removing the peel from it.

After that, you need to add a tablespoon of milk to the crushed potatoes and mix everything well. While your puree has not cooled down, it must be applied to the skin of the hands and left to dry completely. Then the potatoes are removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm milk. After the procedure, the hands also need to be treated with a nourishing cream.

A mask based on glycerin and bee honey nourishes and moisturizes the skin very well. To prepare it, you will need to take honey, pharmacy glycerin, wheat flour and water in equal proportions. All these ingredients must be mixed to get a uniform consistency. Then apply the mixture on the skin of the hands and leave for 20 minutes. Do not forget to use a moisturizer after the procedure.

Traditional medicine also suggests that women combat dry skin by simply treating their hands with extra virgin olive oil every day before bed. It is advisable to wear cotton gloves on top, which will not allow the oil to be imprinted on the bed linen.
In the morning, take off your gloves and lubricate the skin of your hands with a nourishing cream. You don't need to wash off the olive oil. It should be completely absorbed overnight.

If you constantly take care of your hands, then you will forever forget what dry skin is. Remember that you need to carry out procedures for moisturizing it every day. And do not forget about the elementary rules that will prevent the occurrence of a problem in the future.

Be sure to wear gloves when going outside and in contact with chemical aggressive substances. Use creams that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays in the summer, make baths and masks. And then your skin will become soft and silky to the envy of all your rivals!

Photo: Rauno Volmar

This is a real winter disaster. It seems that you don’t get out of gloves / mittens, you waste kilograms of creams and milk, and the skin of your hands is still very dry. In the warm season, this problem is not so acute, but we will not wait so long. The women's site sympaty.net has collected the most effective and useful tips that should definitely help if you have very dry skin on your hands.

Why in winter?

As you know, dry air in winter, combined with low temperatures, adversely affects our health and appearance, says Sympaty.net.

Dry air draws moisture from our vulnerable body.

If you have not only very dry skin on your hands during the winter months, but also dry, brittle hair, dull and gray skin on your face, and a constant dry cough, you may need to address the problem of dryness in a complex way.

Another purely winter nuance - in winter everyone “likes it hot”. This applies to both the bath and the shower.

Of course, when you come home from the bitter cold, all thoughts are only about something hot.

But a scalding hot shower, before fogging up all the mirrors and glasses in the bathroom, very quickly dries out the natural grease on the skin. So, whatever one may say (the handle of the tap with hot water), but too hot shower and bath only exacerbate the situation with very dry skin of the hands.

What to do in this case? Wash with non-hot water and not for long - five minutes is enough to take a daily hygienic shower without overdrying the skin.

Very dry hand skin: what to do?

  • In winter, it is generally useful to take vitamins and minerals. Dry skin of the hands can signal beriberi. If you are taking multivitamins, but there is no effect, consult your doctor - it may be worth drinking vitamins A and E, fish oil separately in courses.
  • Be sure to replace all the soaps you use with milder grades, preferably fragrance-free, for sensitive skin.
  • If you have really, really dry hands, you should ideally apply moisturizer after every hand contact with water. Try to apply cream on your hands more often when you are at home all day.
  • Which hand cream is right for you personally, you can only find out by experience. And it will not necessarily be the most expensive and hyped. Just buy different creams, especially since you really need them very often and in large quantities.

Masks for very dry skin of the hands from what is in the kitchen

It is possible and necessary to supplement the care of very dry skin on the hands with masks and compresses from improvised means.

The real salvation for dry cracked skin is vegetable oil. Slightly heat it in a water bath and lower your hands there for 15-20 minutes.

You can saturate napkins with oil and wrap your hands in them for 30-40 minutes. When you remove the wipes, you do not need to wash your hands - just blot the excess oil.

Dilute a teaspoon of olive oil in warm water. Soak your hands in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

Housewives knew about the fact that potatoes are useful if you have very dry hand skin 50 years ago. The water in which the potatoes were boiled is also suitable (hold your hands in it), and the boiled potatoes themselves, mashed (put a layer of mashed potatoes on your hands for 15-20 minutes).

Suitable as a compress and oatmeal. The next time you cook it for yourself, set aside a portion, add vegetable oil and apply on dry skin of the hands for 15-20 minutes.

A complex nourishing and moisturizing hand mask is prepared from mashed banana, beaten egg yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass and apply on the skin of the hands.

The effect of hand masks will increase if you keep the compositions applied to the skin for longer - up to one hour, put on cotton gloves over this time, and after the mask apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the hands. Read more about hand care recipes here.

What else can very dry skin of the hands talk about?

It is very important for dry skin of the hands to exclude a number of diseases and make sure that this is really just a cosmetic defect.

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If dry skin is accompanied by itching, severe redness (including the palms), rashes or sores, you should see a dermatologist and get tested for atopic dermatitis and eczema. These signs are especially critical if you are prone to allergic reactions.

If very dry skin of the hands does not just peel off, but peels off or peels off in flakes, fungal skin diseases should be excluded.

You should also be alerted by the unhealthy pronounced pigmentation of the skin on the hands, combined with its excessive dryness. The appearance of the hands very often signals some kind of malfunction with the internal organs. So, for example, yellowness of the skin on the fingers and palms can be a sign of a malfunction of the liver and gallbladder.

In general, sympaty.net advises you to take the problem of very dry skin on your hands seriously and listen to your body - does it want to tell you something in this way?

Especially if all of the above measures stubbornly fail to eliminate the increased dryness of the skin of the hands and it causes you serious inconvenience.

Take care of your health, consult a doctor and be healthy! Very dry hand skin: what does it mean and how to fix it?

Many women around the world experience dry skin on their hands. What to do if your skin is dry? Why do the majority of the world's population very often have problems with dry skin or cracked skin, what causes and factors affect this, let's try to deal with these points in this article.

At any age and under various circumstances, this unpleasant symptom manifests itself. Before you spend huge amounts of money on cosmetics, you need to understand the cause of imperfections.

Daily use of household chemicals and other negative factors can lead to a very disastrous result. Inaction in this situation will cause dryness of the skin and the occurrence of bleeding cracks, which for a long time are very sore and hard to heal.

External factors:

  • Staying outside in the winter for a long time without gloves or mittens. The skin loses a lot of moisture. This causes cracks and pimples to appear.
  • When the skin of the hands is exposed to the sun in large quantities, it becomes dehydrated. This factor also accelerates the aging process. And with cracked hands, walking is quite uncomfortable. This is not only a violation of aesthetics, but also itching and pain.
  • From sudden changes in ambient temperature, dry spots appear on the hands.
  • The daily need to use household chemicals destroys the skin of the hands. This causes dryness, allergies, or even diseases of the epidermis, which are quite problematic to deal with. To avoid this, it is recommended to use household gloves or protective cosmetics.
  • Very dry indoor air also affects the health of the epidermis.
  • Very frequent contact with water. Each dryness causes a decrease in the natural hydration of the skin.
  • No care at all. Even the strongest and healthiest epidermis needs extra attention from time to time, especially as we age.

Internal factors:

  • The most unpleasant thing is that cracked skin, which practically does not moisturize on its own, can be inherited. This innate factor cannot be changed. In this case, regular maintenance is necessary.
  • Vitamin deficiency provokes many unpleasant processes in the body. Skin nutrition should be complete and correct for its health and beauty. In autumn, for many, the deficiency manifests itself in the strongest way. You should buy vitamins for dry skin of the hands. Cosmetic companies offer similar products in abundance at various prices.
  • Changing the hormonal background in the body in women also entails many negative consequences. This phenomenon is not constant, but very unpleasant. During this period, hand care should be intensified.
  • Metabolism, or metabolism, is a very important process in the body. When it is violated, it also leads to dry skin of the hands as well. It is necessary to establish the process of metabolism and combine it with intensive care.
  • Lack of fluid in the body. In this case, increase the amount of water you drink per day. It is also recommended to drink herbal tea and freshly squeezed juice. Thanks to this, the cells are filled with moisture and the skin is visibly moisturized and becomes softer and more elastic.
  • Taking medications does not always go unnoticed. It is necessary to carefully read the side effects that are described in the instructions. This may be an allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice and carefully care for the skin of the hands during the reception period.
  • One of the most inexorable causes is age-related changes. Unfortunately, this irreversible process worsens the condition of the whole organism as a whole. The skin loses moisture. This process causes the appearance of wrinkles and cracks in the skin. To slow down and smooth out the effects of aging, you need to take great care of your skin and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking tobacco products dehydrate and destroy the epidermis. Refusal of such habits contributes to the restoration of natural processes. The beauty and health of the skin and other organs in the body is impossible with the use of toxic substances.

How to deal with dry hands?

There are not enough sebaceous glands in the skin on the hands, and it is exposed to the most stress. With cracked and bleeding hands, walking is not only ugly, but also quite painful and uncomfortable. Proper care will eliminate this problem.

There are precautions that will outwardly protect against adverse effects emanating from the outside:

  • For household chores in which you have to use household chemicals, you should wear rubber or silicone gloves that completely block the access of harmful substances.
  • To avoid dehydration of the skin under the scorching sun, you must always use sunscreen. The SPF content must be at least fifteen.
  • In winter, be sure to wear mittens or gloves. It is worth avoiding synthetics in this case, because it is not only not able to protect, but moreover, it will exacerbate the negative impact.
  • Hands should be washed with moisturizing soap or gel. For those who suffer from severe dryness, it is necessary to use a moisturizer after each contact with water.
  • Use high-quality creams that contain glycerin, lactic acid or sorbitol. The composition also must contain sunscreens that resist the appearance of age spots.
  • If there was a repair or a profession related to the fact that paint got on your hands, in no case should it be washed off with a solvent or acetone. They lead to very strong drying of the hands. For cleaning, use detergents for stubborn stains.
    To prevent dry skin, which is caused by internal processes in the body, you should:
  • The use of vitamins in food. If it is not possible to give the body these substances in sufficient quantities, then stock up on vitamins for dry skin of the hands in the pharmacy.
  • Get rid of bad habits that disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • If you have an allergic reaction to medicines or food, seek medical attention.

All these activities will provide maximum protection, and you will not have to walk around with chapped hands. But this is not always enough. Additional care is simply necessary and should not be neglected.


It is an important instrument of the body for the external beauty and health of the epidermis. Vitamins, as everyone knows, are different. First, you need to identify which of them is missing. The deficiency causes difficulties in the process of hydration of the skin. The production of collagen and elastin is also impaired.

To identify a vitamin, you should know how it works and what the consequences of its deficiency are.

  • Vitamin A. The sebaceous glands stop functioning properly. In this case, the amount of fat secreted is not enough to moisturize the skin of the hands. It becomes dry and cracked. For natural replenishment, it is necessary to consume more red and orange vegetables, as well as greens.
  • Vitamin B. Without a sufficient norm of the substance in the epidermis, degenerative processes are triggered. Dryness, cracks and wrinkles are complemented by the loss of natural skin color. Protein food will help solve this situation. Eggs and dairy products contain a sufficient amount of the necessary element.
  • Vitamin C. Thanks to this substance, hyaluron and collagen are released in the body. Without them, the natural hydration of the skin in sufficient quantities is almost impossible. To replenish it, you will need to include more citrus fruits, apples, rose hips and greens in your diet.
  • Vitamin E. A powerful antioxidant in the human body that prevents the negative effects of free radicals on the skin. The distribution of fluid at the cellular level is also his task. Drying out is a signal of a lack of vitamins of group E. Foods rich in them are vegetable oils, milk and spinach.

It is desirable to consume a complex of vitamins. This will ensure proper nutrition of the body at the cellular level.

Baths for hands

This event is used both for preventive purposes and in the treatment of the disease. To prevent the appearance of dry skin of the hands, the procedure should be carried out once a month. The treatment is carried out more often, about three times a week.


  • It will take one tablespoon of plantain and one liter of boiling water. The mixture is infused for about thirty minutes. Hands are immersed in the infusion for 10-15 minutes. After you need to dry the skin and apply a greasy cream.
  • Two tablespoons of starch are dissolved in one liter of warm boiled water. The dive is carried out for fifteen minutes. After the hands are well wiped with a towel. They are coated with fish oil and glycerin. It is recommended to spend the night in cosmetic gloves immediately after the procedure.
  • Two tablespoons of sea salt are dissolved in one liter of warm water. Hands are in the bath for about fifteen minutes. After you need to get them wet in a towel. Finally, a rich moisturizer is applied.
  • Two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and seven drops of lavender essential oil are added to one liter of water. The procedure should last twenty minutes. Finally, a moisturizer is applied to dry skin.
  • A decoction of oatmeal. There should be twice as much water in it. After straining, the liquid is poured into the bath. Fifteen minutes of immersion will be enough. Next, you need to moisturize the skin with a cream.
  • Paraffin bath. This is a multi-layer application of wax on the hands. It can be purchased at various specialized stores or at a pharmacy. Before the procedure, it is necessary to apply a protective cream to the hands to avoid burns. The event takes about half an hour. At this time, warm hands are provided. Maybe wrap them in a towel. After the wax is easily removed, and the hands are smeared with a greasy cream.

Masks and compresses

An effective event held at home. This will help even very problematic skin to become soft and supple.


  • Mix a tablespoon of glycerin, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of hot water and one and a half tablespoons of ground oatmeal. The consistency is applied for fifteen minutes. Then rinse with plenty of water and moisturize with cream.
  • Soak gauze with glycerin and make a compress out of this overnight.
  • Slightly warmed in a water bath oil of olives, flax or sunflower is applied to gauze. Putting it on your hands, it is fixed with wax paper, and cotton gloves should be on top.
  • Two egg yolks and two tablespoons of honey are interrupted with a blender. This is mixed with one third of vegetable oil. The mixture is applied to dry hands for about twenty minutes.
  • Crushed unpeeled potatoes, boiled in uniform, mixed with a tablespoon of milk. While the consistency has not cooled down, it is applied to the hands until completely dry. Then it is washed off with a cotton pad dipped in milk. Cleaned hands are smeared with a greasy cream.

It is not necessary to lay out huge sums of money in order to get beautiful and healthy skin. Dry skin on the hands is not a sentence. This is very easy and effective to deal with. A lot of course depends on lifestyle.

It's hard to show off cracked skin on your hands. You should enter a healthy lifestyle and do not forget about creams for very dry skin of the hands, follow the simplest recommendations and there will be no problems with the epidermis.

Dry skin video

Have you noticed that the skin of your hands has become dry? This may be the first sign of the approaching autumn, with its cold winds. In the winter season, almost every second inhabitant of our country complains of dry skin. From our article you will learn: what can cause dry skin on the hands and how to avoid it.

In order for the problem not to take on a large scale (skin peeling, irritation and small bleeding wounds do not appear), it is necessary to find out the cause of dry skin.

Dry skin of the hands - the main causes

Most often, the source of the problem can be:

  • lack of proper care behind the skin of the hands;
  • skin contact with aggressive detergents, household chemicals various kinds. As a result, the layer of the epidermis is destroyed, and the skin loses its natural protection. This leads to the appearance of cracks, the occurrence of dermatitis and allergies, dry hands;
  • negative impact of the environment, including cold, strong wind, which make the skin dry and rough, cracks and redness appear on the hands. The sun can also adversely affect the beauty of the skin of the hands, dehydrating it and stimulating the aging process. Dry spots on the skin appear “due to” sharp fluctuations and changes in air temperature;
  • lack of vitamins in the body, that is, a banal beriberi can cause dry skin of the hands, this is especially true in spring and autumn, when the skin is more vulnerable.

Agree, any of the above reasons can seriously spoil the mood. Who likes that dry hands flake off, so-called “chicks” appear on the skin every now and then, and fingers sometimes bleed at all in the folds? No need to despair ahead of time and immediately run to the dermatologist for "magic pills or injections." Try to use our tips first, and you may be able to get rid of the scourge called “dry skin of the hands” once and for all!

13 Ways to Solve Dry Hand Skin Problems

1. Wash your hands well and dry your skin thoroughly. This advice seems banal, but do not rush to ignore it. Hand washing involves exposing the skin to warm water and mild soap.

It is not superfluous to use a moisturizing gel or lotion that will help dry skin. Dry your hands thoroughly with a towel, rubbing even the areas between your fingers. If you dry your hands in a hurry, moisture will remain on the skin, which will make it dry and vulnerable.

2. Cosmetologists advise use hand cream every time after washing them. To rid the skin of dryness, the product should contain plant extracts, glycerin, sorbitol and lactic acid.

The skin of the hands needs additional hydration before walking in the fresh air, especially in the cold season. For instance, cream "Radevit" enhances skin protection, reviews of people whom this cream helped to forget about dry skin of the hands can be found quite often.

3. Make it your rule wash dishes and clean houses only in rubber or vinyl gloves for hands.

Moreover, before putting on gloves, the skin of the hands must be treated with a nourishing cream, so you will avoid the appearance of dry skin.

4. Eat foods rich in vitamins. Or increase their consumption at least with the onset of cold weather.

Vitamins contribute to the normalization of metabolism, saturate our body, nourish it, including the skin of our hands.

5. With the coming of autumn hurry up to warm your hands. Gloves and mittens are suitable for this, fortunately, now you can find a variety of models for every taste and income.

Gloves will protect the skin from frost and wind, minimize the risk of dry skin on the hands.

6. The ideal solution to the problem of dry skin of the hands is oil use. Linseed, olive and even ordinary sunflower oil will do, which makes the skin of the hands softer, gives it elasticity and relieves dryness and irritation.

The recipe for use is simple: oil heated in a water bath is impregnated with gauze, which is then applied to dry skin of the hands. Then a layer of wax paper is applied on top and cotton gloves are put on. If the skin of the hands is too dry, covered with cracks and wounds, oil therapy should be carried out at least twice a week.

7. Good moisturizer for dry skin homemade cream made from pork and lamb fat, melted in equal proportions in a water bath.

By storing this mixture in the refrigerator and using it periodically, you will allow the skin of your hands to recover and moisturize. So you quickly forget about dry skin on your hands.

8. Express help for your dry hands is able to provide sour cream compress. For a glass of medium-fat sour cream, you need to take one chicken yolk and squeeze the juice of one lemon (a few drops). Moisten a napkin in the resulting mixture and apply it to the skin of the hands, then wrap the hands with cling film on top and put on gloves. Leave the compress for at least twenty minutes before going to bed. Then remove the remnants of the mass with cotton wool, and put on gloves again.

9. Bath made from plantain infusion, will be a salvation for dry skin of the hands.

For a bath, take a tablespoon of herbs and pour a liter of boiling water. The mixture should be allowed to brew for half an hour, and then put your hands into the resulting broth for ten to fifteen minutes. Then remove your hands from the decoction, dry your skin well and be sure to lubricate it with a greasy cream.

10. Infusion of sage Also great for dry skin. The infusion can be prepared from 400 ml of boiling water and two tablespoons of leaves. Then strain this remedy well, it will soothe chapped and dry skin, moisturize and soften it.

11. Chamomile decoction can perfectly soften the dry skin of your hands., it heals cracks and wounds.

To prepare such a decoction, you need to take one tablespoon of pharmaceutical chamomile, pour it with one liter of boiling water and let it brew for twenty minutes. After the broth has cooled to 40 degrees, dip your hands into it for another twenty minutes. Then dry the skin with a soft cloth. It will not be superfluous to apply a rich nourishing cream to the skin.

12. Paraffin therapy, which can be performed both in the salon and at home, Great for healing damaged skin. If your hands are too dry, then you will see a positive result immediately after the first paraffin application. The procedure will affect not only the skin, but also the joints, since paraffin therapy has a relaxing effect.

13. The most modern method of skin restoration at the moment is biorevitalization. It is a correction of cosmetic imperfections of the skin of the hands by saturating its layers with hyaluronic acid.

This procedure is very effective and works on several levels. It is carried out mainly in a salon, so if you have serious skin problems, biorevitalization will be an excellent way out of this situation, especially on the eve of frost.

So, if from year to year with the onset of cold weather the skin on your hands becomes dry, cracks, inflammation and irritation appear - do not pull, use the above tips. We are sure that you will definitely find exactly the way that will help to put your skin in order and you will be happy to admire your beautiful hands!

This may interest you:

In ancient times, the true age of a lady and the nature of her work were judged by the condition of her hands. For housekeepers, it was dry and cracked, but for real ladies, it was tender and soft. No one makes such a class division anymore. However, very dry skin of the hands - what to do with it - is an actual problem to this day. Any woman can become a victim.

Very dry hand skin - causes

The following factors can provoke this problem:

  1. Dry air. In winter, the heating devices are to blame, and in the hot summer, air conditioners.
  2. Allergy. It can be caused by food and low-quality cosmetics.
  3. Chlorinated water. Contact with it leads to tightness of the skin. In addition, it becomes rough and dry. Too hot water has the same effect.
  4. Exposure to household chemicals. They gradually thin the protective layer of the epidermis, and with prolonged contact completely destroy it.
  5. Avitaminosis and insufficient water intake. With a poor diet, health problems begin, this also negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  6. Certain diseases (these include diabetes, and other ailments). If the cause is caused by diseases, then external influence on the problem area is meaningless: it gives only a temporary result. It is important to find out why very dry skin on the hands, and then treat the disease itself that caused this condition.
  7. Natural aging process. Age-related changes do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. It loses its elasticity, becomes rough.
  8. hereditary factors. If there is a genetic predisposition, a woman needs to be prepared for the occurrence of this problem.
  9. Wrong care. This also includes the habit of not wiping your hands after washing. The moisture remaining on the surface during evaporation dries out the epidermis.

How to moisturize very dry hands?

If the epidermis is flaky, cracked and burns slightly, all this indicates an advanced stage of the problem. However, very dry skin of the hands requires treatment even before the onset of the above symptoms. A simple test will help identify the problem at an early stage. Its essence is as follows: you need to lightly press your finger on the brush, and then abruptly release it. If a stain remains on the surface for some time, this indicates increased dryness of the skin. Treatment aimed at moisturizing should not be postponed.

Cream for very dry skin

There are several types of cosmetics designed for this type of epidermis. These include such products:

  • a nutrient with a dense texture;
  • moisturizing hand cream (has a light, delicate texture);
  • a product with a protective effect that forms a film on the surface of the cover;
  • therapeutic cream, which contains healing substances;
  • anti-aging product (it actively fights the signs of aging).

Before purchasing a hand cream, you need to pay attention to such points:

  1. Product appearance. If the product is factory packed, it is worth looking at its date of manufacture. It is not recommended to purchase the product 3 months before the expiration date.
  2. Composition. Every industrial cosmetic product contains preservatives. It is important that these are safe components (methylparaben or benzoic acid). However, bronopol and methylisothiazolinone are undesirable: they provoke allergies.
  3. Package. Beauticians recommend giving preference to products in tubes. Such a cream is less in contact with air, and it is considered more hygienic.
  4. Storage. If a cosmetic product is displayed in a showcase brightly lit by the sun, it has already lost most of its valuable properties.

When the skin of the hands is very dry - what to do is a natural question. In this case, it is not enough to choose the right cream, it still needs to be used correctly. Do not apply this cosmetic product before going out. Otherwise, in the cold, the components contained here will turn into ice crystals and injure the skin. The following creams will help moisturize your hands:

  • Neutrogena Nerwegian Formula Instant Action;
  • "Double breath" from Faberlik;
  • Absolue Mains by Lancome with UV protection;
  • Water Therapy by Clinique with active water.

Moisturizing hand mask

It can be used as cosmetics of industrial production, as well as a self-made product. However, to achieve the expected result, it is important to alternate moisturizers, otherwise the epidermis will get used to it and will no longer respond properly. A mask for very dry skin of the hands in its composition may have the following components:

  • milk;
  • vegetable oils;
  • parsley;
  • potatoes and so on.

Moisturizing hand gloves

This tool has no age restrictions. Its use gives amazing results. The high efficiency of gloves is explained by the natural components present in their composition. Such products for very dry skin of the hands are available in different types. These are the most commonly used:

  • SPA Belle, which contains lavender extract, vitamin E and olive oil;
  • reusable Naomi gloves, where the silicone lining contains a green tea enzyme;
  • Faberlic products, which can be used up to 50 times (the gel is made from plant extracts and vitamin E).

Moisturizing hand baths

Such procedures can be performed both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. When the skin of the hands is very dry in winter, baths should be done systematically (twice or thrice a week). For preventive purposes, the number of procedures should be reduced to 1 time in 4 weeks. You can do the following baths at home:

  • emollient based on starch;
  • soda with severe dryness of the integument;
  • tea-olive for rough skin;
  • rejuvenating and softening based on oils;
  • milk for rough and dry skin;
  • mineral, which softens the epidermis and accelerates metabolic processes.

Lotion for very dry hands

A special approach is important to the choice of this cosmetic product. Only the lotion, which contains natural substances, can soften very dry skin of the hands. These are vegetable and essential oils, aloe, as well as beekeeping products. However, there are enemy components: artificial flavors and alcohols. Immediately after application of a lotion containing these substances, the skin appears to be healing. However, in the long term, the use of a cosmetic product with these components aggravates the situation. These lotions have proven to be excellent:

  • Protect Hand Lotion, based on tangerine and orange oils;
  • Babe Laboratories Hand Lotion, which contains shea butter and vitamin E;
  • silk lotion "Tender hands";
  • Lavande from L "OCCITANE and others.

How to restore very dry hand skin?

Salon and home procedures will help to cure the epidermis. The first is biorevitalization. This procedure involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid. As a result, very dry skin of the hands with cracks is rejuvenated, saturated with moisture, and all damage heals. At home, you can do restorative masks, baths, body wraps and other manipulations. For therapeutic purposes, procedures should be carried out systematically.

Revitalizing hand cream

Such a cosmetic should intensively nourish the tissues and ensure their regeneration. As part of a high-quality regenerating cream, there are protective components that form a thin film on the surface of the epidermis. It protects the cover from negative external factors. These cosmetics are well aware of how to restore dry skin of the hands:

  • "Intensive care" from Garnier with allontoin;
  • Nourishing Hand from Oriflame (based on sweet almond oil);
  • Douceur Des Mains by Payot with almond butter.

Revitalizing hand mask

You can make such a therapeutic composition from vegetable oils, vitamins (A, E), honey and other miracle ingredients. In addition, purchased restorative agents can be used. If the skin of the hands is very dry in winter - what to do in this case? Beauticians recommend:

  1. Review your diet.
  2. Do restorative procedures (masks,) twice or thrice a week.
  3. Choose the right cream and use it regularly.

Very dry hand skin - folk remedies

At home, you can make many different cosmetics that will help soften the cover. So, glycerin can be used from overdried and cracked skin of the hands. In addition, vegetable oil (especially good), yolks, liquid honey, and water are distinguished by a softening effect. All of them can be used in combination or separately.

The recipe for a restorative composition